Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit - Arts Orange County

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Dec 19, 2014 - Information for private schools, home schools, art studios, and individual families: ... School District,
Imagination Celebration 2015 VISUAL ART EXHIBITS Imagination Celebration, presented by Arts Orange County and Orange County Department of Education, is an annual county-wide arts festival that celebrates children’s creativity through visual arts exhibits and family-friendly events featuring hands-on workshops and live performances.

The theme for 2015 is “30 Years of Celebrating Imagination.” Imagination Celebration visual art exhibits include six (6) distinct exhibitions: * PLEASE NOTE: Submissions to 1,000 Pieces of Art, VSA Festival, Three-Dimensional Art Show, and Photography Show will automatically be submitted for consideration in the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit. The Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit does not accept direct submissions.

1. 1,OOO Pieces of Art* Featuring approximately 100 2-D artworks from each grade level.

2. Photography Show* Includes both traditional and digital photography.

3. Three-Dimensional Art Show* Includes sculpture, jewelry, bas-relief, masks, and ceramics.

4. VSA Festival* Features the artistic accomplishments of students with disabilities.

5. Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit Selected artworks from Imagination Celebration exhibitions will be featured during the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach in the summer of 2015.

6. Color It Orange An invitational high school art exhibition.

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GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPATION IN ALL EXHIBITS ARTIST ELIGIBILITY:  Imagination Celebration visual art exhibits are open to all Orange County students in grades PreK-12. ARTWORK SUBMISSION PROCEDURES:  Artwork must be submitted to the appropriate site for each specific exhibition (see submission information section in the guidelines for each exhibition). Late submissions will not be accepted. 

All artworks must be labeled with an official entry form (available at artsoc.org/imagination-celebration) using the following ENTRY FORM GUIDELINES: o Artwork without an entry form will not be entered into the exhibits. o All 4 sections of entry forms must be filled out completely. o Entry forms must be typed or clearly printed. o Entry form must be attached to artwork as follows:  For 3-D works: Attach entry form to artwork using string, wire, or rubber bands.  For 2-D works: Cut off Section (3) and GLUE (do not staple!) to the front of the mat on the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER. Securely adhere Section (1) to the back of the artwork leaving Sections (1a) and (2) attached to Section (1), but free and not glued or taped to the back of the artwork. These sections will later be cut off and used for internal purposes. Information for public school submissions: o Use the Public School entry form on WHITE paper. o Attach entry form to artwork following entry form guidelines above. o Write full name of district; do not use abbreviations (For example: “Garden Grove Unified School District” not “GGUSD”). o Returned artwork will be distributed via district mail or may be picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. Information for private schools, home schools, art studios, and individual families: o Use the Private School entry form on YELLOW/GOLDENROD paper. o Attach entry form to artwork following entry form guidelines above. o A liaison from your school, home, or studio must be appointed to:  Deliver artwork to the appropriate drop-off site for judging.  Pick up non-selected work from each judging.  Pick up exhibited work at the close of each show.

Notifications will be sent to teachers via the email addresses only, as listed on the entry forms.

Adjudication: All submissions will be judged and selected for display by an impartial group of art educators and professional artists.

PLEASE NOTE: Although every effort is made to ensure the safety of all artwork, exhibiting in public places is done at the risk of each participant. Many individuals will handle the artwork during the delivery, judging, display, and return process. Arts Orange County, Orange County Department of Education, Garden Grove Unified School District, Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach, VSA California of Orange County, nor Irvine Fine Arts Center are responsible or liable for lost, damaged, or stolen art. Participation in these exhibits is voluntary and intended for educational use. Submitted work may be used for promotion and advocacy of the festivals of the arts and arts education. 2 of 10

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1,000 Pieces of Art Featuring approximately 100 2-D artworks from each grade level. 1,000 Pieces of Art Submission Specifications:  Submissions may include 2-D artworks such as drawings, paintings, pastels, prints, collages, stitchery, digital works, and graphic design.  3-D works such as bas-relief, masks, or repoussé must be entered in the Three-Dimensional Art Show.  Photography must be submitted to the Photography Show.  All pieces of collages must be fastened securely.  Artwork in chalk, pastel, or charcoal must be finished with the proper fixing spray.  Artwork size must not exceed: 18” x 24” or including matting 20” x 26”.  Artwork must be labeled correctly in compliance with Entry Form Guidelines.  All submissions must be matted or mounted on mat board, mount board, etc. (NO foam core, wire hangers, stretched canvases, glass frames, wood, or heavy cardboard).  Artwork must be titled or have a description included. Please do not label student work as “untitled.” This makes identification challenging.  Artwork that does not meet submission specifications above will be returned.  TEACHERS: Please bundle and mark all submissions by grade level. Submission Information: Submit to one of the following locations: Orange County Department of Education (OCDE), Building B-46 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Contact: Linda Peterson - (714) 966-4123 / [email protected] Delivery Dates: Before April 10, 2015 (Open M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or Garden Grove Unified School District, Fine Arts Office 10331 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Contact: Matt Franklin – (714) 663-6363 / [email protected] Delivery Dates: Between March 30 – April 17, 2015 (open M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) **NOTE: Offices will be CLOSED April 6, 2015 –April 10, 2015** Exhibit Coordinator:

