Highest quality educational opportunities for our taxpayers' generous investment. Page 3 of 7. FINAL REQUEST FOR QUOTE -
REQUEST FOR QUOTE AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Brainerd Public Schools - ISD 181 Board Approval Date: December 12, 2016
Brainerd Public Schools is soliciting a Request for Quote (RFQ) and Statement of Qualifications for Program Management Services for executing the District’s Comprehensive Long-Term Facilities Plan. Sealed quote proposals must be received at the Brainerd Public Schools District Office, 804 Oak St. Brainerd, MN 56401 no later than January 27, 2017 before 4:30 p.m. No late, faxed, or emailed bids will be accepted. Proposals submitted must include the information as outlined in the Request for Quote and Statement of Qualifications and will provide the basis of the award. The District retains the right to reject any and all quote proposals and to re-solicit if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Questions pertaining to the specifications may be emailed to Steve Lund, Director of Business Services, at
[email protected] no later than January 20, 2017.
REQUEST FOR QUOTE (RFQ) AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FACILITIES PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Brainerd Public Schools 804 Oak Street Brainerd, MN 56401 PROPOSAL DUE DATE/DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS- before 4:30 p.m. - January 27, 2017. Provide one digital (pdf file on CD Rom or flash drive) and one physical copy to: Brainerd Public Schools Director of Business Services (Attn: Steve Lund) 804 Oak Street Brainerd, MN 56401
FINALIST INTERVIEW Finalist firms selected upon review of response to RFQ may be contacted and interviewed between February 1 – 10, 2017. If selected for an interview, ten hard copies of your presentation materials must be submitted to Mr. Lund at least 48 hours in advance of your interview.
AWARD OF PROJECT Final Board of Education approval may be February 13, 2017. The successful firm shall be notified and awarded the project following approval by the Board of Education.
APPROXIMATE PROJECT SCHEDULE An approximate project schedule is attached; however, a revised and recommended calendar, with rationale, will be considered if suggested by the program management service firm. Response for Quote (RFQ) Available – Tuesday, December 13, 2016 Deadline for RFQ Questions – Friday, January 20, 2017 RFQ Responses Due to Mr. Lund – Friday, January 27, 2017 Respondent Interviews (2 - 4 Hours in Length) – February 1 – 10, 2017 (If selected for an interview, ten hard copies of your presentation materials must be submitted to Mr. Lund, within 48 hours of your interview.)
Board of Education approval of Awardee - February 13, 2017 Public/District Involvement Process - Including public and staff involvement, formal survey and engagement – March to August 2017 Present Project Scope Options & Alternatives – September 2017 Selection Process of Options and Alternatives – September to October 2017 Selection of Preferred Options and Alternatives by Board of Education – November 2017 Approval and Submission of Review and Comment to the Department of Education and Call for Election by the Board of Education – December 2017 Preparation for Bond Referendum including extensive community engagement – December 2017 to April 2018 Bond Referendum Election – April or May 2018 Develop and Execute Construction Plan – May 2018 and beyond
PROJECT BACKGROUND Brainerd Public Schools serves approximately 6,500 students encompassing all or part of the following communities within approximately a 516 square mile boundary: Brainerd, Baxter, Nisswa, Merrifield, Garrison and Fort Ripley. Brainerd Public Schools currently operates 12 public school sites. 6 – Kindergarten through fourth grade elementary schools. 1 – Fifth through eighth grade middle school 1 – Ninth grade center 1 – Tenth through twelfth grade high school 2 – Alternative education schools 1 – Early childhood and school age care site (also serves as central office location)
Through leading innovation, Brainerd Public Schools is committed to providing broad-reaching opportunities for students to achieve their individual success. The District is guided by our mission, “In partnership with our community, we will ensure all students achieve their individual potential by providing the highest-quality programs & resources to prepare them for the ever-changing global society.” The mission is measured by five main priorities that guide the development of its teaching and learning programs: ● ● ● ● ●
Attract, develop and maintain quality staff. Develop and maintain trusted relationships with our stakeholders. Continuously demonstrate success through academic achievement Increase effective use of technology and innovation to positively impact student success. Improve and maintain fiscal stability, accountability, and prioritized alignment of resources.
