
10 downloads 73277 Views 274KB Size Report
video. They focused on the various access tools to the collections in the library and on the .... HX – Communism. Love, sex and the Filipino communist; or, ... Ang anak ng kardenal. Halaw ni Gerardo R .... TK – Electrical engineering. Electronics .
De La Salle University Library

Newsette Balitang Aklatan

Vol. XXXVI - No. 2 - February 2005

Librarians receive Juan Medrano Service Award the alumni, the Brothers and the Yolanda F. whole academic community who Odsinada, learned the values of gentleness, Readers Serreliability, and vices Head, dedicated Jocelyn T. service. Balangue, When asked Acquisitions what made the Librarian, and library awardess Ulyses T. stay for 25 years Balabat, library at De La Salle clerk were University, they among the 21 Jo Balangue with Br. Ceci have these to recipients of the Hojilla, FSC. The three Juan Medrano Awardees; say: 2005 Juan Jo Balangue, Yolanda Odsinada and Jocelyn Medrano Award Ulyses Balatbat. Balangue“De from the DLSULa Salle Manila. A testimonial and a Thanks1979) as a tribute to the University has giving Mass were held for the first lay teacher of DLSU been my one awardees last February 18 at the whom the Brothers rated and only Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacraas a first class schoolmasemployer. I ment. The award is given in ter. Juan Medrano taught started working memory of Juan Medrano (1886with the Brothers for 48 as a library years from 1915 to 1963. Ulyses Balatbat with Br. Rafael clerk in June of A disciplined and respon- Donato, FSC and Br. Ceci Hojilla, 1978. I finished FSC. (back to the camera) sible person, yet patient my degree in and gentle and very 2 - i-stats now available Library Science religious, he remained - Garcia lectures at UP and was single and could have been diliman and Cagayan de Oro promoted to a Brother if the Institute - Multi-media projector for assistant every department accepted candidates in librarian in Feb 3 -On-line database report those days. On May 15, 1982 then later 4 - Library video on the NET 1976 he was conferred the -LMC user education program as the Librarian Letter of Affiliation by the - Eng’g freshmen donate of Acquisitions Superior General and materials Yolly Odsinada receives award Section. I am became an Affiliate - Visitors from Br. Ceci as Br. Rafael happy and Member of the Institute. 5 - Donors and recent looks on. contented with His memory lives among acquisitions


Librarians ... see page 4

i-stats Now Available The Interactive Statistical Database of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) is now available for searching, viewing, and downloading. The i-stats currently has a database consisting of more than 100 datasets covering economic and social indicators produced by different government

agencies in the Philippine Statistical System namely Inter-Industry Accounts, Population, Family Income and Expenditures, Prices, Labor and Employment, Foreign Trade and Tourism, Public Administration, Money, Banking and Fi-

nance. Each table includes corresponding metadata and footnotes. Public access to this service is limited by username and password and available only at the Information-Reference Section, 2nd floor of the library building. To know more about i-stats, please go to http://www.nscb.gov.ph/i-stats

Garcia Lectures at UP Diliman and Cagayan de Oro Perla T. Garcia, Library Director, spoke on “Managing Library Budget for Digital Resources” in a seminar hosted by the Center for Human Research and Development Foundation, Inc. on February 9, 2005 at Benitez Alumni Center, UP Diliman. Options on the prevailing rates of the available digital resources that can support the basic academic programs were identified. Measures to realize the introduction and estab-

resources and services among libraries with limited budget were suggested including the potential Internet sources of information that are free. In a seminar-workshop sponsored by the Philippine Library Materials Project Foundation, Inc. (PLMP) held on February 23, 2005 at Cagayan de Oro, Garcia spoke on “Information Literacy: an Anchor to Research Process.” Her talk focused on the information

literacy and information technology competencies that libraries have to develop among their target users in support to their development of research skills. The lecture was then followed by a workshop with the end result of producing revised syllabi incorporating an introduction of new aspects of information service. About 50 heads of libraries, who are members of PLMP, participated in the seminar-workshop.

Multimedia Projectors for Every Department In addition to the ones installed in selected classrooms and designated areas on every floor of each building, the IMS assigned 30 more multimedia projectors, one for every department. Each projector is in a portable bag for easy transport complete with accessories such as remote control, power cord, VGA cable, USB cable, and guide for operation. The IMS handles the reservation, circulation, safekeeping, and maintenance of the multimedia projectors. The faculty members are advised to acquaint themselves with the proper operation of the equipment. The IMS personnel will demonstrate their use upon request. Only faculty members are allowed

to borrow the multi-projectors and they may use only the unit assigned to their department. In case there is conflict of schedule of use, the IMS will lend other available units that are for general use. The DLSU Identification Card of the borrowing faculty member is required. If the borrowing faculty member could not come to check them out personally, a written authorization note with the borrowing faculty member’s ID must be presented. The first come, first served policy is followed. Faculty members are requested to file their reservation at least a day before use. Faculty members whose class schedules are way beyond the library service hours are requested

2 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005

to return the equipment to the Emergency Action Center at LS 160 or at the Security Office at the South Gate where the IMS personnel will get them and bring back to the IMS the following morning. The borrower should secure a check-in receipt from the IMS desk counter to confirm the return of the equipment.

Erratum Fe Angela Verzosa was elected as Treasurer, not as VicePresident, of the National Capital Region (NCR) Board of Representatives of the Philippine Library Association, Inc (PLAI) (see p. 2 January 2005 Issue)

On-line Database Usage Report - February 2005 The table below shows the summary of on-line database usage for the month of February as reported by the System Services. There are tutorials/guides to help you to fully utilize the extensive functionality and get the most out of the available contents of the on-line databases. Simply go to this website http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/library/ subscription.asp and click on the hyperlinks for tutorials



or you may type the following in the address bar of the INTERNET explorer. For EBSCO-http:// support.epnet.com/CustSupport/Tutorials/ basicSearchingAcademic.html. For SCIENCE DIRECT ttp://www.info.sciencedirect.com/user_help/user_guides/ index.shtml#. For PROQUEST - http:www.dlsu.edu.ph/ library/Tutorials/PQ5000.PPT





Academic Research Library


Accounting & Tax Newspapers Accounting & Tax Periodicals AMA Titles AMA Titles : Abstracts & Indexing Asian Newsstand Banking Information Source Career and Technical Education

67 453 110 1 423 387 172

Health Module


JuniorQuest Magazines JuniorQuest Newspapers KidQuest Magazines Pharmaceutical News Index ProQuest Asian Business ProQuest Computing

