... money order or credit card. . There is a $35.00 âcheck feeâ for any returned checks. Items that are. returned ma
Event Date: December 12, 2015
Deadline Date* November 19, 2015
Registration Form
Questions? Call: 866-522-4337 in Canada 856-783-7611 Fax: 856-679-0408
Sun Center Trenton NJ
$25 an athlete All Star
$35 after deadline $150 a team Rec/School 2 coaches per team are included - $10 each additional
FOR Hotel Accomodations: Contact WST Sports at 888-529-9898 Failure to use our service will result in a surcharge per athlete. Not applicable if program is not in need of Hotels for event.
Contact Person
Organization Name Street Address
City, State, Zip
Home Phone
Cell or Work Phone
Make Check payable to: SPirit Brands Mail to: 2140 Woodland Ave Hammonton NJ 08037
Team Name Team #1
* Please attach Rosters With Names and Birthdates
All Star
# of Girls/ # of Boys
Tiny 6yrs & under
1st grade & under
Mini 8yrs & under
3rd grade & under
Youth 11yrs & under
5th grade & under
Junior 14 yrs & under
7th grade & under
Senior 18 yrs & under restricted
Senior 12 yrs & up
Int'l Open 14yrs & up
Team Name
Team #2
Recreation 1st grade & under
Mini 8yrs & under
3rd grade & under
Youth 11yrs & under
5th grade & under
Junior 14 yrs & under restricted
Senior 18 yrs & under
7th grade & under
9th grade & under
5 6 Co-ed
Senior 12 yrs & up
Int'l Open 14yrs & up
Open 17 yrs & up
Tiny 5 yrs & under
Grammar 2 6th grade & under
Mini 8yrs & under
Grammar 3 9th grade & under
Youth 11yrs & under
Junior Varsity
Junior 14 yrs & under
Senior 18 yrs & under
12th grade & under Novice
Coach's Signature
Choose 1 category per team
Dance ________
Grammar 1 4th grade & under
Tiny 5 yrs & under
Grammar 2 6th grade & under
Mini 8yrs & under
Grammar 3 9th grade & under
Youth 11yrs & under
Junior Varsity
Junior 14 yrs & under
Senior 18 yrs & under
Open 17 yrs & up
Total # of Athletes/Team _____________ : _____________ x Competition Fee $25/$150 = _____________ Total # of crossovers : _____________ x Crossover Fee $10 = _____________ X
Open 17 yrs & up
# of Girls/ # of Boys
Tiny 6yrs & under
Grammar 1 4th grade & under
Dance ________
* Please attach Rosters With Names and Birthdates
All Star
12th grade & under
Open 17 yrs & up
9th grade & under
Choose 1 category per team
(If sent after deadline add $10 an athlete) ___#Additional Coachesx$10 =_____
Total enclosed = $_______
By signing, I hereby Agree to the Rules of Spirit Brands and the organiza ons with which Spirit Brands is affiliated. Furthermore, I understand the deadlines which are set forth by Spirit Brands. Spirit Brands has the right to combine divisions based on enrollment and division makeup. There will be a $250 fee to change divisions, 2 weeks prior to the event. Unpaid balances 2 weeks prior to compe on must be paid by credit card or by money order/bank checks prior to the event. Spirit Brands andits affiliated companies have the right to change a loca on/venue due to circumstances at any me. It is the responsibility of the Program to confirm the loca on prior to the event. Cancela on are handled by our cancela on policy. In the event of li ga on it will be carried out in the county of Camden, NJ, headquarters for the companies. The laws of NJ will be applied to interpret or enforce the terms of the agreement and the par es s pulate and agree that they submit themselves to the jurisdic on of the courts of NJ as the sole an exclusive place for li ga on.
General Information
Parent Code of Conduct: It is the goal of Spirit Brands to provide a safe, fun, and enjoyable environment for our children to cheer and compete. It should be the primary objective of Coaches, Staff, and Parents to ensure that this goal is achieved. Verbal abuse of any player, Spirit Brands staff, judge, or fan shall be grounds for a warning, team disqualification, or ejection from the facility with no refund. Qualification Rules: In order to be eligible to receive division winner gifts (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) there must be a minimum of 2 teams in a division. Otherwise, only the trophy will be presented. To be eligible to compete for Grand Champion there must be at least 2 competing divisions at that level. Cancellation Policy: 1. Groups that need to cancel a team for any reason must notify Spirit Brands by phone at (866) 52-CHEER (856783-7611) and/or with a written explanation to
[email protected]. Explanations may also be faxed to (856) 679-0408. Spirit Brands is not responsible for faxes/emails not received or not responded to. Please follow the schedule below for refund amounts: a) 22 or more days prior to the event date - 75% Refund b) 15-21 days prior to the event date - 50% Refund c) 0-14 days prior to event date - NO REFUND 2. If the competition facility is closed due to inclement weather, strike, riot, restriction by government authority, flood, or act of God, actual or threatened, Spirit Brands will reschedule the event. If a team is unable to attend the rescheduled event date a refund WILL NOT be available. 3. Payments that are received two (2) weeks prior to an event must be registered online with a credit card. There will be NO exceptions to this policy. In addition, unpaid teams will not see their name on the schedule until this is rectified. 4. All payments made for special offers are non-refundable and non-transferable. No exceptions. 5. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS FOR A NO-SHOW, DROPOUT, OR SCRATCH AT A COMPETITION.
