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Tech World

Fenton Chamber



New feature page on tech talk from around the world




Unbelievable, Rose Township plans on getting rid of one of their employees that actually works and yet the wonderful treasurer, hasn’t been to work in who knows how long.” — Rose 1



What a joke. How can this town say they are a part of Michigan if they are allowed to cherry pick what laws to follow, how sick. At least 63 percent of Michiganders voted for this. Fiftythree percent of America as a whole would vote for total legalization. Stop being cowards and start being truthful.” — geovs


logic: Recall ‘‘theMEA guy who outed their

outrageously expensive health insurance, wants to get rid of bad teachers, and helped balance the budget in eight months, something Granholm couldn’t do in eight years. Then hide behind the parroted line of ‘they’re hurting the kids.’ What a bunch of hypocrites the teachers and their union are.” See ONLINE on 13A



writer asking whether ‘darling Rebecca knows how to iron a shirt or scramble an egg,’ are you kidding me? I guess I should quit my job, put on my heels, and get to vacuuming. Congratulations on your doe, Rebecca.


Special pages dedicated to the Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce



Local couple celebrates a freed Libya By Tim Jagielo

[email protected]; 810-433-6795

  Most people in America have heard that ousted Libyan dictator Moammar Gadaffi was found and killed Thursday morning in his hometown of Sirte. He was found after a long battle between loyalists to Gadaffi and rebel fighters in his last seat of power in the country. Until Thursday morning, the provisional government was not sure if he was still in the country.   This week, Libyan-born Mustafa

Gheriani and his wife, Lois Van Lente, of Tyrone Township, were in Tunisia, where the celebration of Gadaffi’s death was nearly as strong as the Libyan capital of Tripoli.   “Today we have been exhilarated with the news of the capture of Gaddafi and his sons,” said Van Lente in an e-mail, from Tunis.   On Saturday, Gheriani and Van Lente headed to Benghazi which is on the east side of the country, settled on the Mediterranean Sea.

See LIBYA on 23A

Finding the perfect bottle of wine





Marijuana growing operation busted in Holly uLive marijuana plants,

cash, numerous guns and ammunition recovered By Sharon Stone

[email protected]; 810-433-6786

  The Holly Police Department is seeking an arrest warrant from the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office against a suspect responsible for growing and packaging marijuana, being in possession of more than 50 firearms and thousands of

See BUSTED on 10A


Holly police recovered dozens of firearms when they executed a search warrant at a home on Grange Hall Road on Oct. 1.

Living the American Dream Meaning of it changes from generation to generation

By Sharon Stone

[email protected]; 810-433-6786

  The American Dream — it has a different meaning just about evThe dream to eryone whom is always comes asked. Centuries ago, some peotrue. That’s ple risked everythe good thing they had thing about to travel to this unexplored land this country. with aspirations Tony Aleyas of fulfilling a perMerchant Gourmet and sonal dream. For Lockes Party Shoppe owner TRI-COUNTY TIMES | TIM JAGIELO others, it means providing for one’s family, putting food on Adam Rose, owner of Bangkok Peppers Too in Fenton, is experiencing his version of the American Dream, working in a business he owns with family members, and his sister Charna Rose Hollerbach (back, the table and a roof over their head. See AMERICAN DREAM on 12A right). “I always had dreams and ambitions, to come back and start another (restaurant),” he said.



Former mayor goes full circle uLockwood throws hat in ring

for another round of local politics


Supreme Court unanimously overrules injunction

By Sharon Stone

[email protected]; 810-433-6786

  Patricia Lockwood’s political career has come full circle. Lockwood and her husband Ron moved to Fenton in the early ‘70s. Being new to the town, she sought out places to volunteer and soon beSummary came involved with Patricia Lockwood, St. John Catholic who served as city Church, was selectcouncilwoman and ed as the executive mayor in the ‘80s and ‘90s, is running for a seat on Fenton’s city council.

See MAYOR on 23A

Paul Scott recall back on Nov. 8 ballot

“It’s still my hometown.” Patricia Lockwood

Fenton City Council candidate

Supreme Court unanimously ruled against Scott’s injunction against the recall on Wednesday, stating that it is not clear Scott can succeed on the merits that By William Axford election officials collected [email protected]; 810-433-6792 natures prematurely.   It’s on again, no   The Supreme it’s off again. Now, Summary Court ruling is the it’s on again. The The Michigan latest outcome in recall effort against Supreme Court what has been an onState Rep. Paul Scott overruled State Rep. Paul Scott’s injunction going political battle (R – Grand Blanc) is on the recall effort. See SCOTT back on the Nov. 8 Scott faces a recall on 13A ballot. The Michigan on the Nov. 8 ballot.


2A    Sunday, October 23, 2011




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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2011 PAGE 3A www.tctimes.com



revolutionizes cell phones —


The iPhone 4s has a slew of new upgrades, including the voice recognition program Siri. The iPhone 4s is sure to be the most demanded phone of the holiday season.

New iPhone 4s more connected to other Apple products u


By William Axford

Sticky can opener

[email protected]; 810-433-6792

  Apple is revolutionizing cell phones once again, and this time the culprit is the iPhone 4s. On the outside, iPhone 4s looks exactly like the iPhone 4. That extra “s” however changes everything about the iPhone. Here’s a rundown of the cell phone that’s likely to be one of the hottest gifts of the holiday season. IOS 5   Apple’s newest mobile program, IOS 5, syncs the iPhone 4s to any other Apple product that uses the IOS 5 program. iMessage can send unlimited texts, videos and pictures to the latest Mac computer,

If your manual can opener is not turning easily, insert a 3-inch wide strip of wax paper between the blades and turn the handle as usual. The paper creates friction that whisks away rust and grime, while the wax coating lubricates the blades and wheels.


Erase yellow spots

See iPhone on 8A

‘I’m shipping off to Libya’

Erase yellow spots (and mystery smells) from the dishwasher with this trick: In an empty machine, add a packet of citrus flavored drink mix to the detergent cup and run a normal cycle. The acid in the powder acts as a mild bleach.

TRI-COUNTY TIMES The Tri-County Times is published semiweekly by Rockman Communications, 256 N. Fenway Drive, Fenton, Michigan 48430. Serving the communities of: Fenton, Linden, Lake Fenton, Holly, Hartland, Byron, Gaines, Davisburg, Swartz Creek and Grand Blanc townships of: Fenton, Holly, Rose, Tyrone and Argentine. contact information

General Office......................810-629-8282 Advertising ..........................810-629-8281 Classifieds.............................810-629-8194 Circulation............................810-433-6797 Hot Line.................................810-629-9221 Fax.........................................810-629-9227 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.tctimes.com Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday

Times photographer heading into war-torn Middle East


t is almost time for me to leave.   By Thanksgiving, I’ll be an international journalist. I’ll have been in two North African countries, eaten Libyan food, drank Libyan water, and walked through an alien country where I understand less than five percent of what those around me are saying.   I’ll have completed reporting on a more exciting, difficult, frightening project than most journalists will ever undertake in their lifetime, and I’m still a new and inexperienced journalist

By Tim Jagielo

[email protected] 810-433-6787

by most measures.   If you aren’t familiar with me, my name is Tim Jagielo. I serve as photographer, photo editor, and writer for the Tri-County Times.   I didn’t wake up and decide one morning that I wanted to traipse through Libya and its hard-fought revolution as a westerner who has never left the United States. The idea grew from a question I posed to myself in early June, which grew from a question into an affirmation after many hours of soul-searching, researching, and maybe

See LIBYA on 6A

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4A    Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sounds like a lot of BS to me

  Did you know that the average cost type of practical knowledge will they of a year in college today is more than have learned that will help them find a $35,000? By the time my job? What will their mom and grandkids are of age it will dad have to show for their By Foster Childs cost approximately $240,000 $240,000 investment besides If I Were for each of them to obtain a a second mortgage on their college degree. home?   Like millions of others,   The answer is that it dethey will enter college as impends on where they go. For mature 18 year olds with no instance at Wesleyan College marketable skills or practithey could earn credits studycal experience. Four years ing Pornology, including a and $240,000 later they will final exam where students graduate college as immature make their own porn film. 22 year olds with no market  If they wish to stay able skills or practical expericloser to home, they can atence — and a degree. tend the University of Michigan and   And so the question is — what enroll in Native American Feminism, exactly will my granddaughters learn which studies the ‘development of during their years at college? What mar- Native feminist thought’ and its ketable skills will they acquire? What ‘relationship to land-based struggles


Hot lines Submit at: www.tctimes.com or call 810-629-9221

All submissions, if approved for publication, must be 50 words or less and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Tri-County Times. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, length and liability.

REGARDING THE ARTICLE about the Peeping Tom, people who are concerned about this should close their curtains or shut their blinds so that people can’t see inside their homes. n n n 

I FIND IT very comical that the left is ‘demonstrating’ against anything when their elected liberals like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Harry Reid have stolen them blind and funneled billions of tax dollars to their friends and business partners. n n n 

PLEASE, TRI-COUNTY TIMES, let us know the next time the Chicken Lady has to face the Gestapo, I mean the Fenton Council, so that the citizens can attend to show support and watch these people in action.

THINK ABOUT THIS when you hear about government abuse. More than 70 percent of the Obamacare waivers have gone to businesses in Nancy Pelosi’s wealthy, but tiny, congressional district. That tells you that she knows it is a fraud and a failure already. Yet she helped push it through. Talk about hypocrisy and deceit.

and non-Native feminists.’   I will dissuade them from even going near Occidental College though, where both Phallus, ‘a broad study of the relationship between the phallus and the penis’ is offered, in addition to Blackness, which elaborates upon ‘new blackness,’ ‘post blackness,’ and ‘unforgivable blackness.’   In a show of politically correct one-upmanship, Mount Holyoke offers its students Whiteness, which invites debate on such relative and applicable thoughts as ‘what is whiteness,’ ‘where is whiteness’ and ‘how does whiteness impact the lives of (surprise!) whites.’   Northwestern University in Chicago offers Live Sex Class. Not to be outdone, after a lecture on sexual arousal, students in Northwestern University psychology Professor J. Michael Bailey’s Human Sexuality course were given the option to stay for a…ahem, a guest presentation by

two students on stage.   If I were King, someone would have to explain to me the reasoning process that justifies our tax dollars being used to provide useless knowledge and sexual stimuli for the personal perversions of wacko college professors who actually get paid to prey sexually on our naive youth.   Every year, millions upon millions of our kids are herded like sheep to these ivy-covered dens of deviancy only to ‘graduate’ four years later with nonexistent skills useful only in the event that they wish to become wacko college professors themselves.   Someone needs to educate the educators that are hiring the educators. Clearly, the inmates are running the asylum.   A college degree? Sounds like a lot of B.S. to me.

AFTER THE LAST debate I can see that party cares neither about jobs nor the middle class nor the poor. 

50 percent when dining out, so we can all see how fast that money returns to your wallets. nnn

n n n 

I AM APPALLED Linden teachers are standing outside of my son’s school handing out papers for me to help them negotiate. Maybe I should ask clients of my company to negotiate my raise. Ridiculous. By the way, I also fund my own retirement.

IF YOU AGREE with the liberal thinking, which suggests that higher wages will inspire growth in this consumer-based economy, might I request that all in agreement, practice what you preach by tipping


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TO THE WHINERS who cry about people using wood stoves, I bet if you went over and paid your neighbor’s utility bills this winter, they’d be more than happy not to use the woodburning stove. It’s already cold enough to use wood stoves. Why do you have your doors and windows open, anyway? nnn

n n n 

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“They should get rid of them. A lot of people don’t want to live near farm animals.” — Walt Maciejewski Linden

“It shouldn’t be a problem so long as they have a limited amount of chickens.” — Kris Bondurant Holly Village

“If there’s an ordinance, they should get rid of them. But if enough people want chickens, they should change the ordinance.” — Renee McClelland, Fenton

TYRONE TOWNSHIP ISSUES permits to businesses and residents that aren’t current on their taxes. Go to a board meeting and demand a policy to be put in place that states that those wanting to conduct any business within the township must have their taxes current. No taxes, no permits. See HOT

We’re here 24/7! We Make House Calls!

Should the Bossardets be allowed to keep their chickens?

— William Chapin Fenton Township

n n n 

SHOW ME YOUR financial report, and maybe I’ll donate money. No report, no donation.

THE BIGGEST PREDICTOR of future behavior is past behavior. Wake up, Rose Township residents. It’s time for new leadership. Do you really want to continue paying for inefficient officials? Haven’t we had enough of that already? It’s time for a positive change.

Compiled by William Axford, Staff Reporter

“If there’s an ordinance that says they can’t have chickens, then they should get rid of them.”

I HAVE TO laugh at the clueless lefties rah-rahing gang members, 15 year olds, homeless bums, and drugged-up teens who compose 99 percent of the so-called protesters. Most are there for the free food and condoms. I saw all this with my own eyes, not from the edited, carefully orchestrated sound bites from the networks. Grow up.

n n n 

n n n 

FENTON RECEIVED A $750,000 grant to ‘improve the flow of traffic’ on Shiawassee and Owen roads. Yet, the reality is that now it is even worse. I can’t drive from one end to the other without being stopped at almost every light. We’ve been spoofed again.

Opinions offered in If I Were King are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Tri-County Times or its staff. E-mail the King at [email protected]. Some information reprinted from the Internet.

n n n 

I ACTUALLY LIKE Sue Osborn, she does a great job. But the rest of the so-called leadership in Fenton has to go. They don’t listen to the people. Clean house in November.


RECENTLY WHILE OUT walking, my brother was hit and killed by a drunk driver. Not only was the driver drunk, he was reaching for his dropped cell phone. Please people, for the safety of others, and yourself — don’t drink and drive. And leave the cell phone in your pocket.


LINE throughout Times

street talk

“They should be allowed to keep them. They had them for a year and a half and no one’s complained.” — Stephanie Sproule Fenton Township

“They should keep them. It’s supposed to be a free country.” — Walter White Grand Blanc Township



Family burned for $1,337 for having bonfire and no permit Tyrone Township board denies appeal

fire fighters realized the EMS unit was not needed. The $1,337 bill covers the cost of deploying fire station personnel and equipment, regardless if a fire is put out or not. By William Axford   “That equipment isn’t cheap to [email protected]; 810-433-6792 tain,” Kremer said. “That price must be   Tyrone Twp. —  Steve and Layla paid, regardless if the services are called off Garant found out the hard way and a fire isn’t put out.” that $5 can go a long way in Summary   Steve said that the bonfire A Tyrone Township Tyrone Township. was part of a celebration for his   On Tuesday, the couple tried family must pay brother-in-law’s wedding. He $1,337 for a fire to appeal a fire department bill department call made questioned how a $5 burning they received for $1,337 to over the summer. The permit would prevent a $1,337 the Tyrone Township Board fire department did bill. “Who pays the bill if resiof Trustees. Under Tyrone not extinguish any dents have a burn permit and the Township ordinance, residents fires during the call. fire department is deployed?” who do not have a fire permit   Kremer said that the townmust pay for fire department services if ship pays for fire department bills if personnel and equipment is dispatched residents have their burn permit.   to their home. The cost of a permit is $5.   Trustee Steve Hasbrouck said the The Garants were unaware township has done their that a permit was necessary best to inform citizens that “A pickup truck when they had a bonfire they need a burn permit from the fire over the summer. in order to have fires. He department arrived cited township newsletters   The fire department was called to the house because and the Tyrone Township at my house and of a fire. A few days later, they said the fire was websites as sources that a $1,337 bill arrived in the express the need for a fire fine. Why is the bill permit. Garant’s mailbox. so expensive?”   “I didn’t know that I   In a unanimous vote, the Steve Garant needed a permit to have a board denied the Garant’s Tyrone Township resident bonfire,” he said. “A pickup appeal. truck from the fire depart  “This is ridiculous,” ment arrived at my house and they said the Steve said of the decision. “Isn’t this fire was fine. Why is the bill so expensive?” why we live in the country, to have big   Clerk Keith Kremer said an EMS unit bonfires?” He plans to pay the bill back was enroute to the Garant’s household but little by little at $5 a month. “They’ll get was called back to the fire station once it in 23 years.”


VISIT GENESEE COUNTY’S SCARIEST HAUNTED HOUSE The Crypt Haunted House voted Genesee County’s scariest haunted house has grown into a premier Halloween attraction, visited by thousands of satisfied customers from near and far each year. It opens at dark and although the posted hours say 12 a.m., it is known to remain open until 1 a.m. Admission is $13. The remaining show dates are Oct. 22-24 and Oct. 28-31. The crypt is not recommended for small children. For more information or to buy tickets online visit, www.crypt hauntedhouse.com.

Sunday, October 23, 2011    5A

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6A    Sunday, October 23, 2011


Board to assess property values to sell Legacy Realty of Fenton to list properties

have preferred that we allow everyone that bid to us do the market analysis, and not just pick somebody.”   Legacy Realty was one of four comBy Tim Jagielo panies that responded to the township’s [email protected]; 810-4333-6795 RFP sent out last month and one of the   In a 3-1 vote, the Holly Township Board two that attended the board of trustees has agreed to sign with Legacy Realty Promeeting on Tuesday. fessionals of Fenton to establish a value on   Holly Township will certain township-owned properties, including the “I would have preferred contract with Legacy Reold fire hall on Grange Hall that we allow everyone alty for each individual piece of property the Road, and possibly sell that bid to us do the township decides to sell, them. Clerk Karin Winchester cast the dissenting market analysis, and not after Legacy does a market analysis of its worth. vote and Trustee Steve just pick somebody.”   Supervisor Jesse Ruth was not present.  Karin Winchester clerk, Holly Township Lambert said Legacy   Winchester voted was chosen because of against the motion bethe breadth of experience of the Realcause her original motion for a request tors who work there. The township is for proposal (RFP) last month included interested in possibly selling properties a request that each interested business that range from residential, vacant, and complete a market analysis for the old fire commercial. Legacy Realty would be hall on Grange Hall Road, before making a paid a commission on each individual bid for service, which Winchester said was sale starting at 5 percent, with a sliding not relayed to the interested parties. “They fee scale for commercial properties. weren’t asked,” said Winchester. “I would u



Continued from Page 3A

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ignoring the doubts and fears that I had.   It all began when Tyrone Township residents Lois Van Lente, and her Libyan-born husband, Mustafa Gheriani, began sharing their incredible, compelling story with the Tri-County Times and the rest of the world. Their story was one of risk, fear, courage and love of country. It grabbed hold of me when I heard stories of the amazing resolve and bravery of the Libyan people. Gheriani was one of those people — an engineer and businessperson, who was in his home country on business when the revolution swept him and the rest of the Libyan coastal city of Benghazi into throwing off the reign of dictatorship of Col. Moammar Gadaffi. That revolution has now spread through most of the country.   Gheriani has been in Libya since January, save for a few short visits, working in and around the new government while his wife, Van Lente, watched in trepidation from home, hearing distant explosions when they would speak by satellite phone.   Right now, they are together in Libya, working to rebuild a shattered business and a shaken country, even as fighting continued in Sirte, Gaddaffi’s hometown.   Right now, people loyal to the new provisional government are celebrating the death of Gaddaffi early Thursday, and history is in motion.   It is almost time for me to leave. I plan to

stay for two weeks, following the couple in their daily lives, whether they are in the capital of Tripoli, or the provisional government seat, Benghazi. I’ll take photos, shoot video, record audio and write stories. I’ll send content to the Tri-County Times and other newspapers or news wire services interested in the story, and post content to my photo blog.   I’ve already obtained my passport, a mobile work station, and made contacts for transportation and translators. I’ve picked up a few words in Arabic. In addition, I’ve started a kick-starter fundraising page to raise funds for the trip, as it is in part self-funded.   There are currently no flights directly into the country, so I’ll need to enter Tunisia through the northwest or Egypt through the southeast. When I know which country I’ll enter through, I’ll purchase a plane ticket and solidify my plans.   But I will be going. If you want to follow my journey, you can view photos and stories through the pages of the Tri-County Times and at either of the links below. I’m excited, nervous, and more afraid at this point of not being able to go, due to the tenuous visa process.   Wish me luck, and as always, thank you for reading.

Follow the story...

www.tctimes.com jagphotoblog1.blogspot.com Back the project: kickstarter.com search ‘For Love of Libya’

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TEENS ARRESTED FOR THEFT Two male teens from Davisburg were arrested on Friday, Oct. 14 for stealing food items from a grocery store in the 15000 block of North Holly Road in the village of Holly. According to Holly police, officers were dispatched to the store after an employee spotted the 15and 17-year-old males selecting, eating and concealing packaged snacks while they walked through the store. The store asked to press charges against the two teens who admitted what they did. The 17-year-old male was ticketed and held until bond was posted. The 15-year-old male’s parents were called and he was referred to the Holly Area Youth Assistance. MOM CALLS POLICE ON DAUGHTER Holly police responded to an apartment in the 3300 block of Grange Hall Road to investigate a domestic assault complaint called in by a 53-year-old woman. According to police, the woman and her 14-year-old daughter got into an argument after her daughter and 11-year-old son argued. The woman said her daughter struck her on her arms, prompting her to lock herself in the bathroom to call police. Arrangements were made for the girl to stay for a while with her father. The girl was referred to Holly Area Youth Assistance. FLINT MAN ARRESTED FOR OWI At 5 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16, a Holly police officer initiated a traffic stop to a vehicle on North Holly Road that was traveling faster than the posted speed, as well as crossing over the centerline. The driver, a 25-year-old Flint man, told the officer he was lost. The officer detected the odor of intoxicants on the driver. After completing field sobriety tests the driver blew a .23 on the preliminary breath test. The driver was arrested and transported to the police station for processing. BOYFRIEND ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT Holly police arrested a 50-year-old Holly man for domestic assault following a call at his and his girlfriend’s apartment in the 3300 block of Grange Hall Road. According to police, the man’s 52-yearold female friend called 911 from a friend’s apartment after he struck her in her forehead. She said he had just returned home and was intoxicated. The man was transported to the police station for booking. A preliminary breath test revealed a blood alcohol content of .194 percent. The man had two previous domestic assault charges. STORE BROKEN INTO At 5:07 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20, Fenton police were sent to a party store on North Road to investigate a breaking and entering complaint. Lt. Jason Slater said they were advised that the front glass door of the building had been smashed. A review of the store’s surveillance video shows a suspect smashing the glass, entering the building and stealing cigarettes and alcohol. The suspect had a pickup truck. Police are having the video enhanced to identify the suspect. The case remains under investigation. PEEPING TOM UPDATE Det. Sgt. Bill Lanning, of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department said the department is continuing extra patrols in Fenton Township after a woman spotted and chased an unknown man peeking into a window of one of her neighbor’s home in the Audubon Meadows subdivision in Fenton Township. This occurred while she was walking her son to the

TRI-COUNTY TIMES bus stop at 6:45 a.m. The man was seen leaving the area in a red or burgundy Chrysler car, possibly a Sebring or Intrepid. Lanning said any tips would be followed up on. He reminds residents to call 911 immediately if they observe any suspicious activity. DISORDERLY MAN On Saturday, Oct. 14, deputies with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department responded to a mobile home park in Fenton Township to investigate a disorderly person complaint. A 29-year-old Fenton man was arrested for disorderly. This was the second time deputies were called to this home. WOMAN’S PURSE STOLEN On Oct. 16, deputies with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department responded to a home in the 6000 block of Lobdell Road to investigate a larceny complaint. A 54-year-old Fenton woman said her purse had been stolen at a party. WOMAN DRINKS WINE WHILE SHOPPING At 11:56 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16, Fenton police were dispatched to a department store on Owen Road to investigate a retail fraud complaint. Lt. Jason Slater said employees watched as a woman, later identified as a 44-year-old Fenton Township resident, consuming small bottles of wine as she walked through the store. As she finished a bottle, she was seen setting it on random display shelves. The woman went through the checkout, paying for other items, minus the 10 bottles of wine. As she exited the store, an employee confronted her and escorted her back into the store. Police arrested the woman and a preliminary breath test revealed her blood alcohol content as .310 percent. Police learned that the woman had a felony warrant out of Novi for third offense drunk driving. She was eventually turned over to Novi police and she has a Nov. 14 court date on the newest retail fraud. DRIVER LEAVES SCENE OF CRASH At 3:36 a.m. on Oct. 15, Fenton police responded to North LeRoy Street and North Road after being advised that a 2003 Oldsmobile Silhouette had veered from the road, struck a utility pole, a speed limit sign and crashed. A witness reported that the female driver, later identified as a 36-year-old Fenton woman, walked away from the crash prior to police arrival. Police made contact with the woman, who admitted to taking prescription medication. She was ticketed for leaving the scene of a crash and reckless driving. Police will be requesting that the Secretary of State to review her license. MOTORCYLE STOLEN On Oct. 20, Fenton police received a report of a stolen motorcycle from a resident on Elmwood Drive. The 56-yearold motorcycle owner said his 1998 Honda Valkyrie motorcycle, which had been parked in his garage, was missing. He told police that he suspected his brother-in-law of taking the bike without his permission. Police are attempting to locate the 54-year-old Flint man and motorcycle. The motorcycle was entered into Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) as stolen.

