are sponsored by the Woodvilles and by Warwick the Kingmaker ... Synopsis:
Love story of Leicester inn keeper's daughter and Richard Plantagenet,
illegitimate ...
ABBEY Anne Merton Kathryn in the Court of Six Queens Date of Publication: 1989 Paperback Synopsis: 1502-47: The daughter of an illegitimate son of Edward IV is a lady-in-waiting to Henry VIII’s wives and discovers the truth about the disappearance of the Princes. ABBEY Margaret Trilogy about Catherine Newberry:Brothers-in-Arms Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: Catherine seeks revenge on Edward IV, Clarence and Gloucester for the execution of her father after the battle of Tewkesbury The Heart is a Traitor Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Synopsis: Summer 1483: Catherine’s struggle to reconcile her love for Richard with her love for her husband and family Blood of the Boar Date of Publication: 1979 Hardback Synopsis: Catherine lives through the tragedies and treacheries of 1484-85 ABBEY Margaret The Crowned Boar Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Synopsis: 1479-83: love story of a knight in the service of the Duke of Gloucester ABBEY Margaret The Son of York Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Paperback edition of ‘The Crowned Boar’ ABBEY Margaret The Warwick Heiress Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback Synopsis: 1469-71: love story of a groom in the Household of the Duke of Gloucester and a ward of the Earl of Warwick ALLISON-WILLIAMS Jean Cry ‘God for Richard’ Date of Publication: 1981 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-85: Richard’s story told by Francis Lovell and his sister Lady Elinor Lovell, mother of John of Gloucester
ALLISON-WILLIAMS Jean Mistress of the Tabard Date of Publication: 1984 Hardback Synopsis: 1471: inn keeper’s daughter , Sir John Crosby’s niece, meets Richard of Gloucester, has an affair with Buckingham and helps find Anne Neville ALMEDINGEN E.M. Stephen’s Light Date of Publication: 1956 Hardback Date of Publication: 1969 USA Hardback Edition Synopsis: 15th century merchant’s daughter, brought up by the noble ladies of a religious foundation, returns home to run her father’s business ANAND Valerie Crown of Roses Date of Publication: 1989 Hardback Date of Publication: 1990 Paperback Synopsis: 1466-86: the story of Petronel’s unhappy marriage to a Yorkshire knight in the household at Middleham is ingeniously interwoven with the story of the last years of the Yorkist dynasty ANAND Valerie Women of Ashdon Date of Publication: 1992 Hardback Date of Publication: 1993 Paperback Synopsis: 1472-1586: the story of two woman, Susannah and her grand daughter Christina, and the manor house that is the focus of their lives, set against the background of their family’s involvement with national events during the Yorkist and Tudor period, usually on the losing side ANDREW Prudence The Hooded Falcon Date of Publication: 1960 Hardback Date of Publication: 1977 Large Print Hardback Synopsis: Set on the wild borders of England and Wales just after Owen Glendower’s rebellion, the story tells how the deformed younger son of an English border lord grows to manhood and learns to be a good leader of men ANDREW Prudence A Question of Choice Date of Publication: 1962 Hardback Synopsis: Set in a monastery in 1468, during the bitter campaign to choose a new abbot, which reveals the differing ambitions and aspirations of the monks. The rival candidates are sponsored by the Woodvilles and by Warwick the Kingmaker
ARMITAGE Alfred Red Rose and White: relating the experience of Ralph Mortimer, a son of a knightly house, during the stirring times of Richard III of England Date of Publication: undated circa 1901 Hardback Synopsis: 1483: adventures of young Lancastrian joining Buckingham’s upraising ASHTON-JINKS Cicely Child of Promise Date of Publication: 1947 Hardback (1st published 1944) Synopsis: 1452-84: Richard and Anne Neville; Richard is haunted by the knowledge that he killed Anne’s first husband BAER Anne Medieval Woman: Village Life in the Middle Ages Date of Publication: 1996 Hardback Synopsis: A year in the life of Marion the village carpenter’s wife and her family and friends BAILEY H.C. The Merchant Prince Date of Publication: 1926 Hardback Synopsis: Circa 1460-85: the story of how a boy of humble origin becomes a successful merchant, set against a background of the Wars of the Roses BARNES Margaret Campbell The King’s Bed Date of Publication: 1961 Hardback Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback Synopsis: Love story of Leicester inn keeper’s daughter and Richard Plantagenet, illegitimate son of Richard III BARNES Margaret Campbell The Tudor Rose Date of Publication: 1953 Hardback Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback Synopsis: 1483-1502: life of Elizabeth of York BARRINGER Leslie The Rose in Splendour: a story of the Wars of Lancaster and York Date of Publication: 1953 Hardback Synopsis: 1460-61: realistic picture of 18 months in the life of a boy leaving his family’s farm to be apprenticed in York, and getting caught up in the battle of Towton
BARRINGTON Michael A Mystery to this Day Date of Publication: 1949 Hardback Date of Publication: 1949 Paperback Synopsis: Story of Perkin Warbeck, circa 1489-99, including long supplement of extracts from documents and original sources BEAMISH Noel de Vic The Blooming of the Rose Date of Publication: 1962 Hardback Synopsis: Jasper Tudor plays a major part in the period 1450-85, first as the lover of Margaret of Anjou, and then as the tireless supporter of his nephew Henry Tudor. The novel ends with the Battle of Bosworth BELLE Pamela The Lodestar Date of Publication: 1987 Hardback Date of Publication: 1988 Paperback Synopsis: 1481-85: ambition is the lodestar that leads Christie to join the household of the Duke of Gloucester, but he discovers that the price of power and worldly success may be too high BENNET Mrs Jane Shore, or The Goldsmith’s Wife Date of Publication: first published circa 1839 Hardback, several undated editions in stock Synopsis: Story of Jane Shore from her marriage until her death in 1483(sic) BENNETT Vanora Portrait of an Unknown Woman Date of Publication: 2006 Hardback Synopsis: The central character in this book is Meg Giggs, foster daughter of Thomas More. She is loved by two very different people John Clement, one of Thomas More’s protégés and the painter Hans Holbein. The book is based around the late Jack Leslau’s theory concerning the true identity of John Clement BENNETT Vanora Figures in Silk Date of Publication: 2008 Hardback Synopsis: Isabel Lambert, fictitious sister of Jane Shore, reluctantly marries Thomas son of silk woman Alice Claver. After Thomas’s death she is drawn into the silk importing business and soon has ideas of bringing silk weaving to England. While Jane begins her liaison with Edward IV Isabel starts her own romantic attachment with a young nobleman who turns out to be Richard of Gloucester
BENNETTS Pamela Bright Sun of York Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Synopsis: 1445-71: Edward and Warwick, mainly as seen by one of Edward’s courtiers BENNETTS Pamela The Third Richard Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-85: former boon-companion of Edward IV tries to secure the safety of the Princes BENTLEY Elizabeth The York Quest Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Synopsis: 1485: a medieval thriller involving a disputed inheritance and the fate of the Princes BENTLEY Pauline Silk and Sword Date of Publication: 1993 Paperback Synopsis: 1485: the stormy relationship between Yorkist heroine and Lancastrian hero involving a disputed inheritance and hereditary insanity, but all ends happily BENTLEY Phyllis Sheep may safely graze Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: Children’s version of the story of Henry Clifford, the ‘Shepherd Lord’ who grew up disguised as a shepherd to protect him from the Yorkists BIRD Hazel The Last Plantagenet Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback Synopsis: 1478 to 1541, the life story of Margaret the daughter of George Duke of Clarence BLAKE Margaret Glaiser A Sprig of Broom Date of Publication: 1979 Hardback 1486-88: forced marriage between Yorkist and Lancastrian; more sex and less history than usual BOWDEN Susan In the Shadow of the Crown Date of Publication: 1987 Paperback Synopsis: Part One: 1482-85, the love story of a ward of the Duke of Gloucester and one of his grooms
Part Two: 1536-38, their grandson joins the Pilgrimage of Grace and eventually regains his grandmother’s inheritance BOWEN Marjorie Dickon: an historical romance Date of Publication: 1929 Hardback Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback Synopsis: Rather old-fashioned romantic account of Richard III’s life BRANDEWYNE Rebecca Rose of Rapture Date of Publication: 1984 Paperback Synopsis: 1470-90: a bodice-ripper verging on the pornographic, charting the stormy course of the marriage between a ward of Edward IV who becomes one of Anne Neville’s ladies and her misogynist ‘warden’ BRIDGE S.R. The Woodville Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Synopsis: Elizabeth Woodville, from the death of her first husband in 1461 to the birth of the Prince of Wales in 1471 BURTON Edmund Under the Red Rose: a tale of the great struggle between the rival houses of York and Lancaster Date of Publication: 1946 Hardback Synopsis: 1485: children’s adventure story of a disputed inheritance; the young hero joins Henry Tudor’s army CARLETON Patrick Under the Hog Date of Publication: 1937 first edition Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Paperback Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback reprint Synopsis: 1470-85: still one of the best novels on the life of Richard III CARSLEY Anne This Ravished Rose Date of Publication: 1982 Paperback Synopsis: Love-hate relationship of a forced marriage to a lord in the service of the Duke of Gloucester eventually turns to mutual love – sex, violence and black magic abound CHESTERMAN A Maid in Armour Date of Publication: 1936 Hardback
