February Newsletter

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Feb 15, 2014 ... support them in their new endeavor and help them ... but at different parts of the state. Check the .... Honda Silver Wing, I met Terry in. 1981 and ...
NC Winging GWRRA

Region N

NC District

GWRRA North Carolina District Newsletter - February 2014

Table of Contents District Team - - - - 3 Directors Dialog - - - 4 Eastern Elocution - - 5 Central Clues - - - - 6 Western Words - - - 7 Education Exercise - 8 Membership Memo - 10 Trainer Tips - - - - - 11 Couple Chat - - - - - 12 WOtS Registration - 13 Tri’gle Ride for Kids - 14 February Calendar - 15

On the Cover


his issue features pictures from our Ops meeting in January. On the cover is Deanne Vaughn, the new Chapter Director for NC-N in Burlington. Replacing Libby Jennings who moved to the District Staff as the new ADD-Central, Deanne has big shoes to fill but we are assured that she will do a wonderful job.

March Calendar - - 16 February Changes - - 17

NC Winging - Page 

Bob (Goose) & Dorothy Richards District Directors

District Team District Staff

Bobby & Susan Womack Assistant District Directors - East

Libby Jennings Assistant District Director Central

Mike & Lynn Humphries Assistant District Directors - West

George & Susan Huttman District Educators

Sid & Terry Chambers Assistant District Educators

Tom & Colleen Fitzgerald District Leadership Trainers

Robert & Donna Ferguson District Membership Enhancement Coordinators

Bev & Ron Chapman District Treasurers

William Prince District Webmaster District Newsletter Editor

Tony & Rita White District Goody Sales

Charles & Marion Dudley District Couple of the Year 2013-2014

Don & Susan Harden District Vendor Coordinators District Care Bear



Directors Dialogue

n behalf of the District Staff, Dorothy and I want to thank everyone who participated in the District Operations Meeting on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Our headcount totaled approximately 164 participants which included Chapter Directors, Chapter Educators, Chapter Membership Enhancement Coordinators, Chapter Couples, and the District Staff members. We believe we covered all of the information we needed to cover in the presentations, answered the questions of the attendees, and all enjoyed the lunch. So far feedback from attendees has been very positive and constructive. As we move ahead, we will learn from this experience and hopefully make the meeting even more streamlined as we cover necessary information. Tom Wright, Tom Tipton, and Sheila Meadows each went home a little richer as winners of the 50/50. Glenn and Becky Fargis of Chapter NC-W, Eden were honored as the Chapter Directors of the Year for 2013. Chapter NC- S2 Sanford, now lead by Jim and Sue Hays was chosen as Chapter of the Year for 2013. Steve & Mary Craig from the Chapter NC-S2 Sanford were honored as the North Carolina District Newsletter Editors for 2013 and it was also announced that they were just recently recognized by Region N as the Newsletter Editors of the Quarter. Because so many members visited other chapters and attended other district rallies in 2013, there were 50 members who will be receiving

Bob and Dorothy Richards North Carolina District Directors

certificates for having visited 15 or more chapters. The Traveling Plaques were awarded as was prize money for the winners. Our Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators awarded the Couples Plaques. We had short presentations by the District Rider Educator, District Trainer and District Membership Enhancement Coordinators. We talked about changes in procedures and answered numerous questions from the attendees. Most entertaining was playing a song parody provided by Don Harden of a familiar country western song that we called “Back to Our Roots”. This parody will be made available to chapters across the state of North Carolina and we have invited the individual who sang the song to

attend Wings Over the Smokies for a live performance. Over the coming months, your District Staff will be heavily engaged in working the details of Wings Over the Smokies. We are encouraged by the number of folks who have already registered and encourage you and your friends to register early and book your hotel rooms as soon as possible. Dorothy and I are both scheduled to present some GWRRA leadership training at the O’Berry Center on February 15, 2014. We encourage all, especially those who are new officers in GWRRA to attend this training. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day and let’s hope that the Ground Hog was just kidding about six more weeks of winter.

