Several of our online reference collections also have dictionaries, you will find them in: Credo Reference. o Library ho
Finding dictionaries Dictionaries in print: Print dictionaries can be found just like other books using the MnPALS Plus Library Catalog on the MCTC Library home page: The search box is on the right side of the library home page. For English language dictionaries, we recommend this search: "English language dictionaries" You will find both print and online books when you search the library catalog. Print books in the Reference Collection (1st floor) must be used in the library. Print books in the General Collection (2nd floor) may be checked out at the Circulation Desk (you will need your student ID).
"English language dictionaries"
To select dictionaries in the General Collection, scroll down the right side of the page to the heading for Collections, and select “-- General Collection -- 2nd Floor”. If any of the dictionaries on the list are checked out, their status will be Unavailable. Dictionaries with the status Available should be found on the shelves on the 2nd floor, and many will be in the call number area PE1628.
Online dictionaries: Several of our online reference collections also have dictionaries, you will find them in: Credo Reference o
Library home> Find Resources > under Articles, click Reference, scroll to Credo Reference.
Try a search for the title, “American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language”.
Oxford Reference Online o
Library home> Find Resources > under Articles, click Reference, scroll to Oxford Reference.
Try a search for the title, “Oxford Dictionary of English”.
Finding dictionaries
Free (open access) dictionaries: Several good quality open access dictionaries are also available. Usually the free versions will have ads, but hey, they’re free! Most of these also have mobile apps that can be downloaded. – Has as its main source the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, supplemented with other sources, including American Heritage and Harper Collins. – The online dictionary is based on the print version of MerriamWebster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. The online dictionary includes the main A-Z listing, but omits some the other sections found in the print edition.
Oxford Dictionaries – This site focuses on current English and includes all the main current meanings and uses of words, gathered by analyzing and monitoring data from the Oxford Corpus (a collection of texts of written or spoken language providing evidence of how language is used in real situations.) < >
For more research help: Look for these links on our Library home page to find additional help, or visit us at the Reference Desk in the MCTC Library.
Off campus access: When off campus, you will receive a login prompt when accessing library databases. Use your Star ID username and password to log in. Find more under Services on the Library home page. For library account or login questions: Please email the library or call us at 612-659-6290.
Minneapolis Community & Technical College Library