In 2016, the Independent School District 181 completed a comprehensive facilities plan that identified recommendations for new construction, expansion, renovation, repurposing, and/or other options for buildings and properties in support of the educational vision developed by the district. This Request for Quote is intended to provide a framework for proposals for comprehensive program management services to move forward with the recommendations provided in the Comprehensive Long-Range Facilities Plan, which was approved on November 14, 2016. Respondents may propose alternative approaches and timelines which achieve similar goals, by clearly identifying any changes from the scope of services in the RFQ and the rationale for the proposed alternative approach, including time or cost savings.
REQUEST FOR QUOTE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS The following documents are available to aid in completion of a quote for the Comprehensive Facilities Plan -- Exhibit A: Comprehensive Long-Range Facilities Plan Report
OVERALL GOAL: FACILITIES THAT PROMOTE INNOVATION, OPPORTUNITY AND SUCCESS Eight District Objectives: • Safe and secure facilities • Mechanical and educational adequacy updates • Space required for enhancing best practice instruction & high-quality 21st Century educational learning opportunities • Create spaces that promote robust opportunities in the areas of academics, arts, activities, & athletics • Increased community collaboration & ownership • Visionary technology integration • Transparency, engagement, and community trust-building • Highest quality educational opportunities for our taxpayers’ generous investment
PHASES OF THE FACILITIES PLAN EXECUTION Phase 1 – Comprehensive District Communications Planning Phase 2 – Stakeholder Engagement: Internal & External Listening Sessions Phase 3 – Potential Surveys & Assessments Phase 4 – Develop Project Scope Options & Alternatives Phase 5 – Bond Referendum Election Process Phase 6 – Comprehensive Construction Management Service
SCOPE OF WORK PHASE 1: Comprehensive District Communications Planning •
Develop and implement an extensive and ever-evolving communications plan that: – Outlines internal and external communication pathways – Encourages staff & community engagement – Provides consistent messaging & transparency to stakeholders – Addresses concerns for complete understanding
PHASE 2: Stakeholder Engagement & Listening Sessions – District representatives and consultant team will provide: •
Comprehensive engagement with internal stakeholders at each of the 12 district buildings. – Identify needs, elicit ideas, and provide feedback to the current Comprehensive LongRange Facilities Plan.
Comprehensive engagement with the facilities plan steering committee and other external stakeholders throughout the school community. – Identify needs, elicit ideas, and provide feedback to the current Comprehensive LongRange Facilities Plan.
The ideation process, methodology, number of listening sessions, facilitation practices, and stakeholder groups to meet with are detailed in this proposal.
PHASE 3: Potential Surveys and Assessments • •
• • • •
Public Polling/Survey of Stakeholders and Constituents District Financial Review – Outline the High Value Finance Approach – Outline plans impact on future district expenditures – Impact of a failed referendum Voter Profile Analysis Review current demographic and enrollment data Plan Risks Review Other recommended services
PHASE 4: Develop Project Scope Options & Alternatives • • • • • • • •
Gather, analyze, prioritize, and present data in an understandable format Relate priorities to the Comprehensive Long-Term Facilities Plan Identify the priorities and goals of the project and the referendum question Determine the steps/tiers of the process Determine the project timeline Research, develop, and present funding options to the District for taxpayer value Finalized plan reviewed by internal and external stakeholders Engage the bond referendum campaign process
PHASE 5: Bond Referendum Election Process • • • • •
Identify advocacy group membership Engage the bond referendum campaign process Include all professional services necessary for final education plan submission to MN Department of Education as required by the Review and Comment Process Develop Ballot Language Develop and Implement Community Engagement and Informational Process
PHASE 6: Comprehensive Construction Management Services (Pending a voter-approved bond referendum.) • • • • •
Serve as single point project management throughout construction to project completion. Provide oversight and guidance throughout the project Provide proven experience with coordinating building projects Provide detailed cost for services as outlined in the scope of work Provide updated budgets, on a regular basis, as plan and plan options evolve and change
ORGANIZATION OF SUBMITTAL PROPOSAL Submit Proposal Quotes: Prepare responses to items A – C as listed below. Answer all items/questions or state “N/A” if not applicable. Please number and restate each subheading or question, followed by your response. Also include page numbers on the response document. Proposal quotes may be amended by fax or email if received prior to the submission deadline. It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to deliver the amendment. Amendments will not be accepted by email either before or after the submission deadline. The District reserves the right to select the consultant that best meets the needs of the school district, not necessarily the lowest cost provider. In addition, the District reserves the right to reject some or all of the submitted proposals.