99 300 204 5 953 227



ProQuest Education Journals


ProQuest Psychology Journal


World Magazine Bank Cambridge Journals Gale Computer Database

1,100 114 582 136 161

JSTOR OJPS-ASCE (4 titles) OUP Journals

PsycArticles PQ Dissertations (Jan2005)

4,066 400 2,213 458


7 6





133 366 326





41 73

11 1,874

5,031 1,255


4 9

Delayed reporting

Science Direct (January05)



395 456 404 28 0 289 1

ProQuest Religion Proquest Science Journals ProQuest Social Science ProQuest Telecommunications Reference Teacher Journals US National Newspaper Abstracts

Regional Business News


117 839

ProQuest European Business ProQuest Medical Library




ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry

Business Source Premier









DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005


Library Video on the NET In line with the library’s user education prorgram, a 13 minute video presentation on the library is now available on the INTERNET. To view, go to the DLSU Library website at http:// www.dlsu.edu.ph/library/ then click on Library Video and Tutorial under Library Services. The video focused on the basic search techniques, access tools to the different collections and policies and procedures governing use of resources and facilities of the university library.

Eng’g Freshmen ‘70 Donate Materials The library received 220 volumes of books, 23 titles of journals (301 issues) last February 10 from the Engineering Freshmen ‘70, Inc. thru Mr. Anatole Sipin of the Center for Eng’g. and Sustainable Development.

Visitors February

LMC’s User Education Program The 14 members of the Library Management Committee (LMC) conducted a total of 142 sessions of library orientation from June to February of this school year: 121 undergraduate classes, 10 graduate classes, 3 presentations to new faculty, 7 Research Methods

classes, and one special session. The orienters showed the newly produced video. They focused on the various access tools to the collections in the library and on the web. Hands on exercises were done to test basic search techniques in accessisng the WEB-OPAC and the different online subscriptions.

Librarians ... from page 1 my job and I am proud to be part of the DLSU community. Nothing can replace the feeling of joy and happiness of my 25 years of working in La Salle. DLSU has contributed to the improvement of the quality of my life as an individual.” Ulyses Balatbat – “Ang 25 taong paglilingkod ko sa DLSU Library bilang isang clerk ay malaking karangalan para sa akin dahil naging bahagi ako ng buhay ng bawat estudyante, guro at ng aking mga kapwa kawani sa kanilang pagaaral at pananaliksik ng mga kaalaman sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng mabilis at maayos na library service.” Yolanda Odsinada – “There are

many reasons why I choose to stay and continue to serve De la Salle Universtiy. Foremost are the values that De La Salle has continued to infuse into the minds and hearts not only of its students, but also of everyone working in this University. Guided by the Lasallian value of MORES, it has developed programs and organized a wide range of activities geared toward enhancing relationships with the other members of the academic community. In the light of the Lasallian traditional value of RELIGIO, the growth in the Catholic faith has become an integral part of my personal growth and all the other members of the Lasallian community.”

4 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005

4 - Shahad Wali and Sylvia Pasicolan, Saudi Embassy, Sen. Gil Puyat 7 - Mark Galvez, Tour Coordinator, U. B., Baguio City 17 - Rose Temneus, Professor, NTS, Pangasinan, Urdaneta City 18 - Yong Hyun Kwon, Professor, Sung-Kong-Hog, Korea, Seoul, Korea 21 - David Zen, GSE and Juliana Sell, Professor, Brazil - Cynthia Evangelista and Edward Ang, RC, Tondo - Uhr Hammer and Hoirtmut Liuoluer, Professors, Germany !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Library Newsette/ BalitangAklatan is published by the DLSU University Library http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/library/newsette/ default.asp 2401 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila 1004 Cresencia B. Valenzuela ([email protected]) Editor Marita G. Valerio ([email protected]) Associate Editor Melton E. Jo ([email protected]) Web Editor Antonio B. Meneses ([email protected]) Administrative Assistant Amelia G. Maula ([email protected]) Secretary Gregorio Guinto ([email protected]) Photographer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BJ – Ethics. Social usages. Etiquette

The DLSU Library would like to acknowledge with great appreciation the following donors:

Manners--more than etiquette. Lydia LeuterioImperial. BJ1853 . I46 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Arriola, Angelo Bernardo, Allan Benedict DLSU Discipline Office Escalante, Rene Gonzalez, Andrew FSC Lee, Romeo Luistro, Armin FSC Mallilin, Rogelio National Power Corporation Olano, Servillano Jr. Philippine Institute for Development Studies Philippine National Water Resources Board Scheiter, Joseph FSC The Japan Foundation University of Asia and the Pacific Ambassador Mohammed Ameen Wali

RECENT ACQUISITIONS 1. Books AC – General works. Collections. Between the centuries. Sylvia L. Mayuga. AC8 . M39 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

BT – Doctrinal theology Earth literacy modules : toward ecological spirituality and ethics. by Mary Luz T. Bantilan. BT695.5 . B36 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The virgin of the poor : a tribute from her Filipino children. Milagros I. Dolores. BT660. B28 D64 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. BV – Practical theology Believing unto discipleship : Jesus of Nazareth. [authors, Reynaldo Dumpayan ... et al.] ; Lode Wostyn, editor. BV4501.3 . B44 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. Discipleship in community. [authors, Sammuel Bartolome ... Et al.] ; Lode Wostyn, editor. BV4501.3 . D57 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. I believe.[authors, Reymundina Sales ... et al.] ; Edited by, Lode Wostyn. BV4501.3 I24 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

AS – Academies and learned societies (General)

Insights to faith-filled living. Gerardo Fabi Concepcion, Jr. BV4832.2 . C64 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Great men and women of Asia : Ramon Magsaysay awardees, 1958 - 1967. AS911. R39 G74 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Living like Jesus. [authors, Reynaldo Dumpayan ... et al.] ; Lode Wostyn, editor. BV4501.2 L58 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

BF – Psychology

Woman, religion & spirituality in Asia. Mary John Mananzan. BV4415 . M36 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Guidance and counseling today. Elenita DecalMendoza. BF637. C6 M46 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. Introduction to the counseling profession. Duane Brown, David J. rebalus. BF637. C6 B76 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. Reading dreams : relationships. Lucito V. de Jesus. BF1091 . D44 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

BX – Christian denominations Apu Ceto : ing pastul ning Capampangan. Romeo C. Cabusao ; [patnugot, Querubin D. Fernandez, patnugot pang relihiyoso, Florentino M. Canlas]. BX4705. A55 C34 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Priestly pedophiles. Earl K. Wilkinson ; editor, Alan C. Atkins. BX1912.9 . W54 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