See POLICE on 24A


Sunday, October 23, 2011    7A

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STARTING FRI OCTOBER 21 2D THE THREE MUSKETEERS (PG13) FRI - THUR 11:40 am *@ 3D THE THREE MUSKETEERS: REALD 3D (PG13) FRI – SAT, THUR 2:10 4:35 7:00 9:25 11:45 SUN - WED 2:10 4:35 7:00 9:25 * JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN (PG) FRI – SAT, THUR 10:15 12:30 2:45 5:00 7:15 9:30 11:45 SUN - WED 10:15 12:30 2:45 5:00 7:15 9:30 * PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 (R) FRI - SAT 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 2:50 3:50 4:50 5:50 6:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 10:50 11:50 SUN - WED 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 2:50 3:50 4:50 5:50 6:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 THUR 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 2:50 3:50 4:50 5:50 6:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 11:50 * THE MIGHTY MACS (G) FRI – SAT, THUR 12:35 2:55 5:10 7:25 9:40 11:50 SUN - WED 12:35 2:55 5:10 7:25 9:40 *




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  All too often children are put through eye muscle surgery prior to having a proper vision assessment. Most children with eye turns have nothing wrong with the eye muscles, but rather a problem within the eye muscle control system in the brain. In other words, most eye turns are a software problem not a hardware problem. The main goal of eye muscle surgery is to make the eyes cosmetically straight.   I choose to address eye turns from a visual function standpoint, asking the questions, “WHY did the eye turn in the first place? What made the brain decide to control the eyes differently?” Once we learn this we target correcting the “vision software” with therapy to reteach the visual system how to use both eyes together. Doing this can cosmetically straighten the eyes and allow the person to function with better binocular vision, not just getting the eyes to cosmetically look nice. The majority of children that have eye turn surgery do not have (post-surgically) normal two-eyed depth perception “3-D” (ex. magic eye pictures require normal “3D” Vision). If you are considering eye turn surgery (strabismus surgery) you owe it to yourself and the patient to learn about other non-surgical ways to straighten the eyes and improve visual function and coordination. For an appointment call Fenton Vision Center 810-629-3070.

1535 N. Leroy St. • Fenton 810-629-3070 www.fentonvisioncenter.com


8A    Sunday, October 23, 2011



TO THE PERSONS complaining about red light runners, please, if you would hit the gas when the light turns green, we would all make it through in time. Also, the police are for protecting and serving, not ticketing the driver who made you spill your coffee by passing you. n n n 

WHY DOESN’T THE state try and open the casino on the land behind Genesee Valley Mall? Think of the tax revenue, which could be had to fix our infrastructure, pay for the schools, etc. n n n 

BONNIE, I AM dumbfounded. I didn’t know you could read minds. You managed to get Torrey Beach fixed before anyone printed a complaint in the Times. I wonder if you can tell what I am thinking about the bridge over North Shiawassee. n n n 

I ATTENDED THE Invitational at Linden High School. I overheard several comments and was happy that they were positive. Fenton high’s choice of music along with the marching band’s performance were awesome. Keep up the great work. Kudos to Mr. Perkins and Mrs. Hayes. n n n 

THERE ARE THREE branches of government in this country for a reason — it’s called checks and balances. That is why the judges can stop recalls when deemed appropriate. You Democrats would do away with all of this and force your crap on others.



Rx Drug Take Back Day is Saturday The third National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is set for Saturday, Oct. 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), manages the National Take Back Initiative. The initiative provides a venue for persons who want to dispose of unwanted and unused prescription drugs. Locally, the Fenton Police Department and Linden Police Department are drop-off sites. Holly Township to spend $11,577 on computer upgrades The Holly Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously to replace six computer workstations for the township offices at $1,058 each, which includes a more energy efficient 19-inch monitor. They are also purchasing current office software for $349 and a new network server for $4,880.25, which Clerk Karin Winchester says is close to failing. Supervisor Jesse Lambert said that hardware upgrades are more of a utility cost than a luxury, and will help keep the township offices running efficiently. It will cost the township $95 per hour for the installation and tech support for the new computers and network. Winchester said the $11,577 is included in the township budget.



nicknames for friends. The more a user interacts with Siri, the more Siri understands a user’s speech. iPod Touch, iPad or iPhones.   The Siri feature on the new iPhone   iCloud also comes with the phone, isn’t all work and no play, however. allowing users to save their videos and Depending on what you ask, Siri may pictures to a cloud computer, freeing up respond with a sharp quip. According space on their iPhone. Classic features to an online forum, one user asked Siri such as FaceTime (video calls) and to “Beam me up,” which generated the digital photography are integrated into response “OK, stand still.” Another the iPhone 4s. The phone has every user asked, “Tell me a story” and got a feature wanted from previous phones, response of “Once upon a time… no it’s and then some. too silly.” If Siri is unable to answer a The iPhone mouths off question, a Google search of the ques  The most distinguishing feature of tion will appear on the iPhone. the new iPhone is Siri, which allows usPurchasing the iPhone 4s ers to make commands on their iPhone.   The iPhone 4s is readily available   Looking for an Italian restaurant at most major retail stores and from while driving to pick up your date? Apple’s website. So   Ask Siri, and a multifar, at&t, Sprint and tude of restaurants will Verizon are the only appear on your phone, three carriers for the along with addresses iPhone 4s. The cost of and phone numbers to Display the iPhone 4s varies, each restaurant. 3.5 inches (89 mm) diagonal depending on which   Got a text message from your best friend 1.5:1 aspect ratio widescreen carrier and plan is selected. For example, a while driving? SimStorage capacity 16 GB phone without ply tell Siri whom you 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB a plan costs $599. want to text and what Memory The same phone can you want to say and a 512 MB be purchased from text message will be Rear camera Verizon for $199, defired off, all without HD video (1080 p) at 30 pending on upgrades. typing a single word. frames per second, 8 MP To get the best plan   The program will possible, talk to your even remember famFront camera cell phone provider or ily members (Norma .9 MP VGA 30 FPS (720p) contact Apple. as mom, etc.) and Connectivity –Wi-Fi Continued from Page 3A

iPhone 4s specs

GREAT AUTHORS at Fenton Winegarden Library

VIRTUAL AUTHOR CHATS With the help of Skype, participate in a virtual chat with a few best-selling authors. A free copy of their book will be given away while supplies last. Please register online at www.thegdl.org (click on Events tab) or call (810) 629-7612.

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(810) 629-7612 For more info visit www.thegdl.org



Sunday, October 23, 2011    9A

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10A    Sunday, October 23, 2011




MECHANIC Lovegrove’s serving customers in Fenton for 53 years Chris Wilkinson, Certified Mechanic

a Ford Windstar, when Q: Iit have goes up a hill, the AC stops

working. It also won’t start when it hasn’t been driven for a couple of days. The battery is 6 months old and the alternator is brand new. - Aquiles


Aquiles, I would need more information on your vehicle to be able to help with these problems,but here is some information. First, the A/C cutting out when going over hills could be that the engine temp and condenser gets too warm. This system has a switch that will prevent the A/C from running during these conditions. Keep an eye on the temp gauge when the A/C cuts out and see if this is possibly the cause.   As far as the engine not starting after sitting for a couple of days; if the battery is going dead and it is not turning over than you most likely have a battery draw. First things to look for are lights that may be on such as map lights, glove box light, trunk light or visor lights. Sometimes this can be a very hard problem to find and you may need to take it into a shop.

Do you have a question that you would like to have answered? E-mail it to me at:

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By Tim Jagielo

[email protected]; 810-433-6795

  Lovegrove’s is the place to go in Fenton to shop for furniture and more, but it has actually evolved over the years, changing to suit the cus- Summary uLovegrove’s tomer’s needs.   The business is is a family now operated by the operated furniture third generation of and home Lovegroves, Kurt accent store Lovegrove II. conveniently   Although Loveg- located on rove’s has been serv- LeRoy Street ing customers for 53 in Fenton. years in Fenton, the first business with the Lovegrove name was opened in 1884, in Yorktown, Penn., Lovegrove’s Wholesale.   The Fenton store was started in 1958 with Lester Lovegrove at the helm. Back then, it was a Ben Franklin craft store. Lester chose the Fenton area because it was a growing family-oriented community.   The name eventually was changed to Lovey’s Crafts, and the business was passed on to Lester’s son, Kurt Lovegrove.   Lovey’s Crafts eventually became Lovegrove’s, and sold furniture. “As times

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changed, so did the store,” said Kurt, who is now in control of keeping with the family tradition.   The store carries a full line of furniture, mattresses, home accents and more. A friendly staff is on hand to help guests with their questions. “(They) do not use high pressure sales techniques,” said Lovegrove.   Aside from the above-mentioned home items, Lovegrove’s carries gift items, and their famous fudge, made right in the store, and ice cream. “Our customers are also our friends who sometimes come in just to visit and have

ADDRESS 1220 N. LeRoy St., Fenton CONTACT (810) 629-7967

a cup of coffee,” said Kurt.   For Lovegrove, the location of Fenton on LeRoy Street is ideal because it is near Holly, Linden and Grand Blanc, which are also growing communities. “(It also has) easy access to Flint or Ann Arbor off of U.S. 23,” he said.   Lovegrove has seen and appreciates the benefits of the shop local campaign. “(It’s) always a good thing to shop local and keep those dollars in your local community and save gas money,” he said.


home, officers recovered 11 growing marijuana plants, packaged marijuana, rounds of ammunition. more than 50 firearms (hand guns and   Holly Police Chief Elena Danishevslong guns), thousands of rounds of amkaya said that on Saturday, Oct. 1, her munition, paraphernalia for manufacofficers executed a search warrant at turing marijuana and $825 in currency. a home on Grange Hall   The investigation is Road, following an in- Summary ongoing as some of the vestigation. Following an investigation, recovered firearms were   As a result of that Holly police recovered live either stolen or unregissearch warrant, a suspect marijuana plants, packaged tered. was apprehended, taken marijuana, guns, ammunition   Danishevskaya said, and cash from a home on to the police station, in- Grange Hall Road in Holly. An “Holly officers did an terviewed and released. arrest warrant against at least outstanding job in the   While searching the one suspect is being sought. investigation of this case.” Continued from Front Page



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Sunday, October 23, 2011    11A

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12A    Sunday, October 23, 2011

AMERICAN DREAM Continued from Front Page

  Different generations look at the American Dream, based on their own experiences.   Essentially, the American Dream is a belief that all people can find success by working hard and that all people have the potential to live a happy, successful life. Millennial   Karlie Dieck, a 17-year-old senior at Lake Fenton High School, serves as the senior representative for the Lake Fenton Board of Education. To her, the American Dream is happiness, which includes family and a successful career and future. She believes that most of her friends look forward to the future and being successful. “We have opportunities to do so many Karlie Dieck

things,” she said.   Careers in Dieck’s extended family are quite mixed, from the auto industry, insurance and even farming. She hopes to become a biomedical engineer specializing in prosthetics. “I hope to settle down and have a family and not be preoccupied with my job. Family is really important to me.   “I want to have an influence in the world. I have the mentality that if you set your mind to something, you can do it.”   Dieck believes that the work ethic with her generation has gone down. “We’re so reliant on technology,” she said. It will be an eye-opener when the ‘real world’ hits. Generation Y   Adam Rose, 28, works every day toward what he considers the American Dream. He is owner of Bangkok Peppers Too in Fenton. To him, the American Dream is being successful and going after one’s dreams. Remaining true to one’s upbringing, by being ethical, for example, will help toward becoming

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successful. When asked if What is the do anything one wants to he considers himself suc- American Dream? do to achieve their own cessful, Rose said, “I’m A happy way of living definition of success. working toward it, yes, for that is thought of by   Hamel believes this the most part.” country offers opportunimany Americans as   Rose said achieving the something that can be ties to those with enough American Dream could in- achieved by anyone in the gumption, desire and clude setbacks. “The econ- United States, especially work ethic. When asked omy plays a role,” he said. by working hard and if he has achieved the “But, you’ve got to move becoming successful. American Dream, he said, forward and stay positive. Source: Merriam-Webster dictionary “Do you ever?” Take one day at a time.”   “I’m not quite old enough   Family and friends have motivated to say yes. I’m not finished. I’ve got a ways Rose in his endeavors, more than anyto go before I achieve the American thing else has. He said working with his Dream.” He added that the worst thing family every day and meeting new people for achieving success is having a lot of in the community are a couple of his bigmoney before one starts. “It’s too easy to gest motivators. walk away from. When you have a house Generation X on the line, you can’t fail,” he said.   Mark Hamel, 44, owner of The French   Hamel said he stays motivated beLaundry, believes that failure is not an cause he truly likes what he is doing. In option when it comes to running a sucthis country, opportunities exist, howcessful business. To him, the American ever, he does not believe that everyone Dream means having opportunities to takes advantage of those opportunities.   The first few years of starting a business can be brutal and filled with tons of challenges, said Hamel.  He grew up in a home of entrepreneurs and selfemployed family members. Because of that background, venturing into his own business was always an option. “I’ve seen it before,” he said. “It’s possible.”   Oftentimes people have a great idea and never follow-up on it. “That’s the biggest hurdle to get over,” Hamel said. “Once you decide to do it, don’t worry about anything else.”   Tony Aleyas, 45, owner of Locke’s Party Shoppe and Deli, Merchants Gourmet and Fenton Party Store moved from Iraq to this country in 1981. He is in the midst of living the American Dream.   The main reason his family came to the United States was for the freedom it offered — freedom of speech, being allowed to go anywhere and to make a living safely drew them here. He said, when he was in Iraq it wasn’t too bad, but being Christian, his family was a minority. “We needed freedom to be safe,” he said.   While being part of a poor family growing up in Iraq, his family recognized the opportunities that were awaiting them in this country. “When you see opportunities, you want to do good things,” he said.   Aleyas began working at 14. He believes youngsters should start working early and keep working. “You have to have work,” he said. “Money doesn’t come from the trees. You’ve got to work for it.” In his opinion, anyone can achieve the American Dream as long as they work hard and are honest. “The dream always comes true,” he said. “That’s the good thing about this country.” G.I. Generation   Don Winglemire, 85, is owner of Winglemire Furniture in Holly. The store has been in his family for 153 years and throughout his life, he has only held two other jobs. “I was born into it,” he said. In the early ‘40s he worked at a hardware store and he also served in the U.S. Navy during World War II.   At this point in his life, Winglemire said the American Dream for him is to live to be 100. The person who influenced him the most was his mother, since his father passed away when he was a senior in high school. “She was there to guide me, teach me and to give me hell when I did something wrong,” he said.   Winglemire believes the values today with younger people have changed immensely. “Too many want everything and don’t want to work for it. They don’t put in the time to achieve.”




“While this has been a legally complex ordeal, I am now excited to move forward for Scott against the Michigan Education with the election and will carry our mesAssociation (MEA). Ingham County Cirsage to help children have a prosperous cuit Court Judge Clinton Canady granted future.” Scott the injunction a week ago after an   MEA President Steven Cook praised appeals court overturned a previous rulthe Supreme Court decision. In a press ing preventing the injunction. release, he said, “Voters in   Scott has grappled with the Southern Genesee County “I think the recall effort since July, when have every right to cast their voters of the Elections Division of ballots in that election — and Genesee County approved the southern Gen- those rights were protected by esee County language for the recall. Since (the) unanimous decision of our then, Scott failed to secure an Supreme Court justices.” will vote to injunction in Genesee County see Michigan   Doreen Fulcher, elections against the recall, spurring his supervisor for Genesee County, move forward said the county would not have effort to gain an injunction in with Gov. Rick to print new ballots for the fall Ingham County. Snyder and   The MEA has been the bigelection. The ballots, which gest backer of the effort so far, have cost the county between myself.” spending $25,000 in the 51st $30,000 and $40,000, were Paul Scott District toward the recall. Ac- State Representative, printed prior to the court-or51st District cording to reports, the MEA dered injunction, making them has spent $500,000 across the valid for use on Nov. 8. state for recall efforts against Michigan   Fenton Township and Fenton City, Republicans. City of Linden, Tyrone Township and   As chairperson of the House of EducaArgentine Township are all located within tion Committee, Scott has come under fire the 51st district. Residents from each for statewide reductions in public school municipality will have the opportunity funding and teacher tenure reforms. to vote on Scott’s recall Nov. 8.   “I think the election is going to be about Michigan’s past versus Michigan’s future,” Scott said. “I think the voters of southern Genesee County will vote to see Michigan move forward with Gov. Rick Snyder and myself.”   Although he is disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling, Scott said he would not give up fighting the recall. Continued from Front Page


Continued from Front Page


left wing Democrats have ‘‘beenTheinradical power since 2008 and the coun-

try has gone drastically and dangerously downhill in debt during the last three years. This country is in very serious trouble for the first time in my almost 68 years of living. Now, some twisted-thinking leftist propagandists say the Republicans are trying to ruin the country. The Tea Party Republican Patriots are desperately trying to save it. I’m wondering if maybe the more liberal use of pot lately by some people is the cause of such demented thinking.” — Mr. Manners

Sunday, October 23, 2011    13A

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Restless, tired legs at the end of the day can drag you down and varicose veins could be the problem. The symptoms of this unsightly condition include:



that the teacher union, ‘‘theIt’sMEA,criminal can so cavalierly waste so much


of the taxpayers’ money on a personal vendetta. Wish we could recall them.” — William K.

Providing HOME REMODEL Services

$449.00 value

Now that your deductible has been met… it’s time to have your varicose veins treated.

Blood Valve

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or call for an appointment.

Thomas A. Shuster, DO Brad M. Sweda, MD Board Certified Vascular Surgeons Fellow American College of Surgery/ American College of Phlebology 600 Health Park Blvd. Ste. G, • Grand Blanc • 810.606.1660


14A    Sunday, October 23, 2011





SAVE $5.04




SAVE $15.28




SAVE $21.84




SAVE $52.80

Maximum. apply. 810-629-8194 Some20 Wordrestrictions


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2011 WEDNESDAY DEADLINES Display Ads: 3 p.m. Monday Line Ads: Noon Tuesday


Display Ads: 3 p.m. Wednesday Line Ads: Noon Thursday


www.tctimes.com PAGE 14A

classifieds TRI-COUNTY


real estate

Personal Notices


Help Wanted

CHECK YOUR AD! Report errors immediately. The TriCounty Times will only be responsible for the first day of incorrect publication. PLEASE DONATE your CPAP machines. There are patients on a waiting list. Drop off at Genesee Health Plan, G-3169 Beecher Rd., Flint or we will pick it up, 810-735-5910.

Help Wanted





Dance Instructors

is accepting resumes for a full-time evening desk clerk position.

Not just a job, A CAREER! Chassé Ballroom & Latin Dance Studio in Fenton has employment opportunities for those who are enthusiastic, self-motivated, well groomed and enjoy working with people. No experience needed, nationally recognized training program & travel opportunities. A great career in the dance industry awaits you!!

Working hours will include at least two Saturdays a month. Applicant must be customer service oriented with skills in computers, Microsoft Office, and the Internet. Applicant must be able to assist patrons with scanning documents, email, web searching, and printing. Please submit resumes before October 31, 2011 to [email protected] or the library at 1116 N. Saginaw St., Holly, MI.

Please send resume and salary requirements to: [email protected]

Tanglewood Assisted Living

CERTIFIED MECHANIC with drivability experience, must be MI state or ASE certified. Please call 248-382-1280 or apply at Wilkinson Auto Repair 402 N. Saginaw Holly MI 48442

Career Opportunities Visit mclarenregional.org


ASSISTED LIVING. Looking for experienced caring individuals to work with elderly residents. Must be willing to work flexible hours, weekends and holidays. Only serious, qualified individuals need apply. No phone calls please. Send resume to Human Resources Department, 3365 Grange Hall Rd., Holly MI 48442. AT TENTION CLAS S A CDL drivers: Experienced Drivers, $1,200 sign-on bonus. Excellent miles, home weekly, orientation pay, performance bonus. 800-738-7705 x1286.


Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath modern ranch home with master suite. Built in 1994 with 1,949 sq. ft.; semi private back yard. This home has new roof, new stove, new carpet. Move in condition. Supply is low and demand is high hurry to the open house before it’s sold!

Lisa Hill 810-287-1344

Pat Starrs 810-513-9360

248-245-5602 18 yrs experience, #1 Company






Ken Brant 810-853-8440

Fenton home includes 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3 car heated garage, and additional finished recreation room. Recently reduced to $229,900! Lots of Extras!

120 N. Leroy St. Fenton


Horse farm with 6 stall barn, outdoor arena, and fully decked above ground pool on private Hidden Lake. Call Bill Burke @ (810)240-2716 [email protected] OF NS TES TO PDA U

Very well taken care of condo with new furnace in Fenton Schools. Subject to short sale. Call Natasha Jones @ (810)429-8541 [email protected]

Two houses for the price of one! Both in good condition. Live in one and rent the other. Call Lisa Hill @ (810)287-1344 [email protected] K EE CR S TZ OOL R A H SW SC

Debbie Woodall 248-941-3881

Gail Lampert 810-240-6755

Gary Morris 810-714-4755

Bill Burke 810-240-2716

Stunning bungalow with full basement, large yard, & brand new oak kitchen in Fenton schools. Call Mary Cunningham @ (810)577-9604 [email protected] & T ING ON ND FR PE ATER W


Fabulous home with quality windows, hardwood floors on 20 private acre estate. Call Gary Morris @ (810)625-2986 [email protected]

Vacant Land with sunrise view over open water with natures landscape of marshlands & wildlife across the channel. Call Beth Ryan @ (810)714-9348 [email protected]

Ranch with 2900 sq ft of living space overlooking All Sports Squaw Lake. Must see to appreciate. Call Brian Will @ (810)523-6075 [email protected]




Beth Ryan 810-714-9348

Terri Smith 810-836-5077

Mary Cunningham 810-577-9604

Historic building in downtown Linden. Full brick 2 story with lower level walkout basement. Call Brian Will @ (810)523-6075 [email protected]

Nice open floor plan with 4 bedrooms, loft area, and full finished basement. Call Deb Woodall @(248)941-3881 [email protected]


Oya Agabigum 810-813-4283

Linda Hamilton 810-730-0382

Field To Finish, Inc. Professionals

Lovely condo with large master bedroom and full bath. Your perfect place to get away. Call Andy Alger @ (810)241-0554 [email protected]


Beautiful 2 story home within walking distance of downtown Linden and 2 elementary schools. Call Brian Will @ (810)523-6075 [email protected]



Jeff Parks 810-730-0604

801 State Rd. • Fenton Schools • Great Value Owen Rd. to Adelaide South to corner of State Rd. Beautiful downtown


Beautiful home with exquisite new additions including in ground pool and solarium. Call Oya Agabigum @ (810)813-4283 [email protected]

John Wentworth III 810-955-6600


An Equal Housing Opportunity Broker©



Let our specialists handle your short sale from start to finish.

Clerk Keith L. Kremer


1100 Torrey Rd., Ste 100 Fenton, MI


Each office independently owned and operated.

Supervisor Mike Cunningham


Andy Alger 810-241-0554

OPEN SUNDA Oct 23 Y rd 1-4PM

* * * * * * * * * * * The minutes of all regular and special Tyrone Township Board Meetings are on file and may be reviewed at the Tyrone Township Clerk’s Office, 10408 Center Road, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and online at www.tyronetownship.us. The next regular meeting of the Tyrone Township Board will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Tyrone Township Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.

Thinking of Buying or Selling?

915 3RD ST. • FENTON


1. Present: Supervisor Mike Cunningham, Clerk Keith Kremer, Treasurer Dave Kurtz, Trustees Steve Hasbrouck, Jim Kolhoff, and Don Peitz. Absent: Trustee Colleen Ameel. 2. Approved the agenda as amended; approved the consent agenda as presented. 3. Denied Mr. and Mrs. Garant’s appeal to waive their fire run charge. 4. Approved Mr. and Mrs. Sonderegger’s request for a Home Occupation Permit. 5. Approved the Voting System Extended Warranty Contract. 6. Approved the purchase of an indexing server to facilitate searching electronic documents and a replacement network server. 7. Authorized officials to proceed with court action to collect delinquent sewer mortgages. 8. Adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Must be able to work 1st and 2nd shift!

Holly Township Library is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Just minutes off I-75/ US-23 Exit 118 in Flint


One of the country’s finest assisted care homes has openings working with Alzheimer’s patients in a private country setting.




Help Wanted


12258 Fenton Rd. • Fenton

810-629-6560 [email protected]

Brian Will 810-523-6075

Natasha Jones 810-429-8541

Reliant Appraisal Company Joseph W. Hanson

State Certified Appraiser Ph. 810-513-6361 Fax: 810-213-0500

[email protected]

Steve Brooks 810-691-1478

Troy Strong 248-320-1205

Tracy Zalac 810-252-6778

24 Hour Disaster Response Fire - Wind - Water - Mold Specialist

www.leakfreehome.com 810-735-5627



16A    Sunday, October 23, 2011

Help Wanted


Do Your Part

Read then Recycle 502 W. SHIAWASSEE • FENTON OPEN SUNDAY 2-5PM

BEAUTIFULLY renovated historic home featuring beauty, space and charm. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, basement, 2300+ sq. ft, .45 acre lot.



Each office independently owned and operated.



AUTO CAD Operator, full/ part-time, 1-2 years experience required, Industial Controls, Electrical/Mechanical Drawing, Fenton/Holly area. Jobs.Parkerengineer.com. Send resume to Jobs@ Parkerengineer.com. AUTO TECHNICIANS. Business is booming. Auto Lab Fenton offers a career for one ASE or State certified technician. Please send qualifications to autolaboffenton@autolabusa. com or call 810-750-9000. BARTENDER - EXPERIENCED 6-11:30p.m., Monday-Friday. Fraternal Order of Eagles, 1490 N. Leroy, Fenton. B U S Y P R E S E R VAT I O N company looking for handyman/subcontractors to complete service orders in the field. Must supply vehicle, trailer, and tools. Must be able to access the internet and e-mail, basic computer skills a must. Compensation on per job basis with timely payment w/weekly checks issued. Email [email protected] or fax 248-399-7099.