The new Chapter Directors of the Year. Dorothy Richards congratulates Glenn and Becky Fargis of NC-W along with Bob. NC Winging - Page 



e have had a really good time attending chapter meetings in our area. I encourage you all to remember to have FUN at your meetings. Fun comes in different ways. Mix it up. Also remember not everyone knows the lingo. I had a lot of fun explaining what the Swap Meet was and was not at Fayetteville’s meeting. They had three people who were new to their chapter so I felt it was worth defining. Otherwise you stand up in front of strangers to GWRRA and say “H2 Durham is having a Swap Meet on March 15” and they go what in the world have we gotten into? We all had a laugh and it was fun. Chapter educators, add some drama or special speakers. David Knight gave a good presentation in Garner at their meeting. Not many people are willing to carry around a full size gator to get their point across. Chapter members it’s not all up to your Chapter Director to make it fun. Do you have a joke you can tell or can you do a skit during the meeting to get a laugh or two? Work with your chapter director so you can have fun as a chapter. After all without your participation it will not be fun.

Eastern Elocution Bobby and Susan Womack Eastern Assistant District Directors

Smithfield. Again participation is the key because if no one brings chili we won’t have anything to eat. I know some of you are excellent cooks so prepare a pot or two and bring it on. I will be bringing one too. They always have a really good turnout and since they have the Region N Plaque we are expecting some out of state visitors. Just a note, NC-S2 Sanford changed their meeting to February 8 and Smithfield won’t meet on their normal date because of the Chili Cook-off. Check out the district website for more information at www.gwrranc. org. Go through all the different tabs you might find something you didn’t know was there. Speaking of looking through all the tabs, I encourage you to do that with the national homepage. www.

gwrra.org. You might find some information that would help you as a member or your chapter. We would like to welcome our new chapter directors for the East: Bruce and Barbara Lobach, NC-F2 Garner and Jerry and Janet Schilling, NC-U2 Laurinburg. Please support them in their new endeavor and help them make your chapters great. Speaking of great, Congratulations to Glenn and Becky Fargis of NCW Eden, they are the 2013 Chapter Directors of the Year. Also to NCS2 Chapter of The Year for 2013. Remember to get your registrations in for Wings Over The Smokies. We are looking to have a really great time going back to our roots.

February is going to be a busy month. February 15 we will be at the OBerry center with Carol and Tom Scully for Beginner Leadership Training. I am sure they have a fun event planned with some training too. The class is scheduled from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. There will be a break for lunch on your own. Jim & Sue Hays, NC-S2 Sanford, the winners of the Eastern TravelOn February 22 it will be Chili in ers plaque. NC Winging - Page 



s it February already? The months are just speeding on away. It has been a busy month and a lot has happened since my last newsletter. Let me tell you about them.

Central Clues

Libby Jennings Central Assistant District Director

Hester, TCD, W Eden; and Deanne & Mickey Vaughn, TCD, N Burlington. I was supposed to visit M Salisbury but the weather was bad and couldn’t make it this month. I will be visiting them in February to First: I would like to thank Tom give Cal & Diane Davis, TCD and & Coleen Fitzgerald for hosting James & Dianna Alexander, Assisthe Target Training in their home tant Chapter Director their Oath of on January 11, 2014. This was a Office. I also missed R Thomasville training for new staff coming on this month because of bad weather. board with lots of information to Watch out next month, if it is not help them in their new positions. still snowing then. The training consist of modules Third: Operations Meeting – Januon MAD, Chapter Director, Rider ary 25. We had 41 people signed Education, Treasurer, and MEPC. up to attend from the Central area. Since the weather was rainy all day That is fantastic. At this meeting most of us stayed the whole day tons of information was given out and learned some interesting in- about North Carolina GWRRA formation. Those attending were: and conversations on Wings Over Deanne Vaughn, Chapter N Team the Smokies. The question and anChapter Director; Liz Hester, Chap- swer session was really informative ter W Team Chapter Director; Don and beneficial. Harden, Chapter H2 Team Chapter The 2013 Central Plaque was reDirector; (and Emily) John & Marie tired and was given to Chapter G Robinson, Chapter G Team Chapin High Point. Oh by the way the ter Directors (John also taught a $100.00 for the winner of the cenfew of the modules); Jimmy Quick, tral plaque chapter went to T2 AlChapter G Ride Educator; Sid & bemarle. The Tarheel Plaque was Terry Chambers, Chapter H2 Ride won by X2 Wilkesboro and they Educator and Treasurer and myself. also won $100.00 for their chapter. Those that did not attend missed some great information and we really missed you too.

