Jul 11, 2013 ... 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting .... In 2013 we are working
with the ASME to produce a quarterly newsletter from the JFE to ...
Spring 2013 Newsletter Newsletter Editor
Ramin Rahmani
In this Issue Chair’s Message Report on ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering FED Technical Committee Reports Fluid Applications and Systems Technical Committee Micro- and Nano-Scale Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee Multiphase Flow Technical Committee Computational Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation Technical Committee Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee FED Awards Honors and Awards Fluids Engineering Awards Fluids Machinery Design Award Robert T. Knapp Award Lewis F. Moody Award S. Gopalakrishnan—Flowserve Pump Technology Award Freeman Scholar Awards Technical Articles
Furnace Wall Temperature Investigation
Simulation of Heat Transfer in Low-Re Turbulent Flows in Corrugated Pipes IMECE 2012 Track 7 (Fluids and Heat Transfer) 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting Events Photographs
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Chair’s Message Jinkook Lee, Ph.D. Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to report to you another exciting year for the Fluids Engineering Division (FED). This past Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, HTFNMM2012, was held in Puerto Rico, July 8 – 12, 2012, jointly with the Summer Heat Transfer Conference (SHTC) and the 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM). This joint conference was hosted by two ASME Divisions, chaired by Dr. Jinkook Lee of Fluids Engineering Division and co-chaired by Dr. Roy Hogan of Heat Transfer Division, and Prof. Sushanta Mitra chaired ICNMM. The co-location of these conferences and the beautiful location had attracted considerable interest, in spite of an international economic downturn. The conference program consisted of more than 675 technical presentations; with participation of 2232 authors from 47 countries. Additionally there were nine Plenary Lectures and three distinguished speakers from each of the Fluids Engineering Division, Heat Transfer Division, and ICNMM.
The FEDSM Plenary Speakers were: Prof. Greta Tryggvason, Fluids Engineering Award recipient, University of Notre Dame; Prof. Pratap Vanka, Freeman Scholar Award recipient, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dr. William Morgan, 75th anniversary speaker for the Multi-Phase Flow Technical Committee and former head of the Hydromechanics Directorate at the US Navy David Taylor Model Basin as well as former chair of FED. The next Summer Conference (FEDSM2013) will be held at Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, Nevada on July 7-11, 2013. Prof. Francine Battaglia is the Conference Chair and Dr. Bahram Khalighi is the Technical Program Chair. The EC has developed and approved Graduate Student Steering Committee (GSSC) to expand student author promotion to the annual summer meetings only for full time masters or PhD ASME member students. The GSSC is chaired by Prof. Javid Bayandor with Vice-Chair (open), EC representative, Prof. Keith Walters, and H&A representative, Prof. Khaled Hammad. The visions of GSSC are to reward quality graduate work in the area of fluids engineering, improve student participation at FEDSM, provide incentives for students to join technical committees (TCs), improve student awareness to lead FED ambassador programs in their respective institutions, and promote students to continue to work with TCs and contribute to the professional activities of FED after graduation as young members. It was decided initially up to 10 awards totaling of $10,000 to the 10 best papers and other quality papers will be provided with recognitions. The FED had a good presence at IMECE 2012 in Houston, Texas on November 9-15, 2012. Prof. Francine Battaglia was our representative to IMECE2012 as the co-organizer of Track 7, Fluids and Heat Transfer. Track 7 contained total of 29 topics and 11 topics were sponsored by FED including 220 presentations and the Young Engineers Paper Contest chaired by Prof. Terry Beck selected four finalists. For the first time, Town Hall Meeting was organized and executed by Executive Committee to promote better communication with FED members and improve efficiency of time management with 6 FED Technical Committees. It was successful and will be implemented in the future meetings. Next IMECE will be held in San Diego, CA on November 15-21, 2013. Dr. Bahram Khalighi will be the organizer of the Track 8, Fluids Engineering Systems & Technologies which has 12 topics. FED participated in the Leadership Training Conference 2013 (LTC13) and the Congress of Divisions (COD) in St. Louis on February 28 - March 3, 2013. The Division was represented by Prof. Francine Battaglia, Prof. Keith Walters, Dr. David Halt, and Dr. Bahram Khalighi, members of the FED Executive Committee. I am grateful to the technical committee chairs and administrative committee chairs that are providing excellent leadership for the Division. This year’s technical committee chairs are Dr. Kamran Siddiqui (Fluid Mechanics), Mr. Wayne Strasser (Fluids Applications and Systems), Dr. Hui Hu (Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation), Dr. Raymond Gordnier (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Dr. Timothy O’Hern (Multiphase Flow), Dr. Prashanta Dutta (Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics). Dr. Khaled Hammad is the chair of Honors and Awards committee, Dr. David Stock is the chair of the Freeman Scholar Standing Committee, Dr. Malcolm Andrew is the Technical Editor of the Journal of Fluids Engineering, and Dr. Ramin Rahmani is serving as the FED Newsletter editor. Finally, the success of FED is dependent on a highly dedicated staff at ASME Headquarters. Leading the list is Erin Dolan, Technical Unit Program Manager, Jacinta McComie-Cates, Administrator, and Stacey Cooper, Nhora Cortes-Comerer, and Angela Mendez, Publications for their continued support of the Division. We invite and welcome all members including student members to become engaged in the FED activities. More on the Fluids Engineering Division and past newsletters are located on the Division website at: http://divisions.asme.org/FED/. Once again, I thank you very much for your interest and continuous support. Best regards, Jinkook Lee, Ph.D. Executive Committee Chair, Fluids Engineering Division
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Report on ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering Malcolm Andrews
The year of 2012 was a busy year for the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering (JFE), and so I am pleased to write this report about our progress, and upcoming activities in 2013. For 2012 I am pleased to report that the impact factor for the JFE increased from 0.44 to 0.747. I attribute the increase to a variety of factors that include more accurate citations, and excellent work from past and present Technical Editors and Associate Editors. It is important that the journal be cited correctly, in particular, the journal cite must read “ASME J. Fluids Eng.” for Thompson Reuter to properly count the cite. If an incorrect cite is given, then the author and the journal receive a lower cite count. The editorial office and the JFE Associate Editors are sensitive to the issue, and please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office at
