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AUBERT & DUVAL is an ERAMET GROUP. COMPANY of ALLOYS DIVISION dedicated in advise, design, process, produce and market of sophisticated ...


contact person

Jean-Pascal Hesse

Gerald Gay

Tel.: 04 73 28 75 37 Parc Technologique La Pardieu 6 rue Condorcet 63063 CLERMONT FERRAND

Tel.: 01 55 02 58 63 22 rue Henri Vuillemin 92230 GENNEVILLIERS

description AUBERT & DUVAL is an ERAMET GROUP COMPANY of ALLOYS DIVISION dedicated in advise, design, process, produce and market of sophisticated metallurgical solutions for the most demanding industries projects. Aubert & Duval is involved in melting and hot conversion by forging, close-die forging and rolling of Special Steels (including Stainless Steel), Super Alloys, Titanium and Aluminium alloys. Aubert & Duval is also involved in production of alloys Powder and hipping process. The main products are bars, forgings, close-die forgings and also castings and powders. Aubert & Duval is present in more of 46 countries and is exporting 60 % of sales. The Turn over is around 750 Millions € and 3600 people are employed. The main markets are Aerospace, Power generation (including Nuclear), Oil and Gaz, Automobile and Transport, Tools, Defense, Mechanical Engineering, Medical... The R&D represents more of 2 % of Turnover and support developments and projects of our customers and concerns products and processes.

Know-how related with ITER needs The area of our activities in fusion programs is related to the Tokamak primary components such as First wall, Vaccum Vessel, Shield modules, Blanket, Divertor and Coils. Aubert & Duval can supply forgings, castings, powder metallurgy products, hipping (HIP) Materials: Stainless Steel (316L - 316 LN) Super Alloys - Super Alloys Powders

References Aubert & Duval has been involved in the past in all the main Nuclear Power Plants programs: PWR, EPR, Phenix, Superphenix, Tore Supra.... Aubert & Duval has been involved in the tests of Hipping Technology by CEA at Imphy plant.