Rick Dancy, Team Chapter Director, for X2 Wilkesboro wanted to present the Tarheel Plaque to Frankie Medlin in memory of Ronald Barber because he had visited their chapter so many times in the past. What a wonderful, sweet thought; thanks Rick. I would like to congratulate S2 Sanford for winning the Chapter of the Year Award for 2013. They were out visiting and keeping busy last year. Also congratulations goes to Glenn & Becky Fargis for being chosen as Director of the Year for 2013. You both deserved it; and I am so, so happy for you. The chapters that were chosen to start the new 2014 plaques were: A Greensboro for the Central Plaque and T2 Albemarle for the Tarheel Plaque. These will be given away on the same night of February 13 but at different parts of the state. Check the District Website for their locations and get some members together to go capture them. In closing, I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and hope all your dreams come true in 2014.

Second: I have been visiting chapters all month that have new Team Chapter Directors and Assistant Chapter Directors to give them the Oath of Office. They are: Bob & Kathy Jonson, TCD, T2 Albemarle, John & Vicki Ochtyun, Assistant Chapter Directors; Brenda Leonard, TCD, B2 Winston-Salem; Liz NC Winging - Page 



Western Words Mike & Lynn Humphries Western Assistant District Directors

ynn and I were very busy last month visiting Chapters all over Western North Carolina. It was great to see that we were not by ourselves. Most Chapter gatherings had a lot of members and visiting Chapters in attendance even though the weather has not been that great. As you all know GWRRA is an association made up of motorcycle riders, but we haven’t seen that many motorcycles at the gatherings that we’ve visited. So why is everyone out visiting, could it be that we enjoy the fun and fellowship with all the friends that we’ve made over the years, I think so. Winter is the perfect time to start planning for Chapter rides, events, training or what- Rick Dancy, NC-X2, the winner of the Western Travelers plaque. ever the Chapter can do to have fun together, invite your neighboring Chapters to join in on the fun. It shouldn’t be too much longer until warmer weather, and we can get out and ride. Just a reminder now is a good time to do some bike maintenance, change the air filter, change the oil, check those brake pads whatever needs to be done so when riding season is here we will all be ready to ride. I guess you’ve all heard that Lynn and I will be going to the Chili Cook Off in Smithfield again this year and yes we will be entering our delicious, mouth watering, award winning, money making, world’s best chili in the cook off. We are looking forward to seeing all of you there. What’s the most important component of any GWRRA gettogether? Yep, you’re right, the food. The food at the Ops Meeting was excellent. NC Winging - Page 

Education Exercise Susan Huttman District Educator


Building an Educational Cooperative

et me begin by offering a sincere welcome to Sid and Terry Chambers, our newly appointed NC Assistant District Educators. It is exciting to have them representing NC Rider Education. Please be sure to read their newsletter article. You will agree they are a great addition to the team. During the NC District Operations Meeting in Burlington, I had the opportunity to visit with both newly appointed and more experienced chapter educators. There was a lot of information shared that day and it was great to have folks asking questions about the Rider Education Program in a venue where everyone could benefit from learning the answer. By definition a “cooperative” is a group of people voluntarily working together to achieve a common goal. As educators, we have agreed to do what is asked or required in order to empower riders and co-riders making them more capable and confident on the road. The “educational cooperative” we are building makes it possible for all NC members to have positive educational experiences. Customize your safe riding message to represent your chapter’s unique style and personal participant educational goals. With the cooperation of your fellow chapter officers there can be increased interest and involvement in rider education that

can lead to more confident, capable riders ready to ride more often!

cators and Directors. In January 2014 approximately 73% of the bi-monthly communication, “NC District Rider Education Dispatch” had been opened by the recipients. Please be sure your computer recognizes they are not junk or spam so you will receive them. It will be the best way to learn about upcoming educational events on both the district and chapter levels. It is also the way you will learn about policy and procedure updates and changes. The goal is to reduce the number of emails sent and still provide timely notifications. These notices are also shared with chapter directors to make them more aware of prospective educational opportunities for their participants.