Synopsis: Children’s adventure story of a girl rescuing her brother wounded fighting at Barnet CHEVALIER Tracy The Lady and The Unicorn Date of Publication: 2003 Paperback Synopsis: An imaginative recreation of the story behind the famous Lady and Unicorn tapestries: Jean le Viste, a fifteenth-century nobleman, hires an ambitious artist to design six tapestries to celebrate his rising status at Court. In Brussels the renowned weaver Georges de la Chapelle takes on the biggest challenge of his career as his workshop struggles to translate the designs into the finest tapestries he has ever produced CHURCH A.J. The Chantry Priest of Barnet: a tale of the two roses Date of Publication: 1885 Hardback Synopsis: Dramatised social history: life of a monk who witnesses the battle of Barnet CLARKE Brenda Richard Plantagenet Date of Publication: 1997 Hardback Synopsis: A novel about the life and times of Richard III. From his fragile childhood until his death. CLARKE Mrs Henry A Trusty Rebel, or a follower of Warbeck Date of Publication: 1905 Hardback Synopsis: 1495-98: the adventures of a youthful follower of Warbeck who after many tribulations is pardoned by Henry VII for his misguided loyalty and gains his rightful inheritance CLAYTON Elaine The Yeoman’s Daring Daughter & the Princes in the Tower Date of Publication: 2005 Hardback Synopsis: A story for younger children, the books features Jane, the daughter of a yeoman warder at the Tower, and how she assists the Princes in their escape. CLYNES Michael Series featuring Sir Roger Shallot The White Rose Murders: being the first journal of Sir Roger Shallot concerning certain wicked conspiracies and horrible murders perpetrated in the reign of Henry VIII Date of Publication: 1991 Hardback Synopsis: Sir Roger, rogue and bon viveur, investigates a series of murders carried out by Les Blancs Sangliers, a secret society plotting to overthrow the Tudors The Gallows Murders: being the fifth journal of Sir Roger Shallot… Date of Publication: 1996 Paperback
Synopsis: Someone is blackmailing Henry VIII using the seal of Edward V, Sir Roger investigates and discovers what happened to the Princes COATES Sheila A Crown Usurped Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-85: romance of lovers separated by arranged marriages, little historical background CROWLEY John The Deep Date of Publication: 1987 Paperback Synopsis: Science-fiction novel – the war of the Reds and the Blacks. It includes a re-run of the Wars of the Roses without Henry Tudor – Richard becomes and remains king DAVIDSON Margaret My Lords Richard Date of Publication: 1979 Hardback Synopsis: Anne Neville movingly tells the story of her life, and of the two Richards she loved, her father and her husband DAVIES Iris Bride of the Thirteenth Summer Date of Publication: 1975 Hardback Synopsis: Story of Margaret Beaufort, from eight years old until 1485 DEARY Terry The Prince of Rags and Patches Date of Publication: 1997 Hardback Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: Children’s murder mystery set in 1603 – the Marsden family investigate the story of their great-great-grandfather who fought at Bosworth and was involved in the mysterious deaths of the Princes in the Tower DEEPING Warwick Martin Valliant Date of Publication: 1969 Hardback reprint (first published 1917) Synopsis: Set circa 1484: an ex-monk and a Lancastrian gentlewoman live as outlaws in the forest while gathering support for Henry Tudor DEVERAUX Jude Highland Velvet Date of Publication: 1982 Paperback Synopsis: tempestuous love story of Scots chieftainess and English nobleman sent by Henry VII to marry her and subdue her clan
DEWAR Margaret The Loyalty Game Date of Publication: 1984 Hardback Synopsis: 1467: noblewoman seeks Richard of Gloucester’s help to win back her husband, but is captured by the Scots in a border raid DOHERTY Paul C. Dove Amongst the Hawks Date of Publication: 1990 Hardback Synopsis: A 15th century doctor investigates the death of Henry VI – was it by natural causes, suicide or murder? DOHERTY Paul C. The Fate of Princes Date of Publication: 1990 Hardback Synopsis: Francis Lovell seeks the solution to the mystery of the disappearance of the Princes amidst the treachery and political manoeuvring of the 1480s DOHERTY Paul C. The Rose Demon Date of Publication: 1997 Hardback Synopsis: 1453-1492: a story of terror and black magic set against the background of the Wars of the Roses, the battlefields of Scotland and Spain and Columbus’ voyages, as the hero tries to escape the Rose Demon, the spirit he both loves and hates DUNNETT Dorothy The ‘House of Niccolo’ series Niccolo Rising Date of Publication: 1986 Hardback Date of Publication: 1987 Paperback Synopsis: The first volume of the series opens in Bruges in1459 and charts the rise of Nicholas from dyeshop apprentice to husband of the widowed dyeshop owner The Spring of the Ram Date of Publication: 1987 Hardback Date of Publication: 1988 Paperback Synopsis: Volume Two: Nicholas travels to Trebizond to set up a trading post for the city of Florence. His company now includes a courier service and private army Race of Scorpions Date of Publication: 1989 Hardback Date of Publication: 1990 Paperback Synopsis: Volume Three: November 1461 to February 1464 – Nicholas’ trading interests flourish, he becomes involved in the struggle for Cyprus and the siege of Famagusta
Scales of Gold Date of Publication: 1991 Hardback Date of Publication: 1993 Paperback Synopsis: Volume Four: May 1464 to July 1468 – Nicholas’ enemies attempt to force him into bankruptcy; he travels to Africa to seek gold. The book ends with the pageantry of the marriage of Margaret to Charles of Burgundy The Unicorn Hunt Date of Publication: 1993 Hardback Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: Volume Five: October 1468 to February 1471 – Nicholas is building a new trading empire in Edinburgh – the dual pursuit of profit and vengeance takes him across war-threatened Europe and back to Africa To Lie with Lions Date of Publication: 1995 Hardback Date of Publication: 1996 Paperback Synopsis: Volume Six: February 1471 to November 1473 – in a vendetta between Nicholas and his wife his plans to defeat his enemies nearly ruin the economy of Scotland Caprice and Rondo Date of Publication: 1997 Hardback Synopsis: Volume seven: November 1473 to January 1477 – Nicholas is banished to Poland, but still tempted by new projects in the Levant, fighting the Turks, or serving the Duke of Burgundy DYMOKE Juliet The Sun in Splendour Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Date of Publication: 1980 Paperback Synopsis: 1464-89: story of Elizabeth Tilney, wife of Humphrey Bourchier and after his death of Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey EASTER SMITH Anne A Rose for the Crown Date of Publication 2006 Paperback Synopsis: Kate Haute leaves behind her old life on the family farm when her mother’s cousin Richard Haute of Ightham Mote invites her to become companion to his daughter. Through this connection she meets Richard of Gloucester and becomes mother to Richard’s illegitimate children ECKERSLEY Jill The Silver Rose Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback A teenage romance from the Forget-me-Not series. 1470-1: Alys and Tom are Yorkist supporters (Tom fights for Edward at Barnet and Tewkesbury), but Alys is betrothed by
her guardian to an old Lancastrian knight ECKERSON Olive The Golden Yoke Date of Publication: 1962 Hardback Synopsis: 1468-85: the star-crossed romance of Richard III and Lady Anne Neville, who were born into opposing houses EDWARDS Rhoda The Broken Sword Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Date of Publication: 1976 Paperback Synopsis: American edition of Some Touch of Pity EDWARDS Rhoda Fortune’s Wheel Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Date of Publication: 1979 Paperback Synopsis: One of the best depictions of the lives of Richard and Anne from 1468 to 1472 EDWARDS Rhoda Some Touch of Pity Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Date of Publication: 1977 Paperback Synopsis: 1483-85: a very moving account told by several narrators, including Richard and Anne, Francis Lovell and Dr Hobbes ELLIS Beth A King of Vagabonds Date of Publication: 1911 Hardback Synopsis: 1495-1509: story of Perkin Warbeck, Katharine Gordon and James Strangeways, whom Katharine later married ELRINGTON H. Page or Prentice Date of Publication: 1920 Hardback Synopsis: A children’s story set in the period of the Wars of the Roses. It follows the adventures of Ralph and Walter Tankerville in 1471, and aims to teach children about the effects of war on an ordinary family ERSKINE Barbara House of Echoes Date of Publication: 1996 Paperback Synopsis: Modern novel of suspense in which 15th century ghosts nearly bring disaster to the family who move into a haunted medieval manor house