Spirit Brands will assess a $250 charge for each division change 2 weeks prior to an event.
HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS All Hotels usage must be booked through either WST Sports 888-529-9898 or The Wildwood Convention Center 609-846-2736. Failure to do so will result in a $25 per athlete charge for registration.
2 coaches per team to enter the competition FREE of charge Additional coaches will be charged a $10.00 fee. For National Events Please pay for additional coaches with registration packets so coaches credentials will be made for the day of the event.
Items that are ) Payments must be in the form of a company check, money order or credit card.. There is a $35.00 “check fee” for any returned checks.
returned may have an additional $35 processing fee applied .
Postmarked 3 months before event.
Postmarked 3 weeks before Event
Postmarked 20 days before event Add $10 PER PARTICPANT
All items listed below are due with your program’s registration. Please make sure to have these materials in by the deadlines listed. Waiver forms should be brought to the event. o Team’s registration form and payment. Teams will not be registered without payment in full. Registration payments may be made by check, money order, or credit card. There is a credit card form on the FORMS page. o Team Roster Form Please : mail all forms and payments to: Spirit Brands 2140 Woodland Ave Hammonton NJ 08037
Or Fax to 856-294-0959 or 856-679-0408
Music Please bring your music on an Ipod, MP3 player or CD. At the event after registration - Please bring your music to the DJ to be uploaded onto the computer. Stunt Groups /Individuals At certain events we will host Stunt Group and Individual competitions. We will send out a notification no later than the MONDAY before the event to see who is interested in registering. Not all venues can accomodate this. Prices are $50 for an individual and $150 for a Stunt Group. Have a duo or Trio contact us for pricing. Schedule The Competition Schedule will first be emailed out to the coaches the MONDAY before the event. It will then be posted online. Please contact your parents that they should be asking you not us for additional information regarding the upcoming event.
Spectator Price Adults $15.00 -$20.00 depending on event Specifics will be posted on the schedule for each event Children 5 and under FREE No Wrist Band/Stamp/Badge, No Entrance, No Exceptions
Hotel Information 2015-2016
Call Joy at 609-846-2736
[email protected]
Contact WST Sports Call Sally at 888-529-9898 www.wstsports.com
[email protected]
Trenton Conference and Visitors Bureau
The Festival Cheer & Dance Championships 2015
Please Complete the following room usage informa on and return to the event director To Book Your Hotels You Must Contact: WST SPORTS 1-888-529-9898
Program Name: _______________________________________________ We are staying at: ______________________________________________ If you are staying at a house of a friend/rela ve please provide address(es) above or on the back. S ll indicate number of nights stayed. Number of Hotels/Condos used for the date provided: Number of Rooms
Friday December 11, 2015
Saturday December 12, 2015
Sunday December 13, 2015
Monday December 14, 2015
Total Number of Athletes: _______________ Number of Parents/coaches:___________ Coach's Name: ________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ We appreciate you visi ng Trenton New Jersey . Thank you for comple ng this informa on which helps us serve our visitors be er
2015-2016 Season
Release and Waiver Form (Make copies as needed)
________________________________________________ Team Name ___________________________________________ Event Names ______________________________________ Athlete/Minor’s Name
____/_______/_____ Date of Birth
__________________________________________ Address ______________________________ Phone Number
___________________________________________ Event Dates ___________ Age
______________________ City
___________________________ Cell Phone Number
_________________________________ E-mail
_____________ State
______________ Zip Code
____________________________ Parent Name
I, __________________________, as parent or legal guardian of ______________________, a Minor, hereby grant the permission necessary to allow Minor to participate in the above event held by MAC, ECC, SB,or CT. I acknowledge and agree, in my own behalf and the behalf of the Minor, that cheerleading subjects Minors to the possibility of physical illness or injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic, and/or death) and that I, in my own behalf and on the behalf of the Minor, acknowledge that the Minor is assuming the risk of such illness or injury by participating in this event. In the event of illness or injury, I authorize MAC, ECC, SB, or CT. to obtain necessary medical treatment for the Minor and hereby, in my own behalf, and the behalf of the Minor, release and hold harmless MAC, ECC, or CT. the hosting site, on whose premises the Event will occur, all employees, volunteers, athletics trainers, and directors of MAC, ECC, or CT. I further acknowledge and understand that I will be responsible for any and all medical and related bills that may be incurred on behalf of the Minor for any illness or injury that