Urogynecologic Procedures Pelvic Floor Reconstructive/Repair Procedures Diagnostic or Operative Cystoscopy
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Vaginal Hysterectomy
Clarification for Minimum Case Numbers is as follows: Cases may be unbundled – for example: Stage 4 endometriosis cases may include several aspects: adnexal surgery as well as retroperitoneal dissection – this type of case can be unbundled. Cases such as Hysterectomy with USO/BSO may not be unbundled. For cases performed in the “Office Setting” – it is not the location, but the manner in which the case is performed to add to the category. For example, Hysteroscopy with Polypectomy performed in the OR, but using only local anesthesia can count towards cases performed in the “Office.” Due to the fact that these numbers represent a minimum number of cases, the Fellow must act as the Primary Surgeon for all of these cases. These are minimum requirements of cases. The Fellow should continue to pursue surgical experience and add to these minimum numbers for the duration of their fellowship.