Rail-It. Rix Products. 628-2 Rail-It. Reg. Price: $3.49. Sale: $2.98. HO. Track-Bed
Roadbed .... 400-12443 101 More Track Plans for Model Railroaders. Reg.
9:51 AM
Page 21
Track Accessories HO
Solder Tools
Hayco Shock Free 2-Piece Cushion Heads
MLR Mfg 479-5005 Solder Tools Reg. Price: $3.98 Sale: $3.59
NJ International 525-6523 For Bumpers & Vertical Surfaces pkg(4) Reg. Price: $2.99 Sale: $2.69
Ballast Spreader
HO MLR Mfg 479-5008 Ballast Spreader Reg. Price: $10.59 Sale: $8.98
Turnout Extension Cord
The Tortoise™ Switch Machine
Kato 381-24841 Turnout Extension Cord Reg. Price: $3.75 Sale: $2.98
Circuitron 800-6006 pkg(6) Price: $115.00 800-6012 pkg(12) Price: $222.00
Track Spikes
Deluxe Track Tool Set
HO MLR Mfg 479-5019 Includes Track Tools, Radius Tool, Ballast Spreader & Flex Track Alignment Reg. Price: $37.29 Sale: $32.98 HO
Woodland Scenics 785-1475 24' 720cm Continuous Roll Reg. Price: $8.49 Sale: $6.98
Side Mounting Turnout Motor
Operating Ground Throw
Code 55 Rail Operating Ground Throw
Caboose Industries 97-222 For Atlas N w/Connectors Reg. Price: $3.40 Sale: $2.98
Rix Products 628-2 Rail-It Reg. Price: $3.49 Sale: $2.98
Midwest Products 472-3020 3mm x 3-1/4 x 36" Reg. Price: $2.39 Sale: $1.89
Life-Like from Walthers 433-1406 Track Spikes 20g Reg. Price: $4.98 Sale: $3.98
Caboose Industries 97-206 .135" Travel Sprung Reg. Price: $3.35 Sale: $2.98
Peco 552-PL11 PL-11 Reg. Price: $20.99 Sale: $15.98
Track-Bed Roadbed Material
Track Tool Set
MLR Mfg. Includes: Track Tool, Parallel Tool, Soldering Tool & Ballast Spreader. 479-5011 Track Tool Set Reg. Price: $22.89 Sale: $19.98
Track-Bed Roadbed Material
Woodland Scenics 785-1474 24' 720cm Long Continuous Roll Reg. Price: $11.99 Sale: $9.98
Double-Track Truss Bridge - Kit
Walthers® Cornerstone Series®. 10 x 2-3/4 x 2-3/4" 25 x 6.8 x 6.8cm 933-3242 Double-Track Truss Bridge Reg. Price: $32.98 Sale: $27.98
Operating Ground Throw
Track Tools MLR Mfg 479-5001 For Use With N & HO Reg. Price: $3.98 Sale: $3.59
Caboose Industries 97-208 Sprung .280" Travel Reg. Price: $3.45 Sale: $2.98
Track Nails Atlas 150-2540 #19 1/2" Long 2oz Reg. Price: $5.50 Sale: $4.98
Blackened Metal Spikes Micro Engineering 255-30106 1/4" pkg(1000) Reg. Price: $9.40 Sale: $8.49
Terminal Joiner Kato 381-24818 Terminal Joiner Reg. Price: $5.00 Sale: $3.98
N Rix Products 628-3 Rail-It Reg. Price: $3.49 HO
New Rail Models 501-400185 pkg(5) Reg. Price: $59.95 Sale: $52.98
Sale: $2.98
Ballast Spreader
Track-Bed Roadbed Material
Woodland Scenics 785-1477 5mm Thick x 12" 30cm Wide x 24" 60cm Long Reg. Price: $5.49 Sale: $4.49
N MLR Mfg 479-5009 Ballast Spreader Reg. Price: $10.59 Sale: $8.98
Blue Point™ Turnout Controller
Extension Cord Kato 381-24825 35" 90cm Reg. Price: $3.50 Sale: $2.98
Find Free Track Plans at walthers.com/track
9:51 AM
Page 22
Track Accessories
HOe (HOn2-1/2; Hn30 HOn30") Narrow Gauge Flex Track w/Code 80 Rail
Accessory Switch
Peco 552-500 36" 914mm Reg. Price: $7.20 Sale: $5.55
Peco 552-3013 Accessory Switch Reg. Price: $6.99 Sale: $4.98
Digital Turnout Conversion Set
Märklin 441-74445 Digital Turnout Conversion Set Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $44.98
Switch Machine
Remote Tortoise Mount
Peco 552-1023 For Digital Applications Reg. Price: $14.99 Sale: $11.98
The Tortoise™ Switch Machine
Circuitron 800-6100 Remote Tortoise Mount Reg. Price: $12.95 Sale: $10.98
Circuitron 800-6000 The Tortoise Switch Machine Price: $19.95
Medium Ballast Woodland Scenics 785-94 Gray Blend 24oz Reg. Price: $9.49 Sale: $7.98
Track Planning Books Great Track Plans for Every Layout Get a free download of featured plans compliments of Kalmbach & Carstens Publishing. Go to walthers.com/track today.
Track Planning for Realistic Operation
Basic Trackwork For Model Railroaders
Kalmbach 400-12148 Third Edition Reg. Price: $21.95 Sale: $18.98
Kalmbach 400-12254 Basic Trackwork For Model Railroaders Reg. Price: $19.95 Sale: $17.98
Starter Track Plans for Model Railroaders Kalmbach 400-12466 Starter Track Plans Price: $16.95
101 Track Plans for Model Railroaders Kalmbach 400-12012 101 Track Plans for Model Railroaders Reg. Price: $15.95 Sale: $13.98
101 More Track Plans for Model Railroaders Kalmbach 400-12443 101 More Track Plans for Model Railroaders Reg. Price: $17.95 Sale: $15.98
The Track Plan Book
Märklin 441-7451 The Track Plan Book Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $39.98
Mid-Size Track Plans for Realistic Layouts Kalmbach 400-12424 Mid-Size Track Plans for Realistic Layouts Reg. Price: $21.95 Sale: $18.98
Complete Layout Plans Carstens 205-96 For All Model Train Sets Price: $8.95
Märklin Z Scale Track Planning
Märklin 441-296 Track Planning Reg. Price: $31.98 Sale: $28.98 22
Find Free Track Plans at walthers.com/track
8:00 AM
Page 23
El Capitan features:
• Based on Equipment used from 1956 to 1971
Santa Fe
• Real Metal Finish Simulates Stainless Steel
El Capitan
• Prototypically Accurate Window Tinting • All Grab Irons Factory Installed
The HI-LEVEL Train That’s Fun For Everyone!
AlsoAvailable Hi-Level Car LED Interior Lighting Kits 932-1055 For El Capitan Hi-Level Cars $15.98 932-1056 For El Capitan Step-Down Hi-Level Coach w/Tail Sign $16.98
PROTO 2000® HO Santa Fe 37-Class F7 Diesels Detailed to Match 37-Class F7s in service 1956-60 • Real Metal Finish • Available with Full-Feature Tsunami® Sound & DCC Decoder • April 2012 Delivery • Sold Out at Walthers — See your Local Hobby Shop.