Towards a new way of being church today. Julma C. Neo, Heidi Villareal, Ma. Teresa Mueda. BX2347.7 N47 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Mga piling alamat sa atin at sa ibang bansa. Rosario P. Nem Singh. GR325 . N45 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. GT – Manners and customs (General)

D – History (General) What if? : military historians imagine what might have been. Essays by Alistair Horne ... [et al.] ; Edited by Robert Cowley. D25.5 W46 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation. DS – History. Asia Across the seas : three brothers find new lives in colonial Philippines. Antonio R. Sievert. DS675 . S54 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Ginto : history wrought in gold. Ramon N. Villegas. GT2252. P6 . V5 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HB – Economic theory Cognitive approaches to entrepreneurship research. Edited by Jerome A. Katz, Dean A. Shepherd. HB615 . C64 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. HC – Economic history and conditions

At tumestigo ang asintado : Gov. Luis "Chavit" Singson. sinulat ni Jay de Castro. DS686.62 . D44 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Butuan of a thousand years. Greg Hontiveros. DS689. B8 H66 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Clio on an elephant : historical essays and others. Jose Victor Z. Torres. DS668 . T64 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Hang the dogs : the true tragic history of the Balangiga massacre. Bob Couttie. DS689. B25 C68 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. F – History. United States local history Yankee no! : anti-Americanism in U. S. - Latin American relations. Alan McPherson. F1418 . M35 2003. Ground floor, American Studies Resource Center.

A confradia of two : oral history on the family life and lay religiosity of Juan D. Nepomuceno and Teresa G. Nepomuceno of Angeles, Pampanga. Erlita P. Mendoza. HC452.5A2 M46 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. HD – Economic history and conditions. Production. Industrial management Corporate power & people's power. proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Research Network, September 27-29, 2001, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia. James Goodman, Antonio Tujan, editors ; James Arvanitakis, Elo Serato, Gilbert Sape, editorial staff. HD2755.5. A6 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation.

GE – Environmental science

Doing good and doing well : cases on corporate responsibility in Asia. Edited by Juan Miguel Luz ... [et al.]. HD60 . D65 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation.

High noon : twenty global problems, twenty years to solve them. J. F. Rischard. GE140 . R57 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Economics of antitrust : new issues, questions, and insights. Lawrence Wu, editor. HD2758.5 E24 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

The language of environmental planning in the Philippines. Dolores A. Endriga ... [et al.]. GE160. P6 L36 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Field guide to project management. [Edited by] David I. Cleland. HD69. P75 F54 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

GR – Folklore

Greening the supply chain : a guide for managers in Southeast Asia. Purba Halady Rao. HD38.5 . R36 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Folk poetry : the LO-A. Amorita C. Rabuco. GR325 . R3 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

Hitotsubashi on knowledge management. Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. HD30.2 . T35 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Managing corporate governance in Asia : options, positions, emerging structures. Edited by Felipe B. Alfonso and Branka A. Jikich. HD2741 . M36 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Responding to uncertainty : readings and cases. Edited by Felixberto U. Bustos. HD61 . R47 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

HN – The church and social problems E-generation : the communication of young people in Asia—a concern of the Church. Edited by Franz-Josef Eilers. HN31 E34 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. HS – Societies. Clubs Mariquita S. Castelo : making a difference in the lives of Filipino girls and women. Yolanda C. Hernandez. HS3268.2. C37 H47 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The Asian organization and other selected readings and cases . Leonardo R. Silos. HD31 . S54 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation.

HV – Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology

Towards a political economy of information : studies on the information economy. Roberto Verzola. HD30.2 V47 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

140 days of terror : in the clutches of the Abu Sayyaf. Roberto N. Aventajado with Teodora Y. Montelibano. HV6433. P6 A94 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Who's afraid of financing? : how to overcome fear of financial risks. [Mary An K. Gonzalez, editor]. HD61 W46 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation.

An anatomy of terror : a history of terrorism. Andrew Sinclair. HV6431 . S56 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

HE – Transportation and communications

The path to healing : a primer on family violence. Ma. Lourdes Arellano-Carandang, Beatrix Aileen Laguisma-Sison. HV6626.54. P6 C37 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Understanding changing telecommunications : building a successful telecom business. Anders Olsson. HE7631 . O47 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. HF – Commerce The marketer's guide to socio-economic classification of consumers : insights and challenges of target marketing in the Philippines using SEC indicators. Ned Roberto. HF5415.127 R6 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

HX – Communism Love, sex and the Filipino communist; or, Hinggil sa pagpipigil ng panggigigil. Patricio N. Abinales. HX550. S49 A24 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. JV – Emigration and immigration

Transglobal economies and cultures : contemporary Japan and Southeast Asia. Editors, Rolando B. Tolentino, Ong Jin Hui, Hing Ai Yun. HF1359 . T7 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Brown outside, white inside : a study of identity development among children of Filipino immigrants in Australia. by Arlene TorresD'Mello. JV8685 . D66 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

HG – Finance

KPM – Philippine law

The Japanese finance : corporate finance and capital markets in changing Japan. Edited by J. Jay Choi, Takato Hiraki. HG4523 . J36 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Handbook on criminal procedure : Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure effective December 1, 2000. by Ruben E. Agpalo. KPM4604.7 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Survey of new laws and recent jurisprudence on Philippine elections, 31 July 2003. Alberto C.

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

Agra. KPM2174 . A47 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Fourteen love stories. Jose Dalisay, Jr., Angelo R. Lacuesta, editors. PL6153 . F68 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

LB – Theory and practice of education The complete guide to becoming an English teacher. Stephen Clarke, Paul Dickinson and Jo Westbrook. LB1576 . C56 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Helping our children do well in school : 10 successful strategies from the parents' best practices study of the Ateneo de Manila High School. Queena N. Lee-Chua and Ma. Isabel Sison-Dionisio. LB1048.5 C48 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. N – Visual arts (General) Espiritu Santi : the strange life and even stranger legacy of Santiago Bose. [Krip Yuson, editor]. N7329. B67 A2 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. ND - Painting @Seventy : a dancer's show in oil. Dehlia Napay-Rebustillo. ND1329. R4 R44 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Maaari : mga bago at piling tula. Allan Popa. PL6165.4. P7394 M34 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Maybato, Iloilo, Taft Avenue, Baguio, Puerto : mga tula. John Iremil E. Teodoro. PL6165.4T46 M38 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Mga kaluluwa sa kumunoy : nobela. ni Efren R. Abueg. PL6165.4. A145 K34 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Morpo : mga pagsasanaysay sa tula. Allan Popa. PL6165.4P7394 M67 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Pamilya : mga katha. Eli Rueda Guieb, III. PL6165.4. G66 P34 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The Vicente Rama reader : an introduction for modern readers. translated from the original Visayan by Rudy Villanueva. PL6172.4. R34 V54 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PN - Literature