Matt Franklin, Garden Grove USD – (714) 663-6363 / [email protected]

Exhibit Information:

South Coast Plaza, Crate and Barrel Wing 3333 Bear Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Exhibit dates:

April 30 – May 11, 2015; Open mall hours

Student Reception:

May 2, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 3 of 10

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1,000 Pieces of Art (continued) Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit Information: All artwork submitted to 1,000 Pieces of Art will be judged for consideration for the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit. Artwork selected for this honor will (1) be displayed at South Coast Plaza during the 1,000 Pieces of Art show, (2) be transferred to Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach for display during the summer, then (3) be transferred to Orange County Department of Education for display at OCDE in the fall. These artworks will be available for pick up after a student recognition reception at OCDE in December or by special arrangement with Linda Peterson: [email protected] / (714) 966-4123.

Congressional Art Contest Information: Artwork submitted for consideration in 1,000 Pieces of Art may be selected for inclusion in the Congressional Art Contest. Teachers of selected artists will be notified by email and snail mail. Students and teachers will be invited to a reception in the spring with the Congressmen/women, and the winning artist will receive prizes including a trip to Washington D.C.

Artwork Pick Up Information:  Public schools: o Non-selected artworks will be returned to public schools through district mail after April 27, 2015 or may be picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. o Selected artwork will be returned to public schools through district mail mid-May or picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. 

Private schools: o Non-selected artworks can be picked up after April 27, 2015 (M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) at Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Building B-46, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, contact Linda Peterson – (714) 966-4123 / [email protected]; or picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. o Selected artworks can be picked after May 18, 2015 at the address above or may be picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement.

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Photography Show Includes both traditional and digital photography.

Photography Show Submission Specifications:  Submissions are limited to traditional color or black and white photography from film or digital cameras. Photos enhanced or manipulated with programs such as Photoshop or Illustrator are considered “digital media” and must be submitted to the 1,000 Pieces of Art show.  All work must be labeled correctly in compliance with the Entry Form Guidelines.  All submissions must be matted or mounted on mat board, mount board, etc.  Artwork that does not meet submission specifications above will be returned.  All photography must be titled or have a description included. Please do not label student work as “untitled.” This makes identification challenging.  TEACHERS: Please bundle and mark all submissions by grade level. Submission Information: Submit to one of the following locations: Orange County Department of Education (OCDE), Building B-46 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Contact: Linda Peterson - (714) 966-4123 / [email protected] Delivery Dates: Before April 10, 2015 (Open M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or Garden Grove Unified School District, Fine Arts Office 10331 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Contact: Matt Franklin – (714) 663-6363 / [email protected] Delivery Dates: Between March 30, 2015 – April 17, 2015 (Open M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) **NOTE: Offices will be CLOSED April 6, 2015 – April 10, 2015**

Exhibit Coordinator:

Robin Repp, Garden Grove USD - [email protected]

Exhibit Information:

South Coast Plaza, Crate and Barrel Wing 3333 Bear Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Exhibit dates:

April 30 – May 11, 2015; Open mall hours.

Student Reception:

May 2, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

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Photography Show (continued) Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit Information: All photographs submitted for consideration in the Photography Show will automatically be judged for consideration for the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit. Artwork selected for this honor will (1) be displayed at South Coast Plaza during the Photography Show, (2) be transferred to Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach for display during the summer, then (3) be transferred to Orange County Department of Education for display during the fall. These artworks will be available for pick up in December after a student recognition reception at OCDE or by special arrangement with Linda Peterson: [email protected] / (714) 966-4123.

Photography Pick Up Information:  Public schools: o Non-selected artworks will be returned to public schools through district mail after April 27, 2015 or may be picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. o Selected artwork will be returned to public schools through district mail mid-May or may be picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. 

Private schools:  Non-selected artworks can be picked up after April 27 (M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) at Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Building B-46, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, contact Linda Peterson – (714) 966-4123 / [email protected]; or picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement. o Selected artworks can be picked after May 18, 2015 at the address above or may be picked up at Garden Grove Unified School District by prior arrangement.

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Three-Dimensional Art Show Includes sculpture, jewelry, bas-relief, masks, and ceramics. Three-Dimensional Art Show Submission Specifications:  All 3-D artwork must be securely packaged in boxes with the teacher, school, and district labeled in bold letters on the outside of the box.  Wall art, such as masks, must have hanging mounts attached so that it’s ready to be hung.  All work must be labeled correctly in compliance with the Entry Form Guidelines.  All 3-D artworks must be titled or have a description included. Please do not label student work as “untitled.” This makes identification challenging.  Teachers: Submit no more than the best five (5) works from each class.