EVANS Jean The Divided Rose Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Paperback Synopsis: 1461-71: the struggle for power between York and Lancaster and within the Yorkist ranks EVANS Jean The White Rose of York Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-85: unremarkable account of Richard III’s reign EVERETT-GREEN Evelyn In the Wars of the Roses Date of Publication: undated, c. 1906 Synopsis: 1470-71: adventures of Edward of Lancaster’s double in support of the Lancastrian cause EVERETT-GREEN Evelyn White Wyvill and Red Ruthven: a story of the strife of the Roses Date of Publication: 1902 Hardback Synopsis: Set circa 1455-61: the rivalry between two neighbouring families one Yorkist and one Lancastrian, is eventually healed by love matches between their sons and daughters FAIRBURN Eleanor Crowned Ermine Date of Publication: 1968 Hardback Synopsis: Story of Anne of Brittany, born in 1476 FAIRBURN Eleanor Cicely Neville Series The Rose in Spring Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: 1425-49: her youth and first years of marriage White Rose, Dark Summer Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: 1449 to the coronation of Edward IV in 1461 The Rose at Harvest End Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Synopsis: 1461 to the death of Edward IV in 1483
Winter’s Rose Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Synopsis: April to November 1483, epilogue in 1495 the year of her death FALCONIERI David The Beggars Throne Date of Publication: 2000 Hardback Synopsis: A story set between the Battle of Wakefield and the Battle of Tewkesbury FARRINGTON Robert Trilogy about Henry Morane a 15th century ‘James Bond’ The Killing of Richard III Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: 1483-85: seen through the eyes of Henry Morane, clerk to the King’s Secretary Tudor Agent Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Date of Publication: 1977 Paperback Synopsis: 1485-87: further adventures of Morane, now acting as a secret agent for the Tudor government, but for his own ends The Traitors of Bosworth Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Synopsis: 1487-95: Morane achieves his revenge on Northumberland and Stanley for their betrayal of Richard III at Bosworth FEW Mary Dodgen Under the White Boar Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Synopsis: 1460-85: Richard’s life, by an author not familiar with the period FORD John M. The Dragon Waiting Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Date of Publication: 1985 Paperback Synopsis: Alternative history: Welsh wizard, Florentine lady doctor, German vampire and Byzantine mercenary join forces to stop the Byzantine Empire taking over Richard III’s England FRAZER Margaret The Boys Tale Date of Publication: 1995 Paperback Synopsis: A Sister Frevisse medieval, murder, mystery novel. The two young half-
brothers of Henry VI are offered sanctuary at St Frideswide Abbey GARABET Marilyn Dearest of Princes Date of Publication: 1981 Hardback Synopsis: Life of Thomas Tunstall who married Richard III’s cousin Alice Neville, and became a member of Richard’s Household GAUNT William The Lady in the Castle Date of Publication: 1956 Hardback Synopsis: Life of Margaret Mauteby who married John Paston GELLIS Roberta The Dragon and the Rose Date of Publication: 1977 Paperback Synopsis: Story of Henry Tudor, from birth to 1487, showing how he came to love his Yorkist Queen GEORGE Elizabeth The Evidence Exposed Date of Publication: 1999 Paperback Synopsis: This is a book of three short stories, one of which is called ‘I, Richard’. Malcolm Cousins has spent years in the single-minded pursuit of a priceless letter, probably written by Richard III on the eve of the Battle of Bosworth. But does he want it enough to kill for it? GEORGE Elizabeth I, Richard Date of Publication: 2002 Hardback Synopsis: A book of five short stories, including ‘I, Richard’, as described previously GRACE C.L. Series of Kathryn Swinbrooke, medieval physician, chemist and investigator A Shrine of Murders Date of Publication: 1993 Hardback Synopsis: Canterbury 1471: Kathryn investigates a series of poisonings of pilgrims coming to the shrine of St Thomas The Eye of God Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback Synopsis: 1471: Kathryn investigates the disappearance of a priceless relic after the Battle of Barnet The Merchant of Death
Date of Publication: 1995 Hardback Synopsis: 1471: set in Canterbury, Kathryn investigates the mysterious death of a taxcollector and a local woman Saintly Murders Date of Publication: 2001 Hardback Synopsis: 1472: late summer and Kathryn is summoned to investigate a puzzling situation in Canterbury A Maze of Murders Date of Publication: 2003 Hardback Synopsis: Kathryn is called upon to investigate the murder of the wealthy Sir Walter Maltravers GRAEME-EVANS Posie A trilogy about Anne de Bohun The Innocent Date of Publication: 2002 Hardback Date of Publication: 2005 Paperback Synopsis: 1465: Anne a fifteen year old peasant girl arrives in London to become a servant in the household of a wealthy merchant. Anne has knowledge of herbs and healing and finds herself at the dangerous heart of Court affairs. The Exiled Date of Publication: 2005 Paperback Synopsis: Anne de Bohun, the illegitimate daughter of Henry VI, is in love with the man who usurped his throne, Edward IV. Now in exile in Bruges Anne struggles to find peace in a dangerous world, where enemies masquerade as allies and someone very powerful wants her dead The Beloved Date of Publication: 2006 Paperback Synopsis: The third story concerning Anne de Bohun. Anne once the mistress of Edward IV has found safety with their son in Flanders, Edward now a fugitive himself seeks refuge in Flanders with Henry VI back on the throne of England. GRAHAM Alice Walworth The Summer Queen Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: The story of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville seen through the eyes of Cecily Bonville, who is one of the Queen’s young ladies-in-waiting. The book follows Elizabeth’s story in the early years of her marriage to Edward. There are brief sections on the downfall of Clarence and the death of Edward GREGORY The White Queen
Date of Publication: 2009 Hardback Synopsis: The first in a series of novels set in the Wars of the Roses. This novel portrays the life of Elizabeth Woodville from her meeting with Edward IV until the eve of Bosworth. A lot is made of the tradition that Elizabeth is descended from the water goddess Melusina. The disappearance of “The Princes” is seen from another angle. GREGORY Philippa The Red Queen Date of Publication: 2010 Hardback Synopsis: The second in the series of novels set in the Wars of the Roses. Heiress to the red rose of Lancaster Margaret Beaufort never surrenders her belief that her House is the true ruler of England and that she has a great destiny before. GREGORY Philippa The Lady of the Rivers Date of Publication: 2011 Hardback Synopsis: The third in the series. This novel concentrates on Jacquetta Woodville. The novel opens in 1430 and ends with her daughter Elizabeth’s marriage to Edward IV in 1464. GREGORY Philippa The Kingmaker’s Daughter Date of Publication: 2012 Hardback Synopsis: The fourth in the series about the Wars of the Roses. The novel features Anne Neville from 1465 until her death in 1485. GRETTON Mary Sturge Crumplin Date of Publication: 1932 Hardback Synopsis: 1491: Yorkist underground plot to crown Richard Duke of York GRETTON Mary Sturge Rue and Rosemary Date of Publication: 1935 Hardback Synopsis: 1498-1537: the story of Lady Katherine Gordon, and in particular her friendship with Thomas More GREY Belinda Proxy Wedding Date of Publication: 1982 Hardback Date of Publication: 1982 Paperback Synopsis: 1483: arranged marriage to Yorkist knight who supports Richard of Gloucester ends as a love match HAMILTON Son of York
Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Paperback Synopsis: Story of Edward IV. Narrated by Edward and Elizabeth Woodville HAMMAND N.B. Samaritana Date of Publication: 1979 Hardback Synopsis: Arranged marriage between country girl and nobleman turns to love when she helps him escape after the battle of Towton HAMMOND Jane The Red Queen Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Synopsis: 1471: story of Margaret of Anjou’s unacknowledged daughter, set against the background of abortive attempt to restore the House of Lancaster HANSON DORSEY Anna Tears on the Diadem Date of Publication: 1902 Hardback Synopsis: The story of Elizabeth Woodville from 1470 until her death. HARDWICK Mollie I Remember Love Date of Publication: 1983 Paperback Synopsis: Yolande and Josecelyn first met in the period of the Wars of the Roses, but were separated by the fortunes of war. They meet again, in the reign of Henry VIII, and yet again in the Victorian era HARDY Blanche Dynasty Date of Publication: 1925 Hardback Synopsis: 1495-1509: story of Katherine, sister of Elizabeth of York, and her love for William Courtenay HARDY Blanche Sanctuary Date of Publication: 1925 Hardback Synopsis: 1478-1486, the story of Elizabeth of York, based on the pro-Stanley ballad the ‘Song of Lady Bessy’ HARNETT Cynthia The Load of Unicorn Date of Publication: 1959 Hardback Date of Publication: 1966 Paperback Synopsis: Children’s adventure story set in 1482, highlighting the rivalry between the scriveners and the new printers; the young hero is apprenticed to William Caxton and
helps to find the manuscript of Malory’s ‘Morte D’Arthur’ HARNETT Cynthia The Wool-pack Date of Publication: 1951 Paperback Date of Publication: 1978 Paperback Synopsis: Children’s adventure story set against the background of the Cotswold wool trade in 1493, telling how Nicholas the son of a Burford wool merchant outwits a band of dishonest wool smugglers HARROD-EAGLES Cynthia Dynasty 1: The Founding Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Date of Publication: 1980 Paperback Synopsis: 1434-86: story of a prosperous wool-trade Yorkshire family, friends to the House of York HARWOOD Alice The Clandestine Queen Date of Publication: 1979 Hardback Synopsis: 1453-71: story of Elizabeth Woodville HARWOOD Alice Merchant of the Ruby Date of Publication: 1951 Hardback Synopsis: 1480-99: story of Perkin Warbeck HARWOOD Alice The Uncrowned Queen Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Synopsis: 1450-1509: life of Margaret Beaufort HAYES John No Sanctuary! Date of Publication: 2004 Paperback Synopsis: set in 1471 as Edward IV returns to England from exile HENLEY Virginia The Raven and the Rose Date of Publication: 1987 Paperback Synopsis: set circa 1469-71: tempestuous love affair between an illegitimate daughter of Edward IV and one of Edward’s knights. It betrays a lack of historical knowledge and verges on the pornographic HENTY G.A. A Knight of the White Cross: a tale of the siege of Rhodes
