. See reverse ... best practices and continuous measuring/ ... Email B
4 - News Focus Bar and e-Blast
4 - News Focus Bar and e-Blast
4 - News Focus Bar and e-Blast
4 - Featured News Links
4 - Featured News Links
4 - Featured News Links
1 - CEO Q/A
2 - CEO Q/A
1 - CEO Q & A
1 - Podcast (BONUS)
1 - Podcast (BONUS)
1 - Podcast (BONUS)
Lead Generation and Alerts (1 for 3 mos.)
Lead Generation and Alerts (2 for 6 mos.)
Lead Generation and Alerts (2 for 6 mos.)
Ad Creation
Ad Creation
Ad Creation
Full Site Coverage Ads (750,000)
Company Showcase (6/month)
Company Showcase (6/month)
Messaging Strategy Session
Messaging Strategy Session
Full Site Coverage Ads (1 Million)
1 - Directed Editorial Community Roadblock Full Site Coverage Ads (1 Million) Ticker Targeted Ads (250,000)
See reverse side for detailed program and product descriptions.
$ 1 million small cap/risk oriented investors visit Stockhouse.com
Investors use Stockhouse to discover new investment opportunities
Stockhouse offers the most comprehensive programs to reach retail investors
All programs backed by industry experts, marketing best practices and continuous measuring/reporting
Contact us to get started today! Call 1.877.578.4349 or e-mail
[email protected]
Successfully maintain a market presence via news dissemination, full site advertising and high value exposure on the Stockhouse homepage.
Create market awareness with additional tools to drive investor interest and to help investors understand your company’s unique opportunity.
BUILDER Build your investor market with our highest impact tools including directed editorial and targeted ads. Reach the largest possible audience!
GET YOUR COMPANY IN FRONT OF 1 MILLION ACTIVE RETAIL INVESTORS OUR PRODUCTS NEWS FOCUS BAR & E-BLAST Increase Reach on Important News Email Blast to opt-in list of 35,000 subscribers and News Focus Bar hosted on the homepage, Press Release Page and Featured News Page for 24 hours to increase readership of your news.
PODCAST Give Your Company a Voice! Provides a real voice to the company to tell its story to investors. Audio interview conducted with company executive with link embedded in a short article on Stockhouse website and featured as Top Story.
FEATURED NEWS LINKS Drive Investor Traffic to Your Site or News Short text link appearing on most pages of Stockhouse for 7 days, 24 hours. Creates awareness and drives investor traffic to your company news or website.
LEAD GENERATION & ALERTS Generate High Quality Leads Custom teaser email to our opt-in list of subscribers to drive lead generation. Also includes company listing on Lead Generation Panel on Bullboard posts and sector stories and a Lead Capture Box on your company’s Snapshot page.
DIRECTED EDITORIAL High Value Editorial Coverage In-depth directed editorial article specific to your company. Content is researched and written by experienced journalists.
AD CREATION Top Quality Graphics Production Professional graphic services for your online advertisements.
COMMUNITY ROADBLOCK (RB) Deliver up to 2 million ads in one day! Enable your company to take over all the advertising on a specific Stockhouse section for 24 hours, 3 ad sizes – Including Bullboards/Blogs, Company Snapshot or Home Page.
CEO QUESTION & ANSWER (CEO Q&A) Tell Your Story Q&A interview with your CEO or senior management that highlights the investment potential of your company. Featured on Stockhouse homepage as Top Story and archived on our site in Interviews section. FULL SITE COVERAGE ADS Drive Large Scale Investor Awareness Compelling ads that rotate throughout the Stockhouse website. Creates brand awareness and mass exposure during your program.
COMPANY SHOWCASE Raise Your Profile on Stockhouse An additional listing on the Stockhouse website, including Showcase News Releases and Featured Company, which link to your site. Automatically includes your news in our daily @ the Bell e-newsletter.
MESSAGING STRATEGY SESSION Clear, Concise and Compelling Messaging Professional consulting services with our industry experts to develop messaging for your investor marketing. Output is one page internal document that outlines company positioning; includes three marketing messages.
TICKER TARGETED ADS (TT) Target the Most Qualified Investors Ads marketed to your targeted investors (i.e. peer group companies within a similar space, commodity, asset, etc.). You can also target your own Company Snapshot page.
Contact us to get started today! Call 1.877.578.4349 or e-mail
[email protected]