Help Wanted


LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER. Laundry, driving, cooking, daily cleaning. Experienced, responsible ONLY! Room and board included, will discuss salary. Call 810-471-2454. PART-TIME SALT delivery driver needed. Apply in person at McIntyre, 1014 N. Bridge St., Linden. TIM HORTONS in Fenton (Owen Rd. and Silver Lake Rd. locations) is hiring for positions on 1st shift. Please apply at www.timhortons.com or apply in store. No phone calls please.



check us out on

at tctimes.com WANTED - CARS and trucks. 30 years old and older. Any condition. 810-210-4622. check us out on

Market place

at tctimes.com


Garage Sales


Come Talk to us at Coldwell Banker Professionals. Leader in Technology, #1 Real Estate Brand, Great Agent Packages!

FENTON ESTATE sale. FridaySaturday, October 21st-22nd and October 28th-29th, 13324 Firestone Dr.

(confidential meetings available)

Call Ken 810-629-2220

or email [email protected]


HELP WANTED making grave blankets and wreaths. Full time seasonal. Apply in person at 10245 Torrey Rd., Fenton, between Thompson and Baldwin Rds., Monday-Friday, 8-4:30p.m.


Real Estate For Sale

Briny Breezes, Florida

Market place

Make The Move NOW!

Holly HOLLY THREE family garage sale. Saturday and Sunday, October 22nd and 23rd, 7188 E. Holly Rd. Something for everyone. HOLLY WHOLESALE close out! 3030 Elliott, Grange Hall to Fish Lake, north 1 mile, October 27-29th, 9-?


13273 Haddon Drive

Torrey Rd. to Grove Park straight to Haddon... end of street. Lake Fenton waterfront, 80’ of sandy beach w/ seawall. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 2.5 car garage. Semi-Private Setting! Reduced to $369,115

Rated by GMA and USA Today as “Best Buy” for Senior Living in Southern Florida. Briny Breezes Community is located in Boynton Beach, between Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal. Community pool, cable TV, woodworking shop, shuffleboard court, 800 feet of perfect private beach on Atlantic Ocean with clubhouse. 14’ x 50’ mobile home on Intracoastal canal, freshly painted and updated, new ceramic tile, new pergo flooring, W/D, AC, lawn sprinkler and covered patio. Existing deck and dock for boat. Estate sale, sold with all furnishings.

Priced to sell at $198,000. Can see Briny Breezes community online at http://briny-breezes-fl.com or call Rick or Craig at

810 750-6011 or 810 240 8315 FENTON TWP. - 12 apartments on 2.5 acres, discounted $250,000, NOW - $325,000. Quick sale, terms. 810-6298694, 810-964-3472, 810-7356887.


Vacant Land For Sale

F E N T O N - LO O N lake 2 waterfront and 2 wooded lots. $16,000 and up. Quick sale, terms. 810-629-8694, 810-9643472, 810-735-6887. OLD GRAVEL TRUCK ROAD, starts at Hartland Road and runs to Genesee County line. Total acreage 9.5 acres. Road is 80’ in width with an additional split off towards Parkin Lane. $6,100 per acre. Can call on this property between 7:305p.m., Monday-Friday, phone 810-459-9190, ask for Vaughn.

Contact Ken 810-853-8440 [email protected]

120 N. LeRoy St. Downtown Fenton


YOUR OPINIONS MAY BE EXPRESSED VERBALLY AT THIS HEARING OR IN WRITING TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PRIOR TO THIS HEARING. THE PLANNING COMMISSION ENCOURAGES YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS MATTER. This notice is published in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MLA 41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Fenton Township will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting or public hearing upon 14 days notice to Fenton Township. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact Fenton Township by writing or calling the following: Fenton Township Office, (810) 629-1537, 12060 Mantawauka Drive, Fenton, Michigan 48430. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday. Ordinances, meeting schedules and other Township information are also available at www.fentontownship.org.

Cars For Sale

Stuck in a Rut?

PUBLIC HEARINGS: R11-002 Steve Steffey, 11200 Vantage Pointe, Linden: Requesting to amend the PUD, Planned Unit Development, approved for Silver Chase in 2003 for 184 multi-family dwelling units near the south west corner of Owen and Jennings Roads. The requested amendment is for an “Aging in Place” senior concept with independent, assisted and memory care living. Parcel 06-33-400-026. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 594: Article 2 Definitions to add internet sales Article 4 General Provisions Section 4.15, to add provisions for internet sales Article 4 General Provisions Section 4.02, Accessory buildings in agricultural districts - to allow for caretaker living quarters.


(Across from the State Bank Loan Store)





Open House Sunday 1-3pm

Open by Appointment

0 ,90 69 $1

Move in condition! Luxurious Largest Floor Plan. Immaculate. Two Car Garage. Architectural Digest Designed! Upgrades in each room including: Jacuzzi tub, European sink, mirror, solid oak floors throughout, marble fireplace, solid oak library, huge/dry basement, professionally landscaped (BORDINE’S) private “New Orleans like” reclusive garden backyard. New: Front loading energy efficient washer/dryer, dishwasher, water heater, refinished deck (new deck flooring)

Ready for your viewing and move in condition with all appliances included. 2 car garage, deck and gas log fireplace in living room. Full basement, corner lot with beautiful pine trees. Home warranty offered. Directions: Silver lake rd. to s. on Linden Rd. to Creekwood Condos on East side of Linden Rd.

Reduced! • $169,900



Manufactured Homes

14229 Torrey Rd. Fenton

Park Place LTD. 810-629-2234 www.century21parkplace.com


HOLLY HOME FOR SALE. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $5,900 or best offer. Financing available. No site rent until January 2012. 888-282-1096. Sun Homes Hawaiian Gardens/Holly Village. www.4hawaiiangardens. com. EHO. Expires 10-31-11.


Check Movie




AUTOMOTIVE MARKET Want to sell your car? Call 810-629-8281 to reserve your space in the Tri-County Times Pre-Owned Automotive page.

44436XA 2000 Buick Century $4000. Leather seating, AM/ FM/Cassette/Compact Disc radio, power seating adjustment for driver/passenger.   Hall Chrysler Jeep & Dodge. 888-249-1361

40374A 2008 Dodge Avenger SXT $9000. This Avenger has the sport appearance package, chill zone and cloth interior. Get 30+ mpg.  Hall Chrysler Jeep & Dodge. 888-249-1361

44338A 2004 Oldsmobile Silhouette $7000. Fun for the whole family with leather power seating, cruise control and CD radio player.  Hall Chrysler Jeep & Dodge. 888-249-1361

40385XA 2003 Pontiac Bonneville $7500. Equipped with leather seating, AM/FM/CD radio and power seating adjustment for the driver.  Hall Chrysler Jeep & Dodge. 888-249-1361

58337XA 2002 Chrysler Concorde $6000. Equipped with leather seating, AM/FM cassette radio and 8 way power seating, key less entry.  Hall Chrysler Jeep & Dodge. 888-249-1361



Real Estate For Rent


BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED lakefront house for rent. Short term lease. No pets and no smoking. $1,200 per month. 248-921-4614. LAKE SHANNON, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, gourmet kitchen, valted ceiling, skylights, big deck. $1,700/month. 810-875-0025.



BEST RATE in town! Lake Winds Plaza, Fenton! Perfect office/retail environment! 2,200 sq. ft. space available. Great parking, no NNN, brokers protected. Call 248-884-8167. VARIOUS ROOMS and suites. North Towne Professional Centre, 810-714-3103.

Rooms/ Apartments For Rent


1 and 2 Bedroom private entry apartments. ter Paid a W d n a Hea t On site laundry, central air, pool, picnic areas and we are pet friendly.

Rooms/ Apartments For Rent





starting at



APARTMENTS • Fitness Center • Manicured Putting Green • Tennis/Basketball Court • Pristine pool w/Sun Deck • 1 and 2 bedroom • Up to 1300 sq. ft. • Serene Wooded River Views • Pets Welcome* • Covered Parking • Full Size Washer/Dryer in Select Units

Call Today for details!

810-629-7653 201 Trealout Dr. • Fenton



into a great

Apartment Value Call for Rates & Availability

• Major Utilities Paid • Free Heat & Water • Pets Welcome • Lake Fenton Schools • Private balcony or patio • Super maintenance service • Close to everything, yet blissfully quiet

Call ! y Toda


Call for details


Located in Beautiful Fenton, MI Easy Expressway Access, you are just minutes away from everything!

(In Fenton, off North Leroy) Monday-Friday 10-5 • Sat. by appt.


www.georgetown parkapartments.com MON-FRI 9-6, SAT 10-5 & SUN 11-4

Quiet area yet close to everything!


Rooms/ Apartments For Rent

FENTON 1 BEDROOM. Utilities, cable, internet included. $675 monthly. 1st month plus 1 month security deposit. 810397-8480.

200 Trealout Drive Professionally managed by MRD

fentonestates@ mrdapartments.com HOLLY - ONE MONTH FREE! Ranch apartments, fireplaces, porches, front yards, front door parking, private entry, pet friendly, central location. Call for move in specials! 248634-3300. NEAR LAKE FENTON, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Pool, exercise room, laundry included. $550 a month. 1 month free. 248444-4426.


Sunday, October 23, 2011    17A

Rooms/ Apartments For Rent


LaFonda Apartments In Fenton


FREE RENT 300 security deposit* 1 bedroom…$425 2 bedroom…$525 Call Today! 810-629-5871


*Call for details. EHO


Notice is hereby given that Simply Self Storage will, per judicial lien act, sell at public auction on


Between noon–4:00pm for the following units.

Simply Self Storage located at 15124 S. Linden Rd. Linden, MI 48451 We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Terms are cash only at close of auction.

B-18 Charles Stone - Miscellaneous household items. K-7 Robert Zoll - Lawn mower, Desk, 2 bikes B-20 Joseph Jones - 10 totes, 40 boxes, 2 speakers.

Read then Recycle

Cash Only

CITY OF FENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Fenton City Council on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in Fenton City Hall Council Chambers, 301 South Leroy Street, to accept citizen comments on the extension of the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption for Creative Foam, Fenton, Michigan. Additional information may be obtained from Fenton City Hall, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE IF ACCOMMODATIONS ARE NEEDED DUE TO A DISABILITY. Jennifer Naismith City Clerk

CITY OF FENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Fenton City Council on Monday, October 24, 2011, at 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in Fenton City Hall Council Chambers, 301 South Leroy Street, to accept citizen comments on the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption for Acument Global Technologies, Fenton, Michigan. Additional information may be obtained from Fenton City Hall, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The City of Fenton will hold an auction of unclaimed property on October 29th, 2011 at 11:00 AM at the Police Department located at 311 S. Leroy St.


Items include tools, electronics, jewelry, sporting goods, audio equipment, bicycles, motorcycle, cargo boxes, office equipment and decommissioned police and fire department vehicles.

Jennifer Naismith City Clerk

Payment for items must be made in cash, a 20% deposit may be used to hold vehicles until the next business day.

HARTLAND 12316 Highland Rd. (M-59)

A complete list of the items is available at the City of Fenton Police Department.

VILLAGE OF HOLLY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF VARIANCE REQUEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with Article 25 of the Village of Holly Zoning Ordinance, the Village of Holly Zoning Board of Appeals will hear requests for a fence variance on November 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM (or as soon thereafter as possible) in the Village Council Chambers located at 315 S. Broad St., Holly, Michigan. An application for a fence height variance was filed by Nicholas Sulivan for 815 & 817 E. Baird St. The parcels bear tax identification numbers 01-34-401-030 & -031. The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 312 for the installation of a roughly four foot fence in the front yard of a residential property.

REAL ESTATE CO. www.englandrealestate.us

(810)632-7427 (248)887-9736 (810)629-8515


LOBDELL LAKEFRONT! 1.9 acre treed retreat on an all sports lake. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, open floor plan w/2.5 story living room w/fp. Finished walk-out lower level w/ family room, wet bar, 2nd fp, 4th bedroom & bath. Enjoy the sun room, inground pool, lots of decking & 150’ of sandy beach. 25x30 garage has room for boat. $417,900. Linden Schools.

NICE LAKEFRONT! Cheer ful 2 bedroom lakefront home on all spor ts Lake Tyrone. Kitchen opens to lakeside living room with doorwall to 19x20 deck. Sandy beach & dock included. 2 car garage & 15x26 workshop. Har tland Schools. $195,000.

WATERFRONT-GREAT BUY! Immaculate waterfront dream on the Shiawassee River leading to all sports Lake Ponemah. 1860 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor plan w/great views, 2 masonry fireplaces, doorwall to deck, Florida room & more! $169,900. Linden Schools.

HIGGINS LAKE PRIVILEGES! Treed setting surrounds this spacious 1330 sq. ft. cottage w/shor t walk to park, beach & boat launch. Lots of character, nice kitchen, dining & snack bar, 26x16 living room w/lots of windows. 2 car garage. $195,000.

Written comments may be submitted to the Village Clerk-Treasurer, 202 S. Saginaw St., Holly, Michigan 48442 prior to the review and may also be submitted at the meeting. All documents pertinent to the application are available for inspection in the Village Offices at the above address during regular business hours. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the meeting. Handicapped persons needing assistance to attend are asked to contact the village offices at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at (248) 634-9571 during regular business hours. Catherene Behrens Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Holly


18A    Sunday, October 23, 2011



Rooms/ Apartments For Rent


FENTON LAKE near - one month FREE! 1 and 2 bedroom, semi-furnished, nice, no pets. $375 up. 810-629-8694, 810964-3472, 810-735-6887. LINDEN - 1 bedroom, dishwasher. Quiet subdivision on private lake. No pets. $400. 810-923-0274.

Get Your

Local News Online







Rooms/ Apartments For Rent


Misc. For Sale





TRADING POST 810-750-1644

Applications being accepted for HUD subsidized apartment with kitchen, bathroom, and ample closet space. Appliances provided. Beautiful quiet smoke free setting. Applicants must be 62 years old and meet federal requirements. For more information Please call:

Locally owned family operated. Adjacent to Sagebrush Cantina

BUY SELL or TRADE Misc. Wanted

I NEED your scrap metal, washers, dryers, water heaters, furnaces, refrigerators, aluminum, copper piping, etc. Please call 810-735-5910.

The Village of Holly Woodlands (248) 634-0592

Free Items


FREE PONTOON type boat and trailer. You haul. 810-7509860.


rn Animal Ba Farm d n u Playgro aze Corn M


Spicer Orchards

NDS: WEEKE FREEides Wagon Rle & for App Pumpkin Picking

Farm Market•Cider Mill & Winery U-PICK:

Apples: Northern Spy, Red & Golden Delicious, Mutsu, Ida Red, & Jonagold • Red Raspberries • Pumpkins


Honey Crisp & Gala Apples • Fresh Sweet Cider Hot Donuts • Caramel Apples • Pies Homemade Cookies • Jams & Jellies Wine Tasting on thePatio

810-632-7692 www.spicerorchards.com OPEN 9-7pm EVERYDAY Clyde Rd. - ¼ mile east of US-23 Exit #70, 3 miles north of M-59

Inflatab le Face s Painting Pony Rid es

PUZZLE ANSWER KEYS King Crossword, Wednesday Jumble and Wednesday Sudoku Puzzles are located in last Wednesday’s issue. All other puzzles are throughout this edition.



Household For Sale


WHITE DESK with hutch and chair, $100; black leather sofa, $100; black table with 4 chairs, $50; brown leather rocker, $50. 810-714-3363.


Lost & Found

LOST BLACK BOXER, oneyear old female with scar on forehead. Very friendly. The name Gabby is on her orange collar. Lost in area of Foley and Center roads. Call 810-9647270 or 586-995-6566. FOUND YOUNG, orange, declawed cat at Rounds Dr. 810-750-9860. GRAY, WHITE, female, long hair cat, approximetly 1 year, found in Hills of Tyrone. 810714-0821.



PAROTTLET BABY birds for sale. Call 810-422-8213 for more information.


Boats & Motors

14 SECTION wooden dock with aluminum stanchions. $500. 810-629-9298. 21FT. BASS BUGGY, 40h.p. Johnson, 21/2 Pontoons. Rebuilt in 2010, new wood, seats, and carpet. Asking $7,500 with trailer or $6,800 without the trailer or best offer. If you would like to make an offer or need further information please contact me at 810-397-7057. topwaterdock@ gmail.com.

Good Things To Eat


FREEZER BEEF Organic raised




cold weight

• Pick up 1st week of December in Frankenmuth • Deposit required by Nov. 15th

CALL 989-737-5432







Pony Rides • Strawbale Maze Barn Yard Animals Farm Playground


Orchard & Cider Mill




Open Daily 9am-6pm


Corner of Linden/Lobdell Rds.




Legal Notices


STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, SAUK COUNTY WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS, INC., Plaintiff, v. CYNTHIA L. YOUNGQUIST, et al., Defendants. Case Number: 11-CV-842 Other Real Estate: 30405 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To: CYNTHIA L. YOUNGQUIST and THOMAS E. YOUNGQUIST You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after October 9, 2011, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is Clerk of Circuit Court, Sauk County Courthouse, 515 Oak Street, Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913-2416, and to Daniel W. Stolper, Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 222 West Washington Avenue, Suite 900, P.O. Box 1784, Madison, Wisconsin 53701 1784. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services because of a disability, call 608.355.3287 and ask for the Court ADA Coordinator. Dated: October 4, 2011. STAFFORD ROSENBAUM LLP By /s/___________________________ Daniel W. Stolper State Bar Number 1016462 Attorneys for Plaintiff 222 West Washington Avenue, Suite 900. Post Office Box 1784 Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1784 608.256.0226

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times FORECLOSURE NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any infor-mation obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Brian Webb & Sandra Webb aka Sandra M Webb, Husband and Wife to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc., Mortgagee, dated June 22, 2007 and recorded September 20, 2007 in Instrument # 200709200072286 Genesee County Records, Michigan on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Forty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred Seventeen Dollars and Ninety-Six Cents ($147,417.96) including interest 6.25% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Genesee County at 10:00AM on November 16, 2011 Said premises are situated in Township of Mundy, Genesee County, Michigan, and are described as: Lot 81, Grandwood Estates No. 3, as recorded in Liber 50, Page 45 of Plats, Genesee County Records. Commonly known as 5500 Cottonwood Dr, Swartz Creek MI 48473 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), whichever is later. Dated: 10/16/2011 CitiMortgage, Inc. successor by merger to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc. Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 8445123 Our File No: 11-42781 Ad #16053 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/06/2011

Legal Notices


Legal Notices

Sunday, October 23, 2011    19A

82 Keeping Smiles

FORECLOSURE NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Curley Richardson III, an Unmarried Man to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group Inc., Mortgagee, dated August 30, 1999 and recorded August 31, 1999 in Liber 4255 Page 86 Genesee County Records, Michigan on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Fifty-Nine Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Three Dollars and One Cents ($59,193.01) including interest 8.75% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Genesee County at 10:00AM on November 9, 2011 Said premises are situated in City of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, and are described as: Lot 566 except the Westerly 2.7 feet of Manley Village No. 3, according to the recorded plat thereof as re-corded in Plat Book 29, Pages 12-13, Genesee County Records Commonly known as 1906 Castle Ln, Flint MI 48504 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), which-ever is later. Dated: 10/09/2011 CitiMortgage, Inc. successor by merger to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group Inc. Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Our File No: 11-47654 Ad #15886 10/09, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30/2011

NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. Notwithstanding, if the debt secured by this property was discharged in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy proceeding, this notice is NOT an attempt to collect that debt. You are presently in default under your Mortgage Security Agreement, and the Mortgage Holder may be contemplating the commencement of foreclosure proceedings under the terms of that Agreement and Michigan law. You have no legal obligation to pay amounts due under the discharged note. A loan modification may not serve to revive that obligation. However, in the event you wish to explore options that may avert foreclosure, please contact our office at the number listed below. Attention: The following notice shall apply only if the property encumbered by the mortgage described below is claimed as a principal residence exempt from tax under section 7cc of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7cc. Attention Elsie O Crang, regarding the property at 2320 Morton, Flint, MI 48507. The following notice does not apply if you have previously agreed to modify the mortgage loan under section 3205b. 3205a, 3205b and 3205c do not apply unless the terms of the modified mortgage loan entered into were complied with for one year after the date of the modification. You have the right to request a meeting with your mortgage holder or mortgage servicer. Potestivo & Associates, P.C. is the designee with authority to make agreements under MCL 600.3205b and MCL 600.3205c, and can be contacted at: 811 South Blvd., Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123. You may also contact a housing counselor. For more information, contact the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) by visiting www.michigan. gov/mshda or calling (866) 946-7432. If you request a meeting with Potestivo & Associates, P.C. within 14 days after the notice required under MCL 600.3205a(1) is mailed, then foreclosure proceedings will not commence until at least 90 days after the date said notice was mailed. If an agreement to modify the mortgage loan is reached and you abide by the terms of the agreement, the mortgage will not be foreclosed. You have the right to contact an attorney and can obtain contact information through the State Bar of Michigan’s Lawyer Referral Service at (800) 968-0738. Dated: October 23, 2011. Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Infor-mation may be faxed to (248)267-3004, Attention: Loss Mitigation Our File No: 11-49848 Ad #16230 10/23/2011

FORECLOSURE NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Jami M. Schuermann, a Married Woman and Donald D. Haney, a Married Man to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Flagstar Bank, FSB., its successors and assigns, Mortgagee, dated September 19, 2003 and recorded September 26, 2003 in Instrument # 200309260130057 Genesee County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage was assigned to: Flagstar Bank, by assignment dated January 4, 2011 and recorded February 7, 2011 in Instrument # 201102070006544 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty-One Dollars and Eighty-Eight Cents ($114,131.88) including interest 2.875% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Genesee County at 10:00AM on November 2, 2011 Said premises are situated in City of Fenton, Genesee County, Michigan, and are described as: The North 120 feet of Lot 3, Block 41 of Village (now City) of Fentonville, according to the plat thereof re-corded in Liber 1 of Plats, Page 8 of Genesee County records Commonly known as 111 West Elizabeth Street, Fenton MI 48430 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), whichever is later. Dated: 10/02/2011 Flagstar Bank, FSB. Assignee of Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Our File No: 11-47192 Ad #15753 10/02, 10/09, 10/16, 10/23/2011

NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. Notwithstanding, if the debt secured by this property was discharged in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy proceeding, this notice is NOT an attempt to collect that debt. You are presently in default under your Mortgage Security Agreement, and the Mortgage Holder may be contemplating the commencement of foreclosure proceedings under the terms of that Agreement and Michigan law. You have no legal obligation to pay amounts due under the discharged note. A loan modification may not serve to revive that obligation. However, in the event you wish to explore options that may avert foreclosure, please contact our office at the number listed below. Attention: The following notice shall apply only if the property encumbered by the mortgage described below is claimed as a principal residence exempt from tax under section 7cc of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7cc. Attention Lester N. Gitre Jr. and Andrea F. Gitre, regarding the property at 15391 Duffield Rd Byron, MI 48418. The following notice does not apply if you have previously agreed to modify the mortgage loan under section 3205b. 3205a, 3205b and 3205c do not apply unless the terms of the modified mortgage loan entered into were complied with for one year after the date of the modification. You have the right to request a meeting with your mortgage holder or mortgage servicer. Potestivo & Associates, P.C. is the designee with authority to make agreements under MCL 600.3205b and MCL 600.3205c, and can be contacted at: 811 South Blvd., Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123. You may also contact a housing counselor. For more information, contact the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) by visiting www.michigan. gov/mshda or calling (866) 946-7432. If you request a meeting with Potestivo & Associates, P.C. within 14 days after the notice required under MCL 600.3205a(1) is mailed, then foreclosure proceedings will not commence until at least 90 days after the date said notice was mailed. If an agreement to modify the mortgage loan is reached and you abide by the terms of the agreement, the mortgage will not be foreclosed. You have the right to contact an attorney and can obtain contact information through the State Bar of Michigan’s Lawyer Referral Service at (800) 968-0738. Dated: October 23, 2011. Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 infor-mation may be faxed to (248)267-3004, Attention: Loss Mitigation Our File No: 11-50332 Ad #16252 10/23/2011

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20A    Sunday, October 23, 2011


PUBLIC NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF FENTON BOARD MEETING SYNOPSIS OCTOBER 17, 2011 The Fenton Township Board held a regular meeting on Monday October 17, 2011 at the Fenton Township Civic Community Center, 12060 Mantawauka Drive, Fenton, Michigan and took the following actions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Supervisor Mathis led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Approved the agenda as presented. Received legislative updates from Representative Paul Scott. Received Genesee County updates from County Commissioner Joe Graves. Approved invoices & expenditures for payment in the total amount of $628,048.60. Received the 3rd quarter Fire Department operations report from Battalion Chief Ryan Volz. Received the 3rd quarter report from Ordinance Enforcement Officer Robert Atkinson. Approved a revised Fenton Township Schedule of Fees. Appointed Donna L. Warren to the Fenton Township Planning Commission for the term ending May 31, 2012. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-17, requesting that the DNR investigate the need for a special local hunting area control on Tupper Lake. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-18, honoring Mitchell Koch for attaining the rank of Eagle in Boy Scout Troop 212. Approved the sale of a 1990 Pierce Arrow tanker truck to the Hickory Township (Pennsylvania) Fire Department. Adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes of this meeting and any ordinances adopted at the meeting are on file and available for review at the Fenton Township Office, 12060 Mantawauka Drive, Fenton, Michigan 48430. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ordinances, meeting schedules, meeting minutes and other Township information are also available at www.fentontownship.org. ROBERT E. KRUG FENTON TOWNSHIP CLERK