P – Philology and linguistics (General) Liars, intimidators and extortionists in Philippine media. by Ning Santos. P95.82. P6 S36 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Frequently asked questions about poetry : a review and discussion of topics from the writers workshops. by Ophelia A. Dimalanta and Gemino H. Abad ; Ramil Digal Gulle, editor. PN6101 . D54 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

PL – Philippine language and literature Ang anak ng kardenal. Halaw ni Gerardo R. Chanco sa nobelang La Hija del Cardenal ni Felix Guzzoni ; Inedit at may introduksiyon ni Roberto T. Anonuevo. PL6165.4. C5 A519 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Bagnos : ti Gumil Hawaii iti tallo a dekada (1971-2001). dagiti editor, Cles B. Rambaud ... [et al.] . PL5751 B34 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation. Bokabularyong traylinggwal : Ilocano-FilipinoEnglish. PL5753 . B65 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Eksena't saknong. Rene O. Villanueva, Ligaya G. Tiamson Rubin. PL6165.4. V719 E47 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Six uses of fictional symbols. Edith L. Tiempo. PN56. S9 T46 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. The Kambayoka book : the first thirty years of the Sining Kambayoka of the Mindanao State University, Marawi City. by Arthur P. Casanova. Introduction and edited by Rolando C. Esteban. PN2911 . C37 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PS – American literature The final cut : a novel. by Robert Westbrook ; based on the motion picture written and directed by Omar Naim. PS3573. E827 W47 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. PS – Philippine literature in English Cultural fictions : narratives on Philippine popular culture, politics, and literature. Isidoro

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

M. Cruz ; [foreword by Oscar V. Campomanes]. PS9993. C78543 C84 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

The language of science. M. A. K. Halliday ; Edited by Jonathan J. Webster. Q226 . H37 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.

In ordinary time : poems, parables, poetics, 1973-2003. Gemino H. Abad. PS9993. A15 I54 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

QA – Computer science

Life on the cusp. Rita Ledisma, Mert J. Loinaz, editors. PS9992.3 . L54 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Literature is life. Rustica C. Carpio. PS9993. C328 . L57 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Making straight circles : short story collection. Maria L. M. Fres-Felix. PS9993. F776 M34 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. On cursed ground and other stories. Vicente Garcia Groyon. PS9993. G7 O6 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Professional PHP web services. James Fuller ... [et. al.]. QA76.73. P224 P76 2003. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Web document analysis : challenges and opportunities. editors, Apostolos Antonacopoulos, Jianying Hu. QA76.9D343 W4 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. QA – Mathematics Fundamentals of fuzzy sets. Edited by Didier Dubois and Henri Prade ; foreword by Lotfi A. Zadeh. QA248.5 . F86 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation. QC – Physics

Rainbow in the sky. Alejandro C. Siazon. PS9993. S495 R35 2001. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Riots of convictions. Clemencio Montecillo Bascar. PS9993. B254 R56 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Selected poems. Merlie M. Alunan. PS9993. A45 A17 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sweet summer and other stories. Cyan AbadJugo. PS9993. J84 S44 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. The voice from Sumisip & four short stories. by Antonio Enriquez. PS9993. E53 V64 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Velvet dreams and other plays. Clemencio Montecillo Bascar. PS9993. B254 V44 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Physics for scientists and engineers. [Paul A. Tipler, Gene Mosca]. QC21.2 . T57 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. RA – Public aspects of medicine Kon mayong doktor an kababaehan : giyang pansalud para sa mga babae. A. August Burns ... [et al.] ; editor, Sandy Neimann, sanggawad kan editor, Elena Metcalf ; isinabikol kan, Center for Reproductive Health Leadership and Development, Inc., Philippines. RA564.85 . K6619 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Participation of civil society in Kusog Baga Program. Edited by Victoria A. Bautista. RA644. T7 P37 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. RC – Internal medicine. Practice of medicine

What the water said : alon poems. introduction by Marjorie Evasco. PS9992.2 . W4 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.

Rad tech's guide to MRI : basic physics, instrumentation, and quality control. William Faulkner. RC78.7. N83 F38 2002. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

Q – Science (General)

T – Technology (General)

Facets of systems science. George J. Klir. Q295 . K555 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation.

Handbook of semidefinite programming : theory, algorithms, and applications. Edited by Henry Wolkowicz, Romesh Saigal, Lieven Vandenberghe. T57.74 . H36 2000. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

In-depth analysis of linear programming. by F. P. Vasilyev and A. Yu. Ivanitskiy. T57.74 . V37 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation.

2. Instructional Media Resources

TA – Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)


Don't ever tell me you can't. Celia Ruiz Tomlison. TA140. T65 A3 2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Navigating the materials world : a guide to understanding materials behavior. Edited by Caroline Baillie, Linda Vanasupa. TA403.6 . N38 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation. TK – Electrical engineering. Electronics IEEE TENCON 2003 : Conference on Convergent Technologies for the Asia-Pacific Region : October 15-17, 2003, Bangalore, India. sponsored by IEEE Region 10 ; co-sponsored by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ; organized by IEEE Bangalore Section. TK5103.7 . T46 2003. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TP – Chemical technology Patenting life? Stop! : is corporate greed forcing us to eat genetically engineered food?. Sean McDonagh. TP248.65. F66 M34 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. TR – Photography Ten universal principles of great art and their applications to leadership and management. essays and photos by Eduardo A. Morato. TR6. A1 M67 2003. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TS – Manufactures Statistics for Six Sigma made easy. By Warren Brussee. TS156.8 . B78 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TX – Nutrition. Cookery Livelihood made simple : a compilation. Indrasena P. Wijenayake. TX725. P6 W54 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Nutrition in the Philippines : the past for its template, red for its color. Cecilia A. Florencio. TX360. P6 F5 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.




