Field modeling with sampled distances - CiteSeerX

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terms of human effort and computer time. .... the necessary degrees of freedom to accommodate, as closely ...... He holds. BA degree in Computer Science and in.
Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

Field modeling with sampled distances Michael Freytag, Vadim Shapiro*, Igor Tsukanov Spatial Automation Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706-1572, USA Received 3 September 2004; received in revised form 16 April 2005; accepted 26 June 2005

Abstract Traditional mesh-based approaches to the modeling and analysis of physical fields within geometric models require some form of topological reconstruction and conversion in the mesh generation process. Such manipulations tend to be tedious and error-prone manual processes that are not easily automated. We show that most field problems may be solved directly by using approximate distance fields computed from designed or sampled geometric data, thus avoiding many of the difficult reconstruction and meshing problems. With distances we can model fields that satisfy boundary conditions while approximating the governing differential equations to arbitrary precision. Because the method is based on sampling, it provides natural control for multi-resolution both in geometric detail of the domain and in accuracy of the computed physical field. We demonstrate the field modeling capability with several heat transfer applications, including a typical transient problem and a ‘scan and solve’ approach to the simulation of a physical field in a real-world artifact. q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Engineering analysis; Meshfree modeling; Distance fields; Automated analysis

1. Introduction 1.1. Field modeling with distances Representation conversion of geometric data to a form compatible with the traditional mesh-based simulation pipeline requires a number of non-trivial automated and manual steps. The output of the pipeline is a physically meaningful, spatially and possibly temporally distributed quantity called a field. We thus refer to the entire simulation process as field modeling. Field simulation on CAD geometry, arguably the most common type of analysis, usually involves manual defeaturing to remove small features in order to produce domain meshes possessing elements of reasonable size. More complex analyses involving motion or deformation require manual domain meshing or the development of specialized software to produce suitable meshes. Field analysis on surface scan data captured from real-world objects requires manually-guided * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Freytag), [email protected] (V. Shapiro), [email protected] (I. Tsukanov).

0010-4485//$ - see front matter q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.cad.2005.06.004

reconstruction of various types, healing, and simplification to produce a surface mesh capable of supporting domain meshing. Similar steps are required for isosurface meshes computed from volumetric data captured by such scanning technologies as CT, MRI and cryosectioning. The manual intervention required to produce domain meshes from such a variety of geometric data sources hinders automated preparation for field analysis. Further, it is widely accepted that today data preparation, and not the physical computations, dominate most field modeling problems both in terms of human effort and computer time. We propose to replace the typical manual and errorprone conversions by an automated meshfree modeling method that relies on approximate distance fields to satisfy all boundary conditions as accurately as desired. The main idea is diagrammed in Fig. 1. The approximate distance field may be defined and constructed by a variety of methods; in this paper, the approximate distance field is fit to samples of exact signed distance to the geometry. The original idea of this meshfree method dates back to Kantorovich who proposed to represent a field that satisfies Dirichlet boundary conditions as the product of two functions: uZuF, where uZ0 is an implicit representation of geometry with zero set corresponding to the geometry and non-vanishing gradient at all points of the zero set [9].


M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

summary and discussion of the promising directions for future work. 1.2. Related work on distance fields

Fig. 1. Fig. depicts field modeling using approximate distance fields from surface points, polygonal surfaces, smooth B-rep, and volumetric data. The simplicity of the approach is in stark contrast to the multiple representation conversions required in traditional mesh-based analysis.

A key feature of this formulation is the ability to exactly satisfy the boundary conditions on the zero set of u. Rvachev generalized Kantorovich’s approach to include virtually all types of boundary value problems [20,21]. Shapiro and Tsukanov showed that the method may be completely automated for a wide class of geometric and physical problems in a common meshfree environment [33, 32,36]. Theoretical completeness of the method is shown in [22]. More recently, Ho¨llig improved the numerical stability of this approach by approximating the function F by linear combinations of weighted extended B-splines (WEBsplines) [8,7]. In this paper we show that Rvachev’s approach to satisfy boundary conditions can be extended to modeling physical fields with approximate distance fields constructed through sampling. Our method can be viewed as a generalized finite element method that satisfies boundary conditions exactly [2]. Through sampling we extend the benefits of the meshfree method to a much larger class of problems, with multi-resolution, where previously automated solutions were not possible. After briefly summarizing related work on approximate distance fields below, we discuss the details of our method, its treatment of different boundary conditions, and its application to field problems with different governing equations and boundary conditions. Sections 2 and 3 detail the formulation of the method in the context of homogeneous and non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, respectively. Section 4 extends the discussion to other types of boundary value problems and demonstrates the unique ability of the proposed method to control geometric and physical resolution. Section 5 describes two more challenging and interesting applications of the method to engineering problems. We close with a brief

Distance fields are scalar fields whose evaluation at any point returns the exact distance to the geometry. As suggested in Fig. 1, distance fields can be computed from most geometric representations, including clouds of points, meshes, triangulations, boundaries, volumetric data, and other unambiguous representations. By definition, the exact distance field is differentiable and has unit gradient everywhere except the points that are equidistant from several points (e.g. points on medial axis). The zero set of the exact distance field corresponds to and implicitly defines the geometric set of points. In order to solve field modeling problems, we replace the exact distance fields with their approximations that are required to be differentiable to some order and possess nonvanishing gradient near their zero set [3]. In contrast to exact distance, approximate distance fields may introduce error between their zero set and the true geometric boundary, can possess gradient magnitudes different from 1, and may differ from the exact distance at any point in space. As shown by Rvachev and others, approximate distance fields, whose zero set coincides with the boundaries of geometric objects, can be constructed using R-functions while representing corners and edges exactly [20,28,32]. Many implicit geometric representations satisfy the properties of approximate distance fields [6,4,17]. Shapiro proposed algorithms for automatic construction of such implicit representations from both Constructive Solid Geometry and Boundary Representations of geometric objects [29–31]. Implicit representations are also utilized by many surface reconstruction algorithms which rely on generation of some distance-like function whose zero set approximates the input points. Construction methods for such functions include the blending of implicit primitives like blobs, spheres, quadrics, and local quadratics that have been fit to the points [14,12,15]. For reconstruction, others have used radial basis functions with both global [39] and compact support [26,10], as well as level set methods [40, 16]. Each of these methods offers various degrees of control on the accuracy with which geometry is represented. Others have used a spatial grid of (usually) trivariate B-splines to represent scalar fields whose zero-sets represent the boundary of sculpted geometry [18,27]. Many of the above methods and representations may be adapted for field modeling. We will demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach using approximate distance fields represented in terms of a geometrically nonconforming grid of basis functions fit to samples of exact distance or other distance-like function. For field modeling problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions, the approximate distance field must possess non-zero gradient everywhere on it’s zero set. In addition, Neumann and mixed

M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

boundary conditions require the magnitude of the gradient to be precisely one at the zero set. Through distance sampling, we can unify field modeling on all geometric models, while bypassing many computational difficulties often associated with exact distance fields, including nondifferentiability and lack of local support. By choosing the resolution of the approximate distance field fit to the samples, the accuracy of the geometric approximation to the original geometry is easily controlled. Furthermore, the accuracy of the field solution can be controlled separately to gain solution speed at the expense of accuracy. We demonstrate the generality of our approach by performing analysis on a selection of geometric data sources with a variety of boundary conditions, including boundary conditions that are transient and moving. 2. Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition Following Kantorovich [9], a field u that is subject to the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition ujvU Z 0


the constructed distance field approximates the boundary of the geometric domain; hence the choice of basis functions, fcui gm iZ1 ; gives direct control of the level of geometric detail in the represented geometric domain. We will explore this capability through examples in Sections 4 and 6. The second function in expression (2)—function F— provides the degrees of freedom that allow to satisfy additional constraints prescribed on u, typically in the form of a differential or integral equation. In most practical situations, F cannot be determined exactly, and therefore it is represented by another linear combination of basis functions FZ

n X

CiF cF i ;

where CiF are the coefficients of the n basis functions, cfi ; of the spatial variables (x, y, z). Popular choices of cfi include B-splines, polynomials, and radial basis functions. Substituting expressions (3) and (4) into (2) we obtain a new form of Kantorovich’s representation for u: ! ! m n m X n X X X u u F F uZ Ci ci Cj cj Z Ciu cui CjF cF j : iZ1

m X

Ciu cui ;


iZ1 jZ1

(5) (2)

We now examine the components of this expression in more detail below. Function u is used to satisfy and to extend the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions into the interior domain; it must have non-vanishing gradient on the boundary of the domain, vU, where uZ0. These properties are clearly satisfied by approximate distance fields, and, therefore, they can be chosen to represent u in expression (2). If the shape of a geometric object is known a priori, such a function can be constructed by a variety of methods [1,3,4,20,32]. For a geometric object described by a distance field sampled at scattered points, we construct an approximate distance field u from the sample data, using any of the known fitting methods. In this particular case, we represent an approximate distance field u by a linear combination of basis functions uZ



may be represented as the product of two functions u Z uF:




where Ciu are the coefficients of the m basis functions cui of the spatial variables (x, y, z). For our implementation, we chose cui as multi-variate B-splines, usually arranged on a regular Cartesian grid. (See [5] for details.) The type and resolution of sampling, as well as the approximation properties of these basis functions, determine the accuracy of the constructed field. For example, some (but not all) sampling techniques may require signed distance fields in order to assure the non-vanishing gradient and capture the geometric detail at the domain’s boundary. Detailed investigation of these approximation properties is outside the scope of this paper. We note, however, that the zero set of

This last expression contains two independent systems of n u m basis functions, fcF i giZ1 and fci giZ1 , each serving specific and distinct purposes. Basis functions fcui gm iZ1 together with coefficients fCiu gm iZ1 are used to approximate a distance field to the boundary of a geometric model. The accuracy of the boundary approximation by the zero set of an approximate distance field governs the accuracy of the treatment of the specified boundary conditions. By construction, the function u represented either by expression (2) or (5) satisfies boundary condition (1) exactly on the zero set of the distance field u. n The sole purpose of basis functions fcF i giZ1 is to provide the necessary degrees of freedom to accommodate, as closely as possible, the additional constraints on u. Numerical values of the coefficients fCiF gniZ1 are determined by a solution procedure which typically consists of application of a variational or projection method with subsequent solution of an algebraic problem. The choice of a particular solution method depends primarily on the type of additional constraints on u. If several solution methods are available for the given type of problem, preference is given to the methods that provide better convergence. Further, the numbers of basis functions, m and n, independently control the respective accuracies of the geometric approximation and the solution to the differential equation. Fig. 2 shows application of the described method to the solution of a Poisson equation V2 u ZKq


with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions (1) prescribed on the surface of a mannequin head and q taking


M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

determined by a least square fit to approximately 3.4 million randomly distributed distance samples. The least square fit to the distance samples requires the minimization of the following functional !2 k m X X u u Ci ci Kdj ; (7) FZ jZ1


where k is the number of distance samples, and dj is the jth sample taken at the point (xj, yj, zj). This leads to the following linear system ACu Z B;


with matrix elements assigned as follows ai;j Z Fig. 2. Distribution of the function u that satisfies homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition (1) on the zero set of the approximate distance field shown in Fig. 3(b) and approximates solution of Poisson Eq. (6).

on a constant value of 1. The head is originally represented by a set of scattered surface points (Fig. 3(a)) or a surface mesh. In order to satisfy the prescribed boundary condition, first we construct an approximate distance field whose zero set corresponds to the surface of the head. For this construction we employ tricubic B-splines defined over a uniform 61!61!61 cartesian grid. The computed distance field is shown in Fig. 3(b); the coefficients fCiu g being

k X

cui ðxl ; yl ; zl Þcuj ðxl ; yl ; zl Þ;



and bi Z

k X

dl cui ðxl ; yl ; zl Þ:



In order to find a function u that gives the best approximation to Eq. (6), while satisfying boundary condition (1), we use a classical Ritz method [19,13] which requires minimization of the functional: ððð ððð FZ uðV2 uÞdUK2 uðKqÞdU: U


Employing a Ritz method reduces the original boundary value problem to the solution of a system of linear algebraic equations: ACFZB, where CF is a vector of unknown coefficients of the basis functions, and the elements of matrix A and vector B are computed through the following triple integrals: ! ! ððð m m X X aij Z V Cku cuk cF Clu cul cF V dU; i j kZ1


ððð q

bi Z U

Fig. 3. Modeling of temperature field in mannequin head: (a) scattered points on the surface of the head generated by 3D scanner; (b) constructed approximate distance field; (c) an approximate distance field to portions of the boundary where the value of temperature is prescribed; (d) distribution of temperature that satisfies the boundary conditions exactly.

m X



! Cku cuk cF i



For more details, please refer to Appendix A, where the derivation of the linear system for a Dirichlet boundary value problem is provided. The solution in Fig. 2 was computed by choosing the n basis functions fcF i giZ1 to be trilinear B-splines on a 41! 41!41 uniform Cartesian grid. Volumetric integration is performed over the supports of the B-splines using Gaussian cubature rules to allocate the integration points. To assure that all integration points are allocated only inside the domain, hierarchical space decomposition and marching cubes techniques are employed as described in [36]. Fig. 2 shows the distribution of the computed function u in the middle cross-section of the mannequin head. The function

M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

satisfies the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition (1) exactly on the zero set of the approximate distance field shown in Fig. 3(b) and approximates the solution of the Poisson Eq. (6). Despite trilinear B-splines having discontinuous first-order derivatives, they constitute an admissible space of functions for approximating the solution of the boundary value problems in Eqs. (6) and (1) [35]. The continuous variation of hue corresponds to continuous variation of the function from zero on the boundary (blue color) to its maximum value of 14.94 shown in red. (For interpretation of the reference to color in this legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) The images in this example, as well as those in the remainder of this paper, are computed by sampling the solution field over the boundary of the geometric domain.1

3. Non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions Treatment of the non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition ujvU Z 4;


where the function 4 is a priori known function of spatial coordinates, requires just a slight modification of Kantorovich’s method. Since the function u, given by expression (5), already satisfies the homogeneous boundary condition (1), the addition of the function 4 to expression (5) turns u into a family of functions that satisfy boundary condition (12) exactly: uZ

m X n X

Ciu cui CjF cF j C 4:


iZ1 jZ1

To extract a particular function from this family we need to impose additional constraints on u. For instance, we can require the function u to be an approximate solution of the Laplace equation: V2 u Z 0:

vector B are given by the following integrals: ! ððð m X u u F Ck ck ci dU: bi ZK V4V U




Once the coefficients fCiF gniZ1 are determined, u can be evaluated at any given point in the domain. Since the formulation contains a product of approximate distance and some set of basis functions, the basis functions for the solution must be able to attenuate the approximate distance while also representing the solution field. Our experience suggests that representing the approximate distance on the same resolution grid as the solution field is commonly acceptable, but we explore different combinations of grid resolution below and in Section 4. Fig. 4(b) shows the distribution of u, approximating Laplace Eq. (14) and satisfying non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition (12) with     10pðxKxmin Þ 10pðyKymin Þ 4ðx; y; zÞ Zcos cos x Kxmin ymax Kymin  max  15pðzKzmin Þ cos : ð16Þ zmax Kzmin The approximate distance field is the same as we used in the last section to solve the problem with homogeneous boundary conditions. It is represented by a linear combination of tricubic splines on a 61!61!61 Cartesian grid with coefficients determined by a least square fit to 3.4 million randomly distributed samples of distance. The basis n functions fcF i giZ1 that approximate the solution are trilinear B-splines on a 41!41!41 Cartesian grid. As shown in Fig. 4(b), these basis functions provide sufficient degrees of freedom to attenuate the influence of the periodic boundary condition (16) away from the zero set of the approximate distance field. In general, a boundary condition function 4 may not be known explicitly or is not prescribed globally. More


Using this condition we can compute numerical values of the coefficients fCiF gniZ1 in expression (13). To solve the problem, we again employ a Ritz method that leads to the solution of an algebraic system, ACFZB, where the elements aij of matrix A are computed using expression (11), previously used to solve a Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. Elements of 1

In this particular case, the boundary is represented by a triangular surface mesh. To improve the efficiency of the display process, the solution field might also have an intermediate representation as a dense, uniform lattice of solution samples. The values from this lattice are then trilinearly interpolated for display.

Fig. 4. (a) Distribution of a periodic function 4 (16) prescribed as a boundary condition for Laplace Eq. (14); (b) solution of Laplace equation that satisfies Dirichlet boundary condition given by a function shown in (a). Notice that the basis functions provide sufficient degrees of freedom to attenuate the influence of the periodic boundary condition (16) away from the zero set of the approximate distance field.


M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

typically, the boundary conditions are prescribed in a piecewise manner, i.e. the boundary conditions are specified by individual functions 4i on each portion of boundary, vUi: ujvUi Z 4i ; i Z 1; N:


In this case the field u that satisfies Dirichlet boundary conditions (17) can still be represented by expression (13), but the function 4 must be constructed in such a way that on every boundary segment, vUi, it coincides with the prescribed function 4i. One could use a variety of methods, including sampling, but we choose to construct the function 4 using transfinite interpolation [23], a technique that can be considered to be an extension of inverse distance weighted interpolation [34]. The interpolating function is represented by a P weighted sum of functions prescribed on the boundaries 4Z NiZ1 4i Wi ; with weights, Wi, inversely proportional to the distances to the boundaries, vUi: Wi Z

mi uK i : N P Kmj uj



The expression for the weights, Wi, can be rewritten in a numerically stable form, more suitable for implementation in software: QN mj jZ1;jsi uj Wi Z PN QN (19) mj : kZ1 jZ1;jsk uj As before, the functions ui are approximate distance fields to the partial boundaries vUi. Exponents mi in the expression for the weights Wi affect behavior of the weights in the neighborhoods of the zero sets of the approximate distance fields ui. Values of mi greater than 1 are used to interpolate normal derivatives prescribed on vUi. In this case the value of mi must be 1 greater than the order of the prescribed derivatives. (The readers are referred to [23] for additional details.) Let us construct a function that interpolates temperature values of 35 and 40 8C prescribed on the neck and forehead of the mannequin head, respectively. The interpolating function f, whose distribution is shown in Fig. 5(d), then appears as follows 4Z

35u2 40u1 C ; u1 C u2 u1 C u 2


where u1 and u2 are approximate distance fields to the neck (Fig. 5(b)) and the forehead (Fig. 5(c)). These fields to individual boundary segments are constructed by trimming the distance field to the whole surface of the head using the normalized trimming method described in [32]. Once the interpolating function 4 is constructed it is substituted into expression (13). Approximation of the additional constraints, involves application of a solution procedure similar to that described above to determine numerical values for the coefficients CiF : Note that the union of boundary segments

Fig. 5. (a) Red colored zones depict the portions of the surface of the head where the values of temperature are specified; (b) hue values correspond to approximate distance to the lower part of the neck; (c) hue values correspond to approximate distance to the forehead; (d) distribution of function, (20), that interpolates temperature values of 35 and 40 8C prescribed on the neck and forehead respectively. (For interpretation of the reference to colour in this legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

where Dirichlet boundary conditions are specified does not constitute the complete boundary of the geometric domain, and therefore the function u in the Taylor series expansion u Zu

n X

CiF cF i C4



is an approximate distance field to the union of the boundaries where different Dirichlet boundary conditions are specified. Fig. 3(c) shows the composite approximate distance field u to the union of forehead and the mannequin neck. This approximate distance field is constructed from individual distance fields to the foreheadp uffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 and the neck u2 using a joining R-function: u1 C u2 K u21 C u22 [20,28]. Other joining techniques may also be used as described in [32,3]. Fig. 3(d) illustrates the distribution of a function u that takes on prescribed values of 35 and 40 on the neck and forehead, respectively, and approximates the solution of Laplace Eq. (14) everywhere in the domain. A Ritz method is used to determine the coefficients CiF of trilinear B-splines fcF i g defined on a uniform 41!41!41 Cartesian grid.

4. General boundary conditions with resolution control Kantorovich’s idea to satisfy Dirichlet boundary conditions advanced the variational methods with the ability to

M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

satisfy essential boundary conditions exactly and concentrate the power of the solution method on approximation of the differential equation for the boundary value problem. Rvachev and his students generalized Kantorovich’s method to satisfy other types of boundary conditions exactly by representing a field u by a generalized Taylor series of powers of a normalized distance field. An approximate distance field u is called normalized to the order m with respect to domain U if it satisfies the following conditions vu vk u ujvU Z 0; jvU Z 0; k Z 2; .; m; vU Z 1; vn vnk where n is the vector normal to the boundary vU. Intuitively, normalized distance fields approximate the exact distance functions to the order m near the boundary of the domain. If such a function u is known for a given domain U, any field over U can be represented by a Taylor series expansion in the vicinity of the boundary vU as [20,22]: u Z u0 ð0Þ C

m X 1 uk ð0Þuk C OðumC1 Þ; k! kZ1


In this case, each uk(0), kZ0,.,m corresponds to the normal derivative of kth order on the boundary vU. In [22], the authors proved the completeness of the representation of fields by a power series of normalized distance field (22). An important consequence of the completeness theorem is that the remainder term in the series (22) may be represented to arbitrary precision by a product of the (mC1)th power of a normalized distance field u and a polynomial F:O(umC1)ZumC1F. Using the generalized Taylor series (22), one can easily and systematically derive expressions for functions satisfying different kinds of boundary conditions. For example, the expression u Z ðF1 KuVu$VF1 Þ CðjKhF1 Þu Cu2 F2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflffl{zfflffl} u0 ð0Þ

u1 ð0Þu


Oðu2 Þ

defines a family of functions that satisfy the following boundary condition:   vu C hu Z j: (24) vn vU The first term u0 in expression (23) represents a value of the function prescribed on the boundary vU. Since boundary condition (24) does not explicitly prescribe the value of u on the boundary, u0 is represented by a linear combination of P 1 basis functions F1 Z niZ1 CiF1 cF with undetermined i F1 coefficients Ci : Subtraction of uPu$PF1 from F1 ensures that the first normal derivative of u0 vanishes on the zero set of u [20,22]. The second term in expression (23) represents a first-order normal derivative of u whose value on the boundary vU is derived from the boundary condition (24): ðvu=vnÞjvU Z jKhu: The remainder term u2 F2


guarantees completeness of u. Similar to a Dirichlet boundary condition, if different functions hi and ji have been specified on different portions of the boundary, these functions are transfinitely interpolated using the approximate distance fields for each boundary segment [23], and are then substituted into the generalized Taylor series (23). Taylor series expansion (22) implies a similar procedure for every possible type of boundary conditions, and expressions for most common boundary value problems have already been derived [20,21]. The modeling methods described in this paper are based on the observation that normalized distance fields can also be approximated by fields generated from sampled data. Therefore, such approximate distance fields can be used to construct functions that satisfy general boundary conditions. If an approximate distance field is not normalized, but possesses non-vanishing gradient on its zero set, it can be normalized to any order as described in [20,3]. Furthermore, each Taylor series expansion contains two types of approximated functions: distance functions ui and unknown functions Fi, effectively factoring the resolution of the field problem into geometric and physical accuracy respectively. Most engineering analyses require defeaturing of geometric models before they can be used for analysis and simulation. This process manually removes unwanted geometric details, small features, and other problematic geometry; and usually requires substantial judgement and expertise. Through the use of approximate distance fields represented with different spatial resolutions, a basic exploration of automatic defeaturing is possible. In its simplest form, defeaturing by resolution control will globally remove unnecessary details or noise from the initial geometry by a smooth approximation of the distance field. For example, a plot of the zero set of an approximate distance field represented by a linear combination of tricubic B-splines defined on a 10!10!10 grid is shown in Fig. 6(a). Using a coarser grid results in the smooth approximation of facial features, providing a natural means to support automatic defeaturing. More sophisticated control of approximate distance fields enable greater control of the defeaturing process. For example, non-uniform grids of basis functions would enable local variation and control of resolution. Another approach would have selected distance samples assigned greater priority in a weighted least squares fit. Further adaptive techniques from reconstruction methods can provide flexible control of the geometric resolution of the approximate distance field [15]. Fig. 6(a) shows that the nose, ears and eyes have been smoothed out by the zero isosurface of the approximate distance field. Fig. 6(b) presents the distribution of a function that approximates the solution of the Laplace Eq. (14) and satisfies the Neumann boundary condition ðvu=vnÞjvU1 ZK1 on the mannequin neck (shown in red in Fig. 6(a)). On the rest of the head’s surface (blue region in Fig. 6(a)), the boundary condition ððvu=vnÞC 0:1uÞjvU2 Z 27:3 is applied.


M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

Fig. 6. (a) Zero set of an approximate distance field represented by a linear combination of tricubic B-splines defined on a 10!10!10 grid with prescribed Neumann boundary condition ðvu=vnÞjvU1 ZK1 (red) and the boundary condition ððvu=vnÞC 0:1uÞjvU2 Z 27:3 (blue); (b) distribution of the solution of Laplace equation that satisfies prescribed boundary conditions shown in (a). (For interpretation of the reference to colour in this legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The prescribed boundary conditions are represented by one expression ððvu=vnÞC huÞjvU Z j; where the function h transfinitely interpolates values of 0 and 0.1 prescribed over the red and blue zones in Fig. 6(a); function j transfinitely interpolates values of K1 and 27.3 prescribed over the same surface segments. The solution of the problem is represented by expression (23) in which F2 1 the basis functions fcF i g and fci g have been chosen to be polynomials of degree 7. In this example, coefficients of both sets of basis functions, CiF , are determined by the least square method. The essential boundary condition (24) is enforced exactly for a function u represented by the generalized Taylor series (23), and the least square method handles approximation of the differential equation only. Similarly, the physical resolution of the field may be controlled separately by approximation of the unknown functions Fi. Physical resolution is characterized by the ability of the basis functions to capture high gradients,

curvature and other singularities in a physical field. In Fig. 7 the analysis results from several combinations of grid resolutions are depicted. Fig. 7(a) and (b) represents geometry with a coarse grid while incorporating a fine grid for representation of the physical field. This combination of low geometric resolution and high physical resolution had a total running time of 6 h, 34 min. Fig. 7(c), on the other hand, has high geometric resolution and low field resolution, and total running time of 43 min. The images reveal artifacts in (c) where there are insufficient degrees of freedom to approximate the differential equation precisely. By contrast, the fully automated solution procedure for the example with homogeneous boundary conditions in Fig. 2 took 6 h, 55 min at the described resolution. Solution of a similar problem with more complex, non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in Fig. 3(d) required 13 h, 19 min. Such use of independent geometric and physical grids at different resolutions leads to modular separation of geometric and physical accuracies using two or more sets of basis functions. Furthermore, resolution of each boundary condition may also be controlled separately since each boundary condition is associated with its own Taylor series expansion, and its own distance field. This unique feature of our approach provides powerful controls for controlling resolution of field modeling that is not possible with traditional mesh-based methods. 5. Applications and examples The field modeling method, we discussed in this paper, has been used previously quite extensively with implicit geometric representations constructed using R-functions. The R-function method has been applied to problems in heat transfer, structural analysis, plate bending, plate vibration, and fluid dynamics, among others [24,25,38,21]. A general architecture of a meshfree field modeling and simulation system based on distance fields is described in [36], and fully functional 2D prototype software may be downloaded

Fig. 7. (a) A temperature distribution modeled using tricubic B-splines on a 10!10!10 grid to approximate the geometry and a 41!41!41 grid for the solution. (b) Solution of Poisson Eq. (6) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Distance field is represented by a linear combination of tricubic Bsplines on a 10!10!10 grid. Solution is approximated with trilinear B-splines on a higher resolution, 41!41!41 grid. (c) Solution of the same problem with approximate distance field represented by a linear combination of tricubic B-splines on 61!61!61 grid and solution computed on a lower resolution 14! 14!19 grid of trilinear B-splines.

M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

from The present research establishes that we can solve all these problems and more with other types of approximate distance fields, in particular those constructed from sampled data. Practical consequences of this observation include easier implementation, higher level of automation, improved speed, and automated variable resolution control. Below we demonstrate the power of the method with two non-trivial applications. The fully automated, but fairly brute-force, solution procedures described in this paper have solution times ranging from tens of minutes to tens of hours on a dual processor 1 GHz Pentium III workstation with 1.5 GB RAM. The solution procedure includes integrating, assembling, and solving the linear system for the unknown coefficients CiF of the basis functions cF i , and is dominated by the numerical integration over the domain to construct the linear system. Sampling of the distance field, fitting, and visualization constitute a small fraction of the total solution time. As we explained in the last section and demonstrate below, the running times depend largely on complexity of boundary conditions and desired geometric or physical resolution. 5.1. Scan and solve The use of distance fields derived from sampled data makes it possible to implement a ‘scan-and-solve’ approach to modeling of physical fields, which is particularly effective when physical fields need to be modeled and analyzed in existing artifacts for which traditional geometric models may not exist. Reverse engineering of geometric models for such parts is a difficult and time consuming process fraught with difficulties due to inaccuracies, wear, deformations, and imprecision of both natural and engineered objects. The key observation is that the traditional reverse engineering and meshing pipeline may be bypassed if an object model and its boundary are described by an approximate distance field. Such fields may be often constructed directly from sampled data generated by 3D laser scanners or other scanning technology. Once the points on the surface of the part have been generated, a variety of methods can be used to compute an approximate distance field. In our examples the exact distance field was randomly sampled throughout the volume, and then represented by B-splines with coefficients computed using the least square method. The ‘scan and solve’ approach is depicted in the flowchart in Fig. 8, with operands depicted as ovals, and operations depicted as rectangles. At the outset, the geometry is scanned to produce a 2D or 3D image. Here, image refers to a regular grid of pixels or voxels for 2D or 3D geometry, respectively. The image is then segmented using image processing techniques to produce a binary image with foreground and background only. A Euclidean distance transform [11] is then applied to compute a distance value for each image element. Samples of the distance image are taken at randomly distributed points and a set of basis functions is fit to these samples to produce an


Fig. 8. This figure shows the typical scheme for the ‘scan and solve’ type of stress analysis.

approximate distance field. The approximate distance field is then used to support meshfree simulation of stress or other physical quantities. As a demonstration of the ‘scan and solve’ approach, Fig. 9 shows 2D stress analysis performed on a scanned model of a wrench. Applicability of the meshfree method with R-functions to problems in elasticity has been demonstrated previously in [24]. Here, we extend the method to incorporate approximate distance fields computed from image data. Fig. 9(d) shows a plot of an approximate distance field constructed by a least square fit to the sampled exact distance field in Fig. 9(c), using bicubic B-splines on a uniform 61!181 grid. The exact distance to the boundary of a scanned image of a wrench was computed by the sequential Euclidean distance transform. The displacement and loading boundary conditions on the wrench are shown in Fig. 9(g) which also shows the computed principal normal stress s1 in the wrench. In order to apply the boundary conditions, the distance fields to the corresponding portions of boundary were constructed by normalized trimming [32] of the approximate distance field of the wrench in Fig. 9(d). Fig. 9(f) shows a portion of the distance field to the fixed boundary. The solution procedure combines these distance fields and another system of B-splines into generalized Taylor series that represent components of the displacement vector field, {u, v}, where uZuFu and vZuFv (one scalar series for each scalar component of the displacement field). By minimizing the potential energy of elastic deformation, we compute numerical values of the undetermined coefficients in these Taylor series. Once the displacement field has been determined, stresses inside the wrench body are computed using standard automatic differentiation tools. Fig. 9(g) presents a plot of principal normal stress s1 in the wrench. At no steps did the solution procedure require


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Fig. 9. The sequence of analysis for ‘scan and solve’ starts with (a) a 2D scan of the specimen. (b) The image is processed to produce a binary image of the wrench. (c) The sequential Euclidean distance transformation is applied to compute the distance to the boundary at every pixel. (d) Samples of distance are taken over the transformed image and an approximate distance field, represented by a grid of bicubic B-splines, is fit to the samples. (e) A normalized trimming operation [32] is performed to produce the distance field, shown partially in (f), for the fixed boundary condition. (g) The system is solved and the principal normal stress s1 is derived from the computed displacement field.

boundary representation, meshing, or other topological reconstructions. The total solution time for this example is 22 min, 17 s. 5.2. Sample and solve Sampling is a promising alternative even when the geometric model (e.g. boundary representation) of the domain is available, as in the case of most mechanical components and systems. In this case, ‘sample-and-solve’ could be an effective method for dealing with complexity and resolution of complex engineering systems. The strategy is similar to ‘scan-and-solve,’ except that the approximate distance field is not constructed from scanned data, but may be sampled at desired resolution from the given geometric model. Figs. 10 and 11 demonstrate one such example, involving modeling of transient temperature field in a truck brake assembly (Fig. 10(a)). The example components were designed in a commercial solid modeling system, but automatic meshing tools were not able to produce a mesh due to ‘small geometric features’. Even with perfect

geometric models, this problem is challenging for meshbased methods because the spatial mesh has to account for the rotation of the disk. Thus, cells located in the pads have to be aligned with cells located in the disk at every time slice. This condition makes the meshing substantially more difficult and often restricts relative motion of the parts [33]. The meshfree computational technology we discuss here does not impose such conditions on the grids of basis functions. In fact, the same grid of basis functions can be used at every time step. For simplicity, let us assume that all parts of the assembly are made from the same material (iron) with thermal conductivity lZ47.7 W/(m K), specific heat cZ 490 J/(kg K), and specific mass rZ7850 kg/m3. The initial temperature of the assembly is 30 8C. We model the heat generation due to application of the brake pads to the disk by placing volumetric heat sources qvZ93.199!106 W/m3 into the pads. The external surface of the assembly is cooled by air with temperature of 30 8C. The intensity of the convective cooling is described by the convective coefficient aZ50 W/ (m2 K) applied to all exposed surfaces. The sample-and-solve solution procedure requires three distance fields: a distance field that describes the external

M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100


Fig. 10. (a) A truck brake assembly. Approximate distance fields to the boundaries of (b) brake assembly, (c) brake pads, and (d) the disk.

surface of the brake assembly (Fig. 10(b))—to construct a temperature field satisfying the convective boundary conditions; a distance field that describes internal points of the brake pads (Fig. 10(c))—in order to specify heat sources; and a distance field that describes the interior of the disk (Fig. 10(d))—in order to accommodate its rotation. These distance fields were constructed using different grids of B-splines, depending on their role in the solution procedure: triquintic B-splines over a 65!65!25 Cartesian grid for the assembly, and trilinear B-splines over a 100!100!80 Cartesian grid for the pads and rotor. The grids of trilinear B-splines served to define the domains for integration. The rotation of the disk was accommodated in the problem formulation by backward differences (in time) to prior solutions, using spatial transformation (according to disk rotation) of quadrature points lying within the disk. The computed temperature distributions at the first six time steps are shown in Fig. 11. The temperature was represented by expression (23) with the functions F1 and F2 approximated by linear combinations of tricubic B-splines over a 45! 45!25 Cartesian grid. The coefficients CiF1 and CiF2 were determined by application of the least square method to

the time-discretized heat conduction equation. Note that boundary conditions of convective heat exchange are essential with the least square method, and, therefore, the basis functions approximating the temperature field must be constructed using expression (23) that satisfies these conditions. In contrast with previously discussed examples the solution procedure for this problem required computations of third-order partial derivatives of the basis functions and the assembly of distance fields, causing the solution time at full resolution to be approximately 65 h per time step. While this may appear to be computationally expensive in comparison with mesh-based methods, the example clearly demonstrates the feasibility and the power of using sampled distance fields to support meshfree simulations in complex systems. 6. Conclusion The use of approximate distances has the potential to substantially advance modeling of physical fields with a wide variety of geometric representations. The proposed method provides a unique opportunity to perform

Fig. 11. Distributions of transient temperature field in the truck brake assembly computed at first six time steps.


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meshfree analysis from native CAD models or directly from sampled data, without generation of intermediate (and often artificial) CAD models and geometrically conforming spatial meshes. As depicted in Fig. 1, many difficult or even manual steps in the typical analysis pipeline can therefore be bypassed when dealing with captured geometric data. The formulation of the method naturally provides for separate controls of level of geometric details and accuracy of the computed physical field, with boundary conditions satisfied exactly, up to the precision of the distance field itself. Intuitively, the proposed method is a generalization and extension of the implicit distance-field representation of geometry to modeling of physical phenomena. And in fact, the method can work with most existing implicit geometric representations possessing non-vanishing gradients on their zero sets in place of the approximate distance field. The described meshfree method, and the scan-and-solve approach in particular, have substantial advantages over conventional mesh based methods in situations where the mesh generation is difficult, expensive, or impossible. For example, our experience indicates that satisfactory finite element meshing of the 3D solid models used in this paper, including the triangulated surface model constructed from sampled data as shown in Fig. 3(a) and the brake assembly in Fig. 10, is a non-trivial task that cannot be fully automated. Several aspects of the proposed method would benefit from further studies. Whenever the constructed distance field deviates from the exact geometry, this deviation propagates into the solution of the boundary value problem: instead of solving the original problem, we are actually solving a similar but different problem with boundary conditions satisfied exactly on the zero set of the constructed distance field. As a consequence, the precision of the approximate distance field also controls the accuracy of the boundary condition on the true boundary. If the approximate distance field is exact in the neighborhood of the boundary, then the boundary conditions are exact on the true boundary of the domain. The effects of deviation of the distance field from the exact geometry warrants further investigation with respect to the accuracy of boundary conditions. In [3], the issues surrounding the geometric errors are fully explored; however, the effects on the accuracy of boundary conditions have not been quantified. A variety of applications appear to be particularly suitable for exploitation of the proposed method. One exciting direction is the extension of the 2D image-based distance and field modeling (recall the wrench example in Section 5.1) to 3D medical data, for example, for the structural analysis of bones and implants. Heterogeneous materials and mechanical properties deduced from density information can be incorporated within the modeling procedure in a straightforward fashion [37]. Other promising directions involve adaptive sampling of distance fields for controlled defeaturing, analysis using sampled boundary

conditions, and adaptive refinement of physical fields by multi-grid or hierarchical subdivision techniques. Acknowledgements This research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation grants DMI-0323514, DMI-9900171, DMI0115133, and CCR-0112758, the National Institute of Standards (NIST) grant 60NANB2D0126. The mannequin head model is courtesy Tamal Dey, Geometric Modeling Group, The Ohio State University. Appendix A. Detailed derivation for Dirichlet conditions Here, we provide a detailed application of the meshfree method with distance fields for solution of a heat transfer problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Given a domain, U, and temperature on the boundary specified by the function ujvU Z 4;


we want to find a temperature distribution, u, that satisfies the Poisson equation, V2 u Z f


within the domain. In [9] Kantorovich showed that any function satisfying boundary condition (A1) can be represented in the following form: u Z 4 C uF;


where u is 0 on the boundary of the domain and non-zero everywhere else. The function u is also required to possess non-zero gradient on the boundary vU in order to satisfy completeness requirements on u. If u is an approximate distance field to the boundary, expression (A3) is a Taylor series expansion of u by the distance field u, where 4 specifies the values of u on the boundary and the product uF is a remainder term. The purpose of function F in the remainder term is to satisfy the additional constraints that have been set on u by the Poisson equation. Since in most practical situations F cannot be determined exactly, it is approximated by a linear combination of basis functions: FZ

n X

C i ci :



In this case, the solution procedure determines the numerical values of the coefficients fCi gniZ1 that make u the best approximation to the differential equation of the problem. We substitute the expression for F into (A3) to get u Z 4 Cu

n X iZ1

C i ci Z 4 C

n X

Ci xi ;



where x i Zuci are the basis functions satisfying

M. Freytag et al. / Computer-Aided Design 38 (2006) 87–100

the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition on vU. Since we are looking for a solution of the Poisson equation on the linear space of functions satisfying homogeneous boundary conditions, we need to reformulate the boundary value problem. First, we split u into homogeneous P and nonhomogeneous parts uZu0Cu1, where u0 Z niZ1 Ci xi and u1Z4. Then we substitute these expressions into the Poisson Eq. (A2) and move all non-homogeneous terms to the right-hand side of the equation: V2 u0 Z f KV2 u1 :


Since the Poisson Eq. (A6) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition u0jvUZ0 is positive definite, the Ritz method can be used to solve for u0. The Ritz method replaces the solution of a differential equation AuZf by an equivalent variational formulation that requires minimization of the following functional F Z ðAu; uÞK2ðf ; uÞ;


where A is a differential operator Ð and (,) is the inner product, which for L2 spaces is ðu; vÞZ U uv dU: Applying the Ritz method (A7) to the Poisson Eq. (A6) yields the functional: ð ð 2 F Z u0 V u0 dUK2 ðf KV2 u1 Þu0 dU: (A8) U


Application of Green’s formula to the integrals in this functional allows us to reduce the order of the derivatives in it: ð ð ð 2 F ZK ðVu0 Þ dUK2 u0 f dUK2 Vu1 $Vu0 dU: (A9) U



ð K2 V4$V

U n X


! Cj xj dU:




To minimize the quadratic functional (A10), all partial derivatives of F with respect to the coefficients Ci must vanish: vF Z 0; i Z 1; .; n: vCi Differentiating F with respect to Ci gives the expression: ! ð ð n X vF ZK2 V Cj xj $Vxi dUK2 f xi dU vCi jZ1 U

ð K2 V4$Vxi dU: U

Setting the last expression to zero for iZ1,.,n, then rearranging and gathering unknown terms, gives a system of n linear algebraic equations: ð ð ð n X Cj Vxi $Vxj dU Z f xi dU C V4$Vxi dU; K jZ1




i Z 1; .; n: This can be rewritten in the matrix form ACZB, with matrix elements assigned as: ð ð aij ZK Vxi $Vxj dU ZK Vðuci Þ$Vðucj ÞdU; U




bi Z f xi dU C V4$Vxi dU U



ð Z f uci dU C V4$Vðuci Þ dU: U


Upon solution, numerical values of the coefficients fCi gniZ1 are substituted into expression (A4) that in turn is substituted into (A3): X (A11) uZu Ci ci C 4: The latter can be evaluated at any point inside the geometric domain U in order to visualize the temperature u.


Substitution of expressions for u0 and u1 into functional (A9) results in: !!2 ð ð X n n X F ZK V C j xj dUK2 f Cj xj dU U



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Michael Freytag Biography. Michael Freytag received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio Northern University in 1993. After several years practicing in industry, he enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2003, he received both a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently a Research Assistant at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in the Mechanical Engineering Department, working in the Spatial Automation Laboratory toward a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. His current work concerns the application of meshfree field modeling methods to geometry acquired by such modern scanning technologies as CT, laser scanner, and MRI. Michael’s research interests include mechanical design, computer graphics, design automation, and novel computational aids for mechanical design.

Vadim Shapiro Biography. Vadim Shapiro is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, where he has been on faculty since 1994. Prior to that, he was a member of research staff at the General Motors R&D Center in Warren, Michigan. He holds BA degree in Computer Science and in Mathematics from New York University, MS in Computer Science from UCLA, as well as MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University. His interests span geometric, topological, and physical modeling, computer-aided design, analysis, and simulation of engineering systems.

Igor Tsukanov Biography. Igor Tsukanov is an Associate Scientist in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his M.S./B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Ukrainian National Aerospace University “Kharkov Aviation Institute” in 1994, and his Ph.D. degree in Physics and Mathematics from Institute for Problems in Machinery of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences in 1997. His research interests include meshfree engineering analysis methods, numerical methods for solving partial differential equations and automation of engineering analysis.