TYRONE TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Tyrone Township Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on November 8, 2011 beginning at 7:30 pm at the Tyrone Township Hall, 10408 Center Road, Fenton, Michigan 48430. The purpose of this Public Hearing will be to receive comments regarding proposed revisions to the following Zoning Ordinance 36 sections: Accessory Buildings – revisions to allow for conditional approval of accessory buildings up to 1,200 square feet - Section 2.01 Definitions, Article 20 Schedule of Regulations Table and Section 20.02 Footnote O, and Section 21.02 Accessory Structures Provisions; Kennels - to amend the standards for Dog Kennels and the keeping of pets Section 2.01 Definitions, Section 21.49 Keeping of Pets, and Section 22.05.G Dog Kennels; Parking Spaces - to increase the size of parking spaces, require doublestriping and allow pavement alternatives - Section 25.02 Off Street Parking Space Layout, Standards, Construction and Maintenance, and Figure 12 and Figure 12a; Sign Regulations – to amend the regulations for changeable copy signs, increase sign sizes and specify signs permitted in the new PIRO and PCS districts - Article 27 Outdoor Advertising and Sign Regulations; Primary Roads – Add definition for Primary Road - Section 2.01 Definitions – Street; PIRO District – Add Planned Industrial, Research Office zoning district Article 16A; PIRO, PCS and PUD Reference Amendments – add references to PIRO and PCS districts and the PUD designation - Section 3.00 District Designations; Section 8.02 Cluster Development Option; Section 20.01 Table of Schedule of Regulations Dimensional Requirements; Section 20.03 Table of Land Uses by Zoning District; Section 21.16 Noise; Section 21.32 Wireless Communications Facilities subsection 21.32.C.2; Section 21.42 State Licensed Child and Adult Care Facilities Table 21.1; Section 21.45 Prohibited Uses; Section 23.01 Developments and Uses Requiring Site Plan Review; Section 23.18 Architectural Standards subsections 23.18.C Roof Appurtenances and subsection 23.18.N Use Groups; Section 30.05 Plans and subsection 30.05.B.2 Site Plans; MHP Manufactured Home Park District – typo correction – Section 10.03.H; Condominium Development Standards – typo correction and restructuring of section – Section 21.43.G; FR/RE Districts - Article 4 and Special Land Uses -- Article 22.05.S(new) to permit limited commercial storage in the FR/RE districts. Supporting documentation may be reviewed at the Tyrone Township Hall, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or by calling (810) 6298631. Comments regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance revisions may be made at the time of the hearing or submitted in writing to the Planning Commission prior to the date of the meeting. Dave Hanoute, Chairman Tyrone Township Planning Commission

Legal Notices



FORECLOSURE NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Michael T. Turner and Debra L. Turner, Husband and Wife to Ameri-quest Mortgage Company, Mortgagee, dated May 27, 2004 and recorded June 18, 2004 in Instrument # 200406180066911 Genesee County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage was assigned to: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-R8, by assignment dated September 22, 2011 and recorded September 29, 2011 in Instrument # 201109290069364 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Nine Dollars and SeventyThree Cents ($139,009.73) including interest 6.7% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore-closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Genesee County at 10:00AM on November 9, 2011 Said premises are situated in City of Burton, Genesee County, Michigan, and are described as: Lot 87, Weston Subdivision No. 2, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Liber 24 Page 20 Genesee County Records. Commonly known as 2425 Melody Lane, Burton MI 48509 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless deter-mined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), whichever is later. Dated: 10/09/2011 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed PassThrough Certificates, Series 2004-R8, Assignee of Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Our File No: 11-47458 Ad #15880 10/09, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30/2011

FORECLOSURE NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Dan Miller, a Single Man to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group Inc., Mortgagee, dated March 28, 2003 and recorded April 9, 2003 in Instrument # 200304090052085 Genesee County Records, Michigan on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Thirty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Nine Dollars and ThirtyEight Cents ($35,709.38) including interest 6.25% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Genesee County at 10:00AM on November 9, 2011 Said premises are situated in City of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, and are described as: The South one-half of Lot 186 and 187 of Eastlawn Annex, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 10 of Plats, Page 27 of Genesee County Records Commonly known as 2801 Branch Rd, Flint MI 48506 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), whichever is later. Dated: 10/09/2011 CitiMortgage, Inc. successor by merger to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group Inc. Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Our File No: 11-47589 Ad #15884 10/09, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30/2011

Legal Notices


FORECLOSURE NOTICE This firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any infor-mation obtained will be used for this purpose. If you are in the Military, please contact our office at the number listed below. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by: Timothy T Wellman and Shannon L Wellman, Husband and Wife to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group Inc, Mortgagee, dated July 8, 2003 and recorded November 3, 2003 in Liber 4227 Page 276 Livingston County Records, Michigan on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Thirty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Thirty Dollars and Seventy Cents ($37,130.70) including interest 4.5% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, Circuit Court of Livingston County at 10:00AM on November 16, 2011 Said premises are situated in Township of Putnam, Livingston County, Michigan, and are described as: Parcel 6: A part of the Northwest one quarter, Section 16, and Northeast one quarter of Section 16, Town 1 North, Range 4 East, Putnam Township, Livingston County, Michigan; described as follows: Commencing at the West one quarter corner of said Section 16; thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes 04 seconds East, along the East-West one quarter Section line 228.16 feet; thence along the Easterly Right-of-way line of a 66 foot wide Private Road Easement on the arc of a curve left, 227.20 feet, said curve has a radius of 75.00 feet, a central angle of 173 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds, and a long chord which bears North 03 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, 149.77 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly right-of way line on the arc of a curve right, 43.92 feet, said curve has a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 50 degrees 19 minutes 44 seconds and a long chord which bears North 58 degrees 30 minutes 51 seconds West 42.52 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly right-of way line on the arc of a curve right, 428.43 feet, said curve has a radius of 1413.94 feet, a central angle of 17 degrees 21 minutes 39 seconds and a long chord which bears North 24 degrees 40 minutes 09 seconds West, 426.79 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly right-of way line, North 15 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds West 524.96 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly right of way line on the arc of a curve right 342.43 feet, said curve has a radius of 378.28 feet, a central angle of 51 degrees 51 minutes 57 seconds and a long chord which bears North 09 degrees 56 minutes 39 seconds East, 330.86 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly right-of way line, North 35 degrees 52 minutes 37 seconds East, 1096.04 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly right-of way line on the arc of a curve left, 109.21 feet, said curve has a radius of 2793.74 feet; a central angle of 02 degrees 14 minutes 23 seconds and a long chord which bears North 34 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East 109.20 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing along said right-of way line on the arc of a curve left, 287.16 feet, said curve has a radius of 2793.74 feet, a central angle of 05 degrees 53 minutes 21 seconds and a long chord which bears North 30 degrees 41 minutes 34 seconds East 287.03 feet, thence along the centerline of Spears Road on the arc of a curve right, 102.81 feet, said curve has a radius of 669.86 feet, a central angle of 08 degrees 47 minutes 38 seconds and a long chord which bears South 67 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds East, 102.71 feet; thence continuing along said centerline South 63 degrees 17 minutes 35 seconds East, 480.06 feet to the intersection of the centerlines of Spears and Cedar Lake Roads; thence along the centerline of Cedar Lake Road on the arc of a curve left, 127.48 feet, said curve has a radius of 500.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds and a long chord which bears South 47 degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds East, 127.14 feet; thence continuing along said centerline South 55 degrees 17 minutes 13 seconds East, 127.44 feet; thence continuing along said centerline on the arc of a curve left 1359.70 feet, said curve has a central angle of 13 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds, a radius of 5729.58 feet and a long chord which bears South 62 degrees 05 minutes 07 seconds East, 1356.51 feet; thence South 09 degrees 39 minutes 32 seconds West 276.79 feet to Traverse Point R, a one half inch rod lying 12 feet North of the water’s edge of Lake Wallaby; thence continuing South 23 de-grees 20 minutes 54 seconds West, 312.29 feet; thence North 54 degrees 22 minutes 23 seconds West, 1051.19 feet to Traverse Point AA, one half iron lying 8 feet Northwest of the water’s edge of Lake Wallaby, also being the end of a meandering Traverse line

Legal Notices


beginning at aforementioned Traverse Point R and following 9 courses: South 86 degrees 21 minutes 12 seconds West, 157.81 feet to Traverse Point S, South 51 degrees 04 minutes 03 seconds West, 63.17 feet to Traverse Point T, North 73 degrees 26 minutes 16 seconds West 65.78 feet to Traverse Point U, North 35 degrees 57 minutes 58 seconds West, 37.19 feet to Traverse Point V, North 20 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds West, 198.71 feet to Traverse Point W, North 52 degrees 07 minutes 58 seconds West, 174.85 feet to Traverse Point X, North 70 degrees 02 minutes 59 seconds West, 174.96 feet to Traverse Point Y, North 86 degrees 54 minutes 25 seconds West, 232.42 feet to Traverse Point Z, South 64 degrees 35 minutes 47 seconds West, 91.46 feet to Traverse Point AA; thence continuing from Traverse Point AA North 54 degrees 22 minutes 23 seconds West, 1283.95 feet to the point of beginning. Also including the use of Walkabout Way a 66 foot wide Private Road Easement for ingress, egress and public utilities as shown in the plat of Putnam Meadows No. 1, recorded in Liber 34 of Plats, pages 3 through 5, Livingston County Records. Also together with a 50 foot wide private boat launch easement described below. Private boat launch easement to be used together with others lawfully entitled to the use of the same, the centerline of which is described as follows: A part of the Northwest quarter of Section 16, Town 1 North, Range 4 East, Michigan, described as: Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 16; thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes 4 seconds East 228.16 feet along the East and West quarter line of said Section 16; thence on the arc of a curve of a left 227.20 feet, said curve having a radius of 75.00 feet, a central angle of 173 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds and a chord which bears North 3 degrees 6 minutes 7 seconds East 149.77 feet; thence on the arc of a curve right 43.92 feet, said curve having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 50 degrees 19 minutes 44 seconds and a chord which bears North 58 degrees 30 minutes 51 seconds West 42.52 feet; thence on the arc of a curve right 428.43 feet, said curve having a radius of 1413.94 feet, a central angle of 17 degrees 21 minutes 39 seconds and a chord which bears North 24 degrees 40 minutes 9 seconds West 426.79 feet; thence North 15 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds West 524.96 feet; thence on the arc of a curve right 342.43 feet, said curve having a radius of 378.28 feet, a central angle of 51 degrees 51 minutes 57 seconds and a chord which bears North 9 degrees 56 minutes 39 seconds East 330.86 feet; thence North 35 degrees 52 minutes 37 seconds East 1096.04 feet; thence on the arc of a curve left 396.36 feet; said curve having a radius of 2793.74 feet, a central angle of 8 degrees 7 minutes 44 seconds and a chord which bears North 31 degrees 48 minutes 45 seconds East 396.03 feet; thence along the centerline of Spears Road on the arc of a curve right 102.81 feet, said curve having a radius of 669.86 feet, a central angle of 8 degrees 47 minutes 38 seconds and a chord which bears South 67 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds East 102.71 feet; thence continuing along said centerline South 63 degrees 17 minutes 35 seconds East 480.06 feet to the intersection of the centerline of Spears Road and the centerline of Cedar Lake Road; thence along the centerline of Cedar Lake Road on the arc of a curve left 127.48 feet; said curve having a radius of 500.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds and a chord which bears South 47 degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds East 127.14 feet; thence continuing along said centerline South 55 degrees 17 minutes 13 seconds East 127.44 feet; thence continuing along said centerline on the arc of a curve left 1385.20 feet, said curve having a radius of 5729.58 feet, a central angle of 13 degrees 51 minutes 7 seconds and a chord which bears South 62 degrees 12 minutes 46 seconds East 1381.83 feet to the point of beginning of said centerline; thence South 9 degrees 39 minutes 32 seconds West 265.30 feet to the meandering Traverse line for Lake Wallaby; thence South 9 degrees 39 minutes 32 seconds West 40.00 feet to the point of ending of said centerline as described in Boss Engineering Survey No. 89260 dated July 3, 1989. Commonly known as 8110 Cedar Lake Rd, Pinckney MI 48169 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241 or MCL 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale, or upon the expiration of the notice required by MCL 600.3241a(c), whichever is later. Dated: 10/16/2011 CitiMortgage, Inc. successor by merger to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group Inc. Mortgagee Attorneys: Potestivo & Associates, P.C. 811 South Blvd. Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 844-5123 Our File No: 11-47859 Ad #16054 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/06/2011


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22A    Sunday, October 23, 2011


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1263 Crystal Pointe Circle, (N on Fenton Rd. to Petts Rd. E to Crystal Pointe Circle S) Well maintained Condo that backs up to the Nature Conservatory, with hardwood floor in Great room, dining room, 2 bedrooms,1.5 baths, central air, 1st floor laundry, 1051 sq. ft., lower level walkout, deck off kitchen and 2 car garage. Need more space? Finishing lower level walkout with 9 feet ceiling and plumbed for bath could add up to 900 sq. ft.

4500 Eleanor Dr., (Owen Road W to Eleanor, turn right onto Eleanor and turn right onto Island View for .10 mile. Turn left onto Eleanor.) Quaint Cottage with 40’ frontage on Pine Lake. Cozy waterfront home featuring cathedral ceilings and knotty pine. Fantastic view of Pine Lake. A bit of updating will make this your ideal lakefront retreat. Ranch has natural fireplace in living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 992 sq. ft., +582 sq. ft. in finished walkout with recreation room, dock and Shed.

10532 Tamryn Blvd, Rose Twp, (Davisburg Rd. to Tamryn Blvd. S.) Beautiful views of lake and large private backyard. Most of upper level has been tastefully remodeled in the last 5 years. Kitchen is spacious with lots of cabinets & lighting including 2 skylights. You will love the adjoining Sun Room! Extensive L shaped cedar deck on 2 sides of home. MRB suite is secluded with doorwall leading to deck and back yard. MRB closet is a room in itself! Lower level FR with gas fireplace, office/den/5th bedroom, partial basement and swimming privileges.

6410 Moonstone, Bank Foreclosure. Beautiful 2 story with Large Open Kitchen with Island, breakfast room, dining room, gas fireplace in living room, 4 bedrooms, Large Master Suite with Cathedral Ceiling and full master bath, main floor laundry, 3.5 baths, central air, 2072 sq ft. + 850 sq. ft. in full finished walkout with Daylight windows, brick paver patio, large Custom deck and 2 Car Garage.

5477 Hidden Valley Trail, Condo built in 2002 with 3 bedrooms, Master bedroom has ceramic tile, Jet tub and walk–in closet, 2 full bathrooms, hardwood floor in kitchen and dining rooms, gas fireplace in living room, central air, 1588 sq. ft., unfinished basement with walkout, 2 car garage and nice 17x14 deck overlooking a creek and wooded area.

Call Bob Cole 810-625-8229

Call Ann Hernandez-Gabler 248-240-2272

Nancy Hanks 248-459-0198

Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300

Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300









9063 Grand Blanc Road, Swartz Creek School District on 5 acres with barn, 3 bedroom ranch and a Guest Cottage. Main house has 1.5 baths, living room, family room, dining room, 2213 sq. ft., full basement and enclosed porch. Updated bathroom, furnace and septic field. Guest Cottage offers one bedroom with numerous updates, great rental.

3383 Herrington Drive Contemporary Ranch home with cathedral ceilings and open floor plan, natural fireplace in Great room with Pergo flooring, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, Master Bedroom has its own bath, 1st floor laundry, central air, 1368 sq. ft. + 800 sq. ft. in partially finished basement with Daylight windows, large open recreation room and possible 4th bedroom, deck and 2 car garage.

Call Lisa Ciaravino 810-845-7261

Call Ann Hernandez-Gabler 248-240-2272



GRAND BLANC TOWNSHIP 6143 Porter Road, 2 bedroom Townhouse in the Grand Blanc School District. 964 sq. ft. with dining area, living room, central air, deck, covered porch, full unfinished basement and carport.


Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300







13111 Torrey Rd, Sparkling Shore Frontage on Lake Fenton on popular Crane’s Cove. Unique cottage with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, cathedral ceiling in kitchen, heated sun room, 1st floor laundry, 750 sq. ft., + 375 in finished basement and deck. Updates decks, dock, seawall, electrical and kitchen.

913 Young St Great investment property in this 3 unit house located on dead end street backing up to Crapo. Unit 1 and Unit 2 have 1 bedroom each. Unit 3 has 2 bedrooms, force air gas furnace, full basement and 1976 sq ft. Close to Mott, Library and Art Institute.

Call Margie Henwood 810-397-1295

Call GailLendvoyi 810-577-9901




1123 N Leroy St, 1372 sq. ft. for office or retail sales. Building is very visible from the street, High traffic area, paved parking, lot is 120x80, Land Contract available, for $165,000 with 20% down, terms are negotiable.

For Lease $1,400

Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300


13109 Lakeshore, Exquisite 2 story home with 50’on All Sport Fenton Lake. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, central air, fireplace in living room and basement, 1st floor laundry, 3100 sq. ft. + 1611 sq. ft. in finished lower level walkout with complete kitchen, bedrooms, family room, bathroom, and home theater system, in-law-apartment, deck, sprinkler system and 3 car garage. Vacant lot available next door.












Call Lisa Ciaravino 810-845-7261



518 Tania Trail, Stunning 3 bedroom Ranch offers granite counter, stainless appliances, hardwood floors, open floor plan with gas log fireplace in the Great Room, central air, 1st floor laundry, patio, storage shed and basement with daylight window. If you’re ready to move right in, this is the home for you.

1741 Tannock Drive, Waterfront on Taylor Lake. Up North Atmosphere! Great for Summer Cottage or Year Around Home with a great view of the lake, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 891 sq. ft. + 616 sq. ft. in finished lower level walkout.

Call Lisa Ciaravino 810-845-7261

Call Patrik Welty810-750-2300




. FT . SQ


Call Nancy Hanks 248-459-0198

Call Shelia Rhoades 810-348-7357


211 4th Street, Looking for a project? Beautiful lot. This 3 bedroom Farmhouse needs a total renovation. 1472 sq. ft., basement, detached garage, 2 baths and the lot is 90 x 120.


Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300






2118 Grange Hall, Beautiful property! Interesting farmhouse in need of work but good potential! Lots of room 2422 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, gas log fireplace, covered porch, four season heated room and 2 barns. Possible mother-in-law quarters with separate entrance. Fenced, could be horse farm. Good location with easy access to I-75 and US-23. Great opportunity!



Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300

3500 Grange Hall Road, Lots of square footage in this conveniently located split level close to schools, shopping and interstates. Four bedrooms, two full baths, breezeway and two car attached garage. One bedroom and full bath on main floor. Wood burning stove in lower level family room with walkout access. Updates include boiler, water heater and roof. Land contract terms available.



16451 Locke Dr, It’s a beauty. 83 Feet on Lobdell Lake. Home completely rebuilt in 2005. 4 Bedroom, 4 full bath, 2nd floor laundry, large master suite, 3207 sq. ft. + 1200 sq. ft. in partially finished lower level walkout with slate flooring includes full kitchen and natural fireplace, Large 32x40 insulated pole barn, 110 amp electrical with generator hook up for house. All this on almost an acre.

22 24



5185 Sandalwood Circle, Bank Foreclosure. 2 Story Site Condo with great floor plan, double sided fireplace in living room and den, spacious kitchen with snack bar, central air, 1963 sq. ft., unfinished basement has daylight windows, wonderful lot and 2 car garage. Lawn care and snow removal by association.

T. .F Q S 47 5 1

Call Arlene/Deb Wargo 810-569-1444






Call Vera Hogan 810-516-3463



Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300



228 Lookout Lane, Lakefront Homeowners’ Dream. Enjoy beautiful sunsets from multi-level deck of this well-maintained 3 bedroom ranch on all-sports Lake Orion. Large Great room has gas log fireplace, 1st floor master, central air, 1300 sq. ft. +370 sq. ft. in finished walkout with additional room for hot tub. Boat house, storage shed and heated garage also featured.

7050 Eveline Drive, Bank Foreclosure. Spacious 3 bedroom manufactured ranch with high ceilings, family room, living room with fireplace, central air, 1st floor laundry, 1790 sq. ft., barn on 5 acres.








302 S. Leroy, Downtown Fenton opportunity! Spacious commercial building. 1 unit is Leased. Remainder available for office, retail, plus warehouse in rear with 8 foot and 12 foot garage doors, 4052 sq. ft. of store/retail and 1908 sq. ft. for warehouse/storage, 3 bathrooms, each unit has its own furnace.

435 N Leroy Street, Looking for a place to start a new business or move your existing business, here’s the place! High traffic area, great visibility, paved parking, 2520 sq. ft., central air and back up to the Shiawassee River.

5387 Miller Rd, Commercial property in great location on busy Miller Rd zoned General Business. Perfect spot and price to open that new business or move an existing one. Lot is 70x116, ceiling height is 8 feet, 952 sq. ft. and basement.

9641 Northwest Ct. Nice location for this 1997 built heavy industrial building complete with well lighted office space, 2 sound proof rooms, warehouse, mezzanine and fenced outdoor storage for equipment and vehicles. Land Contract to qualified Buyer.

Call Framk Cramer 810-869-5701

Call Patrik Welty 810-750-2300

Call Donna Fraidenburg 810-845-1971

Call Kimberly Schumaker 810-730-2070








Continued from Front Page

director of the Fenton Area Chamber of Commerce and served on Fenton’s city council. Her main reason for running for city council back then was because she was frustrated with the condition of her subdivision’s roads.   She remembers one of her neighbors, Ed Krzeminski, who was also a city council member at the time, encouraged her to run for council so that she could be part of the solution rather than one who just complains about a situation.   “That inspired me,” she said. “Rather than complaining I jumped in to help solve the problem.” Lockwood also remembers that right after she and her husband moved to Fenton, urban renewal was approved and much of the downtown was torn down.   In 1989, she ran unopposed and she was elected in her first mayoral bid. She succeeded Carl Hammond, who decided to run for council rather than mayor. She went on to serve as mayor until 1998.   Public service reached beyond just Fenton for Lockwood. From 1998 to 2002, she served as the local representative to the House for the 51st District, which includes Fenton and the surrounding area.   From there, she was appointed as a state transportation commission advisor. In 2004, then Gov. Jennifer Granholm appointed Lockwood to the

Sunday, October 23, 2011    23A


position of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) policy director.   In 2006, she was elected to a seat on the Genesee County Board of Commissioners for the 6th district. She was elected for a second term in 2008. During her term, Granholm appointed her as the acting Michigan racing commissioner and she served in that role until October 2010. Lockwood’s list of titles and achievements over the years is extensive. In addition to the boards already mentioned, she worked as federal policy liaison, economic development consultant, shared public services director, chair of the Fenton Freedom Festival, board member of the Fenton Area Public Schools Educational Foundation, board member of the Fenton Community Fund, board member of the Genesee County Land Bank, the Michigan Municipal League and the Keep Michigan Beautiful board, just to name a few.   Now that the November election date is approaching, Lockwood said her main reason for running for a seat on city council is because of her love for this community. She added that people and businesses approached her, encouraging her to run. “I’ve never been able to just sit back,” she said. She figured that if she could help her hometown, she should run.   “I’ll always be interested in helping businesses and residents,” she said.   “It’s still my hometown.”

Continued from Front Page

“Travel is going to be difficult,” she said. “We are in Tunis for a few days.”   The couple united after brief visits to the United States, while Gheriani “Today we stayed mostly in have been Libya, helping the exhilarated provisional government since the with the news uprising began in of the capture February. of Gaddafi and   Now, Gheriani his sons.” will focus on reLois building his conVan Lente tracting business that was destroyed when the conflict began. The couple will stay in Libya until late November. They will return home to their adult sons for the holidays.



I WISH MY Republican representatives would vote to make the millionaires pay their fair share in taxes, since they are not creating any jobs with all of that money, anyway.


Tyrone Township couple Lois Van Lente and Libyan-born Mustafa Gheriani are back in Libya together, after celebrating the end of Col. Gadaffi’s rule. LINDEN PARENTS, THE school board wants to cut money simply to have it sit in a bank account. They have no plans to spend that money on your children who are currently enrolled. Go to the board meetings and speak up. n n n 

n n n 

HOW CAN A regular person ‘stay away from the companies on Wall Street’ when most of the country seems to be run by those companies? Then they can afford to convince our government representatives to vote their way. Come on, think about it.

I SAY LET the family keep their chickens. They’re not hurting anybody. What this mother is teaching her children is better than any story or picture her kids would learn in school. This is hands-on learning, and you can’t beat that. Let’s show our support.

STOP DRINKING the Kool-Aid and think about what you are saying with regard to the Wall Street nonsense. Better yet, read Atlas Shrugged and see what is in store for America if the left ever gets a hold of us.


