Figure S5

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NP_573118 Drosophila melanogaster. XP_003388253 Amphimedon queenslandica. NP_075571 CAPN10 Homo sapiens. NP_035926 CAPN10 Mus musculus.
Fig. S5. Phylogeny of calpains in Metazoa. The topology is obtained from the consensus between two independent Bayesian inferences. The representative taxa sampled here include Homo species, Mus musculus, Gallus gallus, Xenopus laevis, Danio rerio, Nematostella vectensis, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Trichoplas adhaerens and Amphimedon queenslandica. Support values at the nodes show Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) inferred under CAT (left) /LG (middle) models and the maximum-likelihood bootstraps (% BP) inferred using PROTGAMMALG (right) model. All support values more than 80% BP and 0.8 PP or more than 50% and 0.5 PP are marked by full or open circles. Dashes ‘-’ indicate the support values < 50% or 0.5 PP. The branches and clades are assigned to the numbers that represent specified domain combinations listed in Fig. 1. The alignment used to construct this phylogeny can be downloaded from

XP_001910927 Podospora anserina XP_001906506 Podospora anserina XP_003043244 Nectria haematococca XP_001591826 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum XP_001598773 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ● (1) CysPc XP_001907546 Podospora anserina ● XP_003044292 Nectria haematococca ● XP_001590107 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ● XP_001909443 Podospora anserina 0.94/-/57 ● ● XP_003049831 Nectria haematococca XP_002375181 Aspergillus flavus XP_001640696 Nematostella vectensis (39) CysPc-C2L-EF (3) CysPc-C2L B3RNL8 Trichoplax adhaerens B3RJS5 Trichoplax adhaerens (39) CysPc-C2L-EF XP_001632256 Nematostella vectensis (38) Nter-CysPc-C2L-PEF XP_001640599 Nematostella vectensis (39) CysPc-C2L-EF XP_003388253 Amphimedon queenslandica (39) CysPc-C2L-EF NP_573118 Drosophila melanogaster NP_035926 CAPN10 Mus musculus ● (4) CysPc-C2L-C2L NP_075571 CAPN10 Homo sapiens ● Q32NI7 Xenopus laevis NP_502751 Caenorhabditis elegans XP_001626960 Nematostella vectensis 0.58/-/B3RIE5 Trichoplax adhaerens O35646 CAPN6 Mus musculus ● (40) CysPc-C2L-C2 NP_055104 CAPN6 Homo sapiens ● A0JMG3 Danio rerio NP_031628 CAPN5 Mus musculus ● ● NP_004046 CAPN5 Homo sapiens ● Q6NU10 Xenopus laevis NP_001138594 CAPN14 Homo sapiens (38) Nter-CysPc-C2L-PEF NP_001028616 CAPN13 Mus musculus (3) CysPc-C2L ● NP_653176 CAPN13 Homo sapiens ● Q7ZYF3 Xenopus laevis ● Q6DCQ4 Xenopus laevis Q1RLS9 Danio rerio (38) Nter-CysPc-C2L-PEF ● Q58EB1 Danio rerio ● A4QNV6 Danio rerio NP_497460 Caenorhabditis elegans ● NP_500082 Caenorhabditis elegans (3) CysPc-C2L NP_500081 Caenorhabditis elegans 0.70/0.76/● NP_493052 Caenorhabditis elegans NP_498740 Caenorhabditis elegans 0.95/-/64






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Q6DG44 Danio rerio Q66HU4 Danio rerio Q5SNR7 Danio rerio Q92177 Gallus gallus NP_000061 CAPN3 Homo sapiens ● NP_001171270 CAPN3 Mus musculus CAC10066 CAPN12 Mus musculus ● NP_653292 CAPN12 Homo sapiens ● A8WH62 Xenopus laevis Q1LUX4 Danio rerio ●

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NP_001097378 Drosophila melanogaster NP_524016 Drosophila melanogaster NP_076198 CAPN9 Mus musculus NP_006606 CAPN9 Homo sapiens Q6GN47 Xenopus laevis

NP_001013789 CAPN11 Mus musculus NP_008989 CAPN11 Homo sapiens Q9I8G2 Danio rerio Q7ZXQ4 Xenopus laevis NP_001103974 CAPN1 Mus musculus ● NP_001185797 CAPN1 Homo sapiens ● O42133 Gallus gallus Q5U594 Xenopus laevis B6V3H7 Gallus gallus Q7SYA9 Danio rerio A5PMP1 Danio rerio NP_001139540 CAPN2 Homo sapiens ● NP_033924 CAPN2 Mus musculus ● Q92178 Gallus gallus Q6P415 Xenopus laevis NP_001139278 CAPN8 Mus musculus ● NP_001137434 CAPN8 Homo sapiens ●




Q8AVE8 Xenopus laevis B7ZQQ8 Xenopus laevis Q4VBH3 Danio rerio ● A5WWC4 Danio rerio Q6DFZ8 Danio rerio Q5BLH5 Danio rerio A5PMN9 Danio rerio

(38) Nter-CysPc-C2L-PEF