[email protected] if you have any questions. During 2012 the Journal had a total of 633 submissions (up about 20% from 2011), of which about 500 were assigned to Associate Editors after a preliminary review. Of that 500 some 122 have been accepted, 122 rejected, 139 withdrawn, and 98 are in progress. These statistics compare well with 2011, and indicate that we are on-track to accept about 25% of papers submitted in 2012. In 2013 we are working with the ASME to produce a quarterly newsletter from the JFE to all authors, and reviewers, that reports JFE activities, upcoming conferences, most highly cited recent (last 2 years) papers, and perhaps a “focus” technical section. This is intended to help center readers on the ASME, and provide deadline prompts. The provisional title for the newsletter is “The Flow,” and I look forward to the first issue and any feedback/suggestions from the membership. During 2012 we have had a couple of Associate Editors finish their terms. Paul Durbin (2009-2012) and Rajat Mittal (2009-2012) both finished their second term in 2012. In addition we had Mark Stremler (2009-2012) complete working as an Associate Editor for one term. Most recently Ismial Celik (2010-2013) and Neelesh A. Patankar (2012-2013) completed their terms in March of 2013. We will miss working with each of these individuals. Individually they brought specialized expertise from their field. Their years of experience and wisdom definitely enhanced the performance of the journal while they were working as part of the Journal of Fluids Engineering team. We also had a number of Guest Editors, Deborah Pence, Shizhi Qian, David Sinton, David Stock, Shushanta Mitra, Krishnan Manesh and Sharath Girimaji assist us with Special Editions during 2012. We appreciate their assistance with our Special Edition papers, without them we couldn’t have produced the Special Issues. Joining us in March of 2013 was Dr. Shizhi Qian from Old Dominion University. In addition to our new Associate Editor, we are also excited to have Drs. Elias Balaras, Stuart Dalziel, Samuel Paolucci, Oleg Schilling, Shatoshi Watanabe, Robin Williams and David Youngs also joining the team this year working as Guest Editors to assist with additional Special Editions that are to be published during 2013. As with all fluid systems, the Journal is committed to increase submission, quality, and response to authors. To this end we continue to use a policy of Editor “pre-screening” papers when they are first submitted to give quick feedback about manuscripts that are obviously deficient. Such deficiencies typically include: poor English; formatting as a conference publication rather than for the Journal (https://journaltool. asme.org/Help/AuthorHelp/WebHelp/JournalsHelp.htm); “work-in-progress” rather than completed; “observational” conclusions rather than careful analysis and discussion; and, use of commercial software to create a “report” rather than an archival set of results of value/use to the JFE readership. To help authors with the criteria for use of commercial software the JFE published an article (Andrews,M., “Guidelines for Use of Commercial Software and Diagnostics in Articles for the Journal of Fluids Engineering,” ASME J Fluids Eng., vol. 133, iss. 1, pp010201-010202.), and I strongly encourage Page | 3
authors to review that article for helpful guidance and to pay attention to the ASME requirement on reporting numerical uncertainty (Celik, I.B., Ghia, U., Roache, P.J., Freitas, C.J., Coleman, H., et al, “Procedure for Estimation and Reporting of Uncertainty Due to Discretization in CFD Applications,” ASME J Fluids Eng., vol. 130, iss. 7, pp0780011-0780014.). Associate Editors are also encouraged to do their own prescreen, with more technical depth, prior to sending to reviewers, and to let authors (or the editorial office) know of any deficiencies that might significantly impact the likelihood of a successful review. The spirit of these pre-screenings is provide faster feedback to authors, and provide better quality papers for reviewers to consider (our reviewers are some of our future authors). We also encourage authors, whose conference papers have been ranked “journal quality”, to consider extending their paper and submitting to the JFE (after formatting to the Journal requirement). It is my experience that most conference papers report “work-in-progress”, and typically need additional results before they become of archival value. So the submission of a conference paper straight to the Journal (after the conference) is likely to be unsuccessful under a pre-screen or review. However, closer coupling of conferences to the Journal prove beneficial to both. One last significant change concerns excess page charges, these charges are not currently being assessed, but the (substantial) color print charges will remain. Thus, the previous limit of 9 journal pages is not currently in effect, but authors should be careful of excessively long papers where readers might lose interest. I close by thanking my editorial board of Associate Editors, and the editorial office, for all their hard work. Please feel free to contact the editorial office at
[email protected] if you have any questions. If you see me at a conference please do not hesitate to visit. Best regards, Malcolm Andrews Technical Editor
Fluid Mechanics Technical Committees Fluid Applications and Systems Technical Committee Wayne Strasser, Chair and Judith Bamberger, Vice-Chair
Fluids Applications and Systems Technical Committee’s (FASTC) mission is to promote the advancement and dissemination of fluids engineering research and technology in several wide-ranging single- and multi-disciplinary topic areas. These include such traditional disciplines as fluid power systems, turbomachinery, automotive flows, and industrial fluid mechanics, and can include less traditional topics such as environmental engineering, geophysical flows, extra-terrestrial physics, chemical processing, alternative energy systems, fluid vibrations and acoustics. The primary function of the committee is to coordinate and organize research symposia at two major venues for fluids engineering— the annual ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM) and the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE)—as well as other FED sponsored meetings and events. The committee meets at these events, and researchers and engineers from academia, industry and government are encouraged to exchange information on these and other topics through their participation in FASTC.
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We will sponsor two recurring symposia at the Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting in Incline Village, Nevada, July 7-11, 2013: • 25th Symposium on Fluid Machinery (lead: Kwang-Yong Kim) and the • 20th Symposium on Industrial and Environmental Applications in Fluid Mechanics (lead: Wayne Strasser). In addition, FASTC will co-sponsor the • Symposium on Issues and Perspectives in Automotive Flows (lead: Bahram Khalighi), and • 14th International Symposium on Advances in Numerical Modeling for Turbomachinery Flow Optimization (lead: Yu-Tai Lee). FASTC sponsors symposia as a part of Fluids Engineering Systems & Technologies Topic Area at the 2013 IMECE at San Diego, California, November 15-21, 2013 will include: • 22nd Symposium on Industrial Flows (lead: Wayne Strasser); and • Co-sponsors the Symposium on Wind Turbines Aero and Controls (lead: Jai Kadambi). We were pleased to welcome new members at the FASTC meetings at FEDSM and IMECE in 2013. We encourage all interested individuals from academia and industry to participate in the FASTC activities and especially to attend our symposia and technical committee meetings. If you are interested in volunteering with the committee, or if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the Chair, Wayne Strasser at Eastman Chemical Company (
[email protected]) or the Vice Chair, Judith Ann Bamberger at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (
[email protected]).
Micro- and Nano-Scale Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee David Sinton, Chair and Sushanta Mitra, Vice-Chair
It was another great year for micro- and nano-scale fluid dynamics at the IMECE.
