Final Schedule - Colorado Destination Imagination

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Automaton Steam Punk Creators South Park Schools. 106-20838. Price. 8:20. 9:20 ... Technical Challenge. All Levels ....
Show & Tech Technical Challenge All Levels Main Gym Perf Time 8:00 8:20 8:40 Break 9:20 9:40 10:00 Break 10:40 11:00 11:20

IC Time 9:00 9:20 9:40

Automaton Steam Punk Creators South Park Schools Colorado Olympics Platte River Academy Kitty Litter Ben Franklin Academy

106-20838 106-75744 106-80879

Price Nichols Bettis

10:20 10:40 11:00 Break 11:40 12:00 12:20

The Frozen 5 The Goofy Foxes We Are The Trees

Runyon Fox Creek Elementary School Runyon Elementary


Bartlett Goldstrohm Donohue

To Be Determined Cirque de DI JLESCL DIamond Mice

ELA/Slavens/Hill/Good Shepard 106-79016 Northridge Elementary School 106-20530 Stone Mountain Elementary School 106-82555

Kellar-Guenther Church Logan

12:40 1:00 1:20 1:40

1:40 2:00 2:20 2:40

Not Your Ordinary Teens Simply Not the Worst Team TL JAMS CARBon

Euclid Middle School STEM Academy Platte River Academy Summit View Elementary School

106-68731 106-63017 106-16824 106-58292

Bartlett Firincioglu Gilchrist Bair



Sheridan High School

Tutant Meenage Needle Teedles



106-23633 106-45676

Top Secret Scientific Challenge Elementary Level Library Perf Time

IC Time

8:00 8:18 8:36 8:54 9:12

9:00 9:18 9:36 9:54 10:12

The Fat Hippos with a Side of Salted Caramel 7 Cool Jumping Tornados Smarty Cats American Dream Team WATI - We Achieve the Impossible

Ben Franklin Academy Runyon Elementary School Acres Green Elementary School Redstone Elementary School Summit View Elementary School

106-74364 106-81481 106-23073 106-74732 106-50570

Robertson Ryan Wilson Campbell Camaglia

9:48 10:06 10:24 10:42

10:48 11:06 11:24 11:42

SWAT: Secret Wizards Are Thinking Code Imaginators Disguise Of The Five Team Instinct

St. Mary's Academy Fox Creek Elementary School St. Mary's Academy Wilder Elementary School

106-34464 106-05094 106-36589 106-26029

Malik Whiting Ketterhagen Brooks



Summit View Elementary School



11:36 11:54

1:12 1:30

IKIY Parachuting Smarty Turkeys in a Windstorm BFA Believers

1:00 1:18 1:36 1:54

2:00 2:18 2:36 2:54

PTDP - People That Do Plays S.F.T.S.G's Super Secret Spy Squad Code Destroyers

2:30 2:48 3:06

3:30 3:48 4:06

Fabulous Five Brain Storms Poof!

Wilder Elementary School Ben Franklin Academy

106-72502 106-56521

Adams Sunahara

Heritage Elementary South Park Schools Saddle Ranch Elementary School Franktown Elementary School

106-08268 106-75143 106-60055 106-06960

Humes Keogh Lapham Lan

St. Mary's Academy Skyview Academy Runyon Elementary School

106-74860 106-54773 106-53605

Crysel Enders Moore

Top Secret Scientific Challenge Middle and Secondary Levels Auxiliary Gym 1:10 1:30 1:50

1:50 2:10 2:30

Destination Cream Puffs Decodables Broccoli Llamas

Redstone Elementary 106-71168 Skyview 106-98311 Soaring Hawk Elementary 106-37995

Hall Estrada Ranford

2:30 2:50 3:10

3:30 3:50 4:10

Annie Has Gum Super Snackers Super Star Speyez

St. Mary's Academy 106-54601 Ben Franklin Academy 106-42528 Stone Mountain Elementary106-44380

May Bettis Allen

4:00 4:20

2:00 2:20

Technically Illegal Stirrup Some Fun

TJHS/GWHS/Colo Academy 106-00865 Arapahoe/Powell 106-72364

Kellar-Guenther Stirrup

Vanished Fine Arts Challenge All Levels Auditorium Perf Time 8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40

IC Time 9:00 The Rogue Lemons 9:20 Artsy Fartsy Colorful Monkeys Go Bananas with 9:40 Awesome New Tigers 10:00 Flowet 10:20 The Lolliop Gang 10:40 Highland Vanished

Runyon Elementary School Sand Creek Elementary School

106-92218 106-13385

Coffee Durante

Ben Franklin Academy Northridge Elementary School Wilder Elementary School Highland Elementary School

106-47203 106-10841 106-84621 106-60734

Gibson Pytte Slouka Ristea

10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40

11:20 11:40 12:40 1:00 1:20

Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on RainbowsBen Franklin Academy Rainbow Girls +1 St. Mary's Academy Shining Stars STEM Academy Not So Blue Anymore Sand Creek Elementary School #TushyCushies Sage Canyon Elementary School

106-33727 106-57964 106-66968 106-45263 106-27981

Watson Shaw Mehrotra White Fairchild

1:00 1:20 1:40 2:00 2:20

2:00 2:20 2:40 3:00 3:20

Blame It on the Pig Nuclear Chicken Fish Rainbows UniqueCorns Vanishing Pretzels

Stone Mountain Elementary School Goddard Middle School Rocky Heights Middle School Sagewood Middle School Sage Canyon Elementary School

106-21979 106-87932 106-57991 106-46909 106-94379

Thomas Graham Mendus Teague Fairchild



Junior Mints

Chaparral High School



3 - Peat Improv Challenge All Levels Band/Choir Room Perf Time 8:00 8:20

IC Time 9:00 9:20

9:00 9:20

10:00 10:20

9:40 10:00 10:20

DI Destroyers ICE

STEM Academy Stone Mountain Elementary

106-42394 106-06876

Fustich Mahoney

South Park Schools Saddle Ranch Elementary

106-29382 106-85477

Price Friend

10:40 11:00 11:20

4 Fast Avocados E-thay X-ay Eam-tay, "The X Team" I don't know what it is but it is going to be good. 5 Horrible People Salty Sugar Sweets

Stone Mountain Elementary 106-91940 Heritage Elementary 106-91382 Fort Logan at Northgate K-8 School 106-04704

Lose Provost Chacon




Rock Canyon High School





Random Axe of Kindness

Miami Yoder High School



In it Together Engineering Challenge All Levels Auxillary Gym Weigh-in Perf Time 7:10 8:10 7:30 8:30 7:50 8:50 8:10 9:10 8:30 9:30

IC Time XXXX 9:50 10:10 10:30 10:50

Husky Builders Brainiacs Engineering Minds Engineer Tech-neers Master Super Engineers 2017

Highline Ele STEM School and Academy Soaring Hawk Elementary STEM Academy STEM School

Stone Mountain Elementary106-78002

106-19699 106-96413 106-63545 106-78656




Super Six Blazing Builders

9:30 9:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10

10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30 11:50 12:10

12:00 12:20 12:40 1:00 1:10 1:20

Cosmic Raiders Cougar Run Elementary School 106-45578 Shhhh, I donut care! Heritage Elementary 106-55089 Crazy Monkey Eating Bananas Stone Mountain Elementary106-91940 ;) O=Pe Rocky Heights MS 106-45488 Happy Farmers 2.0 Fort Logan Northgate K-8 106-64118 Listen Up, Hot Shot Mountain Vista HS 106-54259

Van Ness Salsbury Ranford Botello Richter Sanchez Samaan Devisscher Richardson Ziegler Chacon Devisscher

Ready, Willing and Fable Project Outreach Challenge All Levels Band Choir Rooms 12:30 12:50

1:30 1:50

Skyview Academy Skyview Academy

106-67569 106-30462

Enders Nielsen

2:10 2:30

3rd grade crazy people Nature Adventurers We all love math, but there's no DI math challenge! Frost Bite

1:10 1:30

St. Mary's Academy South Park Schools

106-66766 106-03484

Smith Panicucci

2:10 2:30 2:50

3:10 3:30 3:50

Think Tanks What Was That Again? Sunshine Hero's

St. Mary's Academy Heritage Elementary Stone Mountain Elementary

106-89649 106-52878

Musslewhite Hastings Davis

3:50 3:30

4:50 4:30

The Sprinkles Decodables

Platte River Academy Skyview Academy

106-80946 106-48871

Montelli Estrada


Save the Day Rising Stars Challenge Perfor Time 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 1:00 1:20 1:40 2:00 2:20 2:40

Rock Stars Blue Crazy Pizzas Simple Machines Pokemon Black Dragons

Cougar Run Elementary School 106-00034 South Park Schools 106-97943 Runyon Elementary School 106-19515 Redstone Elementary School 106-82430 Stone Mountain Elementary School106-72298

Walt Panicucci Poston Nandi Thomas

Team Fun Pythons Disco Flash Wizards Rock Rainbow Stars Zooming Simple Lamborghinis Highland Elementary Rising Stars

St. Mary's Academy Northridge Elementary School St. Mary's Academy Northridge Elementary School Aspen Academy Highland Elementary School

Landini Sankholkar Sitter Wilson Dawson Neuhaus-Franks

106-32619 106-52827 106-41143 106-44330 106-60036 106-39154

Rising Stars teams do Instant Challenge immediately following their perfomances.