2.1 Introduction 2.2 Fibers 2.3 Resin Systems 2.3.1 Wet Resin Systems 2.3.2 Preformulated Resin Systems 2.3.3 Pregpreg Resin Systems 2.4 Toughened Resin Systems
11.1 Introduction 11.2 Development History 11.3 Patent History 11.3 Sources 11.4 Patents
11-1 11-1 11-1 11-3 11-3
Appendix I SUPPLIERS A. Fiber Suppliers B. Resin Suppliers C. Prepreg Suppliers D. Suppliers of Winding Machines E. Suppliers of Creels, Impregnators, and Other Accessories Appendix II FILAMENT-WOUND COMPOSITE FABRICATORS A. Commercial Filament Winders B. Advanced Fiber Commercial Vendors C. Aerospace-Oriented Filament Winders D. Composite Fabrications, Not Exclusively Filament Winding
1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-4 II-l II-l II-5 II-6 II-7
A. Periodicals B: Technical Societies C: Standards Making Organizations Related to Composites D: Composite and Filament Wmding Instruction E. Reference Books on Composites Appendix IV GLOSSARY OF FILAMENT WINDING TERMS