This year the micro/nano fluid dynamics sessions had a total of 57 talks with 33 papers/talks presented in Track 7-33 and 24 papers/talks presented in Track 10-11. The sessions were well attended and there was excellent discussion following the talks. This year the symposium was also able to attract a number of papers/talks outside of USA. The 2012 Microfluidics forum was organized by with help from Jiang Zhe of University of Akron, and Chang-Hwan Choi of Stevens Institute of Technology, Iskander Akhatov of North Dakota State University. Iskander Akhatov is taking the lead for 2013, with help from Nazmul Islam Engineering from The University of Texas at Brownsville, and Shaurya Prakash from The Ohio State University. Jiang is assisting Iskander, Nazmul and Shaurya with the online review system. Invited talks are an important part of the IMECE meeting, and this past year the Forum attracted outstanding researchers John T. McDevitt from Rice University and Prof. H. Henning Winter, NSF Program Director for Fluid Dynamics to the event. John T. McDevitt is a world-leading researcher and a pioneer in the development of “programmable bio-nano-chip" technologies, and he gave a talk on “Programmable Nano-Bio-Chip Sensors: Bridging The Gaps In Healthcare”. Dr. H. Henning Winter is an established expert in fluid dynamics. Dr. Winter gave a talk on “Can A Rheological Experiment Distinguish Between A Gel And A Soft Glass?” Both researchers gave an interesting and engaging talk and participated in discussions and networking. These speakers were brought in by the keynote committee of Nazmul Islam, Shaurya Prakash, and Prashanta Dutta. This coming years’ invited talks will be organized by Drs. Cullen Buie, Michael Schertzer, and Prashanta Dutta. The Microfluidics social event was scheduled the same time as the FED Division Reception meeting, in the Hilton Americas Hotel. The social was well attended by students, faculty, and engineers from Page | 5
industry and was a great chance for attendees to meet and network in a relaxed setting. As the response was positive, the committee will keep this function to future events. The Microfluidics forum also an internal Best Student Presentation Award. This year Ali Hashmi, of Dr. Jie Xu’s group at Washington State University won the award with his outstanding presentation. To select the best presentations and papers, feedback from session chairs was collected and compiled by the internal awards committee. The Micro/Nano Society-wide Poster Forum was also a success this year and attended by many Microfluidics Forum participants. This forum, organized by Daniel Attinger, has become an important part of the conference experience for the Micro/Nano community. The Micro nano fluid dynamics technical committee met on November 13, 2012 (Tuesday), and approved the bylaws for this technical committee along with many other routine activities such as formation of subcommittees for the upcoming year. The technical committee also elected a new co-chair, Dr. Sushanta Mitra from University of Alberta, during the Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics technical committee meeting. We’re delighted to have Sushanta on the team, and look forward to an exciting year ahead. In 2013, the IMECE will be held in San Diego, California, and the organizers are currently processing the papers and sessions for this event. The Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee is looking forward to the meeting and broadening the impact of the division. This year the Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting is being jointly sponsored with ASME Heat Transfer Meeting and the International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels in Puerto Rico, USA. A number of the MNFDTC committee members are participating either by organizing sessions or presenting oral or poster submissions. Respectfully submitted by Jiang Zhe, Iskander Akhatov, David Sinton (MNFDTC chair), and Sushanta Mitra (MNFDTC co-Chair).
Multiphase Flow Technical Committee Timothy J. O’Hern, Chair and Deborah Pence, Vice-Chair
The Multiphase Flow Technical Committee (MFTC) has
had an exciting year that included celebrating the 75th anniversary of the formation of our committee. Even though our committee members have been studying multiphase flows for more than 75 years, there is still a great array of unanswered questions in this field, and the work of our committee and its members remains current and strong. The MFTC is made up of a group of engineers, scientists, and especially young professionals interested in advancing knowledge in all aspects of multiphase flow. Because the area is so broad it touches many other disciplines, including Heat Transfer, Acoustics, Manufacturing, Combustion, Bioengineering, and Micro/Nano-Electromechanical systems, to name but a few. Our main vehicle to bring the multiphase community together is to create, sponsor, and organize symposia and forums at engineering conferences: the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) and the Fluids Engineering Division (FED) Summer Meeting (FEDSM). The latter is the principal venue for MFTC activities. Our committee celebrated its 75th anniversary as part of the ASME 2012 Heat Transfer, Fluids Engineering, & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Conferences (HTFNMM2012), held in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA, last July. Special activities included a plenary lecture on the history of the MFTC presented by past chair Dr. Bill Morgan, a special session highlighting some key multiphase research done during the past 8 decades presented by 8 past MFTC chairs, and special commemorations
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of recently parted past chairs, Drs. Clayton T. Crowe (17th chair: 1984-1986) and J. William (Bill) Holl (6th chair: 1962-1964). The MFTC is sponsoring several sessions at 2013 meetings, including: FEDSM2013 (Lake Tahoe) 13th International Symposium on Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow Symposium on Non-Invasive Measurements in Single and Multiphase Flows (co-sponsored with FMITC) 48th Cavitation and Multiphase flow Forum Open Forum on Multiphase Flows: Work in Progress 13th International Symposium on Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flows 13th International Symposium on Liquid-Solid Flows 1st International Symposium on Multiscale Methods for Multiphase Flow IMECE2013 (San Diego) Forum on Recent Developments in Multiphase Flows Our committee elections were held at the FEDSM 2012 meeting in Puerto Rico. Tim O’Hern, Sandia National Laboratories, was elected to the position of chair, and Deb Pence, Oregon State University, was elected to position of vice-chair. Come join us in 2013 as we are always pleased to welcome new and active members. Please feel free to contact the chair, Tim O’Hern at
[email protected] or the vice-chair, Deb Pence at
[email protected].
Computational Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee
Raymond Gordnier, Chair and Ning Zhang, Vice-Chair The focus of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee (CFDTC) is the field of
computational fluid dynamics and related areas. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is primarily concerned with the numerical solution of the equations that describe fluid dynamics. It also often involves the related area of heat transfer. Areas of interest to the CFDTC include but are not limited to the development of algorithms for use with CFD, advanced techniques for the numerical representation of fluid flow, quantification of numerical error, verification and validation for CFD, practices and procedures for the accurate application of CFD, turbulence modeling and simulation and fundamental research and applications. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in participating in the activities of the CFDTC. The CFDTC meets twice a year at the summer Fluids Engineering Division (FED) meeting and in the fall at the IMECE meeting. At the summer FED meeting the CFDTC sponsors 5 symposia: Symposium on Applications in CFD, Symposium on Development and Applications of Immersed Boundary Methods, Symposium on DNS, LES, and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods, International Symposium on FluidStructure Interaction and Flow-Induced Noise in Industrial Applications, and Symposium on CFD Verification and Validation (co-sponsor). At the IMECE meeting the CFDTC sponsors a Symposium on CFD Algorithms and Applications for Flow Optimization and Controls and a Panel on CFD/EFD Dilemma is co-sponsored by CFDTC and FMITC. The Symposium and Panel are intended for widening
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the participation of the CFDTC and cultivating the inter-disciplinary interactions between the CFDTC and the other disciplines at the IMECE. We encourage your participation in these Symposia. The CFDTC is currently developing a new symposium, Symposium on Algorithms and Applications for High Performance CFD Computation that will have its first meetings at the 2014 FED Summer meeting. The symposium will focus on a) algorithm development for parallel computation in CFD including but not limited to domain decomposition, pre-conditioning, OpenMP, and message passing, b) algorithm development on novel high performance computing platforms such as cloud computing and GPU applications, c) CFD applications exploiting high performance computational methods and comparisons of HPC packages, and d) visualization techniques for large data sets. We look forward to your participation in this new Symposium. We welcome you to be part of the CFDTC, by coming to our TC meetings, presenting at our symposia, or volunteering to help in CFDTC activities. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact the CFDTC Raymond Gordnier (
[email protected]) Chair or Ning Zhang (
[email protected]), Vice Chair.
Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation Technical Committee Hui Hu, Chair and F. Javier Diez, Vice-Chair
The mission of the Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation Technical Committee (FMITC) is to
provide a venue for the Fluids Engineering Division (FED) to focus on measurement and instrumentation issues relevant to fluid flows. Modern fluids engineering embraces a complex spectrum of problems from the relatively simple case of isothermal, incompressible, single phase flow of Newtonian fluids to non-Newtonian multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer from the nanoscale to the macroscale. Experimental measurements and instrumentation are required in all cases to verify new theories, to certify the performance of fluid machinery, or to obtain fundamental information on processes to guide and validate the development of analytical and numerical models. The FMITC was originally organized under the Coordinating Group for Fluid Measurements (CGFM) for the purpose to foster technical and professional development activities in the area of fluid measurements in both laboratory and field measurements. FMITC is responsible to organize, promote, and present symposia, forums, and panel discussions on fluid measurements. The committee meetings of FMITC are held twice a year at the IMECE and the FED Summer Meeting. The time and date of these meetings are announced in the conference program. FMITC will organize following symposium and forums as an integral part of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting will be held on July 7-11, 2013 at Incline Village, Nevada, USA: Forum on Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation Symposium on Non-Invasive Measurements in Single and Multiphase Flow Further information about the symposium and forums is available at http://www.asmeconferences.org/fedsm2013/ FMITC will also be active at IMECE2013 to be held on Nov. 15-21, 2013 at San Diego, California to organize or co-sponsor following forums and symposium: Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation Further information about the symposiums and forums is available at http://www.asmeconferences.org/congress2013/
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The membership of FMITC is open to all professionals from Academia, Government, Industry and Private Sector interested in fluid measurement and instrumentation. If you are interested in joining FMITC or receiving announcements and/or notification of FMITC sponsored meetings and symposiums, please write to the FMITC chair, Prof. Hui Hu at
[email protected]; or the vice chair Prof. F. Javier Diez at
[email protected].
Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee
Kamran Siddiqui, Chair and David Davis, ViceChair
The Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee (FMTC) promotes fundamental and
applied fluid mechanics related professional activities within the Division and the Society. The Committee has a membership of over 60, involved in various activities related to the fluid engineering profession. The committee organizes symposia at the annual summer meeting of Fluids Engineering Division (FEDSM) and the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). These symposia cover different fundamental and applied aspects of fluid mechanics important to fluid engineering community. In 2012, FMTC organized 11 symposia at FEDSM in Puerto Rico and 4 symposia at IMECE in Houston. Professors Javid Bayandor from Virginia Tech, and Kamran Siddiqui from the University of Western Ontario completed their term in the office as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively. At FMTC meeting during FEDSM at Puerto Rico, elections were held for the positions of the Chair and Vice-Chair. Professor Kamran Siddiqui from the University of Western Ontario and Dr. David Davis from NASA Glenn Research Center were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair for a two-year term by acclamation. The committee expressed their appreciation to the Past Chair Professor Javid Bayandor for his dedication and work during his term at the office. Over the past two years, FMTC has been working with the Executive committee to introduce initiative to enhance graduate student involvement. This resulted in the establishment of a Graduate Student Track. Past FMTC Chair Professor Javid Bayandor who played a key role in the formation of this Track is serving as its first organizer. At FMTC meetings held during FEDSM at Puerto Rico and IMECE at Houston, among other topics, members discussed various ideas about how to improve student participation in these conferences which include student poster exhibition judged by a panel with prizes. Members also discussed the idea of introducing a short course or a workshop during FEDSM. At FEDSM 2013 to be held at Lake Incline Village, NV, FMTC is co-sponsoring two plenary talks. The plenary talk by Professor Jerry Westerweel from Delft University is co-sponsored by FMTC, FMITC and FASTC, and the plenary talk by Dr. D.R. Reddy from NASA Glenn Research Center is co-sponsored by FMTC and CFDTC. The aim of FMTC is to foster professional activities that can contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of fluid mechanics. We encourage and welcome membership and participation from professionals, academics and students with interest in fluids engineering. Such involvement is the key to achieve our mission. We therefore invite you to join us during either or both of our bi-annual committee meetings at FEDSM or IMECE. Please contact us at
[email protected] (Kamran Siddiqui) or
[email protected] (David Davis) with your questions or comments concerning FMTC.
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Honors and Awards Khaled J. Hammad, Chair
The Honors and Awards Committee consists of six members, typically past chairs of the Fluids Engineering Division technical committees. The 2013 Committee members include Professor Theodore J. Heindel (FMITC) of Iowa State University, Dr. Miguel Visbal (CFDTC) of Air Force Research Laboratory, Professor S. Balachandar (MFTC) of University of Florida, Professor Deborah V. Pence (MNFDTC) of Organ State University, Wayne Strasser (FASTC) of Eastman Chemical Company, and the Committee Chair Professor Khaled J. Hammad (FMTC) of Central Connecticut State University. More about the Fluids Engineering Honors and Awards Committee can be found at http://divisions.asme.org/FED/Fluids_Award_Committee.cfm. Detailed descriptions of the ASME Society and FED Division Awards presented by the Honors and Awards Committee can be found at http://divisions.asme.org/FED/Honors_Awards.cfm. The following is a brief description of the awards offered and the 2012 recipients.
Fluids Engineering Award The Fluids Engineering Award is conferred upon an individual for outstanding contributions over a period of years to the engineering profession and in particular to the field of fluids engineering through research, practice or teaching. More details can be found at http://www.asme.org/about-asme/honorsawards/achievement-awards/fluids-engineering-award. The recipient of the 2012 Fluids Engineering Award was Professor Gretar Tryggvason. He is currently the Viola D. Hank Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He served as the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute from 2000 to 2010, and before that he was an assistant, associate and full professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for fifteen years. Professor Tryggvason received his doctorate from Brown University in 1985 and spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at the Courant Institute. He has also held short term visiting positions at Caltech, NASA Lewis Engineering Research Center, University of Marseilles, and University of Paris VI. Professor Tryggvason is best known for developing, with his students and collaborators, a front tracking method for direct numerical simulations of multiphase flows and the use of this method to examine several systems, including bubbly flows, droplet motion and boiling. He is the author of over hundred journal papers and numerous other publications, and has supervised over twenty doctoral dissertations. Professor Tryggvason is an active member of several professional societies, a fellow of the American Physical Society and ASME, and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computational Physics.