Coaching certification program skill video Derek Jarman's Sebastian Malacañang The red house Strength and conditioning for synchro

3. Archives Resources $ Faculty Papers • -

Alcuaz, Manuel Mapping the future : meningococcemia-why we self destruct

• -

Atienza, Ma. Martha The presence of hedging in male and female students enrolled in English one section C 31

• -

Azcarraga, Arnulfo Evaluating SOMs using order metrics Comparing keyword extraction techniques for WEBSOM text archives Retrieving news stories from a news integration archive An effective method for generating multiple linear regression rules from artificial neural networks Generating concise sets of linear regression rules from artificial neural networks Generalized associative memory models for data fusion Evaluating keyword selection methods for WEBSOM text archives Visualizing globalization : a self-organizing map approach to customer profiling


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Bradburry, Patricia Greenlight : a kiwi’s Philippine adventure

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Bautista, Cirilo Breaking signs : two points for poetry Breaking signs : the importance of stanza Breaking signs : respite of interesting times Breaking signs : diversions Breaking signs : December blues Breaking signs : the intention of the novel is closure

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

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Breaking signs : Zenaida Amador and F. Sionil Jose Breaking signs : change? Breaking signs : looking at the New Year Breaking signs : a harvest of books Breaking signs : some more new books

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De Asis, Karen Best market bets for this year

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De Castro, Renato Congressional intervention in Philippine post-cold war defense policy, 1991-2003 The war on terror in East Asia : from cooperative security to preemptive defense

Bautista, Ma. Lourdes Tagalog-English code switching as a mode of discourse Philippine English data for the international corpus of English project

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De Guzman, Erly The view from Taft : that attitude called gratitude

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Bautista, Marc Greenlight : finance, corporate governance and family corporations

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Dela Cruz, Alex Ian Spirituality and formative counseling : a summary and reflection

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Caluyo, Felicito Fabrication and tertiary of MEH-PPV thin semi conducting film as Potential substrate for optical wave guide

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Dela Cruz, Rena Greenlight : the future of the Philippine economy

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Chua, George Business options : save yourself

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Divinagracia, Louie Greenlight : modern organic farming in Southeast Asia The view from Taft : business longevity

Concepcion, Rene Greenlight : let’s start the season even sooner

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Cruz, Christopher Business focus : are Philippine laws ready for electronic commerce?

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Cruz, Elfren Framework : grading the government’s macroeconomic policies Framework : words of hate Framework : heroes

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Cruz, Isagani Mini critique : PEN conference in December Mini critique : Beijing blues Mini critique : lessons from China Mini critique : non-Christian Christmas Mini critique : the Christmas story Mini critique : Happy New Year Mini critique : time to change Mini critique : understanding makabayan Mini critique : PEN tomorrow

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Cusipag, Maria The reading performance of DLSU-Manila English one students during the first term of school year 2003-2004

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Duya, Donnie Liar! Liar!

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Edmiston, Minda Response of tectona philippinensis Benth. & hook (Philippine teak) cuttings to applied mykovam and biocare

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Escartin, Ace Business focus : accounting treatment of initial direct costs on lease transactions

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Espiritu, Benjamin The view from Taft corporate governance

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Esteban, Janalezza Tracing our roots : charting our paths

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Garcia, John Addy The nature and the process of developing creativity

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Gocheco, Paulina Defining a specific audience for English theme writing in high school



___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

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Hila, Antonio Culture in the new society : infrastructure for the development of musical arts


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Jimenez, Jose Victor The birth of the Philippine district of the Christian brothers

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Misalucha, Charmaine Failures at the national level : the diffusion of small arms and light weapons in the Philippines

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Ong, Jaime Business focus : English and the competitive edge

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Paloyo, Alfredo Fiscal crisis : grabbing the bull by the horns

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Quiroga, Reuben Optimum growth synthesis of tin telluride crystals A simple setup used for the study of the magnetic behavior of YBCO superconductors Fabrication of an AC magnetic susceptibility measurement system for DLSU solid state physics laboratory Unseeded vapor-deposition of B-Fe Si2 precursor Electrochemical deposition of superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O films


Juico, Philip Ella Sports for all : proposed PSC agenda 111 Sports for all : agenda for action Sports for all : FPJ and the Frisco boys Sports for all : how Japan got to the top Sports for all : Lasallians gather for athletes Sports for all : leadership Sports for all : proposed PSC agenda – V Sports for all : proposed PSC agenda –IV Sports for all : PSC agenda for action 11 Sports for all : sports officials should take cue from UN The view from Taft : signs of the times

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Lagman, Oscar To take a stand : no, no, Noynoy, no!


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Lagua, Benel Greenlight : 10 advocacies for SME sector


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Lisbona, Jose Miguel International students service program International student processing chart Ushering service forms Campus tour service forms Genre analysis of legal provisions relevant to the real estate industry

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Luistro, Armin, FSC Educators speak : from college multiversity : the challenges ahead


Lumbera, Bienvenido Traditional Philippine performance area and the indigenization of imported theater forms Macapanpan, Tristan Greenlight : a primer on logistics and supply chain management

New and noteworthy records of mosses from Mindoro, the Philippines, and their biogeographical implication The vegetation on the northeastern summit zone of Mount Halcon, Mindoro Island, Philippines Medicinal and poisonous plants 1

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Ragasa, Consolacion Antimutagenic terpenes and sterol from vitex parviflora

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Raquel, Michelle Genre based analysis of Filipino sales promotional letters

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Santamaria, Josie Ask your career counselor : other careers in the call center

Santos, Nonato Gil A simple setup used for the study of the magnetic behavior of YBCO superconductors Fabrication of an AC magnetic susceptibility measurement system for DLSU solid state physics laboratory

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Manalastas, Pia Greenlight : business as unusual


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Mandia, Emelina The alangan mangyan of Mt. Halcon Oriental Mindoro : their ethnobotany


___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -



Electrochemical deposition of superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O films 10205691 Unseeded vapor-deposition of B-Fe S12 precursor

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Scheiter, Joseph, FSC Is it 220V? a student experiment

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Sy, Dante Economics to live by : tax reform Economics to live by : economics pre-need plan Economics to live by : tax effort Economics to live by : income inequality Economics to live by : business intelligence Economics to live by : global creative class index



Measuring the gap between the company expectations and performance of MIT industrial engineering graduating students : a strategic planning tool for the School of Industrial Engineering of MIT [computer file]. Carlos, Ma. Cecilia C. 2004. TG03697 (CD).


Philippine financial market liberalization and deregulation reforms : their effects on international financial integration and implications on stock market volatility and funds management [computer file]. Delfin, Neriza Medina-. 2004. TG-03699 (CD).


Privatization strategy for the improvement of Indonesian state-owned enterprises performance [computer file]. Muchlasin. 2003. TG-03702 (CD).