Matching A Unit TSUNAMI® SOUND & DCC $259.98 EA 920-40689 #41L 920-40690 #41C STANDARD DC $169.98 EA 920-47689 #40L 920-47690 #40C
Matching B Unit
A-B Sets
TSUNAMI® SOUND & DCC $259.98 EA 920-40691 #41A 920-40692 #41B
TSUNAMI® SOUND & DCC $479.98 EA 920-40687 #39L & 39A 920-40688 #39C & 39B
STANDARD DC $169.98 EA 920-47691 #40A 920-47692 #40B
STANDARD DC $329.98 EA 920-47687 #38L & 38A 920-47688 #38C & 38B
HO 63' Budd Railway Post Office #89-98
HO 85' Budd Hi-Level 72-Seat Coach #700-724
In Stock 932-9730 $69.98
March 2012 932-9770 $79.98
HO 73' Budd Baggage Car
HO 85' Budd Hi-Level “Sky Lounge” #575-580
In Stock 932-9740 $69.98
April 2012 932-9780 $79.98
HO 85' Budd Hi-Level Diner #650-655 HO 85' P-S Baggage-Dormitory Transition Car #3477-3479
April 2012 932-9790 $79.98
January 2012 932-9750 $74.98 - Preproduction model shown
HO 85' Budd Hi-Level 68-Seat Step Down Coach #528-537
HO 85' Budd Hi-Level Step Down 68-Seat Coach w/Tail Sign #528-537
February 2012 932-9760 $79.98
May 2012 932-9761 $79.98
To find a Hobby Shop near you, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit walthers.com. Delivery date and prices shown were accurate at press time, for updates visit walthers.com. ®2011 Wm. K. Walthers, Inc
8:00 AM
Page 24
Limited Quantity Available Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
EMD E7 Phase II
PROTO 2000® from Walthers®. Features 12-wheel electrical pickup, dual machined brass flywheels, working diaphragms and authentic paint and lettering. A-B Set Standard DC 920-47993 NYC 20th Century Limited #4026 & #4110 920-47995 NYC 20th Century Limited #4027 & #4111 Reg. Price: $379.98 Sale: $192.98
PROTO 1000™ from Walthers. Features 14:1 gear ratio, five-pole skew-wound motor and Proto MAX metal knuckle couplers. DCC ready - accepts 9-pin plug. CNW† (Internal Air Filters, Zito Yellow) 920-35076 #4400 920-35077 #4408 CR (Farr Air Filters) 920-35080 #1651 920-35081 #1677 MP† (Farr Air Filters) 920-35082 #1615 920-35083 #1700 Reg. Price: $99.98 Sale: $50.98
Limited Quantity Available
EMD GP20 Low Hood
HO PROTO 2000 from Walthers. Features five-pole skew-wound motor, 14:1 gear ratio, machined brass flywheels, allwheel drive and precisely meshed gears. Sound & DCC 920-41552 NYC #2102 (black w/logo on cab, no name) 920-41553 NYC #2104 (black w/logo on cab, no name) 920-41554 CR #2101 (blue) 920-41555 CR #2107 (blue) Price: $289.98 Standard DC 920-48552 NYC #2102 (black, logo on cab, no name) 920-48553 NYC #2104 (black, logo on cab, no name) 920-48554 CR #2101 (blue) 920-48555 CR #2107 (blue) Price: $189.98
EMD GP15-1
Walthers Trainline® 931-103 ATSF (Warbonnet, blue, yellow) 931-109 PRR #9912 (Brunswick Green) 931-120 BNSF #3820 (orange, green, Pumpkin) 931-130 PRR Reg. Price: $54.98 Sale: $42.98
Union Pacific licensed product
Bachmann. DCC equipped model has prepainted plastic body, all-metal chassis, five-pole motor, flywheel drive, operating headlights and E-Z Mate® couplers. 160-50205 1976 American Freedom Train #4449 Reg. Price: $215.00 Sale: $139.98
Bachmann. DCC equipped for speed, direction and lighting, model has dynamic brakes, precision can motor, die cast chassis, all-wheel drive and E-Z Mate Mark II couplers. 160-62805 B&O #6431 (blue, yellow, Capitol Dome Logo) Reg. Price: $98.00 Sale: $63.98
Minitrains HOn30"/ HOe Narrow Gauge Plymouth Diesel
Big City Hobbies. Standard DC loco has working headlights and loop-style couplers. 168-5002 #2 Reg. Price: $79.98 Sale: $65.98
Walthers Trainline. Features smoothrunning drive, powerful motor, dual flywheels, die cast metal frame and directional headlight. 931-334 CSX Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $50.98
EMD SW8/900
4-8-4 GS4
Bachmann. Standard DC. 160-63504 ATSF #3504 160-63507 Chessie #4148 160-63510 Alaska Railroad #3019 Reg. Price: $52.00 Sale: $33.98
HO PROTO 2000 from Walthers. Standard DC model features all-wheel drive, constant and directional headlights, prototype specific details and Proto MAX™ knuckle couplers. 920-48482 CR #8608 920-48483 CR #8611 920-48484 RI #816 920-48485 RI #821 Price: $169.98
Sale products listed in this Flyer were either in stock or expected to be at press time. Because of increased demand for sale-priced items and limited quantities available, some may be out of stock following the printing of this catalog. You can find out if any item is available, or locate dealers who have recently ordered out of stock items by visiting walthers.com. We reserve the right to correct errors, change prices and modify designs without notice and without obligation to previous purchasers. All rights reserved. Prices and delivery dates of newly announced items shown were accurate at press time, for updates, visit walthers.com. ©2011 Wm. K. Walthers, Inc. All prices are listed in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change without notice. Photos and/or listings of products depicting political or religious themes do not constitute an endorsement by Wm. K. Walthers, Inc. Select products are not shippable to California. CSX proprietary marks used by permission of CSX Transportation, Inc. Accumate® couplers are made under license from Accurail, Inc.
EMD SD40-2
Bachmann. Standard DC. 160-67006 UP 160-67009 CN #6136 160-67010 CSX #8865 (Dark Future) Reg. Price: $65.00 Sale: $41.98
Products bearing American Refrigerator Transit Company, ART, Chicago & North Western Railway, Chicago & North Western System, Chicago & North Western, CNW, C&NW, Denver & Rio Grande Western, DRGW, D&RG, D&RGW, Rio Grande, Katy Railroad, The Katy, Missouri-Kansas-Texas, MKT, M-K-T, Missouri Pacific Lines, Missouri Pacific, Mo-Pac, MP, Pacific Fruit Express Company, Pacific Fruit Express, PFE, Southern Pacific Rail Corporation, Southern Pacific Lines, Southern Pacific, SP, St. Louis Southwestern, SSW, Cotton Belt, Cotton Belt Route, Texas & Pacific, T&P, TP, Union Pacific Railroad Company, Union Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific, UP, Union Pacific Fruit Express, UPFE, Western Pacific & WP marks are made under trademark license from Union Pacific Railroad Company.
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:01 AM
Page 25
Limited Quantity Available
HO EMC Gas Electric Doodlebug
HO Bachmann Spectrum®. Detailed model is equipped with factory-installed DCC decoder. Sets include Doodlebug and 72' trailer with lighted interiors. 160-81422 B&O (green) 160-81423 B&M (maroon) 160-81424 Maryland & Pennsylvania #81 160-81425 Seaboard 160-81421 Unlettered (olive green) Reg. Price: $225.00 Sale: $146.98
Class 042 2-8-2
Märklin. Features mfx digital decoder, bellshaped armature, four axles powered, traction tires and working headlights. 441-37925 German Federal Railroad (DB) Price: $659.98
2-6-6-6 Allegheny
4-6-2 Pacific
Limited Quantity Available
B 360 Mine Locomotive
Busch. Battery powered, 3V engine runs on Z gauge track. 189-5012 Ute (yellow, black) Reg. Price: $179.99 Sale: $140.98
HO Mantua. Features metal chassis, flywheel drive, die cast metal wheels and all-wheel tender pickup. Vanderbilt Tender Limited Quantity Available 455-340002 B&O (blue) Reg. Price: $179.98 Sale: $140.98 Long Haul Tender 455-349001 ATSF 455-349002 PRR 455-349003 NP 455-349005 CN Reg. Price: $179.98 Sale: $140.98
EMD SD40-2 Mid-Production
Kato. Comes with all details and handrails installed and feature DCC-friendly construction with speaker housing in fuel tank. 381-376601 BN #6770 Reg. Price: $179.00 Sale: $137.98
HO Rivarossi. Highly detailed replica comes fully assembled and ready for service. Standard DC 635-HR2355 C&O #1637 Reg. Price: $539.99 Sale: $485.98 Sound & DCC Equipped 635-HR2356 C&O #1644 Reg. Price: $649.99 Sale: $584.98
Limited Quantity Available
Baldwin VO-1000 Phase II
Stewart Hobbies Executive Line. Fully detailed DCC-ready model is equipped with brass windshield wipers, grab irons, operating headlight, can motor, flywheels and knuckle couplers. 691-23352 WP #582 (Pumpkin) 691-23355 Patapsco & Back Rivers/ Bethlehem Steel #332 Reg. Price: $149.95 Sale: $123.98
0-6-0 Goat
Mantua. Comes with tender and features metal chassis, improved eletctrial pickup and DCC. 455-389104 Undecorated Reg. Price: $209.98 Sale: $163.98 Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
Electric Class 140 - 3-Rail
Märklin. Equipped with mfx digital decoder, factory-installed controllable sound functions, traction tires, working headlights and marker lights plus separately applied metal grab irons. 441-37404 German Federal Railroad Price: $409.98
2-6-6-2T Articulated Saddle Tank Logger
Mantua. DCC equipped model features metal chassis, flywheel drive, die cast metal wheels and all-wheel tender pickup. 455-351701 Canadian Forest Products 455-351702 Uintah Reg. Price: $264.98 Sale: $206.98
Baldwin VO-1000
Freight Runner
Stewart Hobbies Executive Line. DCC and sound equipped model has operating headlight, can motor, flywheels, RP-25 nickel-silver wheels and knuckle couplers. 691-23367 Patapsco & Back Rivers/ Bethlehem Steel #331 Phase II Reg. Price: $259.95 Sale: $214.98
Rail Master
Life-Like from Walthers®. An F40Ph loco with working headlight leads two freight cars and a caboose around Power-Loc™ track oval. UL-listed power pack, signs and more are included. 433-8608 Rail Master Reg. Price: $89.99 Sale: $69.98
Trans America Express
Life-Like from Walthers. Loaded with fun set starts with an F7 diesel followed by six colorful freight cars and a caboose. Comes with two working switch tracks, building kits, a tunnel and more. 433-9103 Trans America Express Reg. Price: $179.99 Sale: $138.98
Life-Like from Walthers. Delivers plenty of railroad action with a rugged GP38-2 diesel, five freight cars, a caboose, a stock yard with pigs, cows and figures and a giant figure 8 Power-Loc track layout. 433-9100 Freight Runner Reg. Price: $149.99 Sale: $115.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:02 AM
Page 26
Mine Train Starter Set
Limited Quantity Available
Freight Express
HO Life-Like from Walthers®. Ready to roll around a giant track oval is this powerful diesel locomotive plus four freight cars and a caboose. Set includes a 47 x 38" track oval, UL-listed power pack 433-8848 Freight Express Reg. Price: $99.99 Sale: $76.98
Rail Runner
Life-Like from Walthers. Vehicles, signs and an operating dual crossing gate are some of the accessories with this set. Also inlcudes GP38-2 loco, four freight cars, caboose, Power-Loc™ track oval and power pack. 433-8635 Rail Runner Reg. Price: $119.99 Sale: $92.98
HO Busch. Battery operated set comes with B 360 loco, three mine tipper cars and 16-1/2 x 12-1/2" Z gauge track oval. 189-5000 Mine Train Starter Set Reg. Price: $349.99 Sale: $292.98
MinitrainS 30" HOe Diesel Freight Set
Big City Hobbies. Includes powered loco and ten cars, all with loop-stye couplers. 168-5055 #12 Reg. Price: $119.98 Sale: $105.98
HO SCALE R PASSENGER CARS Equipped With Factory-Installed Grab Irons
Pullman Standard 10-5 Sleeper
GN Empire Builder Budd 46-Seat Vista Dome Coach
Walthers 932-16741 NYC (1938 Scheme) 932-16743 IC 932-16744 CP Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $21.98
Pullman-Standard 12 Double Bedroom Sleeper
Walthers 932-9401 GN 932-9402 ATSF 932-9403 CNW† 932-9406 NP 932-9407 PRR 932-9408 DRGW† 932-9409 C&O 932-9410 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 932-9411 UP† Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $50.98
Limited Quantity Available
Pullman-Standard 52-Seat Coach
Walthers 932-6774 KCS (black, yellow & red stripes) Reg. Price: $54.98 Sale: $39.98
Walthers 932-9039 #1320-1335 Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $35.98
Fast Check-Out Options at www.walthers.com!