Fluids Machinery Design Award The Award, presented biennially, honors excellence in the design of fluid machinery involving significant fluid mechanics principles, which benefits mankind as exemplified by product use within the past decade. More details can be found at http://secure.asme.org/honors_sup/hdetails.cfm?id=277. The recipient of the 2012 Fluids Machinery Design Award was Dr. Leroy H. Smith, Jr. After receiving a Dr. Engrg. Degree from Johns Hopkins in 1954, Dr. Smith joined General Electric Aircraft Engines (GEAE) in 1954. He continues as consultant to GE since retirement in January 1994. He established many of the aerodynamic design procedures still being used to design GE axial-flow fans and compressors, He was responsible for the use of low Mach number multi-stage testing as a tool for research and development. In 1969, Dr. Smith received the top GEAE award for his aerodynamic design of the CF6 engine fan configuration. In 1983 he was co-winner of this award for the aerodynamic design and development of the 23:1 pressure ratio, 10-stage compressor for the NASA/GE Energy Efficient Engine. This compressor design is currently being used in the GE90 and GEnx Engines. In 1987 he won the Charles P. Steinmetz Award for outstanding technical contributions of General Electric engineers and scientists to the Company and to society. Dr. Smith is a Fellow of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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and has written numerous papers on turbomachinery design. He is past chairman of the ASME Gas Turbine Division Turbomachinery Committee. In 1981 and again in 1987 he was the winner of the ASME Gas Turbine Award for the most outstanding technical paper of the year. In 1987 he received the ASME R. Tom Sawyer Award for important contributions to advancing the purposes of the gas turbine industry, and in 1993 he received the ASME Aircraft Engine Technology Award for sustained personal creative contributions to aircraft engine technology. In 2001 he received the international ISOABE Award for his technical contributions and leadership in the Aircraft Engine Community. He is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Robert T. Knapp Award This award is given for the best paper presented at the Fluids Engineering Division sponsored sessions dealing with analytical, numerical and laboratory research. More details can be found at http://secure.asme.org/honors_sup/hdetails.cfm?id=348. The 2012 Knapp Award was presented to Yuval Doron and Andrew Duggleby for their paper entitled: “Optical Density Measurements and Analysis for Single-Mode Initial-Condition Buoyancy-Driven Mixing,” (IMECE2010-38206). Yuval Doron has a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Texas A&M University, a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and 6 years of service in the US Navy as a steam propulsion Engineer & Electro Hydraulic Winch specialist. He has over 15 years metal fabrication and design experience and is currently the President/ founder of Exosent Engineering, located in College Station, TX. Andrew Duggleby received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech, a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and in Physics from Texas A&M University. Andrew is currently an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. To date he has graduated 1 Ph.D. student and 6 M.S. students, published 10 journal papers and 8 peer-reviewed conference papers, and teaches graduate and undergraduate courses is fluid mechanics, turbulence, and numerical methods. Andrew is also currently the CTO/founder of Exosent Engineering, located in College Station, TX, and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas.
Lewis F. Moody Award The Lewis F. Moody Award is given for the best paper presented at the Fluids Engineering Division
sponsored sessions dealing with a topic useful in mechanical engineering practice. More details can be found at http://secure.asme.org/honors_sup/hdetails.cfm?id=349. The 2010 Moody Award was presented to Arvind Jayaprakash, Chao-Tsung Hsiao, and Georges Chahine for their paper entitled “Numerical and Exprimental Study of the Interaction of a Spark-Generated Bubble and a Vertical Wall,” (IMECE2010-40515). Arvind Jayaprakash is a Research Scientist at DYNAFLOW, INC. He obtained his M.S degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2007. Prior to joining DYNAFLOW, he was a graduate research assistant at the Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory (CFDRL) under Dr. Urmila Ghia and Dr. Karman Ghia. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras, India in 2004. At DYNAFLOW, Arvind works on a spectrum of projects involving applied and fundamental analysis, numerical simulation, and experimentation. His research interests include bubble dynamics, cavitation, multi-phase flow, fluidstructure interactions and material erosion due to cavitation. Chao-Tsung Hsiao is a Principal Research Scientist at DYNAFLOW, INC. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Naval Architecture at the National Taiwan Ocean University, then a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering (1992) and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (1996) from the Pennsylvania State University. He was a postdoctoral research associate at Penn State for one and half years before joining DYNAFLOW in 1998. His research experience includes cavitation, bubble dynamics, multiphase flow, vortex flow, boundary layer separated flow, turbulent flow, ship and wave hydrodynamics, shock, fluid structure interaction, and inverse problems/optimization studies. Georges L. Chahine is the pesident and technical director at DYNAFLOW, INC. He graduated as a Civil Engineer from the University St Joseph Lebanon, then as a Naval Architect from ENSTA, Paris. He then obtained a Docteur Ingenieur and a Doctor es Sciences degrees from the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France in 1979. He conducted R&D work for 8 years with Tracor Page | 11
Hydronautics before founding DYNAFLOW in 1988. He has been involved with fundamental and applied studies on cavitation, two-phase flows, bubble dynamics, fluid structure interaction, cavitating jets, acoustics, ship hydrodynamics, environmental studies and useful applications of cavitation.
Sankaraiyer Gopalakrishnan-Flowserve Pump Technology Award The Award was established in July 2006, with funding generously provided by the Flowserve
Corporation, in honor of the late Dr. Sankaraiyer Gopalakrishnan, “Gopal”. The award is presented biennially in recognition of outstanding achievement in pump technology, documented through publications and testimonials of peers and coworkers and in keeping with Gopal’s dedication to the education of the next generation of expert pump engineers. More details can be found at http://secure.asme.org/honors_sup/hdetails.cfm?id=548.
Freeman Scholar Awards
The Freeman Scholar Award is presented on even years to an experienced person working in the fluids engineering area. The awardee is expected to write a review of a topic in his/her area of specialization, make a presentation at the Annual Summer Meeting, and have the review published in the Journal of Fluids Engineering. The 2012 award was presented to Professor Pratap Vanka from the University of Urbana-Champaign. The topic of his presentation and paper was “Computational Fluid Dynamics on Graphical Processing Units (GPU).” Professor Vanka has been active in CFD research since the early 70s when the first CFD codes were developed. His plenary presentation at FEDSM 2013 was well received and his paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Fluids Engineering.
The 2013 members of the Freeman Scholar Award committee are Stathis Michaelides of the Texas Christian University, Tim O’Hern of Sandia National Laboratories, and Dave Stock of Washington State University (chair). The ASME Freeman Scholar Committee is seeking applications and nominations for the Freeman Scholar Award, which recognizes outstanding individuals for their Fluids Engineering applications. Application for the 2014 Freeman Scholar Award is due on September 1, 2013. Please find details at https://www.asme.org/about-asme/honors-awards/literature-awards/freeman-scholar-award. Members of the 2014 Freeman Scholar Committee include Timothy O’Hern (chair), Stathis Michalides, and David Stock.