Date of Publication: 1896 Hardback Synopsis: set circa 1470-80: adventures of the noble hero who joins the Knights of St John to fight the infidel, and is captured by pirates HERMAN George A Comedy of Murders Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback Synopsis: Leonardo da Vinci and a young dwarf investigate a series of murders at the court of the Duke of Milan HESELTINE William The Last of the Plantagenets: an historical romance illustrating some of the public events and domestic and ecclesiastical manners of the 15th and 16th centuries Date of Publication: 1829 Hardback (published anonymously) Synopsis: Supposed autobiography of Richard Plantagenet, natural son of King Richard III. Sorry due to its rarity it cannot be sent by post, but can be collected and returned in person HEWLETT Maurice Brazenhead the Great Date of Publication: 1911 Hardback Synopsis: an adventure novel set in the mid 15th century. It follows the travels and fantastic adventures of Captain Brazenhead in Italy, France and England HIGGINS Paul Puzzlebone Wood Date of Publication: 1979 Hardback Synopsis: Three present day children find themselves back in the 15th century at the battle of Towton HIGGINBOTHAM Susan The Traitor’s Wife Date of Publication: 2005 Paperback Synopsis: The book features Eleanor de Clare who is niece to King Edward II, wife to Hugh le Despencer and is lady –in- waiting to Queen Isabella. HIGGINBOTHAM Susan The Stolen Crown Date of Publication: 2010 Paperback Synopsis: A novel about the life of Katherine Woodville from 1464 until 1496 HILL Sidney Don’t Call Him Mortimer Date of Publication: 1996 Paperback Synopsis: Life story of Richard Hope, a bastard of Edward IV who serves Richard of Gloucester, but survives Bosworth and makes his peace with Henry Tudor
HOCKING Mary He who Plays the King Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Synopsis: 1459-85: unromantic account of the lives of the two who were to be king, Richard III and Henry Tudor HODGETTS J. Frederick Richard IV, Plantagenet Date of Publication: 1888 Hardback Synopsis: The adventures of Richard Plantagenet, son of Richard III and Lady Alice Trevor, reared in a monastery and apprenticed to William Caxton Sorry, due to its rarity this book cannot be posted, but may be collected and returned in person HOLLIS Gertrude The King who was never Crowned Date of Publication: 1904 Hardback Synopsis: April to July 1483: seen through the eyes of a page to Edward V HOLT Emily S. Red and White: a tale of the Wars of the Roses Date of Publication: 1882 Hardback Synopsis: 1469-75: lives of two sisters who become waiting women to the Countess of Warwick and the Duchess of Exeter HOLT Emily Sarah A Tangled Web: a tale of the 15th century Date of Publication: 1885 Hardback Synopsis: fictionalized history, earnestly Protestant in tone – life stories of Katherine Gordon and Piers van Osbeck, alias Richard Duke of York HONEYMAN Brenda The Kingmaker Date of Publication: 1969 Hardback Synopsis: 1455-71: story of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick HONEYMAN Brenda Richard by the Grace of God Date of Publication: 1968 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-85: Richard’s life with extracts from contemporary letters, chronicles, etc, worked into the narrative HONEYMAN Richmond and Elizabeth Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback
Synopsis: 1470-1503: life stories of Elizabeth of York and Henry Tudor HOOD Evelyn The Kingmaker’s Daughter Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Synopsis: story of an unusually spirited and passionate Anne Neville HORTER Pamela Jean Brief Candles Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Synopsis: 1482-83: follows Edward V from his contented life at Ludlow to his death in the Tower in 1483 HUME Robert Ruling Ambition Date of Publication: 2000 Paperback Synopsis: the story of Perkin Warbeck: from his childhood in Flanders to his death at Tyburn HUME Robert Perkin Warbeck, the Boy who would be King Date of Publication: 2005 Paperback Synopsis: A children’s book tied in with history curriculum key stage 3. Perkin Warbeck is awaiting trail in 1499 and looks back over what has happened in his life since he left Flanders IRWIN Frances My Lady of Wycherley Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-85: arranged marriage to knight in Richard III’s Household grows into a love match IRWIN Frances The White Pawn Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-72: life of Anne Neville up to her marriage with Richard IRWIN Frances The White Queen Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Synopsis: sequel to The White Pawn: 1472-85, seen through the eyes of Anne Neville IRWIN Frances The Winter Killing Date of Publication: 1977 Hardback Synopsis: Summer 1459 to Spring 1461: seen through the eyes of a squire to Edmund Earl
of Rutland IRWIN Frances Summer’s End Date of Publication: 2006 Paperback Synopsis: Francis Lovell looks back over his life, while awaiting rescue from his hiding place under Minster Lovell Hall after the Battle of Stoke. JAMES G.P.R. Dark Scenes of History Date of Publication: 1852 Hardback Synopsis: tales from history, including the story of Perkin Warbeck JAMES G.P.R. Mary of Burgundy or The Revolt of Ghent Date of Publication: undated but probably circa 1830’s, and printed in very small type Synopsis: set in Flanders, mainly in the 1470’s; the two main characters are Mary, the daughter of Charles the Bold, and Albert Maurice, leader of the citizens of Ghent JARMAN Rosemary Hawley Crown in the Candlelight Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Date of Publication: 1979 Paperback Synopsis: story of Katherine of Valois and her love for Henry V and later for Owen Tudor JARMAN Rosemary Hawley The King’s Grey Mare Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Date of Publication: 1975 Paperback Synopsis: 1452-92: Elizabeth Woodville, hardened by the death of her first husband devotes herself to the advancement of her family JARMAN Rosemary Hawley We Speak No Treason Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: deeply felt account of Richard’s life revealed through the narratives of the Maiden who loved him, Patch the Court Fool and the Man of Keen Sight who served him JARMAN Rosemary Hawley The Courts of Illusion Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Date of Publication: 1984 Paperback Synopsis: sequel to We Speak No Treason: the son of the Man of Keen Sight joins Perkin Warbeck’s ill-fated attempt to gain the crown
JEFFERIS Barbara Beloved Lady Date of Publication: 1956 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Reprint Synopsis: love story of Margery Paston and her father’s bailiff JONES Cherry Calvert Proud Cis Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Synopsis: story of twins born to Lady Eleanor Butler and Edward IV, and their involvement with the fate of the Princes; unusual touches of humour KILBOURNE Janet Garland of the Realm Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-85: seen chiefly through Richard III’s eyes (written when the author was 14 years old) KILBOURNE Janet Wither One Rose Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-1503: Henry VII’s campaign to discredit the Yorkists, during which he comes to love his Yorkist wife KING Betty The Lady Margaret Date of Publication: 1965 Hardback Synopsis: 1444-1457: life of Margaret Beaufort, up to the death of her beloved husband and the birth of her son Henry KING Betty The King’s Mother Date of Publication: 1969 Hardback Synopsis: story of Margaret Beaufort from 1485 up to her death KING Betty The Beaufort Secretary Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Synopsis: 1484-1503: love story of an official in the Household of Margaret Beaufort KING Betty The Lord Jasper Date of Publication: 1967 Hardback Synopsis: Life of Jasper Tudor up to 1485 KING
Margaret of Anjou Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Synopsis: sympathetic life of Margaret from her marriage until her defeat at Tewkesbury KING Betty The Rose both Red and White Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback Synopsis: sympathetic portrayal of the life and loves of Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII LAMB Hilda The Willing Heart Date of Publication: 1958 Hardback Synopsis: story of Stephen Hawes the poet, implied to be a natural son of King Richard III LANDON Juliet The Maiden’s Abduction Date of Publication: 2000 Paperback Synopsis: Mills & Boon romance set in Yorkshire and Bruges during the reign of Edward IV LAUNSPACH Els Messire Date of Publication: 2008 Paperback Synopsis: A novel in Dutch. The story is in three parts, the first and second parts has Thomas More and George Buck writing their books about Richard III and the third part is based around the televised Trial of Richard III in 1983. LAWRENCE C.E. The Gods were Sleeping: a romance of the days of King Richard III Date of Publication: 1937 Hardback Synopsis: 1483-85: story of Bart, natural son of Sir Robert Brackenbury, who as servant to the Princes in the Tower, helps in their disappearance LAYTON Edith The Crimson Crown Date of Publication: 1990 Paperback Synopsis: 1498-99: love story of one of Lady Katherine Gordon’s ladies and one of Henry Tudor’s spies, with a new slant on Perkin Warbeck’s identity LEARY Francis Fire and Morning Date of Publication: 1957 Hardback Synopsis: 1485: mainly from the Lancastrian viewpoint