TO THE BUSINESS owner looking to hire for $60,000 per year, please put it in the help wanted section. I know many qualified applicants that are looking for work.

n n n 

what’s up

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24A    Sunday, October 23, 2011





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MAN’S LAPTOP STOLEN On Oct. 16, a Genesee County Sheriff’s Department deputy responded to a home in the 13000 block of Alyssa Court in Fenton Township for a larceny complaint. A 21-year-old Linden man said his laptop had been stolen. Det. Sgt. Bill Lanning said deputies had been out at this location earlier in response to a loud party complaint. GPS STOLEN FROM VEHICLE The Holly Police Department received a larceny from vehicle complaint on Sunday, Oct. 16. A resident from Sherman Street reported that a TomTom GPS had been stolen from his vehicle. The owner said the locks on his vehicle did not work. There are no suspects. INTRUDER AT APARTMENTS On Friday, Oct. 14, Fenton police were called to an apartment on Poplar Street to investigate two home invasion complaints. Lt. Jason Slater said a resident reported that he had awakened and found an unknown man sleeping on the couch. He confronted the man, who appeared to be intoxicated, and the intruder left the apartment without incident. The resident noticed later that his Xbox console was missing. While police were on scene, a resident from another apartment reported that he had seen a man walking away from his window. His window had been opened and the blinds had been pulled up. While the resident searched for the intruder, he found his cellphone on the ground. During the investigation, police spotted a man who fit the description of the intruder. The man had been drinking and admitted that he ended up in the wrong apartment. He was taken into custody and taken to the police station for questioning.

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More wine sold in U.S. than France last year By William Axford

[email protected]


uWine is economical and can be enjoyed by anyone. Although there are some general rules that go with purchasing wine, people should generally pick what tastes good.

  With the holidays fast approaching, wine will soon become a staple at social gatherings. Purchasing wine, however, can be daunting. From the endless varieties of Chardonnays and Pinot Noir, picking the right bottle of wine can cause a hangover before a bottle is opened.   So exactly, how does one pick that perfect bottle of wine?   For Fenton Wine and Brewery owner Matt Sherrow, the choice is easy — pick what you like to drink. “I always stress ‘serve what you drink.’ A lot of people get caught up in pairing wine,” said Sherrow, who has been making wine for the last See WINE on 2B

stress ‘serve ‘‘I always what you drink.’ ’’ Matt Sherrow

Fenton Winery and Brewery

Popular wines

Merlot — Due to its mellowness, Merlot is generally the introductory drink to red wines. A versatile wine, Merlot can be served with nearly everything. Chardonnay — A popular white wine that is paired with fish or chicken, Chardonnay has hints of melon, vanilla and some creaminess. Chardonnay comes in either still or sparkling. Cabernet Sauvignon — Considered one of the best varieties of red wines; the Cabernet Sauvignon goes best with simply prepared red meat. The wine is very robust and assertive when it is younger and mellows with age. Sauvignon Blanc — A white wine lighter Chardonnay that is versatile enough to be served with seafood, chicken and salads. Tastes include sour apples, pears and berries up to tropical fruits such as mangos and melons.



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2B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


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Hurley Medical Center Presents:

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GET $10

Matt Sherrow, of Fenton Winery and Brewery, uses an oar to de-gas a 300-liter fermenting tank containing their most popular wine, Black Berry Merlot.


Continued from Page 1B

four years. “Whatever you like to drink is a good bottle.”   In Sherrow’s experience, most people start with fruit wines because of their smooth, semi-sweet taste. Fruit wines are not as dry as red or white, and are accessible to a wide variety of palates. Typically, fledgling wine drinkers move onto white wine. Red wine is the preferred choice for those who have more developed palates.   While wine may conjure images of wine tasting at vineyards or renowned chefs demanding specific varieties being served with their meals, wine is both very accessible and very affordable to everyone.   According to national reports, more wine was sold in the United States than in France last year, making the United States the number one consumer of wine in the world. The Wine Institute reported last year that wine sales generated $30 billion in America, with 60 percent of the wine originating in California.   A visit to any party store will reinforce that wine is an American staple and not a drink exclusively reserved for “high society.”   “Typically, people are spending $10 to $20 on a bottle of wine,” said Tony Aleyas, owner Locke’s party store. “There’s a lot of really good wine in this price range.” Aleyas stocks wines from South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina and other parts of the world and sells them at an economical price.   Tasting different wines doesn’t have to

be a strain on the wallet. “A lot of people say you have to pay $50 for a good bottle of wine,” Sherrow said. “That wine may be higher in quality but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll like it.”   Although Sherrow holds that people should drink wines they like, he admits that some wines simply do not go with some dishes. “If you’re having guests over, you want to have an idea of what you’re eating first, and then pair the wine with it,” he said.   Red wines are a good match with red meats such as steak, beef, stew and wild game. White wines complement chicken, fish, salads, pork and sausage. Sparkling wines and fruit wines can be served with snacks such as cheese and crackers. When in doubt of which wine to serve, choose a variety that won’t overpower the meal.   The process of finding the perfect wine is similar to honing a skill. The best wines are found through trial and error, and endless experimentation. Indicators such as capped versus corked or bottled versus boxed wine are beginning to blur as wineries continue to improve their products.   “Try as many different wines as you can,” Sherrow advises. “A lot of people have a preconceived notion of what they like until they try something new.”

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Matt and Ginny Sherrow, of Fenton Winery and Brewery, stock 22 Varieties of wine, including a warm, spiced red wine for fall.



FACT: 7 million cell phones are dropped in toilets each year

How to save a wet cell phone 1

Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible.


Remove the battery and Sim Card as soon as possible.

Use a substance with a high affinity for water to help draw out moisture. Leave the phone in a bowl or bag of uncooked rice overnight. The rice will absorb any remaining moisture.


Test your phone. After you have waited at least 24 hours, or longer if possible, check to see that everything on and in your cell phone is clean and looks dry. Re-attach the battery to the phone and try turning it on.


Sexting tops survey for most annoying new tech-related word   “Sexting” has been voted the most annoying new word added to dictionaries because of new technol-


Sunday, October 23, 2011    3B

Tech talk from around the world.

Cell phones now double as home security system   Protect the place that matters most. Your home is the most important place in the world, and you want to safeguard your family in every way possible. What’s most incredible about this alarm system is that, in addition to superior wireless security, it offers you advanced mobile and web features your old-fashioned alarm could never dream of adding.

The home security systems

  A lot happens at a home when you’re not there that doesn’t require an emergency response. Check your home security system while on vacation, send commands from a computer or cell phone, even manage lighting and thermostat controls remotely. Using the alarm system online, or via interactive mobile apps, you can monitor everything that happens. The alarm system will keep you updated on what you want to know about the security of your property while you’re away with email or text message alerts when specific sensors are activated. • Monitor activity on entry doors, windows, liquor and medicine cabinets, safes, drawers, and more. • Access your home security system remotely to look in on your children or pets by

pulling up a live video feed from cameras in their favorite play areas. • Keep an eye on a second property with a home security monitoring system when you’re not there.

What it does:

• Find out when the kids get back from school, or what time your teen got in last night. • Receive instant notification if a medicine cabinet, gun cabinet, liquor cabinet or other dangerous area is opened unexpectedly. • Add water sensors to your basement to detect a flood in time to prevent costly damage. • See what time the housecleaners arrived and how long they stayed. • Get an alert sent to your phone if the garage door is left open too long. • Find out if your teenager spent the afternoon playing video games in the basement or upstairs (hopefully) doing homework.

How it works

  The alarm system works wirelessly with always-on GSM technology to protect your home or business 24/7, even when the power goes out. When trouble strikes, the alarm is able to interact with the central monitoring station faster than traditional security systems to send out an immediate response. • With the alarm the signal from your security system travels wirelessly using a dedicated, encrypted and secure connection through a GSM cellular network. • Since the alarm does not rely on a phone line or broadband connection, your security system can’t be defeated by a burglar snipping the wire—no wires, no hassles.

ogy in the past year.   The term means “sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages by mobile phone.”   Other tech-related words include: intexicated meaning being distracted by texting while driving. Defriend meaning to remove someone from your social network of friends.Twittersphere is the noun used for all Tweets on Twitter. Tweetup meaning to tweet. Clickjacking meaning to try to con people into revealing personal information.

Electronic paper TV is the new media fashion trend   Hey, is that guy wearing a TV? Believe it or not, Sony has been mastering the technology of razor thin, paper like bendable plastic that has the ability to display full-color video. Sony originally presented the 2.5-inch video screen that was only 0.01 inch thick in 2007, the idea being to create thinner cell phones and MP3 players.   A small film transistor and a electroluminescent display to created the TV making for a much more flexible display. Sony went on record to say that, “it could be used to wrap around a lamppost, or a person’s wrist, or put up in someone’s house like wallpaper.” This could lead to video labels on cereal boxes, or tuna fish cans and even T-shirts with personal video displays scrolling up and down. The electroluminescent display technology is a new entry into the current playing field of TV technologies, LCD and Plasma.   Now Sony is releasing the new technology in the U.S. next year, in the form of a XEL-1 OLED TV. Unlike a Plasma it doesn’t use a backlight to illuminate the picture from behind. A OLED panel illuminates itself, giving the XEL-1 OLED TV the option of being much thinner.



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4B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


The hype about heart-healthy red wine

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Red wine has been touted as a Experts cure-all for heart ailments and believe that its popularity has risen as a result. However, there remains substances differing opinions as to the health benefits of red wine. in the grapes, Red wine is made from especially fermented red and dark in the skins, grapes where the skin In a devastating event where you lose personal is left on during the contribute fermenting process. This to its heartproperty– trying to recall from memory what skin gives the wine its healthy characteristic dark hue. you had and it’s worth, can be difficult. White wine is produced in nature. a similar fashion, although the grape skins are removed before fermentation. Experts believe that substances in the grapes, especially in the skins, contribute to its heart-healthy nature. However, no one is sure exactly what it is about wine that can make it advantageous to • Serving the Tri-County Area • Bonded & Insured people looking to improve heart health. Studies supporting red wine’s medical benefits suggest antioxidants in red wine, called polyphenols, help protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart. Polyphenols come in flavonoids and nonflavonoids. Flavonoids are brightly colored plant pigments that d occur naturally in most fresh fruits and e it im L ips h rs vegetables. Nonflavonoids are largely e b m e m Offer vitamins, minerals and other plant available. now pigments. Resveratrol is a nonflavoAvailable ebruary noid that gets the bulk of the credit through F 2012 when speaking of red wine’s medical benefits. Resveratrol is purported to help prevent damage to blood vessels while reducing “bad” cholesterol and may prevent blood clots. It is important to note that much of the research on resveratrol and red wine has been conducted on mice and $2,500 ef fective Marc h 1 , 2012 other animals, not people. For humans to acquire the amount of resveratrol given to lab animals to equate to the same health benefits, a person would have to consume 100 to 1,000 bottles of red wine a day. Alcohol, in general, may be hearthealthy, because it thins the blood and improves circulation. This can be adFounded in 1957, the Spring has a supervised swimming pool and vantageous to individuals who already Meadows Country Club is the ideal children’s swim team to ensure that are facing blockages in arteries and setting in which to entertain and reit is a truly complete facility with need improved blood flow. But grapes lax with family, friends and business activities for all ages alone may also relax blood vessels alclients. With its recently refurbished lowing blood to flow more easily. Spring Meadows offers an impresfacilities, its first-rate dining staff Red wine also contains vitamin C sive and challenging 18-hole golf and award-winning Executive Chef, and other healthy substances, which course, putting green and driving Spring Meadows Country Club procan improve overall health. range, with PGA Gold Pros available Although there are reasons to believe vides the ultimate full-service country red wine can be a heart-healthy addition for advice or lessons. club experience to accommodate to one’s diet, doctors may be reticent Spring Meadows’ clubhouse facilities individuals, as well as groups, for to suggest it, because alcohol use can include a Grille room, lockers, showers breakfast, lunch, dinner, receptions present other problems, especially if and more. Spring Meadows also and private parties. it is abused. With this in mind, red or purple grape juice and whole grapes can be a viable alternative for those looking For more details, call Stacey Riley to get the benefits of resveratrol and Membership Director other antioxidants without the down side of alcohol. Grape juice provides much of the same benefits of red wine. Eating whole or [email protected] red or purple grapes does too, in addition to the benefit of fiber in one’s diet. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation. That means one drink a * All applicants must complete the New Member application process. day for women, or up to two drinks a Subject to all Rules and By-laws of SMCC. Pending stock membership availability. day for men.

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business profiles briefs

CANTLEBERRY SELECTED AS REALTOR OF THE YEAR The F.A.A.R. Board of Realtors, serving Genesee County, selected Kristy Cantleberry as the Realtor of the Year for 2011-12. The Realtor of the Year award recognizes the outstanding F.A.A.R. members for their commitKristy ment to the Cantleberry real estate profession, customers and clients, as well as the community. This award pays tribute to the one Realtor whose leadership qualities exemplify the real estate profession at the local, state and national levels. Cantleberry is proud of this achievement as its recognition for her dedication to her clients and the communities she serves.

Sunday, October 23, 2011    5B

Hills Gold & Silver Exchange opens in Holly By Sally Rummel

[email protected]; 810-629-8282

  Fifty years of experience in the jewelry business has taught Bob Grant many different aspects of jewelry — from sales and repair, to appraisals.   For more than 25 years, Grant spent his career liquidating and rebuilding jewelry stores all over the United States. As a gemologist, he has brought his new business to Holly, opening Hills Gold & Silver Exchange last month. His son, Ed Grant, who is a graduate gemologist, will soon join the business, bringing another level of jewelry expertise.   “We specialize in buying estates, doing jewelry appraisal for insurance purposes and probate, as well as buying precious metals on site for individual customers,” said Grant. “We buy gold, silver, platinum and diamonds.”    He also repairs jewelry in his store, providing a secure environment for a customer’s most precious pieces. He plans to have a small number of pieces of designer jewelry for sale in showcases soon.   Hills Gold & Silver Exchange is located at 15190 Holly Road, Suite D, For more information, call (248) 562-2331.


Bob Grant, owner of Hills Gold & Silver Exchange in Holly, has more than 50 years of experience in the jewelry business, including sales and repair.

China King is new restaurant in Fenton   “Sweet and sour chicken, pork or shrimp are also very popular,” said   Chinese food has come to the west Phil Zhu, who came from Boston to side of Fenton, with the opening of help the Lin family open the restaurant. China King at 4035 Owen Rd. in The China King officially opened for busiShoppes at Silver Chase. ness on Aug. 8, and is currently   Offering take-out and lim- Summary celebrating its grand opening. ited seating, China King spe- China King   Lunch specials, priced at cializes in Asian cuisine, in- opened its $5.50, include a choice of soup cluding Cantonese, Szechuan doors on Aug. or egg roll and are served from 8 at 4035 Owen 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. and Hunan dishes. Rd. in Fenton.   They have already earned   China King is pleased to offer a reputation for huge portions gift certificates for the upcoming of some of their most popular entrees, holidays. The restaurant is open seven including almond chicken, orange days a week, Monday through Thursday chicken, General Tao’s chicken or from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday and beef, among dozens of others, served Saturday from 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and with white or fried rice. Chef specialSunday from 12 to 9:30 p.m. For more ties, family dinners and combo platters information or to place an order, call round out the menu. (810) 629-9898.  By Sally Rummel

[email protected]; 810-629-8282


Members of the Lin family own and operate the new China King restaurant, which recently opened in Fenton. Phil Zhu and Mr. Lin show a take-out portion of Orange Chicken.

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6B    Sunday, October 23, 2011



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Friday, Oct. 28 LaBeau Salon & Day Spa is sponsoring Clip for the Cure, on Friday, Oct 28, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fifty percent of the proceeds of all haircuts will go to breast cancer research.  They are also sponsoring a canned food drive, now, through the month of November.  Any item donated will get the guest $1/ per item up to five items.  For more information, call (810) 714-1489.  Thursday, Nov. 3 Ladies Night Out — Music, Wine Tasting & Silent Auction is a Holly Academy Education Fund fundraiser. The community is invited to support this good cause. The event is set for Thursday, Nov. 3, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Fenton Winery & Brewery, 1545 N. LeRoy St. The cost is $20 per person advance and $25 at the door. Ladies night out is sponsored by Skaff Furniture, Qualified Staffing, The Hot Dog Stand, and Skipper Bud’s.


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Mott offers free truck driving Mott Community College is offering an 18-week training program for anyone interested in pursuing a career as a truck driver, starting on Monday, Oct. 24. The training is available at no cost to qualified applicants. The class will be held at Southern Lakes Branch Center, 2100 W. Thompson Road in Fenton. To qualify, students must be 21 years old and hold a valid driver’s license. For more information about the program, call (810) 232-2877 or email jonathan. [email protected].



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columnist By Roger Campbell

The power of forgiveness   ‘Will you pray that God will take me home to heaven?’ asked a depressed grandmother.   Upon hearing my refusal to pray as she had requested, this troubled woman poured out a story of bitterness toward her family. She felt unloved and unwanted because those with whom she lived seemed to show her little respect and she was unwilling to forgive them. As a result, life didn’t seem worth living anymore.   Perhaps you can identify with this woman with a broken heart. If so, try forgiving those who have let you down and see how quickly your dark clouds disappear.   But how can we forgive those who have wounded us deeply?   We must hurry to the first principle of forgiveness: God loves us and offers forgiveness to us even though we don’t deserve to be forgiven.   In his book, ‘Notes on the Parables,’ Richard Trench says in requesting and receiving forgiveness, we pledge ourselves to show it.   More than 50 years ago, five young missionaries were martyred in Ecuador by a group of Auca Indians. The shocking news of this tragedy gave birth to books and other means of publicizing the heroic efforts of those who had given their lives to reach those who knew nothing about God’s love for them.   Elizabeth Elliott’s book ‘Through Gates of Splendor,’ became a classic telling of what happened that day on a remote jungle beach and ‘Jungle Pilot,’ the story of Nate Saint, one of the martyred ones, challenged many to volunteer for missionary service to replace those who had lost their lives in the service of their Lord. Saint’s statement, ‘He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” has been a mind sticker and motivator for me for half a century.   How did the family members of these martyrs react to those who participated in this tragedy?   They forgave them, even choosing to live among them in the jungle and continue the work of their martyred men.   Has this forgiveness and continued ministry made a difference?   No question about it.   Experts say the dedicated work of these family members saved the tribe from extinction because the example of forgiveness shown to them caused these people to halt their long practice of revenge killing that had been decimating the tribe for generations.   Forgiveness and families go together.   Whom in your family do you need to forgive?   What example will your forgiveness be to other members in your family?   How will your forgiveness affect your church and community?   Let all of your anger and bitterness be put away.   Become a forgiving person today. Roger Campbell is an author, a broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for 22 years. He can be reached at [email protected].



Sunday, October 23, 2011    7B


8B    Sunday, October 23, 2011





Event kicks off Fr. Harvey Legacy Society

A day at the orchard


By Sharon Stone

I purchased a brand new LG dehumidifier from Home Depot a couple of months ago. Since I don’t have very good luck with them lasting more than a year at a time, I also purchased the two-year extended warranty. The dehumidifier keeps leaking huge puddles of water all over the place. At first we thought that the hose was getting kinked so we adjusted it so that is not the case. What else could be the problem? Could I take this unit to you for repair? If so, would the repair be covered by the warranty?

[email protected]; 810-433-6786


There is an adaptor that you placed into the back of the unit to connect your drain hose. Pull out the bucket in the front of the dehumidifier and check to see that it is connected to the drain tube in the top right hand opening of the unit. If it is not that is probably your issue. We are a Factory authorized servicer for the LG appliances, however if you purchased an extended warranty, you must call the number on your extended warranty for a company that can repair the unit under that extended warranty.


Kindergarten students from Kurtz Elementary School, of Milford, took a field trip to Spicer’s Orchard in Fenton on Tuesday.


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Spend it here. Keep it here. SHOP LOCAL. INVEST IN YOUR COMMUNITY.


  The St. John School Educational Foundation has established the Fr. Harvey Legacy Society to honor Fr. David W. Harvey and to renew the parish’s longterm commitment to the future of its Summary church and school. An Evening to   To kick off this Remember, an newly established adult event, which l e g a c y s o c i e t y, kicks off St. John School Educational organizers are inFoundation’s Fr. viting community Harvey Legacy members to attend, Society is set for “An Evening to ReSaturday, Oct. member,” set for 29 at the Coyote Preserve Golf Club. Saturday, Oct. 29 at the Coyote Preserve Golf Club. The adult evening includes cocktail hour, dinner, silent auction, presentation of the Fr. Harvey Legacy Society and dancing.   A select number of premium silent auction items will be available for bidding.   Brenda Wehrli, a volunteer with the St. John School Educational Foundation, said the idea behind this initiative is for community members to honor Fr. Harvey by making a financial commitment to the church and school.   Seating is limited to 200-225 people, said Wehrli. Advance tickets sales will be open until the day before the event.   For ticket information, call Cindy Tomczak at (810) 569-8035 or St. John Catholic School at (810) 629-6551.

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Fenton Chamber



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Belonging to the Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce has been of great value to Financial Plus and myself. As a result of our involvement, we have generated new business for Financial Plus, gained tons of exposure, not to Heidi England mention the friends I have made Financial Plus Federal and the wonderful community Credit Union partners we have worked with. I am honored and eager to begin my duties as a board member and look forward to making a positive contribution to the chamber’s success.


Georgetown Park Apartments

VG’s Food & Pharmacy


OCTOBER 23, 2011


Business owners to share successful strategies at Chamber Rally PANEL MEMBERS

Spring Meadows Country Club


Downtown Fenton



Financial Plus Federal Credit Union, Fenton Community & Cultural Center & SLPR


Fenton Community & Cultural Center

Brian Haarajoa

Chamber Journal



Ed Koledo

Superintendent of Linden schools

Ed Koledo, Superintendent of Linden Community Schools and Brian Haarioija, VG’s Food & Pharmacy have been reelected to a three-year term on the Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Both Ed and Brian were appointed midyear 2011. They have been active in the past six months participating in a variety of Chamber functions such as our Business Development Committee, volunteering at our Taste in Fenton and Linden Autumn Festival, and providing valuable leadership input at monthly board meetings.


John’s Pizzeria

Georgetown Park Apartments

Sunday, October 23, 2011    9B


A panel of local business professionals will share their business secrets at a Chamber Rally in November.

AL JONES Comfort Keepers Home Care DOUG FAIRBANKS Hartland Insurance Agency DENNIS LEYDER The State Bank PATRIK WELTY Legacy Realty Professionals JOHN STRAYER Tanglewood Assisted Living MATT STEVENS Vic Canever Chevrolet CHELSEA MILLS Behind your Design MARK HAMEL The French Laundry

By Sally Rummel

[email protected]; 810-629-8282

  How would you like to learn about some of the unique business practices that make local companies successful?   The Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce is bringing together a panel of local business professionals who will share their business secrets in a Chamber Rally on Wednesday, Nov. 2, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at the Fenton Community & Cultural Center.   “This is one in a series of educational workshops that See RALLY on 14B

“This is one in a

series of educational workshops that we bring in to help our local businesses.


— Shelly Day president

An Event So Good It’s Scary By William Axford

An Event So Good It’s Scary will take place on Monday, Oct. 31, from 1 to 6 p.m.

“We’re getting the community involved and [email protected]; 810-433-6792 into the area businesses.” Local Fenton and Linden businesses are Each business is committed to providing opening their doors for trick-or-treaters this a safe trick-or-treating experience for kids. Halloween, once again. More than 60 busi- A pumpkin sign will be displayed in front of the businesses that are nesses are participating in participating. “An Event So this year’s “An Event So Good It’s Scary” has been a Good It’s Scary,” allowing local tradition for many years kids to dress up and get and serves as an opportunity extra treats around town. for tri-county area residents   “We have businesses to find out more about their that serve as hospitality local merchants. points that provide treats A scarecrow contest will for kids and coupons for participating also be a part of the parents,” said Tricia Overevent with area busifield, office coordinator businesses nesses competing to create for the Fenton Regional the best scarecrow in the area. Chamber of Commerce.

See page 15 for a list of


10B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


From the

From the



By Patrik Welty

Chamber message from the chairman


Stickers can be seen on the windows of many local businesses in support of the Shop Local campaign.