Furnace Wall Temperature Investigation Wayne Strasser and George Chamoun
Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN, USA INTRODUCTION It is desired to keep the outer metal walls of a heat transfer medium (HTM) furnace warm enough to prevent corrosion. A computational study was carried out in order to assess the normal and lowest possible sheet metal temperatures. The findings were presented at 2012 ASME IMECE in Houston, TX. Here, a short summary is presented. , HTM is heated in a two-stage furnace assembly (Fig. 1), which is 5.7 meters in diameter and 16 meters high. It entails a convection section at the top, where heat transfer to the HTM coils is dominated by forced convection, and a lower section, where the heat transfer to the coils is dominated by radiation. HTM enters four groups of coils at the top at a total rate of 0.255 m3/s and at a temperature of 338°C, weaving back and forth laterally through the convection section. It then flows up and down through coil pipes that alternate vertically around the inner circumference of the Page | 12
radiation section (Fig. 2). At the bottom of the radiation section, there is a swirling burner assembly as shown in Fig. 3. The left side shows the overall proximity of the burner and the right side shows a closeup of the assembly itself. 99% of the air is fed through the main swirling entry, and 1% is fed through the annular secondary feed. Fuel is fed in small entry holes in the annular space between the swirling air feed and the secondary air. Two types of fuel are fed, the majority of which is natural gas. Approximately 5% of the fuel feed is waste gas. It is treated as methane in this study. The various materials making up the layered walls of the radiant section are of a particular interest. The goal of this work is to study the temperatures of the 1/16” thick Hastelloy C276 and the adjacent 3/16” thick carbon steel (CS) sandwiched between 6” of ceramic fiber inner liner and 3” of mineral wool insulation blanket. Both metals are referred to as “sheet metal” because of their relatively low thickness. Due to the presence of bromine in the waste gas, there is a risk of sheet metal corrosion. It is preferred that the sandwiched metals stay above 150°C. We will be seeking two types of solutions, those that are “typical” and those that represent the coolest possible scenario. The external insulation face is exposed to wind at 15MPH at 16°C, which equates to an external heat transfer coefficient of 11 W/m2K. Emissivities of various materials are taken from the open literature at the appropriate temperature ranges, which required fine tuning after the base case was complete; component temperatures were not known a priori. There is some uncertainty in the exact emissivity value of the ceramic inner liner, so a range of values was tested. Table 1 summarizes the studies. The fuel feed rate is 0.364 standard m3/s. Two air feed rates are determined by what was required to meet the target plant value for excess oxygen in the flue gas outlet. Table 1: Computational study matrix
Case A B C D E F G H I J
Fuel Rate Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Low Low
Air Feed Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Low
# Ray 32 36 28 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Abs. Cer. FTS Vol. Averaged Temp. [°C] ACR CF e Chem. [s] Flue Cer. C276 CS Wool 11 1 0.35 WD1 0.06 755 456 420 420 228 11 1 0.35 WD1 0.06 755 456 419 419 228 11 1 0.35 WD1 0.06 754 456 419 419 228 6 1 0.35 WD1 0.06 756 456 419 419 228 6 3 0.35 WD1 0.06 732 458 422 422 229 6 1 0.35 WD1 0.03 759 458 422 422 229 6 1 0.78 WD1 0.03 753 451 415 415 226 6 1 0.35 Flam. 0.03 738 451 416 416 226 6 1 0.35 Flam. 0.03 647 406 375 375 205 6 1 0.35 Flam. 0.03 390 319 295 295 163
Exc. O2 Req. [%] 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 17.2 N/A N/A
Flue Out. Temp. [°C] 527 527 527 535 484 522 520 517 483 421
The Reynolds-averaged linear momentum balance, species balance, energy balance, and fully differential
Reynolds stress relation are discretized and solved using a commercial ANSYS V13 double precision unstructured solver utilizing a vertex-based finite volume method in which each term is converted to mesh element volume integrals and element surface integrals. A high resolution algorithm is used to discretize advection terms. Mass flows are discretized using a Rhie-Chow approach, to avoid pressure decoupling on the co-located grid. Newton-Raphson linearization addresses compressibility effects. Viscous stresses, diffusion terms, and the pressure gradient are discretized using typical finite element shape functions. These shape functions depend on the mesh element type. Velocity and pressure are coupled together in the same matrix, making the solution algorithm fully implicit. Finally, a coupled ILU algebraic multigrid technique is used to solve the resulting system of matrices. Although combustion is technically unsteady, the steady solver was used in the present work in order to save months of calendar time. A method of false time stepping (FTS) is used to progress forward, and the effect of this step size is considered. For all cases, the fully differential “BSL” Reynolds stress model (RSM) is employed. An automatic wall treatment addresses the variable grid density near the walls. The turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers are 0.9 and 2.0, respectively. More on RSM can be found in Strasser (2008), and the effects of turbulence approaches may be worth pursuing at some point. An issue with radiation regards the size of the mesh considered for the radiation computations. Theoretically, the complete modeled domain could be included, making the actual coarsening rate (ACR) equal to unity. If only 1/6th of the domain is involved, the ACR would be 6. Table 1 shows that two ACR values were tested. It should be clearly noted that more testing was carried out than is shown in Table 1; for the sake of space conservation, only the most important models are discussed here.
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RESULTS Case A results were compared with plant data.
Specifically, the only known data were the HTM temperature rise across both sets of coils, the HTM differential pressure across both sets of coils, and the flue outlet excess oxygen molar concentration. The differences between CFD and plant values were 1.5%, 4.8%, and -0.41% respectively. At typical plant fuel and air feed rates, evaluations were carried out to ascertain the range of expected results as a function of some modeling choices. Cases A, B, C, D, and F involved the effects of the number of rays for radiation tracing, radiation grid coarsening rate (ACR), and the size of the false time steps (FTS) for the steady solver. Three sets of numerical results were used as measures, specifically the axial gradients of sheet metal temperature, ceramic inner linear temperature, and flue velocity. The axial coordinate of the domain was divided into approximately 50 successive slices. On those slices, areabased averages were used for the temperatures, while peak planar values were sequestered for the flue velocity. The results are shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Notice that temperature curves end at ~0.8 for the normalized axial coordinate, which is simply representative of the fact that the ceramic and sheet metals do not extend up into the convection section. It is seen that for the sheet metal temperature, the only item that seems to matter much is the halving of the FTS. It does not significantly affect the volume-averages, but only adds inflection to the axial profile (higher in the bottom, lower up top). The ceramic temperatures and peak flue velocity behave similarly; the lower FTS raises the values in the bottom and lowers them in the top. Cases F and H offer a direct comparison of combustion modeling at typical fuel and air flows. The flamelet approach “H” produces higher metal temperatures near the bottom and lower near the top, but the volume means for all materials are lower with the flamelet model. Figures 7 and 8 show flue temperatures on two planes; one plane in Fig. 7 is an axial mid-slice, and the other is a horizontal slice near the burner. Figure 8 shows various axial slices moving up the radiation section. Blue is 25°C, while red is 1500°C or higher for both figures. Obviously, the pre-mixed flue (“F”, left) is hotter, which concurs with Yin et al. (2010). It may seem confusing that the higher pre-mixed flame temperatures result in lower metal temperatures; however we see in Fig. 6 that the pre-mixed flue velocities are lower, by as much as 50%, near the bottom. Not only is the velocity lower, but the turbulent kinetic energy, presumably affecting inner wall boundary layer heat transfer, seems to be lower for “F” as is depicted in Fig. 9. The scales are different, with the left (F) being 0 to 200 and the right being 0 to 550 m2/s2. Evidently, forced convection plays an important role in bounding wall heat transfer in the radiation section. It should be noted that the amount of excess air in the feed had to be increased for the flamelet model in order to meet the plant flue outlet excess oxygen concentration. For the pre-mixed model, the excess air requirement was 12.3%, while it was 17.2% for the flamelet approach. A couple of radiation issues are addressed in cases D through G at typical fuel and air flows. For case E (compared with D), the gas phase absorption is arbitrarily increased by 3x. For case G (compared with F), the ceramic inner linear emissivity is nearly doubled. Values ranging from about 0.3 to about 0.8 can be found in the open literature for refractory-type materials, so model sensitivity is sought. Raising the gas absorptivity significantly lowered the flue temperature at the expense of solid temperatures. Raising the ceramic emissivity lowered all temperatures throughout. In terms of axial profiles, the higher absorption didn’t change the results much, but all solid temperatures were shifted down for the higher ceramic emissivity. At the ends, it should be mentioned that dramatic changes in fuel and air flows were considered and the results were reported in the original paper by Strasser and Chamoun (2012) that showed some interesting differences made possible by the use of the flamelet approach.