Doctor of Education Educational Management

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Teehankee, Ben The view from Taft : the human face of corruption

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Tomboc, Juris Bernadette Outcomes of collective bargaining in the Philippine manufacturing industry Management prerogatives and employee participation A study of the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in relation to Phil. Law on corporate governance


Association between teaching styles and selected variables : an explanation of outstanding teaching in higher education institutions in Metro Manila [computer file]. Caneo, Virginia O. 2004. TG-03696 (CD).

Doctor of Education major in Religious Education and Values Education

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Villadolid, Albert Greenlight : Christmas traffic : my wish list


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Vital, Villamor Foreign investment in Asian stock markets Distinguishing expected returns from realized returns of the Philippine stock market by autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) The Philippine economy and the stock market : outlook for 1992-1993 The world economy and RP’s stock market in 1993-1994

Upland Tingguian Budong practices and their value integration into the Christianized family and kinship [computer file]. Sembrano, Luis Corpus. 2004. TG-03704 (CD).

Doctor of Education major in Religious Education and Values Education


Ang panlipunang pananaw ni Jose W. Diokno [computer file]. Sepeda, Bernardo N. 2004. TG-03705 (CD).

Ph. D. Chemistry


Optimization of reb A extraction and application of membrane separation and other techniques to fractionate or clean up extracts of Stevia rebaudiana, Eleusina indica and some bracket fungi [computer file]. Rosal, Rebecca B. 2003. TG-03703 (CD).



$ Dissertations •

Doctor of Business Administration


Applicability of the fractal market hypoFMH) to the Philippine stock market [computer file]. Vital, Villamor de Guzman. 2004. TG-03707 (CD).



___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering

MA in English Language Education


Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in water matrix using UV/H2O2 [computer file]. Centeno, Carmela Romero-. 2004. TG03698 (CD).


Using diary studies as a tool for professional development : a reflective approach [computer file]. Estacio, Ma. Vivian Gonzales-. 2004. TG-03712 (CD).

Ph. D. in Science Education major in Physics

MA in History


Working memory capacity, disembedding ability and problem solving techniques among college students in physics [computer file]. Vallente, Amancia Ragandac. 2004. TG-03706 (CD).

The socio-economic and political dimensions of subli among Batanguenos. Villena, Arnie Christian D. 2003. TG03770.

MA in Philosophy

Ph. D. Philosophy



Intentionality, mind, and language : phenomenological and analytical approaches [computer file]. Mabaquiao, Napoleon M., Jr. 2004. TG-03701 (CD).

Without slipping into futility : Rorty and making sense of life [computer file]. Apolega, Dennis de Guzman. 2004. TG03723 (CD).

MA in Language and Literature

Ph. D. Science Education - Chemistry



Facilitating conceptual change on matter through constructivistic teaching [computer file]. Dimagiba, Elyn Macalisang. 2004. TG-03700 (CD).

Mapping the rugged terrain : Cebuano literature in the Zamboanga peninsula [computer file]. Temple, May Lilian B. 2004. TG-03729 (CD).

MA in Educational Management


An evaluation of the pullout program for fast learners in mathematics of St. Paul College, Pasig grade school department [computer file]. Agana, Sr. Teresita A. 2001. TG-03708 (CD).

MA in Psychology


Premedicine academic variables, general well-being factors, and learning approach as predictors of academic performance among medical students. Tanedo, Maria Fe Esperanza Caridad G. 2001. FT-00135.

MA in Special Education


Correlates of stress and coping strategies of Taiwanese special education teachers handling children with mental retardation [computer file]. Tiangco, Hsin-Ting (Anny). 2004. TG-03716 (CD).


A survey on personal and family related variables among individuals with emotional disturbance and behavioral disorders :

$ Theses (Graduate) •

MA in Counseling


Self-construal and attribution styles of Filipino and Filipino-American basketball athletes [computer file]. Evangelista, Roel Manuel L. 2004. TG-03711 (CD).

MA in Early Childhood Education


Influence of selected maternal-and childrelated variables on child directed speech of Chinese-Filipino mothers [computer file]. Liu, Chiung-Jao (Sr. Aloysius). 2004. TG03713 (CD).

MA in Education - Religious Formation


The perception of gospel values and its relationship to the motivation for religious vocation and apostolic effectiveness among Korean women religious [computer file]. Yeom, Jaeyoung, CJ. 2004. TG-03717 (CD).

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

implications to social skills development. Yeh, Hui-Fang. 2002. TG-03764.

MEP-Manufacturing Management


Teacher training modules for the instruction and management of student with disabilities in inclusive settings [computer file]. Leyson, Hope. 2004. TG-03714 (CD).


A recommended remnant management system for Intel's stacked CSP memory chips. Caringal, Carisa C. 2001. TG-03742.

MS Biology

Master in Health Social Science -


Factors affecting Cebuano women's choice of an ob-gynecologist [computer file]. Pineda, Bernadette Clarisse J. 2004. TG03727 (CD).

Anatomy of Oliva elegans Lamarck 1811 and variations in the radula, penis and gonad in four species of Oliva Bruguiere 1789 (Gastropoda : Olividae) [computer file]. Manalo, Imelda Artillaga. 2004. TG-03739 (CD).


Factors affecting recommended modern family planning methods : the case of selected midwives from Metro Manila, Philippines [computer file]. Curaming, Ma. Amor M. 2004. TG-03725 (CD).


Parasitic infection of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricus) in a Bulacan farm. Puzon, Armando Gasparin, 19592003. TG-03769.

MS Computer Science


A language extension to support persistent objects in C++. Reyes, Lolita E. Villanueva. 2002. TG-03762.


A memory access semantics for user data structures adapted in an unstructured, software-oriented distributed shared memory. Dinawanao, Dante D. 2003. TG03767.

Master of Engineering - Environmental Engineering and Management


Solid waste reduction program for the manufacture of adhesive tape [computer file]. Briones, Lee Michael A. 2004. TG03730 (CD).

AutoCor : automatic acquisition of corpora of closely-related languages [computer file]. Dimalen, Davis Muhajereen D. 2004. TG03719 (CD).


Wavelet analysis of speaker-dependent speech features. Wong, Jocelynn Olida. 2001. TG-03745.

MS Guidance and Counseling


Counselors' and clients' experience of counselor self-disclosure [computer file]. Chin Mary Augustine, SABS. 2004. TG03709 (CD).


Influence of self-concept, appraisal of life events and social support on subjective wellbeing of Filipino adolescents [computer file]. Chacko, Azhakath. 2004. TG-03710 (CD).




