Kudakwashe. Naughty List. Green cards: Yellow cards: Lauren Piper (x2). Sharon Seaton. Camilla Browne. Chloe Newman. Cha
February Newsletter 1s
The 1s have kept up their streak with BUCS wins, so far winning every single BUCS game of 2017! Securing a solid second place in the tables just 4 points behind Birmingham 1s, this team have 100% bounced back this new year. Continuing with fitness session and hard work during training they have really proven that Loughborough do not give up! With our current captain Beth Bingham in her final year at Loughborough, a new captain will be announced for the 2017/18 seasons!
The 2s have a real chance of winning the BUCS league leaving it in the hands of the 3s to draw or beat Nottingham 2s on 8th March. With the teams constantly chopping and changing and captain Beth Walker-Smith recently joining the performance squad, Jenny Mathieson has stepped in brilliantly as the 2s new captain and leading figure.
The 3s have been very unfortunate with games being cancelled and rearranged over the last couple months. They absolutely need to grab a win or a draw against Nottingham 2s to stay in this BUCS league and avoid relegation. Although saying this, they have achieved a huge goal difference in Saturdays league scoring 18 goals in two matches is an outstanding performance!
Top goal scorer: Annabel Sams Man of the Month: Cerys Miller Results: BUCS
Top goal scorer: Sabrina Rew Man of the Month: Kate Hughes and Sabrina Rew Results: BUCS 4-1 Warwick 1s (W) 1-0 Birmingham 4s (L) LEAGUE 7-0 Loughborough 5s (W) 11-0 Ashby 2s (W)
The 4s have been absolutely smashing it all season. No matter what the rest of the scores are, the 4s have easily won the BUCs league. A special mention to captain Ellie Mann who undoubtedly helped them along the way gaining Top goal scorer every month so far!
The 5s have really worked hard across the season, being in a Saturday league with two higher teams in Loughborough and playing 3s and 2s in BUCS they have played outstanding hockey across the season. With a considerable amount of freshers who have never played with each other, the 5s have set the bar for the freshers next year. Top goal scorer: Zoe Hainsworth
Man of the Month: Phoebe Franklin
7-0 Loughborough 3s (L)
Results: BUCS
3-3 Leicester Ladies
Top goal scorer: Ellie Mann
3-3 Nottingham 3s (W)
Man of the Month: Hattie Sharman
2-3 Oxford Brookes 2s (L)
Results: BUCS
2-7 Oxford University 2s (L)
4-1 Nottingham Trent 2s (W)
1-3 Oxford Brookes (L)
3-0 Ashby Ladies 2s (W)
6-1 Oxford Brookes 3s (W) 6-3 Worcester 1s (W) LEAGUE
Who is your favourite committee member and why? Kudakwashe Kamwaza because she’s my ray of sunshine everyday and she loves a little boogie like me
What is your best hockey skill? Using my 12 ft wingspan and 38.5 inch stick to tackle people
What is your favourite night out in luff? Hey ewe with a touch of cogs
What would you recommend to eat at the Paget? Mediterranean burger with dutty fries and a pint of somersby
What is your favourite song currently? I want to know what love it – Foreigner (tbt)
Who do you think is the best hockey player in the club? Kudakwashe
5-1 Oxford Brookes 1s (W)
Committee The LSULHC committee are enjoying their last few months doing their roles as they prepare for the annual AGM meeting on 3rd March where the new committee will be voted in by the rest of the club and will take over after the Easter holidays.
Naughty List Green cards: Lauren Piper (x2) Camilla Browne Charlotte Daly (x2) Hellie Skinner Hannah Watts Emily Peers Libby Williams
Yellow cards: Sharon Seaton Chloe Newman Sian Waite (x2)
February Socials: Sh*t Shirts DARTS Princess and the Pea
March Socials Freshers & Committee Pub Golf BWAS (Bring wine and a stranger)
Team Socials
A game for the 4s against Oxford Brookes ended up with a lot of worries faces and a hurt player. After a Loughborough 4s player had run in to have a shot on goal, with an attempt to clear it a Brookes girl slaps it out in the air to hit Hannah clean on the head. She got her gash glued and it back and training again!
Thrift Shop Rabbits and Carrots Written by Sósanna Cox and Dominique Arthur
SPOTIFY SOUNDCLASH COMPETITION We have entered a competition with the prize of £10,000 for our club. We have created a playlist called Loughborough Hockey with the boys club and have decided to split whatever we win. So if you have Spotify or know people who do, make sure you help us by following this playlist on the link below. Or type in Dominique Arthur in Spotify and follow the playlist LOUGHBOROUGH HOCKEY. Thank you! https://open.spotify.com/user/dominiquearthur/playlist /3NW2zzjzHVHi4DCfxjoI54