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Convection section
Flue outlet plane
Sandwiched metal vertical layers
Radiant section
Fig. 1: Computational mesh for two-stage HTM furnace
HTM inlets
HTM outlets
Fig. 2: Coils in the radiation section (red) and convection section (blue)
Waste Gas
Secondary Air Fuel
Primary Air
Fig. 3: Swirling burner assembly at the bottom of the furnace on left and a close-up on right
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Fig. 4: Axial area-averaged temperatures in the sheet metal layers inside the radiation section walls
Fig. 5: Axial area-averaged temperatures of the radiation section ceramic inner liner
Fig. 6: Axial peak flue velocities across the entire unit.
Fig. 7: Flue temperature contours on two slice planes for cases F and H over the range of 25 to 1500°C
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Fig. 8: Flue temperature contours on multiple axial slice planes for cases F and H over the range of 25 to 1500°C
Fig. 9: Flue turbulent kinetic energy contours for cases F and H with different ranges; left is 0 to 200, while the right is 0 to 550 m2/s2
Fig. 10: Flue velocity magnitude contours on slice planes for cases F and H over the range of 0 to 50 m/s
REFERENCES Strasser, W., 2010. “Towards the optimization of a pulsatile three-stream coaxial airblast injector.” International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37, 831-844. Strasser, W. S., Feldman, G. M., Wilkins, F. C., and Leylek, J. H., 2004, “Transonic Passage Turbine Blade Tip Clearance With Scalloped Shroud: Part II—Losses With and Without Scrubbing Effects in Engine Configuration,” ASME Paper No. IMECE2004-59116. Page | 17
Strasser, W., 2007. “CFD Investigation of Gear Pump Mixing Using Deforming/Agglomerating Mesh.” Journal of Fluids Engineering 129, 476 – 484. Strasser, W., 2008. Discrete particle study of turbulence coupling in a confined jet gas-liquid separator. Journal of Fluids Engineering 130, 1 –11. Yin, C., Johansen, L., Rosendahl, L., and Kaer, S., 2010, “New weighted sum of gray gases model applicable to CFD modeling of oxy-fuel combustion: Derivation, validation, and implementation,” Energy Fuels, 24, 6275-6282.
Simulation of Heat Transfer in Low-Re Turbulent Flows in Corrugated Pipes Ramin Rahmani, Eric Arnold, and George Kraus A. O. Smith Corporation, Johnson City, TN, USA INTRODUCTION Enhancement of convective heat transfer in internal turbulent flows with low-to-moderate Re number
has been the subject of numerous studies, due to its vast applications. Corrugated surfaces can be used as enhancement devices in the heat convection systems. An ideal corrugation, for heat transfer in internal flow applications, provides a higher heat transfer rate with minimized pressure drop. The ratio of heat flux to the pressure drop can be used to determine the efficiency of a design. Numerical simulation is used to study the thermal performance of corrugated pipes in low-Re number turbulent flows. The impacts of different geometry parameters on heat transfer are investigated. The total length of the pipe and its hydraulic diameter are the same for all cases. Dimensions of the corrugated pipes are shown in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the schematics of the studied corrugated pipe. Table 1: Geometrical characteristics of the motionless inserts Pipe length 500 mm Pipe diameter 50 mm Total number of corrugated segments 8 Corrugation half depth 2, 3, 4 mm Corrugation pitch length 50 mm Entrance/Exit length 50 mm
METHOD In this study, Smagorinsky-Lilly model is used for solving the subgrid-scale eddy viscosity. About 3.9 million unstructured hexagonal cells were used to study four different geometries. A second-order commercial code was employed for the study. Pressure-velocity coupling is achieved by using the SIMPLEC algorithm. No-slip boundary conditions are applied to the pipe’s wall. Its surface is assumed to be adiabatic at the entrance and exit regions and its temperature is set at 700 K elsewhere. Constant mass flow rate of 117.81 g/s and fluid temperature of 300 K are applied at the inlet. The velocity profile for fully developed flow in a tube is used at the flowfield inlet.
RESULTS Flow and thermal fields in corrugated pipes were analyzed for Re = 3,000. Table 2 summarizes the pressure drop across the corrugated region and vorticity magnitude at trailing cross-section of the corrugated pipes that are non-dimensionalized using the same parameters from the plain pipe. As the corrugation depth increases the pressure drop across the pipe increases. The rate of pressure drop raise increases noticeably from about 59% for 2mm corrugation to about 437% for 4mm corrugation. For the cases of K = 1 W/mK, Table 3 summarizes the heat flux using the values of the plain pipe as reference. It also presents the Nusselt numbers. Using 2mm corrugation increases the heat flux by about 20% Page | 18
compared to the plain pipe. Increasing the corrugation to 3 mm improves the heat flux by an additional 3%. Using 4mm corrugation improves the heat flux by an additional 13% (compared to the 2mm corrugation). This is partially due to an improved heat transfer coefficient. The Nusselt number is improved by 29% in 4mm corrugated pipe, compared to the plain pipe. Also, increased contact surface area contributes to the heat transfer enhancement to a total improvement of about 36%. Table 2: Dimensionless pressure drop and vorticity magnitude Corrugation half Pressure drop ratio Vorticity ratio depth (mm) 2 1.588 1.005 3 2.575 1.081 4 4.371 1.136 Table 3: Dimensionless heat flux and Nu (K = 1 W/mK) Corrugation half Heat flux ratio Nusselt No. depth (mm) 0 1.000 15.8 2 1.197 17.9 3 1.233 18.2 4 1.356 19.6 Table 4: Dimensionless pressure drop heat flux (K = 0.01 W/mK) Corrugation half Pressure drop ratio Heat flux ratio depth (mm) 2 1.588 1.904 3 2.575 2.112 4 4.371 2.308 Table 5: Heat flux to pressure drop ratio Heat flux to pressure Heat flux to pressure Corrugation half drop ratio drop ratio depth (mm) K = 1 W/m.K K = 0.01 W/m.K 2 0.8 1.2 3 0.5 0.8 4 0.3 0.5
The impact of corrugation geometry on the flow and thermal fields are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 in axial flow cross sections. As expected the area affected by turbulence is limited to the fluid neighboring the wall in a smooth pipe, while in a 4mm corrugated pipe a large portion of the flowfield experiences relatively higher turbulence. The funnel shaped low turbulent region narrows down rapidly in the case of corrugated pipe. The temperature contours follow that pattern in general terms. The size of the cold fluid zone reduces sharply in the corrugated pipe as the flow passes through the pipe. The local hot zones are limited to near-wall-diverging sections where the flow turbulence is less pronounced. The temperature contours across the corrugated pipe at 2nd, 4th, and 6th pitch cross-sections (and corresponding sections in plain pipe) are shown in Figs. 4-7. At the end of 2nd pitch, the impact of the upstream corrugations on the heat transfer and fluid temperature is less pronounced, especially for the 2mm corrugation. It improves noticeably as the corrugation depth increases. As the fluid goes through the corrugated pipe, the impact of the corrugation on heat transfer and fluid temperature becomes more pronounced even for the 2mm corrugation. The temperature at the 6th pitch is raised by about 5% using a 2mm corrugation, while it is improved by 6.7% using 3mm and by 8.9% using 4mm corrugation. The upstream temperature field is unaffected by the downstream corrugations. As the corrugation depth grows the size of cold fluid zone in the core region reduces and also the hot zone adjacent to the solid wall diminishes, showing enhanced heat convection in the flowfield. Table 4 presents the pressure drop and heat flux ratios when K = 0.01 W/mK. As expected, the pressure drop across the flowfield is not affected by the fluid thermal conductivity since the rheological properties of the fluid is unchanged. The impact of surface corrugation on the heat transfer is more pronounced as the thermal conductivity of working fluid decreased; the heat flux increased by an additional 66% on average, compared to a plain pipe. To quantify the performance of different corrugations studied in this work, the ratio of heat flux to pressure drop is presented in Table 5. The associated increase in pressure drop to enhance the heat Page | 19
transfer rate increases as the corrugation depth is increased. It is also seen that the corrugation pipes are more effective for fluids with lower thermal conductivity. The corrugated surfaces can increase the heat transfer rate significantly compared in a pipe, especially when the thermal conductivity of the working fluid is low. As the corrugation depth increases the heat transfer is improved, however the rate of improvement diminishes, while the associated pressure drop in the pipe increases noticeably.
