The search box is in the center right side. of the page. Enter a word or phrase for your topic to. begin your search. Yo
Finding books Getting started: The quickest way to locate a book on your topic is to use the Library Catalog on the MCTC Library home page: The search box is in the center right side of the page. Enter a word or phrase for your topic to begin your search.
Tips: You will find both print and online books when you search the library catalog. You will also find DVD and streaming video titles in the catalog. You can use limiters to narrow your search results (see the flip side of this handout.) Print books in the Reference Collection (1st floor) must be used in the library. Print books in the General Collection (2nd floor) may be checked out at the circulation desk with your student ID. Online books must be read on a computer or mobile device. Small portions may be printed out.
Off campus access: When off campus, you will receive a login prompt when accessing library databases. Use your Star ID username and password to log in. Find more under Services on the Library home page. For library account or login questions: Please email the library or call us at 612-659-6290.
Minneapolis Community & Technical College Library
Finding books Your results:
p2 Limiters in this column can help you focus your search.
For a print book, note the location (here, 2nd floor) and call number in order to find your book.
For an online book, click the link to open and begin reading.
Click the book’s title to see more detail, often including the chapter titles for the book.
Limit by format if you want a specific type of book or other library resource.
For more research help: Look for these links on our Library home page to find additional help, or visit us at the Reference Desk in the MCTC Library.