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ESO Soccer has many different positions and many different names that come along with them. Each player position has his own very specific task, from defending against opponent attacks to scoring. To simplify, we will categorize the football positions into four: the goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders, and forwards.
Dibuja un campo de Fútbol (pitch) colocando las diferentes posiciones de los jugadores (en inglés)
Positions The goalkeeper is simply known as the guy with gloves who keeps the opponents from scoring. He has a special position because only him can play the ball with his hands (provided that he is inside his own penalty area and the ball was not deliberately passed to him by a team mate). Aside from being the last line of defense, the goalkeeper is the first person in attack. That is why keepers who can make good goal kicks and strategic ball throws to team mates are valuable. The goalie has four main roles: saving, clearing, directing the defense, and distributing the ball. Defenders: A defender’s task is to keep the ball away from the keeper, prevent opposing attackers from passing or receiving, and block shots. Defending requires a player to be well-fit, hardworking, and quick at anticipating the movement of the opponents. Defenders must protect the keeper: they should think of the goalie as an important person that opponents are not allowed to get near to. Typically, teams play with four defenders.
Midfielders link the offense and the defense: they bring the ball up to the forwards in attack and prevent the ball from reaching the defenders when not in possession. You can think of them as the telephone line that connects two people. Without a solid midfield, it is very difficult for the forwards to score and the defense is often put at risk of the opponents’ attacks. Below are the many types of midfielders and the roles they perform. Forwards are the most celebrated players in the team because they are often the ones who score goals. Since there are many ways to score a goal, there are also many types of forwards. Accuracy, head ability, and ball control are the typical qualities of a forward. A forward does not have to as much work as the midfield or defense but he must be able to convert when his teammates give him the ball.
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Dep. de Educación Física
Recuerda la Historia sobre el Fútbol estudiadas en el curso pasado contestando a las siguientes preguntas: Translate into Spanish the following objectives and evaluation criteria: - To know the history of Soccer
ión c a u l ev a Auto ¿Lo cumples?
- To know and be able to do the different basic techniques. ¿Lo cumples?
- ¿En qué año se establecieron las primeras normas del Fútbol?
- To know the specific vocabulary in relation to Soccer and its set of rules. ¿Lo cumples?
- ¿En qué lugar?
- To demonstrate the different basic skills learnt. - ¿Quiénes jugaban a algo parecido al Fútbol en la antigüedad?
- To participate and show a good actitude and effort.
- ¿Qué se solía utilizar en la antigüedad para hacer balones de Fútbol?
- ¿Cómo se denomina en inglés a un campo de Fútbol?
- ¿Cuál es la duración de un partido de Fútbol oficial?
- To show knowledge and management of the specific basic vocabulary and set of rules related to Soccer.
De Educación Física
¿Lo cumples?
Si Www.fdezmir.blogspot.c
¿Lo cumples?
- ¿En qué posición te gusta jugar más en Fútbol?
¿Lo cumples?
- To demonstrate and know how to do correctly the different basic skills in Soccer.
¿Lo cumples?
-¿Qué malas prácticas deportivas se permitían en la Edad Media?