Qualifications and Capabilities: 1) General Firm Information i. Type of Firm (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture) ii. Year Firm Established. Number of years your firm has been in business. iii. Parent Company. If applicable, state name and address. iv. Indicate how you as the managing firm, with single source accountability, intend to include local contractors in your overall and subcontracting management structure.
2) Subcontractor Information i. Type of Firm (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture) ii. Year Firm Established. Number of years the firm has been in business. iii. Parent Company. If applicable, state name and address. iv. Identify the scope of service provided by the subcontractor and their experience and expertise their respective profession/industry. 3) Experience of the General Firm and Subcontractors i. Years in Educational Facility Planning Consulting Business. ii. Number and Value of Contracts. Indicate the number of educational facility planning contracts actually implemented by your firm, each year for the past 5 years. iii. Full‐Time Personnel. Indicate the number of full‐time personnel employed by your firm. B.
Experience and Expertise: 1) Areas of Expertise. List all areas of expertise related to educational facility planning. 2) Briefly describe all educational facility planning consulting or related projects that your firm has managed within the last three (3) years. Briefly describe any additional related experiences your team has managed and how it relates to this project. i. Project Identification. Name of project owner, type of project (PK‐12 school, university, other academic setting, etc.), location (city, state) ii. Project Dates. Contract start and end dates iii. Project Size. Number of students, schools, and the total project cost iv. List of Accomplishments. Type of services rendered and accomplishments achieved as a result of the consultation v. Project and Budget Schedule. Indicate if the project was completed on schedule and if within budget. If not, please explain. vi. Comments. Comment on any special features, services, conditions, etc. 3) Identify project references that involve similarity in scope of work, number of schools, and number of students. 4) Provide the names, qualifications and experience of the personnel assigned to the project. Describe the number and experience of the staff you currently have to provide educational facility planning consultant services. 5) Provide the percentage of bond referendums that were successful with the first ballot election. 6) Identify projects that you have successfully assisted in obtaining alternative funding sources. Provide detailed explanation of those funding sources and how you assisted in working through these processes. Identify alternative funding sources that might apply to this project.
C. Scope of Work & Phases of Facility Plan Execution: Comprehensively describe the approach your firm will use in providing the services as specified in the scope of work by specifically addressing the following considerations: 1) Identify how you will meet the Overall Goal: Facilities that Promote Innovation, Opportunity, and Success while addressing each of the Eight District Objectives of this plan. 2) Identify how you will provide the professional services necessary to meet the needs of the District’s Six-Phase Process of Facility Plan Execution: Phase 1 – Comprehensive District Communications Planning Phase 2 – Stakeholder Engagement: Internal & External Listening Sessions Phase 3 – Potential Surveys & Assessments Phase 4 – Develop Project Scope Options & Alternatives Phase 5 – Bond Referendum Election Process Phase 6 – Comprehensive Construction Management Services 3) Participation by which members of the firm and the services they would perform. 4) Timeline for the work to be performed. Include those activities which you would expect Brainerd Public Schools to perform. 5) Clearly delineate all of the responsibilities and accountability of the firm and of Brainerd Public Schools. 6) Detail the cost to provide the services as outlined in the scope of work.
AWARD OF CONTRACT Brainerd Public Schools will assemble a selection team to review and evaluate the written proposals and facilitate interviews for the selected firms. Brainerd Public Schools will assemble a selection team to hear and evaluate the two (2) to four (4) hour personal interview for the selected firms. (If selected for an interview, ten hard copies of your presentation materials must be submitted to Mr. Lund, within 48 hours of your interview.) The Brainerd Public Schools Selection Team will recommend a firm for Program Management Services to the Board of Education. The firm selected and the resulting contract for services will be subject to approval by the Board of Education. Thank you for your interest in providing the highest-quality education at Brainerd Public Schools.