February Calendar - Phi Sigma Pi

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(365 Recruitment. Update). Offer Bids. PrePinning. Meeting. Pinning. Ceremony. Recruitment review. Practice Info. Sessio
Develop 2 new recruitment events Finalize plans for recruitment events and information sessions

Finalize room reservations for recruitment week and tabling

Update PTA list

Design Recruitment Teams

First week of classes!

Update PTA list

Chapter Meeting (365 Recruitment Update)

Meet with Faculty Advisor

Chapter Meeting (365 Recruitment Update)

Order/Design Recruitment Posters

Look into student data access

Review past recruitment and define recruitment goals

Share Recruitment Plans with Chapter

Contact Faculty Advisor

Start Social Media Campaign

Send e­mail list Define roles and to National Office action plan for recruitment

Table at Student Organizations Fair

Hang posters around campus

Set up Table Tents around campus

Update PTA list

Table in Student Lounge

Chapter Meeting Create (365 Recruitment Facebook Event Update) page

Chapter Meeting (365 Recruitment Update)

Chapter Meeting (365 Recruitment Update)

Chapter Meeting (365 Recruitment Update)

Update PTA list

Recruitment Week Starts!

Reach out personally to PTA list

Practice Info Session Presentation!

Host an Info Session

Host an Info Session

Offer Bids

Pre­Pinning Meeting

Table in Student Lounge

Prepare Info Session Presentation!

Practice Info Session Presentation!

Reach out personally to PTA list

Host a Recruitment Event (Game Night)

Host a Recruitment  Event (Pizza Party)

Pinning Ceremony

Recruitment review