Chamber continues to promote Shop Local campaign   “The bags are all gone, but we have ordered more for the holidays,” said   “Shop Local” is not just another Shelly Day, president of the Fenton advertising slogan. It has become Regional Chamber of Commerce. a way of life “They’ve been given out at our office, for many plus both city offices in Fenton and Summary residents in Linden.” Shop Local posters have also the tri-county been made available to area businesses.  The Fenton area, who   Other components of the Shop LoRegional Chamber have taken to cal initiative have included chamber of Commerce has invested much time heart the need member discounts through “Bands of and money in proto support loLocals” — a group of chamber memmoting the benefits cal businessbers who have banded together to offer of the Shop Local es. special pricing to customers wearing a initiative, educat  “I personblue elastic wristband “Band of Localsing consumers on the importance of ally have felt Look Local First.” Participating busikeeping their dollars the positive nesses then provide that customer with working for them in effects of the their advertised discount or advantage. their communities. Shop Local More than 5,000 wristbands were promotions distributed at the Fenton Community sponsored by the Fenton Regional Expo last March. Chamber of Commerce and the Tri  The chamber is working with the County Times,” Tri-County Times said Chip Beltinck, in sharing the cost I personally have felt the posi- of Shop Local owner of Sawyer Jewelers. “People tive effects of the Shop Local pro- advertising with come into my store motions sponsored by the Fenton businesses that and tell me that Regional Chamber of Commerce choose to particithey feel good and the Tri-County Times. People pate. You will also about supporting come into my store and tell me that see sports banners our business. It they feel good about supporting to be on display has meant a lot to our business. at Fenton, Lake —Chip Beltinck, Sawyer Jewelers Fenton and Linme both personally and profesden school athletic sionally.” events promoting “Shop Local” also. The most visible signs of the Shop   “Our area businesses have really Local campaign are the thousands of appreciated the effort we are making shopping bags that have been distribto keep shopping dollars at home,” uted throughout the tri-county area. said Day. By Sally Rummel

[email protected]; 810-629-8282

As we prepare for the change of seasons, the chamber continues on… with upcoming events such as the Event So Good It’s Scary, our annual awards dinner, and Jinglefest. Our staff and committees have their hands full. We have had a tremendous year so far with our Membership Campaign, the Taste in Fenton, the chamber golf outing, and the Linden Autumn Festival — all going better than expected. We are looking forward to more successful networking meetings and business after hour gatherings. By the printing of this article, we will have held our Meet the Candidate event for the local election of mayor and council members. This is the first election in recent memory where we have had a competitive race for both council and mayor. We hope you will get involved, get informed, and vote. The leaves will change color and the weather will get colder but the mission of your local chamber of commerce remains the same — to be an advocate for our members and to promote economic vitality and prosperity for our region. We are looking forward to the change of seasons but we want you to know we are here to make a difference and that will not change. Have a beautiful autumn. — Patrik Welty, chairman Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce

By Shelly Day

From the chamber president Turn 10 into 10,000 As we enter into our membership renewal process it is important to evaluate and consider the benefits of Chamber membership. The following list of 10 free benefits can connect your business to more than 10,000 potential clients. These benefits are included with your membership and are just some of the ways you can use your chamber to help grow your business. They are in no particular order because every business’s values are different. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. 1. Alphabetical and categorical listing on our website. 2. Link to your website from our website. 3. Invitations and reminders to 12 Networking @ Noon events and two Networking After Hours events. 4. Member to Member Discounts for you and your employees. 5. Facebook postings on the chamber’s site. 6. Band of Locals. 7. Alphabetical and categorical listing in 17,000 chamber business and community guides. 8. Use of the chamber’s conference room by appointment. 9. Access to the state chamber’s Weekly Update. 10. Member Focus section in our weekly update or in the Chamber Journal (section of the Tri-County Times). Wishing you continued business success, — Shelly Day, president

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Sunday, October 23, 2011    11B

Networking @ Noon September Attendees


The lighted holiday parade is a popular event at Jinglefest and begins at 6 p.m.

Jinglefest set for first weekend in December ment and event specialist for SLPR. The punch cards will be available at participating local businesses. Patrons will have   Jinglefest, an annual holiday celthe opportunity to enter the ebration in Fenton, is comcompleted card in a drawing ing back in full force this Summary for $500 worth of gift cards year. The event, sponsored The Jinglefest from local businesses sponby The Fenton Regional brings holiday fun to sored by the Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce Downtown Fenton, Chamber of Commerce. and Southern Lakes Parks and features a   Throughout the day, events & Recreation (SLPR), is lighted parade, talent will be happening all along set for Friday, Dec. 2, and show, jingle jog and LeRoy Street in Downtown Saturday, Dec. 3. concessions. Fenton. Concessions stands   The event kicks off Friwill be open and there will be day evening at the Fenton S’mores and hot chocolate. Participants Community & Cultural Center, with can also enjoy a Cookie Walk, and Santa the Jingle Jam talent show sponsored by Paws Pics for Dogs. SLPR and the Youth Advisory Commit  The Jingle Jog Run begins at 5 p.m. tee. The competition for sixth- through and the lighted parade is set for 6 p.m. eighth-grade students begins at 5:30 p.m. The evening events draw High school students begin competing at 8 p.m. “I think it brings joy to hundreds of visitors to downtown Fenton. Pic  The festivities on Satthe community.” tures can be taken with urday begin at 12 p.m. Megan Balint Santa Claus following Businesses are open to Southern Lakes Parks & the parade at the compatrons who will be givRecreation munity center. en all-new punch cards,   “I think it (Jinglefest) brings joy to designed to incorporate Dibbleville the community,” Balint said. “It brings businesses back into the event. “It’s family activities, and for the businesses, engaging the community to shop local,” it will bring more people downtown.” said Megan Balint, recreation enrichBy Tim Jagielo

[email protected]; 810-433-6795

2011 Michigan Ambassador Conference   In historic Marshall Michigan, four Fenton chamber ambassadors joined more than 100 ambassadors and chamber support staff including Bob Thomas, of the Michigan Association of Chamber Professionals, in attending the annual Michigan Ambassador Conference on Sept. 27-29. Rick Devries, president and CEO of Monarch Community Bank, presented “Be Remarkable.” “Be remarkable or be invisible. We as business leaders should concentrate on outstanding service by hand delivery and face-to-face visits,” he said. He shared a family story about a Hershey bar and his grandmother and about how she presents Hershey bars to business associates with that story, so she leaves a remarkable impression. Jon Shallert, president of the Shallert Group, presented “Destination Principals and how to stand out and make your business a destination.” “Reinvent yourself to get out of a business plateau, holes and weaknesses. Find key people to fill those holes, and find a

signature item,” he said, One example he used was a restaurant in Lafayette, Ind. “Our name may be XXX, but our food is rated G, Home of the Peanut Butter Burger.” The message is clear and intriguing. Shallert suggested using Google Alerts to let business owners automatically know when people are discussing them or their business on the web. Eric Cook, certified Internet business consultant for WSI (We Simplify the Internet), presented tips on Internet marketing. According to Cook, 50 percent of Facebook users are under 30 years old and they rely on word of mouth and peer recommendations — not traditional advertising. The second largest search engine is Youtube. Cook said that social media is not a fad and it is free. Instead of concentrating on ROI (return on investment), concentrate on ROE (return on engagement), to get people talking about you and your business. The Ambassador group is looking forward to sharing tips from all three speakers mentioned above with our members.

Businesses Represented: Accounting Advantage Allied Media Beale St. Smokehouse BBQ Behind Your Design Billmeier Camera Shop, Inc. Brad Hoffman Insurance Agency City of Fenton Cleary University Coldwell Banker Professionals - Wade Pyles Comfort Keepers Home Care Fairfield Inn Suites by Marriott Freeze Frame Photo Booth Funtastic Inflatables Hartland Insurance Agency, Inc. Health Alliance Plan Horizon Church Joe & Lewie’s Penalty Box LaFontaine Automotive Group Loose Senior Citizen Center Lynn North - Arbonne International Mary Kay Cosmetics - Bonnie Leyder Metro Publishing Old Newsboys of Flint Plan Ahead Events - Ann Arbor Prudential Great Lakes Realty STAT EMS Taylor Collision The Flint Journal/Fenton Press The State Bank Tremaine Real Estate - Steven Melchor Tyrone Township Wireless Zone of Fenton YeotisRealty.com Zonta Club of the Fenton Area

Networking After Hours September Attendees Businesses Represented: Al Bourdeau Insurance Behind Your Design Cleary University Coldwell Bankers Professional - Wade Pyles Columbo Law, PLLC Comfort Keepers Home Care Competitive Promotions/Send Out Cards Deck Expressions ELGA Credit Union Essential Balance Massage Therapy Fenton Freedom Festival Field to Finish Financial Plus Federal Credit Union Freeze Frame Photo Booth Grace Bible Church Hartland Insurance Agency Joe & Lewie’s Penalty Box LaFontaine Automotive Group Legacy Realty Professionals, Inc. Lunch Naturally Mary Kay Cosmetics - Bonnie Leyder Mr. Appliance of Greater Livingston County Old Newsboys of Flint Primerica Financial Services Reeves Construction Talmer Bank & Trust Temrowski Family Funeral Home The State Bank The Stereo Guy Tyrone Township Vic Canever Chevrolet, Inc. Wireless Zone of Fenton



Local business owners mingle at the State Bank’s Networking@Noon.

Attendees enjoy Networking After Hours at Joe and Lewie’s Penalty Box.

Fenton Chamber




NOVEMBER 17, 2011

Georgetown Park Apartments

DECEMBER 15, 2011

Financial Plus Federal Credit Union, Fenton Community & Cultural Center and Southern Lakes Parks & Recreation.


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12B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


Chamber to host 45th annual awards dinner uFormal dinner to recognize

uThe Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce’s 45th annual awards dinner is set for Friday, Nov. 18 at Spring Meadows Country Club. Reserve your seat by Nov. 4.

businesses and individuals

By Sharon Stone

[email protected]; 810-433-6786

The right choice for senior care, Caretel Inns

Offering personal care in an intimate setting.


  The Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce is holding its annual awards dinner on Friday, Nov. 18.   The community is invited to attend the 45th annual gala, which is held to recognize businesses and individuals who unselfishly give back to the community.   This year’s dinner is being held at Spring Meadows Country Club, 1129 Ripley Rd. in Linden. Cocktails and hors d’ oeuvres are being served, beginning at 6 p.m. followed by the awards dinner at 7 p.m. Evening entertainment and auction concludes at 11 p.m.   Jana Petty, of Fenton Glass, is chairperson of the event. She said they are very excited about the live auction, which is new, this year. This will be held in addition to the silent auction.   The dinner is a wonderful opportunity for chamber members and the community to reflect upon the programs and events of the current year, as well as socialize with other members, she said.   The Community Service Award, Enterprise Award, Entrepreneur Award and Ambassador of the Year will be presented. Other awards recommended by members and/or the committee are presented periodically such as Educator of the Year and Community Hero.   The cost to attend is $60 per person (dinner, cocktails and dessert). Corporate table sponsorships (seating for eight) cost $600. Seating is limited. Those interested in attending are asked to respond by Nov. 4 by going to the chamber’s website www. fentonchamber.com or calling (810) 629-5447.   Corporate Gift Sponsor is Serendipity Day Spa and the Dessert Sponsor is VG’s Grocery. Corporate Table Sponsors signed up to date are: The State Bank, Financial Plus Federal Credit Union and Hartland Insurance Agency, Sharp Funeral Homes, VG’s Grocery, The Flint Journal.   The dinner is open to the public. Formal attire is recommended. With a seating capacity of 225 guests, Petty recommends you reserve your spot early.

The annual dinner award nominees for Community Service, Community Hero, Enterprise and Entrepreneur are: • • • • • • • •

Delio Barletta, John’s Pizzeria Tara Wareham, The Iron Grate Jeff Shoemaker, Shoemaker Services Matt & Ginny Sherrow, Fenton Winery & Brewery Chip & Mary Ann Beltinck, Sawyer Jewelers Dan Medich, Jr., Eclections Chris Weir, Weir Building Company Joe Kryza, Fenton Area Public Schools Education Foundation

Educator of the Year Nominees: Fenton Community Schools • Brett Mead • Cathy Utter • Sally Averill • Tamera Hall Linden Community Schools • Theresa Fitzgerald • Carrie Cook • Kathy Hardy • Diane Hoffman • Becky Stockero • Gerilynn Williams

Ambassador of the Year Award Nominees: • Lynn North, Arbonne International • Jacquie Ochs, Financial Plus Federal Credit Union • Denise Penwell, Essential Balance Massage Therapy

Fenton Chamber member focus

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Jillian Jakubowski has joined The State Bank as a senior credit analyst in the commercial credit department. She is a graduate of Western Michigan University, and has spent the past six years working for Ally Financial Inc. Her past experience includes portfolio management, lending and risk analysis and loan specialist. Stacey Webb has rejoined The State Bank as the vice president of retail banking. Webb worked for The State Bank from 1989 to 2010 in a variety of capacities, including teller, personal banker, loan processor, executive assistant, consumer loan manager and retail banking department head. Corey Ruthig has joined The State Bank as an assistant vice president of commercial lending. Ruthig has more than 14 years of community bank lending experience at Michigan Heritage Bank and Brighton Commerce Bank. Congratulations to Comfort Keepers

Home Care for celebrating their 10th anniversary. They are located at 4029 Lapeer Rd., Burton. Goin Postal celebrated their first anniversary on Oct. 20. Congratulations. They are located at 1421 N. Leroy St., Fenton. Kristy Cantleberry was selected as the Realtor of the Year for 2011/2012 by the F.A.R.R. Board of Realtors serving Genesee County. VG’s Grocery is hosting a Wine Tasting Event to benefit Eastern Michigan Food Bank on Friday, Nov. 4 from 7 to 9:30p.m. It will be held at the Longway Planetarium at the Cultural Center in Flint. The cost is $30 per person. For more information, visit www.shopvgs.com.   Rockwell Assisted Living & Memory Care is hosting their first annual Craft & Bake Sale on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call (810) 629-6391.



Mom and pop shops — a thing of the past?   The Hot lines have been mentioning shopping at mom and pop stores, and some people are wondering where they have gone. Fenton, Linden and Holly have hundreds of independently owned businesses. Many of them are camouflaged under franchise names and it may look like a nationally owned business, but it is not. Many local businesses such as Big Boy, Mancino’s, Sears Hometown and The UPS Store are independently owned under a franchised name. These independent, locally owned businesses pay a franchise fee between 3 and 9 percent to use the national name yet they are still a locally owned business. Many of your insurance companies such as State Farm and Nationwide are operated by local agents of the national company, and investment companies such as Edward Jones are operating under the guise of the national name, yet have a local business person operating the office. Most of your carryout food establishments are locally owned family operations.   Other independently owned businesses

Sunday, October 23, 2011    13B

Linden Autumn Festival

in town (in part) are Eclections, MosArt Jewelers, Caravan’s Hallmark, Sagebrush Cantina, Uncle Ray’s Dairyland, Fenton House, The French Laundry and more. So, as you can see, there are hundreds of locally owned mom and pop shops around town. They may be hiding under a national name but they are locally owned by local businessmen and women who are proud to operate a business in Fenton and the surrounding area.

“I’m shopping local.” Three words that will tell your community merchant that you appreciate them. Invest In Your Community.


Linden Autumn Festival was a huge hit. More than 300 people attended the annual event.

Don’t forget to pay your

2012 DUES by October 31st and your business name will be added into a drawing to receive a full refund of your 2012 dues! Last year Sears Hometown Store won a free membership.

Professional Staff Shelly Day

President [email protected]

Tricia Overfield

Office Coordinator [email protected]

Rochelle Jones Membership Director [email protected]

Volunteers Helen Sutkowi Volunteer

Ceil Pitman Volunteer

Cheryl Marshall Volunteer

Julie Jacobson Volunteer

HARTLAND INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 2532 Old US 23, P.O. Box 129 • Hartland


www.hartlandinsurance.com The Fenton Chamber Journal is published quarterly by way of a joint agreement with the Tri-County Times. The chamber office also publishes a membership newsletter, Community & Commerce Connection, during the alternate months.

114 N. LeRoy • Fenton, MI 48430 Phone 810-629-5447 Fax 810-629-6608 www.fentonchamber.com


14B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


Chamber of Commerce *Premium, Executive and Corporate Members

1st Home Inspections Inc. 3Sixty Interactive 4Square Tax & Accounting, LLC A & M Custom Marketing & Promotional Products Accounting Advantage ACE Village Hardware Action Management Corporation Action Water Sports of Fenton, Inc. Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic Adopt-A-Pet Advanced Tree Care Services Adzzoo Internet & Digital Marketing Agroscaping, Inc. Al Bourdeau Insurance Agency All Weather Seal Co., Inc. Allied Media Allyn & Markwart PLC Almost Home, Inc. Alpine Marketplace American Cancer Society American General Life and Accident Anderson Chiropractic Group Animal Health Clinic Aqua Sports Marine, Inc. Auto One Glass & Accessories Auto-Lab of Fenton Avon Bangkok Peppers Too Base Camp Challenge Center Batteries Plus Beale St. Smokehouse B.B.Q. Behind Your Design, LLC Bell Title of Fenton Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Biggby Coffee - Fenton Bill Carr Signs, Inc Billmeier Camera Shop, Inc. Bio-Turf, LLC Birds Beware Window Cleaning Bishop Construction, Inc. Blessing Plumbing & Heating Company Bob Evans Brad Hoffman Insurance Agency Bramblewood Golf Course Bren-Mar Construction Bristol Torrey Trade Center Brown & Brown of Michigan Brundle Allstate Insurance Agency Buffalo Wild Wings Burger King - Team Schostak Family Restaurants C C & Company Salon Cafe Aroma Cafe of Life Chiropractic Camp Copneconic - YMCA Canadian American Corp. Canadian Steak, Fish & Sandwich Co. Captains Club at Woodfield Caravan’s Hallmark Caretel Inns of Linden Carlsons’ Greenhouse, Inc. Carriage Town Ministries Cash USA CBM Health Care, Inc. Cellular Advantage Century 21 Park Place, LTD Cynthia Allen Century 21 Park Place, LTD - Jackie Becker Century 21 Park Place, LTD-Phyllis Thomson Charter Communications Chasse Ballroom & Latin Dance Studio Chris’ Automotive Christian Science Reading Room Christmas in Action of Genesee County Cislo Title Company Citadel Broadcasting Company, Inc. Citizens Bank City of Fenton City of Linden Cleaning Authority, The Clear Water Systems Cleary University CMS Landscaping LLC Coach’s Carpet Care & Catastrophe Cleaning Cobb-Hall Insurance Coffee News Coldwell Banker Professionals Coldwell Banker Professionals Sandy Roberti Coldwell Banker Professionals Wade Pyles Colombo Law, PLLC Colony’s Quality Meats Comerica Comfort Keepers Home Care Competitive Promotions/Send Out Cards Complete Battery Source Construction Designs Cook Accounting & Tax Svcs., PC Cooper Commercial Group Winfield L. Cooper III Costco Wholesale Country Club Limousine Coyote Preserve Golf Club Craftsmen Electrical Services Creative Foam Corporation Creative Healing Massage & Bodywork Creative Smiles Dental Group Creative Studios Crestmont Health Care Center Crust Crystal Clear Glass Cleaners Cumulus Media Curtis-Wolverton VFW Post 3243 Cyclefit Multisport, Inc. D.O.W. Asphalt Paving, LLC Dave Lamb Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. David D. Owocki, DDS, PC Davita Dialysis of Fenton Deck Expressions Dee Cramer Dewey’s Auto Center, Inc. Diamond Sports Gear, Inc. Dixie Cleaners DLDP & Associates Dog Guard

Dort Federal Credit Union Douglas Water Conditioning DV Dogs LLC Eclections Edward Jones - Katie M. Rozen Edward Jones - Kevin M. Messing Edward Jones - Patrick Perfitt Edward Jones - Ted Ward Element Construction ELGA Credit Union Elite Baking Company, LLC Elle Marie Hair Studio EMI Enterprises English Insurance Agency Enterprise Rent-A-Car EOS Business Surveillance Solutions Epic Machine, Inc. Equine Sports Essential Balance Massage Therapy Exceptional Homes & Design Exhibition Services, Inc. F.A.R.R. Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC Fairfield Inn Suites by Marriott Fairway Realty Group Faith City Church Farm Bureau Rich Rossell Agency Fausey & Associates, CPA, PC Fenton Area Optimist Club Fenton Area Public Schools Fenton Area Toastmasters Fenton Big Boy Fenton Carpet Cleaning LLC Fenton Church of the Nazarene Fenton Community & Cultural Center Fenton Estates Apartments Fenton Express Towing Inc. Fenton Family Dentistry Fenton Farms Golf Club Fenton Fast Lane Fenton Fire Department Fenton Firefighter Charities Fenton Flowers & Gifts, LLC Fenton Foot Care Fenton Freedom Festival Fenton Glass Service, Inc. Fenton HealthCare Fenton High School Alumni Association, Inc. Fenton Holly Transmission & Gear Fenton Home Furnishings Fenton Hotel Tavern & Grille Fenton Karate, LLC Fenton Lakes Building & Design Fenton Lakes Chorus - Sweet Adelines Fenton Lakes Sportsman’s Club Fenton Lions Club Fenton Little League Fenton Lock & Safe, Inc. Fenton Medical Center Fenton Patch Fenton Police Department Fenton Post Office Fenton Poured Walls Fenton Printing Fenton School of Dance Fenton Township Fenton United Methodist Church Fenton Veterinary Clinic Fenton Village Players Fenton Vision Center Fenton Winery & Brewery Fenton-Linden Mi Freecycle Field To Finish Fifth Third Mortgage Fifth Third Bank Financial Plus Federal Credit Union First Choice Heating & Cooling Flagpoles Etc. LLC Flaretite, Inc. Flint Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Food Bank of Eastern Michigan Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. Foundation for Aquatic Injury Prevention Four Seasons Fresh Market Freeway Sports Center Freeze Frame Photo Lounge French Laundry, The Friends of the Fenton Library Funtastic Inflatables Genesee County Sudden Values Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce Georgetown Park Apartments Gerych’s Flowers & Gifts GFS Marketplace Gil-Rich Cooling & Heating L.L.C. Glik’s Goin Postal Goodwill Industries of MidMichigan, Inc. Grace Bible Church Grand Blanc Gymnastics Co. Group Five Management Co. Guenter Beholz Jewelers H20 Basement Waterproofing Hall Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram of Fenton, Inc. Halo Burger Harris Financial Corporation Hartland Insurance Agency, Inc. Hartland Smilemakers Health Alliance Plan Hicks Studio High Octane Designs Historic Holly Hotel Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Holly Convalescent Center Holly Plating Company, Inc. Home & Park RV Horizon Church Icon Ice, LLC Icon Mortgage Image Business Solutions Image Projections Imaginique Studios INC Systems Innovative Retirement Solutions Inc. Integrity Outdoor Services Invisible Fence Brand EMI Iron Grate, The J & J Trophy & Engraving


Jack R. Winegarden Library Jazzercise Fenton Fitness Center JBI Concrete Lifting JD Michel Salon JD Michel Salon-Jamie Baker Jeremy Grove DDS, PLLC Jet’s Pizza Jetstream Landscape & Irrigation Joe & Lewie’s Penalty Box John’s Pizzeria John’s Plumbing, Inc./Rooter-Man Joyce M. King, PC, CPA Judy’s Costume Rental K & K Lawn Care of Fenton, Inc. Kathleen Davis & Associates, Inc./ Nationwide Ins. Kerton Lumber Co. Kids Fighting Cancer-K.F.C. Foundation Kiwanis Club Of Fenton, Inc. KJohnston Presents... Event & Design Services LaBeau Salon & Day Spa LaFontaine Automotive Group LaForza Soccer Club Lake Agency, Inc. Lake Fenton Community Schools Lake Ponemah Marina Lakeside Services of Fenton, Inc. Lasco Ford Lean Journey LLC Legacy Realty Professionals, Inc. Legacy Realty Professionals, Inc. Gail Lendvoyi Legends Sports Cafe Leon D. Ingham, O.D. Leroy G. Johnson, PC Lewis & Knopf CPA’s, PC Lil’ House of Carpets, Inc. Linda’s Place A.F.C. Linden Academy of Dance & Music Linden Community Schools Linden Hotel Bar & Grill Linden Kitchen & Bath Linden Kiwanis Linden Muffler Man Little Blessings Boutique Lockwood of Fenton Loose Senior Citizen Center Luigis on Leroy St. Lunch Naturally, LLC Luxury Bath of Flint Lynn North - Arbonne International M.J. Whelan Construction Mancino’s of Fenton Mansour Realty, Inc. Marine Specialists LLC Marshal Pest Control Mary Kay Cosmetics Matthew N. Fulton, DDS, PC McIntyre Soft Water McLaren Community Medical Center of Fenton Medawar Jewelers Merrill Lynch - Carolyn Goyette Metro Publishing MI Small Business and Tech Dev. Center Michigan Landscape Supply Company Inc. Mid State Equipment Sales & Service, LLC Midwest Soccer Academy Millay Construction Millpond Manor Miner Law Offices, PC Mister Sparky Momentum Entertainment Mott Community College - SLBC Mott Media, L.L.C. Mr. Appliance of Greater Livingston County Murdock & Associates National Home Lending Navistarz Bar & Grill Nice & Green Lawn/Tree Care Norman Bookkeeping Services North Bloomfield Properties Northern Window & Door Northwestern Mutual Financial Network NovoPrint USA, Inc. Nutrition Works Old Newsboys of Flint Olmsted Associates, Inc. Online Auto Paint 4 Less Pajtas Companies, Inc - Unilock Pavers Panera Bread Paradise Dog Training, LLC Patricia McGarry, DDS Patrick Widing Custom Homes, Inc. Paychex, Inc. Pennington Gas Service Pete’s Flooring Outlet Picasso Services, LLC Piper Realty Company Piper Realty Company - Rose Derr Piper Realty Company-Christel Crawford Pipsqueak Boutique Plan Ahead Events - Ann Arbor Pooh’s Playhouse - Childcare & Preschool Precision Metal Spinning Premier Sports Primerica Financial Services Prudential Great Lakes Realty Radiator & Auto Repair of Fenton Rainbow Child Care Center Randy Wise Buick GMC Raymond James Financial Services Re/Max Grande - Kristy Cantleberry Re/Max Grande - Scott R. Myers Re/Max Platinum Re/Max Platinum - Brian Will Re/Max Platinum - Lisa Hill Reboot Resale Red Devil Reeves Construction Regional Medical Imaging Renie Kate Inc. RHL Group Rhoads & Johnson, LLC Robert Zerull Company Rockwell Assisted Living

