Fifteen new species of Penicillium - Naturalis repository

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May 9, 2016 - Abstract We introduce 15 new species of Penicillium isolated from a diverse range of ... prepared for publication in Adobe Illustrator CS6.
Persoonia 36, 2016: 247– 280


Fifteen new species of Penicillium C.M. Visagie1,8, J.B. Renaud 2, K.M.N. Burgess 2, D.W. Malloch 3, D. Clark 4, L. Ketch 5, M. Urb 6,7, G. Louis-Seize1, R. Assabgui1, M.W. Sumarah 2, K.A. Seifert1,8

Key words beta-tubulin calmodulin internal transcribed spacer rDNA region Trichocomaceae

Abstract   We introduce 15 new species of Penicillium isolated from a diverse range of locations, including Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Tanzania, USA and the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, from a variety of habitats, including leaf surfaces in tropical rain forests, soil eaten by chimpanzees, infrabuccal pockets of carpenter ants, intestinal contents of caterpillars and soil. The new species are classified in sections Aspergilloides (1), Canescentia (2), Charlesia (1), Exilicaulis (3), Lanata-Divaricata (7) and Stolkia (1). Each is characterised and described using classical morphology, LC-MS based extrolite analyses and multigene phylogenies based on ITS, BenA and CaM. Significant extrolites detected include andrastin, pulvilloric acid, penitrem A and citrinin amongst many others. Article info   Received: 28 January 2016; Accepted: 12 March 2016; Published: 9 May 2016.

Introduction Because of the standardised approach to delineating species of Penicillium now available, with ex-type or representative strains and barcode sequences designated for almost all described species, including those considered synonyms (Visagie et al. 2014b), routine description of new species can now be approached with reasonable confidence. The exact set of genes used for multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) or Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition (GCPSR) is not standardised among different laboratories, but most tend to use a similar core set of loci. Phenotypes such as irregular conidiophore branching, culture sectoring, and the relative abundance of conidia, sterile mycelium, soluble pigments or exudates can be interpreted as phylogenetically informative characters or artefacts of culture degeneration according to their correlation with robustly analysed DNA sequence data. The historical focus of Penicillium taxonomy on strains isolated from food, soil and the indoor environment is understandable given the importance of these fungi as spoilage agents, producers of potent mycotoxins, and sources of valuable antibiotics. Much of the expansion of the number of species in Penicillium and its sister genus Talaromyces can be traced to the antibiotic revolution and the ease with which soil could be collected by travellers and used to isolate new strains upon return to the laboratory. This practise, however, obscured how Penicillium Biodiversity (Mycology), Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6, Canada; corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]. 2 London Research & Development Centre, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, London, Ontario, N5V 4T3, Canada. 3 New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2K 1E5, Canada. 4 268 Gledhill Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M4C 5L2, Canada. 5 Precision BioLogic Inc., 140 Eileen Stubbs Ave, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3B 0A9, Canada. 6 Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7, Canada. 7 Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, INSERM U1052, 165 Chemin du petit Revoyet - BP 12, 69921 Oullins Cedex, France. 8 Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, 30 Marie-Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada. 1

species might actually function in nature. It was easy to assume that most species are generalists found wherever we care to make isolations. In this paper, 15 species are described that originated from several studies in three Canadian laboratories over the past 20 years, which are now recognised as novel taxa because of the more complete reference data. Three species were isolated from soil of termite mounds selectively eaten by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Mahale Mountains and Gombe areas of Tanzania (Ketch 1998). Thirty-one genera were identified from these termitarium soils and surrounding control soils. The most commonly isolated genus was Penicillium with over 42 species recovered, the most common of which was Penicillium citrinum. Clark (2002) isolated microfungi from the infrabuccal pockets of carpenter ants, especially Camponotus pennsylvaticus. These sac-like organs in the mouths of ants filter solids from their liquid foods to be expelled later, and thus capture fungal material collected during feeding and grooming. About 60 strains of Penicillium were isolated from extracted infrabuccal masses from ants collected in New Brunswick (Canada), Germany and the Netherlands, representing six morphospecies; three are described as new species here. A US National Science Founda­tion Microbial Observatory study of caterpillar intestines from Costa Rica previously yielded two undescribed species, P. mallochii and P. guanacastense that clearly were significant components of that niche, along with P. citrinum (Rivera et al. 2012). An additional new species, represented as a single strain among the 88 isolated, is described here. Other new species described in this paper were isolated from leaf surfaces of tropical plants, nuts in temperate hardwood forests, peat bogs and soil remote from agricultural regions. Extrolite profiling brought a new dimension to Penicillium taxonomy about 25 years ago (Filtenborg et al. 1990), accompanied by a hypothesis that different isolates of a single species should produce a consistent profile of core extrolites. With the availabili­ ty of a new generation of LC-MS-MS technology, we generated extrolite profiles for all the new species described in this paper. Although reports are unavailable for the metabolites produced by many species related to our new taxa, these observations will be useful for future comparative chemotaxonomic studies.

© 2016 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Non-commercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No derivative works: You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016

Materials and Methods

Newly generated sequences were submitted to GenBank under accession numbers KT887760 –KT887876.

Strains Cultures were isolated either by direct or dilution plating from various substrates or niches as indicated in the species descriptions, usually on 2 % malt extract agar with antibacterial antibiotics. Strains were recovered from the working collections of Keith Seifert (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa) and David Malloch (formerly University of Toronto), the latter now maintained in the Seifert laboratory. Ex-type and other representative strains were deposited into the Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC) and the CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) in the Netherlands. Morphology Colony characters were recorded from various media incubated for 7 d, including Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA), Blakeslee’s (1915) malt extract agar (MEAbl), yeast extract sucrose agar (YES), oatmeal agar (OA) and creatine sucrose agar (CREA). BactoTM malt extract was used for MEAbl preparation. Media preparations, inoculations, incubation conditions and microscopic preparations followed the recommendations by Visagie et al. (2014b). Colour names and codes used in descriptions are from Kornerup & Wanscher (1967). Microscopic observations were made on an Olympus SZX12 dissecting microscope and Olympus BX50 compound microscope equip­ ped with Infinity3 and InfinityX cameras driven by Infinity Ana­ lyze v. 6.5.1 software (Lumenera Corp., Ottawa, Canada). DNA extraction, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis Strains were grown on MEAbl for 7 d and DNA extracted using the UltracleanTM Microbial DNA isolation Kit (MoBio Laboratories Inc., Solana Beach, USA). ITS barcodes (Schoch et al. 2012), partial β-tubulin (BenA) and partial calmodulin (CaM) genes were amplified using the Illustra pureTaq Ready-To-GoTM PCR Beads (GE Healthcare Life Sciences) with conditions and primers as suggested in Visagie et al. (2014b). Sequencing reactions were set up with the same primer pairs and the Big Dye Terminator Cycle Premix Kit with products run on the ABI PRISMTM 310 DNA automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Waltham, USA). Contigs were assembled and edited in Geneious v. 8.1.5 (BioMatters Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand).

Gene sequences of the new species were compared with a reference sequence dataset (Visagie et al. 2014b), with phylogenies calculated for the relevant taxonomic sections in the system of Houbraken & Samson (2011). Datasets were aligned using MAFFT v. 7.221 (Katoh & Standley 2013), with the L-INS-i algorithm selected for ITS and G-INS-i for BenA and CaM. Aligned datasets were adjusted and trimmed manually in Geneious. Datasets were subsequently analysed using Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian tree Inference (BI). MP heuristic searches were performed in PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003). BI analyses were run in MrBayes v. 3.2.5 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003). Model selections were made using MrModeltest v. 2.3 (Nylander et al. 2004) based on the lowest Akaike information criterion (AIC) value. Aligned datasets with the respective command blocks for MP and BI were uploaded onto TreeBASE ( with accession no. S18638. Trees were prepared for publication in Adobe Illustrator CS6. Extrolites For extrolite analyses, all strains were grown in 9 cm polystyrene Petri dishes on YES (Frisvad 1981, Filtenborg et al. 1990) and CYA (Pitt 1980) incubated at 25 °C for 14 d. Strains were also grown in 200 mL of CYA broth incubated at 25 °C for 14 d. Extrolites were extracted from the agar plates using an esta­ blished method (Bragulat et al. 2001) with some modifications. Three agar plugs from each fungal isolate were removed with a sterilised 7 mm cork borer and placed in a 7 mL glass scintillation vial containing 1.5 mL of 75 % methanol in water. The vials were vortexed for 30 s and sonicated at room temperature for 30 min. The extrolites in CYA broth media were extracted using 2× 150 mL ethyl acetate, combined, dried and reconstituted in 1 mL of methanol. The solutions were filtered into 1.5 mL amber HPLC glass vials using 0.45 μm syringe filters. All extracts were analysed in both positive and negative ionization modes on a Thermo Q-Exactive Orbitrap coupled to an Agilent 1290 HPLC. Extrolites were identified by comparison with authentic standards when possible. When standards were unavailable, compounds were putatively identified by screening the highresolution/accurate mass m/z signals with AntiBase2013 and comparing product ions observed with those published in the literature.

Table 1   Overview and details used for phylogenetic analyses. Dataset

ITS dataset

Length (bp) Parsimony uninformative sites Parsimony informative sites Substitution model (BI)

550 34 43 GTR+G+I

510 31 12 HKY+I

532 22 100 GTR+G+I

513 51 49 GTR+G+I

502 41 59 GTR+G+I

BenA dataset

Length (bp) Parsimony uninformative sites Parsimony informative sites Substitution model (BI)

450 52 168 HKY+G+I

403 37 110 HKY+G

465 17 197 SYM+G+I

489 68 197 HKY+G

535 80 215 GTR+G+I

CaM dataset

section section section section section Aspergilloides Canescentia Charlesia & Stolkiae Exilicaulis Lanata-Divaricata

Length (bp) Parsimony uninformative sites Parsimony informative sites Substitution model (BI)

521 55 207 GTR+G+I

388 41 130 K80+G

557 25 236 GTR+I+G

527 47 241 SYM+I+G

571 65 255 GTR+G+I

Concatenated dataset

Length (bp) Parsimony uninformative sites Parsimony informative sites

1521 141 418

1301 109 252

1554 64 533

1513 164 483

1608 188 522


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium ITS

P. thiersii CBS117503T (KM189474) P. improvisum DAOMC 250546 (KT887866) P. improvisum DAOMC 250547T (KT887867) P. improvisum DAOMC 250548 (KT887868) P. saturniforme CBS122276T (KM189585) */92 P. ranomafanaense CBS137953T (KM189541) P. verhagenii CBS137959T (KM189708) P. infra-aurantiacum CBS137747T (KM189684) P. malmesburiense CBS137744T (KM189676) P. sublectaticum CBS138217T (KM189761) P. kananaskense CBS530.93T (KM189780) P. lividum CBS347.48T (KM189582) P. odoratum CBS294.62T (KM189727) P. hoeksii CBS137776T (KM189707) P. zhuangii CBS137464T (KF769435) P. quercetorum CBS417.69T (KM189556) P. athertonense CBS138161T (KM189462) P. montanense CBS310.63T (KM189551) P. clavistipitatum CBS138650T (KM189667) P. turcosoconidiatum CBS138557T (KM189645) P. tsitsikammaense CBS328.71T (KM189451) P. brunneoconidiatum CBS137732T (KM189666) P. flavisclerotiatum CBS137750T (KM189644) P. fuscum CBS295.62T (KM189547) P. lapatayae CBS203.87T (KM189531) P. longicatenatum CBS137735T (KM189636) P. austroafricanum CBS137773T (KM189610) P. crocicola CBS745.70T (KM189581) P. subspinulosum CBS137946T (KM189483) P. kiamaense CBS137947T (KM189506) P. vagum CBS137728T (KM189642) P. armarii CBS138171T (KM189758) P. aurantioviolaceum CBS137777T (KM189756) P. cartierense CBS137956T (KM189564) P. contaminatum CBS345.52T (KM189554) P. purpurascens CBS366.48T (KM189561) P. roseoviride CBS267.35T (KM189549) P. rudallense CBS130049T (KM189744) P. thomii CBS225.81T (KM189560) P. valentinum CBS172.81T (KM189550) P. yezoense CBS350.59T (KM189553) P. bussumense CBS138160T (KM189458) P. frequentans CBS105.11T (KM189525) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM189530) P. pulvis CBS138432T (KM189632) P. grancanariae CBS687.77T (KM189529) */P. palmense CBS336.79T (KM189528) P. trzebinskii CBS382.48T (KM189784) P. fusisporum CBS137463T (KF769424) P. grevilleicola CBS137775T (KM189630) P. roseomaculatum CBS137962T (KM189755) P. spinulosum CBS374.48T (KM189448) P. sterculiniicola CBS122426T (KM189464) P. ardesiacum CBS497.73T (KM189565) P. corylophilum CBS259.67T (KC411717)


P. hoeksii CBS137776T (KM089341) P. zhuangii CBS137464T (KF769422) P. infraaurantiacum CBS137747T (KM089317) */* P. malmesburiense CBS137744T (KM089308) P. sublectaticum CBS138217T (KM089397) P. kananaskense CBS530.93T (KM089417) */* P. odoratum CBS294.62T (KM089363) P. lividum CBS347.48T (KM089211) */* P. improvisum DAOMC 250546 (KT887788) P. improvisum DAOMC 250547T (KT887789) P. improvisum DAOMC 250548 (KT887790) P. quercetorum CBS417.69T (KM089180) 0.96/* P. ranomafanaense CBS137953T (KM089164) P. verhagenii CBS137959T (KM089342) P. saturniforme CBS122276T (KM089214) P. thiersii CBS117503T (KM089094) X4 P. roseomaculatum CBS137962T (KM089391) P. sterculiniicola CBS122426T (KM089078) */* P. grancanariae CBS687.77T (KM089151) P. palmense CBS336.79T (KM089150) P. subspinulosum CBS137946T (KM089104) */82 P. spinulosum CBS374.48T (KM089057) P. trzebinskii CBS382.48T (KM089421) */94 P. kiamaense CBS137947T (KM089128) P. vagum CBS137728T (KM089273) P. longicatenatum CBS137735T (KM089267) P. armarii CBS138171T (KM089394) P. rudallense CBS130049T (KM089380) */86 P. frequentans CBS105.11T (KM089147) */P. bussumense CBS138160T (KM089070) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM089152) 0.99/83 P. pulvis CBS138432T (KM089263) */95 P. purpurascens CBS366.48T (KM089186) P. aurantioviolaceum CBS137777T (KM089392) */94 P. valentinum CBS172.81T (KM089173) 0.99/91 P. fusisporum CBS137463T (KF769413) P. roseoviride CBS267.35T (KM089172) P. contaminatum CBS345.52T (KM089178) P. yezoense CBS350.59T (KM089177) P. cartierense CBS137956T (KM089189) */94 P. thomii CBS225.81T (KM089184) P. austroafricanum CBS137773T (KM089241) */97 P. crocicola CBS745.70T (KM089210) P. grevilleicola CBS137775T (KM089261) P. turcosoconidiatum CBS138557T (KM089276) P. athertonense CBS138161T (KM089075) */* P. flavisclerotiatum CBS137750T (KM089275) P. brunneoconidiatum CBS137732T (KM089298) P. fuscum CBS295.62T (KM089170) */88 P. lapatayae CBS203.87T (KM089153) P. clavistipitatum CBS138650T (KM089299) P. montanense CBS310.63T (KM089174) P. tsitsikammaense CBS328.71T (KM089060) P. ardesiacum CBS497.73T (KM089190) P. corylophilum CBS259.67T (KP016779)



X4 */*

X4 */94










Fig. 1   Phylogenetic trees for ITS & CaM datasets of Penicillium sect. Aspergilloides. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and /or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches (T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and /or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets. BenA X4

*/99 0.96/87




P. thiersii CBS117503T (KM088709) P. saturniforme CBS122276T (KM088828) P. ranomafanaense CBS137953T (KM088779) P. verhagenii CBS137959T (KM088955) P. infra-aurantiacum CBS137747T (KM088930) */99 P. malmesburiense CBS137744T (KM088921) 0.99/P. sublectaticum CBS138217T (KM089010) P. improvisum DAOMC250546 (KT887827) */* P. improvisum DAOMC250548 (KT887829) P. improvisum DAOMC250547T (KT887828) P. hoeksii CBS137776T (KM088954) */* P. zhuangii CBS137464T (KF769411) P. quercetorum CBS417.69T (KM088795) P. kananaskense CBS530.93T (KM089030) */* P. lividum CBS347.48T (KM088825) P. odoratum CBS294.62T (KM088976) P. vagum CBS137728T (KM088886) P. longicatenatum CBS137735T (KM088880) P. armarii CBS138171T (KM089007) P. rudallense CBS130049T (KM088993) -/84 P. bussumense CBS138160T (KM088685) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM088767) P. frequentans CBS105.11T (KM088762) P. pulvis CBS138432T (KM088876) P. purpurascens CBS366.48T (KM088801) P. kiamaense CBS137947T (KM088743) P. aurantioviolaceum CBS137777T (KM089005) P. roseoviride CBS267.35T (KM088787) */98 */94 P. fusisporum CBS137463T (KF769400) P. valentinum CBS172.81T (KM088788) P. contaminatum CBS345.52T (KM088793) P. yezoense CBS350.59T (KM088792) */83 P. thomii CBS225.81T (KM088799) */82 P. cartierense CBS137956T (KM088804) P. grevilleicola CBS137775T (KM088874) P. austroafricanum CBS137773T (KM088854) 0.98/P. crocicola CBS745.70T (KM088824) T */* P. grancanariae CBS687.77 (KM088766) P. palmense CBS336.79T (KM088765) P. roseomaculatum CBS137962T (KM089004) */P. spinulosum CBS374.48T (KM088672) P. trzebinskii CBS382.48T (KM089034) P. subspinulosum CBS137946T (KM088719) P. sterculiniicola CBS122426T (KM088693) P. montanense CBS310.63T (KM088789) P. clavistipitatum CBS138650T (KM088912) */93 P. fuscum CBS295.62T (KM088785) */* P. lapatayae CBS203.87T (KM088768) P. flavisclerotiatum CBS137750T (KM088888) P. tsitsikammaense CBS328.71T (KM088675) P. athertonense CBS138161T (KM088690) P. turcosoconidiatum CBS138557T (KM088889) P. brunneoconidiatum CBS137732T (KM088911) P. ardesiacum CBS497.73T (KM088805) P. corylophilum CBS259.67T (KP016754)


P. thiersii CBS117503T P. saturniforme CBS122276T P. ranomafanaense CBS137953T P. verhagenii CBS137959T P. infraaurantiacum CBS137747T */* P. malmesburiense CBS137744T P. sublectaticum CBS138217T */* P. improvisum DAOMC250546 P. improvisum DAOMC250547T P. improvisum DAOMC250548 P. hoeksii CBS137776T */* P. zhuangii CBS137464T P. kananaskense CBS530.93T */* 0.98/P. lividum CBS347.48T */P. odoratum CBS294.62T P. quercetorum CBS417.69T P. longicatenatum CBS137735T P. vagum CBS137728T P. kiamaense CBS137947T 0.97/80 P. austroafricanum CBS137773T */98 P. crocicola CBS745.70T P. grevilleicola CBS137775T P. aurantioviolaceum CBS137777T -/84 P. fusisporum CBS137463T */* */99 P. valentinum CBS172.81T P. roseoviride CBS267.35T P. cartierense CBS137956T P. thomii CBS225.81T */90 P. contaminatum CBS345.52T P. yezoense CBS350.59T P. subspinulosum CBS137946T P. roseomaculatum CBS137962T 0.99/P. sterculiniicola CBS122426T 0.98/82 P. spinulosum CBS374.48T */* P. trzebinskii CBS382.48T */* P. grancanariae CBS687.77T P. palmense CBS336.79T P. armarii CBS138171T */* P. rudallense CBS130049T */96 P. purpurascens CBS366.48T P. bussumense CBS138160T */P. frequentans CBS105.11T P. glabrum CBS125543T 0.98/86 P. pulvis CBS138432T P. athertonense CBS138161T P. clavistipitatum CBS138650T P. turcosoconidiatum CBS138557T P. tsitsikammaense CBS328.71T P. flavisclerotiatum CBS137750T P. fuscum CBS295.62T T */* */99 P. lapatayae CBS203.87 P. montanense CBS310.63T P. brunneoconidiatum CBS137732T P. ardesiacum CBS497.73T P. corylophilum CBS259.67T */*

X4 */97





Fig. 2   Phylogenetic trees for BenA & Concatenated (ITS, BenA & CaM) datasets of Penicillium sect. Aspergilloides. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches ( T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016


Results Morphology We introduce 15 new species in the Taxonomy section below. These species belong to sections Aspergilloides, Canescentia, Charlesia, Exilicaulis, Lanata-Divaricata and Stolkia based on the phylogenetic analyses. Strains conformed to the general morphological characters previously observed for species accepted in these sections. All of the new species were compared with respective close relatives, with notes provided on distinguishing characters after each species description in the taxonomy section. ITS




P. canescens CBS300.48T (AF033493) P. janczewskii CBS166.81 (KC411682) P. radiatolobatum CBS340.79T (KC411745) P. yarmokense CBS410.69T (KC411757) P. jensenii CBS216.28 (JN617693) P. radiatolobatum IBT31959 (JX140833) P. canescens IMI149218 (KP016841) P. dunedinense CBS138218T (KJ775678) P. echinatum NRRL917T (KP016840) P. janczewskii CBS221.28T (AY157487) P. janczewskii CBS413.68 (KP016838) P. nigricans CBS354.48T (KC411755) P. griseoazureum CBS162.42T (KC411679) P. murcianum CBS161.81T (KP016844) P. radiatolobatum IBT31958 (JX140832) P. janczewskii CBS744.70 (KP016839) P. janczewskii CBS279.47 (KP016837) P. murcianum CBS458.69 (KP016843) P. jensenii CBS327.59T (AY443470) P. cf murcianum IBT31963 (JX140834) P. cf murcianum CBS414.68 (KP016842) P. corvianum DAOMC250517T (KT887875) 0.99/- P. corvianum DAOMC250518 (KT887876) P. nucicola DAOMC250521 (KT887846) P. nucicola DAOMC250522T (KT887860) P. novaezeelandiae CBS137.41T (JN617688) P. novaezeelandiae CBS546.77 (KP016846) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138942 (JX140854) 0.97/- P. novaezeelandiae CBS138936 (JX140853) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138938 (JX140846) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138956 (JX140851) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138955 (JX140850) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138949 (JX140835) P. antarticum CBS116939 (KP016829) P. antarticum CBS116938 (KP016845) 0.96/P. coralligerum CBS123.65T (JN617667) P. coralligerum CBS114.69 (KP016836) */83 P. atrovenetum CBS243.56 (KP016835) P. atrovenetum CBS241.56T (AF033492) P. antarticum CBS100492T (KJ834503) X2 P. brevicompactum CBS257.29T (AY484912) P. nucicola DAOMC250521 (KT887807) P. nucicola DAOMC250522T (KT887821) P. novaezeelandiae CBS137.41T (KJ834477) P. novaezeelandiae CBS546.77 (KP016926) */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS138942 (JX141061) */99 P. novaezeelandiae CBS138956 (JX140976) */96 P. novaezeelandiae CBS138955 (JX140975) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138949 (JX140957) */98 P. novaezeelandiae CBS138936 (JX140956) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138938 (JX140958) */* P. canescens CBS300.48T (JX140946) P. canescens IMI149218 (JX140951) */88 P. cf murcianum CBS414.68 (KP016922) P. cf murcianum IBT31963 (JX140949) */P. murcianum CBS458.69 (KP016923) P. murcianum CBS161.81T (KP016924) P. radiatolobatum IBT31958 (JX140948) */90 P. radiatolobatum IBT31959 (JX140947) P. radiatolobatum CBS340.79T (KP016920) P. yarmokense CBS410.69T (KJ834502) */98 P. jensenii CBS327.59T (JX140954) P. jensenii CBS216.28 (KJ866963) */98 P. corvianum DAOMC250517T (KT887836) P. corvianum DAOMC250518 (KT887837) P. dunedinense CBS138218T (KJ775171) P. janczewskii CBS166.81 (KJ866967) P. janczewskii CBS413.68 (KJ866969) P. janczewskii CBS279.47 (KJ866968) P. janczewskii CBS744.70 (KJ866966) -/91 P. janczewskii CBS221.28T (KJ834460) P. griseoazureum CBS162.42T (KP016919) P. echinatum NRRL917T (KJ866964) 0.98/85 P. nigricans CBS354.48T (KJ866965) */* P. coralligerum CBS123.65T (KJ834444) P. coralligerum CBS114.69 (KJ866970) */* P. atrovenetum CBS241.56T (JX140944) P. atrovenetum CBS243.56 (JX140945) 0.99/83 P. antarticum CBS116939 (KP016921) */* P. antarticum CBS116938 (KP016925) P. antarticum CBS100492T (KJ834432) P. brevicompactum CBS257.29T (AY674437) */*

A local BLAST search placed the new species into sections Aspergilloides, Canescentia, Charlesia, Exilicaulis, Lanata-Divaricata and Stolkia. Phylogenies of each section were prepa­red for the ITS region, BenA and CaM genes, as well as a conca­ tenation of the three. Phylogenies are presented in Fig. 1–8. The length, number of parsimony informative and uninformative sites, and substitution models (for BI) for each dataset are summarised in Table 1. Tree topologies did not differ between MP and BI analyses and MP trees were thus used for representing results, with BI posterior probability values

















P. nucicola DAOMC250521 (KT887768) P. nucicola DAOMC250522T (KT887782) 0.99/84 P. canescens IMI149218 (KP027409) P. canescens CBS300.48T (KJ867009) P. yarmokense CBS410.69T (KJ867013) P. murcianum CBS161.81T (KP016824) 0.98/85 P. murcianum CBS458.69 (KP016822) 0.99/82 P. cf murcianum IBT31963 (JX157369) */94 P. cf murcianum CBS414.68 (KP016821) */89 P. radiatolobatum IBT31959 (JX157354) 0.98/P. radiatolobatum IBT31958 (JX157359) */95 P. radiatolobatum CBS340.79T (KP016825) */95 P. echinatum NRRL917T (KJ867021) */94 P. griseoazureum CBS162.42T (KP016823) P. nigricans CBS354.48T (KJ867012) */98 P. dunedinense CBS138218T (KJ775405) */98 P. janczewskii CBS166.81 (KJ866998) P. janczewskii CBS221.28T (KJ867001) */96 */96 P. janczewskii CBS413.68 (KJ867014) P. janczewskii CBS279.47 (KJ867008) P. janczewskii CBS744.70 (KJ867018) */* P. corvianum DAOMC250517T (KT887797) P. corvianum DAOMC250518 (KT887798) */* P. jensenii CBS327.59T (AY443490) P. jensenii CBS216.28 (KJ867000) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138942 (JX157468) */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS138956 (JX157402) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138955 (JX157401) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138949 (JX157353) */99 */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS138936 (JX157352) P. novaezeelandiae CBS138938 (JX157356) */99 P. novaezeelandiae CBS546.77 (KP016828) P. novaezeelandiae CBS137.41T (KJ866996) */* P. coralligerum CBS123.65T (KJ866994) P. coralligerum CBS114.69 (KJ866991) */* P. atrovenetum CBS241.56T (KJ867004) P. atrovenetum CBS243.56 (JX157411) P. antarticum CBS116939 (JX157255) */* P. antarticum CBS116938 (KP016827) P. antarticum CBS100492T (KP016826) P. brevicompactum CBS257.29T (AY484813)

P. nucicola DAOMC250522T P. nucicola DAOMC250521 */* P. canescens CBS300.48T P. canescens IMI149218 P. yarmokense CBS410.69T */89 P. radiatolobatum CBS340.79T */95 0.97/P. radiatolobatum IBT31959 */98 P. radiatolobatum IBT31958 P. murcianum CBS161.81T 0.98/P. murcianum CBS458.69 */87 */* P. cf murcianum IBT31963 P. cf murcianum CBS414.68 */* P. jensenii CBS216.28 P. jensenii CBS327.59T P. janczewskii CBS166.81 0.98/99 P. janczewskii CBS221.28T */90 P. janczewskii CBS413.68 0.99/96 P. janczewskii CBS744.70 P. janczewskii CBS279.47 0.98/99 P. dunedinense CBS138218T P. echinatum NRRL917T P. griseoazureum CBS162.42T */97 0.98/84 P. nigricans CBS354.48T */* P. corvianum DAOMC250517T P. corvianum DAOMC250518 */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS137.41T P. novaezeelandiae CBS546.77 */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS138942 */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS138956 */95 P. novaezeelandiae CBS138955 P. novaezeelandiae CBS138936 */* P. novaezeelandiae CBS138938 P. novaezeelandiae CBS138949 */* P. coralligerum CBS123.65T P. coralligerum CBS114.69 0.98/* */* P. atrovenetum CBS243.56 P. atrovenetum CBS241.56T 0.95/86 P. antarticum CBS116939 */* P. antarticum CBS116938 P. antarticum CBS100492T P. brevicompactum CBS257.29T

Fig. 3   Phylogenetic trees for ITS, BenA, CaM & Concatenated (ITS, BenA & CaM) datasets of Penicillium sect. Canescentia. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches ( T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

marked on relevant branches. The exception was the concatenated dataset for section Aspergilloides, where P. longicatenatum was resolved in an unsupported clade with ML (Fig 2, indicated by red branch), whilst in the BI tree the latter two were resolved in a well-supported clade with the P. glabrum and P. thomii clades, with P. longicatenatum a distant relative to this main clade.

among P. radiatolobatum and P. murcianum strains. In the strict sense, current data assessed with the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition (GCPSR) concept, suggests that these two represent synonyms and P. radiatolobatum (Publ. Soc. Nat. Rom. Pent. Stiinta Sol. 10B: 435, 1971) an older name than P. murcianum (Mycopathologia 74: 37, 1981).

Section Aspergilloides — Fig. 1, 2 Houbraken et al. (2014) reviewed section Aspergilloides and divided it into 12 clades. All of our phylogenies show that P. improvisum strains comprise a well-supported 13th clade. The new species can easily be identified using the ITS barcode, with BenA and CaM also distinguishing the species.

Sections Charlesia and Stolkia — Fig. 4 A new species is introduced in section Charlesia, where species are phylogenetically diverse enough for ITS to result in a positive identification. Phylogenies show the distinct identity of P. charlesii and P. fellutanum, with P. multicolor (CBS 501.73) and P. ebenbitarianum (CBS 415.69) confirmed as synonyms of the latter. The single strain of P. costaricense forms a branch distantly related to all other species of section Charlesia.

Section Canescentia — Fig. 3 Two new species belong to section Canescentia. Penicil­ lium corvianum is resolved in a distinct clade closely rela­ted to species of the P. canescens and P. janczewskii clades, while P. nucicola is distinct from all other species. The ITS barcode has poor discriminatory power in the section. BenA easily distinguishes the new species, but cannot reliably distinguish

ITS */*



BenA */*

0.96/-/84 -/84 */*


P. georgiense CBS132826T (EF422852) P. georgiense NRRL35507 (EF422850) P. georgiense NRRL35508 (EF422851) P. costaricense DAOMC250520T (KT887873) */98 P. coffeae CBS119387T (AY742702) -/86 P. phoeniceum CBS249.32T (KC411711) -/* P. indicum CBS115.63T (AY742699) 0.98/98 P. indicum CBS179.81 (EU427291) P. fellutanum CBS229.81T (AF033399) 0.98/95 P. fellutanum NRRL35622 (EF200082) */86 P. fellutanum NRRL35619 (EF200079) P. fellutanum CV1936 (JX091419) P. fellutanum CBS415.69 (KC411759) */* P. fellutanum CBS501.73 (KC790402) P. charlesii CV0646 (JX091417) P. charlesii CV0744 (JX091418) P. charlesii CV2006 (JX091416) P. charlesii CV1754 (JX091414) P. charlesii CV1819 (JX091415) P. charlesii CBS304.48T (AF033400) P. boreae CBS111717T (AF481122) P. pullum CBS331.48T (AF033443) P. canariense CBS111720T (AF481121) P. stolkiae CBS315.67T (AF033444) P. subarcticum CBS111719T (AF481120) P. alogum DAOMC250543T (KT887869) P. alogum DAOMC250544 (KT887870) P. alogum DAOMC250545 (KT887871) P. donkii CBS188.72T (AF033445) */*

P. georgiense CBS132826T (EF506223) */* P. georgiense NRRL35507 (EF506222) P. georgiense NRRL35508 (EF506224) P. costaricense DAOMC250520T (KT887834) */* P. indicum CBS115.63T (EU427263) */90 P. indicum CBS179.81 (EU427264) */* P. coffeae CBS119387T (KJ834443) -/91 P. phoeniceum CBS249.32T (KJ834483) P. fellutanum CBS229.81T (KJ834450) P. fellutanum CV1936 (JX091509) */* P. fellutanum CBS501.73 (JN799645) */* P. fellutanum CBS415.69T (JX091513) P. fellutanum NRRL35622 (EF198548) P. fellutanum NRRL35619 (EF198545) */* P. charlesii CV2006 (JX091507) P. charlesii CV1754 (JX091505) P. charlesii CV1819 (JX091506) -/96 P. charlesii CV0646 (JX091503) P. charlesii CV0744 (JX091504) 0.99/98 P. charlesii CBS304.48T (JX091508) P. boreae CBS111717T (JN617715) P. canariense CBS111720T (JN617714) P. alogum DAOMC250543T (KT887830) P. alogum DAOMC250545 (KT887832) P. alogum DAOMC250544 (KT887831) P. subarcticum CBS111719T (JN617716) P. stolkiae CBS315.67T (JN617717) P. pullum CBS331.48T (JN617719) P. donkii CBS188.72T (JN617718) */*

Section Stolkia is a small section of rather rare species. As with section Charlesia, the ITS barcode can distinguish between the six species and P. alogum described here. The concatenated phylogeny resolves P. alogum as a close relative of P. stolkiae and P. subarcticum.


P. georgiense CBS132826T (EF506239) P. georgiense NRRL35507 (EF506238) P. georgiense NRRL35508 (EF506240) */* */* P. coffeae CBS119387T (AY741747) P. phoeniceum CBS249.32T (AY741729) P. costaricense DAOMC250520T (KT887795) */* P. indicum CBS115.63T (AY741744) P. indicum CBS179.81T (EU427283) P. fellutanum CBS229.81T (AY741753) 0.98/87 P. fellutanum CBS415.69 (AY741751) P. fellutanum NRRL35622 (EF198576) -/98 P. fellutanum NRRL35619 (EF198573) P. fellutanum CV1936 (JX141535) P. fellutanum CBS501.73 (JN799646) */* P. charlesii CV2006 (JX141534) */* P. charlesii CV1754 (JX141532) P. charlesii CV1819 (JX141533) -/88 P. charlesii CV0646 (JX141530) P. charlesii CV0744 (JX141531) 0.96/94 P. charlesii CBS304.48T (AY741727) */98 P. boreae CBS111717T (AF481138) P. pullum CBS331.48T (AF481134) 0.95/92 P. stolkiae CBS315.67T (AF481135) -/83 P. subarcticum CBS111719T (AF481141) -/83 P. alogum DAOMC250543T (KT887791) 0.99/99 P. alogum DAOMC250545 (KT887793) */* P. alogum DAOMC250544 (KT887792) P. canariense CBS111720T (AF481137) P. donkii CBS188.72T (AF481136) */*


Concat */*

*/92 */96



P. georgiense CBS132826T P. georgiense NRRL35507 P. georgiense NRRL35508 P. costaricense DAOMC250520T */* P. coffeae CBS119387T P. phoeniceum CBS249.32T 0.99/87 */* P. indicum CBS115.63T P. indicum CBS179.81 P. fellutanum CBS229.81T */94 P. fellutanum NRRL35619 P. fellutanum NRRL35622 X4 */* P. fellutanum CBS415.69 P. fellutanum CV1936 P. fellutanum CBS501.73 */* P. charlesii CV2006 */* P. charlesii CV1754 P. charlesii CV1819 -/98 P. charlesii CV0646 P. charlesii CV0744 */* P. charlesii CBS304.48T */96 P. boreae CBS111717T P. pullum CBS331.48T P. stolkiae CBS315.67T P. subarcticum CBS111719T P. alogum DAOMC250543T */98 P. alogum DAOMC250545 */* P. alogum DAOMC250544 P. canariense CBS111720T P. donkii CBS188.72T */*


Fig. 4   Phylogenetic trees for ITS, BenA, CaM & Concatenated (ITS, BenA & CaM) datasets of Penicillium sections Charlesia and Stolkia. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches ( T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016




P. dravuni F01V25T (AY494856) P. griseolum CBS277.58T (EF422848) P. catenatum CBS352.67T (KC411754) P. parvum CBS359.48T (AF033460) P. guttulosum NRRL907T (HQ646592) P. pimiteouiense CBS102479T (AF037431) P. rubidurum CBS609.73T (AF033462) P. menonorum NRRL50410T (HQ646591) P. nepalense CBS203.84T (KC411692) P. vinaceum CBS389.48T (AF033461) P. striatisporum CBS705.68T (AF038938) P. dimorphosporum CBS456.70T (AF081804) */P. erubescens CBS318.67T (AF033464) P. canis NRRL62798T (KJ511291) P. ovatum CBS136664T (KF667370) P. laeve CBS136665T (KF667369) 0.98/P. alutaceum CBS317.67T (AF033454) P. decumbens CBS230.81T (AY157490) P. cinerascens NRRL748T (AF033455) P. citreonigrum CBS258.29T (AF033456) P. citreonigrum CBS308.48T (EF198647) P. citreonigrum NRRL1187 (EF198646) P. citreosulfuratum NRRL6172 (EF198650) */94 P. citreosulfuratum NRRL31271 (EF198660) P. citreosulfuratum IMI92228T (KP016814) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139165 (JX140942) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139156 (JX140935) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139158 (JX140939) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139162 (JX140940) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139135 (JX140937) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139140 (JX140943) P. citreonigrum CBS321.59T (KP016812) P. fundyense DAOMC250519T (KT887853) P. kurssanovii CBS625.67T (EF422849) ‘P. fynbos2’ CBS139136T (JX140913) ‘P. fynbos3’ CBS139144T (JX140888) ‘P. fynbos5’ CBS139138T (JX140900) ‘P. fynbos6’ CBS139160T (JX140893) ‘P. fynbos7’ CBS139157T (JX140895) ‘P. fynbos8’ CBS139132T (FJ231006) ‘P. fynbos4’ CBS139166T (JX140898) P. corylophilum CBS312.48T (AF033450) P. rubefaciens CBS145.83T (KC411677) P. fagi CBS689.77T (AF481124) P. atrosanguineum CBS380.75T (JN617706) P. maclennaniae CBS198.81T (KC411689) P. namyslowskii CBS353.48T (AF033463) P. velutinum CBS250.32T (AF033448) P. diabolicalicense DAOMC250542T (KT887840) P. smithii CBS276.83T (KC411723) P. melinii CBS280.58T (KC411727) P. melinii CBS218.30T (AF033449) P. melinii CBS139143 (JX140920) P. melinii CBS139168 (JX140917) P. melinii CBS139142 (JX140919) P. aotearoae DAOMC250538T (KT887874) P. melinii CBS139169 (JX140918) P. burgense CBS325.89T (KC411736) P. raciborskii CBS224.28T (AF033447) ‘P. fynbos9’ CBS139134T (FJ231003) P. terrenum CBS313.67T (AM992111) P. lapidosum CBS343.48T (AF033409) ‘P. fynbos1’ CBS139163T (JX140921) ‘P. fynbos1’ DAOM241105 (JX140924) P. restrictum CBS367.48T (AF033457) P. cinereoatrum CBS222.66T (KC411700) P. meridianum CBS314.67T (AF033451) P. katangense CBS247.67T (AF033458) P. philippinense CBS623.72T (KC411770) P. arabicum CBS414.69T (KC411758) P. heteromorphum CBS226.89T (KC411702) P. albocinerascens CBS219.66T (KP016811) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM189530)


P. griseolum CBS277.58T (EF506232)

P. erubescens CBS318.67T (EU427281) P. vinaceum CBS389.48T (HQ646586) P. rubidurum CBS609.73T (HQ646585) P. guttulosum NRRL907T (HQ646587) P. pimiteouiense CBS102479T (HQ646580) 0.96/P. menonorum NRRL50410T (HQ646584) P. parvum CBS359.48T (KF900173) */96 P. nepalense CBS203.84T (KP016796) P. catenatum CBS352.67T (KP016774) 0.95/95 */P. striatisporum CBS705.68T (KP016807) P. canis NRRL62798T (KF900177) */98 P. dimorphosporum CBS456.70T (KP016783) X2 */99 P. laeve CBS136665T (KF667367) P. ovatum CBS136664T (KF667368) P. restrictum CBS367.48T (KP016803) P. meridianum CBS314.67T (KP016794) P. philippinense CBS623.72T (KP016799) P. kurssanovii CBS625.67T (KP016789) P. katangense CBS247.67T (KP016788) P. arabicum CBS414.69T (KP016770) 0.98/99 P. albocinerascens CBS219.66T (KP016767) P. cinereoatrum CBS222.66T (KP125335) P. heteromorphum CBS226.89T (KP016786) */* P. alutaceum CBS317.67T (KP016768) P. decumbens CBS230.81T (KP016782) -/86 P. melinii CBS139168 (JX157527) P. melinii CBS139169 (JX157528) 0.95/87 P. melinii CBS139143 (JX157452) */* P. melinii CBS280.58T (KP016801) */99 P. melinii CBS139142 (JX157451) P. melinii CBS218.30T (KP016792) */* ‘P. fynbos1’ CBS139163T (JX157495) 0.98/‘P. fynbos1’ DAOM241105 (JX157508) 0.99/83 P. aotearoae DAOMC250538T (KT887796) */88 P. diabolicalicense DAOMC250542T (KT887762) P. smithii CBS276.83T (KP016806) */97 */99 ‘P. fynbos9’ CBS139134T (JX157526) */88 P. maclennaniae CBS198.81T (KP016791) 0.97/0.99/80 P. raciborskii CBS224.28T (KP016800) P. atrosanguineum CBS380.75T (KP016771) P. namyslowskii CBS353.48T (KP016795) */98 P. terrenum CBS313.67T (KP016808) */99 P. burgense CBS325.89T (KP016772) P. lapidosum CBS343.48T (FJ530984) ‘P. fynbos5’ CBS139138T (JX157418) */94 ‘P. fynbos3’ CBS139144T (JX157453) ‘P. fynbos4’ CBS139166T (JX157519) P. rubefaciens CBS145.83T (KP016804) */99 ‘P. fynbos6’ CBS139160T (JX157490) 0.99/92 ‘P. fynbos8’ CBS139132T (JX157532) ‘P. fynbos7’ CBS139157T (JX157479) P. velutinum CBS250.32T (KP016810) */86 P. corylophilum CBS312.48T (KP016780) */* -/90 P. fagi CBS689.77T (KP016784) ‘P. fynbos2’ CBS139136T (JX157416) 0.99/88 P. fundyense DAOMC250519T (KT887775) P. cinerascens NRRL748T (JX157405) P. citreonigrum CBS321.59T (KP016769) -/85 P. citreonigrum CBS308.48T (KP016778) P. citreonigrum NRRL1187 (EF198626) */* P. citreonigrum CBS258.29T (EF198628) P. citreosulfuratum NRRL6172 (EF198631) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139165 (JX157537) */* P. citreosulfuratum CBS139158 (JX157485) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139135 (JX157415) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139140 (JX157441) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139162 (JX157492) P. citreosulfuratum IMI92228T (KP016777) P. citreosulfuratum NRRL31271 (EF198641) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139156 (JX157536) T P. glabrum CBS125543 (KM089152) */*







Fig. 5   Phylogenetic trees for ITS & CaM datasets of Penicillium sect. Exilicaulis. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and /or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches ( T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets. Taxon labels in grey, indicate unpublished new species from Visagie et al. (2016b).


P. griseolum CBS277.58T (EF506213)

P. canis NRRL62798T (KF900167) P. striatisporum CBS705.68T (JX141156) P. erubescens CBS318.67T (HQ646566) P. parvum CBS359.48T (HQ646568) P. menonorum NRRL50410T (HQ646573) P. guttulosum NRRL907T (HQ646576) P. pimiteouiense CBS102479T (HQ646569) */95 P. rubidurum CBS609.73T (HQ646574) P. vinaceum CBS389.48T (HQ646575) */97 P. catenatum CBS352.67T (KJ834438) P. nepalense CBS203.84T (KJ834474) 0.99/99 P. dimorphosporum CBS456.70T (KJ834448) */82 P. laeve CBS136665T (KF667365) P. ovatum CBS136664T (KF667366) P. cinerascens NRRL748T (JX141041) P. citreonigrum CBS258.29T (EF198621) -/82 P. citreonigrum CBS308.48T (EF198623) -/83 P. citreonigrum NRRL1187 (EF198622) P. citreonigrum CBS321.59T (KP016749) P. fundyense DAOMC250519T (KT887814) P. citreosulfuratum IMI92228T (KP016753) */* P. citreosulfuratum CBS139156 (JX141164) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139140 (JX141163) -/92 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139165 (JX141169) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139158 (JX141167) P. citreosulfuratum CBS139135 (JX141162) */99 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139162 (JX141168) P. citreosulfuratum NRRL31271 (EF198614) P. citreosulfuratum NRRL6172 (EF198620) */* P. alutaceum CBS317.67T (KJ834430) P. decumbens CBS230.81T (KJ834446) ‘P. fynbos2’ CBS139136T (JX141077) P. corylophilum CBS312.48T (JX141042) ‘P. fynbos4’ CBS139166T (JX141070) */‘P. fynbos6’ CBS139160T (JX141150) ‘P. fynbos8’ CBS139132T (JX141161) P. rubefaciens CBS145.83T (KJ834487) */97 0.96/‘P. fynbos7’ CBS139157T (JX141073) ‘P. fynbos3’ CBS139144T (JX141135) ‘P. fynbos5’ CBS139138T (JX141076) P. fagi CBS689.77T (KJ834449) */86 P. atrosanguineum CBS380.75T (KJ834435) P. raciborskii CBS224.28T (JX141069) ‘P. fynbos9’ CBS139134T (JX141048) 0.99/*/89 */* P. maclennaniae CBS198.81T (KJ834468) P. velutinum CBS250.32T (JX141170) */97 P. smithii CBS276.83T (KJ834492) X2 P. melinii CBS280.58T (KP016763) P. melinii CBS139168 (JX141052) */93 P. melinii CBS139169 (JX141053) P. melinii CBS218.30T (KJ834471) P. melinii CBS139143 (JX141051) */94 */95 P. melinii CBS139142 (JX141050) 0.96/P. aotearoae DAOMC250538T (KT887835) */* ‘P. fynbos1’ CBS139163T (JX141120) ‘P. fynbos1’ DAOM241105 (JX141125) P. diabolicalicense DAOMC250542T (KT887801) -/85 P. burgense CBS325.89T (KJ834437) */* P. terrenum CBS313.67T (KJ834496) P. lapidosum CBS343.48T (KJ834465) P. namyslowskii CBS353.48T (JX141067) P. philippinense CBS623.72T (KJ834482) T P. arabicum CBS414.69 (KP016750) 0.98/97 P. restrictum CBS367.48T (KJ834486) P. cinereoatrum CBS222.66T (KJ834442) P. heteromorphum CBS226.89T (KJ834455) 0.99/P. katangense CBS247.67T (KP016757) P. meridianum CBS314.67T (KJ834472) P. kurssanovii CBS625.67T (KP016758) P. albocinerascens CBS219.66T (KP016748) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM088767)


P. griseolum CBS277.58T





P. catenatum CBS352.67T P. nepalense CBS203.84T P. erubescens CBS318.67T P. vinaceum CBS389.48T P. guttulosum NRRL907T */*/98 P. rubidurum CBS609.73T */* 0.99/P. pimiteouiense CBS102479T P. menonorum NRRL50410T */99 P. parvum CBS359.48T */97 P. striatisporum CBS705.68T */* P. canis NRRL62798T P. dimorphosporum CBS456.70T */* P. ovatum CBS136664T P. laeve CBS136665T */* P. alutaceum CBS317.67T T P. decumbens CBS230.81 */87 P. cinerascens NRRL748T P. fundyense DAOMC250519T -/85 P. citreonigrum CBS258.29T 0.99/95 P. citreonigrum CBS308.48T P. citreonigrum NRRL1187 */* P. citreonigrum CBS321.59T P. citreosulfuratum NRRL6172 P. citreosulfuratum NRRL31271 */* P. citreosulfuratum IMI92228T P. citreosulfuratum CBS139165 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139156 -/91 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139158 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139162 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139135 P. citreosulfuratum CBS139140 ‘P. fynbos2’ CBS139136T 0.99/85 ‘P. fynbos3’ CBS139144T -/92 ‘P. fynbos6’ CBS139160T -/81 ‘P. fynbos8’ CBS139132T */84 ‘P. fynbos7’ CBS139157T P. rubefaciens CBS145.83T */98 */* ‘P. fynbos4’ CBS139166T */* ‘P. fynbos5’ CBS139138T */86 P. corylophilum CBS312.48T P. fagi CBS689.77T P. velutinum CBS250.32T */97 P. atrosanguineum CBS380.75T */89 P. raciborskii CBS224.28T P. namyslowskii CBS353.48T */98 P. burgense CBS325.89T */* P. terrenum CBS313.67T P. lapidosum CBS343.48T */89 */93 P. maclennaniae CBS198.81T */90 ‘P. fynbos9’ CBS139134T P. smithii CBS276.83T */84 P. diabolicalicense DAOMC250542T P. melinii CBS280.58T -/87 P. melinii CBS139168 */* P. melinii CBS139169 */92 P. melinii CBS218.30T P. melinii CBS139143 */*/98 P. melinii CBS139142 0.99/*/* ‘P. fynbos1’ CBS139163T ‘P. fynbos1’ DAOM241105 P. aotearoae DAOMC250538T P. cinereoatrum CBS222.66T 0.99/* T P. heteromorphum CBS226.89 P. arabicum CBS414.69T P. philippinense CBS623.72T P. restrictum CBS367.48T P. meridianum CBS314.67T P. katangense CBS247.67T P. kurssanovii CBS625.67T P. albocinerascens CBS219.66T P. glabrum CBS125543T 0.98/-










Fig. 6   Phylogenetic trees for BenA & Concatenated (ITS, BenA & CaM) datasets of Penicillium sect. Exilicaulis. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches ( T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and /or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets. Taxon labels in grey, indicate unpublished new species from Visagie et al. (2016b).


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium ITS

P. amphipolaria DAOMC250549 (KT887838) P. amphipolaria DAOMC250550 (KT887839) P. amphipolaria DAOMC250551T (KT887872) P. singorense CBS138214T (KJ775674) 0.96/P. penarojense CBS113178T (GU981570) P. vanderhammenii CBS126216T (GU981574) P. oxalicum CBS219.30T (AF033438) P. griseopurpureum CBS406.65T (KF296408) P. daleae CBS211.28T (GU981583) P. abidjanum CBS246.67T (GU981582) T 0.98/P. lineolatum CBS188.77 (GU981579) P. ehrlichii CBS324.48T (AF033432) 0.99/92 P. brefeldianum CBS235.81T (AF033435) P. limosum CBS339.97T (GU981568) P. zonatum CBS992.72T (GU981581) P. curticaule CBS135127T (FJ231021) P. cluniae CBS326.89T (KF296406) P. janthinellum CBS340.48T (GU981585) P. ortum CBS135669T (JX091427) P. ortum CBS135670 (JX091428) P. cremeogriseum CBS223.66T (GU981586) P. ludwigii CBS417.68T (KF296409) */92 P. koreense KACC47721T (KJ801939) P. glaucoroseum NRRL908T (KF296407) P. raperi CBS281.58T (AF033433) P. meloforme CBS445.74T (KC411762) */83 P. coeruleum CBS141.45T (GU981606) P. levitum CBS345.48T (GU981607) P. javanicum CBS341.48T (GU981613) 0.99/84 P. javanicum CBS349.51 (KC411752) P. caperatum CBS443.75T (KC411761) P. reticulisporum CBS122.68T (AF033437) P. reticulisporum CBS513.74 (GU981618) P. malacosphaerulum CBS135120T (FJ231026) P. malacosphaerulum CBS135121 (FJ231024) P. elleniae CBS118135T (GU981612) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250514T (KT887841) 0.98/86 P. tanzanicum DAOMC250515 (KT887842) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250516 (KT887863) P. subrubescens CBS129543 (KC797635) P. subrubescens CBS129617 (KC797636) P. subrubescens CBS130052 (KC797637) P. subrubescens CBS131061 (KC797639) P. subrubescens CBS134204 (KC797642) P. subrubescens CBS134205 (KC797643) P. subrubescens CBS130205 (KC797638) P. subrubescens CBS131064 (KC797640) P. subrubescens CBS132785T (KC346350) P. piscarium CBS362.48T (GU981600) P. camponotum DAOMC250552 (KT887848) P. camponotum DAOMC250553 (KT887850) P. camponotum DAOMC250554 (KT887851) P. camponotum DAOMC250555 (KT887852) P. camponotum DAOMC250556 (KT887854) 0.98/85 P. camponotum DAOMC250557T (KT887855) P. camponotum DAOMC250558 (KT887857) P. camponotum DAOMC250559 (KT887858) P. camponotum DAOMC250560 (KT887859) P. svalbardense CBS122416T (GU981603) P. ochrochloron CBS133150 (KC346347) 0.97/- P. ochrochloron CBS357.48T (GU981604) P. pulvillorum CBS275.83 (AF178513) P. pulvillorum CBS280.39T (AF178517) P. vasconiae CBS339.79T (GU981599) P. annulatum CBS135123 (JX091423) P. annulatum CBS135124 (JX091424) P. annulatum CBS135126T (JX091426) P. rolfsii CBS368.48T (JN617705) P. excelsum ITAL7572T (KR815341) */98 P. excelsum ITAL7804 (KT749963) P. excelsum ITAL7814 (KT749964) P. wotroi CBS118171T (GU981591) P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250536 (KT887849) P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250537T (KT887856) P. araracuaraense CBS113149T (GU981597) P. mariaecrucis CBS271.83T (GU981593) P. simplicissimum CBS372.48T (GU981588) P. cataractum DAOMC250533 (KT887864) */92 P. cataractum DAOMC250534T (KT887847) P. cataractum DAOMC250535 (KT887865) -/* P. onobense CBS174.81T (GU981575) P. paraherquei CBS338.59T (AF178511) X4 -/86 P. brasilianum CBS253.55T (GU981577) P. skrjabinii CBS439.75T (GU981576) P. skrjabinii DTO180I3 (JX091432) P. skrjabinii NRRL13055 (EU427287) P. panissanguineum DAOMC250561 (KT887861) P. panissanguineum DAOMC250562T (KT887862) P. bissettii DAOM167011T (KT887845) P. bissettii DAOM167033 (KT887844) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM189530)




P. araracuaraense CBS113149T (KF296373) P. wotroi CBS118171T (KF296369) P. mariaecrucis CBS271.83T (KF296374) P. cataractum DAOMC250533 (KT887786) P. cataractum DAOMC250534T (KT887769) P. cataractum DAOMC250535 (KT887787) -/91 P. onobense CBS174.81T (KF296371) -/96 P. paraherquei CBS338.59T (KF296372) P. brasilianum CBS253.55T (AB667857) -/99 0.95/88 P. skrjabinii CBS439.75T (KF296370) */93 P. skrjabinii NRRL13055 (EU427280) P. skrjabinii DTO180I3 (JX141544) P. simplicissimum CBS372.48T (KF296368) -/81 */99 P. panissanguineum DAOMC250561 (KT887783) P. panissanguineum DAOMC250562T (KT887784) */* P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250536 (KT887771) P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250537T (KT887778) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250514T (KT887763) */* P. tanzanicum DAOMC250515 (KT887764) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250516 (KT887785) P. penarojense CBS113178T (KF296381) P. vanderhammenii CBS126216T (KF296382) */97 P. singorense CBS138214T (KJ775403) */94 P. amphipolaria DAOMC250549 (KT887760) 0.99/P. amphipolaria DAOMC250550 (KT887761) 0.97/99 P. amphipolaria DAOMC250551T (KT887794) 0.98/0.96/P. daleae CBS211.28T (KF296385) 0.99/P. griseopurpureum CBS406.65T (KF296384) P. abidjanum CBS246.67T (KF296383) P. zonatum CBS992.72T (KF296380) P. svalbardense CBS122416T (KC346338) */* P. ochrochloron CBS133150 (KC346341) P. ochrochloron CBS357.48T (KF296378) P. camponotum DAOMC250552 (KT887770) P. camponotum DAOMC250553 (KT887772) P. camponotum DAOMC250554 (KT887773) P. camponotum DAOMC250555 (KT887774) P. camponotum DAOMC250556 (KT887776) P. camponotum DAOMC250557T (KT887777) 0.99/* P. camponotum DAOMC250558 (KT887779) P. camponotum DAOMC250559 (KT887780) P. camponotum DAOMC250560 (KT887781) P. subrubescens CBS129543 (KC797590) P. subrubescens CBS129617 (KC797591) -/81 P. subrubescens CBS132785T (KC346330) P. subrubescens CBS134204 (KC797597) */* P. subrubescens CBS134205 (KC797598) */87 P. subrubescens CBS130052 (KC797592) P. subrubescens CBS131061 (KC797594) */95 P. subrubescens CBS130205 (KC797593) P. subrubescens CBS131064 (KC797595) */* P. pulvillorum CBS275.83 (KF296376) P. pulvillorum CBS280.39T (KF296377) P. rolfsii CBS368.48T (KF296375) 0.99/84 0.98/93 P. annulatum CBS135123 (JX141547) */99 P. annulatum CBS135126T (JX141545) P. annulatum CBS135124 (JX141548) P. piscarium CBS362.48T (KF296379) 0.98/90 P. excelsum ITAL7572T (KR815342) */* P. excelsum ITAL7804 (KT749962) P. excelsum ITAL7814 (KT749961) */* P. bissettii DAOM167011T (KT887767) P. bissettii DAOM167033 (KT887766) P. vasconiae CBS339.79T (KF296386) P. elleniae CBS118135T (KF296389) 0.99/97 P. reticulisporum CBS122.68T (KF296391) -/98 P. reticulisporum CBS513.74 (KF296390) */* P. malacosphaerulum CBS135120T (JX141542) P. malacosphaerulum CBS135121 (JX141540) P. caperatum CBS443.75T (KF296392) */* P. javanicum CBS341.48T (KF296387) P. javanicum CBS349.51 (KF296388) P. curticaule CBS135127T (JX141536) 0.99/ P. ortum CBS135669T (JX141551) P. ortum CBS135670 (JX141552) */* P. cremeogriseum CBS223.66T (KF296403) -/85 P. cluniae CBS326.89T (KF296402) */88 P. janthinellum CBS340.48T (KF296401) 0.98/P. glaucoroseum NRRL908T (KF296400) 0.99/81 -/91 0.97/84 P. ludwigii CBS417.68T (KF296404) P. raperi CBS281.58T (KF296399) */* P. brefeldianum CBS235.81T (EU021683) P. limosum CBS339.97T (KF296398) P. lineolatum CBS188.77T (KF296397) */* P. coeruleum CBS141.45T (KF296393) P. levitum CBS345.48T (KF296394) P. meloforme CBS445.74T (KF296396) P. ehrlichii CBS324.48T (KF296395) P. oxalicum CBS219.30T (KF296367) P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM089152) */*




Fig. 7   Phylogenetic trees for ITS & CaM datasets of Penicillium sect. Lanata-Divaricata. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches ( T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets. BenA

P. cluniae CBS326.89T (KF296471) Concat P. janthinellum CBS340.48T (GU981625) P. cluniae CBS326.89T */93 P. ludwigii CBS417.68T (KF296468) P. janthinellum CBS340.48T */99 P. glaucoroseum NRRL908T (KF296469) P. glaucoroseum NRRL908T T P. ortum CBS135669 (JX091520) P. ludwigii CBS417.68T */* */* P. ortum CBS135669T */P. ortum CBS135670 (JX091521) P. cremeogriseum CBS223.66T (GU981624) */P. ortum CBS135670 */99 P. brefeldianum CBS235.81T (GU981623) P. cremeogriseum CBS223.66T */*/* P. limosum CBS339.97T (GU981621) P. brefeldianum CBS235.81T 0.99/*/97 P. raperi CBS281.58T (GU981622) */99 P. limosum CBS339.97T P. koreense KACC47721T (KM000846) */98 P. raperi CBS281.58T */* P. curticaule CBS135127T (JX091526) P. curticaule CBS135127T T P. lineolatum CBS188.77 (GU981620) P. lineolatum CBS188.77T T T */* P. reticulisporum CBS122.68 (GU981665) */* P. reticulisporum CBS122.68 P. reticulisporum CBS513.74 (GU981666) P. reticulisporum CBS513.74 */99 P. malacosphaerulum CBS135120T (JX091524) */* P. malacosphaerulum CBS135120T 0.97/P. malacosphaerulum CBS135121 (JX091525) P. malacosphaerulum CBS135121 0.98/*/* P. javanicum CBS341.48T P. caperatum CBS443.75T (GU981660) */98 */* P. javanicum CBS341.48T (GU981657) 0.96/P. javanicum CBS349.51 -/88 -/88 P. javanicum CBS349.51 (KF296466) P. caperatum CBS443.75T P. elleniae CBS118135T (GU981663) P. elleniae CBS118135T */* */* P. coeruleum CBS141.45T (GU981655) P. coeruleum CBS141.45T T P. levitum CBS345.48 (GU981654) P. levitum CBS345.48T P. ehrlichii CBS324.48T (KF296464) P. ehrlichii CBS324.48T P. meloforme CBS445.74T (GU981656) P. meloforme CBS445.74T 0.98/- P. amphipolaria DAOMC250550 (KT887800) P. amphipolaria DAOMC250550 */* */* P. amphipolaria DAOMC250551T (KT887833) P. amphipolaria DAOMC250551T */97 */99 P. amphipolaria DAOMC250549 (KT887799) P. amphipolaria DAOMC250549 */97 */99 P. singorense CBS138214T (KJ775167) P. singorense CBS138214T */97 */98 P. penarojense CBS113178T (GU981646) P. penarojense CBS113178T P. vanderhammenii CBS126216T P. vanderhammenii CBS126216T (GU981647) */*/97 */99 P. daleae CBS211.28T P. daleae CBS211.28T (GU981649) T P. griseopurpureum CBS406.65T P. griseopurpureum CBS406.65 (KF296467) */82 P. abidjanum CBS246.67T P. abidjanum CBS246.67T (GU981650) T T P. zonatum CBS992.72 P. zonatum CBS992.72 (GU981651) */91 P. subrubescens CBS129543 P. araracuaraense CBS113149T (GU981642) P. subrubescens CBS132785T P. wotroi CBS118171T (GU981637) P. subrubescens CBS129617 P. simplicissimum CBS372.48T (GU981632) T P. subrubescens CBS134204 (KT887802) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250514 */* */* P. subrubescens CBS134205 P. tanzanicum DAOMC250515 (KT887803) */97 P. subrubescens CBS130052 P. tanzanicum DAOMC250516 (KT887824) P. subrubescens CBS131061 P. cataractum DAOMC250533 (KT887825) */* */P. subrubescens CBS130205 P. cataractum DAOMC250534T (KT887808) P. subrubescens CBS131064 P. cataractum DAOMC250535 (KT887826) 0.97/P. camponotum DAOMC250552 P. mariaecrucis CBS271.83T (GU981630) */* P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250536 (KT887810) P. camponotum DAOMC250553 P. camponotum DAOMC250554 P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250537T (KT887817) */87 */* P. panissanguineum DAOMC250561 (KT887822) P. camponotum DAOMC250555 0.97/P. camponotum DAOMC250556 P. panissanguineum DAOMC250562T (KT887823) 0.99/91 P. skrjabinii CBS439.75T (GU981626) P. camponotum DAOMC250557T */* */95 P. camponotum DAOMC250558 P. skrjabinii NRRL13055 (EU427271) P. camponotum DAOMC250559 P. skrjabinii DTO180I3 (JX091529) P. camponotum DAOMC250560 P. onobense CBS174.81T (GU981627) */* */* P. ochrochloron CBS133150 */P. paraherquei CBS338.59T (KF296465) */T P. ochrochloron CBS357.48T P. brasilianum CBS253.55 (GU981629) P. svalbardense CBS122416T P. vasconiae CBS339.79T (GU981653) */* */* P. bissettii DAOM167011T (KT887806) P. pulvillorum CBS275.83 P. pulvillorum CBS280.39T P. bissettii DAOM167033 (KT887805) P. piscarium CBS362.48T P. annulatum CBS135124 (JX091517) */* P. rolfsii CBS368.48T P. annulatum CBS135126T (JX091514) P. excelsum ITAL7572T */81 P. annulatum CBS135123 (JX091516) */* P. excelsum ITAL7804 P. excelsum ITAL7572T (KP691061) */* P. excelsum ITAL7814 P. excelsum ITAL7804 (KT749959) */80 P. annulatum CBS135123 P. excelsum ITAL7814 (KT749957) */* P. annulatum CBS135126T */* P. pulvillorum CBS275.83 (KF296463) P. annulatum CBS135124 */P. pulvillorum CBS280.39T (GU981670) */* P. bissettii DAOM167011T */* P. ochrochloron CBS133150 (KC346324) P. bissettii DAOM167033 P. ochrochloron CBS357.48T (GU981672) P. vasconiae CBS339.79T P. subrubescens CBS129543 (KC797610) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250514T 0.96/- P. subrubescens CBS130205 (KC797613) */* P. tanzanicum DAOMC250515 P. subrubescens CBS131064 (KC797615) P. tanzanicum DAOMC250516 P. subrubescens CBS132785T (KC346327) 0.99/*/* P. panissanguineum DAOMC250561 P. subrubescens CBS130052 (KC797612) */* P. panissanguineum DAOMC250562T P. subrubescens CBS131061 (KC797614) 0.97/P. simplicissimum CBS372.48T P. subrubescens CBS129617 (KC797611) */94 P. onobense CBS174.81T P. subrubescens CBS134204 (KC797617) */93 P. paraherquei CBS338.59T P. subrubescens CBS134205 (KC797618) P. brasilianum CBS253.55T */* P. camponotum DAOMC250552 (KT887809) */98 P. skrjabinii CBS439.75T P. camponotum DAOMC250553 (KT887811) */* P. skrjabinii NRRL13055 P. camponotum DAOMC250554 (KT887812) P. skrjabinii DTO180I3 P. camponotum DAOMC250555 (KT887813) */95 P. araracuaraense CBS113149T P. camponotum DAOMC250556 (KT887815) P. wotroi CBS118171T P. camponotum DAOMC250557T (KT887816) */98 P. cataractum DAOMC250533 P. camponotum DAOMC250558 (KT887818) */* T P. cataractum DAOMC250534 P. camponotum DAOMC250559 (KT887819) P. cataractum DAOMC250535 P. camponotum DAOMC250560 (KT887820) P. mariaecrucis CBS271.83T P. svalbardense CBS122416T (KC346325) */* P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250536 P. piscarium CBS362.48T (GU981668) P. infrabuccalum DAOMC250537T P. rolfsii CBS368.48T (GU981667) -/* P. oxalicum CBS219.30T P. oxalicum CBS219.30T (KF296462) P. glabrum CBS125543T P. glabrum CBS125543T (KM088767) */85








Fig. 8   Phylogenetic trees for BenA & Concatenated (ITS, BenA & CaM) datasets of Penicillium sect. Lanata-Divaricata. Branch support in nodes higher than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp are indicated above thickened branches (T = ex-type; * = 100 % bs or 1.00 pp; - = support lower than 80 % bs and/or 0.95 pp). New species are indicated by coloured blocks. GenBank accession numbers are provided between brackets.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016

Section Exilicaulis — Fig. 5, 6 Three new species are introduced in section Exilicaulis. Sequence datasets contain some undescribed species from the fynbos, South Africa (in grey, Visagie et al. 2016b). ITS generally has poor resolution in this section. Of the new species, P. diabolicalicense and P. aotearoae share identical sequences with previously known species, whereas P. fundyense has a unique ITS sequence. The BenA and CaM genes distinguish the new species from its close relatives. Penicillium fundyense sits in a clade with P. cinerascens, P. citreonigrum and P. citreo­ sulfuratum (= P. toxicarium fide Serra et al. 2008), recently reviewed in Visagie et al. (2016b). The single strain DAOMC 250519 was sufficiently distinct from other strains in the section to propose a new species. Penicillium aotearoae and P. diabolicalicense is resolved in the P. melinii clade closely related to P. melinii and P. xanthomelinii. Section Lanata-Divaricata — Fig. 7, 8 ITS performs remarkably well for identification of the seven new species we introduce in section Lanata-Divaricata, with all

having unique sequences. BenA and CaM also easily distinguish all species of the section. The concatenated phylogeny resolved P. amphipolaria as a close relative of P. singorense; P. camponotum as closely related to P. subrubescens; while P. tanzanicum, P. bissettii, P. cataractum, P. infrabuccalum and P. panissanguineum resolved in several clades on a poorly supported back bone typically having species with rough walled conidiophores such as P. simplicissimum. Extrolites An overview of the extrolites detected during this study and their product ions are summarised in Table 2, while Table 3 summarises the extrolites produced by each species analysed. We also list extrolites produced by each species with their respective descriptions in the taxonomy section. Six of the Penicillium species studied here produced andrastin metabolites in varying amounts. Penicillium cataractum and P. infrabuccalum were both major producers of andrastin A–D. Penicillium nucicola, P. panissanguineum and two strains of

Table 2   Overview of the major extrolites detected and product ions. Code



Product ion m/z

andrastin A



243.1743 395.2229 427.1995 349.2160 225.1637

andrastin B*



427.2486 455.2455 457.2603 419.0410

andrastin C



203.1431 179.0702 441.2272 381.2057 335.2004

andrastin D



397.2374 369.2425 379.2267 245.1899 351.2318


227.1543 C15H18N2

210.1277 171.0916 58.0660 130.0651 154.0651

austin b

501.2481 C27H32O9

381.2056 363.1950 409.2004 391.1901 335.2000

bisdechlorogeodin b

331.0812 C17H14O7

287.0911 299.0549 272.0677 255.0649 317.0653


251.0915 C13H14O5

233.0808 205.0860


322.1299 C17H15N5O2

193.0720 130.0652 162.0295

fiscalin A



258.1237 199.0865 171.0916

fiscalin C



213.1021 258.1236 185.1072 201.1018

fumitremorgin B



383.1967 355.2018 406.1764 424.1865 462.2385

fusaperazine E



245.0920 217.0970 153.0367 293.0953 69.0707

fusaperazine related



107.0495 216.1382 359.1836 290.1133 291.1210

glandicoline B



289.0716 335.1018 261.0767 334.0935 307.1086

marcfortine A



450.2748 419.2314 348.1232

marcfortine B



436.2593 419.2327 405.2178


434.1820 C23H23N5O4

mevastatin b

391.2477 C23H34O5

185.1324 159.1167 211.1480 229.1585 235.1482

N,N-dimethylrestricticin b

366.2639 C21H35NO4

115.0757 149.1326 231.1743 263.2004 83.0499

N6-formyl-roquefortine C


333.0977 349.1164 332.0900 350.1243


436.1978 C23H25N5O4

336.1087 405.1794 280.1192 263.1187 145.0760

oxalicine A



148.0392 216.0291 122.0602 234.0396 363.1601

oxalicine B



148.0394 216.0292 122.0603 234.0398 218.0449


448.1981 C24H25N5O4

penicillic acid



125.0598 112.0522 97.0652 111.0444 83.0498

penitrem A



Confirmed by RT and isotope pattern, CYA media only



334.0931 403.1639 318.0741 289.0718 306.0985

348.1090 417.1794 332.0894 349.1168 386.1612

pulvilloric acid*


restricticin b

338.2324 C19H31NO4

231.1742 170.0811 161.1324 263.2004 306.2063

isofumigaclavine A



239.1542 196.1122 197.1077 144.0808 168.0806

isofumigaclavine B


C16H20N2O 239.1542

195.0293 277.1083 177.0185 151.0389 251.1286

roquefortine C



322.1296 193.0719 198.1280 334.1296 358.1661

roquefortine M



192.0642 205.0722 353.1120

roquefortine N



192.0642 154.0611 210.0747 422.1823

trichodermamide A (penicillazine) b

433.1242 C20H20N2O9

248.0552 220.0603 192.0653 176.0343

trichodermamide C b

447.1397 C21H22N2O9

262.0709 234.0761 206.0812 219.0764 176.0342

* Analyzed as [M-H]-1 in negative mode. All other ions are [M+H]+. b Putative assignments based interpretation of MS2 fragmentation pathways.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

P. camponotum also produced andrastin, while only lower levels of andrastin A and C were produced by P. costaricense. There was a correlation between the production of andrastins and a pulvilloric acid related compound. As explained in the Discussion, this compound is either an unreported analogue of pulvilloric acid or the structure of pulvilloric acid has been mischaracterised in the literature. Of all the andrastin producers, only P. camponotum, P. costaricense and P. nucicola did

not produce this pulvilloric acid related compound. Penicillium tanzanicum also produced this compound. Although all P. camponotum strains produced the indole alkaloid marcfortine A and B, their metabolite profiles could be separated into three groups that partly correlated with geographical origin. Penicillium amphipolaria was the only species that produced fumitremorgin compounds. The compounds produced on YES and CYA agar were fumitremorgin A, fumitremorgin C, dihydro­ xyfumitremorgin C and oxofumitremorgin B. When grown in

andrastin C

– – – – +

andrastin D

– – – – +

P. tanzanicum

P. improvisum

P. fundyense

P. panissanguineum

P. diabolicalicense

+ + + +

P. corvianum

+ + – – – – + + – – – – – + + + – – – – + + – – – – – +

P. costaricense

P. nucicola

– – – – + – – – – +

andrastin A

P. infrabuccalum

andrastin B

P. cataractum

P. camponatum

P. bissettii

P. aotearoae

P. amphipolaria

P. alogum

Table 3   Overview of the extrolites produced by the strains of this study.

+ – + – + – + –


– – – + – – – – – – – – – – –


– – – – – – – – – – – – + – –


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – +

citrinin c

– – – – – – – – – – + – – – –

dehydrohistidyl-tryptophanyl-diketopiperazine – – – + – – – – – + – – – – – fiscalin A

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – +

fiscalin C

– – – – – – – + – – – – – – +

+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – + – – – – – – – – – – – – – fusaperazine related – + – – – – – – – – – – – – – glandicoline B – – – + – – – – – – – – – – – marcfortine A – – – – + – – – – – – – – – – marcfortine B – – – – + – – – – – – – – – – meleagrin c – – – + – – – – – + – – – – – mevastatin – – – – – – – + – – – – – – – N,N-dimethylrestricticin – – – – – – – – + – – – – – – N6-formyl-roquefortine C – – – – – – – – – + – – – – – neoxaline – – – + – – – – – + – – – – – oxalicine A – – – – – – – – – – – + – – – oxalicine B – – – + – – – – – – – + – – – oxaline – + – – – – – – – + – – – – – penicillic acid – – – + – – – – – – – – – – – penitrem Ac – – – – – – – – + – – – – – – pulvilloric acid – – – – – + – – – – – + – + + restricticin – – – – – – – – + – – – – – – isofumigaclavine A c – – – – – – – – – – + – – – – isofumigaclavine B – – – – – – – – – – + – – – – roquefortine C c – – – + – – – – – + – – – – – roquefortine M – – – + – – – – – + – – – – – roquefortine N – – – + – – – – – – – – – – – trichodermamide C – – – – – + – + – – – – – – – trichodermamide A (penicillazine) – – – – – + – – – – – – – – – C11H15O3N – – – – – – + + – – – – – – – C18H22O5 – – – – – – – + – – – – – – – C29H20O7S2 – – – – – + – + – – – – – – – C20H30O6N2 – – – – – + – – – – – – – – – C22H23O4N3 – + – – – – – – – – – – – – – C27H31O7N3 – + – – – – – – – – – – – – – C14H19O4N – – – + – – – – – – – – – – – C21H28O8 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – C19H24O8 – – + – – – – – – – – – – – – C15H22O2 – – – – + – – – – – – – – – – C20H20O6 – – – – – – – – – – – – + – – fumitremorgin B

fusaperazine E


Confirmed by comparison to authentic standard.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016

Relative Abundance



Fig. 9   Mass spectra of pulvilloric acid analyzed in ESI+ and ESI-. The intact [M-H]- ion is observed in the negative electrospray ionization mode. The intact [M+H]+ ion is absent in positive electrospray ionization mode and the major ion species is [M-H2O+H]+.

279.1233 [C15H18O5 + H]+1 2.11 ppm

80 60






0 100 80


281.12866 295.11838








295.1184 [C15H20O6 – H]-1 -0.92 ppm


HO 20 0

296.12152 277.10791 275

297.12360 280


290 m/z




Etymology. Latin, improvisum, meaning unexpected/unforeseen, named for the conidiophores, which have randomly arranged branches.

tion moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise to greyish green (24D4 – E5 – 25E5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow (2B3), greenish grey to dull green (1B2–29D4). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, crateriform; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise (24D5–E5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow (3B6), pale yellow (3A3). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise (24D4–E6); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid weakly produced. Conidiophores monoverticillate, sometimes divaricate; stipes smooth, some roughened hyphae present, 40–200(–330) × 2.5–3.5 μm; vesicle 4.5–6.5 μm; branches 13–32.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, (3–)5–12 per stipe, 7.5–10.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm (8.9 ± 0.8 × 3.0 ± 0.2); conidia smooth walled, globose to subglobose, 2.5–3 × 2.5–3 μm (2.8 ± 0.1 × 2.8 ± 0.1), average width/ length = 0.96, n = 43. Extrolites — citrinin, isofumigaclavine A, isofumigaclavine B.

Type specimen. Canada, Ontario, Niagara falls, soil from oak /maple/ash forest, 28 Sept. 1996, D. Malloch (holotype DAOM 695768, culture ex-type DAOMC 250547 = CBS 140994 = KAS 2386 = W 156).

Additional material examined. Canada, Niagara falls, soil from oak/maple/ ash forest, 28 Sept. 1996, D. Malloch, culture DAOMC 250546 (= CBS 140993 = KAS 2381 = W 155), DAOMC 250548 (= CBS 140995 = KAS 2393 = W 154).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 21–24; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 24 – 30; YES 28 – 31; OA 18–22; CREA 14 –15.

Notes — Phylogenetic analyses resolved P. improvisum, classified in section Aspergilloides, in a unique clade distinct from the 12 clades recognised by Houbraken et al. (2014) (Fig. 1, 2). Section Aspergilloides species are typically monoverticillate, but some do produce extra subterminal branches as observed in some conidiophores of P. glabrum, P. armarii, P. athertonense and P. bussumense. In addition, more complex patterns occur in P. saturniforme (biverticillate), P. verhagenii (biverticillate and divaricate) and P. ranomafanaense (divaricate). In common with the latter two, P. improvisum produces

CYA broth, other uncharacterised fumitremorgins were the extrolites produced. Very few extrolites were detected in cultures of P. diabolicalicense, but the fungal neurotoxin penitrem A was detected. The two strains of P. bissettii produced significantly different extrolites. DAOMC 167033 produced the myco­toxin penicillic acid. DAOMC 167011 produced meleagrin, neoxaline and aurantioclavine along with other uncharacterised metabolites. Taxonomy Penicillium section Aspergilloides — Fig. 1, 2 Penicillium improvisum Visagie, Malloch & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815769; Fig. 10 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Aspergilloides. ITS barcode: KT887867. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887828, CaM = KT887789.

CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, raised at centre, radially sulcate; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise (24D5–E5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow (3B4), pale to yellowish grey (2A2 – B2). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, irregular; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporula-

C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium


Fig. 10   Morphological characters of Penicillium improvisum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.


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Fig. 11   Morphological characters of Penicillium corvianum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d. sclerotia; e – l. conidiophores; m. conidia. — Scale bar: e – k = 10 μm.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

divaricate conidiophores. However, P. ranomafanaense and P. verhagenii produce rough-walled conidia in contrast to the smooth-walled conidia of P. improvisum. Additionally, P. verhagenii produces larger conidia (3.5–4 µm) than P. improvisum, while P. ranomafanaense has more ellipsoidal conidia in comparison to the globose conidia of the new species.

feature and are only known from P. coralligerum and P. novaezeelandiae. However, sclerotia generally do not dominate colony appearance in the latter two species. Also, their conidio­ phores are consistently symmetrically biverticillate compared to the more diverse range of conidiophore branching observed in P. corvianum.

Penicillium section Canescentia — Fig. 3

Penicillium nucicola Visagie, Malloch & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815771; Fig. 12

Penicillium corvianum Visagie & Seifert, sp. nov. — Myco Bank MB815770; Fig. 11 In: subgenus Penicillium, section Canescentia. ITS barcode: KT887875. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887836, CaM = KT887797.

In: subgenus Penicillium, section Canescentia. ITS barcode: KT887860. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887821, CaM = KT887782. Etymology. Latin, nucicola (from nux), meaning living on nuts.

Etymology. Latin, corvianum, named after Corviano, Italy, where the isolates originate.

Type specimen. Canada, Ontario, Niagara falls, fallen nuts of Carya ovata, May 1996, D. Malloch (holotype DAOM 695770, culture ex-type DAOMC 250522 = CBS 140987 = W 59 = KAS 2203).

Type specimen. Italy, Tuscany, Natural Monument Corviano, soil, 27 Aug. 2008, K.A. Seifert (holotype DAOM 695764, culture ex-type DAOMC 250517 = CBS 141000 = KAS 3618 = IT-2008-4-D).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 20–23; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 12–14; YES 37–40; OA 17–20; CREA 13–15.

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 30–35; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl (17–)28 – 32; YES 36 –40; OA 30–32; CREA 21– 23. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate, brown to brownish yellow sclerotia present; margins moderately deep, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation absent to sparse, conidia en masse dull green (26D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates clear; reverse yellowish white to pale yellow (2A2 – 3), orange (5A5). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, creamish to brown sclerotia; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation absent, sparse in some colonies, conidia en masse dull green (26D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse pale yellow to light orange (4A3 – 5A4), orange (6B7) in some colony areas. YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, crateriform, brownish sclerotia sparsely produced; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation absent to sparse, conidia en masse greenish grey (26B2); soluble pigments absent; exudates clear; reverse brownish orange to light brown (5C4 –7C8 – D8), pale yellow to light yellow (4A3 – 4). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, cream to brown sclerotia produced; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation absent to sparse, conidia en masse greenish grey (26B2); soluble pigments absent; exudates clear. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores on MEA very sparse, monoverticillate, minor proportion biverticillate and also phialides born directly on hyphae, on CYA biverticilllate, sometimes monoverticillate; stipes smooth, (20–)100–400 × 1.5–2.5 μm; metulae divergent, 2–4 per stipe, (7.5–)9.5–15 × 2–3(–3.5) μm; phialides ampulliform, when not monophialidic 3 – 8 per metula /stipe, 6 – 9 × 2–3 μm (7.3 ± 0.7 × 2.7 ± 0.3); average length metula/phialide 1.6; conidia smooth walled, globose to subglobose, 2 – 3 × 2–3 μm (2.1 ± 0.2 × 2.1 ± 0.2), average width /length = 0.96, n = 41. Sclerotia 130 – 265 × 110 – 230 μm. Extrolites — fiscalin C, trichodermamide C, mevastatin, un­ characterised C18H22O5, C29H20O7S2, C11H15O3N. Additional material examined. Italy, Tuscany, Natural Monument Corviano, soil, 27 Aug. 2008, K.A. Seifert, culture DAOMC 250518 (= CBS 141001 = KAS 3622 = IT-2008-4-A).

Notes — Penicillium corvianum is classified in section Ca­ nescentia. Phylogenies (Fig. 3) resolve it in a larger clade with P. canescens, P. jensenii and P. janczewskii. Colonies of the new species are dominated by the presence of abundant cream to brown sclerotia. Sclerotia in the section are not a common

CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins moderately deep, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously yellow; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (26D5 –E5–E6); soluble pigments reddish pink, yellow halo close to colonies, sometimes absent; exudates clear; reverse greyish yellow to olive (4B4 – D7), pale yellow (4A3), sometimes deep green (27E8) at centre. MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (26D5–E5– E6); soluble pigments deep yellow, inconspicuous sometimes; exudates absent; reverse olive brown (4D6–E6), light yellow to greyish yellow (4A4–B6). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Co­lonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (26D5 –E5–E6); soluble pigments reddish brown, yellow halo close to colonies, absent sometimes; exudates absent; reverse light yellow (3A5), greyish yellow (4C4). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, yellow; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (26D5 – E5 – E6); soluble pigments yellow close to colonies, deep green surrounding yellow pigment; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid moderately produced. Conidiophores biverticillate; stipes rough, some warted, 180– 890 × 2.5–4 μm; metulae divergent, 2–6 per stipe, 10.5–15 × 3–4 μm; phialides ampulliform, 4–10 per metula, 7.5–10.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm (8.9 ± 0.8 × 2.9 ± 0.2); average length metula/ phialide 1.4; conidia rough walled, some finely rough, globose to subglobose, 2.5–3 × 2.5–3 μm (2.8 ± 0.2 × 2.7 ± 0.2), average width/length = 0.97, n = 56. Extrolites — andrastin A, andrastin B, andrastin C, andrastin D, austin, uncharacterised C20H20O6. Additional material examined. Canada, Ontario, 5 km NW of Milton, fallen nuts of Fagus grandifolia, 24 Oct. 1995, D. Malloch, DAOMC 250521 (= CBS 140973 = KAS 2101 = W 109).

Notes — Classified in section Canescentia, P. nucicola sits on a well-supported branch distinct from all other species (Fig. 3). Morphologically it resembles P. atrovenetum, P. antarcticum, P. coralligerum, P. novae-zeelandiae and P. herquei (the latter classified in section Sclerotiora). These species commonly produce broad, symmetrical biverticillate conidiophores with bright yellow and green colours often evident in colonies, as observed for P. nucicola on OA (Fig. 12). However, the restricted growth on MEA (12–14 mm diam) easily distinguishes P. nucicola from all of these morphologically similar species.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016

Fig. 12   Morphological characters of Penicillium nucicola. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.

C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium


Fig. 13   Morphological characters of Penicillium alogum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – k. conidiophores; l. conidia. — Scale bar: d – l = 10 μm.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016

Fig. 14   Morphological characters of Penicillium costaricense. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

Penicillium section Charlesia & Stolkia — Fig. 4 Penicillium alogum Visagie, Frisvad & Seifert, sp. nov. — Myco­ Bank MB815772; Fig. 13 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Stolkia. ITS barcode: KT887869. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887830, CaM = KT887791. Etymology. Latin, alogum, meaning irrational, irregular, nonsensical. Named for the irregular conidiophore branching observed in the species. Type specimen. USA, Wyoming, Middle Mountain, Wind River Range, Tundra wetland soil, June 2001, M. Christensen (holotype DAOM 695759, culture ex-type DAOMC 250543 = CBS 140996 = IBT 23947= KAS 2475).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA (15–)19– 22; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 31–35; YES 21–22(–29); OA 22–25; CREA 12 –14. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, crateriform in some isolates; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to mode­ rately dense, conidia en masse greenish grey to dull green (29D2 – 3); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent, after two weeks inconspicuously red present; reverse dull to greyish yellow (3B4–C4), yellowish white (3A2). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, sometimes slightly raised centrally; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense to sparse, conidia en masse greyish green to dark green (29E5–F5), in some a lighter greyish green (29D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent, after two weeks inconspicuously red present; reverse greyish green (29E5), pale yellow (2A3), yellowish grey (2B2). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies deep, plane; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white, orange white (5A2–6A2); texture floccose; sporulation absent, conidia en masse not determined; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish orange (5B5), yellowish white (4A2). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense near centre, conidia en masse greyish green (30E6); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores monoverticillate and divaricate, sometimes solitary phialides present; stipes smooth, inconspicuous green­ ish brown pigment, 10 – 43 × 2 – 3 μm; metulae divergent, 2 when present, of unequal length on the same conidiophore, 7–12(– 20) × 2 – 3 μm; phialides ampulliform, sometimes solitary and elongated to almost acerose, mostly 3 – 5 per metula, 5.5–7(– 8) × 2.5 – 3 μm (6.4 ± 0.5 × 2.7 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 1.7; conidia thick walled, finely rough walled, globose, 2.5 – 3 × 2.5 – 3 μm (2.7 ± 0.1 × 2.7 ± 0.1), average width/length = 0.96, n = 64. Extrolite — uncharacterised C21H28O8. Additional material examined. USA, Wind River Mountain, Wyoming, Tundra wetland soil, 1998, M. Christensen, culture DAOMC 250544 (= CBS 126173 = IBT 23948 = KAS 2476); Middle Mountain, Wind River Mountain, Wyoming, Tundra wetland soil, 1998, M. Christensen, culture DAOMC 250545 (= CBS 126150 = IBT 23950 = KAS 2477).

Notes — Penicillium alogum belong to section Stolkia and is closely related to P. stolkiae, P. subarcticum, P. boreae, P. pullum and P. canariense (Fig. 4). These species all produce conidiophores with some brown pigmentation. Penicillium boreae and P. canariense typically produce biverticillate conidiophores, while the others mainly have monoverticillate/simple conidio­ phore branching patterns. Penicillium pullum produces large, conspicuously rough walled conidia (3.5–4.5 μm) that turn dark with age, which easily distinguish it from P. alogum. On the other hand, P. subarcticum produces bigger conidia than the

new species (3–4 μm) (Peterson & Sigler 2002). From a morphological perspective, P. alogum is most similar to P. stolkiae, having similar colony colours, growth rates and conidiophore branching patterns. However, P. stolkiae produces longer phialides (7–10 μm) and slightly larger conidia (2.8–3.5 µm) fide Pitt (1980). Penicillium costaricense Visagie, M. Urb & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815773; Fig. 14 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Charlesia. ITS barcode: KT887873. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887834, CaM = KT887795. Etymology. Latin, costaricense, named after Costa Rica, the origin of the isolate. Type specimen. Costa Rica, Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Santa Rosa, intestines of Rothschildia lebeau (01-CACG-589) feeding on Spondias mombin, 19 Oct. 2001, J. Diaz (holotype DAOM 695765, culture ex-type DAOMC 250520 = CBS 140998 = KAS 2597 = 01-RGTHC-294).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 15–17; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 19–21; YES 21–22; OA 11–12; CREA 6–7. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate, crateriform; margins low, narrow, entire; my­celia white; texture velutinous; sporulation sparse to mode­rately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise to dull green (25C4 –D3); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish green to olive (1D4–2D4), yellowish white to pale yellow (3A2–3). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dark green (25E5 – F5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow (2B3–C4–3C5). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, crateriform; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (25C4 –D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse olive (2D3–E3), light yellow to dull yellow (3A4–B3). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dark green (25E5–F5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores monoverticillate; stipes smooth, 50– 280 × 2–3 μm; vesicle 4–6.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, 10–20 per stipe, 8.5–11.5 × 2–3.5 μm (9.7 ± 0.7 × 2.7 ± 0.3); conidia smooth walled, subglobose, 2.5–3 × 2–3 μm (2.6 ± 0.1 × 2.4 ± 0.1), average width/length = 0.94, n = 72. Extrolites — andrastin A, andrastin C, uncharacterised C11H15O3N. Notes — Penicillium costaricense is known from only the one isolate and forms a subbasal branch distinct from the main body of section Charlesia and P. georgiense, the basal species in the section (Fig. 4). The new species produces monoverticillate conidiophores, readily distinguished from the biverticillate to divaricate conidiophores of P. georgiense. The same character also distinguishes it from P. charlesii and P. fellutanum. The remaining species, P. coffeae, P. phoeniceum and P. indicum all produce monoverticillate conidiophores. However, P. indicum (20–30 mm diam) and P. phoeniceum (5–8 mm diam) are able to grow on CYA at 37 °C, in contrast to P. costaricense, which does not grow at 37 °C. Microscopically, P. costaricense most closely resembles P. coffeae, but the latter grows much slower on CYA and MEA (11–17 mm, 11–13 mm diam) than the new species.


Persoonia – Volume 36, 2016

Fig. 15   Morphological characters of Penicillium aotearoae. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – i. conidiophores; j. conidia. — Scale bar: d – j = 10 μm.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

Penicillium section Exilicaulis — Fig. 5, 6 Penicillium aotearoae Visagie & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815774; Fig. 15 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Exilicaulis. ITS barcode: KT887874. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887835, CaM = KT887796. Etymology. Latin, aotearoae, from the Maori name for New Zealand, the origin of the isolate. Type specimen. New Zealand, South Island, Arthurs Pass National Park, Devil’s Punchbowl, isol. ex clay, light yellow brown, beneath moss and Nothofagus, 18 Feb. 2003, K.A. Seifert (holotype PDD 107543, culture extype DAOMC 250538 = CBS 140999 = KAS 3088).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 30–32; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 29 – 30; YES 35 – 37; OA 33–35; CREA 18 –19. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low to moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise to greyish green (24D4 – 25D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates clear to absent; reverse brown (6D7), greyish orange (5B6), light yellow (4A5), greyish green (28C4). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish turquoise to greyish green (24D4 – 25D4); soluble pigments inconspicuously yellow; exudates absent; reverse dull yellow to olive yellow (3B4–D6). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, crateriform; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (25B3–C4); soluble pigments inconspicuously yellow; exudates absent; reverse brown (7E7), orange to brownish orange (6B8–C8), yellowish orange (4A6). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (26E4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Strong growth, acid weakly produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, divaricate, some monoverticillate; stipes rough to finely rough, 115 –180 × 2 – 3 μm; branches 16.5– 46 μm; metulae divergent, 2 – 5 per stipe, 9.5 – 24 × 2–3 μm; phialides ampulliform, 6 – 20 per metula, 6.5 – 9 × 2–3 μm (7.5 ± 0.6 × 2.4 ± 0.2); average length metula /phialide 2.1; conidia finely rough walled, globose, 2 – 3 × 2 – 3 μm (2.5 ± 0.1 × 2.4 ± 0.1), average width /length = 0.96, n = 67. Extrolites — uncharacterised C19H24O8. Notes — Penicillium aotearoae is classified in section Exilicaulis and is closely related to P. melinii, P. ‘fynbos1’ (an undescribed species from the fynbos in South Africa, Visagie et al. 2016b) and P. diabolicalicense described below (Fig. 5, 6). The new species can be distinguished from the others based on colony growth rates. It grows more restrictedly than the fynbos species on MEA, but faster on MEA compared to P. melinii, and faster on CYA but more restricted on MEA compared to P. diabolicalicense. Penicillium diabolicalicense Visagie & Seifert, sp. nov. — Myco­Bank MB815775; Fig. 16 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Exilicaulis. ITS barcode: KT887840. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887801, CaM = KT887762. Etymology. Latin, diabolicalicense, meaning Devil’s Punchbowl, the origin of type strain – diabolus, diaboli = devil; calix, calicis = drinking bowl.

Type specimen. New Zealand, Arthurs Pass National Park, Devil’s Punchbowl, light yellow brown, beneath moss and Nothofagus, 18 Feb. 2003, Keith Seifert (holotype PDD 107542, culture ex-type DAOMC 250542 = CBS 140967 = KAS 1726).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 20–25; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 36–40; YES 31–34; OA 30–31; CREA 20–21. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white, deep yellow; texture floccose; sporulation absent to sparse, conidia en masse not determined; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brown (5F6), light brown (5D3), pale yellow to greyish yellow (4A3–B3). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dark green (25F6–26F6); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse dull yellow to greyish green (3B3–29B3–C3), yellowish white (2A2–3A2). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins moderately deep, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greenish grey to greyish green (25B2–D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish orange (5B6), pale yellow to light yellow to yellowish orange (4A3–6). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (25E5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Strong growth, acid strongly produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, often divaricate; stipes rough, 200 – 800 × 2 – 3 μm; branches 20 – 68 μm; metulae divergent, 2–4 per stipe, unequal length on same conidiophore, 12 – 26 × 2 – 3 μm; phialides ampulliform, 4 – 8 per metula, (5.5–)6.5–8(–9) × 2.5–3 μm (7.2 ± 0.7 × 2.7 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 2.1; conidia rough walled, subglobose, minor proportion globose, 2–3 × 2–2.5 μm (2.6 ± 0.2 × 2.5 ± 0.0), average width/length = 0.96, n = 41. Extrolites — N,N-dimethylrestricticin (CYA), penitrem A (CYA), restricticin. Notes — Penicillium diabolicalicense is classified in section Exilicaulis and is closely related to P. melinii, P. ‘fynbos1’ (Visagie et al. 2016b) and P. aotearoae described above (Fig. 5, 6). The new species can easily be distinguished from its close relatives based on its more restricted growth on CYA at 25 °C compared to the fynbos species, faster growth on MEA compared to P. melinii, and growth slower on CYA but faster growth on MEA compared to P. aotearoae. Penicillium fundyense Visagie, David Clark & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815776; Fig. 17 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Exilicaulis. ITS barcode: KT887853. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887814, CaM = KT887775. Etymology. Latin, fundyense, named after the Bay of Fundy, origin of the strain. Type specimen. Canada, New Brunswick, St. Andrews, Carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), Aug. 2000, D. Clark (holotype DAOM 695767, culture ex-type DAOMC 250519 = CBS 140980 = NBBR-2-3 = W466 = KAS 2174).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 20–21; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 22–24; YES 28–30; OA 25–26; CREA 14–15. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate, crateriform; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse


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Fig. 16   Morphological characters of Penicillium diabolicalicense. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – i. conidiophores; j. conidia. — Scale bar: d = 50 µm, e – j = 10 μm.

C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium


Fig. 17   Morphological characters of Penicillium fundyense. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.


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Fig. 18   Morphological characters of Penicillium amphipolaria. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – l. conidiophores; m. conidia. — Scale bar: d – m = 10 μm.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

dull green to greyish green (25E4–5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse olive (3D4), yellowish white (2A2). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, lightly sulcate centrally; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green to greyish green (25E4 – 5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse olive (3E4), greyish yellow (3B4 – C4). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, crateriform; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (25B3 – C4); soluble pigments absent; exudates deep yellow, inconspicuous; reverse brownish orange (5C6), light yellow to greyish yellow (4A4 – B5). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26C3 – D3); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Strong growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores monoverticillate, biverticillate and divaricate both common, often difficult to distinguish between branches and metulae; stipes smooth, 15 – 200(– 400) × 2 – 2.5 μm; branches 16–30(– 47) μm; metulae divergent, 2 – 4 per stipe, 16–30 × 2–2.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, 8 –16 per metula, 6–8.5 × 2–2.5 μm (7.4 ± 0.7 × 2.4 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 3.3; conidia smooth walled, globose, 2 – 3 × 2 – 3 μm (2.4 ± 0.2 × 2.4 ± 0.2), average width/length = 0.96, n = 46. Extrolites — dehydrohistidyltryptophanyldiketopiperazine, meleagrin, N6-formyl-roquefortine C, neoxaline, oxaline, roquefortine C, roquefortine M. Notes — Penicillium fundyense is classified in section Exili­ caulis, with phylogenies resolving it in a clade with P. cinerascens, P. citreonigrum and P. citreosulfuratum. The species of this complex are almost impossible to distinguish morphologically, but chemically they represent distinct species, which resulted in Visagie et al. (2016b) suggesting the use of ITS and BenA sequences for identifications of strains in this clade. This approach is followed here, because P. fundyense shows only minor morphological differences from its close relatives, but is phylogenetically distinct from the other three. Penicillium section Lanata-Divaricata — Fig. 7, 8 Penicillium amphipolaria Visagie, Malloch & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815777; Fig. 18 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887872. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887833, CaM = KT887794. Etymology. Latin, amphipolaria, meaning both poles, named to indicate the origin of the two strains on opposite sides of the Earth, close to the north and south poles. Type specimen. Antarctica, Quartermain Mountains of Antarctic Dry Valleys (-77.842741° 161.122229°), soil, Jan. 1998, W.C. Mahaney (holotype DAOM 695760, culture ex-type DAOMC 250551 = CBS 140997 = W 284 = KAS 2555).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA (30–)36– 39; CYA 37 °C 5 –7; MEAbl 50 – 52; YES 48 – 51; OA 45–50; CREA 24 – 29. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously yellow; texture floccose; sporulation very sparse, moderate in the ex-type, conidia en masse dull green (26D4) in the ex-type; soluble pigments absent; exudates clear to absent; reverse greyish yellow to olive brown (4C6 – D6), light yellow (2A4), pale yellow (3A3) in DAOMC 250550. MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white;

texture floccose and velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (26D3 – 4); soluble pigments deep yellow, absent in DAOMC 250550; exudates absent; reverse yellow to olive yellow (3B6–C6), greenish grey (1B2) in KAS1396. YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, raised at centre; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously yellow; texture floccose; sporulation very sparse, moderately dense in the ex-type, conidia en masse greenish grey to dull green (26B3–D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow to olive brown (4C6–D6), light yellow (2A4), pale yellow (3A3) in DAOMC 250550. OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose and velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greenish white to dull green (26B2–D3–E3); soluble pigments yellow, absent in DAOMC 250550; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Strong growth, acid moderately produced. Conidiophores biverticillate and divaricate, minor proportion monoverticillate; stipes smooth, 240–460 × 2–2.5 μm; branches 12–42 μm; metulae divergent, 2–4 per stipe, 9.5–21 × 2–3 μm; phialides ampulliform, 3–6 per metula, 6.5–10 × 2–3 μm (7.4 ± 0.8 × 2.5 ± 0.8); average length metula/phialide 2.1; conidia smooth walled, mainly broadly ellipsoidal, some globose, 2–3 × 2–2.5 μm (2.4 ± 0.1 × 2.2 ± 0.1), average width/ length = 0.9, n = 78. Extrolites — fumitremorgin B, fusaperazine E, fusaperazine related (C20H27N3O4S), oxaline, uncharacterised C22H23O4N3, C27H31O7N3. Additional material examined. Canada, Quebec, peat moss factory, 2001, C. Duchaine, cultures DAOMC 250549 (= CBS 140965 = KAS 1392 = R-273), DAOMC 250550 (= CBS 140966 = KAS 1396 = R-293).

Notes — Penicillium amphipolaria is classified in section Lanata-Divaricata and is a close relative of P. singorense (Fig. 7, 8). The new species can easily be distinguished from its close relatives by its poor growth on CYA at 37 °C, in contrast to the strong growth of P. singorense (40–43 mm diam) (Visagie et al. 2014a). Also, P. amphipolaria has a more complex conidiophore branching pattern compared to the generally simple conidiophores of P. singorense (Visagie et al. 2014a). Penicillium bissettii Visagie & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815778; Fig. 19 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887845. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887806, CaM = KT887767. Etymology. Latin, bissettii, named after John Bissett, recently retired mycologist, AAFC Ottawa, who collected and isolated the strains, in honour of his contributions to soil fungus ecology. Type specimen. Canada, Quebec, near Lacolle, soil from Spruce forest, 5 Apr. 1977, J. Bissett (holotype DAOM 695761, culture ex-type DAOMC 167011 = CBS 140972 = KAS 1951).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 42–43; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 35–43; YES 47–52; OA 45–48; CREA 23–26. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, sparse in DAOMC 167033, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26C3 –D4), greenish grey (26B2); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brown to dark brown (7E6–F6), yellowish white to greyish yellow (4A2–B4). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, pinkish red underneath mycelial and sporulating areas; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, red submerged in media; texture floccose and velutinous; sporulation absent, sparse in some colonies, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26D4 – E5),


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Fig. 19   Morphological characters of Penicillium bissettii. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

greenish grey (26B2); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish red to reddish brown (8B6 – D6). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, some strains sporulating in concentrical rings; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, absent in some strains, conidia en masse dull green (26D4–E4), greenish white (26B2); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brownish orange (6C5), light yellow to greyish yellow (4A3 – B5). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous and floccose; sporulation sparse, conidia en masse greenish grey to greyish green (26B2 – 3); soluble pigments pink, absent in DAOMC 167033; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, terverticillate, minor proportion divaricate; stipes rough, 190–670 × 2.5–3.5 μm; branches 14–25 μm; metulae divergent, 3 – 4 per stipe or branch, 11–15.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, 3 – 6 per metula, 6.5–9 × 2.5–3 μm (7.5 ± 0.7 × 2.6 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 1.8; conidia smooth walled, globose to subglobose, 2 – 3 × 2–3 μm (2.6 ± 0.2 × 2.4 ± 0.1), average width/length = 0.92, n = 72. Extrolites — DAOMC 167033: penicillic acid, uncharacteri­ sed C14H19O4N. DAOMC 167011: aurantioclavine, dehydrohistidyltryptophanyldiketopiperazine, glandicoline B, meleagrin, oxalicine B, roquefortine C, roquefortine M, roquefortine N. Additional material examined. Canada, Quebec near Lacolle, soil from Spruce forest, 5 Apr. 1977, J. Bissett, culture DAOMC 167033 (= CBS 140971 = KAS 1949).

Notes — Penicillium bissettii is classified in section LanataDivaricata in a clade distantly related to all other species in the section. The multigene phylogeny places it closest to P. vas­ coniae and P. annulatum (Fig. 7, 8), but on a poorly supported backbone. Penicillium bissettii and P. vasconiae share the production of red mycelia submerged in the media (Ramírez & Martinez 1980). However, P. vasconiae has smooth walled conidiophores, in comparison with the roughened conidiophores of the new species. Penicillium annulatum grows well on CYA at 37 °C in contrast to P. bissettii, which does not grow at this temperature. Penicillium camponotum Visagie, David Clark & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815779; Fig. 20 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887855. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887816, CaM = KT887777. Etymology. Latin, camponotum , named in relation to genus of Carpenter ants that the species was isolated from. Type specimen. Canada, New Brunswick, St. Andrews, Carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), Aug. 2000, D. Clark (holotype DAOM 695762, culture ex-type DAOMC 250557 = CBS 140982 = NBBR-2-1 = W 471 = KAS 2177).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA (23–)37– 45; CYA 37 °C no growth to microcolonies; MEAbl 48–55(–60); YES 53 – 60; OA 49 – 52; CREA 20 – 25. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, lightly radially sulcate; margins low, narrow, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, absent in some strains, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (25C4 – E4 – 26E4); soluble pigments reddish brown, absent in some isolates; exudates clear; reverse greyish yellow (4B4–5), yellowish white to pale yellow (3A2 – 3), brownish orange (5C5– 6C5) in isolates with soluble pigments. MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (26D3–4–E4); soluble pigments absent; exu-

dates absent; reverse greenish grey to greyish green (30B2– B3), yellowish white (2A2). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously pinkish grey; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green to greyish green (25D4–26D4–E5); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brownish orange (5C3), greyish orange (5B4–5), pale yellow to light yellow (4B3–5). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation absent to sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26C3 – D3 – 4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid moderately produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, minor proportion divaricate; stipes rough, 220–620 × 2.5–3.5 μm; branches 13–44 μm; metulae divergent, 2–4 per stipe, sometimes of unequal length on same conidiophore, 12–26 × 2.5–4 μm; phialides ampulliform, 4–8 per metula, 8–11.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm (9.5 ± 0.8 × 2.9 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 1.7; conidia rough to finely rough walled, globose, 2.5–3.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm (2.9 ± 0.1 × 2.9 ± 0.1), average width/length = 0.97, n = 72. Extrolites — andrastin B, andrastin C, andrastin D, uncharacterised C15H22O2 (only New Brunswick strains), andrastin A (only German strains), marcfortine A, marcfortine B (all strains). Additional material examined. Canada, New Brunswick, St. Andrews, Carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), Aug. 2000, D. Clark, culture DAOMC 250552 (= CBS 140975 = NBCP-17-4 = W 447 = KAS 2166), DAOMC 250553 (= CBS 140977 = NBCP-9-1 = W 451 = KAS 2169), DAOMC 250554 (= CBS 140978 = NBCP-1-1 = W 452 = KAS 2170), DAOMC 250555 (= CBS 140979 = NBCP-17- 4B = W 463 = KAS 2172), DAOMC 250556 (= CBS 140981 = NBCP-23-1 = W 469 = KAS 2176), DAOMC 250558 (= CBS 140984 = NBCP-5-1 = W 477 = KAS 2182). – Germany, Grosse-Pfahl, Bayern, ant nest in Picea abies, Aug. 2000, D. Clark, DAOMC 250559 (= CBS 140985 = TP-4-1= W 498 = KAS 2193); Pfahl Viechtach, Bayern, Carpenter ants (Camponotus herculeanus), Aug. 2000, D. Malloch, culture DAOMC 250560 (= CBS 140986 = TPF-8-3 = W 512 = KAS 2199).

Notes — Penicillium camponotum is classified in section Lanata-Divaricata as a close relative to P. subrubescens (Fig. 7, 8). However, the new species produces weak acid on CREA, which is absent in P. subrubescens (Mansouri et al. 2013). Also, P. camponotum has larger globose conidia compared to the smaller subglobose to broadly ellipsoidal conidia of P. subrubescens. Penicillium cataractum Visagie, Malloch & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815780; Fig. 21 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887847. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887808, CaM = KT887769. Etymology. Latin, cataractum, meaning waterfall, reflecting the origin of the strains, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Type specimen. Canada, Niagara falls, on fallen nuts of Carya cordiformis, May 1996, D. Malloch (holotype DAOM 695763, culture ex-type DAOMC 250534 = CBS 140974 = W 4 = KAS 2145).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 34–42; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 15–25; YES 45–60; OA 28–37; CREA 13–15. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (26E4), greyish green (25C3); soluble pigments absent; exudates clear; reverse greyish yellow to greyish orange (4B4–5B4), pale yellow (4A2). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low to moderately deep, plane; margins low, wide, irregular; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (25D4 – E4); soluble pigments absent;


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Fig. 20   Morphological characters of Penicillium camponotum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.

C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium


Fig. 21   Morphological characters of Penicillium cataractum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.


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Fig. 22   Morphological characters of Penicillium infrabuccalum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – k. conidiophores; l. conidia. — Scale bar: d – l = 10 μm.


C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow to greyish orange (4B4–5B4), pale yellow (4A2), yellowish grey (4B2). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, raised at centre; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (25C4 – E5 ); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish yellow (4B5), pale yellow to light yellow (4A3–4). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, orange colour in some isolates underneath sporulation; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose and velutinous; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (26D4 – E4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Moderate growth, acid strongly produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, terverticillate, minor proportion divaricate; stipes rough, (120 –)200 – 650 × 3 – 4 μm; branches 13–30 μm; metulae divergent, 2 – 5 per stipe or branch, 11–20 × 3–4 μm; phialides ampulliform, 5 –10 per metula, 8 –10.5 × 3–3.5 μm (9.5 ± 0.7 × 3.1 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 1.4; conidia rough walled, globose to minor proportion broadly ellipsoidal, 3 – 3.5 × 3 – 3.5 μm (3.3 ± 0.1 × 3.3 ± 0.1), average width/length = 0.95, n = 60. Extrolites — andrastin A, andrastin B, andrastin C, andrastin D, pulvilloric acid, trichodermamide A, trichodermamide C, uncharacterised C29H20O7S2, C20H30O6N2. Additional material examined. Canada, Niagara falls, on fallen nuts of Carya ovata, May 1996, D. Malloch, culture DAOMC 250533 (= CBS 140991 = W 6 = KAS 2270); Niagara falls, on fallen nuts of Carya cordiformis, May 1996, D. Malloch, culture DAOMC 250535 (= CBS 140992 = W 7 = KAS 2271).

Notes — Penicillium cataractum belongs to section LanataDivaricata and is a close relative of P. mariae-crucis and the new species P. infrabuccalum (Fig. 7, 8). Penicillium mariaecrucis produces sclerotia and reddish brown colonies, which are absent in both of the closely related new species. Penicillium cataractum has more restricted growth on MEA and has larger conidia than P. infrabuccalum. Penicillium infrabuccalum Visagie, David Clark & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815782; Fig. 22 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887856. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887817, CaM = KT887778. Etymology. Latin, infrabuccalum, meaning from infrabuccal pockets of the Carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus, the niche of this fungus. Type specimen. Canada, New Brunswick, St. Andrews, Carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), Aug. 2000, D. Clark (holotype DAOM 695769, culture ex-type DAOMC 250537 = CBS 140983 = NBSM-6-2 = W 475 = KAS 2181).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 37–45; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 29 – 31; YES 54 – 58; OA 35–37; CREA 28 – 30. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse dull green (26E4 – 27E3 – 4), greenish white (25A2); soluble pigments absent; exudates clear; reverse greyish orange (5B3), greyish yellow (4B3), pale yellow (3A2). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low to moderately deep, plane; margins low, narrow, irregular; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense to dense, conidia en masse dull green (26D3 – 27D3 – 4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greenish white (30A2), greenish grey to greyish green (30B2 – 3). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia

white; texture floccose; sporulation sparse to moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green (25B3–4–26B3–4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brownish orange (5C6), greyish yellow to greyish orange (4C3–5C3). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, irregular; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26C3 – D4); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, terverticillate, minor proportion divaricate; stipes rough, 210–640 × 2–3 μm; branches 20– 30(–48) μm; metulae divergent, 2–5 per stipe or branch, 10–19 × 2.5–3.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, 5–10 per metula, 7.5–9.5 × 2–3 μm (8.3 ± 0.5 × 2.4 ± 0.2); average length metula/phia­lide 1.5; conidia finely rough walled, subglobose to broadly ellipsoidal, 2.5–3 × 2–3 μm (2.7 ± 0.2 × 2.4 ± 0.1), average width/ length = 0.89, n = 49. Extrolites — andrastin A, andrastin B, andrastin C, andrastin D, oxalicine A, oxalicine B, pulvilloric acid. Additional material examined. Canada, New Brunswick, St. Andrews, Carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), Aug. 2000, D. Clark, culture DAOMC 250536 (= CBS 140976 = NBSM-4-4 = W 449 = KAS 2168).

Notes — Penicillium infrabuccalum is classified in section Lanata-Divaricata. The single gene phylogenies resolved it in a clade with P. mariae-crucis and the new species P. cataractum (Fig. 7, 8). However, P. mariae-crucis produces sclerotia and reddish brown colonies, which are absent in both of the closely related new species. Penicillium infrabuccalum grows faster on MEA and has smaller conidia than P. cataractum. Penicillium panissanguineum Visagie, Ketch & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815783; Fig. 23 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887862. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887823, CaM = KT887784. Etymology. Latin, panissanguineum, meaning blood of a chimpanzee, named in relation to chimpanzees that ate the soil from where strains were isolated and the red colony reverse on MEA. Type specimen. Tanzania, Kigoma region, soil related with termite mounds, Oct. 1996, coll. M.A. Huffman, isol. L. Ketch (holotype DAOM 695771, culture ex-type DAOMC 250562 = CBS 140989 = W 93 = KAS 2209).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 41–44; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 30–35; YES 48–55; OA 40–45; CREA 20–21. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26C3–D4), greenish grey (26B2); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brown to dark brown (7E6– F6), yellowish white to greyish yellow (4A2–B4). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, pinkish red underneath mycelial and sporulating areas; margins low, wide, irregular; mycelia white; texture floccose and velutinous; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greyish green to dull green (26D4 – E5), greenish grey (26B2); soluble pigments pink; exudates absent; reverse greyish red to deep red (10B5–C8). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, raised at centre; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, pinkish areas present; texture floccose; sporulation very sparse, conidia en masse light grey; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse greyish red to red (10B5–7), pale yellow (4A3). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation moderately dense, conidia en masse greenish white to dull green (26B2–D3–E3);


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Fig. 23   Morphological characters of Penicillium panissanguineum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d – j. conidiophores; k. conidia. — Scale bar: d – k = 10 μm.

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Fig. 24   Morphological characters of Penicillium tanzanicum. a. Colonies from left to right (top row) CYA, MEA, YES; (bottom row) CYA reverse, MEA reverse, YES reverse; b. colony texture on CYA; c. colony texture on MEA; d. sclerotia; e – i. conidiophores; j. conidia. — Scale bar: d = 50 µm, e – j = 10 μm.


soluble pigments pink and absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, minor proportion terverticillate and divaricate, solitary phialides sometimes present; stipes rough, 200 –730 × 2 – 2.5 μm; branches 19.5 – 34 μm; metulae divergent, 2 – 4 per stipe or branch,10 –16.5(– 21) × 2.5–3 μm; phialides ampulliform, 3 –7 per metula, 6.5 –10 × 2.5 –3.5 μm (8.2 ± 0.8 × 2.8 ± 0.2); average length metula/phialide 1.6; conidia smooth walled, globose to broadly ellipsoidal, 2.5–3.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm (3.1 ± 0.2 × 3 ± 0.1), average width /length = 0.95, n = 76. Extrolites — andrastin A, andrastin B, andrastin C, andrastin D, pulvilloric acid. Additional material examined. Tanzania, Kigoma region, soil related with termite mounds, Oct. 1996, coll. M.A. Huffman, isol. L. Ketch, culture DAOMC 250561 (= CBS 140988 = W 85 = KAS 2208).

Notes — Penicillium panissanguineum is classified in section Lanata-Divaricata and is in a clade of species that typically produce rough-walled conidiophores, such as P. simplicissi­ mum. However, the inability of the new species to grow on CYA at 37 °C and its bright red colony reverse colour on MEA distinguish it from all other species in this clade. Penicillium tanzanicum Visagie, Ketch & Seifert, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB815781; Fig. 24 In: subgenus Aspergilloides, section Lanata-Divaricata. ITS barcode: KT887841. Alternative identification markers: BenA = KT887802, CaM = KT887763. Etymology. Latin, tanzanicum, named after Tanzania, origin of the strains. Type specimen. Tanzania, Kigoma region, soil related with termite mounds, Oct. 1996, coll. M.A. Huffman, isol. L. Ketch (holotype DAOM 695766, culture ex-type DAOMC 250514 = CBS 140968 = 50.118 = KAS 1946).

Colony morphology — Colony diam, 7 d, in mm: CYA 36–40; CYA 37 °C no growth; MEAbl 41– 43; YES 47– 50; OA 39–40; CREA 28 – 31. CYA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially sulcate; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously yellowish grey; texture floccose; sporulation sparse, conidia en masse greenish grey (27B2 – D2); soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse brownish orange (6C4 –7C4), yellowish white to orange white (4A2 – 5A2). MEA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, yellow to greyish yellow colour due to abundant sclerotia dominating colony appearance; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously yellow; texture floccose; sporulation absent to very sparse, conidia en masse indeterminable; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse yellowish brown (5D5), pale yellow to greyish yellow (4A2–B3–5). YES 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies moderately deep, radially and concentrically sulcate, raised at centre; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation very sparse, conidia en masse not determined; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse yellowish brown (5D5), pale yellow to greyish yellow (4A2 – B3 – 5). OA 25 °C, 7 d: Colonies low, plane, yellow to greyish yellow colour due to abundant sclerotia; margins low, wide, entire; mycelia white, inconspicuously yellow; texture floccose; sporulation very sparse, conidia en masse not determined; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent. CREA 25 °C, 7 d: Weak growth, acid not produced. Conidiophores biverticillate, divaricate; stipes rough, (80–)200– 875 × 2.5–3.5 μm; branches 12.5–13.5; metulae divergent, 2–4 per stipe, unequal length on same conidiophore, 11.5–26 × 2.5–3.5 μm; phialides ampulliform, 4 – 8 per metula, 8–11 × 2.5–3.5 μm (9.5 ± 0.0.7 × 3.0 ± 0.3); average length metula/ phialide 1.9; conidia rough walled, some finely rough, globose

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to subglobose, often pointed on one side with connective still visible, 2.5–3.5 × 2.5–3.5 μm (3.1 ± 0.2 × 3.0 ± 0.1), average width/length = 0.96, n = 55; sclerotia 33–105 × 32–96 μm. Extrolites — bisdechlorogeodin, fiscalin A, fiscalin C, pulvilloric acid. Additional material examined. Tanzania, Kigoma region, soil related with termite mounds, Oct. 1996, coll. M.A. Huffman, isol. L. Ketch, cultures DAOMC 250515 (= CBS 140969 = 51.92 = KAS 1947), DAOMC 250516 (= CBS 140990 = 50.11 = KAS 2256).

Notes — Penicillium tanzanicum is classified in section La­ nata-Divaricata. The phylogeny assigns it to a clade of species typically having roughened conidiophores, i.e. P. simplicissi­ mum, P. araracuaraense and P. wotroi (Fig. 7, 8). Penicillium tanzanicum does not grow on CYA at 37 °C, in contrast with P. wotroi and P. simplicissimum, which grow at 37 °C. It should be noted that this character has been considered unstable for delineating species in the P. simplicissimum complex (Pitt 1980, Houbraken et al. 2011b). Additionally, P. tanzanicum also grows more restrictedly than P. simplicissimum. Penicillium araracuaraense produces a weak acid on CREA, whereas acid production is absent in P. tanzanicum. The main character distinguishing the new species from all three of its close relatives, is the abundant yellowish sclerotia on MEA, which are absent in close relatives. DISCUSSION Penicillium species are reported often in ecological surveys. If identified to the species rank, they are usually determined using micromorphological and colony characters. Although there are some recent comprehensive monographs of some subgenera or sections of Penicillium (Frisvad & Samson 2004, Houbraken et al. 2011a, b, 2014, Visagie et al. 2013, 2016a, b, Peterson et al. 2015), the available generic monographs are now 35 years out of date and the species concepts employed were biased heavily towards isolates from food or other niches of particular interest to humans. Species with apparently diverse ecologies, such as e.g. P. citrinum (according to Pitt 1980 one of the most common eukaryotes on Earth), P. glabrum, P. janthinellum and P. simplicissimum, incorporate great phenotypic diversity. Variability in growth, form and ecology made reliable identification of new isolates very difficult. The consequence is that before the development of a standardised molecular approach and extrolite profiling, species with more restricted ecological niches that do not intrude on the human economy tended to be lumped into other species, their unique genetic or biochemical status unrecognised. Many of the strains described as new in this paper were identified originally as known species using micromorphology before molecular data indicated the significance of some of the deviating or inconspicuous characters. There is increasing evidence of ecological specialisation in Penicillium. Several of the new species described in this paper come from studies of esoteric ecological niches, such as soil eaten by chimpanzees, infrabuccal cavities of carpenter ants, caterpillar intestines, nuts in temperate forests, or leaf surfaces in tropical rain forests. It seems likely that several of our new species are actual functional components and not incidental contaminants of the ecosystem samples. There was no particular effort to target Penicillium specifically in most of these studies, so the strains were isolated among other fungi at differing frequencies. The Tanzanian soil eaten by chimpanzees, for example, yielded a broad diversity of hyphomycetes, including many Penicillium species that were a significant part of the mycota (Ketch 1998). Even though it is likely that some penicillia are actually true soil fungi or associates of roots, we speculate that many species have other primary habitats where they may perform various functions, similar to the close

C.M. Visagie et al.: Fifteen new species of Penicillium

association that a number of subgenus Penicillium species have with food related products (Frisvad & Samson 2004) such as grains, dairy products or fruits. This may explain why it is often difficult to obtain numerous strains of one species when making isolations from soil. Previous studies hint at possible interactions between Penicillium and insect hosts or habitats. Penicillium brocae has a very close association with coffee-berry borers (Peterson et al. 2003) while P. mallochii and P. guanacastense are known only from the intestines of Costa Rican caterpillars (Rivera et al. 2012). Penicillium herquei and the leave-rolling weevil (Euops chinensis) have a close association (Kobayashi et al. 2008, Li et al. 2012), and mites are suspected dispersal vectors for some Penicillium species in Protea repens infructescences (Visagie 2012). The dominant fungi in buccal cavities of carpenter ants were species of Mortierella (Clark 2002), but our new species P. camponotum seems to be a consistent inhabitant of this niche, and occurred in both Canada and Germany. The other two species, P. infrabuccalum with two isolates and P. fundyense with one, are known only from this niche but with so few strains available, it is difficult to interpret the significance of the association. Whatever the actual ecological roles of the species described in this paper, it seems likely that the extrolites they produce will have crucial ecological functions. From the 15 species described here, 36 known extrolites were identified and 11 uncharacterised compounds detected (Table 3). As shown repeatedly in Penicillium, extrolite profiling is a valuable addition to morphological characterisation and gene comparisons for species delimitation (e.g. Frisvad & Filtenborg 1990, Sonjak et al. 2007, Tuthill et al. 2001), although chemotaxonomic comparisons with close relatives were not possible for most of our new species because of the lack of data for sister species. Among the species we studied, P. diabolicalicense, P. improvisum, P. alogum and P. aotearoae produced unique, previously unknown extrolites. Isofumigaclavine A and citrinin were extrolites of P. improvisum. Restricticins are broad spectrum antifungal polyenes previously only identified in cultures of P. restrictum (Hensens et al. 1991, Schwartz et al. 1991) and Penicillium sp. NR6564 (Matsukuma et al. 1992). Penicillium diabolicalicense also produces these compounds, but the less active N,N-dimethylrestricticin occurred in greater concentrations. In this study, P. diabolicalicense (section Exilicaulis) was the only producer of the neurotoxin penitrem A (on CYA), which is otherwise well-known among species of subgenus Penicillium. Penicillium alogum and P. aotearoae produced uncharacterised extrolites of formula C21H28O8 and C19H24O8, respectively. Penicillium amphipolaria was the only producer of fusaperazine E, fumitremorgin B and several related, uncharacterised metabolites. Andrastins were the extrolites of P. nucicola, P. cataractum, P. infrabuccalum, P. panissanguineum and some P. camponotum. Despite these similarities, all species produced unique combinations of additional extrolites (Table 3). Infraspecific variation of extrolite production was observed for P. camponotum, P. cataractum and P. bissettii. All strains of P. camponotum produced marcfortine A and marcfortine B, yet the predominant extrolites produced by Canadian and German strains differed significantly. The seven Canadian strains isolated in New Brunswick from carpenter ants (Camponotus pennsylvanicus) produced an uncharacterised compound of formula C15H22O2 that was absent in the German strains isolated from Camponotus herculeanus, which produced andrastin A. The greatest infraspecific variation of extrolites occurred within strains of P. bissettii, both of which were isolated from soil samples collected from a spruce forest in Quebec, Canada on the same date. DAOMC 167011 produced high amounts of meleagrin and aurantioclavine in all three growth media tested


whereas these extrolites were absent in DAOMC 167033, which produced penicillic acid. Pulvilloric acid (C15H18O5) was first identified in cultures of P. pulvillorum (Brian et al. 1957), and its structure was elucidated (Barber et al. 1986, Barret et al. 1969, McOmie et al. 1966) following isolation under acidic conditions (pH = 1). Recently, pulvilloric acid was identified in the related P. wotroi and P. araracuaraense (Houbraken et al. 2011b). Using LC-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) in negative ionization mode, we’ve identified a similar compound of chemical formula C15H20O6 (m/z 295.1186) as an extrolite of P. panissanguineum, P. cataractum, P. infrabuccalum and P. tanzanicum. An isochroman similar to pulvilloric acid, with an identical chemical formula to that reported in this study, was characterised in cultures of the phylogenetically related species P. simplicissimum and patented as an amyloid aggregation inhibitor (Hirai et al. 2001). Interestingly, when these strains were screened by positive mode LC-HRMS, the m/z of the major peak was 279.1226, which corresponds to the chemical formula of pulvilloric acid (C15H18O5) (Fig. 9). The LC conditions were adjusted to ensure that the two contradictory signals observed in positive and negative ionization modes were indeed from the same compound. Non-aqueous extraction solutions were also used to determine if the extraction method was causing an undesired chemical reaction. We determined that during ionization in positive mode, protonation of this compound causes it to immediately dissociate by neutral loss of water, producing a [C15H18O5+H]+ product ion that can be mistaken as the molecular ion. This is a charge-directed fragmentation phenomenon known to occur when the protonated, gas-phase ion is highly unstable (Renaud et al. 2013). In negative mode ionization, the molecular charge is obtained through the deprotonation of the carboxylic acid and the compound does not undergo extensive in-source fragmentation, exemplifying the benefits of LC-MS screening with both polarities. Our results suggest that ‘pulvilloric acid’ which was previously identified in cultures of P. wotroi and P. araracuaraense and quite possibly P. pulvillorum itself, is not the structure as it exists on artificial solid and liquid growth media; it is the patented isochroman isolated from cultures of P. simplicissimum. The originally reported pulvilloric acid structure is known to be unstable and require careful extraction and work-up methodology, to avoid rearrangement and decomposition reactions from occurring during isolation (Tanenbaum & Nakajima 1969). Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the two structures could be inter-convertible due to an increased stability of the molecule provided by the aromatisation of the originally proposed structure of pulvilloric acid to its isochroman. However, the true form of pulvilloric acid within the natural environments of its producers remains unknown. In solid and liquid growth media, the formula of this extrolite is C15H20O6 and we will simply maintain the name of pulvilloric acid. Acknowledgements   This paper is warmly dedicated to Dr Robert A. Samson on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Rob is a teacher, mentor and colleague to the senior authors of this paper and we celebrate the remarkable achievements of his career, in particular his contributions to Penicillium taxonomy and phylogeny, with this paper. KAS thanks Peter Johnston, Mycology & Bacteriology, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand, for his assistance in arranging a collecting permit for Arthur’s Pass National Park, where two of the new species in this paper were collected in 2003. Walter Gams assisted with collection of soil samples in Italy in 2008. Walter Gams and Shaun Pennycook assisted with the derivation of appropriate epithets for some of our species. KAS, RA, GL-S, JR and MS received operating support from several competitive grants offered by Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Science and Technology Branch. DWM acknowledges nearly three decades of support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (grants OGP0000145 and STR0149534). LK was supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) postgraduate scholarship program. MU acknowledges support from NSERC

280 and the US National Science Foundation (NSF) to R. Greg Thorn, from NSF to Daniel H. Janzen and from CR-USA to Costa Rican parataxonomists at the Area de Conservación Guanacaste who collected and reared the caterpillar host of P. costaricense and isolated and sent the fungi to the Thorn lab in London, Ontario. We are grateful to the Molecular Microbiology Technology Laboratory group at ORDC for their support with DNA sequencing.

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