Limited Quantity Available
85' Pullman-Standard 10-5 Sleeper w/No Skirts
WalthersProto™ 920-15201 ATSF (2-Tone Gray) 920-15203 Rock Island (silver) 920-15204 PRR (SLSF Frisco Run-Through Scheme, silver, red) Price: $64.98
Limited Quantity Available
NYC-Style Express Boxcar Troop Sleeper Conversion
Walthers 932-4156 NYC Leased (1960) 932-4158 Erie Reg. Price: $31.98 Sale: $18.98
Limited Quantity Available
Pullman-Standard 6-6-4 Sleeper
Walthers 932-6722 ATSF Reg. Price: $49.98 26
Limited Quantity Available
HO Sale: $21.98
C&O-Style Express Boxcar Troop Sleeper Conversion
Walthers 932-4169 B&O (blue) Reg. Price: $31.98 Sale: $15.98
GN Empire Builder Budd Great Dome
Walthers 932-9040 “...View” Series Lounge #1390-95 Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $35.98
ACF Coffee Shop Lounge
Walthers 932-9275 GN Reg. Price: $54.98 †
Sale: $27.98
Union Pacific licensed product
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:02 AM
Page 27
8:03 AM
Page 28
Limited Quantity Available
Pullman-Standard 72' Baggage Car ®
Walthers Smooth Sides 932-6813 Chicago Great Western (green) 932-6814 SOO (maroon) 932-6817 C&O (ex-Pere Marquette, gray, blue, yellow) Fluted Sides 932-6815 Pere Marquette (silver, blue, yellow) Reg. Price: $54.98 Sale: $23.98
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited Club-Lounge
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited Five Double-Bedroom Buffet Lounge Observation
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited 12 Double-Bedroom Sleeper
Walthers 932-9314 “Port...” Series Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $39.98
5-2-2 Sleeper Pullman-Standard Plan #4200
Walthers 932-9511 Undecorated Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $39.98
Five Double Bedroom Buffet Lounge Pullman-Standard Plan #4199
Late MILW 48-Seat Diner
Walthers 932-9232 Undecorated (Notched Sills, 8' Nystrom Trucks & Clasp Brakes) Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $24.98
11-Double Bedroom Sleeper Pullman-Standard Plan #4198
Walthers 932-9501 Undecorated Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $39.98
Late MILW Express Car w/Window
Walthers 932-9222 Undecorated (Notched Sills, 8' Nystrom Trucks & Clasp Brakes) Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $24.98
UP City 4-4-2 Sleeper P-S Plan #4069H
Walthers 932-9490 UP† “Imperial...” Series Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $40.98
Walthers 932-9312 “...Creek” Series Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $41.98
Walthers 932-9310 “...Shore” Series Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $39.98
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited 22-Roomette Sleeper
Walthers 932-9521 Undecorated Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $39.98
Walthers 932-9315 “...Bay” Series Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $39.98
Late MILW 26-Seat Tap Lounge
Walthers 932-9242 Undecorated (Notched Sills, 8' Nystrom Trucks & Clasp Brakes) Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $24.98
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited 68-Seat Full-Length Diner
Dome-Coach ACF Lot #4097
Dome-Diner ACF Lot #4098
ACF Lot #3031 85' Cafe-Lounge
ACF Lot #3029 85' BaggageDormitory
Walthers 932-9581 Undecorated Reg. Price: $79.98 Sale: $41.98
Walthers 932-9316 #400-03 Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $39.98
Walthers 932-9591 Undecorated Reg. Price: $79.98 Sale: $41.98
Late MILW 30-Seat Parlor
Walthers 932-9253 Undecorated (Straight Sills, 8' Nystrom Trucks & Disc Brakes) 932-9254 Undecorated (Notched Sills, 8' Nystrom Trucks & Clasp Brakes) Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $24.98
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited Railway Post Office Baggage
Walthers 932-9317 #5017-5020 Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $39.98
Walthers 932-9551 Undecorated Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $39.98
Late MILW #535-Series Coach
Walthers 932-9284 Undecorated (Notched Sills, 8' Nystrom Trucks & Clasp Brakes) Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $24.98
Union Pacific licensed product
NYC 1948 20th Century Limited Kitchen-Dormitory
Walthers 932-9318 #474-75 Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $39.98
Walthers 932-9561 Undecorated Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $39.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:03 AM
Limited Quantity Available
UP Heritage Fleet ACF 44-Seat Coach
Walthers® 932-9532 UP† “Katy Flyer” #5468 Price: $69.98
Limited Quantity Available
UP Heritage Fleet ACF 48-Seat Diner
Page 29
Limited Quantity Available
PRR Broadway Limited BM70m RPO
Walthers 932-9700 PRR Price: $69.98
PRR Broadway Limited Budd 68-Seat Full Diner
Walthers 932-9641 Undecorated Price: $69.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
UP Heritage Fleet ACF Dome Coach
Walthers 932-9582 UP† “Columbine” #7001 Price: $79.98
Limited Quantity Available
UP Heritage Fleet Budd 10-6 Sleeper
Walthers 932-9611 UP† “Willie James” #202 Price: $69.98
Limited Quantity Available
UP Heritage Fleet ACF Dome Diner
Walthers 932-9592 UP† “Colorado Eagle” #8004 Price: $79.98
ACF Railway Post OfficeBaggage Car
Walthers 932-6907 DRGW (4-Stripe Scheme) 932-6909 Rock Island (silver) Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $34.98
Limited Quantity Available
Walthers 932-9542 UP† “City of Los Angeles” #488 Price: $69.98
Limited Quantity Available
PRR Broadway Limited Budd Kitchen-Dormitory
Walthers 932-9651 Undecorated Price: $69.98
Bachmann Silver Series® 160-13401 Durango & Silverton Reg. Price: $21.00 Sale: $13.98
Open-Sided Excursion Car w/Seats
1880s Wood Open-Platform Coach
Bachmann 160-17432 Durango & Silverton 160-17445 Cass Scenic Railroad 160-17447 Unlettered (silver & black) 160-17448 Unlettered (silver & yellow) 160-17449 Unlettered (red, green, gold) Reg. Price: $32.00 Sale: $20.98
Limited Quantity Available
PRR Broadway Limited Pullman-Standard 10-6
Sleeper Walthers 932-9661 Undecorated Price: $69.98
Con-Cor 223-222 Virginia & Truckee 223-228 Durango & Silverton 223-229 Durango & Silverton (Pullman Green, silver Roof) Reg. Price: $27.98 Sale: $22.98
Limited Quantity Available
PRR Broadway Limited Pullman-Standard 12 Duplex 4 Bedroom Sleeper
Walthers 932-9671 Undecorated Price: $74.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
Heavyweight ACF 70' BaggageExpress
Walthers 932-10519 International Great Northern Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $21.98
Union Pacific licensed product
1860-1880 Wood Coach
Limited Quantity Available
PRR Broadway Limited Pullman-Standard 2 Bedroom Buffet Lounge
Walthers 932-9681 Undecorated Price: $69.98
1880s Wood Open-Platform Baggage-RPO
Con-Cor 223-321 DRGW (yellow, silver) 223-322 Virginia & Truckee (yellow, gray) 223-323 Central Pacific (red, black) 223-324 PRR (Tuscan, black) 223-325 UP (yellow, gray) 223-326 ATSF (Pullman Green, black) 223-327 Durango & Silverton (yellow, silver) 223-329 Durango & Silverton (Pullman Green, silver) 223-330 GN (Pullman Green, black) Reg. Price: $27.98 Sale: $22.98 Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
PRR Broadway Limited Pullman-Standard 4-4-2
Sleeper Walthers 932-9691 Undecorated Price: $69.98
MILW 1935 Hiawatha Coach
Fox Valley Models 1950s Maroon Band & Black Roof 282-10036 #4403 282-10037 #4414 282-10038 #4435 UP Yellow & Gray 282-10039 #4409 282-10040 #4418 282-10041 #4432 Reg. Price: $64.95 Sale: $51.98 29
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:07 AM
Page 30
New Cars to Expand Streamliner Service
dd realistic color and variety to your HO streamliners with Walthers passenger cars! Based on equipment used from the 1950s to the early years of Amtrak, you can easily mix and match styles and roadnames to build a custom train for your layout or collection. Each comes ready for service, with factory-installed grab irons, superb paint and lettering, turned metal RP-25 wheelsets, Proto MAX ™ metal knuckle couplers and much more.