LEARY Francis The Swan and the Rose Date of Publication: 1953 Hardback Synopsis: March to May 1471: seen from the viewpoint of a Lancastrian soldier LEWIS Hilda Wife to Henry V Date of Publication: 1954 Hardback Synopsis: the story of Katharine of Valois, covering her childhood, her marriage to Henry V, her lonely widowhood separated from her son Henry VI, her deep happiness with Owen Tudor and finally her death in 1437 LEWIS Matthew Loyalty Date of Publication: 2012 Paperback Synopsis: A novel focusing on Richard’s character and personality LEYLAND Eric The Silver Skein Date of Publication: 1946 Hardback Synopsis: children’s adventure story: 20th century Mortimer cousins discover the long lost ‘Mortimer Luck’, a ruby said to have been given by Richard III to an illegitimate son, who was a Mortimer ancestor, with flashbacks to scenes from the family’s past LINDSAY Philip The Duke is Served Date of Publication: 1936 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-71: life among the servants of the royal Household, and their part in reuniting Richard of Gloucester and Anne Neville LINDSAY Philip The Merry Mistress Date of Publication: 1952 Hardback Synopsis: Jane Shore see her life in flashbacks as she does penance in 1483 LINDSAY Philip They have their Dreams Date of Publication: 1956 Hardback also 1967 Hardback Reprint Synopsis: Perkin Warbeck and Katherine Gordon, from his unsuccessful invasion in 1497 until his execution in 1499 LINDSAY Philip A Princely Knave Date of Publication: 1971 Paperback reprint of 1956 edition Synopsis: Paperback edition of They have their Dreams
LINDSAY Philip Whither shall I Wander Date of Publication: 1947 Hardback Synopsis: adventures of an archer in the London of Henry VI LOFTS Norah Trilogy about the Tallboys family Knight’s Acre Date of Publication: 1975 Paperback Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Synopsis: 1451-60: Sir Godfrey Tallboys joins the crusade against the Moors while his wife attempts to keep Knight’s Acre, their Suffolk estate, going against his return The Home Coming Date of Publication: 1975 Hardback Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback (Reprint) Synopsis: Sir Godfrey returns home after 8 years but life is not easy on an impoverished estate with his wife and the Moorish slave girl who had saved his life and helped him escape from captivity The Lonely Furrow Date of Publication: 1976 Hardback Date of publication: 1977 Hardback (Reprint) Synopsis: The next generation of the Tallboys family: the story of Sir Godfrey’s son and Joanna, daughter of the Moorish slave girl LONG Freda M. The Coveted Crown Date of Publication: 1966 Hardback Synopsis: 1445-71: Margaret of Anjou’s struggle to hold the crown for Lancaster LONG Freda M. Requiem for Richard Date of Publication: 1975 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-83: episodic account of Anne Neville and Richard, showing how Richard was eventually corrupted by the lure of the crown LOVELL Margaret Strangers in the Village Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Synopsis: Mystery and romance during the staging of a Richard III pageant at a presentday village near Bosworth LYNN E. Under the Red Rose: a tale of the Wars of the Roses Date of Publication: 1910 Hardback
Synopsis: 1483-5: the adventures of Guy Talbot, a young squire of Earl Rivers, who supports the Lancastrians, joins Richmond in exile and helps to win the Battle of Bosworth LYTTON Edward Bulwer The Last of the Barons Date of Publication: 1843 Hardback (several editions in stock) Synopsis: 1467-71 Warwick the Kingmaker McCHESNEY Dora G. The Confession of Richard Plantagenet Date of Publication: 1913 Hardback Synopsis: 1471-85: saint like Richard commits the traditional crimes McDONALD Eva Cry Treason Thrice Date of Publication: 1977 Hardback Synopsis: 1464-86: love story of Richard III’s tilting master and a lady in waiting to Anne Neville McNEER Mary Waif Maid Date of Publication: 1930 Hardback Synopsis: early 16th century Germany: girl accused of witchcraft is befriended by travelling musicians MAIDEN Cecil The Borrowed Crown Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: Children’s story of Lambert Simnel MAKEPEACE Joanna Battlefield of Hearts Date of Publication: 1991 Paperback Synopsis: 1471: the heroine runs away from home to escape an arranged marriage but runs into the aftermath of the Battle of Tewkesbury and the arms of Sir Dominic Allard, one of Richard’s household knights. MAKEPEACE Joanna My Lord Enemy Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-71: Lancastrian bride abducted by Yorkist bridegroom and exiled with Yorkists in Burgundy; hatred turns to love MAKEPEACE Pawns of Power
Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: late 1460’s to 1472: Anne Neville and one of her ladies are used as pawns in their ambitious fathers’ plans MAKEPEACE Joanna Reluctant Rebel Date of Publication: 1993 Paperback Synopsis: 1486-87: Isabel hopes life can return to normal when her father survives Bosworth, but then the family is drawn into the Yorkist resistance leading to the Battle of Stoke, and she has to choose between her Lancastrian suitor and Sir Adam, a supporter of Lovell and Lincoln MAKEPEACE Joanna Stolen Heiress Date of Publication: 1996 Hardback Synopsis: 1461: a story of revenge and romance – Lancastrian Clare Hoyland is forced into marriage with Yorkist Robert Devane and travels to London and Bruges, where she meets the younger members of the York family including Richard; all ends happily MAKEPEACE Joanna Crown Hostage Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback (Large Print) Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: romance between Margaret Rushton of Northamptonshire and Sir Guy Jarvis, a young man in the service of the Richard of Gloucester. They meet in the turmoil of Edward IV’s unexpected death MAKEPEACE Joanna King’s Pawn Date of Publication: 1996 Hardback Date of Publication: 1996 Paperback Synopsis: 1484-85: Martyn, Earl of Wroxeter is a faithful supporter of Richard III and is expected to accept as his wife a girl from the Welsh borders in an attempt to bind her family to York. As Henry Tudor plots his invasion their love story unfolds MAKEPEACE Joanna Dragon’s Court Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: 1499: Anne Jarvis; daughter of a Yorkist supporter; goes to London to become one of Elizabeth of York’s ladies in waiting. She is hoping for a suitable marriage, though her heart is given to Richard Allard, who also comes from a Yorkist family MAKEPEACE Joanna The Traitor’s Daughter Date of Publication: 2001 Paperback Synopsis: set in the reign of Henry VII, the daughter of a Yorkist supporter visits her
dying grandfather in Wales MAKEPEACE Joanna Her Guardian Knight Date of Publication: 2003 Paperback Synopsis: Rosamund Kinnersley’s father has died fighting for the Lancastrians and now the enemy knight Sir Simon Caudwell, who she first met on the battlefield at Tewkesbury, is to become her guardian MARTORELL & Joanot GALBA Marti Joan de Tirant Lo Blanc Date of Publication: Originally published 1490 – 1985 Paperback Reprint Synopsis: translated from Catalan, with a foreword by David H. Rosenthal. Rambling romance of chivalry, courtship and war MARTYN Isolde Moonlight and Shadow Date of Publication: 2002 Paperback Synopsis: 1483: Heloise Ballaster, lady in waiting to Anne Neville, and Sir Miles Rushden, friend and advisor to the Duke of Buckingham, are about to be ensnared in personal and political conflict MARTYN Isolde The Silver Bride Date of Publication: 2002 Paperback Synopsis: the original Australian published edition of Moonlight & Shadow MARTYN Isolde The Maiden and The Unicorn Date of Publication: 1999 Paperback Synopsis: 1470: Margery, a ward of Warwick the Kingmaker, is sent on a mission to France by Edward IV where she meets Sir Richard Huddleston, who may be one of the king’s most dangerous enemies MAXWELL Robin To The Tower Born Date of Publication: 2005 Hardback Synopsis: The story of what happened to the “Princes in the Tower” this time seen through the eyes of Nell Caxton, only daughter of William Caxton, and her friend Bessie daughter of Edward IV and sister to the princes MENNIM Anne Neville, Queen of England Date of Publication: 1999 Paperback
Synopsis: 1456-85: this is a mixture of biography and fiction, including imaginary descriptions and conversations. It also includes maps, photographs and family trees. MIALL Wendy John of Gloucester Date of Publication: 1968 Hardback Synopsis: story of John of Gloucester, illegitimate son of Richard III MIALL Wendy The Playing Card Queen Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Synopsis: 1487-1503: story of Elizabeth of York’s marriage to Henry Tudor MORGAN Denise Trilogy about Ralph de Giret Second Son Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Synopsis: 1449-54: first episode of the story of the ambitious and unscrupulous Ralph, who contracts an advantageous but unhappy marriage and becomes an agent of the Earl of Warwick Kingmaker’s Knight Date of Publication: 1981 Hardback Synopsis: 1452-64: Ralph is now a knight in the household of the Earl of Warwick; his second marriage runs a stormy course and his wife Ursula also becomes involved in the Earl’s intrigues Sons and Roses Date of Publication: 1981 Hardback Synopsis: 1464-77: Ralph discovers how Warwick has been using him and leaves his service; the seeds of hatred sown in his disastrous first marriage bear fruit as his children grow up MORGAN Denise The House in Knightrider Street Date of Publication: 1982 Hardback Synopsis: linked to the Ralph de Giret trilogy, the story of Jeanne, a penniless orphan, and how she survives in mid-15th century London MORGAN Terence The Master of Bruges Date of Publication: 2010 Hardback Date of Publication: 2011 Paperback Synopsis: Hans Memling finds himself at the heart of the Burgundian Court and paints the Duchesse Marie obsessively