Rockwell Memory Care Roll-N-Save Tobacco Rotary Club of Fenton ROWE Professional Services Company RS Daley, LLC Runci’s Services, LLC Rybar Group, The Sagebrush Cantina Sam’s Club 4944 Sawyer Jewelers Sears Hometown Store Serendipity Day Spa SERVPRO of Fenton Fire & Water Restoration Shannon Auto Collision Shard Financial Services, Inc. Sharp Funeral Homes Sherwin Williams Shiawassee Shores Retirement Park Shoemaker Services, Inc. Sign A Rama of Flint Sign Screen Silver Lake Hills Apartments Silver Lake Ski Club Silver Lake Storage Silver Spray Sports Simen, Figura & Parker, PLC Simply Elegant Photo Books Skipper Buds - Lake Fenton Smitty’s Exit 80 Snap Fitness 24/7 Solid Gold Inc. South Lakes Community Art Council Southern Lakes Parks & Recreation Spring Meadows Country Club SQ Lawn Care & Snowplowing LLC St. John Catholic Church St. John the Evangelist Catholic School Star Mortgage of America, Inc. STAT EMS, Inc. State Farm -Douglas Mercer Agency State Wide Real Estate Steel Skinz Graphics Stereo Guy, The Stevens Glass Stitches N Things, Inc. Strategic Safety Incorporated Strongrich Reschly, Inc. Structured Technologies Suburban Office & Janitorial Supplies Subway - North Leroy Subway - Silver Parkway Superior Lawn & Landscape, Inc. Superior Travel Service Talmer Bank & Trust Tami’s Sweet Treats Tanglewood Assisted Living Target Taylor Collision Taylor Hardware, Inc. Teamworks of Fenton Temrowski Family Funeral Home & Cremation Services The Callard Clinic The Dive Shop The Edge Gallery The Expert Shopper The Fireplace The Flint Journal/The Fenton Press The Retreat Salon and Skin Spa The Stain Shop The State Bank Thornton & Thornton Three District Career Technical Education Center Timberline Exterior Home Remodeling Todd’s Services, Inc. Tomlinson Design & Advertising Total Wellness Chiropractic Transfiguration Lutheran Church Treasure Baskets Tremaine Real Living - Steven Melchor Tri County Town Planner Tri-County Times Trinity Lutheran Church Tri-Pointe Community Credit Union Tropical Smoothie Cafe Tumbleweed Cantina Twin Oaks Kennel Tyrone Township U B Tan Uncle Ray’s Dairyland United Way of Genesee County Unusual Greetings By Mail UPS Store, The Valley Tent Rental Value One Inc. Van Agen Sod Farm Vein Solutions VG’s Food & Pharmacy Vic Bond Sales Vic Canever Chevrolet, Inc. Village of Holly Woodlands, The Village Printing Inc. Vinyl Sash of Flint, Inc. Walden’s Tavern Walmart Walsh Chiropractic & Wellness Center Webasto Product North America, Inc. Webb Pattern, Inc. Weir Building Company Whisperwood Condominium Association White’s Landing WHMI 93.5 FM Wiesen Insurance Agency Wireless Zone of Fenton Women’s Integrated Healthcare Woodhaven Senior Community Woody’s Towing Wounded Warrior Project - Fenton Xtier Inc. Design & Build Landscape Yeo & Yeo, CPAs & Business Consultants YeotisRealty.com Zonta Club of The Fenton Area


Membership Director


By Rochelle Jones

  As of Oct. 14, 154 new members have joined the chamber, welcome to all. To celebrate Chamber of Commerce Month, members who pay their dues by Oct. 31 will be entered in a drawing to receive a free membership for 2012 (a refund will be given). The drawing will take place at the November Networking @ Noon sponsored by Georgetown Park Apartments. Beginning on Nov. 1, members will have an opportunity to advertise in our 2012 Business and Community Information Guide. In April, the guide will be inserted in the TriCounty Times and will be distributed to more than 17,000 homes. The chamber will distribute 3,000 copies to visitors and potential chamber members. The chamber is freezing the ad pricing for the second year in row. Ad pricing starts at $375 for a quarter page. For more information, feel free to contact me at your convenience. Wishing you continued business success, Rochelle Jones Membership director (810) 629-5447 ext. 410 [email protected]


Continued from Page 9B

we bring in to help our local businesses,” said Shelly Day, president of the Fenton Regional Chamber.  Summary The business  The Fenton Repanel will ingional Chamber of clude two- to Commerce invites three-minute local businesses presentations to learn valuable on the topics: business tips at the Chamber Rally, an “This is what we educational workdo” and “Why it shop. works for me.”   Sawyer Jewelers and Southern Lakes Parks & Recreation are co-sponsoring the Chamber Rally with the Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce. Ken Temrowski, of Temrowski Family Funeral Home, will serve as facilitator for this event. The French Laundry will provide the breakfast.   The cost to attend the Chamber Rally is $10. Interested businesses are asked to RSVP by calling the chamber office at (810) 629-5447.

CHAMBER RALLY Wednesday, Nov. 2 8 to 9:30 a.m. Fenton Community & Cultural Center 125 S. LeRoy St., Fenton

Spend it here. Keep it here. SHOP LOCAL. INVEST IN YOUR COMMUNITY.

November 10, 6:00 p.m. a five course dinner featuring zesty entrees created by Chef Jody and paired to the amazing beers from Lagunitas. Tickets are now on sale at our online store, thelaundrygoods.com Go to the Laundry Laundry’s website, lunchandbeyond.com to browse the full menu and pairings. 125 W. Shiawassee at Adelaide Fenton, Michigan 48430 810-629-8852 www.lunchandbeyond.com



NEW CAMPAIGN MEMBERS ACTION WATER SPORTS OF FENTON, INC. (810) 629-1342 8051 Old US 23 Fenton, MI 48430 www.actionwater.com

NORTHERN WINDOW & DOOR (810) 714-5700 2545 Silver Lake Rd. Fenton, MI

AWS is a full-service marine dealer selling MasterCraft and Cobalt Boats. Our facility has a large indoor showroom/pro shop and service area. We provide indoor/outdoor storage on-site. Our technicians are known for their expertise with all inboard brands. We offer the area’s largest selection of water ski and wakeboard equipment.

Northern Window is a family owned and operated company. With over 30 years of knowledge and experience in the industry both commercial, residential, new construction, and re-models. Owner Steven Bailey distributes Jeld-Wen, Milgard, and Crystal products along with Michigan made Perma Door and Therma-Tru. Located on Silver Lake Road. in Fenton.

Sunday, October 23, 2011    15B

Board of Directors Executive Board 2011 CHAIRMAN Patrik Welty

Legacy Realty Professionals (810) 629-1511 [email protected]


The State Bank (810) 714-3976 [email protected]




(810) 875-4713 89 W. South Blvd. Troy, MI When was the last time your current insurance advisor reviewed your policy to make sure you have all of the right discounts and coverage? Contact me today and let me show you how I can save you money and help you be better protected with a free review. Amanda Clark (810) 875-4713 or aclark@ fbinsmi.com.

(810) 458-4385 8291 Silver Lake Rd., Linden Sun thru Wed 11 am to midnight, Thu-Sat. 11 am 2 am [email protected] Visit us at www.navistarzbargrill.com We specialize in a wide variety of food including an array of appetizers, tantalizing salads, the best burger and pizza around, and a diverse selection of entrees of pasta to fish to steak and some international dishes as well as asian and Mexican.



(810) 714-3005 225 Silver Lake Rd. Fenton, MI

(248) 682-7380 2887 Orchard Lake Rd. Keego Harbor, MI

At CAFÉ AROMA we are determined to give the highest quality customer service, while providing the tastiest baked goods, and gourmet coffees to all of our guests. Our fabulous variety of lunch sandwiches, salads, soups, and breakfast sandwiches are delectable. Challenge your tastebuds! Come in and experience the “BUZZ!”

Taylor Collision has been owned by the North Family of Fenton since 1977. We understand that when you have had a car accident you want your repair to be completed professionally. We are worth the drive to Telegraph and Orchard Lake Roads and be sure to keep your eye on our special of the month @ www. taylorcollisionkeego.com.

Your Remodeling Specialists for over 30 years!

John Strayer

Tanglewood Assisted Living (810) 750-2833 [email protected]


So Good...

It’s Scary MONDAY

An Event So Good...I ST

OCTOBER 31 1:00pm-6:00pm

Monday, October 31st • 1 pm –

(Some businesses may close at their regular ti

Be a part ofmay thisclose tradition promoting local businesses and t (businesses at their regular time)

Event Sponsors 20112011 EVENT SPONSORS

Mark Hamel

The French Laundry (810) 629-8852 [email protected]

DIRECTORS Greg Adams Freeway Sports Center (810) 629-2291 [email protected]

Hospitality Points Chamber Member $40 Non-Member $55 • A pumpkin sign for your business yard or window • Advertised listing in local newspapers • A list of hospitality locations for Trick-or-Treating will be distributed to participating businesses • Business name on over 3,600 Flyers distributed to area schools

Trick or Treat with your children at

Display Sc sidewalk, obstruct tr

Panel of ju Scarecrow of a busine

these local businesses.

Hospitality Point Guidelines: • Provide a safe “Trick-or-Treating” experience to children in costume & clearly post your pu • What a great opportunity to gain customers & clients • Home-based businesses are welcome to hand out treats at the Fenton Chamber office.

Look for the

To ensure your business name is listed on all the flyers distributed to schools: Please reg



(810) 694-2050 [email protected]

Phone ________________________________________ Fax _____________________

Participating Hospitality Points

Would you like to participate in the free Scarecrow Contest: Yes _______ No ________ Below information is required if you would like to be a Hospitality Point.

Chip Beltinck Sawyer Jewelers (810) 629-7936 [email protected]

Dibbleville Silver Lake Road Hospitality Cost: Chamber Member $40 ____________ Non-Member $55 ____________ Café Aroma City of Fenton Total Amount Paid: $ ____________ Pipsqueak Boutique The French Laundry Checks may be made payable to Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce. Rockwell Assisted Living Fenton HealthCare Visa/MC # ___________________________ Exp.Flowers Date ____________Security Code______ Gerych’s & Gifts Owen Road

Signature_______________________________________________________________ North Leroy Street

Doug Fairbanks Hartland Insurance Agency (810) 632-5161 [email protected]

Brian Haaraoja

Al Jones Comfort Keepers Home Care (810) 249-2561 [email protected]

Ask About Warmup Radiant Floor Heating!

Ed Koledo


Superintendent Linden Schools (810) 591-0983  [email protected]

Terri A. Kovarik Creative Foam Corporation (810) 629-5447 ext. 402 [email protected]

Denise Penwell Essential Balance Massage Therapy (810) 444-0941 [email protected]

C C & Company Salon Joe & Lewie’s Penalty Box Jet’s Pizza Biggby Coffee Tri-County Times Fenton Chamber of Commer Café of Regional Life Chiropractic Randy Wise Buick GMC 114 North Leroy St. Fenton, MI 48430 • (810) 629-5447 • Dewey’s Auto Center Inc. Vic Canever Chevrolet You may also register online at www.fentonchamb Michalkow Orthodontics Four Seasons Fresh Market Harris Financial Vic Bond Sales Wireless Zone of Fenton The Rybar Group Animal Health Clinic Comerica Bank Auto One of Fenton Tropical Smoothie Café LaBeau Salon & Day Spa VG’s Food Center ELGA Credit Union Downtown Fenton Goin Postal Edward Jones - Patrick Bangkok Peppers Too Perfitt Fenton Vision Center Southern Lakes Parks & Edward Jones – Kevin Recreation Messing Christian Science Reading Shard Financial Services Room Midwest Soccer Academy Brad Hoffman Insurance Little Blessings Boutique Agency National Home Lending Billmeier Camera Shop Silver Parkway The State Bank (Main Financial Plus Federal Branch) Credit Union Sawyer Jewelers Lockwood of Fenton Fenton United Methodist Talmer Bank & Trust Church Caravan’s Hallmark Fenton Flowers & Gifts VG’s Food Center Fenton Regional Chamber Torrey Road of Commerce Beale St. Smokehouse BBQ LaFontaine Automotive Brown & Brown Insurance Group Image Projections Mary Kay Cosmetics Fenton Patch Linden Almost Home City of Linden CMS Landscaping, LLC The State Bank Coldwell Banker H20 Basement Professionals Waterproofing Temrowski Family Funeral Caretel Inns of Linden Navistarz Bar & Grill Home

An event brought to you by:

R.J. Sharp


Danielle Allen

VG’s Food & Pharmacy (810) 629-1383  [email protected]


Create a s business


Keith Green



All business participate October 25

(248) 627-7283

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16B    Sunday, October 23, 2011



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Holly’s CC girls dominate league meet, win Metro title By David Troppens [email protected]; 810-4336789

  Clio — From the opening Metro League jamboree there was no doubt the Holly girls varsity cross country team was the elite squad in the conference.   The Bronchos proved it once again on Wednesday at Clio’s Vienna Greens Golf Course.   The Bronchos had six of the top 12 runners at the final Metro

League meet, posting a team score of 33, easily winning the event and the Metro League’s overall crown.   The Bronchos didn’t have any runners finish in the top three, but did have five of the next six runners, and six of the next nine runners cross the finish line after those top three. Just as close as they finished the race, the Bronchos seem to be a close family.   “We are all so close,” said Holly’s top runner at the meet, Shannon Westfall. “We work with each other during the workouts. It’s a really

cool team because we do so many team bonding things making it a close team. It’s like a second family.”   “We were really happy this year,” Holly’s Carly Schroeder said. “It’s been a great team. We’ve had some really fast times, and to come out and win three (Metro League jamborees) in a row is great. The team has come out. We wanted to make history this year and prove we have a better team than in past years.”   The tri-county area teams showed their strength in the final standings.



Holly’s Charlotte Ruffini (left) and Mariah Ridal


Who are the only teammates to ever score four TDs each in an NFL football game?

Priest Holmes and Derrick Blaylock accomplished the feat for the Kansas City Chiefs in a 56-10 victory against Atlanta on Oct. 24, 2004.


Linden’s Sydney Elmer dominated the event with a personal-best time of 19:20.6. Her time helped Linden to a second-place team finish. Meanwhile, Elmer’s top competition for the individual title was Fenton’s second-place finisher Taylor Thorpe (20:00.3). The two friendly rivals had split the first two jamborees, with each winning one. She helped lead the Tigers to a fourth-place team finish at the meet and in third in the final overall standings. See HOLLY’S on 18B



Fenton, Holly capture share of Metro title

Tigers crush Dragons in second half

Bronchos earn first league title since 1952 By David Troppens [email protected]

By Al Zipsie [email protected]; 810-433-6789

  Swartz Creek — Fenton got the wake up call it needed at halftime and slayed the Swartz Creek Dragons 31-7 for a share of the Metro League championship Friday.   The Tigers (6-2, 7-2) came up empty on three golden opportunities with great field position in the first half. A chip shot field goal from one of the state’s best Kenny Allen was blocked and Swartz Creek led 7-0 at halftime.   Creek’s first-half score came with 5:05 left in the opening quarter on a Mitchell Ryan 19-yard TD pass to Max Cummings.   “Our defense kept us in the game, never giving up another score,” Fenton coach Jeff Setzke said.   It took only 60 seconds for the Tigers, who will be in the playoffs for a fourth straight season, to tie the game in the second half. Brennen Clarke had a nice kick return to Fenton’s 43. A personal foul moved it to Swartz Creek’s 42. Then, Fenton quarterback Houston Shaw hooked up with his Quinton Mandle with a 28-yard reception. Shaw then scored on a keeper from one yard out.   It was just one of four thirdquarter TDs for Fenton.


(Above) Fenton’s Houston Shaw and Holly’s Johnny Williams (right) helped lead their teams to coMetro League championships on Friday. For more on any tricounty game go to www.tctimes. com.   Fenton’s Justin Mott then picked off a and returned it to Creek’s 24. On the next play, Shaw connected with Mandle for a 24-yard TD pass. Fenton led 14-7 with 9:24 left in the third quarter. Later, Mandle

would catch a 73-yard TD pass and Shaw would score on an 18-yard run. Fenton led 28-7.   Allen added a 31-yard field goal in the fourth quarter, capping the scoring.

Linden falls, Lake Fenton wins Friday games By David Troppens [email protected]

  Linden — Lapeer East’s ground game accumulated 261 rushing yards, leading East to a 24-20 victory at Linden, earning the visitors a share of the Metro title. Linden (5-4) must wait until Sunday to see if they are in the playoffs.   Linden led 13-9 at the half after a

two-yard TD run by Shaye Brown and a three-yard run by Travis Marsh. However, East scored on a 19-yard TD reception by Kyle Rachwal and a 15-yard TD run by Bradley LaBrie in the third quarter, putting East up 24-13.   Linden scored on a 37-yard TD completion to Mitch Juhl from Shaye Brown, and actually had the ball at the East 8 in the fourth,

did you know?

but fumbled it away. East ran the clock out from there on its next possession.   For more on this game go to www.tctimes.com. Lake Fenton 63, Bridgeport 0   The Blue Devils (6-3) easily qualified for the playoffs with the road win at Bridgeport on Friday.   For more on this game, go to www.tctimes.com.

  Ortonville — The Holly Bronchos captured a piece of their first ever Flint Metro League championship, and their first ever league crown since 1952, with a 24-14 road victory at Brandon High School Friday night.   With the game tied at 14-all, the Bronchos, who were playing without three starters due to injury, got a 26-yard field goal from Blake Ordiway and then a 13-yard TD run from Johnny Williams earning the victory in the fourth quarter.   “It was amazing,” Holly coach Ryan Culloty said. “The kids showed great resolve all season long, starting 0-2 and then facing Linden and Fenton the next two games. They won seven straight. To show that kind of character and resolve is impressive.”   The Bronchos took a 7-0 lead in the first quarter on a 44-yard reception to Clayton Lindsay from Williams. Ordiway made his first of three extra points, putting the Bronchos up 7-0. It stayed that way until halftime.   Brandon scored on a 23-yard run in the third quarter, tying the contest. The teams exchanged TDs the rest of the third quarter — Holly’s on a Williams six-yard run and Brandon’s on a two-yard run — tying the game at 14-all entering the final quarter.   Williams had just 64 yards rushing, but completed 7-of-11 passes for 160 yards. Five of those receptions went to Austin Hopkin for 115 yards.   The Bronchos will find out who they have in the playoffs on Sunday. For more on this game, go to www.tctimes.com.


Lake Fenton’s Mitch Dershem and the Blue Devils compete in the Durand district final game against Flint Powers on Saturday at 11 a.m.

LF soccer headed to district finals By David Troppens [email protected]

  Durand — The extra day was well worth the wait.   Being forced to play its district semifinal contest against Durand on Thursday instead of Wednesday due to a power outage, the Blue Devils returned to Durand’s soccer fields and posted a 1-0 upset victory.   The Blue Devils had lost to the Railroaders twice this season, including a 4-0 loss about a week ago. But on Thursday the Blue Devils (6-12-1) got their revenge and earned a spot in Saturday’s district title game against Flint Powers. The game starts at 11 a.m.   The Blue Devils, who had yet to score a goal against Durand in the two previous games, went another half scoreless with the Railroaders on Thursday. However, the defense was strong as well, alSee LF on 19B

Fred Dryer is the only NFL player to ever record two safeties in the same football game.


18B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


Linden boys capture fifth straight Metro League title Fenton’s Gilbert takes top spot individually By David Troppens [email protected]; 810-433-6789

  Clio — With every Metro League jamboree, it seemed the Linden Eagles had another team gunning to compete against them.   At the first meet it was a surprising Clio squad. The second jamboree, it was Fenton that pressed the Eagles for the victory.   And on Wednesday at Vienna Greens Golf Course, it was Fenton — along with Swartz Creek — presenting a challenge once again. But when it was all said and done the Linden Eagles had their fifth straight Metro League title, winning the third meet with a team score of 47 points, two better than the Fenton Tigers.   The victory was pretty sweet for the Eagles, who had to wait at least an hour for the final official results to make sure they had won Wednesday’s race, consequently the title.   “It was really tough because we weren’t sure if we had it,” Linden junior runner Graham Elliott said. “It was really close. We kept going through our heads wondering, and we really wanted it. It was hard to wait.”   But when the wait was over, they told the Metro League what it probably learned through the Eagles’ first two jamboree wins this year, which is Linden remains the dominant team in the conference.   “It’s a real tradition to win the Metro League title,” Elliott said. “Last year we were under a lot of pressure to win (the final Metro Meet so the Eagles could earn a cotitle with Fenton), and we did it. And now we did it this year.”

  The defending co-champion Tigers gave the Eagles a challenge during Wednesday’s wet and windy conditions. The Tigers’ Matt Gilbert won the race (16:11), while teammate Max Kryza placed second (16:35). However, the Eagles’ depth took over from there. Linden had its entire starting seven finish in the top 18 of the event.   Elliott took fourth (16:40), while Roger Phillips placed fifth (16:48). Adrian Tayler finished ninth (17:13), rounding off Linden’s runners in the top 10. The rest of the Eagles’ top seven were: Zach LeMieux in 13th (17:22), Kyle Susalla in 16th (17:30), Kirk Bennett in 17th (17:30), and Sam Moughler in 18th (17:33).   “The kids were really tough today,” Linden coach Clint Lawhorne said. “We had a couple of kids struggle a little bit, and some of the ones that were struggling prior to today and not running as they would’ve liked to, had big days for us today. It’s kind of nice when it works out that way. That’s why it’s a team sport and not an individual sport.”   And the Eagles have shown that it is more than a team sport. Cross country squads can become families, one of the reasons why Lawhorne thinks the team has won five straight league titles.   “When I started coaching, I didn’t think that would be the kind of thing that would happen,” Lawhorne said. “They work hard. It’s exciting.   “I think we try to make it family oriented. We do family picnic things during the season and the offseason, and I think the parents


Linden’s Sam Moughler (left) and Zach LeMieux run with the pack during the Metro League meet held on Wednesday. enjoy getting together and cheering for their ton were Noah Strayer in 14th (17:26) and kids and other kids. It’s a really supportive Nick Jones in 25th (18:17). environment.”   Holly placed fifth at the meet (133) and   The co-defending champion Tigers gave finished tied in fifth in the final overall Linden a good challenge on Wednesday. standings. Holly’s top five runners were After Gilbert and Kryza, the Tigers were Luke Schwerin in 10th (17:17), Nick Myers the first team to get three runners to the fin- in 27th (18:18), Steve Domagalski in 29th ish line, with Brady Morton taking seventh (18:20) Vincent Cantu in 32nd (18:29) and (16:58). The other scoring runners for Fen- Nate Frasier in 35th (18:34).


Continued from Page 17B



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  Elmer dominated the race.   “I’m really happy because it is my lifetime PR,” Elmer said of her race. “I wanted to PR, so I got my goal today. My old PR was 19:21, and I got 19:20.”   The Bronchos dominated the start, middle and end of the race. By the first mile, the Bronchos had established themselves with a handful of runners in the top 10, and they never lost that grip. Holly’s scoring runners were: Westfall in fourth (20:22), Mariah Ridal in fifth (20:36), Alex Matvchuk in seventh (20:56), Charlotte Ruffini in eighth (21:04) and Abbey Brown in ninth (21:16). Meanwhile, Schroeder finished 12th (21:22).     “A lot of kids came around,” Holly coach

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Matt Weisdorfer said. “They are peaking nice and they are headed in the right direction, going into the regional meet.”   Linden’s other scoring runners were: Kailee Corcoran in 15th (21:31), Aleighsha Engish in 16th (21:39), Dominique Scripter in 23rd (22:02) and Hollie Vermeersch in 24th (22:12).   “It means a lot to keep it up for three years,” Engish said. “We kept working and it means a lot, especially because we did it with new coaches this year.”   “We’ve worked really hard for this,” Vermeersch said. “This really means a lot.”   After Thorpe, Fenton’s other scorers were Ellie White in 10th (21:17), Elle Cowger in 22nd (21:58), Jenny Surface in 25th (22:13) and Autumn Moulton in 29th (22:28).

SATURDAY BASEBALL (FOX)............World Series Game #3............... 7:30 p.m.

FOOTBALL (FOX)............Northern Illinois at Buffalo................... Noon

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(ABC)...........Game to be announced............... 3:30 p.m.

(FOX)............World Series Game #4....................8 p.m..

(ESPN).........Georgia Tech at Miami (Fla)......... 3:30 p.m.


(ESPN2).......Teams to be announced.............. 3:30 p.m.

(FOX)............Calcons at Lions................................1 p.m.

(VS)..............Air Force at Boise State................ 3:30 p.m.

(CBS)...........Steelers at Cardinals...........................4 p.m.

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(NBC)...........Colts at Saints.............................. 8:15 p.m.

(NBC)...........USC at Nortre Dame.................... 7:30 p.m.


(ABC)...........Game to be announced.....................8 p.m.

(GOLF)..........PGA Tour............................................2 p.m.