the Minor may sustain during the Event and while traveling to and from the site for the Event whether or not the event actually occurs. I, in my own behalf and the behalf of the Minor, further agree to release and to hold harmless Releasees from any and all liability for negligence or any other claim, judgment, loss, liability, cost and expenses (including without limitations, attorney’s fee and costs) arising out of or connected with the Event, including any claim arising out of or connected with any illness or injury that the Minor may incur or sustain during the Event, all activities associated with the Event and while traveling to and from the site for the Event. I further expressly agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees and Releasees’ heirs, successors, assigns, executors and administrators against loss of any further claims, demands or actions that may subsequently be brought by Minor or any other person or persons on account of damages of any character resulting to Minor in any way from the foregoing activities. I further agree to reimburse and to make good to Releasees any loss, damages or costs Releasees may have to pay as a result of any such action, claim or demand. Appearance Agreement: I understand that MAC, ECC, SB, or CT. from time to time produces promotional material relating to its program. I understand as a participant or a spectator at the Event the Minor may be included in videotapes or photographs during the Event. I, in my own behalf and on the behalf of the Minor, Hereby assign, transfer and grant to MAC, ECC, SB, or CT. the exclusive right to photograph and/or videotape the Minor and to utilize such videotapes and photographs of the Minor in advertising and promoting the Event or in advertising and promoting future events. I represent that any medication to which Minor is allergic or is currently taking are listed below. I agree that Minor shall bring medications which Minor is currently taking with him/her to the Event and that he/she shall consume the prescribed dosage. Medications (if any):_______________________________________________________________________________ Allergic to (if any):________________________________________________________________________________ I, in my own behalf and on behalf of the Minor, hereby warrant that I have read this Release and Waiver in its entirety and fully understand its content. I, in my own behalf and on the behalf of the Minor, am aware that this Release and Waiver releases Releasees from liability and contains an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of injury or illness. I, in my own behalf and on my behalf of the Minor, further acknowledge that nothing in this Release and Waiver constitutes a guarantee that the Event will occur. I, in my own behalf and on my behalf of the Minor, have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will. Parent & Athlete Code of Conduct: It is the goal of MAC, ECC, SB, or CT. to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for our children to cheer and compete. It should be the primary objective of Coaches, MAC, ECC, SB, or CT. Staff, and Parents to ensure that this goal is achieved. Verbal abuse of any athlete, MAC, ECC, SB, or CT. Staff, judge, or fan shall be grounds for a warning, team disqualification, or ejection from the facility with no refund. By signing this I agree to abide by these conditions as set forth within. Signature of Parent of Legal Guardian_________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Program Name:_________________________
Please list all coaches per team. For each team 2 coaches are allowed in for free; addi onal coaches are $10 each ($15 for 2 National Events) At Registra on please send each coach to the registra on table to check in Team 1._______________________________ _________ Coach 1. ______________________________
Coach 1. ______________________________
_________ Coach 2. ______________________________
Coach 2. ______________________________
Team 2._______________________________ _________ Coach 1. ______________________________
Coach 1. ______________________________ _________
_________ Coach 2. ______________________________
Coach 2. ______________________________ _________
Team 3._______________________________ _________ Coach 1. ______________________________ _________ Coach 2. ______________________________
Coach 1. ______________________________ _________ Coach 2. ______________________________ _________
Team 4._______________________________ _________ Coach 1. ______________________________
Coach 1. ______________________________ _________
_________ Coach 2. ______________________________
Coach 2. ______________________________ _________
Team 5._______________________________ _________ Coach 1. ______________________________
Coach 1. ______________________________ _________
_________ Coach 2. ______________________________
Coach 2. ______________________________ _________
Team 6._______________________________ _________ Coach 1. ______________________________ _________ Coach 2. ______________________________
Coach 1. ______________________________ _________ Coach 2. ______________________________ _________
Program Name: __________________________________ Team Name: ___________________________________________ Athlete Name