Fellowship Program - Institute for Veterans and Military Families

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Loca on: Dog Tag Bakery. 3206 Grace Street, NW. Washington DC 20057. Contact: [email protected]. (202) 527-938
Fellowship Program Empowering the lives of service-disabled veterans, military spouses, and caregivers. The Dog Tag Inc. Fellowship works in partnership with Georgetown University to offer a professional development program designed to prepare service-disabled veterans, military spouses and caregivers to find success as they transiCon into the civilian workforce. This five month program will assist in translaCng military experience to workplace skills and provide tools to prepare for interviews and apply for jobs. Dog Tag provides a unique opportunity in which parCcipants will take courses in Business AdministraCon to understand how management decisions are made while working within a small business environment. For those with entrepreneurial aspiraCons, they will have the foundaCon to plan for the next steps in their start-up success. The 5-month fellowship program provides: •  7 courses in Business AdministraCon from the School of ConCnuing Studies at Georgetown University •  Scheduled rotaCons within different areas of the bakery and nonprofit. •  Learning lab series with guest speakers discussing lessons learned running a business, workshops on resumes, and specialized courses on telling your story. •  Networking opportuniCes with business leaders both inside and outside of the program. •  Intangible skills that are valuable in the civilian workplace. Schedule: The Dog Tag Bakery Fellowship program expects Fellows to commit to a 4-day a week schedule, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This allows Fellows to have Friday and the weekend to aUend to medical appointments, family commitments, community service commitments, etc. Eligibility Requirements: •  Post 9/11 Military Veteran with service-connected disability, Caregiver, or Spouse. •  Eager to learn and engage in professional development. •  Preparing for a career in the civilian workforce. •  Able to provide own transportaCon to and from the locaCon in Georgetown. Program Dates: January 9 through June 7, 2018 ApplicaCon Deadline: October 18, 2017 To Apply hUp://dogtaginc.org/

Program Dates: January 9 – June 7, 2018 ApplicaKon Online: www.dogtaginc.org LocaKon: Dog Tag Bakery 3206 Grace Street, NW Washington DC 20057 Contact: [email protected] (202) 527-9388 www.dogtaginc.org