Keep in mind along with your District Educator and Assistant Educator, you have the support and experience of Linda (and Frank) Hojnacki, NC Medic First Aid (MFA) Coordinators and Tom Scully (and Carol), NC Motorist Awareness (MA) Coordinators to lend a hand. Besides being the “go to” people to arrange for MFA classes and MA seminars. They are available to answer your questions and offer ideas on the best way to bring these opportunities to your chapter. You will find their contact information on the Rider Education page of the NC District website www. gwrranc.org. Please continue to request rider courses and seminars I want to thank Larry Ward, NCthrough the NC District Educator. G2 Waynesville Chapter Educator We are now utilizing Constant and GWRRA Rider Coach for layContact as a resource to provide ing the groundwork necessary to information to NC Chapter Edu- conduct the NC District Rider Ed Weekend WEST scheduled April 12-13, 2014 in Maggie Valley, NC. Two rider courses, ARC (Advanced Rider Course) and TRC (Trike Rider Course) will be offered on Saturday with the GWRRA RCC (Road Captains’ Course) planned for Sunday. Chapter educators, please be sure to provide registration forms to your participants through email and at your gathering. Space is limited. The RE Weekend WEST deadline is March 28, 2014. Feel free to contact me with your questions: [email protected] or (828) Susan addresses the croud. 855-0677. NC Winging - Page 

Education Exercise Sid and Terry Chambers Assistant District Educator


o, Who Are Those New NC Our two sons, Zachary and Andrew, Assistant District Educa- both grew up in H2. They were five tors? and four years old when we started We are Sid and Terry Chambers attending H2. They loved giving and we have been members of out the door prizes. They rode with GWRRA since 1985. I started rid- us on many family vacations in our ing motorcycles in college during wineberry GL1500A with color1967 on a Honda 50. After two matched 2 seat Champion Sidecar Honda CB 350s, a CB 550, and a and Dart trailer. We made many Honda Silver Wing, I met Terry in fond family memories during those 1981 and we were married in 1983. days. But now, they are all grown Our first Gold Wing was a 1982 sil- up and are out on their own. Zachver and gray GL1100 Gold Wing ary graduated from East Carolina Aspencade. Our second Gold Wing University, is married, and works was a wineberry 1990 GL1500. We for HNTB Engineering in Charcurrently ride a candy apple red lotte, NC. Andrew graduated from 2003 GL1800A. We have ridden North Carolina State University our Wings in Europe, Canada, and and is currently on active duty in the US Army where he is a First in 42 of the lower 48 states. Lieutenant flying Apache attack heSo how did we get to North Caroli- licopters in the 82nd Combat Aviana? After Sid retired from the Army tion Brigade at Fort Bragg, NC. in 1992, we moved to Terry’s home town of Durham and found H2 Sid rode in a World Record Iron when it was a new chapter. Since I Butt (Red Wing 19) ride in 2009 had just completed the Motorcycle and successfully completed 1,032 miles in 17 hours and 32 minutes. Safety Foundation (MSF) Instructor Preparation course in April This ride was a fund raiser for the 1992, I volunteered to be Chap- families of the 19 Seals and Army ter Educator. As a certified MSF helicopter pilots that were killed RiderCoach from April 1992 to July in Afghanistan as depicted in the 2008, I taught the Basic Rider and recent movie, “Lone Survivor.” Sid Experienced Rider Courses until I also rode in the Third Annual “40 had a non-motorcycle related back to Phoenix” ride in March 2012 and injury in July 2008. I also rode with racked up over 8,600 miles in this the NC Precision Drill Team for coast to coast to coast ride. I will five years from 1992 to 1997 and be making that trip again in 2014 was the Team Captain from 1996 with a planned route of only 5,600 to 1997. Sid is currently serving as miles. Needless to say, motorcycle H2’s Chapter Educator and Terry is touring is my favorite hobby. I may the Chapter Treasurer. We are also have an Iron Butt, but Terry says the Chapter Couple of the Year for she only has a 400 mile butt. 2014. Terry and I are living proof of how

“All The Gear, All The Time” (ATGATT) can save lives. Our 1990 Gold Wing and trailer were totaled on our way back home from Wings in September 2002 by a driver who lost control of her vehicle and crossed into our path of travel at 65 miles per hour. With nowhere to go and not enough room to stop, we t-boned her doing about 40 miles an hour. We were battered and bruised, but we did not have any road rash or long term injuries. We received a GWRRA Survivor Certificate, but I do not recommend that anyone try and get this award. As the Assistant District Educators, our main goal is to help you become more proficient riders and co-riders without being a “Rider Education Policeman.” We “practice what we preach” and firmly believe in the GWRRA motto, “Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge.” You may have heard of that MSF motto: “The more you know, the better it gets.” Many years ago, I added another line to it, “The more you practice what you know, the better you get.” Thank you for this opportunity to be your ADE.

