Finding your place at Westminster - Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Contact: Dorothy Pennell ([email protected]). Sign-up: Please email Dorothy so she can order enough books for all. I
You Are Here Finding your place at Westminster A guide to faith formation and fellowship groups for adults Fall 2015

– Contents – Navigating ...............................................................................................1 Bible Studies ............................................................................................1 Book Studies .............................................................................................2 Church School Classes ...............................................................................3 Lunch Groups ............................................................................................5 Music Groups ...........................................................................................6 Sports & Social Groups...............................................................................7 Supper Clubs ............................................................................................8 Groups in myWPC ....................................................................................10

– Navigating – Beside each group in this booklet, you’ll see tags to help you find out which might be a good fit for you.

Age Young Adult (19-40) Adult (41-64) Older Adult (65+) Intergenerational

Gender Men Women

Marital Status Single Married Widowed Divorced/Separated

Parenting Under 5 K - 5th Grade 6th - 12th Grade Empty Nest Grandparent

– Bible Studies – Monday Morning Bible Study: The Strange and Wonderful Book of Revelation


Mondays from 10am-12pm, September 21 - November 23 Location: Room 105 Topic: Revelation

The next Monday Morning Bible Study will look at the strange and wonderful book of Revelation. The study materials will feature acclaimed commentary from Brian Blount, president of Union Presbyterian Seminary. No previous Bible study is required. If you enjoy lively conversation, sharing insights, and growing together in faith and fellowship, you will love this group study. Contact: Heather Ferguson ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 104) Sign-up: Not required

WAY Bible Study Wednesdays from 9:30-11am starting September 16 Location: Youth Suite* Topic: Feasting on the Word curriculum






WAY is a Bible study group made up of "young" mothers that meets each Wednesday morning throughout the school year. This group studies, laughs, cries, talks, and prays together. It is a wonderful way to get to know women at Westminster. WAY is very flexible on time and participation, and it is very laid back. Some members work part-time, and we have children of all ages, so no one is ALWAYS there! Childcare is available in the nursery on the ground floor of the Mission Center. *Kick-off Breakfast on September 16 will take place in the Parlor Contacts: Dexter Meath ([email protected]) or Carrie Tuttle ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required 1

Women’s Bible Study


Wednesdays at 7:30pm Location: Members’ homes Topic: TBA




This group consists mainly of women with kids who are in grade school and up. They are not limited to any age group, though – if you want to study the Bible, please come! The group wrapped up a study of the book of James in August and will choose a new study soon. Contact: Ashley Messick ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

– Book Studies – Doorways


Thursdays at 9:30-11am starting September 17 Location: Parlor Book: Grace by Max Lucado


Doorways is a group of mostly retired, active women who meet for fellowship and Bible study. There is a lot of laughter and great discussion and sometimes even tears. There are four or five different leaders and they love the variety that enables. The group is currently reading Grace by Max Lucado. Contacts: Gene Brannon ([email protected]), Sue McCaughan ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required


Men’s Breakfast Book Study


3rd Thursdays at 7am starting September 17 Location: Hope Valley Diner (3710 Shannon Rd) Book: The Road to Character by David Brooks The Men's Breakfast Book Study is a group of men that meets monthly for fellowship, breakfast, and good, faith-filled conversation. The group starts a new study each fall, and men can sign up or step out at that point. You can purchase the book for this fall at Contact: Chris Tuttle ([email protected]) Sign-up: Please register at 2



2nd Mondays at 7:15pm starting September 14 Location: Parlor Book: Beginner’s Grace by Kate Braestrup


Seekers, a WPC Bible study for women, will read Kate Braestrup’s Beginner’s Grace: Bringing Prayer to Life this fall. The Rev. Dr. Braestrup is a chaplain for the Maine Warden Service. As a pastor and author, a widow who has remarried, a mother and stepmother, and much more, she brings a fresh perspective to spirituality with humor. Her insights into prayer may lead us to new heights in our spiritual walks. Learn more about her at Contact: Betty Berghaus ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

Women’s Spirituality Group



Thursdays at 3:30-5pm starting October 1 Location: Parlor Book: The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within by Christine Valters Paintner


This fall the Women's Spirituality Group will be discussing The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within by Christine Valters Paintner. Through lectio divina, journaling, and other creative practices, Paintner shows us how to get closer to the heart of God. Men are welcome to join this group. Contact: Dorothy Pennell ([email protected]) Sign-up: Please email Dorothy so she can order enough books for all.