MUSGRAVE Agnes Cicely; or The Rose of Raby Date of Publication: 1859 Hardback Synopsis: memoirs of Cicely Neville – but Victorian romance, not 15th century history [sorry, because of its rarity this book cannot be sent by post but can be borrowed if it is collected and returned in person] NEELE Henry The Romance of History Date of Publication: 1828 Hardback (several editions in stock) Synopsis: Tales from history, including ‘The Wooing at Grafton’ (Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville), ‘Richmond’s Three Perils’ (Henry Tudor gains the crown) and ‘The White Rose of England’ (Perkin Warbeck and Lady Katherine Gordon) NICHOLS Wallace B. King Perkin’s Knight Date of Publication: 1938 Hardback Synopsis: 1497-99: children’s adventure story of Cornish brother and sister who join Perkin Warbeck’s followers NICHOLS Wallace B. The Secret Son Date of Publication: 1944 Hardback Synopsis: Life of Richard Plantagenet, illegitimate son of Richard III NICHOLS Wallace B. Turn the Hour-glass Date of Publication: 1938 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-86: story of Elizabeth Woodville and her foster sister Margery, a farmer’s wife. Elizabeth is obsessed by her desire for revenge on Warwick, but her plotting is no match for crafty Gloucester NICHOLSON Joan Cuckoo Summer Date of Publication: 1962 Hardback Synopsis: tribulations of a fatherless heiress during the Wars of the Roses NICKELL Lesley J. The White Queen Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Synopsis: sensitive account of the life of a timid and delicate Anne Neville from childhood to 1485 NOBLE Harold Richard III: a Vindication Date of Publication: undated, circa 1983 Typescript
Synopsis: fictionalized account of events from April 1483 to August 1485, with appendices on Henry’s creation of the Tudor myth and the arguments for reinstating Richard’s reputation O’BRIEN Anne Virgin Widow Date of Publication: 2010 Paperback Synopsis: A novel about Anne Neville from her exile in France, her betrothal to Edward of Lancaster and finally her marriage to Richard of Gloucester OLDFIELD Pamela The Rich Earth Date of Publication: 1980 Paperback Synopsis: 1468-97: John Kendal, son of a Yorkshire cloth merchant, on his way to London to make his fortune as a goldsmith, meets the young Elizabeth being escorted to her wedding with an elderly Devon landowner, the beginning of a saga of heartbreak, trial and triumph OLLIE L.M. On the Trail of King Richard III Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: two friends from Canada plan a trip round Ricardian sites in England to seek out the truth about Richard III but meddling with the supernatural unleashes demonic forces OMAN Carola Crouchback Date of Publication: 1929 Hardback Synopsis: 1460-85: weak-spirited Anne Neville is dominated by ruthless Richard ONIONS Oliver Arras of Youth Date of Publication: 1949 Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Reprint Synopsis: Yorkshire in the 1450’s: follows the career of Roger Gandelyn, ex-monk, juggler, haunter of fairs and camps, and spy ONIONS Oliver Poor Man’s Tapestry Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback (Reprint of 1946 edition) Synopsis: Forest of Dean, 1454-58: prize-winning novel depicting the life of ordinary men and women, including a young goldsmith, a mercer’s daughter and the forest’s miners PAGET The Rose of London Date of Publication: 1934 Hardback
Synopsis: 1471-83: story of Jane Shore PAGET Guy The Rose of Raby Date of Publication: 1937 Hardback Synopsis: life of Cicely Neville, Duchess of York PAGET Guy The Rose of Rouen Date of Publication: 1940 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-71: story of Edward IV PALMER Marian The White Boar Date of Publication: 1969 Hardback Date of Publication: 1970 Paperback Synopsis: 1465-85: through the eyes of Francis Lovell and his fictional cousin PALMER Marian The Wrong Plantagenet Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Date of Publication: 1974 Paperback Synopsis: sequel to The White Boar; Philip Lovell’s son Simon joins supporters of Perkin Warbeck PENMAN Sharon The Sunne in Splendour Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Date of Publication: 1984 Paperback Synopsis: 1459-85: a detailed (over 1,000 pages) and sympathetic account of Richard’s life as loyal brother, devoted husband and father, and trusting friend PEREIRA W.D. The Battle of Tewkesbury Date of Publication: 1983 Paperback Synopsis: fictionalized account of the Battle PETERS Elizabeth The Murders of Richard III Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Date of Publication: 1986 Paperback Synopsis: modern mystery novel: macabre recreations of Richard’s crimes occur during house party for supporters of Richard III PETERS Beggar Maid, Queen
Date of Publication: 1980 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-85: life of Anne Neville PETERS Maureen Elizabeth the Beloved Date of Publication: 1965 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: 1477-1503: life of Elizabeth of York, in love with Richard III PETERS Maureen The Woodville Wench Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Paperback Synopsis: 1445-86: life of Elizabeth Woodville PETERS Maureen The Queen Who Never Was Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: American edition of The Woodville Wench PIERCE Glenn King’s Ransom Date of Publication: 1986 Paperback Synopsis: 20th century archaeologists discover an account of Richard III’s life and reign written by Brother Godfrey, once a squire to the king PITT Heather Of The Good Hereafter Date of Publication: 2008 Paperback Synopsis: When Emma inherits Overthwaite Hall, from an aunt she has never met, she quickly falls in love with the 15th century Pele Tower. But what is the secret behind the doorway in the Old Tower? Emma travels back to the 15th century and finds an intriguing solution to the mystery of the “The Princes”. PLAIDY Jean The Goldsmith’s Wife Date of Publication: 1950 Hardback Date of Publication: 1970 Paperback Synopsis: life of Jane Shore, from her marriage until her death PLAIDY Jean Red Rose of Anjou Date of Publication: 1982 Hardback Synopsis: life story of Margaret of Anjou (Vol. 13 in the Plantagenet Saga)
PLAIDY Jean The Reluctant Queen Date of Publication: 1990 Hardback Date of Publication: 1992 Paperback Synopsis: in 1484 Anne looks back over her life, her childhood at Middleham and friendship with Richard, her dread of the marriage with Edward, her happy years with Richard and the problems and sorrows of his reign PLAIDY St Thomas’s Eve Date of Publication: 1954 Paperback Synopsis: Life of St Thomas More
PLAIDY Jean The Sun in Splendour Date of Publication: 1982 Hardback Synopsis: events from 1461 to 1485 (Vol. 14 in the Plantagenet Saga) PLAIDY Jean Uneasy Lies the Head Date of Publication: 1982 Hardback Date of Publication: 1983 Paperback Synopsis: 1486-1509: mainly about Elizabeth of York and Katharine of Aragon POLLARD Eliza F. For the Red Rose Date of Publication: 1903 Hardback Synopsis: orphaned Lancastrian heiress, brought up by gypsies, becomes Margaret of Anjou’s devoted companion POTTER Jeremy A Trail of Blood Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Date of Publication: 1972 Paperback Synopsis: detective novel with a difference: 16th century monk discovers the fate of the Princes in the Tower POTTER Jeremy Das Geheimnis des Abtes von Croyland Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: German translation of A Trail of Blood POWERS The Four Queens Date of Publication: 1977 Hardback
Synopsis: 1451-86: interwoven stories of four queens: Margaret of Anjou, Elizabeth Woodville, Anne Neville and Elizabeth of York POWERS Anne The Royal Consorts Date of Publication: 1978 Paperback Synopsis: American edition of The Four Queens PROUD Linda A Tabernacle for the Sun Date of Publication: 1997 Paperback Synopsis: 1472-78: set in renaissance Florence: Tommasco dei Maffei rebels against the Medici RABINOWITZ Ann Knight on Horseback Date of Publication: 1987 Hardback Synopsis: children’s story of a young American boy on holiday in England, slipping back into the 15th century and meeting the ghost of Richard III RATHBONE Julian Kings of Albion Date of Publication: 2000 Paperback Synopsis: Wars of the Roses seen through the eyes of a group of tourists from the East who come in search of a missing kinsman. READE Charles The Cloister and the Hearth Date of Publication: 1906 Hardback (first published 1861) Synopsis: late 15th century Burgundy and Italy, the love story of Erasmus’ parents REDDICLIFFE Sheila The Cornish Mistress Date of Publication: 1992 Paperback Synopsis: 1471-85: the story of Henry Tudor’s mistress; offers a solution to the mystery of the disappearance of the Princes REDDICLIFFE Sheila The Cornish Serjeant Date of Publication: 1984 Hardback Synopsis: 1417-66: fictionalized life of Justice Ayssheton of Callington REED Margaret Baines Sir Adam’s Orchard: a story of York and Lancaster Date of Publication: 1926 Hardback Synopsis: adventures of two children caught up in the struggle between York and