Factors that influenced the involvement of adolescent Buntogs in Davao City in sex trade [computer file]. Megarbio, Mildred D. 2004. TG-03726 (CD). Male involvement in the prevention of violence against women and children in Metro Cebu : influences, extent and effects [computer file]. Armecin, Graeme Ferdinand D. 2004. TG-03724 (CD).

Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering


A system study on production department of Innodata Manila Facility. Pagtakhan, Eduardo A., Jr. 2001. TG-03744.

MEP- Electronics and Communications Engineering


Permanent virtual circuit on demand services for Philippine Veterans Bank [computer file]. Nuestro, Edgar Allan B. 2004. TG-03734 (CD).



___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -


Design and fabrication of paper counter [computer file]. Lopez, Siegfred I. 2004. TG-03733 (CD).


Design of a reactive control based autonomous mobile robot. Kho, Mark Jannson L. 2002. TG-03748.


Flame cutting speed controller using computer vision and neural network. Segovia, Herman Eric U. 2002. TG-03763.


A development of a student and faculty information system for the Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academy [computer file]. Yang, Chaolin. 2004. TG-03722 (CD).

Fuzzy logic implementation for the real-time control of an arterial traffic system [computer file]. Deang, Jr. Eduardo Mendoza. 2004. TG-03732 (CD).


Adopting capability maturity model integration (CMMI) technology in a Philippine organization [computer file]. Tiong, Veronica T. 2004. TG-03721 (CD).

Personal computer numerically controlled retrofitted gas cutting machine using fuzzy logic [computer file]. Trinidad, Babelio L. 2004. TG-03735 (CD).

MS Mathematics


Factorization of pretopological spaces and strong product graphs [computer file]. Lao, Angelyn Relucio. 2004. TG-03738 (CD).

MS Physics


Electrochemical deposition of Pb-DOPED Bi-Sr-Ca-CuO films [computer file]. David, Melanie Y. 2004. TG-03736 (CD).


Fabrication and characterization of MgB2 films by electrochemical deposition and post-annealing [computer file]. De Los Reyes, Glenda B. 2004. TG-03737 (CD).


Induced superconductivity in conducting polymer structures : proximity effect. Mistades, Voltaire M. 2001. TG-03743.

MS Psychology – Industrial / Organizational Psychology


Focusing on selected single working mothers : adversity quotient, perceived advantages, disadvantages and coping strategies [computer file]. Santos, Maria Cristina J. 2004. TG-03728 (CD).

MST Physics


Development and validation of process skills test in physics for high school students

MS Industrial Engineering

An application of the modified total factor productivity measurement (TFPM) model in the Cebu rattan and wood furniture industry. Leath, Delia Alota. 2002. TG-03765. •

MS Information Technology


A centralized student information system for Information and Communications Technology Center (ICTC) of Ateneo de Naga University [computer file]. Rojano, Froilan B. 2004. TG-03720 (CD).





Design of integrated student information systems for Mapua Information Technology Center [computer file]. Casio, Michelle Cidro. 2004. TG-03718 (CD). Development of a learning management system-operational support system for the consulting and education center of DLSUPSI (CEC-LMS-OSS). Malabanan, Oliver A. 2003. TG-03768.


Human resource Information system for Ateneo de Naga University. Escalderon, Elsie Fullero. 2002. TG-03747.


Information systems plan for the Pamantasan ng Lungsod Pasay. Molano, Renato Jose Ma. V. 2002. TG-03761.


The development of an online accommodation system. Ajewole, Oluwafemi. 2002. TG-03746.

MS Manufacturing Management


Conceptual design of a foldable classroom desk-chair [computer file]. Cua, Karen Jane Ngo. 2004. TG-03731 (CD).



___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -

application of the hedonic pricing model. Buguis, Alexis. Olivares, Paolo Giovanni.2000. TU-12171.

[computer file]. Nicolas, Elizabeth S. 2004. TG-03715 (CD).

$ Theses (Undergraduate) •

AB in Economics


An analysis on the determinants of the time allocation to market work or housework of married females in Metro Manila. Delos Santos, Katherine. Deveza, Ma. Pia. Usi, Desie Lou. 2000. TU-12194.

BS in Accountancy


A comparative financial ratio analysis of the top shopping mall developers and managers in the Philippines-SM Prime Holdings, Inc., Ayala Land Inc., and Robinsons Land Corporation-from 1999-2003. Ching, Harold Richmond. Luna, Miljay. Rivera, Jose Oliver. Siopongco, Clare. Tan, Eric David. 2004. TU-12274.


A feasibility study on the establishment of a Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting undergraduate study program in De La Salle University. Corella, Marie Kristine C. Legaspi, Kristine Anne A. Lim, Stephanie G. 2004. TU-12273.


Accounting conservatism and the quality of earnings in the food, beverage, and tobacco sector for the five-year period ending 2002. Co, Eileen. Rayray, Johnny, Jr. Tan, Jo anne. 2004. TU-12271.


Accounting outsourcing and its impact on Philippine publicly-listed companies. Co, Cristina Ivy. De Chavez, Catherine. Manlapig, Paul Frederick. Tamondong, Janet. Vallarta, Ma. Carmen. 2004. TU12272.

BS in Chemical Engineering


A preliminary study on the capability of burned rice hulls to reduce Escherichia coli in drinking water. Bontia, Juness S. Cabral, Kerry P. Limcuando, Vanily Rose L. 2004. TU-12234.


BChloropropionic acid-sodium-bchloropropionate buffer for the treatment of acidified geothermal fluid. Dayrit, Ma. Elena. Gabuna, Rosa Magaya. Go, Elaine Stephanie. 2003. TU-12238.


Design and optimization of a bench-scale sodium hydroxide electrolytic cell. Abundo, Bianca S. Bicol, Jay Vee G. Blaza, Kristine P. 2004. TU-12231.


Determination of acid sites of nickel oxide catalyst with different metal oxide support materials using ammonia-temperature programmed desorption method. Arganosa, Fhloem Dwight Arcillas. Aspillaga, Jeffrey Ian Bautista. Duenas, Erwin Tolores. 2004. TU-12233.


Effect of activated carbon pretreatment on the surface characteristics of Ce02/AC catalysts for the adsorption-catalytic oxidation of xylene. Cheng, Francis Louie. Co, Bryan Darcy. Ko, Jeffreyson. 2004. TU12237.