NC Winging - Page 

Membership Memo Robert and Donna Ferguson Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators

Making Chapter Life Fun Through Sigs


ave you ever tried to come up with ways to make chapter life fun for the members? Have you considered how being involved in a SIG could help? With warm weather and riding season just around the corner, now is the time to talk it up and get your chapter excited. Several chapters are involved in the Camping SIG. For those that like the outdoors, camping is a way to enjoy the camaraderie of your GWRRA friends while also enjoying two of your favorite hobbies; riding and camping. More power to those who enjoy sleeping in a tent. Robert is all for camping but my idea of roughing it is Motel 6.

races. The CB radios on our bikes are very limited in how far the signal will carry, bike to bike but Ham radio signals can travel up to five times farther, depending on terrain. Ham radio is also a great way to make new friends. Just ask Ken and Linda Worland of Chapter A in Greensboro. Both are licensed hams and they can tell you how much fun they had at a special event that they helped with in March 2013.

ters, we look forward to talking to the MECs and exchanging ideas for keeping chapter life fun. Ride Safe. Ride Often. Ride Together.

I know that there are other ideas for SIGs out there and that is where we need your help. We know what hobbies we enjoy but we want to hear from you. What hobby do you enjoy that you think others would enjoy too that would make a good SIG? For those times when the guys Give us your ideas. want to do one thing and the girls As we travel around visiting chapwant to do something else, the Lady Rider SIG is a great way to bring the ladies together. Lady Riders are becoming a growing community within GWRRA and there are enough ladies that do ride that those of us that don’t can hitch a ride. I will gladly be a co-rider for any of our Lady Riders. Let’s ride ladies! For those that are electronically inclined, there is the Ham Radio SIG. Robert and I are very passionate about Ham Radio and would love to see more Goldwingers get involved, especially those that like to Jim & Sue Hays, NC-S2, receiving award for Chapter of the Year. help out with bicycle and triathlon NC Winging - Page 10

Trainer Tips Tom FitzGerald NC District Trainer


GWRRA is not a motorcycle club.”

We’ve all heard it, haven’t we? But just what does it mean? Simply put, it means that our Association and our chapters don’t function in the same organizational and procedural format that “clubs” do. That is, we don’t elect anyone to any position by running candidates against each other and having the membership vote on them. We don’t choose our officers with popularity contests. We don’t impose our wishes on others. We select, not elect. Clubs usually are local in scope. Chapters are national or international and tied to a single organization. We don’t have long and heated debates, make motions, second motions, call for votes or go into long, detailed reports in our chapter meetings. We don’t need uniforms, people giving us rules to obey, or exorbitant fees or dues. We try not to do any “heavybreathing.”

Those folks should be encouraged to attend and participate where they are the most comfortable. We think when they “try it [our format!], they’ll like it.” The GWRRA chapter format of operation is more flexible than a club format. A GWRRA chapter is not a “club,” either in its organizational structure or it’s operational format. It is PART of something bigger than itself. The above is taken from the “Take 5” on the LTP national website page.

GWRRA to ride our motorcycles and have fun. The common interests of safety minded individuals bind us together. I’ve found, as have many other members, that GWRRA is really one big family. You are (or should be) welcome anywhere GWRRA members congregate. That being said, like any family, from time to time there will be family squabbles. It’s in everyone’s best interest to try and settle them quickly and as close to home as possible,

This month we have “Leadership Skills” seminars being held in the Expounding a little more on the East and Central on Saturday, FebGWRRA way, we may not always ruary 15, 2014 and in the West on like the way things are done in a Saturday, March 1, 2014. There chapter but must always remember is no charge for these classes and that we are “members” of GWRRA they’re open to everyone. Please and “participants” in a chapter. see the LTP section of the District If one is not happy in one chap- website for who to contact and a ter, there are others available they link to download a flyer. Thanks should try and see if it’s more to to our webmaster, William Prince, their liking. for the job he’s doing with www. First and foremost we all joined Gwrranc.org!

