Feb 22, 2013 - SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES. Inhalation..........If discomfort develops, remove from exposure, to fresh
Original Issue: February 22, 2013 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Party Powder SECTION I : CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name..............Party Powder Product Formulation....Cornstarch & FD&C Color Additives Physical Form............. Solid powder Color........................... Pink, Green, Yellow, Tan, Orange, Blue varies with designated product General Use................ Dispersal among, and on, participants of various celebrations HMIS RATINGS Health Hazard………..I Flammability Hazard...O Reactivity Hazard .......O Max Personal Protection...E SECTION 2: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS wt. % CAS No OSHA/PEL
10 mg/m3
FD&C Yellow #5 Tartrazine Aluminum Lake
FD&C Red #40 Allura Red Aluminum Lake
Ultramarine Blue Sodium Aluminum Sulfosilicate
Unless otherwise noted, all PEL and TLV values are reported as 8 hour time weighted averages (TWA). SECTION 3: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION LITTLE OR NO IMMEDIATE HAZARD- potential formation of explosive air/dust cloud with confinement, pressure and ignition source SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation..........If discomfort develops, remove from exposure, to fresh air. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or persist. A NIOSH N-95 approved respirator is recommended whenever dusty, powder situations are encountered. Eye Contact......If discomfort develops, flush eyes with water for 15 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower eyelids. Seek medical attention if necessary. Safety eyewear is recommended whenever dusty, powder situations are encountered. Skin Contact.....If discomfort develops, wash with soap and water if irritation develops. Product may have an abrasive action. Ingestion...........If discomfort develops when ingested, do not induce vomiting. If conscious, drink two
glasses of water. Seek medical attention if necessary. SECTION 5: FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (Method Used): Ignition Temp, 716°F (380°C) Flammable Limits (LEL): 0.04 oz/ft3 Extinguishing Media: Water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical extinguishers. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Starch Dust in high concentration is an explosive hazard. Avoid excessive dusting, open flames, open lights, or welding in area of dry product if bag dumping. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: When suspended in air and exposed to open flame or spark, may ignite and burn explosively. EXCEPTION: Periwinkle and Purple may release trace amounts of sulphur dioxide gas under extreme combustion conditions. SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Proper respiratory and personal protective equipment may be required. Vacuum, sweep or scoop spilled materials into containers for reclaiming or disposal. It is the user's responsibility to obey local, state and federal regulations of proper disposal. Spilled materials may become slippery when wet. Care should be exercised when walking on spills on floors or concrete pads. SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAG E Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Sweep up, avoiding production of dust and/or flush with water (though not hazardous avoid excessive contamination of storm sewer or waterway) Use only explosion proof vacuum and avoid production of dust. Materials should be placed in DOT approved containers. Follow all legislative requirements for non-hazardous waste disposal. Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storing: Best storage is realized under dry, cool, odor-free conditions. Store away from heat source. Do not expose to open flame or sparks. Practice good housekeeping. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS- PERSONAL PROTECTION Control Parameters...........Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low. Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory .............NTOSH N-95 respirator is recommended if excessive dust is generated Eye Contact.. ..........Proper glasses/goggles recommended, as with any dusty powder product Skin/hands...............None required, rubber gloves may be used under prolong exposure. Existing wounds or conditions may become irritated. SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical Form : Solid powder Boiling Point: N/A Vapor Pressure: N/A Vapor Density (AIR = 1): N/A Specific Gravity (H20 = 1): 1.50 Melting Point: N/A Solubility in Water: Insoluble Color: Range from Pink, Green, Yellow, Tan, Orange, & Blue
Odor: VOC:
None to slight N/A
SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability...............................................Stable with respect to storage conditions Section 7. Incompatibility....................................None Hazardous Decomposition Products....None Hazardous Polymerization..................None SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION LD-50 (oral).........................................>25 g/kg (rats) Chronic/Carcinogenicity......................no human carcinogen Teratology............................................no teratogenic Mutgenacity.........................................no mutagenic Other studies........................................no other studies available SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Environmental Fate: Spills of the material are not subject to any special reporting requirements under the Clean Water Act (CWA) or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). Hazardous Air Pollutant: This product does not contain any ingredient classified as hazardous air pollutant in the Clean Air Act Amendment dated November 15, 1990. Ozone Depleting Substances ODS: No Class I or Class II material is used the manufacture of this Product or is contained in the product. SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Dispose of containers and contents in accordance with local, state and Federal requirements. ALWAYS minimize any use of ANY water system for the disposal of any industrial, commercial or residential waste. Check with distributor for possible considerations for recycling packaging. SECTION 14: TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT: Not Regulated IATA: Not Regulated IMDG/IMO: Not Regulated SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA Section 8 (b): Included on the TSCA inventory under the Chemical Abstracts Service number 9005-25-8 which is described as "starch dust". Product may be considered to be 92.5-99.1% of the material listed under the CAS number. SARA TITLE III: SARA Title III This material is subject to regulations promulgated under Sections 302, 304, 31 1, 312, and 313 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986. SARA 3 1 1/312 Hazardous Categorization Fire.... None Sudden Release of Pressure.... None Reactivity ... None Health Hazards...... None Delayed/Chronic.... None SARA Title III Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: No Reporting for routine annual toxic chemicals release shall be submitted under 40 CFR Part 372. STATE REGULATIONS
California Proposition 65: No chemicals listed are added to the com wet milling process . detectable quantities present in com are due to uptake from the soil. The state of California has determined "no significant risk" from these chemicals. New Jersey RTK Hazardous Substance List: Blue 1 Alum Lake. This component is only used in Gorgeous Green at 0.73%. This product does not appear on these states Right to know lists: Pennsylvania Hazardous Substance List Florida Toxic Substance List Massachusetts Hazardous Substance List Michigan Critical Materials Register Minnesota Hazardous Substance List SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, Color My Party nor any of its designated agents/distributors assumes any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of the suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the User. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist.