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National Response Framework, An Introduction. Course Coordinator: Eva Edwards. State Training Officer, Acting. Phone: (9

Foundations of Emergency Management


Course Objectives:

August 13-17 & October 8-12, 2018

Location: Anchorage, AK

Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Course Description: FEMA recognizes the need to tie training programs to an established set of emergency management competencies and to a Career Development Program through a progressive training and education system that includes the entry-level Academy called the National Emergency Management Basic Academy. Training objectives for this course are based on the newly established emergency manger competencies that the National Emergency Management Association, the International Association of Emergency Managers, and state, local, territorial, and tribal emergency management professions have established in coordination with EMI. The following topics in emergency management are covered in this course: history, legal issues, intergovernmental and interagency context, influencing and organizing, social vulnerability issues, managing stress, collaboration, preparedness, team-building, mitigation, response, prevention and protection, ethical decision-making, recovery, technology, administration, and the future.

• Describe the foundations of emergency management in the United States, including its history, doctrine, and principles, and the role of the emergency manager. • Identify and explain legal issues in emergency management, including legal authorities for emergency management, potential legal issues, and strategies for avoiding legal risk. • Describe the intergovernmental and interagency context of emergency management, including the role of Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government organizations, individuals and households, the private sector, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the emergency management network. • Identify and apply concepts and techniques for leading through influencing, including influencing strategies, sources of power, results of applying different influence styles, and steps to build and sustain influence. • Describe the organization of emergency management for emergency response and routine operations. • Explain key factors in serving the whole community, including trends that contribute to disaster complexity, demographic characteristics that influence the disaster needs of community members, and strategies for building the resilience of the whole community.

Please see the next page for additional course information.


Foundations of Emergency Management

Course Objectives (continued):

• Describe key aspects of the Response Mission Area, including emergency operations planning, initial response actions, resource management, and managing complex incidents.

• Describe how to employ stress management techniques in an organization - both routinely and during or after an incident or period of organizational change.

• Describe key aspects of the Recovery Mission Area, including disaster recovery operations, Federal recovery programs, and emotional recovery strategies for the community.

• Explain the function of collaboration in emergency management, including benefits of and challenges to collaboration in emergency management, strategies and tools for building collaborative relationships, and a process for collaborative problem-solving. • Describe and apply team concepts in the work environment, including characteristics of effective teams, roles assumed within teams, and strategies for creating effective teams. • Explain the relationship between whole community preparedness and achieving Core Capabilities in the Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery Mission Areas. • Describe key aspects of the Prevention and Protection Mission Areas, including the nature of the missions, guiding principles, and planning issues. • Describe key aspects of the Mitigation Mission Area, including:

–How Mitigation supports Preparedness

–Roles and contributions of Mitigation   partners at all levels.

• Define and describe ethics, including the characteristics of ethical dilemmas and steps for making ethical decisions. • Describe the use of technology in support of emergency management, including:

–Communications technology.

–Technologies for enhancing emergency   management.

–Incident communications and planning.

–Technologies for communicating with   the public. • Describe administration in emergency management, including staffing, budgeting and accounting for resources, and information management. • Apply emergency management knowledge, team-building, and people management skills in a simulated environment.

–The Mitigation Planning process.

–Strategies for building local support for   Mitigation.

Please see the next page for additional course information.


Foundations of Emergency Management

Target Audience:

Course Coordinator:

This course is intended for newly appointed emergency managers from Federal, state, tribal, territorial, and emergency management agencies, and prospective professionals transferring from another discipline to emergency management.

Eva Edwards State Training Officer, Acting Phone: (907) 425-7065 Fax: (907) 428-7009 [email protected]

Priority will be given to newly appointed emergency managers and those experienced emergency managers working to become trainers for the National Emergency Management Basic Academy.

Funding: Tuition is free for those accepted; there are no travel/salary stipends available for this offering and all incurred costs are the responsibility of the attendee or sending organization.


Accommodation Requests: Alaska Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHS & EM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region X are committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation, contact Eva Edwards at least ten working days in advance at the above contact info.

Required prerequisites include Independent Study (IS) courses IS-100, Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), IS-230.d, Fundamentals of Emergency Management, IS-700, National Incident Management System, and IS-800, National Response Framework, An Introduction.

To apply: Please see the next page for the “Application Procedures and Points of Contact”

FEMA REGION X TRAINING OPPORTUNITY Application Procedures and Points of Contact To Apply:

State and Local Attendees:

FEMA Form 119-25-1 Application:

All FEMA Form 119-25-1 applications must be submitted through the appropriate state training officer (listed below), who will then forward the form to the FEMA Region X Training Team.

http://training.fema.gov/Apply/119-25-1.pdf Applicants will need to put their Student Identification (SID) in place of their social security number. If you do not yet have a SID, just follow these three simple steps to obtain one: Step 1: To register, go to: https://cdp.dhs. gov/femasid/. Step 2: Click on the “Register for a FEMA SID” button in the middle of the screen. Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account. Enrollment confirmations will be sent approximately 30-days prior to the course via email.

Federal Employees and Tribal Partners: Your supervisor must sign a completed FEMA Form 119-25-1 application and then forward to [email protected].

Alaska Eva Edwards State Training Officer, Acting Phone: (907) 425-7065 Fax: (907) 428-7009 [email protected] Idaho Gary Leeder State Training and Exercise Section Chief Phone: (208) 258-6509 Fax: (208) 422-3044 [email protected] Oregon Karen Layng State Training Officer Phone: (503) 378-3231 Fax: (503) 373-7833 [email protected] Washington Justin Fordice State Training Program Supervisor Phone: (253) 512-7056 Fax: (253) 512-7206 [email protected]