In other words, a GWRRA chapter meeting is not presided over by a “president” and conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order or the parliamentary procedure process. That is the format that many “clubs” use in their meetings. We don’t say that we are better than clubs, we are just different. Some people like the club format of operation. This is all well and good. NC Winging - Page 11

Couples Chat Charles and Marion Dudley North Carolina District Couple of the Year 2013-2014


ongratulations, and welcome aboard to all of the new Chapter Couples of the year 2014. The Operations meeting was a great success for our district. The Chapter Couples represented in true form by having 22 of 24 Chapter Couples of the year present. The Plaques for the 2013 year were retired and awarded while the plaques for the 2014 year were put into play. The Plaque chase is in full swing. As of my writing the plaques have been moving, I know of one that has already changed hands four times. Wow, this promises to be a year filled with fun for the Couples. When the plaque is captured simply send an email to me and your group informing everyone as to its location and destination: District COY: [email protected] Eastern: [email protected] Central: gwrranc_coy_central@ googlegroups.com

Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations for Wings Over the Smokies. I’m told that many of the mainstream hotels are filling up fast. However there are several non-franchise facilities and camp/ cabin sites nearby that can accommodate your party.

questions in the back of the same package and Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready to have fun. Will I have enough time to do all that is required? You only have to do what you can do, nothing more.

Marion and I are planning to attend District Conventions in Florida, Have you put any thought into par- South Carolina, Tennessee, Kenticipating in the District Couple tucky, Virginia and West Virginia of the Year selection process? Our this year, you are welcome to join participation in the selection pro- us as we represent our North Carocess was one of the biggest high- lina. lights of our GWRRA experience. Learning to forgive is a difficult lesson Will you be nervous? Of course! for many to live. In all honesty, it can be However, it won’t be your first or one of the most painful and antagonizlast time being nervous. The ner- ing lessons ever learned. Unforgiveness vousness comes about because you harbored in the heart can eat away at simply want to represent well and your core, hindering life as it could be. make your Chapter proud. We will Holding on to past hurts, and betrayals help to calm your nerves. keep us bound to our painful past and How do you get started? Simple. those unpleasant emotions impact our Fill out the five page resume in your handling of future events. Forgiveness couples’s package issued at the Op- must be realized as a priority for burerations meeting, or find it on the den free living. Let go of the past and website and submit it. Study the reach courageously to your future.

Western: gwrranc_coy_west@ googlegroups.com Marion and I are looking forward to seeing you at your chapter gatherings and events. Have you registered for Wings Over the Smokies yet? I want to encourage you to get that done. Your registration impacts the district’s planning process and being respected as you are in your chapters, others will follow your lead.

Thomas & Kelly Grissett, NC-K2, Chapter Couple of the Year. NC Winging - Page 12

NC Winging - Page 13

$_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________

GRAND TOTAL $_________

Total Registration Friday Buffet ($15 ea) Master’s Breakfast($15 ea) Total Shirt Order Total Rider Ed Classes Add’l Grand Prize Tickets

Cost Summary

ALL REGISTRANTS MUST SIGN We agree to hold harmless GWRRA, the co-sponsoring organization and any property owners for any loss or injury to self or property by any reason of Participating in this Rally. ______________________________ Rider Signature ______________________________ Co-Rider Signature

Liability Release Form

Register by PAYPAL at gwrranc.org.

Cherokee, NC September 25-27, 2014 USE CHECK OR, MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: NC-GWRRA (Please Do Not Send Cash!) Mail entire page to: Bev Chapman 2000 34th Ave. Drive NE Hickory, NC 28601 (828) 256-7192



$15 x____=$_____ $15 x____=$_____

$30 x ___= $_____ $35 x___ = $_____ $10 x____=$_____

All Pre-Registration forms must be received by August 1, 2014

Pre-Registration required to guarantee Friday Buffet, Masters Breakfast, and rally shirt orders.