• Fully Assembled – Factory-Installed Grab Irons & More • Wide Selection of Car Types • Classic 50s through 70s Prototypes • Painted & Lettered for Popular Roads • Now In Stock!
64.98 ea 85' Pullman-Standard 10-6 Sleeper 932-15401 ATSF (silver) 932-15402 C&O (blue, gray, yellow) 932-15403 DRGW† (4-Stripe Scheme, Aspen Gold, silver) 932-15404 NYC (Post-1948 2-Tone Gray) 932-15405 PRR (Tuscan) 932-15406 PRR (UP Run-Through Scheme, Armour Yellow, gray) 932-15407 Rock Island (silver) 932-15408 SP (silver, red) 932-15409 UP† (Armour Yellow, gray)
85' Pullman-Standard 4-4-2 Smooth-Side Sleeper 932-15251 932-15252 932-15253 932-15254 932-15255
CNW† (Armour Yellow, gray) NP (Two-Tone Green) NYC (Post-1948 Two-Tone Gray) PRR (Tuscan w/black roof) PRR (Fleet of Modernism)
85' Pullman-Standard 52-Seat Coach 932-15301 ATSF (silver) 932-15302 CNW† (yellow, green) 932-15303 DRGW† (4-Stripe Scheme, Aspen Gold, silver) 932-15304 NKP (blue, silver) 932-15305 PRR (Tuscan, black) 932-15306 Rock Island (silver) 932-15307 UP† (Armour Yellow, gray)
85' American Car & Foundry 44-Seat Coach 932-6921 GN (Big Sky Blue) 932-6922 ATSF (gray, silver) 932-6923 CNW† (Armour Yellow, gray) 932-6924 Amtrak (Phase I) 932-6925 SP† (Armour Yellow, gray) 932-6926 NP (Two-Tone Green) 932-6927 PRR (Tuscan, black) 932-6928 DRGW† (4-Stripe Scheme, Aspen Gold, silver) 932-6929 C&O (blue, gray, yellow) 932-6930 RI (silver) 932-6931 UP† (Armour Yellow, gray) 932-6932 NYC (Post-1948 Two-Tone Gray)
85' Pullman-Standard 48-Seat Diner 932-15351 932-15352 932-15353 932-15354 932-15355 932-15356 932-15357 †
C&O (blue, gray, yellow) CNW† (yellow, green) NYC (Post-1948 Two-Tone Gray) NP (Two-Tone Green) PRR (Tuscan, black) SP† (silver, red) UP† (Armour Yellow, gray)
Union Pacific licensed product
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:07 AM
Page 31
Limited Quantity Available
81' 4-Truck Depressed Center Flatcar
Walthers® 932-5620 TTX 932-5628 CR Reg. Price: $37.98 Sale: $21.98
Limited Quantity Available
USRA 46' Steel Gondola
Walthers 932-7467 NKP 932-7468 NYC 932-7469 B&O 932-7470 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $11.98
Limited Quantity Available
MILW Rib Side Caboose w/Oil Stove
DIFCO® Dump Car
Walthers MP†/UP† (UP MOW Green w/UP Shield) 932-41401 #55101 932-41402 #55198 932-41403 #55237 GN (black) 932-41404 #X-7052 932-41405 #X-7065 932-41406 #X-7074 B&O/Chessie (blue) 932-41407 #913823 932-41408 #913821 932-41409 #913826 DMIR (white) 932-41413 #2120 SOU (green) 932-41416 #991981 (Reporting Marks on Panel 2) 932-41417 #991942 (Reporting Marks on Left Panel) 932-41418 #991980 (Reporting Marks on Left Panel) CN (brown) 932-41422 #56067 932-41423 #56114 932-41424 #56166 Reg. Price: $31.98 Sale: $18.98
Walthers Platinum Line™ 932-7670 Undecorated Kit Reg. Price: $41.98 Sale: $23.98
Limited Quantity Available Limited Quantity Available
4000 HO Bethlehem Cubic Foot 3-Bay Hopper 6-Pack Walthers 932-7878 SLGG Sidney & Lowe Railroad Reg. Price: $109.98 Sale: $63.98
Limited Quantity Available
90-Ton GSC HO 4-Axle Depressed-Center Flatcar Walthers 932-7889 CNW Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $15.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
PRR N6B Wood Cabin Car w/Centered Cupola
Walthers Platinum Line Single Cars 932-7652 PRR #981801 (Keystone at Top) 932-7653 PRR #980883 (Keystone in Middle) Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $25.98 2-Packs 932-27652 PRR (Keystone at Top) 932-27653 PRR (Keystone in Middle) Reg. Price: $89.98 Sale: $49.98
Limited Quantity Available
41' Ballast Hopper 3-Pack
Walthers 932-34239 Metra #2511, 2507, 2517 (black, yellow Conspicuity Markings) 932-34240 British Columbia Railway BCOL #2822, 2808, 2823 (black) 932-34241 SLSF #97100, 97159, 97131 (Mineral Red) 932-34242 MP† #16642, 16828, 16461 (Mineral Red) Reg. Price: $54.98 Sale: $39.98
Limited Quantity Available
Front Runner® w/Trailer
Walthers TTUX 932-39817 #140237 w/45' Trailer BN #234856 932-39818 #140215 w/45' Trailer DRGW† RGTZ #730097 932-39819 #140271 w/45' Trailer FEC #630552 TTOX 932-39820 #140004 w/48' ATSF Trailer SFTZ #210462 932-39821 #140176 w/48' BNSF Trailer SFTZ 220783 932-39822 #140330 w/48' Trailer TIPZ #620852 Price: $29.98
52' 6" Drop-End Mill Gondola
Walthers Platinum Line CR 932-41901 #589033 932-41902 #589009 932-41903 #589054 Detroit, Toledo & Ironton 932-41907 #9019 932-41908 #9042 932-41909 #9061 Elgin, Joliet & Eastern 932-41910 #84032 932-41911 #84168 932-41912 #84085 Penn Central 932-41913 #557016 932-41914 #557143 932-41915 #557220 UP† 932-41916 #229910 932-41917 #229914 932-41918 #229919 Price: $29.98
Limited Quantity Available
American Crane
Walthers Platinum Line. Fully assembled, rigged and powered. All four metal wheels provide electrical pickup. Hand crank to operate boom and hook included. 932-41951 ATSF #199606 932-41952 BN #975204 932-41955 PRR #85381 Price: $79.98
Limited Quantity Available Limited Quantity Available
Canadian Car & Foundry 50' Bulkhead Flatcar
Walthers Platinum Line 932-40075 Algoma Central #2415 (black) 932-40076 Montana Rail Link #61023 (blue, white) 932-40077 North American Car Leasing NAFX #53133 (orange) 932-40078 GE Railcar Services (Former Triangle Pacific) TPFX #53153 (orange) Price: $27.98
Itel 66' Heavy-Duty 4-Truck Flatcar
Walthers Platinum Line 932-42551 TTX QTTX #131004 (yellow, black) 932-42552 UP† #50032 (yellow) 932-42553 TTX QTTX #131003 (yellow, black) 932-42554 CSX #600471 (orange) Price: $34.98
Limited Quantity Available
Bethlehem 4000 Cubic Foot 3-Bay Hopper 6-Pack
HO 48' Stoughton Ribside Exterior Post Container
Walthers 933-1817 ATSF 933-1820 APL Reg. Price: $8.98 †
Sale: $5.98
Union Pacific licensed product
48' Stoughton Smoothside Container
Walthers 933-1801 CP/US Service 933-1806 APL 933-1809 CSX/SL Reg. Price: $8.98 Sale: $5.98
40' Rib Side Container
Walthers 933-1502 P&O Nedloyd 933-1503 Genstar 933-1505 Yang Ming 933-1506 XTRA 933-1508 Hapag-Lloyd 933-1500 Undecorated Reg. Price: $8.98 Sale: $6.98
Walthers 932-61401 BN #527165, 527224, 527305, 527408, 527475, 527478 932-61402 BNSF #645482, 645462, 645557, 645600, 645605, 645614 932-61404 MILW #120004, 120050, 120066, 120080, 120107, 120142 Price: $119.98 31
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:08 AM
Page 32
Limited Quantity Available
2893 Cubic HO PS-2 Foot 3-Bay Covered Hopper Walthers® Single Cars 932-61451 ATSF #300733 932-61452 B&O #628022 (gray, Billboard B&O) 932-61453 BN #435005 (Cascade Green, white, Large Logo) 932-61454 CR #883527 (gray) 932-61455 GN #71950 (gray, Slanted Lettering) Price: $24.98 2-Packs 932-261451 ATSF #300705, 300780 (gray) 932-261452 B&O #628010, 628040 (gray, Billboard B&O) 932-261453 BN #435035, 435106 (Cascade Green, Large Logo) 932-261454 CR #883540, 883585 (gray) 932-261455 GN #71975, 71988 (gray, Slanted Lettering) Price: $49.98
Walthers 933-1955 K&W Alaska 933-1961 Bond 933-1964 Stolt Reg. Price: $8.98 Sale: $5.98
Trinity 2-Bay Cement Service Covered Hopper
Walthers BNSF (Mineral Brown, Circle/Cross Logo) 932-41302 #408168 932-41303 #408121 Chicago Freight Car Leasing CRDX (light gray) 932-41304 #9824 932-41305 #9845 932-41306 #9836 ITLX (light gray) 932-41308 #30371 932-41309 #30012 Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern (light gray, blue Logo) 932-41312 #29227 Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $15.98
61' Wood Chip Gondola
Walthers 932-4069 Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad #5114 932-4072 WP† #5107 Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $13.98