Fenton volleyball caps perfect Metro League season By Al Zipsie [email protected]; 810-433-6789

  Swartz Creek — The senior class was given the chance to end another perfect Metro League season for the Fenton varsity volleyball squad.   They did just that, earning a 2522, 25-18, 25-18 victory at Swartz Creek Tuesday night.   In what was a fitting end, all four seniors were on the floor for match point. Sammi Cowger served, Julie Gilbert set and Sarah Collier had the kill. Meanwhile fellow senior Sonia Talarico was also on the floor. It capped four years of undefeated Metro League volleyball for the Tigers, earning them the outright Metro League title.   “It’s an honor,” said Gilbert, of winning every Metro League match she has started at Fenton. “We had six seniors graduate, and the juniors and sophomore Ashley Bearden stepped up. We have just meshed so well together.”   “It was a great ending with Sarah getting the kill, Julie the set and Sammi the serve,” said Fenton coach Linda Rusaw said about match point. “Julie and Sarah had great three-year careers on the varsity. Sammi is a good athlete, who has played a big role the last two years, and Payton Maxheimer, a junior, has started the last two years.”   “It’s nice, and something you will always have in your memory,” Collier said. “Julie setting and Sonia on the floor was nice. Sammi had a great effort. We have put a lot of work in and have worked well together more like a family than just as a team.”   The Dragons battled Fenton to a 22-all tie in the opening game. But then Collier and Gilbert stepped up and earned a block and a 24-22 lead. Collier had another block on set point.   Megan Cockin got the Tigers roaring in the second set, clicking off the first seven points with her serve, and Fenton never trailed. In the third set, a Maxheimer kill put Fenton in the lead to stay at 16-15. On game point the seniors combined to cap the undefeated league season.   Cowger hit on 18 of 19 serves with three aces, while also earning 14 digs. Maxheimer had 31 digs, and nine kills, while Gilbert had 27 assists. Bearden added five kills.   “It was nice to play some good competition as we get ready for districts,” Gilbert said.   Fenton (27-18-3 overall) will have a rematch with Swartz Creek in the Class A district Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. at Clarkston High School. The Tigers’ focus is on the district.   “I love winning Metro League championships, but districts has been our for goal for awhile,” said Gilbert.   “We have been talking for a few weeks to finish our Metro goal and to compete in districts,” Collier said. “It’s been awhile since we have won it (2007) and we are ready.”   Fenton competes at the Pinckney Invitational on Saturday.

Sunday, October 23, 2011    19B

Fenton swimmers defeat Bronchos, 120-65 By Al Zipsie [email protected]; 810-433-6789

  Holly — For Fenton’s varsity girls swim team “Hell week” is a tough stretch of the season. But, it will pay off in the end.   In the middle of it Fenton managed to beat Holly in a dual Metro League meet Thursday 120-65.   “Hell week, a few girls cry, but don’t quit,” Fenton coach Brad Jones said. “And for Hell week we had some good times.”   “Swimming season’s hardest week,” acknowledged Fenton’s Sara Wujciak. “It’s swim training at it’s finest. You wear drag, extra clothes and tights. But later, you swim lighter and faster without that on. The more rested you are your times improve for state, and your times go down with the intensity of the big meets.   “Actually I had a pretty good times for Hell week,” Wujciak said of her wins in the 100 butterfly (1:02.66) and 100 breaststroke (1:13.55). She also teamed with Haley Shaw, Megan Rumbles and Gabrielle Haaraoja to win the 200 medley relay (1:58.87), while teaming with Shaw, Julie Siefker and Kelsey Kidd to win the 200 freestyle relay (1:48.11).   Along with the two relay wins, Shaw also finished with two individual wins. Individually, she won the 100 backstroke (1:02.12) and the 200 individual medley (2:17.24). Also winning individual events for the Tigers were Haaraoja in the 50 freestyle (25.92), Kelsey Kidd in the 100 freestyle (57.96), Kali Finger in the 500 freestyle (5:31.42). Finger, Kidd, Haaraoja and Meagan Cassner also won the 400 freestyle relay (4:04.36). MacKenzie Deputy won the diving event with a 175.00 score.   Keeping Fenton from a clean sweep of winning all the events was Holly’s Courtney Konopitiski. She won the 200 freestyle (2:05.67), nipping Finger at the finish line in an exciting race. Holly’s Laura Frachowski also took a tight second in the 500 freestyle.   “We swam well at Eastern last weekend (at the MISCA meet). It is always a fun meet with Holly,” Jones said. “We


Continued from Page 17B

lowing Lake Fenton to remain in a scoreless tie. The Blue Devils broke that deadlock in the second half with about 27 minutes left.   Max Watters took a thru pass, beat a defender down the center of the field and hit a nice shot on the ground. It snuck in the left corner just before the Durand keeper could get the ball.   Durand had more scoring chances, but the Blue Devils’ defense was strong

have four individuals and three relays who have qualified times for state. We also have a couple senior girls right on the edge of qualifying — Kelsey Kidd in the 50 and 100 freestyle, Meagan Rumbles and Kali Finger. We are just looking at where we would do best at state.”   Wujciak has qualified in several individual events with Shaw in the 100 butterfly and backstroke and Haaraoja in the 50 and 100 freestyle. Fenton’s strong team meant a loss for Holly, but the Bronchos got something out of the meet.   “Fenton wasn’t the kind of team we would beat, but it was a nice matchup and we swam well,” said Holly coach Danielle Gray. “We should be tired with the hard training and the girls are feeling it. We have two weeks left when we start to taper for the FML meet.   “We are dropping times and have one relay team that has qualified for state. Our 400 freestyle relay team crushed the old school record, and at MISCA made the state time. Our foreign exchange student, Laura Frachowski from Germany, is coming on in the 200 IM (she finished second to Shaw in 2:22.84). She is pretty seasoned.”   Holly’s 400 freestyle relay team was edged by Fenton by .01 second at the meet. It is made up of Frachowski, Jessie Felix, Konopitiski and Rachel Malvich.   On Tuesday, both host league events as Holly takes on Lapeer and Fenton can clinch the Metro title unbeaten against Brandon. The Metro League meet is Nov. 5 at Fenton. enough, earning the victory and the shutout.   “Durand had the most scoring chances, but our keeper made a couple of great saves, and the defense would bend, but never did break,” Lake Fenton coach Lenny Glasstetter said.   The Railroaders (12-7-1) had scored five goals in the two other contests against Lake Fenton.   Powers (11-5-5) advanced to the Division 3 district final contest with a 3-0 victory against Birch Run on Wednesday.

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(Top) Fenton’s Julie Siefker was a member of the winning 200 freestyle relay team for the Tigers in their 120-65 victory against the Holly Bronchos on Thursday. (Above) Carli Finger competes in the 100 breaststroke. Both Fenton and Holly have Flint Metro League dual meets on Tuesday. With a win against Brandon, the Tigers will finish a perfect Metro League dual season.



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20B    Sunday, October 23, 2011

SPORTS REPORT VOLLEYBALL  Linden def. Lapeer East: The Eagles (7-1, 24-14-3) locked up a strong secondplace finish in the Metro League with the 20-25, 25-16, 25-19, 21-25, 15-5 win.   Jordan Sargent had 62 assists, 14 digs and two aces. Lexi Downes led the team with 12 kills and five solo blocks, while Kaitlyn Dunleavy had nine kills, 11 digs and three aces. Rachel Maxheimer had 13 digs and five kills. Mary Starrs had 22 digs.  Lake Fenton def. LakeVille: The Blue Devils (3-2, 22-18-1) got five kills from Megan Somers and Ellesa Smith to lead the squad to the 25-10, 25-16, 25-11 win against LakeVille. Katey Brophy, Sidney Scott and Trudie Bruce had four kills each, while Emily Hawes had seven digs.  Holly def. Brandon: The Bronchos got a match-high 14 kills from Hannah Timm, leading the squad to a 25-18, 2512, 25-20 victory against the Blackhawks.   Megan Piwowarski had five blocks, while Ashley Wohlfeil had a team-best 16 digs; Shelby Wohlfeil had eight aces.  Lake Fenton at Beast of East tournament: The Blue Devils won two playoff matches before losing to Salem in the elimination rounds. Rachael Mundy had 78 assists and 13 digs, while Ellesa Smith had 26 kills, 31 digs and eight aces. Trudie Bruce had 15 kills and seven blocks, while Sidney Scott had 27 kills, 12 blocks and eight digs. Ashley Rinks had 24 digs and Chelsea Jordan had 14 kills, seven blocks and 34 digs.  Linden at Mt. Morris Invitational: The Eagles went 3-2, defeating Lakeland, Rochester and Armada.   Kaitlyn Dunleavy led Linden with 26 kills, 34 digs and three aces. Kelsey Brecht had 26 kills and three blocks, while Lexi Downes had 15 kills and four aces. Rachel Maxheimer had 20 kills and 25 digs. Mary Starrs finished with 43 digs, while Jordan Sargent had 87 assists and 10 aces. SOCCER  Lahser 1, Holly 0: The Bronchos’ season ended in the district opener at Lahser. Connaugh McLaughlin assisted on Conor Wahl’s goal, the only tally of the game. Holly ended the season 5-3-7.

Fenton beats Linden in district opener, 1-0 By David Troppens [email protected]; 810-433-6789

  Fenton — In many ways it was pretty close to a repeat of Fenton and Linden’s first game against each other this year.   This time the game-winning goal came a little earlier, but it remained close.   However, when it was all said and done, the Fenton Tigers won another competitive 1-0 verdict against the Linden varsity boys soccer team (13-8-1) Tuesday at Fenton High School in the opening round of Division 2 district action.   Fenton’s Jake Kinsman was the hero, scoring the game’s only goal with 12:08 left in the contest. It came on a ball sent in the box by Logan Bowlby to Kyle Costigan. Costigan then centered the ball to Kinsman, who volleyed the ball into the net.   “I knew Bowlby was going to cross it to the back post, and (Fenton coach Matt) Sullivan told me that Costigan was in there. I know Costigan never doesn’t win a ball, so I saw it going to his head. I got it and I volleyed it. I knew it as soon as it went off his head, I knew it was going to go in.”   Fenton dictated play and kept the ball in Linden’s defensive zone for most of the first half, but wasn’t able to mount much in terms of quality chances while doing so. The only near-goal came with about 22 minutes left in the half on a header by Zach Whitener that hit the Linden post.   In the second half, the Eagles put together more balance, but the Tigers still had the best of the scoring chances. Just two minutes into the half, Chase Marcola sent a diagonal cross to Brett Austin, who had a shot that was saved by Linden keeper Collin Hoeberling. It was one of eight saves he made. Perhaps Linden’s best chance to score came with just under 16 minutes left when speedster Ted Parcher had a shot at goal. His shot was deflected out by a Fenton defender, but it came out to Jaime Yanez, who then shot. His shot went just wide. Just over three minutes later, Kinsman scored.

Charles Nelson




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  Fenton’s defense did a solid job limiting Parcher’s speed. Meanwhile, when needed to make stops, Derek Jenkins made four saves, earning his second shutout victory against Linden this year.   “I trust my defense and they trust me,” Jenkins said. “I felt pretty comfortable back there. It always feels great to get the shut-

By David Troppens [email protected]; 810-433-6789

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Fenton’s Jake Kinsman (left) battles with Linden’s Hunter Holsinger for possession of the ball in the Tigers’ 1-0 victory on Tuesday. out, but it’s even nicer against your rivals.”   “We got some quality chances, but not as many as I would’ve liked,” Linden coach Kevin Fiebernitz said. “But I told my two assistant coaches that I hope no one feels sorry for us because next year it will be a whole new ball game for us. We have a lot of guys back.”

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  Bloomfield Hills — The Fenton varsity boys soccer team knew Avondale had some speed entering its district semifinal contest at Lahser High School on Thursday.   But the speed ended up being a bit too much for Fenton, as the Tigers dropped a 3-0 verdict to the Yellowjackets in cold and rainy conditions Thursday night.   “They had too much speed,” Fenton coach Matt Sullivan said. “We knew they did, and I thought we did a good job containing that for awhile. But we struggled to get the ball wide and getting it through. I thought it was a good, hard game. We gave up a couple of goals, that could’ve gone either way.”   Neither team put much of an offense together in the first half, but Avondale scored on what was one of the few chances of the half. It came on a free kick from Erik Koberstein. The ball was received by Garrett Ritterhaus, and he headed it into the net for a 1-0 lead.   The contest remained 1-0 for most of the event. However, with 18:25 remaining in the game, Avondale struck again. This time, a cross in front of the net after a corner kick attempt resulted in a goal for Kyle Sroka. The Tigers trailed 2-0.   The final goal was provided by Nate Chapman on a thru ball that Chapman received and one-touched it over the Fenton keeper into the net with 13:48 left.   Fenton had few good chances in the con-

test, with most of its shots coming from outside of 25 feet.   “They scored three goals and we didn’t score any. I think soccer is a lot simpler game than people make out of it,” Fenton senior Derek Jenkins said. “They put the ball in the net, and we didn’t.”   Fenton’s best chances came on free kicks about 40 yards outside the box near the sideline. The Tigers (11-5-3) had several strong balls sent to the box that were received for shots or headers, but none ended going into the net. Maybe the best chance during the flow of play came about halfway through the first half. Jake Kinsman sent a ball to Chase Marcola at that time for a shot. Marcola tried to place the shot, but it went wide. The most dangerous save on a Fenton shot came in the final minute on a 20-yard shot by Marcola.   “The most important thing right now is there’s nothing like the brothership we have at Fenton,” senior Logan Bowlby said. “The brothership is, by far, the best thing we’ve had. Just being with my teammates is the most amazing thing I’ve been around my whole life. I’ll miss every single one of them.”   “We are not a team, we are a family,” Jenkins said. “We lost the game, but I love every one of our players. We are probably the only team around that can look at every member of our team and everyone can tell everyone that they tried as hard as they could every time. I think that says something about our team, our character.”



Sunday, October 23, 2011    21B

tri-countyoutdoors Lots of HAP land to hunt on in Lower Peninsula By Colin Van Leuvin

[email protected]; 810-629-8282

  Scattered about the Lower Peninsula are approximately 8,000 acres, situated on 45 properties, which are enrolled in the Hunter Access Program (HAP). Instituted in 1977, HAP is one of the oldest “public access of private lands” programs in the nation. These are all private properties, and are leased by the state through the use of hunting license fees, for hunting only.   Guests, who by the way are all of us, can hunt these lands by simply registering with the property owner who lives there or nearby, or by signing in at a self-service box. It’s generally a mailbox where you access the land, and has a sign-in sheet and tags.   You start by picking up the HAP brochure at a hunting license outlet, or by downloading it from the DNR website. You’ll also need a good map or GPS unit.   The properties are listed by county. Column headings designate the landowner, address, township and section, number of permits available, habitat, and hunt-type.   Hunt-types are new this year. They allow the landowner to control what type of hunting takes place. The DNR is hopeful this will entice more landowners to sign up for the program and increase the acreage available.   Hunt-types are A (All Hunting), YA (Youth H u n t i n g - A pprentice Hunting only), SG (Small Game Hunting only), T (Turkey Hunting only), and D (Deer Hunting only).   The habitat is divided by keys, and the number of acres enrolled per each. There are four habitat keys: WW (Wetland Wildlife), FW (Forest Wildlife), FA (Farmland Wildlife) and CC (Cropped Land). WW would be for waterfowl. On FW habitat keys, you’ll likely find deer, squirrels, rabbits and grouse, and FA

More tha 8,000 ac n available res by regist to hunt eri Hunter A ng with ccess Program


Guests can sign in using a self-service box to access hunting property. The box contains sign-in sheets and tags.


There are more than 12 square miles of Hunter Access Program (HAP) properties spread across 20 Michigan counties that anyone can hunt.

could carry pheasants, rabbit, and deer.   Some actual examples from the brochure are 2WW-207FW-19FA-68CC - A, and 43FW-8FA-120CC - A.   As the examples show, some properties

encompass many acres. Sizes range from 40 to 500 acres, with the brunt of them being from 80 to 200 acres. As most are not small, it would be wise to take a compass.

  I’ve hunted a few of these private lands and have had some enjoyable and rewarding hunts. There seems to be less hunting pressure on them than on the state game lands, commercial forestland, or other public hunting grounds, but I did find them well used. Try going during midweek or not on opening days.   Some of them had very good cover and food, with other excellent private lands surrounding them. A couple of the properties was marginal at best, and in my opinion, a waste of our license fees and should not be enrolled.   As shown on the DNR map, most are grouped in the thumb area, down in Hillsdale and Branch counties, out near Grand Rapids, and in the southwestern corner of the state. You may have to drive a ways, but you can find some very good hunting cover.   If you’re looking for a new spot to hunt, give these HAP properties a try. There’s more than 12 square miles spread across 20 Michigan counties that anyone can hunt.   And, don’t forget to thank the landowner if you talk with them. Maybe even send them a nice note, or offer to help with some work on the property that needs tending. They might invite you back to hunt some of their other private lands.



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22B    Sunday, October 23, 2011


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Lucille C. Griffis - age 87, died October 16, 2011. Share memories at www. temrowskifamilyfuneralhome.com.


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William J. Weber - age 83, died October 21, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.


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Genevieve Cole,

Harley Herman,

Buryl Vincent,

Jeris Buchan,

William Curran,

Lois Murcko,

Mildred Tupper,

Marie DeHart,

Joyce Davis - age 82, died October 19, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

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Almarion Bacon - age 87, died October 18, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

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Lawrence Hess - died October 19, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Richard Hilligoss - age 71, died October 20, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

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Gayle Ryerson - age 64, died October 16, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

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Elwood Correll - age 80, died October 15, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

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Genevieve Cole - age 78, died October 21, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Harley Herman - age 89, died October 18, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

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Buryl Vincent - age 87, died October 19, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

William Curran - age 84, died October 18, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Mildred Tupper - age 95, died October 18, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.


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Jeris Buchan - age 76, died October 15, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Lois Murcko - age 86, died October 14, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Marie DeHart - age 91, died October 15, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Martha Kovacs,

Martha Kovacs - age 88, died October 18, 2011. Services provided by Sharp Funeral Homes.

Terri Donn Hartwell 1955-2011

Terri Donn Hartwell - was reunited in heaven at age 56 on October 17, 2011 with her parents, Ruth and Ray Donn and daughter, Angela. She was born on September 1, 1955 in Detroit, Michigan and graduated from Grosse Ile High School. She attended Central Michigan University and received her Dental Hygiene Degree from Mott Community College.  A long time resident of Grosse Ile, Michigan, and most recently of Fenton, Michigan, Terri was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Fenton, due to construction, the service and reception will be held at Fenton United Methodist Church. A daughter of Ruth and Ray Donn, Terri was one of six siblings. She had three children and worked as a dental assistant and Registered Dental Hygienist and was a loving wife, mother and home-maker.  Terri was a very vibrant, outgoing, friendly, compassionate and very giving person.  She was loved by everyone she met and provided support and assistance to anyone in need. Terri was preceded in death by her daughter, Angela.  Terri is survived by her loving husband, Douglas Hartwell of Fenton, MI.; her children, Gayle Hartwell of Fenton, MI, Bradley Hartwell (Lindsay) of Pittsburgh, PA. She is also survived by her siblings, Alan Donn (Dorothy) of Tampa, FL., Karen Donn of Boca Raton, FL., Paul Donn (Annette), Jerri Henson (Dan) and Merry Donn all residing in Michigan. Funeral services will be held 11 AM Saturday, October 22, 2011 at Fenton United Methodist Church, 119 South Leroy, Fenton.  A reception will follow at the church. Visitation was held 5-9 PM Thursday, 1-4 PM and 6-9 PM Friday at Sharp Funeral Homes, Fenton Chapel, 1000 Silver Lake Road, Fenton and also will be held 10-11 AM Saturday at the church. In lieu of flowers and gifts the family has asked that a small tax-deductible donation be made to the American Heart Association or the March of Dimes.  Online condolences may be shared at the obituaries page of www.sharpfuneralhomes.com.




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30 Minute Meals

Sunday, October 23, 2011    23B

Working from home creates extra homework DEAR AMY: I live with my mother and sister. I can’t afford to move out. My mother and sister both have jobs outside the home. I have a homebased business. Amy Dickinson   Somehow, the cleaning at home always seems to be left to me. I’ve tried asking for help, but they only pitch in for a few days and then stop. I’ve tried leaving it messy, but nothing gets done. I’ve asked them kindly and rudely, but nothing seems to work!   I respect both of them, but it would be nice if they respected me and my own work, and not leave everything up to me.   Do you have ideas on how to solve this? — Self-Made


Ask Amy

Flap Jack-o’-lanterns INGREDIENTS • 2 c all-purpose flour • 1 T. baking powder • 1/2 t. salt • 2 T. sugar • 1 t. pumpkin pie spice • 2 eggs • 1 3/4 c. milk • 3 T. melted butter plus 1 t. for frying • 1/2 c. cooked and mashed pumpkin or canned pumpkin INSTRUCTIONS

Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and pumpkin pie spice in a large bowl. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and milk. Add 3 tablespoons of melted butter and the pumpkin to the wet ingredients, and whisk together. Pour the mixture over the dry ingredients, and stir just until blended a few lumps are okay. Heat the remaining butter on a griddle over mediumhigh heat. Then pour 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. When the flapjacks bubble on top, flip and cook until brown on other side. Makes 20 pancakes.

paw’s corner

Keep pets safe this Halloween DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Last Halloween, our dog

Valiant ran into the room as my kids were tearing into their trick-or-treat candy and ate several wrappers and a couple of pieces of chocolate. We had to rush him to the emergency pet hospital in another town. Fortunately, he only had to stay overnight for observation and he passed the wrappers without incident, but the veterinary assistant said that they see incidents like this every year at Halloween.   Please remind your readers not to let their pets near all the goodies being handed out, as they’re not healthy (and can even be poisonous) and they could ingest dangerous items like candy wrappers.

— Beth in Madison, Wisc.

DEAR BETH: Thank you for the reminder! Halloween is

a fun holiday for kids and families, but it can be a dangerous time for your pets if precautions aren’t taken. • Keep candy bowls and treats on a high counter or shelf where pets can’t reach. • Monitor your pets at all times as trick-or-treaters wander the neighborhood so they don’t ingest anything harmful, and to keep approaching children safe. • If you’re having a Halloween party or if your pet is very excitable, confine it to a quiet room or kennel cage with food, toys and a blanket or cushion until the festivities are over. Check in periodically. • If you see or suspect your pet has ingested chocolate, wrappers or any other dangerous item, contact the veterinarian or emergency pet clinic immediately.

DEAR MADE: You should not have to “ask” family members to clean up after themselves or pitch in with household chores.   On the other hand, if you are not contributing financially to the household, part of your contribution should be in the form of home maintenance and cleaning -- in proportion to other family members’ financial contributions and efforts.   The three of you should pool your resources and draw up a chore chart, dividing regular household cleaning jobs. You can rotate these chores among you so that no one is stuck with any one job week after week.   Obviously, none of this will be of much use if the other two people in your household don’t cooperate, so making an investment in hiring outside cleaning help might be worthwhile.   There are advantages and disadvantages to living and working at home. Let this serve as an incentive for you to save your pennies with a goal of moving out. DEAR AMY: My husband and I have been happily married for one year. We are starting out in new careers with modest incomes.   He proposed on a gorgeous beach and respectfully asked my father’s “permission.” The only problem is that I really dislike my engagement ring. I feel embarrassed to tell him. I don’t want to hurt his pride or be petty and materialistic.   I decided to get over it and just be thrilled with starting a life together. But I can’t help but wince when I look at it.   I know that it cost less than $1,000, and I just can’t make myself like the ring, even though I’ve tried for a year. I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at all of my girlfriends’ rings -- and I’m embarrassed at feeling so materialistic.   He has mentioned that he knows it’s a lot simpler than my friends’ rings, and he has seemed to try to compensate by buying me a diamond necklace for my birthday -- but I don’t want him to keep trying to “make up for it.”   Am I being ridiculous to want a nicer piece -not crazy expensive, but a little nicer?   I feel terrible, but is there any way to gently break this to him so we can choose a different ring together? Should I keep this secret forever? — Ashamed DEAR ASHAMED: My perspective is that, in the grand scheme of things, just about every other thing in your life is probably more important than this.   But this bothers you and your husband has noticed. You can face this (gently) by asking him if the two of you could work together to save money to pick out a different ring. Perhaps you could agree to exchange cards and letters instead of gifts over the next two years in order to save.   You could celebrate an anniversary by choosing a new ring together.   By then, you might have a different perspective -- and you may come to treasure the little ring your husband gave to you, even if you still don’t love it all that much. (Send questions via e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to Ask Amy, Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. Amy Dickinson’s memoir, “The Mighty Queens of Freeville: A Mother, a Daughter and the Town that Raised Them” (Hyperion), is available in bookstores.)



To your

good health

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have a problem with my feet swelling. They get so big that they hurt when I walk. My doctor is puzzled. He thinks maybe it’s due to my heart pills, but he can’t change them -- my heart doctor has to. I have had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and a defibrillator put in my chest. When I’m in bed, the swelling goes down to almost normal. When I am up, it returns, even if I am sitting. I’d appreciate any suggestions. -- E.L. ANSWER: I believe I’m safe in saying your problem is chronic congestive heart failure. Your heart is pumping so weakly that blood circulates sluggishly. When you’re up or when you’re sitting, gravity pulls fluid out of your leg’s vessels, and it is the cause of your swelling. In the horizontal position in bed, gravity doesn’t have this effect, and the fluid stays in blood vessels. The swelling is called edema (e-DEE-muh). During the day, take frequent breaks to lie down with your legs propped up higher than your heart. When you sit, rest your legs on the seat of a chair put in front of you. Walk as much as you can during the day. The contracting leg muscles push fluid back into circulation. Limit the salt you eat; salt makes the body retain fluid. Read food labels. Most of our salt intake comes from the foods we eat, not from adding salt at the table or in cooking. But don’t do either. Your total daily salt intake should be less than 5,700 mg, preferably 3,800 mg. If salt is on the label as “sodium,” your total daily intake should be 2,300 mg or less. A better goal is 1,500 mg. Tell your heart doctor about your swelling. He might make changes in your medicines either by increasing the dose or switching to other medicines that make the heart pump with more force.   There are other causes of edema, but this is the one that seems to fit you best. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.


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