GWRRA Member Non-Member 13-15 years old 12 & Under FREE Friday Night Buffet Masters Breakfast Additional Grand Prize Tickets

Distance travelled to Rally (straight-line mileage/one-way _________________

Addresss_______________________ City,State,Zip____________________ Phone_________________________ Email__________________________

Co-Rider_______________________ Age____Chapter_____State________ GWRRA #__________ Exp Date_____ Position: ______________________ Int’l___Region__District____Chapter__

PRINT CLEARLY Rider__________________________ Age____Chapter_____State_________ GWRRA #_________Exp Date_______ Position: ______________________ Int’l___Region__District___Chapter___


______________ ($ amount) ______________ ($ amount)

______________ ($ amount) ______________ ($ amount)

______________ ($ amount) ______________ ($ amount)

______________ ($ amount) ______________ ($ amount)

______________ ($ amount) ______________ ($ amount)

______________ ($ amount) ______________ ($ amount)

$30 x____=$_____ $30 x____=$_____ Office Use Only #_________________

Medic First Aid MFA Refresher

Rider Education Classes

Shirts available on-site at a higher price

T-Shirt: Short Sleeve S, M, L, XL - $17 _________ __________ (#) (size) _________ __________ (#) (size) 2XL & up- $19 _________ __________ (#) (size) _________ __________ (#) (size) Golf Shirt: Short Sleeve S, M, L, XL - $23 _________ __________ (#) (size) _________ __________ (#) (size) 2XL & up - $26 _________ __________ (#) (size) _________ __________ (#) (size) Long Sleeved Tee Shirt S, M, L, XL - $19 _________ __________ (#) (size) _________ __________ (#) (size) 2XL & up - $21 _________ __________ (#) (size) _________ __________ (#) (size)

Shirt Order Form


WHITE OAK RECREATION AREA Jordan Lake State Recreation Area White Oak Beach Road, off U.S. Hwy. 64 Apex, NC 27523 Registration opens 8 a.m. Every day, 13 families in the United States get the devastating news that their child has one of the deadliest forms of childhood cancer. You can help by joining Ride for Kids. This motorcycle ride benefits the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and brings hope to thousands of children fighting this disease. Special thanks to our sponsors:

Motorcycl e

NC Winging - Page 14

Lets Go Riding February Sunday






Saturday 1 NC-G2 Waynesville NC-Y2 Monroe

2 NC-F Jacksonville


4 NC-A2 Lexington


6 NC-G High Point


8 NC-L2 Mooresville

NC-D Greenville

NC-E2 Elizabeth City

NC-V Statesville

NC-X2 Wilkesboro NC-U2 Laurenburg


10 NC-C Charlotte NC-X Wake Forest

11 NC-B2 WinstonSalem


13 NC-A Greensboro


NC-T2 Albemarle

NC-P2 Forest City

15 NC-M2 Hendersonville NC-Q Wilmington

NC-Z Rocky Mount 16 NC-O2 Hickory

17 NC-D2 New Bern NC-W Eden

18 NC-E Cary 19 NC-L Gastonia

20 NC-H2 Durham


NC-C2 Smithfield Chili Cookoff

NC-F2 Garner

NC-M Salisbury 23 NC-K2 Fayetteville


25 NC-R Thomasville

22 NC-Y Morganton

NC-I Asheville 26

27 NC-N Burlington


Lets Go Riding March







Saturday 1 NC-G2 Waynesville NC-Y2 Monroe

2 NC-F Jacksonville


4 NC-A2 Lexington


NC-C2 Smithfield

6 NC-G High Point


8 NC-L2 Mooresville

NC-D Greenville

NC-E2 Elizabeth City

NC-V Statesville

NC-X2 Wilkesboro NC-U2 Laurenburg NC-S2 Sanford


10 NC-C Charlotte NC-X Wake Forest

11 NC-B2 WinstonSalem


13 NC-A Greensboro


NC-T2 Albemarle

NC-P2 Forest City

NC-Q Wilmington NC-H2 Durham, Swap Meet

NC-Z Rocky Mount 16 NC-O2 Hickory

17 NC-D2 New Bern

18 NC-E Cary 19

NC-W Eden

NC-L Gastonia

23 NC-K2 Fayetteville


NC-M Salisbury 25



NC-R Thomasville

15 NC-M2 Hendersonville

20 NC-F2 Garner


22 NC-Y Morganton NC-I Asheville


27 NC-N Burlington



February Gathering Changes NC-G2 Waynesville has changed their meeting effective February 1. NC-F Jacksonville has changed their meeting effective February 2. NC-S2 Sanford has moved their meeting to February 8 for this month only. NC-C2 Smithfield has changed their meeting for February only. They will meet at their Chili Cookoff on February 22.