Union Pacific licensed product
20' Ribbed-Side Container
Walthers 933-1754 Evergreen 933-1755 Genstar 933-1757 Mitsui OSK 933-1758 Triton 933-1759 Nedlloyd 933-1764 Flexi-Van 933-1767 Hamburg Sud Reg. Price: $6.98 Sale: $4.98
40' Tank Car
WalthersTrainline 931-1611 Sinclair Oil 931-1613 Amoco Oil 931-1618 Godchaux Sugar GATX #36372 (gray, blue) Price: $14.98
40' Offset Quad Hopper
WalthersTrainline 931-1651 ATSF 931-1654 NYC 931-1655 N&W Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
WalthersTrainline 931-1751 UP† Reg. Price: $19.98 Sale: $16.98
40' High Cube Container
Walthers 933-1705 Hapag-Lloyd 933-1706 Matson 933-1712 Hanjin 933-1713 TransAmerica 933-1719 Yang Ming Line 933-1720 Columbus Line Reg. Price: $8.98 Sale: $5.98
WalthersTrainline™ 931-1601 BN Reg. Price: $11.98 Sale: $8.98
Intermountain 85-47731 PRR/FGEX (yellow) 85-47732 FGE FDEX Reg. Price: $29.95 Sale: $26.98
Limited Quantity Available
R-70-20 Mechnical Reefer
Intermountain 85-48822 SP Fruit Express (white, blue logo) Reg. Price: $33.95 Sale: $30.98
Limited Quantity Available
ACF 47' 3-Bay Center Flow Covered Hopper - Kit
50' Plug Door Boxcar
Limited Quantity Available
USRA 2-Bay 55-Ton Open Hopper - Kit
Accurail 112-25123 CB&Q/C&S #18279 Reg. Price: $13.98 Sale: $10.98
40' Stock Car
WalthersTrainline 931-1680 UP† 931-1681 ATSF 931-1682 GN 931-1683 DRGW† 931-1684 Swift Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
50' Flatcar
Fruit Growers Express Wood Refrigerator Car
Accurail 112-20232 CSX #255918 Reg. Price: $15.98 Sale: $12.98
40' Reefer Container
Walthers 933-1852 Sea-Land 933-1853 TransAmerica 933-1862 Pacific & Orient Reg. Price: $8.98 Sale: $5.98
Limited Quantity Available
Track Cleaning Car
WalthersTrainline 931-1676 ATSF #6572 931-1678 IC #11653 931-1679 NP #98359 Price: $14.98
20' Fully Corrugated Box Container
Walthers 933-2006 Gateway 933-2012 Yang Ming 933-2014 CMA 933-2022 MSC (red) Reg. Price: $6.98 Sale: $4.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
20' Tank Container Kit
Limited Quantity Available
AAR 40' DoubleDoor Boxcar - Kit
Accurail 112-36161 MILW #16057 Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Firefighting Car
WalthersTrainline 931-1767 Georgia-Pacific Reg. Price: $16.98 Sale: $13.98
Limited Quantity Available
AAR 41' Steel Gondola - Kit
Accurail 112-3734 Central of Georgia (The Right Way) Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:08 AM
Page 33
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
Steel Double-Door HO 50' Boxcar w/High Ladders & Roofwalk - Kit Accurail 112-5230 Pere Marquette Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Limited Quantity Available
50' Exterior Post Boxcar - Kit
Accurail 112-5642 Montana Rail Link (New Scheme) 112-5644 CP #166042 (orange, Script Lettering, Insulated/Heated Markings) 112-5645 Central Vermont #50076 (Boxcar Red, CN Website Logo) Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Thrall 2743 Gondola
Accurail 112-38041 MILW #29045 Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Atlas Master Series 150-20000719 Gateway Western #3025 150-20000721 Gateway Western #3099 150-20000725 NS #200801 (First Union) Reg. Price: $29.95 Sale: $22.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
40' Combination Door Steel Boxcar - Kit
40' Wood Reefer - Kit
HO Accurail 112-4841 Colorado & Southern 112-4842 MILW (blue) Reg. Price: $15.98 Sale: $12.98
42' Coil Steel Car w/Fishbelly
Side Sill Atlas Master Series CSX (gray, yellow Conspicuity Markings) 150-20001151 #494777 150-20001152 #494799 Reg. Price: $34.95 Sale: $26.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
AAR 50' WeldedSide Double-Door Boxcar - Kit
Accurail 112-59091 Spokane, Portland & Seattle #318356 (green, yellow) Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Limited Quantity Available
40' SingleSheathed Wood 6-Panel Outside-Braced Boxcar w/Wood Ends - Kit
Accurail 112-70081 DRGW #67398 Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
Limited Quantity Available
AAR 70-Ton Offset-Side 3-Bay Hopper - Kit
Accurail 112-7539 Illinois Central Gulf 112-7540 Bangor & Aroostook #683 (black, Serving Northern Maine Logo) Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98
ACF 40' Log Car w/Logs
Bachmann Silver Series 160-18849 1935-1960 Reg. Price: $47.00 Sale: $30.98
Mining Tipper/Side Dump Ore Car 3-Pack
Busch 189-5021 Black Reg. Price: $50.99 Sale: $39.98
4-Bay Center HO ACF Flow® Pressureaide® Covered Hopper Atlas Master Line ACFX (NKC 1993 Repaint, white, gray) 150-20001055 #51553 150-20001056 #51555 150-20001057 #51558 Atel AFCX (white, blue, Reporting Marks Only) 150-20001058 #893291 150-20001059 #893296 150-20001060 #893298 Engelhard ACFX (white, blue, No Logo) 150-20001061 #42515 150-20001062 #42525 150-20001063 #42541 J.M. Huber ACFX (white, blue, Large Logo) 150-20001064 #45457 150-20001065 #45456 150-20001066 #45454 National Starch NLSX (white, Reporting Marks Only) 150-20001067 #20001 150-20001068 #20014 150-20001069 #20022 Omya ACFX white, blue) 150-20001070 #51636 150-20001071 #51615 150-20001072 #51609 Proctor & Gamble PGHX (white, blue, Reporting Marks Only) 150-20001073 #41001 150-20001074 #41030 150-20001075 #41037 Red Venturi ACFX (white, red) 150-20001076 #51012 150-20001077 #51643 Trinity Rail Management PGHX (gray, Reporting Marks Only) 150-20001078 #76040 150-20001079 #76044 150-20001080 #76060 Reg. Price: $32.95 Sale: $24.98
Mining Tipper/Side Dump Ore Car 2-Pack
Busch 189-5022 1 Each Explosives & Tools w/Covers Reg. Price: $40.99 Sale: $31.98
GN/BN Transfer Caboose - Kit
American Model Builders 152-877 Builds Either GN or BN Reg. Price: $46.95 Sale: $38.98
Mining Personnel Carrier Car 2-Pack
Busch 189-5026 Yellow 189-5027 Light Blue Reg. Price: $40.99 Sale: $31.98
Cannonball Hand Car
HO Bachmann 160-46202 Cannonball Hand Car Reg. Price: $43.00 Sale: $27.98 HO
40' Stock Car - Kit
Tamper Track Alignment Machine
Central Valley 210-1001 Undecorated Reg. Price: $12.95 Sale: $10.98
ACF 50'6" Outside-Braced Sliding-Door Boxcar
Bachmann 160-19602 McCloud River Railroad (white, brown, Bear Logo) 160-19603 Middletown & New Jersey (blue, silver) 160-19604 Providence & Worcester (red, white) 160-19605 Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad (white) 160-19606 BN (Cascade Green, Large Logo) Reg. Price: $25.00 Sale: $15.98
Custom Finishing. Craft train kit features detailed brass and white-metal parts, rotating, insulated wheels and decals. 247-7014 w/Laser Alignment Buggy Reg. Price: $58.95 Sale: $52.98 33
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:09 AM
Page 34
HO SCALE R FREIGHT CARS Limited Quantity Available
85' Trash Flatcar
Atlas Trainman® Allied Waste 751-20000833 #20395 ECDC Environmental 751-20000834 #93192 751-20000835 #93212 751-20000836 #93221 East Carbon-DSEX 751-20000838 #7131 751-20000839 #7133 General American 751-20000840 #638003 751-20000841 #638020 751-20000842 #638048 Limited Quantity Available Joseph Transportation 751-20000843 #400150 751-20000844 #400162 751-20000845 #400168 Reg. Price: $24.95 Sale: $18.98 Save on Undecorated Too! 751-20000830 Undecorated Reg. Price: $19.95 Sale: $14.98
Limited Quantity Available
Gondola w/Scrap Load 3-Car Set - 3-Rail
HO Märklin. Includes three different gondola types with side doors. 441-46098 Gondola w/Scrap Load (brown) Price: $129.98
Lumber Caboose Kit
Durango Press 254-55 Westside Lumber Co. Reg. Price: $22.95 Sale: $18.98
Fast Check-Out Options at www.walthers.com!
