Kristine R. April 29, 2. 9727 LeC. ched apprais. a third party. the propert. perty abuts D. rth is landloc. on of this p
Closed Session Meeting Agenda Finance Committee Meeting ♦ Niles Township High Schools ♦ District 219 April 29, 2014
6:30 p.m. Fund Balance Projections a. Acquisition of Property − Memo − Appraisal b. K-8 Educational Spending − Memo − Intervention Costs − Inter-Governmental Agreement - DRAFT
2. School Based Health Clinic − Memo − Proposal 3. Organic Life Bid − Memo − Analysis
Kristin ne Rull Chief Financial Officer C O NiilesTownshipHiighSchool Distrrict 219 Administrative Center 7 7700 Gross Poin nt Road Skokie, IL L60077 Tel. 847 62 26 3967 Fax. 847 62 26 3070
Dr. Nanciaann Gatta Board of EEducation
Kristine R Rull
April 29, 2 2014
9727 LeC Claire Avenue Appraisal
The attacched appraissal was acqu uired at the d direction of the Board. TThe appraisaal was done through aa third partyy without ou ur name bein ng revealed. The appraissal was donee without entering the propertty. perty abuts D District property and thee homeowneer has variou us issues witth the school. The prop Niles Norrth is landloccked and even though at this point h has no immeediate need for the land d; the acquisitio on of this property woulld be helpful in allaying ttime spent w with the pro operty owner. Recommendation: Iff the Board d decides to p pursue acquisition of thiss property, I recommend d we do so thrrough a third d party with a cost not to o exceed priice cap.
High School and College Readiness Interventions and Costs School Year 2013-14 Approximately 50% of incoming freshman students from the sender districts are considered High School Ready in Mathematics, and about 55% of incoming freshman students are considered High School Ready in Reading. Summer Readiness Programs We offer a variety of interventions for students who are not high school ready, beginning with summer school programs for incoming 9th grade students: Summer Reading Readiness, Summer Algebra Readiness, and Integrated Lab Science. We also offer a readiness course in Algebra 2 for students who need extra support in order to be successful in this course. All summer readiness courses are offered 2 hours per day for 6 weeks. Most of these programs are funded through Title I funds. Summer school pay ranges from approximately $2440-2820 for a summer school course at 2 hours per day for 6 weeks. Algebra 2 Readiness
Algebra Readiness
Reading Readiness
# of sections
Total Summer School intervention sections: 35 Total Summer School intervention costs: $86,569
The above analysis does not include funding for summer school remediation; i.e. students who fail course during the school year. We did not include this in the analysis as the reasons for failure are not always due to lack of high school or college readiness.
Intervention Programs D219 has a number of intervention programs in place for students. Each section of an intervention bears an approximate cost of $20,000 per certified staff member. Science Topics
Physics 10
Chem 10
Bio 13
Algebra 2 Extension
Geometry Extension
Algebra I Extension
10th Integ. Reading 3-4
9th Reading 1-2
North Sections
West Sections
Total Sections
Approx. Cost
Literacy Coaches These teachers support students who are reading reading at the 5th to 7th grade level. 1.2 FTE district wide: $ 120,000
Total Cost Certified Staff Interventions: $1,820,000
Paraprofessionals D219 employs a number of paraprofessional staff to directly serve struggling students, by assisting teachers in the classroom, administering interventions, tutoring students, reviewing materials with students who have been absent, and tracking interventions and student achievement. The information below reflects paras in the general education program, not in special education. The approximate cost of a paraprofessional is $61,500.
North paras
West paras
Total paras
Approx. Cost
Total Cost Paraprofessionals: $1,328,400 Total Costs of interventions: $3,234,969
Professional Development Most of the D219 Professional Development funds are paid through Titles I and II federal grants. The majority of professional development activities are to improve instruction and provide supports and interventions to struggling students. In the 2013-14 school year, approximately $125,000 was spent on staff professional development for these purposes. 2013-14 Costs of interventions and professional development to D219: $3,359,969* *The above analysis does not include administrative costs.
Special Education For more than a decade, the percent of students eligible for special education in D219 is approximately 14% of the total student population; whereas; the national average is approximately 10%. A reasonable hypothesis for this discrepancy is the over identification of students at the elementary and middle school levels due to lack or limited general education and response to intervention (rti) initiatives. Not too long ago, there were elementary districts in Niles Township with special education eligibility rates over 20% of the total student population. In fact, at least one elementary district had an eligibility rate over 25%. If the Niles Township elementary districts had well developed rti initiatives which includes the general education or tier one interventions and curriculum, would D219 inherit a lower percentage of students eligible for special education? This seems like an extremely plausible outcome. If D219 was able to reduce the special education eligibility rate to the national average of 10%, what would be the financial implications? Overidentification most likely occurs in D219’s highest functioning students who are typically served by the CIC (center for individualized curriculum)and IIIC (individual instructional center) programs. If D219 were able to reduce the special education eligibility rate to the national average of 10%, there would be approximately a $925,000 reduction in salaries and benefits of teachers, para-educators and special education administrators. This projection includes just salary and benefits and not curriculum, supplies, materials, etc.
NILES TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 219 and SKOKIE SCHOOL DISTRICT 69 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT CONCERNING STEM CORE CONSOLIDATION This Intergovernmental Agreement is entered into as of the ______ day of ___________, 201_, by and between the following parties: the Board of Education of Skokie School District No. 69, Cook County, Illinois (“Sender District”), and the Board of Education of Niles Township High School District No. 219, Cook County, Illinois (“District 219”). WHEREAS, the goal of both Sender District and District 219 is to ensure that all students are high school and college ready; WHEREAS, each of the parties has the authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, pursuant to Sections 3 and 5 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220/3 and 5), and pursuant to the statutory contracting power of each party; WHEREAS, Sender District desires to obtain greater and more nearly equal access to technology and other capital improvements for its students than has previously been possible under the limited financial resources of the District, and undertakes this Agreement in order to free up more financial resources in order to make them available for such technology and capital improvements; WHEREAS, District 219 desires to improve the academic achievement of all of its students and believes that working toward the improvement of learning of students enrolled in any of its sender elementary school districts, by enhancing the articulation of curriculum and preparedness for high school, will necessarily improve academic achievement for all at the high school level;
WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) form of cogent and distinct part of the elementary and secondary core curriculum where progress in student achievement in both Districts is both essential and obtainable; WHEREAS, it is the goal of both Sender District and District 219 by entering into this Agreement to satisfy these desires by aligning STEM curriculum, aligning STEM human resource needs, increasing expenditure for capital improvements needed to facilitate STEM success, and creating a manageable and realistic system of accountability to measure STEM learning successes; WHEREAS, both Sender District and District 219 recognize the taxpayer financial advantages of this agreement including a strong STEM model attracting new parents to the community, cost efficiencies in purchasing equipment, technology, and curricular materials, and administrative and other staffing efficiencies that emerge from a more clearly articulated curriculum from K-14; WHEREAS, in the future, the parties may wish to expand the program established in this Agreement to other subjects within the core curriculum or athletics; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.
DEFINITIONS: As used herein, unless the context indicates otherwise, or unless specifically defined otherwise, the following terms shall be accorded the following meanings: 1.1
Sender District. Skokie School District 69, Cook County, Illinois,
including its Board of Education, Administration, employees, and agents.
However, “Sender District Board” shall refer exclusively to its Board of Education. 1.2.
District 219. Niles Township High School District 219, Cook County,
Illinois, including its Board of Education, Administration, employees and agents. However, “District 219 Board” shall refer exclusively to its Board of Education. 1.3.
Performance Evaluations; Evaluations; Evaluators.
meaning as given and employed for such terms in Article 24A and Section 24-12 of the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/24-1 et seq.; 5/24-12), and all rules promulgated by the Illinois State Board of Education under the authority of such Article 24 or Section 24-12. 1.4
Any or all of the following curriculum subjects or
subdisciplines within these subjects: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 1.5.
STEM Teacher(s).
Any teacher or teachers employed by Sender
District and assigned to teach any STEM subject on a regular basis. 1.6.
Spending Match Level.
_______________ Dollars ($_________),
such amount established in consideration of the Sender District’s size, needs for STEM-related capital development, and STEM-related staffing needs and to unless and until it is established at a different amount by written mutual agreement of the parties, which such new Spending Match Level shall be considered and incorporated as an amendment to this Agreement. 1.7.
Employee Agreement(s).
bargaining agreement, contractually binding provision in an employee handbook,
or board policy by which a party to this Agreement is legally bound with respect to the employment of staff. 1.8.
High School Readiness. High School Readiness is an individual student’s
achievement level being on track by the end of grade 8 to meet college readiness standards by the end of grade 12. College readiness is a set of equated benchmarks that reflects the score a student needs to achieve on any given assessment in order to be on track at a given point in schooling to be college and career ready be the end of grade 12. 2.
STEM Curriculum. Sender District delegates to District 219 the
authority and responsibility for developing and implementing all of Sender District’s STEM curriculum, including the selection of all instructional materials and curriculum training. District 219, in its discretion, may use any part of the curriculum or instructional materials already in use in Sender District. District 219’s selection of STEM curriculum shall be consistent with all applicable law and designed to achieve the student achievement goals provided for in this Agreement. 2.2
Performance Evaluations and Supervision.
delegates to District 219 the authority and responsibility for the performance evaluations of all STEM teachers employed by Sender District in the teaching of STEM subjects, and District 219 accepts such authority and responsibility. Sender District retains the authority to discipline, supervise, and direct its STEM teachers on conduct-related issues, but recognizes that, to the extent that conduct
affects teaching performance, teacher conduct may be reflected in the performance evaluations conducted by District 219. Administrators from Sender District and District 219 shall confer prior to the issuance of any written evaluation. Sender District retains the authority and responsibility to supervise and evaluate its STEM teachers when teaching non-STEM subjects and on any matter not specifically related to the teaching of STEM subjects. 2.3
District 219 shall employ and use evaluators and
supervisors for STEM teachers who are legally qualified and properly trained and who shall employ evaluation techniques as required by law and contemplated by this Agreement. 2.4
Employment Recommendations.
District 219 shall be responsible for
recommendations to Sender District regarding employment decisions for STEM teachers at the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade levels based on performance evaluations, including but not limited to whether to renew the employment of probationary teachers, whether to reassign teachers, and whether to discharge or approve charges for dismissal of probationary, temporary, part-time and tenured teachers.
Those recommendations shall be submitted to the Sender District
Superintendent, who shall timely report those recommendations to the Sender District Board. For STEM teachers in lower grades, District 219’s evaluations of the teaching of STEM subjects shall be included to an appropriate measure in all employment recommendations by the Sender District Superintendent. Sender District shall give prompt, due and full consideration to all employment recommendations by District 219 made pursuant to this Agreement. In the event
that Sender District does not timely act consistent with any such recommendation, District 219 may employ a contract remedy under Section 7.3 of this Agreement. 3.
District 219 Spending.
District 219 shall expend an amount no less
than the Spending Match Level in each fiscal year during the term of this Agreement for the benefit of Sender District and the advancement of the purposes of this Agreement. following:
These District 219 expenditures may be for any of the
purchase of curriculum, instructional materials, and training;
compensation costs for STEM teachers and support staff. Where expenditures are for staff to be employed by Sender District (teachers and support staff) or for instructional materials to be owned by Sender District or given to students, District 219’s expenditures may be in the form of direct payments or reimbursements to Sender District, as the parties determine in cooperation. Where the payment is for the compensation of employees who do not teach or assist in the teaching of STEM subjects for their entirety of their work schedule, such compensation costs shall be apportioned on a reasonable basis.
expenditures shall not include any expenditures by District 219 for data analysis or other analytics and administrators employed by District 219. Amounts and forms of compensation for Sender District STEM teachers and support staff shall be as determined by Sender District and shall be collectively bargained as required by law. 3.2
Sender District Spending.
Sender District shall expend an
amount no less than the Spending Match Level more in each fiscal year during the
term of this Agreement for equipment and capital improvements benefitting the learning of Sender District students than was spent for such purposes in fiscal year 2012-13.
These Sender District expenditures may be for any of the
following in the STEM areas, as determined by Sender District: smartboards, computers, tablets, software, or other technology; and the construction or improvement of labs, classroom space, school facilities, or other fixtures. 3.3
Maintenance of Efforts.
Sender District shall use its best efforts to
maintain a revenue stream conducive to meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4.
Access to Records.
District 219 shall be granted prompt access to all
records relating to District 219’s responsibilities under this Agreement. The parties acknowledge that those District 219 officials with administrative, supervisory, or evaluative duties relating to Sender District STEM teachers and STEM curriculum can be officials of the school with current demonstrable educational or administrative interest in particular students acting in furtherance of such interest. 4.2
Testing and Collecting Data.
Sender District shall administer such
tests to its students for academic achievement as required by law and as reasonably directed by District 219 for accomplishment of the purposes of this Agreement. Sender District shall make the results of such tests and all relevant historical records readily available to District 219 upon reasonable request.
Analysis of Data.
District 219 shall retain and analyze Sender District
student testing data for the purposes of this Agreement. District 219 shall prepare reports measuring annual student achievement aggregated by grade, by teacher, by program, by course, and by such other factors as may be helpful in the evaluation of teaching staff, the evaluation of curriculum, and the evaluation of the success of goals set for this Agreement, including the number of eighth grade students meeting the High School Readiness. District 219 shall make such reports and analyses readily available to Sender District upon reasonable request. District 219 shall make available to Sender District for its parents, students, and teaching staff a web-based individualized learning plan that marks individual student progress to the achievement goals contemplated by this Agreement. 4.4
Eighth Grade Students’ Readiness.
Agreement where a percentage of Sender District eighth grade students’ achieving High School Readiness is determinative, the percentage shall include only those eighth grade students who have been enrolled in Sender District for at least eight (8) years and shall exclude those students with an individualized educational plan which documents that student’s incapacity to achieve college readiness at the high school level under the standards set by District 219 and the State of Illinois. 5.
Each party acknowledges that it shall remain responsible for any liability
to third parties arising the actions or omissions of its own employees and agents. 5.2
Each party acknowledges that it shall remain responsible for any liability
to its own employees arising from such employment.
Each party District agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
other party District and its board members, administrators, employees, counsel and agents against any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, costs, charges and expenses, including court costs and attorneys’ fees, and against all liability, losses and damages of any nature whatsoever due to the actions or omissions of the indemnifying party’s employees or agents. 6.
Current Agreements.
Each party District warrants to the other that
nothing in this Agreement is, on its face or by necessary implication, inconsistent with any provision in any binding employee agreements to which that District is contractually bound anytime during the term of this Agreement. Should it be determined by any arbitrator, State agency, or court that any part of this Agreement is inconsistent with such an existing employee contract of one party, the other party may invoke a contractual remedy under Sections 7.3 or 7.4 of this Agreement. 6.2
Future Agreements.
Each party promises to refrain from entering into
any employee agreement with any terms inconsistent with this Agreement or which substantially interfere with a party District’s authority or obligations under this Agreement. 6.3
Collective Bargaining.
Upon the approval of this Agreement, each
party agrees to promptly undertake any and all collective bargaining with any of its employee exclusive representatives as may be reasonably required prior to the implementation of this Agreement. As is provided in Section 7.5 below, the
effective date of this Agreement may be delayed to ensure successful completion of such bargaining. Sender District shall engage District 219 as part of Sender District’s bargaining under this section as it relates to implementation of this Agreement.
Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall
take effect on the July 1 first occurring more than one hundred twenty (120) days after its approval by the second party District approving it. 7.2
Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall
continue in effect through June 30 of the 10th contract year. 7.3
Early Termination for Cause by District 219.
Should Sender District
fail to meet one or more of its material obligations under this Agreement or should Sender District fail to follow one or more of District 219’s employment recommendations made under Section 2.4, and the parties do not resolve the matter informally, District 219 may give Sender District written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement for cause, citing the failures with specificity. Upon receipt of such notice, Sender District shall have forty-five (45) days to cure the failures cited in the notice. Should Sender District then fail to timely cure, the District 219 Board may then terminate this Agreement for cause no later than ninety (90) days after its notice.
Upon such termination, Sender District shall
become obligated to reimburse District 219 for all payments it made to that point
pursuant to Section 3.1 of this Agreement, in addition to any other available remedy. 7.4
Early Termination for Cause by Sender District.
Should District 219
fail to meet one or more of its material obligations under this Agreement, and the parties do not resolve the matter informally, Sender District may give District 219 written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement for cause, citing the failures with specificity. Upon receipt of such notice, District 219 shall have forty-five (45) days to cure the failures cited in the notice. Should District 219 then fail to timely cure, the Sender District Board may then terminate this Agreement for cause no later than ninety (90) days after its notice. 7.5
Delayed Effectiveness Due to Bargaining.
Should a party which has
promptly engaged in good faith bargaining with any of its employee exclusive representatives under Section 6.3 decide that the effective date of this Agreement needs to be delayed due to the pendency of that bargaining, that party shall provide the other party with notice of the need for delayed effectiveness no later than sixty (60) days before the July 1 upon which the Agreement would otherwise have gone into effect.
Upon such timely notice, the effective date of this
Agreement shall be delayed by one year to the following July 1. 8.
Each party warrants to the other that it is authorized to
execute, deliver and perform this Agreement. Each party warrants to the other that execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement do not constitute a breach or violation of any agreement, undertaking, law or ordinance by which that
party is bound. Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of a party warrants to the other party that such individual is authorized to execute this Agreement in the name of the party on whose behalf he or she executes it. 8.2
Binding Effect.
This Agreement shall be binding on the parties and
their respective successors. It may not be assigned. 8.3
Further Acts.
Each party shall, at the request and expense of the
other, execute and deliver any further documents and do all acts and things as that party may reasonably be required to carry out the true intent and meaning of this Agreement. 8.4
Change in Law.
If any of the laws governing operation of school
districts, the implementation of curriculum, the evaluation of teaching staff, or any other pertinent laws should be amended or changed so as to affect substantially the rights or benefits of either party to this Agreement, the parties shall, upon notice by the party complaining of the amendment or change, use their best efforts to resolve the problems created by that amendment or change. 8.5
Governing Law.
This Agreement is governed by and shall be
interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. 8.6
Waivers and Modifications. No waiver of any term or condition of this
Agreement shall be binding or effective for any purpose unless expressed in writing and signed by the party making the waiver, and then shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose given. This Agreement shall not in any other way be modified except in writing signed by all parties.
Any notice, payment, request, instruction, or other
document to be delivered hereunder shall be deemed sufficiently given if in writing and delivered personally or mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, as follows: If to Sender District: Superintendent Skokie School District 69 5050 Madison Street Skokie, IL 60077 If to District 219: Superintendent Niles Township High School District 219 7700 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL 60077 8.8
Entire Agreement.
This Agreement expresses the complete and final
understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter. 8.9
This Agreement may be executed in duplicate counterparts,
each of which shall be as effective as the others upon approval and execution by all parties. 8.10
Severability. If any provisions of this Agreement shall be declared invalid
for any reason, such invalidation shall not affect other provisions of this agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provisions and to this end the provisions of the Agreement are to be deemed severable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on or before , 201_.
By:_____________________________ President
By:________________________________ President
ATTEST: _______________________ Secretary
ATTEST:___________________________ Secretary
Date:______________________, 2013
Date:________________________, 2013
Office of the Superintendent Date:
April 24, 2014
Board of Education
Dr. Nanciann Gatta
School‐Based Health Clinic
For the past two years, the Administration has been exploring the addition of a school-based health clinic to address the unmet medical and mental health needs of our students while simultaneously refocusing revenue to our core competency, “Improving Academic Achievement.” I have learned that a partnership with a school-based health clinic will not only increase services for students, but will reduce overall costs for District 219. Jeff Greenspan has been the Board Point person. There are three areas in which the Administration is pursuing: •
Conversations with NorthShore University Health Systems To review, we have intervened in NorthShore’s application to further exempt parcels of land at their Skokie location. The tax savings to NorthShore for District 219 and District 68 amounts to a minimum of $600,000. NorthShore has yet to itemize their charitable giving relative to the level of tax exempt status from District 219 and/or District 68. I continue to push for a settlement that is congruent with the law: contributions to Skokie and its youth, commensurate with the tax exempt level NorthShore enjoys. Depending on which analysis is utilized, the dollars range from $300,000 to $3 million dollars per year in perpetuity.
Erie and Heartland We have reached out to two potential providers. Although we have been favorably received by Erie, they simply are at their capacity for growth. Heartland, which currently operates school-based health clinics in Chicago and focuses on the immigrant community, has shown an enthusiastic interest. We have a second meeting with Heartland scheduled for May 5.
North Suburban Health Care Foundation We notified the Foundation that we would still like to be considered for a $2 million dollar capital grant. The Foundation wants to see a provider in place before deliberating on our request. We intend to go before the Board again this summer. I would like to point out to the Board that even without revenue from NorthShore and even with a subsidy given to a clinic provider, District 219 will still reduce its overall student services costs. Next year, through attrition, we can staff our Student Services Department with approximately $500,000 less in expenses. Furthermore, any payment in subsidies to the clinic would come from a community budget. Thus, the total effect of reducing the expenses in the Student Services Department would reduce the operating expense per pupil.
The Board through the Annual Review process directed the Administration to contract with a third party provider. As we progress with Heartland, the Administration requires perimeters for the financial subsidy.
Recommendation: The Board directs the Administration to bring to the Board a contract for School-Based Health Clinics that includes an initial District 219 subsidy of no more than $500,000.
Call to Order and Roll Call (6:30 p.m.)
Closed Session* For the purpose of collective bargaining, property acquisition and potential litigation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Township Treasurer’s Report − Memo .................................................................................................................1
New Budgeting Process FY 15 − Memo .................................................................................................................2 − Presentation of New Budget Data Base .............................................................3
2014 Levy − Memo .................................................................................................................4 − Ray Coyne Presentation .....................................................................................5
*Denotes items for Board members only
Kristin ne Rull Chief Financial Officer C O NiilesTownshipHiighSchool Distrrict 219 Administrative Center 7 7700 Gross Poin nt Road Skokie, IL L60077 Tel. 847 62 26 3967 Fax. 847 62 26 3070
Dr. Nanciaann Gatta Board of EEducation
Kristine R Rull
April 29, 2 2014
Niles Tow wnship Scho ool Treasureer Report
For the p past year and d a half I havve been meeeting with th he Township Treasurer, M Marty Paltzeer, and his staff on a mo onthly basis. This is to en nsure our account balances agree an nd that any issues or discrepancies are resolvved in a timeely manner. Mr. Paltzer will be pressent to give aan of property ttax collectio ons and a revview of D219 9’s investmeent portfolio. analysis o
Treasurer’s Report Prepared for the Niles Township High School District 219—Finance Committee
Niles Township Schools Schedule of Tax Collections & Adjustments April 15, 2014
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73.5 74 219 Total --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------------- --------------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------July, 2013 0.00 FY 2013 Net unposted activity 0.00 (25,072.13) 0.00 (19,624.80) (10,237.68) (49,814.76) 0.00 0.00 (36,242.32) (134,784.58) (275,776.27) Collection Adjustment 7/12/13 254,756.57 9,236.36 213,989.01 76,891.62 44,615.62 31,414.97 36,295.48 80,139.96 6,293.46 543,775.58 1,297,408.63 2012 Collection 7/16/13 48,134.94 186,652.87 326,027.10 85,374.38 193,334.55 65,284.41 41,174.79 200,788.65 307,376.99 1,447,056.79 2,901,205.47 R.E. General Refunds (7,255.15) (24,903.45) (44,378.32) (4,552.51) (578.89) (27,667.87) (8,163.12) (6,304.87) (10,302.11) (130,572.50) (264,678.79) 2011 & Prior Collections 07/18/13 5,067.54 22,680.88 14,091.47 4,426.51 16,480.83 0.00 0.00 7,618.72 18,883.61 97,869.17 187,118.73 R.E. General Refunds 0.00 (3,054.42) (1,978.57) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,624.10) (9,657.09) Specific Objection Refunds 0.00 (2,016.59) 0.00 (3,013.36) (1,988.28) (558.10) (77.43) (1,901.92) (2,450.13) (12,454.80) (24,460.61) 2012 Collection 7/19/13 234,464.61 601,357.03 803,705.06 337,391.47 206,912.24 257,129.08 161,853.14 467,591.00 857,969.55 3,759,944.98 7,688,318.16 R.E. General Refunds (688.42) (22,452.00) (554.93) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (10,953.28) 0.00 (33,913.11) (68,561.74) Specific Objection Refunds 0.00 0.00 0.00 (809.38) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,599.68) (3,051.39) (6,460.45) 2012 Collection 7/23/13 338,204.23 471,497.14 583,234.95 294,590.85 98,708.52 154,594.03 136,226.34 367,074.14 679,936.99 3,001,580.11 6,125,647.30 R.E. General Refunds 0.00 0.00 (19.02) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (11.30) (30.32) Specific Objection Refunds 0.00 (8,570.91) (9,844.97) (5,858.30) (3,680.04) 0.00 (1,256.74) (765.63) 0.00 (28,010.80) (57,987.39) 2011 & Prior Collections 07/25/13 0.00 0.00 1,464.41 0.00 28.33 0.00 0.28 37.15 0.00 902.95 2,433.12 R.E. General Refunds 0.00 (1,143.65) 0.00 (236.52) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,577.41) (2,957.58) 2012 Collection 7/26/13 563,519.92 1,149,124.30 1,272,649.54 640,558.63 460,414.31 758,725.84 337,148.34 972,900.23 1,029,714.74 7,141,848.43 14,326,604.28 Specific Objection Refunds 0.00 (4,258.47) 0.00 0.00 (2,588.26) (2,630.54) 0.00 0.00 (1,272.37) (14,236.96) (24,986.60) 2012 Collection 7/30/13 649,333.17 3,454,208.78 981,059.40 507,776.36 371,876.06 449,435.08 309,099.45 817,152.15 876,975.52 8,824,366.17 17,241,282.14 Specific Objection Refunds 0.00 (2,083.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,478.80) (4,562.05) Sub-Total August, 2013 2012 Collection 8/6/13 Specific Objection Refunds 2012 Collection 8/13/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds R.E. General Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 08/16/13 2012 Collection 8/20/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2012 Collection 8/27/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Sub-Total September 2013 2011 & Prior Collections 09/10/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 09/17/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds
851,904.94 0.00 774,045.58 0.00 (2,231.10) 0.00 0.00 258,687.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 174,293.17 0.00 0.00 2,056,700.34
37,568.97 (130.01) 0.00 1.85 (194.95) 0.00
1,912,914.95 1,373,297.31
1,635,912.14 1,012,300.53
3,331,494.47 0.00 1,961,988.07 (9,543.73) (21,238.48) (215.09) 0.06 624,056.38 (976.16) 0.00 0.00 413,612.17 (10,589.07) (12,183.59)
2,581,595.81 0.00 1,829,297.13 (9,855.44) (5,908.04) (669.91) 0.33 924,310.30 (2,817.79) (10,314.72) 0.00 619,589.35 (6,555.02) (21,405.08)
1,469,568.66 0.00 608,960.99 (4,974.72) (34,628.81) 0.00 0.00 486,015.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 542,129.59 (24,440.65) 0.00
1,705,529.91 0.00 568,391.76 (902.99) (5,862.39) 0.00 345.22 193,324.28 0.00 (1,073.28) 0.00 356,970.76 0.00 (8,268.58)
1,943,704.94 0.00 1,012,806.86 0.00 (6,334.03) (1,249.96) 299.94 560,614.74 (2,567.47) 0.00 0.00 411,135.25 (1,791.87) 0.00
2,242,593.32 0.00 2,369,665.68 (12,468.74) 0.00 (724.31) 9,949.59 900,501.23 0.00 (12,745.42) 0.00 932,865.53 (568.45) 0.00
16,086,147.26 (3,734.12) 9,993,221.76 (47,569.56) (75,216.00) (2,098.06) 10,081.35 4,169,555.57 (4,310.64) (27,179.95) (9,484.38) 4,239,824.71 (40,575.22) (54,831.52)
32,074,677.07 (5,920.45) 20,068,104.12 (93,853.15) (152,608.14) (4,957.33) 20,710.13 8,548,156.17 (10,672.06) (55,383.66) (15,572.34) 8,429,122.08 (85,373.56) (106,885.87)
3,042,630.97 2,209,272.61
35,185.39 (217.92) (911.78) 16,400.00 (5,834.76) (11,486.96)
57,540.43 (2,756.57) 0.00 740.09 (11,077.40) (12,912.08)
35,138.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,575.43)
908,988.62 (2,186.33) 639,740.86 (5,220.59) (1,189.29) 0.00 18.68 287,424.35 0.00 (4,070.29) (6,087.96) 402,242.36 (190.70) (10,197.10)
6,781.36 (9,887.99) (4,549.03) 186.72 (69.25) (17,935.84)
953,149.14 0.00 309,985.43 (3,317.38) 0.00 0.00 14.96 143,665.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 336,459.19 (662.58) 0.00
2,808,454.69 1,739,294.42
11,031.15 0.00 (3,142.51) 1,352.97 0.00 (2,365.99)
10,349.92 0.00 0.00 51.48 0.00 (6,470.46)
47,119.28 (2,855.00) (9,840.23) 37.87 (2,831.26) (1,517.22)
65,575.77 0.00 (680.14) 9,335.30 0.00 (9,908.40)
280,716.24 (19,531.21) (18,550.87) 29,912.75 (16,088.40) (77,237.32)
587,006.71 (35,378.70) (37,674.56) 58,019.03 (36,096.02) (147,409.70)
Niles Township Schools Schedule of Tax Collections & Adjustments April 15, 2014
68 (2,937.56) 0.00 59,756.11 0.00 (227.90) 304,890.48 (6,261.03) (3,247.90) 5,090.38 11.70
69 (7,389.29) 0.00 43,400.57 0.00 (395.36) 179,578.52 (13,860.04) (1,105.97) 0.00 44.58
70 (3,444.17) (11,197.15) 109,825.84 0.00 (10.54) 78,158.74 (6,883.95) (13,253.85) 0.00 7.82
71 (444.61) (1,684.29) 3,613.14 0.00 (246.09) 99,714.52 (755.69) (20,018.11) 0.00 9.43
72 (268.13) 0.00 9,637.13 0.00 (1,966.69) 131,084.02 (753.84) (10,416.06) 0.00 8.24
73 (938.04) 0.00 14,916.27 (4,254.07) 0.00 72,092.16 (19,703.97) 0.00 0.00 0.90
73.5 (3,360.63) 0.00 87,451.65 0.00 0.00 284,627.72 (7,954.07) (8,386.68) 0.00 22.07
74 (4,152.59) 0.00 27,429.18 0.00 (10,674.78) 283,474.86 (10,212.97) (4,371.24) 0.00 31.95
219 (20,438.35) (12,847.99) 329,559.54 (3,857.21) (15,556.48) 1,502,907.81 (58,733.03) (75,703.90) 6,086.77 124.07
Total (44,765.95) (25,729.43) 704,237.87 (8,111.28) (33,709.99) 3,010,037.30 (127,274.77) (140,223.52) 11,177.15 263.16
37.15 0.00 (1,150.62) 0.00 2.66 (5,257.34) 0.00 (4,898.75) 7,927.91 (113.05) 0.00 14.56 10,327.99 (147.66) (4,653.56)
99.86 0.00 (916.85) (10,990.44) 226.81 (13,542.59) (7,138.36) 0.00 39,983.65 (806.28) (4,964.08) 25.12 33,026.83 (127.25) 0.00
128.29 260.55 (4,952.17) 0.00 101.29 (25,879.24) (11,611.12) (7,155.16) 52,821.49 (580.38) 0.00 55.70 73,202.33 (848.14) 0.00
83.67 0.00 (22.88) 0.00 1,537.15 (10,116.30) (5,950.95) (2,044.29) 52,078.04 (169.34) (888.03) 18.61 31,675.42 (9,679.45) (5,366.89)
57.54 43.20 0.00 (3,729.92) 316.08 (2,741.99) (1,192.92) (3,852.07) 7,317.55 0.00 (1,290.93) 24.42 37,797.54 (44.09) (7,725.44)
51.30 104.35 (180.45) (1,116.34) 1,487.15 (2,101.59) (1,310.50) (10,151.61) 28,982.53 0.00 0.00 32.70 24,583.59 0.00 (1,123.65)
40.86 0.00 (1,158.02) 0.00 247.12 (8,832.39) 0.00 (6,773.53) 13,631.36 (2,134.03) 0.00 29.59 74,869.92 (3,789.84) (12,960.21)
93.14 1,386.05 0.00 0.00 4,991.71 (21,434.22) 0.00 0.00 33,256.22 0.00 (2,615.58) 55.63 36,789.66 (814.06) (2,043.09)
157.08 73.58 (1,207.61) (856.64) 10.75 (20,920.12) (20,657.41) (5,297.59) 58,100.65 (24,759.40) 0.00 47.07 45,030.76 0.00 (38,519.39)
735.98 1,258.06 (7,827.38) (21,068.99) 7,437.76 (95,496.34) (43,889.07) (58,844.38) 277,977.73 (27,201.79) (10,433.18) 293.19 360,426.77 (13,387.04) (74,238.64)
1,484.87 3,125.79 (17,415.98) (37,762.33) 16,358.48 (206,322.12) (91,750.33) (99,017.38) 572,077.13 (55,764.27) (20,191.80) 596.59 727,730.81 (28,837.53) (146,630.87)
November 2013 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 11/14/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2012 Collection 11/19/13 Interest Received Illegal Rate Refunds 11/22/13 2003 2012 Collection 11/26/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds
0.00 (517.88) 0.00 0.00 (495.23) 0.00 10.04 (62.98) 27,458.94 (2,205.17) (3,901.72)
(653.16) 0.00 4,353.50 (4,738.88) (2,085.66) 4,318.05 47.34 0.00 31,996.78 (385,936.20) (122,629.39)
(5,164.47) (7,921.50) 111.20 (239.63) (7,090.56) 7,143.77 29.84 (343.07) 85,882.22 (9,405.49) (26,880.83)
(876.42) (20,929.24) 1,395.63 (1,439.58) (4,241.55) 0.00 6.12 0.00 74,122.36 (3,689.09) (38,150.37)
0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,078.59) 0.00 247.60 16.99 0.00 14,272.47 (2,022.40) (491.04)
(531.36) (1,365.64) 0.00 (37,533.13) (6,222.38) 0.00 27.16 0.00 120,379.14 (3,476.62) (2,402.88)
(294.94) (4,178.56) 12.83 (2,361.28) (14,718.29) 5,279.67 22.44 (64.84) 84,617.39 (15,449.50) (7,684.16)
(15,385.76) (38,813.58) 4,852.69 (69,912.66) (42,552.67) 14,738.64 181.50 (3,120.79) 469,410.55 (491,840.94) (410,201.34)
(28,573.15) (73,726.40) 10,725.85 (140,905.83) (84,832.85) 31,727.73 371.81 (3,867.84) 960,130.40 (921,364.11) (739,582.63)
Sub-Total Nov. Collections
R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 09/20/13 R.E. General Refunds Scavenger Sale 2012 Collection 9/26/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2012 Collection 9/26/13 Interest Received Sub-Total October 2013 Interest Received 2011 & Prior Collections 10/10/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 10/11/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds 10/18/13 2003 2012 Collection 10/22/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Interest Received 2012 Collection 10/29/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Sub-Total Oct. Collections
67 (1,392.58) 0.00 18,648.44 0.00 (4,632.15) 73,508.47 (2,156.18) (3,719.81) 0.00 2.40 117,504.45
(524.77) (5,142.27) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (18,602.08) (812.97) (6,613.54) 0.00 0.00 22.91 7.47 0.00 (276.16) 20,431.98 31,558.57 (3,494.14) (3,844.56) (3,958.91) (123,281.99) 11,664.10
Niles Township Schools Schedule of Tax Collections & Adjustments April 15, 2014
December 2013 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 12/18/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Interest Received 2012 Collection 12/23/13 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds
(9,124.55) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (696.27) (484.13) 6.29 44,688.23 0.00 0.00
(19,876.09) (6,755.69) 0.00 1,718.61 (3,628.89) (7,768.45) 25.36 218,050.10 (244.74) 0.00
(24,052.77) 0.00 0.00 71.29 (446.28) (11,722.65) 17.62 103,939.07 424.48 (7,728.49)
(11,935.52) (20,169.66) 0.00 8.16 (3,880.33) 0.00 7.17 78,911.09 (9,287.42) 0.00
(8,478.65) (937.60) (6,087.96) 0.00 0.00 (4,137.73) 2.80 11,370.90 0.00 (9,108.06)
(7,566.34) (36,508.95) 0.00 0.00 (8,927.64) (7,168.46) 5.34 13,419.80 0.00 (12,596.56)
(5,123.10) (16,545.63) 0.00 0.04 0.00 (9,603.13) 12.39 73,841.73 88.49 0.00
(17,323.45) (13,971.87) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,742.18) 15.21 123,581.09 0.00 0.00
(17,386.75) (7,194.33) 0.00 2,759.21 (934.64) (12,540.46) 15.57 83,684.42 (154.38) (895.49)
(115,521.95) (106,606.32) (9,484.38) 4,706.20 (21,957.58) (57,193.55) 102.30 703,410.37 (8,207.87) (37,852.74)
(236,389.17) (208,690.05) (15,572.34) 9,263.51 (40,471.63) (116,360.74) 210.05 1,454,896.80 (17,381.44) (68,181.34)
Sub-Total Dec. Collections
January 2014 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 1/24/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2012 & Prior Collections 1/28/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Sub-Total Jan. Collections
0.00 (2,779.54) 871.17 (4,110.40) (435.32) 31,971.49 0.00 (20,018.22)
(3,698.08) (346.56) 1,005.33 (203.56) (2,807.96) 94,753.59 0.00 (8,575.32)
84.89 0.00 1,124.13 (1,717.06) (2,235.22) 86,675.98 0.00 (1,898.15)
(1,522.92) (2,859.07) 521.76 (1,898.01) (9,352.80) 57,339.59 0.00 (109.51)
149.38 (256.91) 392.76 (17,148.10) (3,874.24) 40,597.03 (61.58) 0.00
0.00 0.00 453.73 0.00 (18,793.71) 32,268.90 0.00 (1,250.33)
(297.10) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,000.37) 55,382.10 (1,229.18) 0.00
(230.57) (887.38) 1,688.87 0.00 (1,821.56) 63,069.64 173.42 (7,416.50)
(367.57) (4,752.64) 1,988.74 (1,981.49) (1,926.41) 71,484.64 0.00 0.00
(2,219.29) (15,291.96) 7,469.49 (40,900.53) (52,217.84) 528,668.94 (1,125.32) (40,474.66)
(8,101.26) (27,174.06) 15,515.98 (67,959.15) (98,465.43) 1,062,211.90 (2,242.66) (79,742.69)
208,411.65 0.00 0.00 14,356.44 0.00 0.00 903,976.78 0.00 0.00 2.79 5.76
223,731.53 0.00 (1,946.19) 5,440.41 0.00 0.00 554,249.70 0.00 0.00 1.72 7.86
534,216.71 0.00 (9,350.05) 42,971.39 0.00 (2,529.91) 1,498,768.64 (5,765.52) 0.00 9.17 13.39
1,060,606.21 0.00 0.00 94,877.14 (799.19) (4,207.82) 1,784,956.21 (2,547.30) (1,623.98) 22.21 23.27
4,595,954.38 (1,759.02) (55,393.53) 304,252.59 (9,176.84) (9,459.73) 10,589,144.63 (6,871.44) (2,920.14) 68.25 131.83
9,345,255.69 (3,229.32) (99,182.25) 634,166.53 (18,806.31) (18,514.54) 21,513,197.99 (16,479.66) (5,348.67) 140.67 264.54
February 2014 2013 Collection 2/20/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2012 Collection 2/21/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2013 Collection 2/25/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Interest Received Interest Received
257,529.81 0.00 0.00 16,642.57 0.00 0.00 1,150,341.78 0.00 0.00 4.72 8.61
899,986.48 (1,299.09) (2,463.64) 47,159.25 (5,072.74) 0.00 1,582,793.26 (334.52) 0.00 8.67 29.94
848,478.52 0.00 (1,729.64) 67,390.68 (2,573.70) 0.00 1,879,861.68 (960.88) 0.00 11.83 23.28
452,373.16 (113.75) (698.87) 30,497.36 (1,148.23) 0.00 1,049,459.53 0.00 0.00 8.01 11.55
263,967.24 (57.46) (27,600.33) 10,578.70 (35.61) (2,317.08) 519,645.78 0.00 (804.55) 3.30 9.05
Sub-Total Feb. Collections
3,147,608.19 5,409.08 0.00 2,474.90 2,971,272.37 (1,431.32)
1,027,375.36 126.63 0.00 0.00 2,595,178.97 (2,480.61)
342,449.05 70.73 0.00 0.00 1,087,008.37 (618.61)
482,045.17 1,203.85 (1,009.31) 4,553.39 673,684.24 0.00
698,594.79 183.77 0.00 65.89 1,268,037.00 0.00
230,186.87 190.50 0.00 0.00 885,050.71 (637.23)
656,530.40 (2,015.89) 0.00 0.00 1,834,476.61 0.00
901,212.29 (388.67) (1,813.44) 466.25 2,263,074.83 (6,068.53)
8,531,568.88 4,304.47 (3,385.97) 11,514.76 14,146,964.08 (10,486.07)
16,461,159.39 9,123.86 (6,208.72) 19,075.19 28,572,046.03 (21,997.96)
March 2014 2013 Collection 3/4/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 3/6/14 2013 Collection 3/11/14 R.E. General Refunds
443,588.39 39.39 0.00 0.00 847,298.85 (275.59)
Niles Township Schools Schedule of Tax Collections & Adjustments April 15, 2014
67 Specific Objection Refunds 2013 Collection 3/18/14 R.E. General Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 3/19/14 R.E. General Refunds 2012 Collection 3/20/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2013 Collection 3/25/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Illegal Reate Refund 3/26/14 2000 Illegal Reate Refund 3/26/14 2003 Interest Received 2013 Collection 3/31/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds Sub-Total March Collections
0.00 494,845.82 0.00 0.04 (539.55) 21,392.82 0.00 0.00 818,593.07 0.00 0.00 (149.46) 0.00 23.10 178,250.63 (10,512.21) 0.00
68 (24,364.94) 1,478,080.36 (111.29) 1,960.69 (36.22) 41,181.02 0.00 0.00 2,581,195.90 (176.76) (577.83) (185.25) 0.00 72.73 800,213.78 (11,638.05) (5,999.99)
2,792,555.30 10,984,947.37
69 0.00 1,581,443.99 (36.24) 2,517.27 (345.48) 110,562.44 (19,701.75) 0.00 2,598,320.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 (71.40) 57.26 645,422.80 (11,764.63) (4,450.08)
70 71 (1,382.74) (2,823.83) 1,097,214.60 376,895.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.13 0.00 (8.93) 16,833.81 7,653.56 0.00 (275.95) 0.00 (380.74) 1,401,114.86 1,240,690.74 (623.59) 0.00 0.00 (25,268.32) 0.00 (722.06) (53.38) (9.41) 29.09 16.56 281,585.91 339,036.16 (9,088.27) (2,129.70) (23,199.40) (11,845.51)
4,191,340.43 3,081,322.51
72 0.00 755,068.11 0.00 1,040.76 0.00 17,346.36 0.00 0.00 943,894.89 0.00 0.00 (240.12) 0.00 28.05 319,373.24 (759.58) (57,711.46)
73 0.00 400,530.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,957.54 0.00 0.00 708,621.88 (2,302.51) 0.00 0.00 (26.24) 16.49 300,980.17 (1,507.14) 0.00
3,944,921.70 2,535,061.22
73.5 0.00 1,093,797.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 63,124.82 0.00 0.00 1,522,982.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.77 596,110.28 (4,754.29) (2,662.19)
74 0.00 1,826,217.21 (2,160.74) 21.43 0.00 69,693.30 (1,796.15) 0.00 2,289,128.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 (8.55) 56.53 882,880.26 (18,350.27) (4,647.80)
219 (33,668.73) 8,790,847.87 (2,237.38) 5,138.47 (858.12) 310,235.70 (13,938.30) (650.29) 14,193,033.93 (2,848.30) (41,019.27) (632.61) (224.65) 337.11 4,350,427.98 (67,473.27) (134,285.21)
Total (62,240.24) 17,894,940.67 (4,545.65) 10,695.79 (1,788.30) 671,981.37 (35,712.15) (1,031.03) 28,297,577.54 (5,951.16) (66,865.42) (1,929.50) (393.63) 677.69 8,694,281.21 (137,977.41) (244,801.64)
50,032,665.08 100,040,115.93
April 2014 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds 2011 & Prior Collections 4/15/14 R.E. General Refunds Specific Objection Refunds
(1,270.91) 0.00 0.00 (714.17) 0.00
(5,240.00) 0.00 2,220.88 (2,171.60) (8,195.65)
(3,653.24) (1,041.38) 108.71 (2,074.05) 0.00
(2,276.74) 0.00 0.00 (5,205.79) 0.00
(704.66) 0.00 0.25 (35.61) (26,549.79)
(51.52) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (427.65)
(2,519.70) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (15,014.64)
(2,184.25) 0.00 0.00 (6,105.39) 0.00
(10,746.57) (613.86) 0.00 (4,586.42) (5,394.58)
(27,094.15) (1,264.31) 2,447.76 (17,382.19) (73,375.22)
(55,741.74) (2,919.55) 4,777.60 (38,275.22) (128,957.53)
Sub-Total April Collections
FY14 Tax Collections Received
8,537,103.95 25,781,380.83 21,828,718.48 10,989,149.48 7,355,912.38
9,648,554.19 6,267,293.15 15,259,857.32 21,754,862.32 126,284,591.63 253,707,423.73
Niles Township Schools Tax Collection Summary April 15, 2014 Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008
% of Total
District 67 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
106.87 (47,895.39) (39,236.51) (5,111.19) (4,632.15) 8,537,103.95
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.55% 0.45% 0.06% 0.05% 98.88%
7,606,066.15 (4,718.32) 140.26 (132,124.91) (84,089.61)
7,483,579.33 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.74% 1.11% 0.00% 0.00% 97.10%
356.14 (133,170.97) (63,892.68) (3,633.32) 7,283,238.50
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.78% 0.85% 0.05% 0.00% 97.32%
7,165,319.24 (7.43) 840.94 (112,736.50) (42,388.10) (5,143.76) 7,005,884.39
0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.57% 0.59% 0.07% 0.00% 97.77%
7,246,697.82 (10,022.61) 1,148.24 (174,167.01) (42,348.14) 7,021,308.30
0.14% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 2.40% 0.58% 0.00% 0.00% 96.89%
6,582,837.02 (6,539.41) 1,937.37 (111,031.31) (80,209.37) (5,074.19) (548.44) 6,381,371.67
0.10% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.69% 1.22% 0.08% 0.01% 96.94%
6,296,558.69 (16,606.68) 9,658.42 (56,563.14) (186,153.19)
0.26% 0.00% 0.15% 0.00% 0.90% 2.96% 0.00% 0.00% 96.03%
District 68 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
26,632,811.20 (25,072.13) 320.72 (544,603.92) (281,661.89) (185.25) (227.90) 25,781,380.83
0.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.04% 1.06% 0.00% 0.00% 96.80%
25,475,040.20 (29,922.55) 456.06 (264,784.42) (354,296.15) (275.78) 24,826,217.36
25,080,524.38 0.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.04% 1.39% 0.00% 0.00% 97.45%
1,366.92 (270,770.79) (483,921.51) 24,327,199.00
24,751,762.49 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.08% 1.93% 0.00% 0.00% 97.00%
3,871.75 (321,723.70) (226,699.77) (5,065.20) 24,202,145.57
26,103,840.46 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.30% 0.92% 0.00% 0.02% 97.78%
3,352.65 (282,782.07) (170,384.79)
23,409,469.24 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.08% 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 98.28%
6,439.02 (325,190.56) (467,966.68) (8,049.05) 22,614,701.97
21,799,805.31 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.39% 2.00% 0.03% 0.00% 96.60%
35,654.98 (255,418.69) (370,805.13) (3,883.19) 21,205,353.28
0.00% 0.00% 0.16% 0.00% 1.17% 1.70% 0.00% 0.02% 97.27%
District 69 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate 12/12 FY09 R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
368.40 (218,152.51) (145,800.48) (7,569.63) (395.36) 21,828,718.48
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.98% 0.66% 0.03% 0.00% 98.33%
22,133,295.81 (16,993.95) 477.58 (277.54) (475,378.60) (189,435.73) (14.95) 21,451,672.62
21,672,758.02 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.15% 0.86% 0.00% 0.00% 96.92%
1,391.95 (353,312.01) (119,583.06) (7,964.82) 21,193,290.08
22,407,374.58 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.63% 0.55% 0.04% 0.00% 97.79%
2,913.33 (432,163.00) (54,642.96) (8,026.20) 21,915,455.75
19,955,412.33 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.93% 0.24% 0.04% 0.00% 97.80%
3,805.68 82,249.83 (379,415.56) (182,050.85) (42,459.84) 19,437,541.59
16,019,170.26 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.41% 1.90% 0.91% 0.00% 0.21% 97.40%
6,027.66 (369,814.96) (97,950.12) (14,791.63) (617.81) 15,542,023.40
15,748,532.55 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 2.31% 0.61% 0.09% 0.00% 97.02%
26,722.18 18,633.13 (204,838.33) (127,449.96)
0.00% 0.00% 0.17% 0.12% 1.30% 0.81% 0.00% 0.00% 98.18%
District 70 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
11,277,847.59 (19,624.80) 188.83 (116,067.85) (151,086.08) (2,097.67) (10.54) 10,989,149.48
0.17% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.03% 1.34% 0.02% 0.00% 97.44%
11,014,110.31 (29,497.81) 213.47 (147,613.98) (179,476.51) (88.47) 10,657,647.01
10,872,170.89 0.27% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.34% 1.63% 0.00% 0.00% 96.76%
585.16 (134,544.01) (165,854.94) (1,841.80) 10,570,515.30
10,757,822.38 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.24% 1.53% 0.02% 0.00% 97.23%
1,328.57 (249,467.06) (82,187.40) (2,069.63) 10,425,426.86
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11,233,326.18 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 2.32% 0.76% 0.02% 0.00% 96.91%
1,733.80 (234,480.68) (80,571.45) (89.60) 10,919,918.25
0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 2.09% 0.72% 0.00% 0.00% 97.21%
10,013,034.34 (21,871.06) 3,413.56 (240,766.49) (74,720.02) (1,369.46) 9,677,720.87
9,224,728.56 0.22% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 2.40% 0.75% 0.01% 0.00% 96.65%
14,493.33 (161,460.49) (148,168.94) 775.90 8,930,368.36
0.00% 0.00% 0.16% 0.00% 1.75% 1.61% 0.00% -0.01% 96.81%
Niles Township Schools Tax Collection Summary April 15, 2014 Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008
% of Total
District 71 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate 12/12 FY07 R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
7,789,242.53 (10,237.68) 130.57 (75,105.73) (343,011.52) (4,859.70) (246.09) 7,355,912.38
0.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.96% 4.40% 0.06% 0.00% 94.44%
7,123,238.00 (17,851.13) 170.44 (6,087.96) (199,029.31) (128,962.93) (261.83) 6,771,215.28
8,139,965.96 0.25% 0.00% 0.00% -0.09% 2.79% 1.81% 0.00% 0.00% 95.06%
483.91 (110,403.93) (100,558.45) (4,657.80) 6.17 7,924,835.86
7,679,429.21 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.36% 1.24% 0.06% 0.00% 97.36%
1,018.02 (84,937.20) (83,772.90) (2,712.79) (70.87) 7,508,953.47
0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.11% 1.09% 0.04% 0.00% 97.78%
8,492,264.13 (1,138.88) 2,292.69 (97,568.78) (165,071.56) (118.95) 8,230,658.65
0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.15% 1.94% 0.00% 0.00% 96.92%
7,460,412.64 (332.42) 2,393.82 (124,234.98) (100,706.59) (12,048.42) (77,954.92) 7,147,529.13
0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.67% 1.35% 0.16% 1.04% 95.81%
7,385,414.82 (6,432.10) 13,917.00 (87,846.55) (35,507.43)
0.09% 0.00% 0.19% 0.00% 1.19% 0.48% 0.00% 0.00% 98.43%
District 72 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
10,001,234.56 (49,814.76) 140.30 (55,001.27) (235,646.22) (10,391.73) (1,966.69) 9,648,554.19
9,069,434.37 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.55% 2.36% 0.10% 0.02% 96.47%
175.40 (104,892.38) (226,604.06)
10,281,461.32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.16% 2.50% 0.00% 0.00% 96.35%
587.64 (70,605.99) (265,781.05) (9,048.51) (591.96) 9,936,021.45
0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.69% 2.59% 0.09% 0.01% 96.64%
9,669,836.08 (14,278.98) 1,167.15 (104,378.75) (101,489.44) (10,462.77) 9,440,393.29
10,256,405.56 0.15% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.08% 1.05% 0.11% 0.00% 97.63%
1,186.00 (123,956.70) (86,650.36) 188.38 10,047,172.88
9,373,447.81 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.21% 0.84% 0.00% 0.00% 97.96%
2,988.00 (155,609.07) (140,822.82) (7,292.53) 9,072,711.39
9,249,090.66 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.66% 1.50% 0.08% 0.00% 96.79%
16,692.83 (79,711.97) (36,415.41)
0.00% 0.00% 0.18% 0.00% 0.86% 0.39% 0.00% 0.00% 98.92%
District 73 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
126.80 (74,391.40) (69,365.84) (6,799.77) 6,267,293.15
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.16% 1.08% 0.11% 0.00% 97.66%
6,319,537.43 (2,323.14) 107.56 (143,508.60) (182,467.92)
6,288,299.92 0.04% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.27% 2.89% 0.00% 0.00% 94.81%
334.85 (60,918.81) (37,933.26) (6,318.49) 6,183,464.21
0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.97% 0.60% 0.10% 0.00% 98.33%
6,024,977.45 (22,868.67) 892.75 (79,123.98) (106,735.41) (6,553.62) 5,810,588.52
6,365,225.21 0.38% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.31% 1.77% 0.11% 0.00% 96.44%
1,542.57 (110,961.76) (41,038.49)
0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.74% 0.64% 0.00% 0.00% 97.64%
5,640,877.86 (417.83) 2,254.65 (144,556.08) (104,063.42) (5,923.12) 5,388,172.06
0.01% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 2.56% 1.84% 0.11% 0.00% 95.52%
5,509,588.52 (1,733.15) 9,678.53 (63,386.85) (30,297.12)
0.03% 0.00% 0.18% 0.00% 1.15% 0.55% 0.00% 0.00% 98.44%
District 73.5 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
276.54 (141,863.74) (87,776.92)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.92% 0.57% 0.00% 0.00% 98.52%
15,484,560.31 (4,188.09) 366.28 (233,221.08) (67,518.96) (16.86) 15,179,981.60
15,020,532.41 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.51% 0.44% 0.00% 0.00% 98.03%
902.69 (420,081.09) (116,121.27) (1,773.57) 14,483,459.17
14,817,312.62 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 2.80% 0.77% 0.01% 0.00% 96.42%
1,972.46 (303,476.56) (63,648.21) (1,792.72) 14,450,367.59
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0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 2.05% 0.43% 0.01% 0.00% 97.52%
15,231,581.36 (5,907.26) 2,594.95 (288,023.73) (78,712.08) (874.07) 14,860,659.17
14,347,207.13 0.04% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.89% 0.52% 0.00% 0.01% 97.56%
5,313.46 (280,918.69) (108,949.75) (3,578.99) 13,959,073.16
13,305,308.95 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 1.96% 0.76% 0.02% 0.00% 97.29%
26,021.68 (241,796.84) (99,992.84)
0.00% 0.00% 0.20% 0.00% 1.82% 0.75% 0.00% 0.00% 97.63%
Niles Township Schools Tax Collection Summary April 15, 2014 Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009
% of Total
Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008
% of Total
District 74 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
22,144,717.61 (36,242.32) 376.12 (171,690.69) (166,252.64) (5,370.98) (10,674.78) 21,754,862.32
0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.78% 0.75% 0.02% 0.05% 98.24%
20,671,455.91 (11,793.88) 415.93 (307,822.75) (320,055.46) (7.43) 20,032,192.32
21,222,244.68 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.49% 1.55% 0.00% 0.00% 96.91%
1,296.46 (237,956.55) (150,750.70) (13,771.91) 20,821,061.98
20,582,563.47 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.12% 0.71% 0.06% 0.00% 98.11%
3,056.73 (300,747.77) (180,798.79) (16,518.83) 20,087,554.81
21,319,367.98 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.46% 0.88% 0.08% 0.00% 97.60%
3,239.78 (436,943.77) (194,249.79)
19,496,417.81 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 2.05% 0.91% 0.00% 0.00% 97.05%
7,978.34 (362,979.15) (227,938.65)
0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 1.86% 1.17% 0.00% 0.00% 97.01%
18,794,909.95 (33,129.34) 34,755.49 (259,760.81) (93,506.63) 8,293.97 18,451,562.63
0.18% 0.00% 0.18% 0.00% 1.38% 0.50% 0.00% -0.04% 98.17%
District 219 Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate 12/12 FY07 R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
129,677,246.17 (134,784.58) 1,974.23 (1,450,705.16) (1,730,760.12) (62,822.43) (15,556.48) 126,284,591.63
0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.12% 1.33% 0.05% 0.01% 97.38%
124,716,346.06 (102,259.63) 2,464.14 (9,484.38) (1,868,645.07) (1,825,213.04) (899.91) (312.76) 120,911,995.41
124,188,956.27 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% -0.01% 1.50% 1.46% 0.00% 0.00% 96.95%
7,049.83 (1,599,464.99) (1,476,243.90) (61,281.67) (755.97) 121,058,259.57
118,879,244.25 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.29% 1.19% 0.05% 0.00% 97.48%
16,409.06 (1,752,815.94) (971,435.99) (68,029.88) (3,645.83) 116,099,725.67
123,236,192.51 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.47% 0.82% 0.06% 0.00% 97.66%
20,240.28 55,557.58 (1,947,484.49) (1,008,721.09) (25,917.11) 120,329,867.68
108,717,221.64 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.05% 1.58% 0.82% 0.00% 0.02% 97.64%
36,225.39 (1,866,412.21) (1,247,165.04) (21,314.27) (111,127.04) 105,507,428.47
105,061,818.47 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.72% 1.15% 0.02% 0.10% 97.05%
173,159.74 11,213.40 (1,195,825.91) (781,194.46) 2,636.46 103,271,807.70
0.00% 0.00% 0.16% 0.01% 1.14% 0.74% 0.00% 0.00% 98.30%
Niles Township Total Collections Prior FY Collections/Adjustment Reserve Refunds Interest Received TIF Rebate R.E. Gen. Refunds Spec. Obj. Refunds Illegal Rate Refunds Scavenger Sale Adj. Net Fiscal Year Collections
260,264,184.84 (275,776.27) 4,009.38 (2,895,477.66) (3,250,598.22) (105,208.35) (33,709.99) 253,707,423.73
0.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.11% 1.25% 0.04% 0.01% 97.48%
249,613,084.55 (219,548.50) 4,987.12 (15,849.88) (3,877,021.10) (3,558,120.37) (1,289.45) (588.54) 241,945,653.83
250,250,493.18 0.09% 0.00% 0.00% -0.01% 1.55% 1.43% 0.00% 0.00% 96.93%
14,355.55 (3,391,229.14) (2,980,640.82) (110,291.89) (1,341.76) 243,781,345.12
0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.36% 1.19% 0.04% 0.00% 97.41%
242,735,641.77 (37,155.08) 33,470.76 (3,741,570.46) (1,913,798.97) (121,310.20) (8,781.90) 236,946,495.92
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0.02% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.54% 0.79% 0.05% 0.00% 97.62%
249,440,313.54 (17,068.75) 41,136.64 137,807.41 (4,073,589.68) (2,051,993.47) (69,271.19) 243,407,334.50
0.01% 0.00% 0.02% 0.06% 1.63% 0.82% 0.00% 0.03% 97.58%
221,060,095.75 (29,160.72) 74,971.27 (3,981,513.50) (2,650,492.46) (79,441.66) (190,248.21) 214,204,210.47
0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 1.80% 1.20% 0.04% 0.09% 96.90%
212,375,756.48 (57,901.27) 360,754.18 29,846.53 (2,606,609.58) (1,909,491.11) 7,823.14 208,200,178.37
0.03% 0.00% 0.17% 0.01% 1.23% 0.90% 0.00% 0.00% 98.03%
Niles Township Schools FY14 Property Tax Collections by Levy April 15, 2014
District: 67 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
68 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
69 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
70 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
71 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
72 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
73 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
73.5 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
74 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012
4,190,448.35 4,352,095.08 (5,546.35) 106.87 8,537,103.95
13,461,150.34 12,930,107.88 (610,218.40) 341.01 25,781,380.83
11,176,082.17 10,772,341.39 (120,606.07) 368.40 21,828,185.89
5,711,205.48 5,367,351.93 (89,606.37) 198.44 10,989,149.48
3,895,964.80 3,841,867.00 (382,088.24) 168.82 7,355,912.38
5,097,356.46 4,838,674.41 (287,624.50) 147.82 9,648,554.19
3,303,351.04 3,032,132.69 (68,317.38) 126.80 6,267,293.15
7,736,882.60 7,539,964.93 (17,266.75) 276.54 15,259,857.32
11,008,075.53 10,907,400.46
Niles Township Schools FY14 Property Tax Collections by Levy April 15, 2014
District: Other Prior Years Interest Received
219 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
(161,025.13) 411.46 21,754,862.32
65,197,941.75 63,153,490.42 (2,068,995.73) 2,155.19 126,284,591.63
2011 76,503.36
2010 (128,420.45)
2009 (70,437.90)
2008 (19,820.03)
2007 (4,349.09)
2005 -
2004 43.80
2003 (4,873.18)
2002 918.32
2001 40.51
2000 (17.72)
1999 (278.16)
1998 (2,735.92)
1997 (85.66)
Niles Township Schools FY12 Property Tax Collections by Levy April 15, 2014
District: 67 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
68 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
69 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
70 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
71 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
72 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
73 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
73.5 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
74 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012
Niles Township Schools FY12 Property Tax Collections by Levy April 15, 2014
District: Other Prior Years Interest Received
219 Current Year - 2013 1st Prior Year - 2012 Other Prior Years Interest Received
1995 -
1994 -
1993 -
1992 -
1991 -
1990 -
1989 -
1988 -
1987 -
1986 -
1985 -
1984 -
1983 -
1982 -
1981 -
1980 -
1979 1978 (7,513.01)
Niles Township Schools Property Tax Levy Report March 31, 2014
Tax Year 2013 Levy: 55% of 2012 Total Tax Ext Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2012 Levy: Total Tax Ext Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2011 Levy: Total Tax Ext Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2010 Levy: Total Tax Ext Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2009 Levy: Total Tax Ext Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2008 Levy: Total Tax Ext Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2007 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date
4,621,552.84 4,190,448.35
14,363,047.11 13,461,150.34
12,288,042.77 11,176,082.17
6,193,386.88 5,711,205.48
4,249,609.31 3,895,964.80
5,377,153.19 5,097,356.46
3,505,894.46 3,303,351.04
8,604,433.51 7,736,882.60
11,904,601.07 11,008,075.53
70,519,257.39 65,197,941.75
141,626,978.53 130,778,458.52
431,104.49 90.67%
901,896.77 93.72%
1,111,960.60 90.95%
482,181.40 92.21%
353,644.51 91.68%
279,796.73 94.80%
202,543.42 94.22%
867,550.91 89.92%
896,525.54 92.47%
5,321,315.64 92.45%
10,848,520.01 92.34%
8,402,823.34 8,224,081.97
26,114,631.11 25,856,006.62
22,341,895.95 11,260,703.41 21,921,682.11 11,108,418.02
7,726,562.39 7,653,273.44
9,776,642.17 9,727,152.72
6,374,353.56 6,316,058.44
15,644,424.57 15,388,092.56
21,644,729.21 128,216,831.62 21,348,366.78 126,628,502.97
257,503,597.33 254,171,635.63
178,741.37 97.87%
258,624.49 99.01%
152,285.39 98.65%
73,288.95 99.05%
49,489.45 99.49%
58,295.12 99.09%
256,332.01 98.36%
7,494,346.73 7,439,227.71
25,376,738.29 25,142,995.19
21,702,509.69 10,938,439.79 21,518,776.53 10,818,584.22
7,492,338.96 7,376,536.87
9,418,186.06 9,355,708.92
6,186,061.77 6,153,159.07
15,230,450.14 15,059,893.15
55,119.02 99.26%
233,743.10 99.08%
115,802.09 98.45%
62,477.14 99.34%
32,902.70 99.47%
170,556.99 98.88%
7,335,850.89 7,264,068.19
24,960,975.52 24,499,590.63
7,869,009.04 10,047,819.06 7,645,716.15 9,835,340.19
6,102,973.05 6,004,707.25
15,020,901.44 14,673,450.67
71,782.70 99.02%
461,384.89 98.15%
7,064,957.63 6,883,761.20
24,439,770.66 23,798,983.25
181,196.43 97.44%
640,787.41 97.38%
6,982,036.14 6,590,874.42
24,196,059.39 23,713,915.80
391,161.72 94.40%
482,143.59 98.01%
522,042.75 97.08%
6,442,085.19 6,251,739.98
23,147,170.69 22,619,016.46
16,146,362.60 15,667,545.11
420,213.84 98.12%
183,733.16 99.15%
119,855.57 98.90%
21,376,998.85 10,763,076.29 21,037,362.21 10,524,324.61 339,636.64 98.41%
238,751.68 97.78%
223,292.89 97.16%
212,478.87 97.89%
98,265.80 98.39%
347,450.77 97.69%
20,848,634.32 10,444,641.66 20,256,877.57 10,130,162.70
7,884,023.77 7,567,061.76
9,669,229.84 9,367,816.11
5,944,899.62 5,785,687.94
14,634,470.05 14,186,052.97
314,478.96 96.99%
316,962.01 95.98%
301,413.73 96.88%
159,211.68 97.32%
448,417.08 96.94%
17,884,744.85 10,384,208.09 17,362,702.10 10,057,413.10
7,799,146.00 7,539,449.77
9,638,376.46 9,326,175.43
5,917,087.20 5,719,078.26
14,420,357.46 13,965,100.09
326,794.99 96.85%
259,696.23 96.67%
312,201.03 96.76%
198,008.94 96.65%
455,257.37 96.84%
9,820,110.61 9,418,592.30
7,370,262.25 7,015,053.79
9,283,767.32 8,976,491.34
5,690,344.02 5,462,903.00
14,029,711.18 13,525,768.34
591,756.75 97.16%
296,362.43 98.63%
1,588,328.65 98.76%
3,331,961.70 98.71%
21,049,104.92 124,012,056.10 20,899,973.19 122,853,161.52
248,900,232.45 246,618,016.37
149,131.73 99.29%
1,158,894.58 99.07%
2,282,216.08 99.08%
20,764,669.40 121,394,780.07 20,434,349.32 119,078,426.68
245,637,053.61 240,997,335.90
330,320.08 98.41%
2,316,353.39 98.09%
4,639,717.71 98.11%
20,254,521.68 116,880,452.35 19,789,898.01 113,537,935.39
238,065,601.58 231,304,236.90
464,623.67 97.71%
3,342,516.96 97.14%
6,761,364.68 97.16%
20,137,940.81 113,904,550.11 19,619,393.48 110,515,835.09
231,264,506.51 224,409,937.54
518,547.33 97.43%
3,388,715.02 97.02%
6,854,568.97 97.04%
19,302,639.38 106,404,713.31 18,706,132.05 102,944,815.26
217,637,166.55 210,588,057.63
Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2006 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2005 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2004 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2003 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2002 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2001 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
2000 Levy: Total Tax Extension
190,345.21 97.05%
528,154.23 97.72%
478,817.49 97.03%
401,518.31 95.91%
355,208.46 95.18%
307,275.98 96.69%
227,441.02 96.00%
503,942.84 96.41%
596,507.33 96.91%
3,459,898.05 96.75%
7,049,108.92 96.76%
6,192,204.14 6,032,171.65
21,637,792.06 21,054,818.39
15,423,928.07 15,097,405.72
9,220,576.94 8,978,548.27
7,094,774.85 6,918,184.63
8,941,324.66 8,755,324.78
5,540,046.96 5,400,086.09
13,100,688.00 12,826,792.16
18,734,255.97 18,308,476.49
98,681,914.17 96,304,991.65
204,567,505.82 199,676,799.83
160,032.49 97.42%
582,973.67 97.31%
326,522.35 97.88%
242,028.67 97.38%
176,590.22 97.51%
185,999.88 97.92%
139,960.87 97.47%
273,895.84 97.91%
425,779.48 97.73%
2,376,922.52 97.59%
4,890,705.99 97.61%
5,941,640.96 5,821,658.75
20,715,262.78 20,046,938.12
14,635,681.51 14,225,119.74
8,800,159.96 8,582,308.97
6,810,196.33 6,645,068.12
8,336,412.77 8,164,533.90
5,361,816.04 5,175,315.03
12,228,044.35 11,966,448.96
18,042,414.61 17,572,457.57
82,965,074.68 81,449,398.33
183,836,703.99 179,649,247.49
119,982.21 97.98%
668,324.66 96.77%
410,561.77 97.19%
217,850.99 97.52%
165,128.21 97.58%
171,878.87 97.94%
186,501.01 96.52%
261,595.39 97.86%
469,957.04 97.40%
1,515,676.35 98.17%
4,187,456.50 97.72%
5,747,191.99 5,617,065.30
19,403,117.69 18,761,265.10
8,502,548.50 8,239,512.73
7,440,591.67 7,830,250.85 tif (389,659.18) 105.24%
11,587,524.10 11,169,185.33
17,279,426.99 16,773,483.44
134,616.93 97.41%
418,338.77 96.39%
505,943.55 97.07%
77,143,907.78 76,075,964.21 tif 1,067,943.57 98.62%
169,689,121.55 166,931,027.90
641,852.59 96.69%
6,330,464.16 6,408,236.13 tif (77,771.97) 101.23%
5,188,084.83 5,053,467.90
130,126.69 97.74%
11,066,263.84 11,002,596.91 tif 63,666.93 99.42%
5,620,473.86 5,461,549.25
18,974,487.24 18,647,631.50
10,870,833.24 10,689,897.31
7,757,310.01 7,624,998.53
10,423,136.82 10,285,875.16
16,356,713.25 16,137,404.92
69,244,054.17 68,658,637.63
157,320,109.38 155,834,810.09
326,855.74 98.28%
180,935.93 98.34%
132,311.48 98.29%
6,845,946.97 7,269,456.56 tif (423,509.59) 106.19%
5,089,756.00 5,037,592.00
158,924.61 97.17%
6,137,397.82 6,021,767.23 tif 115,630.59 98.12%
52,164.00 98.98%
137,261.66 98.68%
219,308.33 98.66%
585,416.54 99.15%
1,485,299.29 99.06%
5,489,181.75 5,229,082.00
18,190,891.87 17,804,842.99
10,695,355.65 10,520,336.94
5,542,279.80 5,770,956.11
5,897,003.61 5,742,941.41
5,974,905.00 5,525,295.32
5,047,777.35 4,982,553.96
8,408,389.45 8,256,689.67
15,342,191.48 15,095,606.41
59,645,927.04 58,253,410.02
140,233,903.00 137,181,714.83
260,099.75 95.26%
386,048.88 97.88%
175,018.71 98.36%
154,062.20 97.39%
449,609.68 92.48%
65,223.39 98.71%
151,699.78 98.20%
246,585.07 98.39%
1,392,517.02 97.67%
3,052,188.17 97.82%
5,397,694.12 5,058,281.59
16,982,997.32 16,627,338.22
9,707,302.78 9,537,104.99
5,454,959.31 5,383,686.87
5,717,280.72 5,584,629.63
5,720,143.56 5,634,178.98 tif
5,016,294.52 4,954,235.53
8,284,682.74 8,130,814.01
12,563,817.01 12,333,343.02
58,167,145.28 56,950,343.43 tif
133,012,317.36 130,193,956.27
339,412.53 93.71%
355,659.10 97.91%
170,197.79 98.25%
71,272.44 98.69%
132,651.09 97.68%
85,964.58 98.50%
62,058.99 98.76%
153,868.73 98.14%
230,473.99 98.17%
1,216,801.85 97.91%
2,818,361.09 97.88%
263,035.77 96.91%
(228,676.31) 104.13%
2,758,093.65 98.37%
Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
1999 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
1998 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
1997 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
1996 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
1995 Levy: Total Tax Extension Net Collections-to-Date Uncollected Taxes Collection Ratio
4,756,321.75 tif
55,699,879.90 tif
127,473.53 97.54%
365,418.71 97.84%
106,354.14 98.89%
88,826.32 98.32%
98,584.64 98.21%
68,923.80 98.57%
165,286.03 96.55%
106,253.86 98.54%
145,855.90 98.82%
954,465.09 98.32%
2,227,442.02 98.26%
5,032,609.77 4,927,455.46
16,331,543.06 16,003,017.37
9,232,824.66 9,092,030.90
5,117,774.85 5,031,742.31
5,366,391.41 5,297,418.49
4,662,574.43 4,587,255.40 tif
4,664,496.06 4,784,164.77
7,079,152.75 6,937,176.15
12,066,320.93 11,876,265.93
52,295,139.23 51,772,070.37 tif
121,848,827.15 120,308,597.15
105,154.31 97.91%
328,525.69 97.99%
140,793.76 98.48%
86,032.54 98.32%
68,972.92 98.71%
75,319.03 98.38%
141,976.60 97.99%
190,055.00 98.42%
523,068.86 99.00%
1,540,230.00 98.74%
4,923,570.67 4,760,971.17
16,081,877.19 15,611,663.16
8,987,607.99 8,817,489.61
5,031,586.07 4,976,353.93
5,285,625.33 5,180,146.84
4,555,436.78 4,371,497.45
4,564,677.01 4,268,824.19
6,918,523.58 6,787,818.66
11,907,052.88 11,665,388.29
51,291,794.53 49,970,765.36
119,547,752.03 116,410,918.66
162,599.50 96.70%
470,214.03 97.08%
170,118.38 98.11%
55,232.14 98.90%
105,478.49 98.00%
183,939.33 95.96%
295,852.82 93.52%
130,704.92 98.11%
241,664.59 97.97%
1,321,029.17 97.42%
3,136,833.37 97.38%
4,785,082.22 4,319,758.53
15,748,933.25 15,143,136.37
8,508,111.26 8,099,554.30
4,914,055.35 4,752,953.76
5,146,521.29 4,985,285.78
4,295,555.91 3,880,318.16
4,438,028.56 4,221,748.03
7,720,125.96 7,465,879.57
11,642,592.33 11,211,561.15
50,186,202.64 47,793,885.46
117,385,208.77 111,874,081.11
465,323.69 90.28%
605,796.88 96.15%
408,556.96 95.20%
161,101.59 96.72%
161,235.51 96.87%
415,237.75 90.33%
216,280.53 95.13%
254,246.39 96.71%
431,031.18 96.30%
2,392,317.18 95.23%
5,511,127.66 95.31%
4,601,990.16 4,437,630.43
15,399,294.86 14,825,312.08
8,983,239.25 8,616,085.47
4,747,066.75 4,690,793.32
4,981,408.85 4,779,757.80
4,223,532.23 3,952,316.74
4,254,704.95 4,057,835.32
7,578,561.89 7,419,455.74
11,179,822.40 10,882,566.84
48,012,461.35 46,199,882.28
113,962,082.69 109,861,636.02
164,359.73 96.43%
573,982.78 96.27%
367,153.78 95.91%
56,273.43 98.81%
201,651.05 95.95%
271,215.49 93.58%
196,869.63 95.37%
159,106.15 97.90%
297,255.56 97.34%
1,812,579.07 96.22%
4,100,446.67 96.40%
4,502,703.65 4,342,267.83
14,764,427.27 13,845,788.88
8,476,978.17 8,101,403.32
4,675,515.50 4,598,685.21
4,858,160.17 4,627,671.27
4,128,115.74 3,824,608.35
4,163,711.17 3,979,126.12
7,417,647.74 7,254,053.25
10,533,343.34 10,251,219.91
46,400,937.77 44,268,938.11
109,921,540.52 105,093,762.25
160,435.82 96.44%
918,638.39 93.78%
375,574.85 95.57%
76,830.29 98.36%
230,488.90 95.26%
303,507.39 92.65%
184,585.05 95.57%
163,594.49 97.79%
282,123.43 97.32%
2,131,999.66 95.41%
4,827,778.27 95.61%
(119,668.71) 102.57%
Property Tax Collections Analysis 110.00%
% Collected
105.00% 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73.5 74 219
85.00% 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Tax Levy
Niles Township Schools Portfolio Analysis February 28, 2014 Amount Cash
Annualized Income $0.00
% of Total 4.986%
Money Market Accounts: MB Financial Illinois Funds Niles Twp School Credit Union
7,158,200.75 $14,307.85 167,255.81
0.15% 0.02% 0.20%
$10,737.30 $2.86 $334.51
10,958,427.47 10,575,363.38 2,303,152.50 30,346,295.24
0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 1.00%
$2,191.69 $2,115.07 $460.63 $303,462.95
Fixed Term Securities: Schedule Available
Total - Feruary 28, 2014
Pooled Investment Funds: Illinois Funds (I.P.T.I.P.) Liquid Assets Illinois Institutional Inv (IIIT) TransWestern
Niles Township Schools - Securities by Type Par Value
$1,000,000 State of Israel Bonds
Brokerage Account
Chase Manhattan Bank
Trade Date
Final Maturity
Certificate of Deposit $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $102,481 $1,130,345 $102,215 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000
Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Niles Township Schools Cre U S Bank-CD Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit
Albany Bank Albany Bank Albany Bank NTSCU Community Bank of Le NTSCU Albany Bank Albany Bank Albany Bank Albany Bank Albany Bank
03/07/2013 04/26/2013 06/01/2013 06/04/2013 08/31/2013 09/02/2013 11/05/2013 11/23/2013 11/29/2013 01/14/2014 02/27/2014
03/07/2014 04/26/2014 06/01/2014 06/04/2014 06/30/2014 09/02/2014 11/05/2014 11/23/2014 11/29/2014 01/14/2015 02/27/2015
Fannie Mae $1,000,000 Fnma $500,000 Fannie Mae $5,000,000 Federal Natl Mtg Assoc
Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso
11/26/2012 01/09/2013 04/30/2013
11/26/2018 07/30/2027 04/15/2043
Federal Agency $4,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $290,000 $2,550,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Fhlb Fhlb Federal Home Loan Mtg Federal Home Loan Mtg Co Fhlb Fhlb Freddie Mac Fhr Fhr Fed Farm Credit Federal Farm Credit Bank
First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee
03/30/2009 02/06/2014 11/02/1998 05/20/2013 11/29/2012 11/29/2012 07/27/2010 02/05/2013 09/13/2011 09/19/2013 04/30/2013
02/25/2015 04/28/2015 10/01/2018 02/25/2019 11/29/2019 11/29/2019 04/15/2020 04/15/2020 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 06/21/2021
Carrying Value
Annualized Income
0.25% 1.25% 0.25% 0.35% 0.05% 0.35% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25%
$5,000 $12,500 $2,500 $359 $565 $358 $5,000 $2,500 $2,500 $5,000 $2,500
$2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $102,691.83 $1,130,345.13 $102,334.80 $2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00
1.05% 1.62% 1.12%
$10,500 $8,122 $46,886
3.28% 0.84% 6.50% 2.28% 1.42% 1.42% 2.32% 1.09% 1.57% 3.05% 2.35%
$12,349 $1,111 $1,981 $2,365 $14,200 $14,200 $16,512 $1,745 $8,694 $60,805 $47,123 Page 1
$5,678,756.30 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $4,178,756.30
$184,605,750.51 $376,147.74 $131,686.69 $30,475.21 $103,750.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $712,037.88 $159,376.84 $554,814.89 $1,993,600.00 $2,005,220.00
Niles Township Schools - Securities by Type Par Value
$2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,037,975 $1,250,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 $2,950,000 $2,300,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $650,000 $650,000 $1,880,216 $500,000 $1,500,000 $5,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $5,050,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $2,250,000 $5,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,274,424 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,375,000 Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Brokerage Account
Federal National Mortgage Fhlb FHLB Fhlmc Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Fed Farm Credit Fhlmc Remic Series 2692 Fhr Federal Home Loan Fhlmc Fed Home Loan Fhlb Fhlb Slm Student Loan Trust Slma FNR Fnma Pool Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Note Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Federal Home Loan Banks Federal Home Loan Bank Fed Farm Credit Freddie Mac Federal Home Bank Federal Home Loan Freddie Mac Federal Home Loan Federal Home Loan Federal Home Loan Mtg Co Fed Home Ln Bank Federal National Mortgage Federal Home Loan
Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee First Tennessee First Tennessee First Tennessee First Tennessee First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso
Trade Date
07/26/2012 06/13/2012 06/21/2012 10/10/2013 12/27/2012 04/25/2013 09/03/2013 09/22/2008 11/19/2013 12/27/2013 02/28/2014 06/20/2013 08/14/2013 03/18/2013 02/21/2014 02/14/2014 03/26/2013 08/13/1998 06/28/2012 07/30/2012 08/27/2012 08/27/2012 08/27/2012 09/07/2012 02/28/2013 03/13/2012 09/27/2012 10/09/2012 08/15/2013 11/08/2012 11/30/2012 05/23/2013 02/28/2013 03/27/2013 03/28/2013
Final Maturity
10/26/2021 06/13/2022 06/13/2022 09/25/2022 12/27/2022 04/25/2023 08/01/2023 10/15/2023 11/15/2023 12/27/2023 02/28/2024 05/08/2024 12/27/2024 02/21/2025 01/26/2026 01/26/2026 06/25/2026 06/01/2027 06/28/2027 07/30/2027 08/27/2027 08/27/2027 08/27/2027 09/07/2027 09/13/2027 09/15/2027 09/27/2027 09/27/2027 10/04/2027 11/08/2027 11/26/2027 01/25/2028 02/28/2028 03/27/2028 03/28/2028
2.00% 1.50% 3.00% 2.09% 0.75% 1.06% 3.49% 5.20% 2.00% 2.00% 1.00% 2.88% 2.82% 1.24% 0.66% 0.69% 2.00% 6.50% 1.50% 0.87% 3.00% 3.00% 1.25% 3.10% 3.00% 1.53% 3.02% 3.00% 4.05% 3.00% 1.87% 1.40% 1.00% 1.62% 1.63%
Carrying Value
Annualized Income
$40,000 $30,000 $45,496 $26,464 $15,000 $21,200 $69,201 $15,563 $2,965 $59,000 $23,000 $55,520 $26,527 $24,687 $4,192 $4,343 $39,937 $3,331 $22,500 $43,755 $89,775 $59,850 $37,500 $93,000 $151,419 $13,406 $60,213 $149,850 $81,389 $150,000 $56,238 $16,365 $50,000 $81,250 $71,049 Page 2
$2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,516,535.81 $1,268,033.66 $2,000,000.00 $1,999,400.00 $1,980,000.00 $299,285.16 $148,066.67 $2,950,000.00 $2,300,000.00 $1,930,000.00 $940,000.00 $1,998,000.00 $631,312.50 $632,125.00 $1,996,554.37 $51,249.54 $1,500,000.00 $5,006,250.00 $2,992,500.00 $1,995,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $5,050,000.00 $876,188.36 $1,996,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $2,009,531.25 $5,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $1,167,324.99 $5,000,000.00 $5,009,375.00 $4,366,796.88
Niles Township Schools - Securities by Type Par Value
$1,000,000 $3,320,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $4,626,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,293,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $5,000,000 $525,000 $1,495,000 $3,500,000 $1,692,132 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,897,300 $5,000,000 $3,000,000 $560,000 $245,000 $2,100,000 $1,062,222 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $2,200,000 $245,111 $5,000,000 $4,156,000 $1,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Brokerage Account
Fnma Fhlb Fed Farm Credit Fed Farm Credit Fhr Federal National Mortgage Federal National Mortgage Fhlmc Freddie Mac FNR Fhlmc Pool Freddie Mac Fhr Fnr Fnr Federal Home Fnr Federal Home Loan Mtg Co Fhr Fnr Ginnie Mae Fhr Fhlmc Remic Series 3979 FHR Fed Home Ln Mtg FNR fnr Fhr Govt Natl Mtg Assn Fnr Fnr Fnr Fhr Fhr Fnr
Fifth Third Bank Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee First Tennessee Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. First Tennessee Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co.
Trade Date
11/12/2013 08/30/2013 08/15/2013 08/28/2013 08/29/2012 12/03/2013 08/29/2012 11/19/2013 12/27/2013 09/14/2012 02/11/2010 09/25/2009 11/26/2012 10/18/2012 10/22/2012 12/14/2012 12/23/2013 05/23/2013 10/10/2013 07/22/2013 04/20/2012 02/11/2013 11/07/2012 08/13/2012 08/30/2012 08/30/2012 09/14/2012 01/31/2013 06/11/2013 10/18/2012 03/20/2013 12/13/2013 02/27/2013 02/15/2013 07/24/2013
Final Maturity
05/22/2028 05/26/2028 08/15/2028 08/28/2028 09/15/2028 09/27/2028 11/13/2028 11/15/2028 12/27/2028 03/25/2029 11/01/2030 03/15/2032 09/15/2032 09/25/2032 10/25/2032 11/25/2032 04/25/2033 03/15/2036 04/15/2036 08/25/2036 09/20/2036 12/15/2037 08/15/2038 04/15/2039 05/15/2039 05/25/2039 05/25/2039 08/15/2039 01/16/2040 03/25/2040 05/25/2040 05/25/2040 08/15/2040 01/15/2041 01/25/2041
3.95% 2.61% 4.08% 4.34% 1.52% 2.49% 0.70% 3.00% 3.00% 2.08% 4.06% 3.62% 2.11% 1.20% 1.75% 2.13% 2.02% 2.50% 0.51% 3.57% 2.16% 1.43% 2.13% 1.72% 1.64% 1.40% 1.58% 1.41% 2.44% 1.40% 1.28% 2.48% 1.96% 1.38% 2.61%
Carrying Value
Annualized Income
$36,821 $83,889 $81,600 $86,800 $72,298 $49,780 $15,431 $38,789 $60,000 $55,503 $32,244 $2,805 $33,256 $33,645 $27,357 $105,564 $4,978 $22,291 $5,372 $11,583 $3,963 $2,874 $15,418 $17,040 $30,948 $26,728 $73,338 $26,153 $5,052 $64,513 $18,418 $20,142 $31,974 $11,847 $18,797 Page 3
$932,500.00 $3,212,100.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $4,769,624.26 $2,000,000.00 $2,204,460.00 $1,293,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,662,774.40 $794,198.56 $77,444.34 $1,577,692.19 $2,793,293.04 $1,559,805.18 $4,959,334.73 $245,873.11 $892,515.61 $1,059,443.31 $323,993.80 $183,109.73 $201,594.94 $723,835.76 $992,047.37 $1,887,993.26 $1,903,013.26 $4,630,806.87 $1,857,228.69 $207,310.47 $4,609,025.36 $1,436,013.15 $813,637.60 $1,627,345.97 $855,947.58 $719,159.89
Niles Township Schools - Securities by Type Par Value
$2,000,000 $2,100,000 $4,000,000 $8,000,000 $5,000,000 $570,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $800,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000
Brokerage Account
Access Lns Learn Stdnt Fhr Fhlmc Remic Series 4046 fhr Fnr Ncsea Fnr Fhr Federal Home Loan Mtg Co Fnr Kslt Federal Home Loan Fhr Fnr Federal National Federal Home Loan
Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co.
Trade Date
01/23/2014 01/16/2013 08/06/2012 09/28/2012 10/18/2012 02/14/2014 11/26/2012 07/22/2013 05/16/2013 10/19/2012 02/14/2014 12/03/2012 03/14/2013 03/14/2013 06/28/2013 12/04/2012
Final Maturity
02/25/2041 07/15/2041 10/15/2041 10/15/2041 10/15/2041 10/25/2041 01/25/2042 02/15/2042 03/01/2042 10/25/2042 10/27/2042 11/25/2042 12/15/2042 02/25/2043 02/25/2043 07/25/2050
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Gnma II Pool Gnma II Pool Ginnie Mae Government National Mortg Gnma Remic Trust Government National Mortg Gnma II Pool Government National Mortg Government National Mortg Government National Mortg Government National Mortg Gnma Remic Trust Gnma Remic Trust Government National Morta Government National Mortg Gnr
0.96% 1.36% 1.38% 1.37% 1.90% 1.10% 1.31% 3.36% 2.03% 1.46% 0.99% 1.30% 1.78% 1.58% 2.05% 2.02%
Ginnie Mae $25,466,962 $13,364,584 $1,241,485 $3,500,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,535,723 $2,100,000 $2,175,000 $3,000,000 $2,475,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $1,455,000 $3,950,000 $2,000,000
First Tennessee First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso First Tennessee Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co.
05/24/2010 05/24/2010 02/11/1999 02/19/2009 07/18/2012 01/08/2010 05/24/2010 11/24/2009 10/31/2011 11/09/2010 03/23/2009 07/18/2012 05/02/2011 11/28/2011 03/20/2012 02/11/2013
11/20/2022 07/20/2023 12/15/2028 07/20/2031 03/16/2033 09/20/2034 06/20/2035 09/16/2035 12/16/2035 05/16/2037 05/20/2037 10/16/2037 11/16/2037 12/16/2037 12/20/2038 04/20/2039
3.13% 3.62% 6.29% 3.27% 1.69% 3.32% 3.50% 2.75% 1.39% 3.23% 2.56% 2.19% 2.29% 1.48% 1.68% 1.53%
Carrying Value
Annualized Income
$18,986 $20,747 $46,428 $93,569 $83,154 $6,273 $17,674 $30,238 $34,674 $38,167 $4,665 $24,335 $26,003 $20,779 $53,540 $20,021
$824,248 $8,514 $3,755 $4,714 $9,994 $3,946 $11,294 $16,501 $9,304 $16,619 $58,624 $13,659 $19,142 $59,929 $12,193 $10,212 $16,759 Page 4
$1,979,722.70 $1,525,654.86 $3,357,328.41 $6,836,314.16 $4,375,157.55 $572,315.63 $1,346,451.53 $899,765.84 $1,703,972.81 $2,611,642.59 $470,227.81 $1,870,473.63 $1,460,161.60 $1,311,031.80 $2,612,857.25 $989,911.47
$36,730,360.86 $272,432.21 $103,584.33 $74,949.84 $305,348.97 $233,479.34 $340,190.44 $471,468.57 $338,088.63 $1,194,763.86 $1,817,242.34 $534,167.69 $874,076.22 $2,611,281.87 $826,088.70 $609,291.29 $1,096,498.84
Niles Township Schools - Securities by Type Par Value
$5,150,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $170,000 $2,200,000 $2,011,988 $1,300,000 $1,750,000 $1,500,000 $4,300,000 $1,500,001 $1,500,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
Brokerage Account
Government National Mortg Gnr GNR Gnr GNR Gnma2 Pool GNR Gov Natl Mortgage Assoc Gov Natl Mortgage Assoc GNR GN GNR Gnma Remic Gnr
Raymond James & Asso Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. First Tennessee Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Robert W. Baird & Co. Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso
Trade Date
05/24/2010 03/20/2013 08/23/2012 02/05/2014 08/23/2012 05/23/2012 03/26/2013 04/15/2013 05/02/2013 03/26/2013 10/18/2012 08/29/2012 07/30/2013 08/21/2013
Final Maturity
05/20/2039 10/20/2039 12/20/2039 12/20/2039 05/20/2040 07/20/2040 09/20/2040 12/20/2040 01/20/2041 05/20/2041 09/15/2041 04/16/2042 10/16/2042 01/16/2043
Municipal Bonds $1,790,000 $750,000 $4,530,000 $250,000 $1,195,000 $750,000 $715,000 $2,220,000 $2,085,000 $100,000 $2,495,000 $1,790,000 $1,155,000 $1,000,000 $2,500,000 $5,640,000 $128,565,000 $1,210,000 Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Tennessee Hsg Dev Agy GO Limited School Bond S University NM Univ Revs Kentucky Hsg Corp Nmshsg Plymouth-Canton-MI Peoria Bldg Tucson Pima Cnty Az Indl North Carolina Hsg Fin Agy Delhsg Alabama Hsg-D Illinois Hsg Dev Auth Rev New Mexico Mtge Mississippi Home Corp Penn Housing Bonds Massachusetts ST Hsg Fin Aurora Kane & Du Page Cn New York N Y GO Bds
Raymond James & Asso Amalgamated Bank Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso
10/17/2013 11/15/2013 12/28/2012 07/26/2011 06/20/2011 10/23/2012 12/04/2012 03/07/2013 07/31/2013 06/19/2013 12/20/2011 10/23/2013 09/18/2012 06/27/2013 05/01/2013 04/23/2013 04/20/2011 12/17/2012
01/01/2021 12/01/2023 06/01/2024 07/01/2025 01/01/2027 05/01/2027 12/01/2027 12/01/2027 01/01/2028 07/01/2028 10/01/2029 08/01/2032 09/01/2032 12/01/2032 10/01/2033 12/01/2033 01/01/2035 06/01/2035
Carrying Value
Annualized Income
2.73% 1.75% 1.41% 2.75% 1.50% 3.00% 1.68% 1.37% 1.39% 1.45% 2.14% 1.35% 3.00% 2.85%
$26,776 $14,483 $18,706 $4,078 $24,854 $43,575 $13,684 $22,527 $18,930 $41,469 $28,092 $16,701 $141,940 $133,272
3.46% 2.65% 1.75% 4.87% 3.62% 4.00% 3.20% 2.99% 3.62% 1.75% 3.69% 4.93% 3.30% 2.75% 3.77% 3.81% 4.28% 3.20%
$63,385 $20,259 $93,391 $6,299 $25,632 $32,705 $27,349 $48,813 $71,509 $820 $73,412 $83,454 $36,755 $24,806 $97,511 $218,222 $157,107 $46,487 Page 5
$981,538.36 $828,554.95 $1,327,822.42 $148,080.49 $1,653,754.71 $1,452,492.18 $812,137.83 $1,641,550.57 $1,357,676.60 $2,869,464.14 $1,315,616.77 $1,237,565.10 $4,731,319.80 $4,669,833.80
$57,707,698.28 $1,829,822.00 $764,476.75 $5,336,657.10 $129,375.00 $708,837.50 $817,620.00 $854,646.65 $1,629,800.00 $1,973,215.50 $46,795.00 $1,987,868.75 $1,692,100.00 $1,113,100.00 $902,020.67 $2,583,750.00 $5,724,600.00 $3,670,039.05 $1,452,726.00
Niles Township Schools - Securities by Type Par Value
$4,005,000 $835,000 $1,450,000 $2,865,000 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 $4,505,000 $3,000,000 $1,305,000 $4,000,000 $4,778,127 $5,000,000 $1,666,417 $7,000,000 $2,465,000 $1,540,000 $7,500,000 $4,000,000
Trade Date
Final Maturity
Brokerage Account
Wyoming Cmnty Dev Auth West Virginia St Hsg Dev F SD HSG Dev-F Sedgwick & Shawnee Cnty; Akshsg New York St Hsg Fin Agy WI Hsg/Econ Txb Phoenix Az & Pima Cnty Ar Ohio Hsg Fin Agy Mtg Rev Mashsg El Paso Sfm Delhsg Denver SFM Aurora Il Single Family Mtg Vtshsg South Dakota Housing Dev Aurora Il Single Family Mgt Rhode Island
Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso Raymond James & Asso
04/12/2013 03/23/2010 11/30/2012 02/02/2009 06/17/2013 02/06/2014 11/06/2008 03/10/2009 11/20/2008 07/19/2013 02/08/2012 10/09/2009 03/06/2012 02/05/2013 05/02/2012 05/30/2013 07/06/2012 03/01/2010
12/01/2035 11/01/2037 11/01/2037 12/01/2037 12/01/2037 02/15/2038 03/01/2038 08/01/2038 09/01/2038 12/01/2038 06/01/2039 07/01/2039 12/01/2039 12/01/2039 11/01/2042 05/01/2043 06/01/2045 10/01/2047
Chase Manhattan Bank Chase Manhattan Bank Chase Manhattan Bank
04/08/2011 01/26/2005 06/01/2012
04/01/2014 02/01/2015 06/01/2015
Treasury $1,000,000 State of Israel $1,000,000 State of Israel Bonds $500,000 State of Israel Bonds
Grand Totals
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
3.68% 4.88% 2.81% 5.90% 4.05% 4.23% 5.92% 5.22% 5.72% 4.23% 3.87% 4.77% 4.06% 1.41% 3.54% 3.59% 4.76% 5.51%
Carrying Value
Annualized Income
$150,045 $16,936 $39,853 $38,310 $122,138 $43,010 $0 $4,111 $0 $168,777 $74,215 $47,869 $30,119 $16,422 $74,777 $15,099 $65,306 $64,467
1.30% 3.56% 1.05%
$13,000 $35,625 $5,250
Page 6
$4,075,087.50 $346,987.50 $1,416,250.00 $649,325.00 $3,015,000.00 $1,017,500.00 $0.00 $78,715.00 $0.00 $3,990,000.00 $1,918,204.82 $1,004,166.25 $741,526.45 $1,164,687.31 $2,109,351.35 $421,180.00 $1,372,267.13 $1,170,000.00
$2,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00
Niles Township Schools Securities by Type
Federal Agency 40.3%
Fannie Mae 1.1% Certificate of Deposit 2.1% 0.2% Treasury 0.4%
Ginnie Mae 18.6%
Municipal Bonds 37.3%
Niles Township Schools Investment Return Analysis FEBRUARY 28, 2014
Current Year Average District 67 District 68 District 69 District 70 District 71 District 72 District 73 District 73.5 District 74 NTDSE 807 District 219
9,393,871.67 44,228,032.08 31,664,013.91 19,546,161.11 8,848,567.27 21,257,937.12 6,534,296.47 28,930,250.12 31,748,939.66 10,657,827.65 194,523,647.53
Township Total
2013-2014 Actual YTD Return Annualized YTD Return
3,288,000.00 0.8072% 1.3838%
Prior Years:
2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998
6,214,000 6,003,000 6,426,000 7,168,000 8,616,000 7,826,000 8,146,000 6,278,000 5,388,000 6,611,000 8,278,000 11,115,095 12,486,096 9,204,500 8,325,000 8,005,000
1.5346% 1.4896% 2.3433% 2.9377% 3.9427% 4.4502% 5.0096% 4.7823% 4.5537% 4.9974% 5.5524% 5.8046% 5.9444% 5.9809% 6.0584% 6.2704%
Average 2yr Treasury 0.26% 0.28% 0.57% 0.94% 1.38% 3.09% 4.81% 4.46% 3.21% 1.89% 1.78% 3.21% 5.16% 6.15% 4.90% 5.64%
Niles Township School Treasurer's Office Treasurers Report As of 02/28/2014 Fiscal Year: 2013-2014
Cash in Other Checking Accounts (+)
Cash in Money Mrkt Accounts (+)
Pooled Investment Funds (+)
Fixed Term Investments (+)
NON-POOLED CASH & INVESTMENTS Restricted Investments (+)
$21,866.00 $10,492.79
Accrued Interest (+) Sub-total : NON-POOLED CASH & INVESTMENTS
Capitalized Equipment (+)
Other Distributive Assets (+)
CHECKS & DRAFTS OUTSTANDING Payroll Items Outstanding (+)
Accounts Payable Items Outstanding (+) Sub-total : CHECKS & DRAFTS OUTSTANDING
($5,197,601.28) ($5,366,289.37)
Total : ASSETS
Due to Districts (+)
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts Payable (+)
State Payroll Taxes (+)
Retirement Payments (+)
Other Payments (+)
Payroll Liabilities (+)
$20,935.26 Balance Sheet
3:46:03 PM
Niles Township School Treasurer's Office Treasurers Report As of 02/28/2014 Fiscal Year: 2013-2014
Total : EQUITY
End of Report
Balance Sheet Printed:
3:46:03 PM
Niles Township School Treasurer's Office Treasurers Report For the Period 02/01/2014 through 02/28/2014 Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 02/01/2014 - 02/28/2014
Year To Date
Budget Balance
INCOME LOCAL SOURCES Received from School Districts (+) Sub-total : LOCAL SOURCES
$0.00 $0.00
$88,145.00 $88,145.00
$875,000.00 $875,000.00
$786,855.00 $786,855.00
10.1% 10.1%
Total : INCOME
EXPENSES FISCAL SERVICES Salaries (-) Employee Benefits (-) Purchased Services (-) Supplies & Materials (-) Capital Expenditures (-) Other Objects (-) Sub-total : FISCAL SERVICES
$27,961.66 $27,544.91 $3,161.23 $1,772.22 $0.00 $178.13 ($60,618.15)
$225,388.28 $159,581.29 $185,311.44 $15,394.52 $52,085.59 $6,797.35 ($644,558.47)
$364,500.00 $230,700.00 $232,350.00 $24,200.00 $18,000.00 $11,250.00 ($881,000.00)
$139,111.72 $71,118.71 $47,038.56 $8,805.48 ($34,085.59) $4,452.65 ($236,441.53)
61.8% 69.2% 79.8% 63.6% 289.4% 60.4% 73.2%
End of Report
Operating Statement with Budget Printed:
3:06:46 PM
Dr. Nikita Johnson‐White, CPA, MBA Director of Fiscal Management Business Office
To: From: Date: Re:
Dr. Nanciann Gatta, Superintendent Board of Education Dr. Nikita Johnson‐White, Director of Fiscal Management April 23, 2014 New budget Process FY 15
Last year, the Board requested a more detailed budget process for FY 15. In particular, the Board wanted the ability to get detail, when requested, for accounts. This year we implemented a new budgeting database system that will provide this detail as well as help streamline the budget request and approval process. It requires budget administrators to submit line item detailed descriptions for each of their budget requests, as well as justifications for new purchases. This detail is helpful to the Administration, the Superintendent and the Board of Education in reviewing how District’s dollars are spent. At the Finance Committee meeting, an overview of the budget database will be provided to the Board of Education.
M Memo To:
Board of Educaation
From: Dr. Nanciann G Gatta Date: April 24, 2014 Re:
Leevy 2014
Last wintter, the Boarrd decided too utilize a poortion of our fund balancce to pay ourr bond and interest portion p of thee 2013 levy to in effect “freeze “ the overall o tax leevy” withoutt compromissing our abilitty to levy forr operations in the futuree. Reducinng the bond and a interest 2013 2 levy without modifying m fu uture years, leaves l an inccrease in plaace for 2014 that far exceeeds CPI-U. Ray Coyne will w be presen nt to discuss the ramificaations of the board’s decision last year on future levies. The T following attachmennts illustrate the t problem m and give several optionns to the boarrd moving forward. f Mrr. Coyne’s atttached preseentation alsoo provides prrojections foor future leviies should thhe board con ntinue its philosophy to utilize u the fund balance to t pay bond and interest obligations. 2 levy, $3 3M from thee fund balancce was utilizzed. Based on o what the administratio a on For the 2013 has heardd to date, thee Board intennds to do thiis again for the t 2014 levyy; $5M will need to be utilized from f the fund d balance to have the sam me effect. The Boarrd has three options: 1- L Let the taxpaayers have a spike in 20115; a 4% inccrease in taxees when CPII-U is 1.5%. 2- Reduce R the spike s in 20155 by extendinng paymentss into the futture; i.e. refiinancing. 3- Reduce R the 20 015 spike byy using the fund fu balance ($5M) and defer the 2016 and beyoond inncrease decission.
Ray Coyne Ray Coyne Executive Director Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
Cook County School District #219 R Restructuring For Tax Purposes And Escrow i F T P A dE Restructuring 1
Restr ct ring For Ta P rposes Restructuring For Tax Purposes 2
Escro Restr ct ring Escrow Restructuring 12
In Addition To Restructuring For Tax Purposes, The District Has The Opportunity To Restructure The Escrow That Was pp y Established With The 2010 Issue To Defease Prior Bonds. • By selling the current escrow and replacing it with a new one, it is estimated that the District can produce about $200,000 in gross savings with current rates which can be used to reduce its bond levy. • The transaction becomes more valuable the longer the District waits, but there is also an increased risk of interest rate fluctuation. Gross Savings Based On Fluctuations From Today's Interest Rates g y Change In Interest Rates Timing of Transaction
249,395 13
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