Financial Inclusion 2020 - Center for Financial Inclusion blog

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Organized in partnership with Citi, Visa. Inc., MasterCard Worldwide, the Bill and Melinda ... a Roadmap for Financial I
Financial Inclusion 2020 Financial Inclusion 2020 is mobilizing stakeholders around the globe to achieve full financial inclusion, using the year 2020 as a focal point. Financial Inclusion 2020 calls on policymakers and financial service providers to make achieving financial inclusion a global reality.

Financial Inclusion 2020 Global Forum What Is Full Financial Inclusion? The Center defines full financial inclusion as a state in which everyone who can use them has access to a full suite of quality financial services, provided at affordable prices, in a convenient manner, with respect and dignity. Financial services are delivered by a range of providers, in a stable, competitive market, to clients who are financially capable.

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The Center will host a global forum of leaders in London on October 28-30, 2013 to advance financial inclusion. Organized in partnership with Citi, Visa Inc., MasterCard Worldwide, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Western Union Foundation, and the Financial Times, the FI2020 Global Forum will highlight the opportunity for reaching over 2 billion people around the world with quality financial services. This one-time, invitation-only event will make the case for why financial inclusion matters and why now is the time to act. The Forum will build on the campaign’s two-year efforts to identify the most important steps to outline a Roadmap for Financial Inclusion and catalyze relationships amongst the key actors responsible for moving this agenda forward. The Global Forum will feature lively roundtables to identify priorities from the Roadmap and a visually engaging presentation using data compiled through the Mapping the Invisible Market initiative (see reverse for more on both). The Forum will include senior leaders from financial services, technology, and other private sector actors, as well as regulators and policymakers. The event will also bring together representatives of targeted client populations, both excluded and underrepresented such as women, persons with disabilities, the elderly, youth, and migrants, as well as innovators in technology and product design featured in an innovation showcase. The momentum, knowledge, and new connections developed through this event will serve as a launch pad for a movement to accelerate the pace and quality of financial inclusion and set the focus of the FI2020 campaign in 2014 and beyond.

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Mapping the Invisible Market Drawing together various datasets, including the Global Findex, this market sizing exercise is conducting an in-depth analysis of global trends such as demographic and income change and technological innovation to bring new insights to the demand side of financial inclusion. Through a series of analytic papers, graphic presentations, and an interactive website, Mapping the Invisible Market will address the question of how major trends will influence the evolution of financial inclusion over the next decade. Visit for more information.

Roadmap to Financial Inclusion

Funding The work of the Financial Inclusion 2020 campaign is made possible through generous support from Citi Foundation, Visa Inc., MasterCard Worldwide, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, MetLife, and Western Union Foundation. The Global Forum is also supported by Omidyar Network, Barclays, FOMIN, Deutsche Bank, Moody’s, and American Express. Credit Suisse is a founding partner of the Center for Financial Inclusion.

About the Center for Financial Inclusion The Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion (CFI) helps to bring about the conditions to achieve full financial inclusion around the world. Constructing a financial inclusion sector that reaches everyone with quality services will require the combined efforts of many actors. CFI contributes to full inclusion by collaborating with sector participants to tackle challenges beyond the scope of any one actor, using a toolkit that moves from thought leadership to action.

Developed through a consultative process with over 40 experts in financial services, the Roadmap is a set of principles and actionable recommendations to advance financial inclusion across five key areas: financial capability, technology, credit reporting, client protection, and developing products that address client needs. Based on priorities identified through the 2011 Opportunities and Obstacles to Financial Inclusion global survey, the Roadmap will provide guidelines to key stakeholders from the private and public sectors on how they can take action and collaborate to advance financial inclusion. The Roadmap will be vetted by a spectrum of major actors responsible for moving the agenda forward, and the final recommendations will be introduced at the Financial Inclusion 2020 Global Forum.

FI2020 Consultative Process Partners AccessBank Tajikistan • Allianz • Banco Solidario • Bank of Brazil • Bankable Frontier Associates • Barbados Public Workers Credit Union • Business Information Industry Association (BIIA) • Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI) • Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau • Citi Foundation • Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) • Deutsche Bank • UK Department for International Development (DFID) • Equifax • Equity Bank • GIZ • Grameen Foundation • GSMA • HMS Wireless Consulting • Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) • International Finance Corporation (IFC) • MasterCard Worldwide • Microfinance Opportunities • MicroSave • OECD • Omidyar Network • Opportunity International • Pakistan Microfinance Network • PERC • Smart Campaign • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation • The Financial Services Roundtable • Visa Inc. • Vodafone • Western Union • World Bank • World Council of Credit Unions

FI2020 Outreach Partners Better Than Cash Alliance • CARE UK • Cherie Blair Foundation for Women • Child and Youth Finance International • Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) • Making Cents International • Microcredit Summit Campaign • Microinsurance Network • SEEP • United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

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