www.justicefilmfestival.ca. NOVEMBER 15. Thailand's Seafood Slave. Trapped on a fishing boat with no end in sight - Dire
festival SCHEDULE
Thailand’s Seafood Slave
Good Business
Trapped on a fishing boat with no end in sight - Directed by Environmental Justice Foundation 2015 (14 min) 12:15 PM GLOBE CINEMA
Can a business transform South African apartheid society for good? - Directed by Rob Schermbrucker 2015 (25 min) 12:15 PM GLOBE CINEMA
Angry Inuk
National Bird
Demons. Dangers. Treason. The U.S. Air Force’s predator drone program - Directed by Sonia Kennebeck 2016 (92 min) 7:00 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
Fighting to maintain the Inuit way of life - Directed by Alethea Arnaquq-Baril 2016 (82 min) 7:00 PM CALGARY PUBLIC LIBRARY JOHN DUTTON THEATRE
Once Upon A Time There Was a Man
Life in Syntropy
Can we rise above our own disabilities? - Directed by Siavash Jamali & Ata Mehrad 2015 (26 min)
We Regret to Inform You
Directed by Heidi Janz & Eva Colmers 2015 (12 min) 12:15 PM GLOBE CINEMA
A Syrian Love Story
Filmed over 5 years, follows the political and emotional odyssey of one Syrian family - Directed by Sean McAllister 2015 (78 min) 7:00 PM CALGARY PUBLIC LIBRARY JOHN DUTTON THEATRE Tweet us at @justicefilm
Saving the rainforest changes our world - Directed by Dayana Andrade & Felipe Pasini 2015 (15 min) 12:15 PM GLOBE CINEMA
Future Baby
The future of human reproduction is happening right now - Directed by Maria Arlamovsky 2016 (91 min) 7:00 PM CALGARY PUBLIC LIBRARY JOHN DUTTON THEATRE
14 year-old daughter of Cecilia is trafficked and found dead in Delhi - Directed by Pankaj Johar 2015 (83 min) 7:50 PM EMMEDIA
Will insects ever be a gourmet experience ? - Directed by Andreas Johnsen 2016 (74 min) 9:00 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
NOVEMBER 20 Refugee Stories
The Apology
A glimpse into Syrian warfare, the resulting chaos, and the flood of refugees.
Three WWII ‘comfort women’ hoping for resolution - Directed by Tiffany Hsiung 2016 (97 min) 12:30 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
19 days 2016
Raped 15 years ago, Linda has tried everything to ‘get over’ the incident - Directed by Linda Steinhoff & Turid Rogne 2015 (52 min) 2:45 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
The Age of Consequences
Climate disruption and conflict will be the predominant force shaping the 21st century Directed by Jared P. Scott 2016 (80 min) 4:10 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
A Haunting History
Haunted by his violent past, lawyer Anuol returns to South Sudan to serve his country - Directed by Ilse & Femkevan Velzen 2016 (70 min) 6:00 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
Call Me Dad
These fathers are seeking to change; can they stop their violent behaviours? - Directed by Sophie Wiesner 2015 (80 min) 7:45 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
9 days
NOVEMBER 20 Ghostland
The Ju/s Hoansi visit our “civilized” world for the first time - Directed by Simon Stadler 2016 (86 min) 12:30 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
The Sniper of Kobani 2015
People of Nowhere 2015
Refugee Blues
Guardians of Eternity
What do we do with enough arsenic to kill everyone on Earth? - Directed by France Benoit 2015 (45 min) 2:30 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
A Leak in Paradise
Where is the money? Panama. Cayman Islands. Bahamas.... - Directed by David Leloup & JeanPhilippe Rouxel 2016 (77 min) 3:50 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
Sonic Sea
An ocean filled with noise. Can you hear it? - Directed by National Resource Defence Council 2016 (60 min) 7:15 PM RIVER PARK AUDITORIUM
The Archipelago
The Faroe Islands vs. environmental activists Sea Shepherd - Directed by Benjamin Huguet 2015 (40 min) 8:15 PM EMMEDIA