Figure 1: Corrugated pipe
Figure 2: Smooth pipe (Top: temperature contours, bottom: contours of turbulent kinetic energy)
Figure 3: 4mm corrugated pipe (Top: temperature contours, bottom: contours of turbulent kinetic energy)
Figure 4: Temperature contours in a plain pipe at cross-section similar to 2nd, 4th, and 6th corrugation pitch
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Figure 5: Temperature contours in a 2mm corrugated pipe (Top to bottom 2nd, 4th, and 6th corrugation pitch)
Figure 6: Temperature contours in a 3mm corrugated pipe (Top to bottom 2nd, 4th, and 6th corrugation pitch)
Figure 7: Temperature contours in a 4mm corrugated pipe (Top to bottom 2nd, 4th, and 6th corrugation pitch)
REFERENCES Rahmani, R. K., Keith, T. G., and Ayasoufi, A., 2006, “Numerical study of the heat transfer rate in a helical static mixer”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 128 (8), pp. 769-783. Rahmani, R. K., Tanbour E. Y., Ayasoufi, A., and Molavi, H., 2010, “Enhancement of Convective Heat Transfer in Internal Compressible Flows by Stationary Inserts”, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2(1), pp. 011005-1-10. Smagorinsky, J., 1963, “General Circulation Experiments with the Primitive Equations. I. The Basic Experiment”, Month. Wea. Rev., 91, pp. 99-164. Lilly, D. K., 1966, “On the Application of the Eddy Viscosity Concept in the Inertial Subrange of Turbulence”, NCAR Manuscript 123.
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IMECE2012 Track 7 Fluids and Heat Transfer Francine Battaglia
The 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition was held
at the Hilton Americas in Houston, Texas from November 9-15. The success of the 2012 conference was evidenced by having one of the largest attendances on record! Track 7 captured many of the presentations related to fluids and heat transfer, and was coorganized between the Heat Transfer Division representative, Prof. S.A. Sherif, and the Fluids Engineering Division representative, Prof. Battaglia. Within Track 7, there were 500 technical presentations; the FED portion of Track 7 included 11 recurring topics for which there were approximately 200 presentations, comprising 40% of the track. A poster track was also included in the IMECE program to provide a venue for additional presentations that could not be accommodated in the technical sessions. The poster session, Track 11-7, included 20 poster presentations related to fluids and heat transfer. Some of the FED highlights included the Young Engineer Paper (YEP) contest, which is annually organized by Prof. Terry Beck, Dr. James Liburdy and Dr. Malcolm Andrews. The winners of the 2012 IMECE YEP contest who were recognized at the FED Reception include: 1st place to Ian McKay, “(IMECE2012-93081) A mm-Scale Aeroelastic Oscillation-Based Anemometer” 2nd place to Feng Zhou et al., “(IMECE2012-85059) Numerical Investigation on Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer of Rectangular Channels with Elliptic Scale-Roughened Walls” 3rd place to Jiho You et al., “(IMECE2012-93080) Optimization of Propulsion Kinematics of a Foil Using Integrated CFD-CSD Simulations” honorable mention to Thomas A. Metzger et al., “(IMECE2012-93091) Hemodynamic abnormalities in stented carotid artery – A fluid structure interaction study” A new activity for the FED community was the “FED Towne Hall Assembly” to disseminate general information outside of the regular technical committee meetings. Approximately 50 people attended the assembly and provided feedback to the FED Executive Committee. We will continue to hold the assembly at the winter and summer conferences in an effort to enhance communication and interactions with the FED members, and provide a venue to bring the entire community together to discuss technical matters.
2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting The Fluids Engineering Division will host the 2013 summer meeting near the picturesque Sierra Mountains of Nevada at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Spa, Resort and Casino at July 7-11, 2013. The event will culminate interaction between colleagues in academia, industry and government and provide opportunities for participants to present their ideas and activities in fluids engineering. There will be many symposia covering a range of topics from fundamental fluid dynamics to micro- and nano-fluid dynamics applications to multiphase flows, including analytical, numerical and experimental approaches. There will be opportunities to network and relax with colleagues in addition to seminars and workshops, so we hope you will join us for an exciting meeting. The plenary speakers are Rodney O. Fox (Iowa State University), Dhanireddy Ramalinga Reddy (NASA Glenn Research Center), Jerry Westerweel (Delft University), George Em Karniadakis (Brown University), and the 2013 Fluids Engineering Award Recipient, Ephraim Gutmark (University of Cincinnati).
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Events Photographs
Bill Morgan presenting plenary lecture on the history of FED and the Multiphase Flow Technical Committee as part of the MFTC 75th anniversary celebration
David Halt, Leroy Smith, and Yu-Tai Lee
KSME committee members with friends for preparation of AJK2015: KwangYong Kim (KSME), Jinkook Lee (ASME), NahmKeon Hur (KSME), Yu-Tai Lee (ASME), ShinHyoung Kang (KSME), Yo Tsujimoto (JSME), Jo Katz (ASME), and Chunill Hah (ASME)
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David Halt, Javid Bayandor, and Jinkook Lee
David Halt, Yu-Tai Lee, and Jinkook Lee
David Stock, Pratap Vanka, and Jinkook Lee
Francine Battaglia and David Halt Page | 24
Jinkook Lee (FED), Roy Hogan (HTD), and Sushanta Mitra (ICNMM)
Mark Duignan, David Halt, Bill Morgan, Jinkook Lee
FED EC Members: Jinkook Lee (EC Chair), Bahram Khalighi (Secretary), Francine Battaglia (Vice Chair), Keith Walters (Member), and David Halt (Past Chair/Treasurer)
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Finalists of YEP Contest along with Malcolm Andrews and Terry Beck: Thomas Metzger, Jiho You, Feng Zhou, and Ian McKay
Jinkook Lee, Francine Battaglia and Javid Bayandor
Ted Heindel, Javid Bayandor, and Keith Walters
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