Container Flatcar 2-Pack
Limited Quantity Available
PS-1 50' Boxcar w/10' Door & Functioning Cushion Underframe
Kadee 380-6334 WM #35073 Reg. Price: $35.95 Sale: $31.98
Limited Quantity Available
Container Transport Car Set
Märklin. Includes “green cargo” WoodTainer XXL loads. 441-47723 Swedish State Railways pkg(3) Price: $149.98
Limited Quantity Available
Soo Line-Built 7-Post Boxcar
Fox Valley Models SOO (white, red Door, Parallelogram Logo) 282-30009 #1 282-30010 #2 282-30011 #3 282-30012 #4 WC (maroon, yellow Conspicuity Stripe) 282-30017 #1 282-30018 #2 282-30019 #3 282-30020 #4 CSX (Boxcar Red) 282-30021 #1 282-30022 #2 282-30023 #3 282-30024 #4 Reg. Price: $31.95 Sale: $24.98
Märklin. Comes with 12 cubic meter container load. 441-48273 German Federal Railroad DB (black, brown) 441-48274 German Federal Railroad DB (black, brown) Price: $79.98
Limited Quantity Available
Limited Quantity Available
HO Limited Quantity Available
1950-53 P-S 40' PS-1 Boxcar w/8' 6-Panel Superior Door
Norwegian State Railways Freight Car Set 3-Rail
Märklin. Includes one each AAE Sliding-Wall Boxcar, Flatcar with 40' Container and 4-Axle Tank Car. 441-46099 NSB Freight Car Set Price: $139.98
Kadee 380-5291 SAL 25613 (Boxcar Red, STB & Small Heart Logos) Reg. Price: $33.95 Sale: $30.98
Did You Know?
40' Reefer
HO Model Power 490-98700 CN (green stripe) Reg. Price: $10.49 Sale: $7.98 Limited Quantity Available
Pullman-Standard PS-2 2-Bay Covered Hopper
Kadee 380-8335 PRR #257201 (light gray, Shadow Keystone Logo) Reg. Price: $41.95 Sale: $37.98
Limited Quantity Available
Skeleton Log Car 2-Pack
Rivarossi 635-HR6171 Coos Bay Lumber #161 & 169 Reg. Price: $54.99 Sale: $48.98
120-Ton Brownhoist Railroad Wrecking Crane - Kit
Fairmont Speeder - Kit
HO Durango Press 254-36 Early MT-14 Reg. Price: $9.95 Sale: $7.98
Logging Flatcar - Kit
HO Kadee 380-102 Skeleton Type Reg. Price: $30.15 Sale: $26.98 380-103 Truss Type Reg. Price: $36.65 Sale: $32.98
Tichy Train Group 293-4010 120-Ton Brownhoist Railroad Wrecking Crane Reg. Price: $28.50 Sale: $23.98
For many decades, one of the most useful tools on a railroad was nothing more than a sturdy wooden pole! Used to shove cars on adjacent tracks, the ends of the pole were placed in special brackets on the lower end corners of cars and locos, known as “poling pockets.” While it saved time and was a very common practice, “poling” was also very dangerous since the poles could easily come loose or break without warning. Most roads banned it by the 1970s, and new equipment was built without the special pockets.
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:09 AM
Page 35
Modern “Tagger” Graffiti Decals Mega Set
Blair Line 184-2244 #1 pkg(8) 184-2245 #2 pkg(9) Reg. Price: $6.00 Sale: $4.98
Proto MAX™ Magnetic Knuckle Couplers
Rigid Plastic Freight Car Trucks w/Plastic Wheels 1 Pair
WalthersProto™ 920-6000 Standard Type 20 Pair Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $18.98 920-6001 Standard Type 4 Pair Reg. Price: $6.98 Sale: $4.98
Walthers 933-1011 T-Section Bettendorf 933-1013 Roller Bearing Reg. Price: $3.98 Sale: $2.98
Kadee 380-520 For Freight Cars pkg(12) Reg. Price: $9.18 Sale: $7.98
6-Wheel Heavyweight Passenger Truck
Walthers 933-1086 Type 2411 Fits Walthers 8-1-2 Sleeper, Diner and Coach Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98
Inkjet Decal Paper Vitachrome Graphics. 8-1/2 x 11" 20 x 27.5cm 768-5020 Clear Background pkg(5) Reg. Price: $24.95 Sale: $21.98
Traction Tires pkg(12)
Sprung Plastic Freight Car Trucks w/Plastic Wheels 1 Pair
SceneMaster™ from Walthers® 433-1427 10 Pair Reg. Price: $6.98 Sale: $4.98 433-1436 2 Pair Reg. Price: $3.98 Sale: $2.98
Walthers 933-1001 Bettendorf 933-1003 T-Section Bettendorf 933-1004 Andrews Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $3.98
Standard Head HO #148 All-Metal Whisker® Self-Centering Knuckle Couplers Kadee 380-140 Bulk Pack 50 Pair Reg. Price: $85.85 Sale: $76.98
WalthersProto 920-66000 For 0-6-0 920-66002 For 2-8-4 920-66003 For 2-8-8-2 920-66004 For 2-10-2 Reg. Price: $5.49 Sale: $3.98
Magnetic Knuckle Couplers
33" Smooth Back Wheelset
#58 Scale Metal Magne-Matic® Couplers
Kadee 380-12 Less Draft Gear Box 20 Pair Reg. Price: $32.55 Sale: $28.98
Bettendorf Freight Car Trucks Tichy Train Group 293-3051 Caboose 1 Pair Reg. Price: $3.00 Sale: $2.79
HO SCALE R SIGNALS Semaphore Signal
Railroad Crossing Signal w/Gate
Tomar 81-860 Lower Quadrant w/Relay Base Reg. Price: $32.80 Sale: $27.98
Tomar. Features four LEDs: two to the front, and two to the back and is powered by a Tortoise™ turnout motor. Flasher and detection unit not included. Includes red/white and black/white striping decals for gate. 81-863 Railroad Crossing Signal w/Gate pkg(2) Reg. Price: $181.85 Sale: $152.98
NJ International 525-1090 Two-Light Reg. Price: $16.99 Sale: $13.98
Signal Control Board
Atlas 150-234 Signal Control Board Reg. Price: $27.50 Sale: $21.98
Type G 3-Light Signal
Atlas 150-238 Double Target Reg. Price: $54.95 Sale: $42.98
Union Switch & Signal H-2 Searchlight Signal
BLMA 176-4001 Heads Only pkg(2) Reg. Price: $24.95 Sale: $20.98
Storefront & Advertising Signs
Blair Line 184-159 Tavern & Liquor Store Reg. Price: $5.00 Sale: $4.49
Patriotic US Flag Billboard Blair Line 184-1520 Includes 4 Slogans For Z, N & HO Reg. Price: $9.95 Sale: $7.98 35
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:10 AM
Page 36
HO SCALE R SIGNALS FL-2 Alternating Flasher Circuitron 800-5102 FL-2 Alternating Flasher Reg. Price: $19.95 Sale: $16.98
DT-1 Grade Crossing Detection Unit Circuitron 800-5201 DT-1 Grade Crossing Detection Unit Reg. Price: $36.95 Sale: $30.98
Waving American Flag
Miniatronics. Flag waves as if it’s outside with the wind blowing. Includes planter base with greenery, flagpole, American flag and power source. 475-9004801 48 Stars (Pre 1959) 475-9005001 50 Stars Reg. Price: $59.95 Sale: $53.98
Patriot Flag Animated Neon Billboard Micro Structures 502-9482 Patriot Flag Co. Reg. Price: $26.95 Sale: $23.98
Micro Structures 502-9981 Cover The Earth Reg. Price: $32.95 Sale: $29.98
NJ International 525-1216 6 LED Disc Head Only Reg. Price: $19.99 Sale: $16.98
Grade Crossing Signal Gate
Animated Double Sided Neon Sign Micro Structures 502-7681 Stan’s Drive-In (Free Standing) Reg. Price: $45.95 Sale: $40.98
House Mast Combination Signal
ATSF Animated Neon Billboard
Micro Structures 502-5781 Santa Fe Reg. Price: $42.95 Sale: $38.98
B&O Style Signal
NJ International 525-1170 Gate Only w/A-Type Arm Reg. Price: $27.95 Sale: $23.98
Presidential Election Lawn Signs pkg(3)
Calumet Trains 192-600 Eisenhower (I Like Ike) 192-601 Kennedy 192-606 Reagan 192-609 George W. Bush 192-610 Obama Reg. Price: $6.95 Sale: $6.29
Sunoco Animated Neon Billboard
Micro Structures 502-3581 Sunoco Reg. Price: $49.95 Sale: $44.98
