Final Agenda, Panels & Speakers Sunday, July 16 ... - CoinAgenda

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Jul 16, 2017 - Description of Session or Event. 7:30 – 9:30 am ... 9:30 – 9:35 am. Opening remarks: ​Michael Terpi
Final Agenda, Panels & Speakers Sunday, July 16, 2017 Opening Party for Speakers, Sponsors and Full Conference Attendees Sponsored by ​Unikoin Gold​, co-sponsored by ​Aurus​, ​KrowdMentor​, ​Moneymailme​, ​TaaS ​and ​Velton Zegelman​, 6-10 pm, 6:30 fireside chat with CoinCircle co-founder ​Chance Barnett​, boat leaves Barcelona Marina at 7 pm.

Monday, July 17, 2017 Monday and Tuesday Conference: World Trade Center Sessions in Port Veil, Rooms 2&3; Breaks in Exhibit Hall, Port Veil, Room 1

Digital Asset Investing and Trading Sponsored by Monkey Capital Time 7:30 – 9:30 am 8:00 – 9:30 am 9:30 – 9:35 am 9:35 – 10:00 am

10:00 – 10:40 am

10:40 – 11:20 am

11:20 – 11:35 am 11:35 am – 12:15 pm

12:15 - 1:00 pm

Description of Session or Event Exhibitor setup and registration (registration table open all day) Breakfast in Exhibit Area. ​Sponsored by Rockchain. Opening remarks: ​Michael Terpin​, founder and CEO, Transform Group, founder and executive director, CoinAgenda; co-founder, BitAngels Keynote Fireside Chat: ​The Tokenized Future​, ​Brock Pierce​, Managing Director, Blockchain Capital; Head of Strategy,; Chairman, Bitcoin Foundation, in conversation with Michael Terpin. Panel: ​The Digital Asset Boom: Where Do We Go From ​$100 Billion​ $65 Billion? ​Brock Pierce​; ​Andrew Ivison​, COO, Alphabit Fund ; ​Eddy Travia​, managing director, Coinsilium; ​Emmie Chang​, managing partner, Superbloom Capital, moderated by Michael Terpin. Panel: ​The New Disruptors: How Successful ICOs Can Challenge the Bitcoin-Ethereum Duopoly​, ​Sasha Ivanov​, founder, Waves Platform; Jeremy Gardner​, co-founder, Augur; ​Luis Cuende​, founder and project lead, Aragon; ​Enda Crowley​, marketing director, Skycoin; Moderated by Richard Kastelein​, ​Blockchain News​. Break in Exhibit Area Panel:​ Public Blockchains and the Enterprise: Will It Drive Demand? Albert Castellana​, Council Member, NEM Foundation;​ Alex Shelkovnikov​, Deloitte Ventures; ​Stephen Sprague​, founder/ CEO, Rivetz International, ​Pavlo Tanasyuk​, founder/CEO, BlockVerify; moderated by ​Nils Veenstra​, director, BECON Family Offices Read the Tea Leaves: How Much Investment, How Soon? Tim Zagar​, co-founder, Iconomi; ​David J Namdar​, Novofam, ​David

Drake​, managing partner, LDJ LP Fund Investments; moderated by ​Matt McKibbin​, Family Office Venture Capital

Monday Afternoon Sessions: Investing in ICOs Sponsored by Iconomi Time 2:35 – 3:15 pm

3:15 – 3:35 pm 3:35 – 4:05 pm

4:05 – 4:35 pm

Description of Session or Event Panel: ​Asset-Backed Tokens: The New Wave?​ ​Dave Carlson​; ​Guy Ravine​, founder, Decentralized Networks (CryptoArt), ​Valentin Preobrazhensky​, founder and CEO, LAToken, moderated by ​Jonathan Chester​, ​Forbes​ columnist, co-founder, BitWage. Fireside chat with ​Dave Carlson​, founder and CEO, GigaWatt, and Michael Terpin Panel: ​Is Gaming the Killer App of Crypto​, ​Erick Miller​, Coin Circle (Unikoin Gold); ​Tony Pearce​, Reality Clash; ​Marshall Long​, eBoost; Martin Repetto​, Voxelus, moderated by ​Jon Jacobs​, NEVERDIE Platinum Sponsor Presentation: ​Kamil Przeorski​, Consultations Network

5:00 – 5:15 pm

Company Presentation: ​Valerian Bennett​, PopChest

5:15 – 6:00 pm

Panel: ​How Silicon Valley Views ICOs​, ​Jeremy Gardner​, Augur/Blockchain Capital; ​Denitza Tyufekchieva​ ​, co-founder, Propy; Richard Titus​, AngelList syndicate, ​Emmie Chang​, moderated by Margaux Avedisian​, Executive Vice President, Transform Group Panel: ​Crypto and Cava: The Burgeoning Barcelona Blockchain Scene​, Luis Cuende​, Aragon; ​Albert Castellana​, NEM Foundation; ​Adriana Freitas​, B9 Labs; ​Alex Puig​, Lyra Project/Fintech Barcelona, moderated by ​Farley Duval​, founder, White Bull CoinAgenda Europe “Legendary” Dinner​ at historic Gaudi Casa Batllo (​Passeig de Gràcia, 43, 08007 Barcelona)​. Shuttles will take conference attendees to and from the dinner. Pickup and dropoff location will be in front of WTC. Two buses will depart at 8:30 and 2 will depart at nine. Buses to return at midnight. Gold Sponsor: Decentralized Networks (CryptoArt) Silver Sponsor: Propy Bronze Sponsor: SpaceBIT

6:00 – 6:30 pm

9:00 – midnight

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 (​World Trade Center, Port Veil Rooms​) Startup and ICO Presentations Sponsored by Wings Contest Judges: Richard Titus, angel investor & serial entrepreneur Nils Veenstra, BECON Muhammad Tanveer, Alphabit Fund Mike Costache, KrowdMentor Moe Levin, Keynote

Time 8:30 – 9:40 am

Description Breakfast in Break Area. ​Sponsored by Aspire.

9:40 – 10:00 am

Keynote: ​What Creates, Grows and Sustains Token Value​, ​Jani Valjavec​, co-founder, Iconomi Presentations: Indorse (10:00 am) AdEx (10:15 am) Corion Platform (10:30 am) Hive Project (10:45 am) Consultations Network (11:00 am) SALT Lending (11:15 am) DENT (11:30 am) Company Presentation: ​Reeve Collins​, BLOCKv Keynote: ​Price Forecasting of ICOs​, ​Dominik Zynis​, co-founder, Wings Presentations: Omega One (12:15) Rivetz (12:30 pm) LAToken (12:45 pm) Winding Tree (1:00 pm) Lunch Keynote and Presentation: ​Maksim Izmaylov​, Winding Tree

10:00 - 11:45 am

11:45 – 12:00 pm 12:00 - 12:15 pm 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm

1:00 – 1:45 pm 1:45 - 4:15 pm

Presentations: Swap (1:45 pm) CryptoArt (2:00 pm) NEVERDIE (2:15 pm) Reality Shock (2:30 pm) Aspire (2:45 pm) Sense (3:00 pm) Skycoin (3:15 pm) White Rabbit (3:30 pm) Greeneum (3:45 pm) BankEx (4:00 pm)

4:45 - 5:00 pm

Propy (4:15 pm) SAAVHA (4:30 pm) Break

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 (​World Trade Center, Port Veil Rooms​) ICO Bootcamp Sponsored by New Alchemy 5:00 – 5:20 pm 5:20 – 5:40 pm

5:40 – 6:00 pm 6:00 – 6:40 pm

6:40 – 6:55 pm 6:55– 7:25 pm

7:25 – 7:40 pm 8:00 - 10:00 pm

Keynote: ​Scenes From a $153 Million ICO​: ​Galia Benartzi​, co-founder, ​Bancor Panel: ​Token Sale Best Practices​, ​Galia Benartzi​, Bancor; ​Ransu Salovaara​, CEO and co-founder, TokenMarket; ​Peter Vessenes, New Alchemy, TokenCard; moderated by Michael Terpin Keynote: ​Tales from a Successful 2017 Token Crowdsale​, ​Jez San​, FunFair; ​Peter Vessenes​, New Alchemy Panel: ​Building Your Community, Building Your Token​, ​Peter Vessenes​, New Alchemy; ​Jim Blasko​, Aspire; ​Ivo Georgiev​, CEO, AdEx, Stremio; moderated by ​Moe Levin​, founder, Keynote Company Presentation: ​Stas Oskin​, Wings Panel: ​Friendly Jurisdictions ​Joey Garcia​, Isolas (Gibraltar); ​Olga Feldmeier​, CEO, Smart Valor (Zug, Switzerland); Dinis Guarda, CEO, Humaniq (Luxembourg), moderated by ​Leo Iruke​, Empire Legal (Malaysia) Keynote and Presentation: ​Daniel M. Harrison​, Monkey Capital Closing Party ​Sponsored by Propy (gold sponsor) and Indorse (silver sponsor). Location TBA

WIFI PASSWORD: Username: coin2017 Password: coin2017 Sponsored by Propy