Financial guarantee letter

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With reference to the visa application of my daughter Miss WANG, Mei-ling who intends to study in the University of Nava


保證人通訊地址、電話 M.A.E.C. ESPAÑA

No. 9 Alley12, Lane 62, Tai Shun St., 106 Taipei, Taiwan TEL:(02)27173624 Date: 01 of December 2007 GUARANTEE LETTER (父母保證函)

Dear Sirs, With reference to the visa application of my daughter Miss WANG, Mei-ling who intends to study in the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain between 01/01/2007 and 31/12/2007 for one year, I hereby declare that I shall send her a monthly remittance of Euro ________ to cover all expenses connected with her studies, such as school fees, board and lodging, and I further declare that I shall responsible for 1. Her return to Taiwan 2. All travel expenses 3. The costs of repatriation, if any. Yours faithfully,

←保證人簽名(同護照上簽名)並加附保證人之護照影本 (請在護照上簽名再影印)及學生申請人之英文戶籍謄本 _________________ WANG, TA-CHUNG