Sherwin Williams Animated Neon Billboard
Stop Sign pkg(4)
NJ International 525-1073 Three Head Bi-Directional w/LEDs Reg. Price: $55.99 Sale: $46.98
JL Innovative Design 361-851 Red 361-852 Yellow Pre-1958 Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $4.98
H & C Animated Neon Billboard Micro Structures 502-7881 H & C Coffee Reg. Price: $32.95 Sale: $29.98
PC Board & LEDs
Oregon Rail Supply 538-144 For PRR-Style Position Lights Reg. Price: $17.95 Sale: $14.98
GE Animated Neon Billboard
Micro Structures 502-2781 General Electric Reg. Price: $49.95 Sale: $44.98
Bus Station Animated Neon Billboard
Micro Structures 502-5881 Vertical Reg. Price: $55.95 Sale: $49.98
Cantilever Signal Bridge - Kit
Pastime Hobbies & Miniatures 554-302 Includes LEDs Reg. Price: $34.95 Sale: $30.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:11 AM
Page 37
Limited Quantity Available
Wadhams - Assembled
Walthers® Cornerstone Series® Built-ups. 3-1/8 x 2-1/2 x 2-5/8" 933-2854 Wadhams Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $49.98
Bailey Savings & Loan - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series 933-3031 Bailey Savings & Loan Reg. Price: $38.98 Sale: $32.98
Limited Quantity Available
Lodging House - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 x 3-3/4" 10.7 x 10.7 x 9.5cm 933-2883 Lodging House Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $30.98
Heritage Furniture Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Background Buildings. 11-3/8 x 4-3/4 x 8-15/16" 28.4 x 11.8 x 22.3cm 933-3164 Heritage Furniture Reg. Price: $35.98 Sale: $29.98
Railway Express Agency Transfer Building - Kit
Medusa Cement Company - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 9 x 7 x 11" 933-3019 Medusa Cement Company Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $32.98
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 13-1/8 x 4-1/2 x 6-3/8" 32.8 x 11.2 x 15.9cm 933-3095 REA Transfer Building Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $41.98
Limited Quantity Available
Trades Office - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 3-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 3" 8.8 x 6.3 x 7.6cm 933-2884 Trades Office Reg. Price: $32.98 Sale: $19.98
Parkview Terrace - Kit
Bud’s Trucking Co - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Background Buildings. 7-3/4 x 2-3/16 x 6" 19.7 x 5.6 x 15.2 933-3176 Parkview Terrace Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $21.98
Limited Quantity Available
Corner Office - Kit
Northern Light & Power Substation - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series 933-3025 Northern Light & Power Substation Reg. Price: $32.98 Sale: $27.98
HO Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 4-5/8 x 3-5/8 x 1-1/2" 11.7 x 9.2 x 3.81cm 933-2880 Corner Office Reg. Price: $32.98 Sale: $19.98
Limited Quantity Available
Corner Business - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 3-1/2 x 3-1/4 x 2-7/8" 8.8 x 8.2 x 7.3cm 933-2885 Corner Business Reg. Price: $38.98 Sale: $23.98
Walthers Cornerstone Series Background Buildings. 19 x 1-1/8 x 4" 933-3192 Bud’s Trucking Co Reg. Price: $34.98 Sale: $28.98
Limited Quantity Available
Red Wing Milling Co. Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 8 x 11 x 10-3/8" 933-3026 Red Wing Milling Co. Reg. Price: $46.98 Sale: $38.98
Merchant Building Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 4-1/4 x 3-1/2 x 3" 10.7 x 8.8 x 7.6cm 933-2881 Merchant Building Reg. Price: $32.98 Sale: $19.98
Limited Quantity Available
Centennial Mills - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Background Buildings. 10-3/16 x 1-15/16 x 8-7/16" 933-3160 Centennial Mills Reg. Price: $35.98 Sale: $29.98
Rosie’s Saloon - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 3-1/2 x 4-3/8 x 3" 8.8 x 11.1 x 7.6cm 933-2882 Rosie’s Saloon Reg. Price: $38.98 Sale: $23.98
Limited Quantity Available
Hometown Shop - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 3 x 2-1/8 x 2-1/8" 7.6 x 5.3 x 5.3cm 933-2886 Hometown Shop Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $13.98
Limited Quantity Available
Stable & Fence - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 5-3/4 x 3-1/2 x 2-1/2" 14.6 x 8.8 x 6.3cm 933-2888 Stable & Fence Reg. Price: $38.98 Sale: $23.98
Meadowhead Barn - Kit
HO Walthers Cornerstone Series. 7 x 4-1/2 x 4-5/16" 18 x 11.5 x 11cm 933-3330 Meadowhead Barn Reg. Price: $38.98 Sale: $32.98
Fieldstone Barn Base & Ramp - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series 933-3331 Fieldstone Barn Base & Ramp Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $17.98 37
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:12 AM
Page 38
Van Dyke Farm Windmill - Kit
Walthers® Cornerstone Series®. 1-5/8 x 1-5/8 x 8-3/4" 933-3198 Van Dyke Farm Windmill pkg(2) Reg. Price: $25.98 Sale: $21.98
Sparrow Creek Barn - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 4-1/8 x 6-1/4 x 4-1/8" 933-3341 Sparrow Creek Barn Reg. Price: $38.98 Sale: $32.98
Farm Shed Lean-To - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut 933-3342 Farm Shed Lean-To Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 7-1/8 x 5-1/2 x 3" 18 x 13.9 x 7.6cm 933-3464 Simmons Five & Dime Price: $29.98
Simmons Five & Dime - Kit
Recovery Boiler House - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. Detailed model is molded in colors and based on an American prototype. Ideal for paper mill scenes. 11-3/4 x 8 x 17" 29.8 x 20.3 x 43.1cm 933-3901 Recovery Boiler House Price: $54.98
Glover Park Hardware - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 7-1/8 x 5-1/2 x 2-7/8" 18 x 13.9 x 7.3cm 933-3465 Glover Park Hardware Price: $29.98
Rotary Dumper Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 9-1/2 x 7-1/4" 24.1 x 18.4cm 933-3903 Rotary Dumper Price: $39.98
Concrete-Style Silo - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 1-5/8 x 5-1/2" 42 x 142cm 933-3332 Concrete-Style Silo Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98
Lancaster Farmhouse - Kit
Thompson Bros. Paint - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 3-1/2 x 6 x 7-1/4" 8.8 x 15.2 x 18.4cm 933-3460 Thompson Bros. Paint Price: $39.98
Derry’s Pub - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 3-1/2 x 6-1/8 x 6" 8.8 x 15.5 x 15.2cm 933-3467 Derry’s Pub Price: $34.98
Pulp Tanks - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 4-1/8" 10.4cm Diameter; 6-3/4" 17.1cm Tall 933-3904 Pulp Tanks Price: $24.98
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 5-15/16 x 4-1/2 x 4-5/16" 933-3333 Lancaster Farmhouse Reg. Price: $43.98 Sale: $36.98
Hog House & Pen - Kit
Pump House - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 5-1/8 x 5-7/8 x 1-3/4" 933-3337 Hog House & Pen Reg. Price: $27.98 Sale: $22.98