Lancaster in 1461 ROSENTHAL Evelyn B. Presumed Guilty Date of Publication: 1982 Hardback Synopsis: Richard’s reign as seen by the Duke of Buckingham, Elizabeth of York, Francis Lovell, Margaret of Burgundy and Cardinal Morton ROSS Barnaby The Passionate Queen Date of Publication: 1966 Paperback Synopsis: life of Margaret of Anjou, as seen by a devoted French knight ROWLING Marjorie A. Shadow of the Dragon Date of Publication: 1965 Hardback Synopsis: 1485-87: adventures of boy joining the Yorkist resistance after Bosworth RUSH Philip My Brother Lambert Date of Publication: 1957 Hardback Synopsis: children’s story of Lambert Simnel’s rebellion, seen through the eyes of his sister who tries to save him from his folly SANSOM C.J. Sovereign Date of Publication: 2006 Paperback Synopsis: The 3rd book in the Matthew Shardlake series. It is 1541 and Matthew Shardlake discovers a link to the Princes in the Tower SAVAGE Alan Queen of Lions Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: 1444-75: a passionate, ambitious and self-satisfied Margaret of Anjou tells her own story SCHOONOVER Lawrence The Spider King Date of Publication: 1954 Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Reprint Synopsis: biographical novel on Louis XI of France SCOTT The Rose at Twilight
Date of Publication: 1993 Paperback Synopsis: 1485-87: the Yorkist heroine is forced to marry one of Henry Tudor’s Welsh knights SCOTT John Reed Beatrix of Clare Date of Publication: 1907 Hardback Synopsis: 1483: Sir Aymer de Lacy, of Richard’s Household, wins the hand of the Countess of Clare SCOTT Walter Anne of Geirerstein Date of Publication: undated copy in stock (first published 1829) Date of Publication: 1905 edition Hardback also in stock Synopsis: Earl of Oxford and his son in exile on the Continent after the Battle of Tewkesbury SCOTT Walter Quentin Durward Date of Publication: first published 1823. 1905 and 1954 editions in stock Synopsis: adventures of a Scotsman enlisting in the Scottish Archers of Louis XI of France SEDLEY Kate Series of novels featuring Roger the Chapman Death and the Chapman Date of Publication: 1991 Hardback Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: 1471: Roger, novice turned pedlar, investigates the disappearance of a wealthy merchant’s son which takes him to a London tavern with a sinister connection with the Duke of Clarence The Plymouth Cloak Date of Publication: 1992Hardback Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: 1473: Roger’s second investigation: he is recruited by the Duke of Gloucester to guard a King’s Messenger on a secret mission to Brittany, then the Messenger is murdered The Hanged Man Date of Publication: 1993 Hardback Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: 1474: Roger investigates the disappearance of an elderly weaver against a background of Lollardy in Bristol The Holy Innocents Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback
Date of Publication: 1995 Paperback Synopsis: 1475: Roger investigates the disappearance of two children in mysterious circumstances The Eve of Saint Hyacinth Date of Publication: 1995 Hardback Date of Publication: 1996 Paperback Synopsis: Summer 1475: Roger is recruited into the Household of Richard of Gloucester to help uncover a plot to assassinate the Duke The Wicked Winter Date of Publication: 1996 Hardback Date of Publication: 1997 Paperback Synopsis: 1476: Roger investigates a series of deaths at Cederwell Manor, helped by an itinerant preaching friar The Brothers of Glastonbury Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: 1476: the Duke of Clarence asks Roger to escort a young girl to her bridegroom but the bridegroom vanishes and then so does his brother The Weaver’s Inheritance Date of Publication: 1998 Hardback Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: 1476: Roger is looking forward to spending Christmas in Bristol; but he is called upon to investigate the reappearance of a long lost son of a wealthy weaver, who was thought murdered on a visit to London six years ago The Saint John’s Fern Date of Publication: 1999 Hardback Synopsis: 1477: Roger, newly married, is surprised to find his old feelings of restlessness returning. He is soon setting off across the ancient ridge road that dissects Dartmoor heading for Plymouth, driven by an instinct that he is needed there The Goldsmith’s Daughter Date of Publication: 2001 Hardback Synopsis: 1477: as Edward IV ponders the fate of the Duke of Clarence, Richard of Gloucester asks Roger to help find a way to save Clarence, but first Roger must prove that a kinswoman of the King’s mistress did not poison her taciturn husband The Lammas Feast Date of Publication: 2002 Hardback Synopsis: 1478: it is July and the bakers of Bristol are busy baking Lammastide loaves. One of the bakers is found with a knife in his back after speaking to a Breton who is a suspected Lancastrian spy
Nine Men Dancing Date of Publication: 2003 Hardback Synopsis: Winter 1478: Roger is on his way home to his wife when he stops in a village and overhears conversations concerning the disappearance of a local girl. He decides to investigate SHEPHERD Stella Black Justice Date of Publication: 1988 Hardback Synopsis: modern crime story: a murder is committed at a residential weekend organized by a society interested in medieval history SIMONDS Paula Daughter of Violence Date of Publication: 1981 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-72: Anne Neville’s sufferings as an exile in France and a fugitive in England, until re-united with Richard SMALL Bertrice The Spitfire Date of Publication: 1990 Paperback Synopsis: the spirited heroine, a relative of Anne Neville, is abducted by a Scots nobleman on her wedding day. Her fight to regain her border castle involves spying for Henry Tudor at the French court before she finds happiness with the uncle of James IV SMEE Christina Loyalty Binds Me Date of Publication: 2005 Synopsis: A blacksmith’s daughter arrives to work at Middleham Castle and falls in love with Richard of Gloucester. Her devotion spans 24 years and follows Richards fortunes from the north of England to Bosworth Field. STANIER Hilda Brookman The Kingmaker’s Daughter Date of Publication: 1978 Hardback Synopsis: Anne Neville’s account of her life from a child at Middleham to 1485 STANIER Hilda Brookman Plantagenet Princess Date of Publication: 1981 Hardback Synopsis: 1460-1503: life of Elizabeth of York STEELE Hunter Chasing the Gilded Shadow: a tale of the time of James IV of Scotland Date of Publication: 1986 Hardback
Synopsis: 1506-7: quasi-historical novel describing life at the court of King James and the marriage of 14 year old Elizabeth, ward to Queen Margaret, to the 40 year old Norman of Polmood. The blurb describes the book as ‘sexy, funny and linguistically brilliant’ STEPHENS Peter John Battle of Destiny Date of Publication: 1968 Hardback Synopsis: 1485: children’s story of exiled Welsh boy who joins Henry Tudor STEVENSON Robert Louis The Black Arrow Date of Publication: first published 1888; 1928, 1947& 1967 Hardback editions in stock Date of Publication: 1990 Paperback edition Synopsis: a merciless Richard of Gloucester makes a memorable appearance in this boys’ adventure story of the Wars of the Roses STEWART A.J. Falcon: the Autobiography of His Grace James IV King of Scots Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Synopsis: Life of James IV, including his dealings with Perkin Warbeck, written by the woman who believes herself to be his re-incarnation STOKER M. Brooke Prince Perkin Date of Publication: 1966 Hardback Synopsis: story of Perkin Warbeck from 1492 to 1499 STRANG Herbert & LAWRENCE George For the White Rose: a story of the reign of Edward IV Date of Publication: 1929 Hardback (reprint of 1912 edition) Synopsis: 1455-71: adventure story of a disinherited orphan who becomes a page to Elizabeth Woodville and regains his inheritance STUBBS Jean An Unknown Welshman Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Date of Publication: 1973 Paperback Synopsis: 1457-86: early life of Henry Tudor SUDWORTH Gwynedd The Game of Kings Date of Publication: 1977 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-71: the Earl of Warwick as ‘Kingmaker’, and his downfall SUDWORTH
The Game of Power Date of Publication: 1975 Hardback Synopsis: 1438-61: the Earl of Warwick’s youth and rise to power SUDWORTH Gwynedd The King of Destiny Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: 1457-1509: life of Henry Tudor SYMONDS W.S. Malvern Chase Date of Publication: 1881 Hardback Date of Publication: 1913 Hardback (Reprint) Synopsis: 1459-71: Edward IV’s rise to power, as seen by Gloucestershire squire with Yorkist sympathies SZECHTMAN Joan This Time Date of Publication: 2009 Paperback Synopsis: Richard III is transported from the point of death on Bosworth Field to 21st century Oregon. Here he tries to undo the damage done to his reputation over the past 500 years. In this novel the past and future and also fact and fiction overlap. SZECHTMAN Joan Loyalty Binds Me Date of Publication: 2011 Paperback Synopsis: The second book in the series featuring Richard III transported to the 21st century. In this novel on a visit to England Richard is pursued by the Police, MI5, FBI and a tabloid journalist. TANNAHILL Reay The Seventh Son Date of Publication: 2001 Hardback Date of Publication: 2002 Paperback Synopsis: story of the life of Richard of Gloucester TEY Josephine The Daughter of Time Date of Publication: 1951 Paperback and later paperback editions Synopsis: 20th century police inspector investigates the disappearance of the Princes TEY Josephine Alibi für einen König Date of Publication: 1997 Paperback Synopsis: German translation of The Daughter of Time