Submission Information: Delivery Location: Delivery Dates:

Irvine Fine Arts Center, 14321 Yale Ave, Irvine, CA 92604 April 23 – April 24, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Exhibit Coordinator:

Katy Johnson, Irvine Fine Arts Center, (949) 724-6884, [email protected]

Exhibit Information:

Irvine Fine Arts Center 14321 Yale Ave, Irvine, CA 92604 Exhibit Dates:

May 2, 2015 – May 22, 2015 Mon-Thurs: 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Fri: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sat: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed Sundays

Student Reception:

May 2, 2015 - 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Please Note: All 3-D works submitted for consideration in the Three-Dimensional Art Show will also be judged for consideration for the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit. Artwork selected for this honor will (1) be displayed at Irvine Fine Arts Center during the Three-Dimensional Art Show, (2) be transferred to Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach for display during the summer, then (3) be transferred to Orange County Department of Education for display during the fall. These artworks will be available for pick up in December after a student recognition reception at OCDE or by special arrangement with Linda Peterson: [email protected] / (714) 966-4123. 7 of 10

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VSA Festival Celebrating the artistic accomplishments of individuals with disabilities. VSA Festival Exhibition Submission Specifications:  Artwork must be completed by individuals with disabilities.  2-D and creative writing will be accepted.  Due to limited space, submit only one artwork per participant.  Teachers should choose only the best artwork, not multiples, of the same project.  Flat work size must not exceed 18” x 24”.  No frames or glass will be accepted.  Secure artwork firmly to mat.  Artwork without label will not be accepted.  Please fill out and submit the VSA Festival entry forms (available


ocde.us/vsa) before submitting artwork Submission Information: Entry forms:

Entry forms are available at ocde.us/vsa

Entry forms due:

March 2, 2015

Artwork due:

March 16, 2015

Send entry forms and deliver artworks to: VSA California of Orange County Orange County Department of Education 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050 Exhibit Coordinator:

Annabel Arreola - (714) 966-4438, [email protected]

Exhibit Information:

Westfield MainPlace 2800 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 Exhibition Date: April 18, 2015 - 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Please Note: All artworks submitted for consideration in the VSA Festival will also be judged for consideration for the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit. Artwork selected for this honor will (1) be displayed at Westfield MainPlace during the VSA Festival, (2) be transferred to Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach for display during the summer, then (3) be transferred to Orange County Department of Education for display during the fall. These artworks will be available for pick up in December after a student recognition reception at OCDE or by special arrangement with Linda Peterson: [email protected] / (714) 966-4123. 8 of 10

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Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit Selected artworks from Imagination Celebration exhibitions will be featured during the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach in the summer of 2015.

Imagination Celebration is honored to have many of its finest original student artworks adjudicated into the internationally-renowned Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach. All styles and categories of fine art will be exhibited including 2-D, 3-D, photography, and special education. Selections will be made from submissions received to 1,000 Pieces of Art, Photography Show, Three-Dimensional Art Show, and VSA Festival. Outstanding student work in each category and grade level will be hand-selected for this honor. Submission Information:

The Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit DOES NOT accept direct submissions. Selections will only be made from submissions received to 1,000 Pieces of Art, Photography Show, Three-Dimensional Art Show, and VSA Festival. Please refer to submission guidelines for those shows.

Exhibit Coordinator:

Irina Osechinskaya, Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach (949) 464-4234 / [email protected]

Exhibit Information:

Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach 650 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Exhibition Dates:

July 5 - August 31, 2015; Open daily from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.

Please Note: All artworks displayed in the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit will be transferred to Orange County Department of Education for display during the fall. These artworks will be available for pick up in December after a student recognition reception at OCDE or by special arrangement with Linda Peterson: [email protected] / (714) 966-4123.

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Color it Orange An invitational high school art exhibition.

Color it Orange Submission Specifications:  This exhibition is open to students in grades 9-12.  Both 2-D and 3-D works are allowed. 

For complete submission specifications and labeling instructions, please see entry requirements at lcad.edu/cio2015

Submission Information:

Instructors must register online (lcad.edu/cio2015) by January 31, 2015 to receive submission information

Exhibit Coordinator:

Tracy Hartman - 949-376-6000 / [email protected]

Exhibit Information:

Laguna College of Art and Design 2222 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Exhibit Dates:

March 22 – 29, 2015

Student Reception:

March 22, 2015, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Teacher Reception:

March 29, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Please Note: Displayed artwork in Color It Orange will not be judged for consideration into the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit. In order to be considered for the Festival of Arts Junior Art Exhibit, teachers will need to transfer and deliver artwork to the appropriate exhibition adjudication site by the appropriate date. Please refer to the other exhibition guidelines to determine which exhibition to submit to.

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