Effect of varying the initial conditions on the start-up time of a diabatic jacketed CSTR. Castrillo, Mark Angelo. Go, Jonathan Prince. Lim, Ernest Roy. 2004. TU-12236.


The extent of compliance of the Philippines to pre-qualification requirements of international education standards as prescribed by international federation of accountants. Cabading, Mauro Anthony 111. Geronimo, Ma. Carissa. Guban, Sara Luz. Sy, Kalvin. 2004. TU-12270.


Fabrication and preliminary testing of an air table for the separation of binary mixtures of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE). Marquez, Jolly Mae Nonog. Reyes, Vida Andrea Miranda. Samillano, Tanya Trio. 2004. TU-12242.

BS in Applied Economics



An analysis on attributes of low-cost Housing that affect default rates : an

Pressure drop correlation for fibrous biomasses as packing media. Jay, Juliet N. Layola, Shalymar P. Tiu, St. Anthony E. 2004. TU-12240.

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -


The effect of N,N-dimethylformamide on the drying behavior of polymeric and colloidal alumina gels. Labiano, Alpha C. Sarmiento, Karen A. Yu, Dennis. 2001. TU12241.


The effect of support material on the amount of carbon deposited on nickel oxide catalysts during the carbon dioxide reforming of methane. Holigores, Gabriel Francisco Araneta. Magboo, Ramiro Rodrigo Dote. Seriales, Aldrich Beleno. 2004. TU-12239.


The effect of temperature on partial oxidation of methane over ni0/y-A1203 catalyst. Anover, Josephine Ann W. Pagkaliwangan, May E. Pineda, John Gerald G. 2004. TU-12232.

BS in Civil Engineering


A study on utilizing coal combustion byproducts as a component for mechanically compacted concrete pavement. Bustamante, Katrina. Giongco, Joyce. Lee, Wei Te. 2004. TU-12248.


Application of individual transit trip assignment model on route choices of students of De La Salle University-Manila. Ocampo, Kristian Bryan M. Orbase, Raymond L. 2004. TU-12264.


Artificial neural network approach in the use of bottom ash waste in concrete. Quiambao, Joahna Marie DLP. 2004. TU-12267.


Artificial neural network approach on estimating project accomplishment. Aban, Edward. Alamar, RJ. Gueco, Elgin. 2004. TU-12243.


Benchmarking of Triple A construction companies in the Philippines using construction industry institute benchmarking technique. Zapranco, GIl adrian. San Martin, Bartolome 111. De Leon Billy. 2004. TU12269.


Bottom ash by-product from coal-fired powerplant in Pangasinan used as a substitute for fine aggregates in concrete. Asilo, Mark Bryan V. Pamintuan, Ceriza SJ. Roque, Anna Rebekah C. 2004. TU-12246.


Characterizing school trips of faculty and staff of the selected university in Manila. Avena, Julian Gibran O. Batoon, Anthony C. 2004. TU-12247.


Characterizing shopping malls and shopping trips in Metropolitan Manila. Nevado, Zendy M. Nopre, Ma. Lourdes. Trinidad, Joette J. 2004. TU-12263.


Coal-fired power plant by-products as a component in concrete from Quezon Province. Licup, Dianna Tan. Paule, Patricia Marie Abigael Lim. Quilicot, Christian Pernes. 2004. TU-12262.


Discrete-choice modeling of school trips of university students in Metro Manila. Diwa, Joseph Noel. Fandino, John Patrick. Sismaet, Leon Carlo. 2004. TU-12256.


Human factors in designing pedestrian facilities in mass transits. Espeleta, Albert Miranda. Sietereales, Paul Joseph Magsombol. 2004. TU-12258.


Improving the tensile strength of RCA concretes with the use of superplasticizer admixture. Gempesaw, Darwin. Ting, Brian. Wee, Hubert. 2004. TU-12259.


Inventory and seismic vulnerability assessment of highway bridges in Oriental Mindoro (Region IV-B) of the Philippines. Crisologo, Anthony Peter D. Tan, Lorenzo 11. 2004. TU-12252.


Micro hydro : a hydrologic study of the river of Barangay Minuli, Caranglan Nueva Ecija. Sia, Jasper T. Ong, Dennis Seymour C. Yniguez, Carlos Miguel M. 2004. TU12266.


Micro-hydro : Hydrologic studies and site survey. Ilagan, Michelle C. Tavanlar, Don Andres Carlos A. 2004. TU-12260.


Mode choice analysis of recreational trips in Rizal Park. Varilla, Christopher Rey A. 2004,TU-12268.


Pedestrian characteristics along the streets of Valenzuela City. Serrano, Fidel Mervin C. 2003. TU-12265.

___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 2, February 2005 -


Seismic rating of reinforced concrete buildings damaged by the 1990 luzon earthquake (Baguio City). Cruz, Rubenson M. Leyte, Louis Bernard. Opina, Roger L. 2004. TU-12254.


Seismic vulnerability assessment of highway bridges in Cebu. Landicho, Angelo. Rivera, Charles Nowell. 2004. TU-12261.


Seismic vulnerability assessment of highways bridges in Region X (Misamis Oriental). Adecer, Allen Robert M. Del Rosario, Gabriel Allan N. Tanganco, Carson Ryan P. 2004. TU-12244.


Seismic vulnerability assessment of national highway bridges in region 111. Calais, Leo James R. Castillo, Andrei Gener J. Sandil, Daniel. 2004. TU-12249.


Seismic vulnerability assessment of national highway bridges in region V (Camarines Norte & Camarines Sur). Cammayo, Jeannette. Foronda, Gimberly. Mendoza, Jean Pierre. 2004. TU-12251. Simplified method in deriving synthetic unit hydrographs (SUH). Calixto, Jose Inigo. Soller, Mark Noel. 2004. TU-12250.



The effect of the organized bus route system on vehicular flow along Epifanio De Los Santos Avenue (EDSA). De Guzman, Juan Paulo. Liao, Bradford. Lim, John Paul. 2004. TU-12257.


The effectiveness of carbon fiber reinforced polymer as a confining material to the compressive strength of concrete cylinders. Co, Wilbert K. De Jesus, Willian D. Guzman, Martin Lawrence R. 2004. TU12253.


Understanding the governing principles and controlling processes of the transport of contaminants in groundwater. Aldana, Eric Florencio B. Sy, Robert R. Villongco, Michael. 2004. TU-12245.

BS in Computer Science


Mobile internet protocol. Paguio, Charles Benjamin T. Ramon, Bryan L. Rodriguez, Jeffrey L. Villarosa, John Alexis S. 2003. TU-12153.

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