TEY Josephine Corka Czasu Date of Publication: 1974 Paperback Synopsis: Polish translation of The Daughter of Time TEY Josephine La Fille du Temps Date of Publication: 1969 Paperback Synopsis: French translation of The Daughter of Time TOWNSEND Guy M. To Prove a Villain Date of Publication: 1985 Paperback Synopsis: combining a modern murder mystery set at an American university with an attack on Josephine Tey’s novel, and defenders of Richard III TRANTER Nigel Chain of Destiny Date of Publication: 1964 Hardback Synopsis: 1488 to 1513: the life of James IV of Scotland, including his support for Perkin Warbeck TRANTER Nigel Lord in Waiting Date of Publication: 1994 Hardback Date of Publication: 1995 Paperback Synopsis: 1460s to 1488 the reign of James III of Scotland, a weak monarch ineffectually trying to cope with factions at home and the ever present threat of invasion from England TRANTER Nigel The Lion’s Whelp Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: 1437-60: the story of James II of Scotland from his accession as a child to his tragic unexpected death at 30. Part of the novel deals with Scotland’s relationship with the Yorkists during the Wars of the Roses, and the effect it had on Scotland TRANTER Nigel A Flame for the Fire Date of Publication: 1998 Paperback Synopsis: the story of David Kennedy, loyal supporter of James IV of Scotland TREVAN Ruth Loyalty Binds Me Date of Publication: 1966 Hardback Synopsis; 1463-85: Richard’s life, dedicated to the service of his brother
UPSON Nicola An Expert in Murder Date of Publication: 2008 Hardback Synopsis: It is1934 and Josephine Tey is travelling to London for the final week of her play Richard of Bordeaux. Her arrival coincides with a murder which she decides to investigate alongside Detective Inspector Penrose, who will become her model for Inspector Grant. VINEY King Richard’s Friend Date of Publication: 1975 Hardback Synopsis: Life of Francis Lovell
VINEY Jayne The White Rose Dying Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: story of Richard from 1471 to 1485 WAINWRIGHT Brian The Adventures of Alianore Audley Date of Publication: 1995 Paperback Date of Publication: 2005 Paperback Synopsis: Alianore (a 15th century female version of Philip Marlowe) recounts her adventures as a member of the Yorkist intelligence working for Edward IV and then Richard III WAINWRIGHT Brian Within the Fetterlock Date of Publication: 2004 Paperback Synopsis: 1396: Richard II is childless – the succession to the throne is in doubt. Constance of York is drawn into intrigues as her husband and brother jostle with their Lancastrian and Mortimer cousins in the race for the throne WELCH Ronald Sun Of York Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Synopsis: 1469-71: teenagers’ story of a Welsh squire joining the Yorkists in their struggle for power WENSBY-SCOTT Carol Trilogy about the Percy family Lion of Alnwick Date of Publication: first published 1980. 1983 Paperback in stock Synopsis: 1357-1409: the life of Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland
Lion Dormant Date of Publication: 1983 Hardback Date of Publication: 1983 Paperback Synopsis: 1414-64: rivalry between the Percy and Neville families, joined by the marriage of the 2nd Earl of Northumberland and Alianore, sister of Cecily Neville Lion Invincible Date of Publication: 1984 Hardback Date of Publication: 1985 Paperback Synopsis: follows the fortunes of Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland, from 1469 until his death, and his relations with Richard of Gloucester WASHINGTON Tecoa T. Medieval Bedazzle Date of Publication 2009 Paperback Synopsis: Returning from vacation in Britain a physics teacher eavesdrops on a conversation between five ghastly individuals. As she overhears these ancient spooks discussing a remarkable Shakespearian cover-up she finds herself propelled into a world of secrecy and terror as she struggles to uncover all that was once hidden and unlocks an intriguing medieval mystery surrounding Richard III. WESTCOTT Jan The White Rose Date of Publication: 1969 Hardback Synopsis: 1461-85: love story of Elizabeth Woodville WESTCOTT Jan The Lion’s Share Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: abridged English edition of The White Rose WESTCOTT Jan Set Her on a Throne Date of Publication: 1972 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-85: life of a spirited Anne Neville – her happy but tragically short first marriage, and her eventual re-discovery of happiness with Richard WHITFORD Meredith Treason Date of Publication: 2004 Paperback Synopsis: After seeing his parents slain and his home destroyed Martin Robsart’s life becomes entwined with that of his Yorkist cousins – Edward IV and Richard III – and learns the cost of loyalty and love on battlefields and in bedchambers. WHITEHEAD
The Killings at Barley Hall Date of Publication: 1997 Hardback (large print) Date of Publication: 1997 Paperback Synopsis: modern detective story concerning the murder of an archaeologist working at the site of Barley Hall. The investigating officer discovers links between this murder and a previous one in the reign of Richard III WHITTLE Tyler The Last Plantagenet: a study of Richard III, King of England, France and Ireland Date of Publication: 1968 Hardback Synopsis: 1459-85: Richard’s life, with more about his childhood & adolescence than usual WHITTON Dorothy Halo of Dreams Date of Publication: 1948 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-71: a young girl, inspired by tales of Joan of Arc and visions of the saints, offers to help Warwick to put Henry VI back on the throne WIAT Philippa The Child Bride Date of Publication: 1990 Hardback Synopsis: an illegitimate daughter of John Mowbray becomes companion to the Lady Anne Mowbray – the half sisters are so alike that they can change places…. WIAT Philippa The Master of Blandeston Hall Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: story of a Lancastrian gentleman during the Wars of the Roses WIAT Philippa Prince of the White Rose Date of Publication: 1984 Hardback Synopsis: story of Richard Duke of York, who escapes from the Tower when Richard III orders the Princes murdered, and takes on the identity of Perkin Warbeck WILLARD Barbara The Lark and the Laurel Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Date of Publication: 1974 Paperback Synopsis: children’s story of a city-bred girl sent to live in the country after Bosworth WILLARD The Sprig of Broom Date of Publication: 1971 Hardback
Synopsis: children’s story of Richard III’s illegitimate son Richard Plantagenet and his son WILLIAMS Bert Master of Ravenspur Date of Publication: 1970 Hardback Synopsis: 1470-71: children’s story of a country boy who joins the Household of Richard of Gloucester
WILLIAMSON The Butt of Malmsey Date of Publication: 1967 Hardback Synopsis: life of George of Clarence
Hugh Ross
WILLIAMSON Hugh Ross The Marriage Made in Blood Date of Publication: 1968 Hardback Synopsis: 1478-1522: events seen from the viewpoint of Margaret of Salisbury WILLIAMSON Hugh Ross A Matter of Martyrdom Date of Publication: 1969 Hardback Synopsis: 1525-1541: dramatized account of events at court and the last years of Margaret of Salisbury WILLMAN Marianne Rose Red, Rose White Date of Publication: 1994 Paperback Synopsis: 1470: Lady Morgana Hartley flees to Wales, after being ordered into a loveless match by Edward IV WILSON Sandra The Penrich Dragon Date of Publication: 1977 Hardback Synopsis: 1477: mystery/romance in which the convent-bred heroine discovers the secret of her birth, and has to struggle against witchcraft, greed and betrayal before finding happiness WILSON Sandra Trilogy about Cicely Plantagenet Less Fortunate than Fair Date of Publication: 1973 Hardback Synopsis: story of Cicely up to 1485, and her love for John of Gloucester
The Queen’s Sister Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Synopsis: Cicely’s marriage to John Viscount Welles The Lady Cicely Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Synopsis: Cicely’s life from 1492 WILSON Sandra Wife to the Kingmaker Date of Publication: 1974 Hardback Date of Publication: 1978 Paperback Synopsis: life of Anne Beauchamp, wife of the Earl of Warwick WINDER Robert The Final Act of Mr Shakespeare Date of Publication: 2010 Paperback Synopsis: The play that William Shakespeare should have written “King Henry VII” WORTH Sandra A trilogy concerning the life of Richard Duke of Gloucester later King Richard III Love and War Date of Publication: 2006 Paperback Synopsis: This first book covers Richard’s early life and his love for Anne Neville Crown of Destiny Date of Publication: 2006 Paperback Synopsis: this book cover the years leading up to Edward IV’s death and Richard accepting the throne – 1476 - 1483 Fall from Grace Date of Publication: 2007 Paperback Synopsis: This final book in the trilogy takes the story from Richard’s coronation to his death on Bosworth Field. With an after-word telling what happened to all the principal characters in the novels after the Battle of Bosworth YONGE Charlotte M. The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest Date of Publication: first published 1866; 1879 and 1908 editions in stock Synopsis: late 15th century Germany; Victorian romance of burgher’s gentle daughter taming lawless baron YONGE Charlotte M. Grisly Grisell, or the Laidly Lady of Whitburn: a tale of the Wars of the Roses Date of Publication: first published 1893; 1894 edition in stock
Synopsis: the heroine is brought up in the household of the Countess of Salisbury where she meets Margaret of York; disfigured in an accident and exiled to Bruges after being accused of sorcery, her patience and loyalty are eventually rewarded by happiness in marriage YORK Elizabeth The Heir of Berkwell Date of Publication: 1977 Hardback Synopsis: 1471: Lancastrian girl, in love with a knight in Richard’s Household, fights for her family’s inheritance YOUNG D.V. The White Boar Date of Publication: 1963 Hardback Synopsis: 1459-85: as seen by a gentleman in Richard’s service ZABKA Paula Simonds Desire the Kingdom Date of Publication: 2002 Paperback Synopsis: 1470-85: the story of Anne Neville and Richard of Gloucester. The book also contains a family tree, maps, and plans of battlefields