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Newsletter Date: November/December 2016
Westphalia United Methodist Women PURPOSE The organized unit of the United Methodist Women, shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
How Westphalia UMW Connects to the For Mision And Purpose
We are a Community of Women. We Support Mission—local and abroad. We Fellowship and share experiences. We Know and Love our God.
Message from our President I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for a very productive year in mission thus far. As I thought about our meetings and what we have completed, I could only thank God for the ministry of United Methodist Women. We have touched lives and been a blessing to people not only in the United States but also in all parts of the world. This message is also to thank our officers for all the support and hard work to make this Westphalia local unit one of the best in our Washington East District (I may be a little prejudice, lol). With their help, we come together each month to present to all of you, ideas and mission projects, and hopefully a well-rounded fellowship that keeps everyone coming back for more. At the close of this year and after 4 years of service which is the number of years an officer is asked to serve, some of our officers are leaving their positions only, not the unit. I want to personally say thank you for all you have done as officers of our unit. Flora Gaskin, Vice President Mattie Turman, Spiritual Growth Deneen Cephas, Secretary Crystal Pinkney, Social Action
Sister Sandra Smith
Supporting Our Youth Westphalia UMW brings true meaning to the phrase “It Takes a Village” through their general donations of a computer and technology support to one of our future leaders.
A Special Thank You to Sister Elaine Neal
COLLEGE STUDENTS GIFT BOXES - 2016 Darlene Majors Mission Coordinator One of the mission activities is to remind our college students that even though they are away from the United Methodist Women and their church family, we continue to think and pray for them and keep them uplifted. We had a team of ladies this year: Cyndi Adams, Karen Rutledge, Barbara Wallace, Doreen Tilghman, and Lisa Smith (before she became sick). We got the list of students from the Scholarship Ministry. We purchased and boxed up various healthy snacks and goodies, a greeting card and a book marker with words of encouragement to 22 college students. In the card, we wanted them to know that we were thinking about them and continue to pray for them. In the boxes were items like granola bars, fruit snacks, raisins, fruit cups, popcorn, tuna lunch kits, oatmeal, peanut butter crackers and so on. We asked them to please let us know what they liked and didn’t like about the items sent – along with some suggestions. The boxes were sent out in early November.
Celebrate United Methodist Women! 150 Years and Counting...
―In 2019, United Methodist Women will reach the milestone of 150 years
in mission. The next three years leading up to this anniversary is a time for celebration! It is also a time for reflection, a time to ask, "What will our legacy be?" How can we be as creative and effective as our foremothers were in leaving a strong women's mission organization and the means to provide for the needs of women, children in youth long after we're gone? We have a great legacy, and every one of us is part of extending that legacy to those who come after us. I can't wait to see what we can do as a part of this celebration.‖ Excerpt message from Harriett Jane Olson—General Secretary United Methodist Women
Thanksgiving is much more than the kickoff to the holiday season—It’s a time to gather together with friends and family and celebrate the year’s abundant blessings. May you have a home filled with laughter, freedom and love. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you !
Vivian Garland—11/6 Thelma Hilliard—11/11 Michelle Mason—11/12 Sandra Smith—11/17 Delores White—11/19 Barbara Elzey—11/30
Sygrid Caudle—12/8 Flora Gaskin—12/22
Upcoming Event December 2016: UMW Holiday Luncheon Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016—11:30 am Sir Walter Raleigh 6323 Greenbelt Road Berwyn Heights, MD Happy Holidays!
January Marie Drake—1/4 Gwen Curtis—1/5 Doreen Tilghman - 1/21 Ruth Toles—1/22
Sight & Sound—May 2017
Jonah Sat. July 22, 2017 @ 11 a.m.. Trip includes lunch stop at ‘Bird in Hand’ restraint .
**Tickets on sale from Jan. 1st—Mar. 12th