Walthers Cornerstone Series Lasercut. 1-3/8 x 1-1/4 x 1-1/2" 933-3338 Pump House Reg. Price: $16.98 Sale: $13.98 38
Magnolia Hotel Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 3-1/2 x 6-1/8 x 6-3/4" 933-3462 Magnolia Hotel Price: $34.98
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 3-1/8 x 5-1/2 x 4-1/2" 7.9 x 13.9 x 11.4cm 933-3468 Perfect Perk Cafe Price: $34.98
Cristie’s Pet Supply - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 3-1/2 x 6-1/8 x 6-1/8" 933-3463 Cristie’s Pet Supply Price: $34.98
Belvedere Downtown Hotel - Kit
Life-Like from Walthers. 5-1/2 x 2-1/2" 14 x 6.4cm 433-1339 Belvedere Downtown Hotel Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $9.98
Perfect Perk Cafe - Kit
Village Pizza - Kit
Walthers Cornerstone Series. 3-1/8 x 5-1/2 x 4-3/4" 7.9 x 13.9 x 12cm 933-3469 Village Pizza Price: $34.98
General Store - Kit
Life-Like from Walthers. 6 x 4-7/8" 15.2 x 12.4cm 433-1351 General Store Reg. Price: $8.98 Sale: $6.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
Page 39
Stiff-Leg Derrick - Kit
Alexander Scale 120-7514 Stiff-Leg Derrick Reg. Price: $27.35 Sale: $23.98
8:12 AM
Oil Drilling Rig - Kit
Substation - Kit
Atlas. 6-3/8 x 4-1/2" 150-752 Substation Reg. Price: $31.50 Sale: $25.98
Alexander Scale 120-7488 Oil Drilling Rig Reg. Price: $50.55 Sale: $44.98
Midwest Farm Combo - Kit
American Model Builders. Includes one each Country Barn, Two-Story Farmhouse & Sonny’s Shack to build a typical Midwestern family farm scene. 152-178 Midwest Farm Combo Reg. Price: $129.95 Sale: $114.98
Kim’s Classic American Home - Kit
Atlas. 6-5/16 x 3-5/16 x 4-1/2" 150-713 Kim’s Classic American Home Reg. Price: $29.95 Sale: $24.98
Brownhoist Little Hook - Kit
Alexander Scale 120-7519 Brownhoist Little Hook Reg. Price: $30.25 Sale: $26.98
Lumber Yard & Office Kit
Atlas. 3-3/4 x 8-1/2" 9.5 x 21.3cm 150-750 Lumber Yard & Office Reg. Price: $16.50 Sale: $13.98
Company House - Kit
American Model Builders LASERkit Xpress. 2-3/4 x 2-1/2 x 2" 6.8 x 6.2 x 5cm 152-798 Company House Reg. Price: $11.95 Sale: $10.98
Martinsburg Coal Mine #1 - Kit
American Model Builders. Lasercut wood kit includes hoist house with attached changing room, headframe with loading house and tailings trestle plus coal chutes for both railcar and truck loading. 10 x 9 x 5" 25.4 x 22.9 x 12.7cm 152-164 Martinsburg Coal Mine #1 Reg. Price: $62.95 Sale: $55.98
Wood Storage Vat - Kit
American Model Builders. 1-1/8" 2.9cm Diameter 1" 2.5cm High 152-390 Wood Storage Vat pkg(4) Reg. Price: $18.95 Sale: $16.98
Workshed - Kit
AM Models. 1-1/2 x 4-3/4" 129-106 Workshed Reg. Price: $10.20 Sale: $8.98
3-Stall Roundhouse Kit
65' Warren Truss Bridge - Kit
Atlas. Nickel Silver 9" 23cm 150-883 65' Warren Truss Bridge Reg. Price: $8.75 Sale: $6.98
Atlas. 14-3/8 x 15 x 4-5/8" 35.9 x 37.5 x 11.5cm 150-709 3-Stall Roundhouse Reg. Price: $38.50 Sale: $31.98
A.C. Brown Manufacturing Company - Kit
American Model Builders. 12 x 6-1/4 x 5-1/4" 152-715 A.C. Brown Manufacturing Company Reg. Price: $104.95 Sale: $92.98
Two-Story Farm House - Kit
American Model Builders. 4-3/4 x 3-1/2 x 4-1/4" 11.8 x 8.7 x 10.6cm 152-140 Two-Story Farm House Reg. Price: $46.95 Sale: $40.98
65' Through PlateGirder Bridge Assembled
Atlas. 9 x 2-5/8" 23 x 6.5cm 150-885 With Code 100 Nickel-Silver Rail Reg. Price: $8.75 Sale: $6.98
Farm Silo w/Shed - Kit
Middlesex Manufacturing Co. - Kit
Atlas Master®. 15 x 5-1/2" 150-721 Middlesex Manufacturing Co. Reg. Price: $49.50 Sale: $40.98
American Model Builders. 4 x 3 x 8-1/2" 152-190 Farm Silo w/Shed Reg. Price: $49.95 Sale: $43.98
Interlocking Tower Kit
American Model Builders. 2-1/4 x 1-3/4 x 4" 5.6 x 4.3 x 10cm 152-702 Interlocking Tower Reg. Price: $29.95 Sale: $25.98
Corydon General Store/Post Office - Kit
American Model Builders. 5 x 3-1/4 x 3" 12.5 x 8.6 x 7.5cm 152-123 Corydon General Store/Post Office Reg. Price: $44.95 Sale: $39.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop
8:13 AM
Page 40
False-Front Store - Kit
Earl’s Oil - Kit
Bar Mills 171-802 Earl’s Oil Reg. Price: $49.95 Sale: $42.98
American Model Builders LASERkit Xpress. 1-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 2" 3.7 x 6.25 x 5cm 152-799 False-Front Store Reg. Price: $10.95 Sale: $9.98
E-Z Track® Graduated Pier Set - Kit
Magee’s Tire Service - Kit
Bar Mills 171-772 Magee’s Tire Service Reg. Price: $21.95 Sale: $18.98
Common Pile Trestle - Kit
Blair Line. 6" Long x 2" Tall 184-167 Build Straight or Curved Reg. Price: $23.95 Sale: $20.98
Mortimer Stiph’s - Kit
Bar Mills 171-122 Mortimer Stiph’s Caskets & Headstones Reg. Price: $47.95 Sale: $41.98
Bachmann 160-44595 Graduated Pier Set pkg(18) Reg. Price: $30.25 Sale: $20.98
Twin Crossing Shacks - Kit
Bar Mills 171-792 Twin Crossing Shacks Reg. Price: $19.95 Sale: $16.98
Cagney’s Tires & Lube - Kit
Bar Mills. 4 x 8" 10.2 x 26.1cm 171-412 Cagney’s Tires & Lube Reg. Price: $37.95 Sale: $32.98
Ellinor Tower - Kit
Shoreham Covered Bridge - Kit
Branchline Trains. Based on a standard ATSF design. Includes laser-cut wood siding, walls and trim plus laser-cut shingles, plastic windows and doors. 181-669 Ellinor Tower Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $53.98
The Cabins at Collard’s Creek - Kit
Bar Mills 171-862 The Cabins at Collard’s Creek Reg. Price: $41.95 Sale: $35.98
Thomas & Friends™ Switch Tower
Bachmann 160-45237 Switch Tower Reg. Price: $33.00 Sale: $22.98
Revelia Shipping & Storage - Kit
Bar Mills 171-722 Revelia Shipping & Storage Reg. Price: $22.95 Sale: $19.98
E-Z Track Pier Set Kit
Bar Mills 171-932 Saulena’s Tavern Reg. Price: $49.95 Sale: $42.98
Motel w/Swimming Pool - Kit
Saulena’s Tavern - Kit
Industrial Water Tower Kit
Bachmann 160-44471 E-Z Track Pier Set Reg. Price: $22.50 Sale: $15.98
Branchline Trains. Based on a Northeastern prototype and features small side windows and wood plank walls. 181-672 Shoreham Covered Bridge Reg. Price: $143.98 Sale: $129.98
H.J. Simpson Feed & Seed - Kit
Bar Mills 171-742 H.J. Simpson Feed & Seed Reg. Price: $22.95 Sale: $19.98
Bar Mills. Scale 80' Tall 171-133 Industrial Water Tower Reg. Price: $29.95 Sale: $25.98
Sandhouse - Kit
Dubois Store Interior Details - Kit
Branchline Trains. Features precision laser-cut wood and plastic parts. Peel-and-stick construction speeds assembly. 181-697 Sandhouse Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $57.98
Bachmann Plasticville. 4-1/8 x 12-3/4" 10.5 x 32.4cm 160-45214 Motel w/Swimming Pool Reg. Price: $20.00 Sale: $13.98
Staton Marine - Kit
HO Bar Mills 171-402 Staton Marine Reg. Price: $47.95 Sale: $41.98 40
Company House - Kit
Blair Line. 3-1/2 x 2" 8.7 x 5cm 184-176 Company House Reg. Price: $27.95 Sale: $23.98
Branchline Trains 181-641 Dubois Store Interior Details Reg. Price: $36.50 Sale: $32.98
Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop