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P:\Applications\2009 Application Materials\financial aid ref list.doc ... Personal Finance for Dummies, 5th Edition, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-470-03832-1, by Eric Tyson , ...
FINANCIAL AID REFERENCE LIST Foundation Grants to Individuals 16th Edition, 2007, by Phyllis Edelson, ISBN: 9781595421378. The Foundation Center, 79 Fifth Avenue New York 10003-3076. Profiles more than 2,000 U.S. foundations which award over 40,000 grants to individual application, $65 + $6.50 S&H; also $9.95 a month for online subscription at (212) 620-4230 Money for Graduate Students in the Health Sciences, 2007-2009, ISBN: 1588411753, by Gail A. Schlachter & David Weber. Reference Service Press, 5000 Windplay Drive Suite 4, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Provides information on about 1,000 funding programs, offering at least $1,000 per year for tuition. $40.00 + 6.00 S&H (916) 939-9620 Chronicle Financial Aid Guide, 2007-2008, ISBN: 9781556313400. Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc., 66 Aurora Street, Moravia, NY 13118-3576. More than 1,665 financial aid programs providing information on financial aid programs, offered primarily by noncollegiate organizations, labor unions, federal and state governments for undergraduate and graduate students. $ 25.49 + 10% S&H on total purchase. (800) 622-7284 The Grants Register, 2008, ISBN: 1403992584, Palgrave Publishing, MPS 16365 James Madison Highway, Gordonsville, VA 22942. Lists more than 3,500 post-graduate and professional awards from over 80 countries. $295.00 + 10% S&H on total purchase. (888) 330-8477 Financial Aid for African Americans, 2006-2008 ISBN: 1588411338, by Gail A. Schalachter and R. David Weber. Reference Service Press, El Dorado Hills Business Park, 5000 Windplay Drive, Suite 4, El Dorado Hill, CA 95762. $40.00 (916) 939-9620 The Millionaire Next Door, 1996, ISBN: 1567315682, by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. MJF Books Publishing, 322 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001. The surprising secret of America’s wealth. $10.50 Available at Frugal Living for Dummies, 2003, ISBN: 0764554034, by Deborah Taylor-Hough. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Practical ideas to help you spend less, save more, and live well. $16.99 + $5.00 S&H (877) 762-2974 Personal Finance for Dummies, 5th Edition, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-470-03832-1, by Eric Tyson, M.B.A. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. The book offers advice for those who want to get control over their personal financial lives. $21.99 + $5.00 S&H (877) 762-2974 Personal Finance Workbook for Dummies,2007, by Sheryl Garrett. ISBN: 978-0-470-09933-9. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. From Budgeting and using credit wisely to planning large expenses, this hands-on workbook shows you how to assess your situation and manage your money. $19.99 + $5.00 S&H The Wealthy Barber, 3rd Edition, 1998, ISBN: 0761513116, by David Barr Chilton. Prima Publishing, Roseville, California. Provides information to becoming financially independent. $11.20 P:\Applications\2009 Application Materials\financial aid ref list.doc