– Church School Classes – Bible Roundtable


Sundays at 9:45am starting September 20 Location: Room 207 Book: Jesus’ Twenty Megatruths by Herbert Miller

The Bible Roundtable class will continue reading Jesus' Twenty Megatruths by Herbert Miller. Through study and sharing we will seek a balanced view of the twenty ways Jesus says the kingdom of God helps us live quality lives, even in the midst of a changing world. Contact: Sam Bryan ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required 3

Making Sense of Evolution


Sundays at 9:45am starting September 20 Location: Room 208 Book: Making Sense of Evolution by John F. Haught

In Making Sense of Evolution, John F. Haught suggests that theologians and Darwinian scientists actually share an appreciation of the underlying meaning and awe-inspiring mystery of evolution. If you have ever had conflicted feelings about reconciling evolution and the Bible’s creation stories, or simply want to explore your faith in a scientific context, this class is for you. Jim Bear, PhD, Associate Professor of Cancer Cell Biology at UNC, and Thomas Bowen, a clinical research specialist at Duke, will facilitate this four-week study. Contacts: Jim Bear ([email protected]), Thomas Bowen ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

Sojourners Sundays at 9:45am starting September 20 Location: Room 204 Book: To Be Told by Dan Allender


The Sojourners adult Church School class will be exploring spiritual autobiography as a means of enriching our faith journeys and deepening our relationships with one another. We will be using the book To Be Told by Dan Allender. His thesis is that "Your life and mine not only reveal who we are, but they also help reveal who God is." Come join us! Contact: Linda Barnett ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

The Present Word Sundays at 9:45am starting September 20 Location: Room 105, Room 205 (please contact class leaders for location schedule) Curriculum: The Present Word


The Present Word Church School class is a Bible-based class using the Present Word quarterly published by the PC(USA). Over a period of about seven years, this literature take us through a survey of the entire Bible. For fall 2015, the theme of the quarterly is "The Christian Community Comes Alive," with 13 lessons from the book of Acts. Contacts: Mike Bunch ([email protected]), Richard Draffin ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required 4

– Lunch Groups – Lunch Bunch


1st Mondays at 12:30pm starting September 14 Location: Varies; see church calendar



Lunch Bunch meets at restaurants around Durham to eat and talk. It is a social gathering, with no agenda other than enjoying each other's company and getting to know other folks. Group members take turns picking restaurants and arranging lunch. Contact: Betty Berghaus ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 108) Sign-up: Not required

Oldies But Goodies


4th Fridays at 11:45pm starting September 25 Location: Varies; see church calendar Oldies But Goodies is a lunch gathering for those who are retired. Couples and singles come, and the group rotates around to restaurants in the area. Contact: Betty Berghaus ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 108) Sign-up: Not required

Settled Singles


2nd Sundays at 12:15pm starting September 13 Location: Varies; see church calendar




Settled Singles is simply folks who are single at WPC, and who gather for lunch once a month after church, usually on the second Sunday of the month. Contact: Betty Berghaus (919-489-4974, ext. 108; [email protected]) Sign-up: Not required



– Music Groups – Chancel Choir Rehearses: Thursdays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 10am starting September 13 Location: Music Room


Westminster’s Chancel Choir begins its 2015-2016 this fall. We welcome new singers at any time, but the start of a new season is a great time to join. As a choir member, you offer a truly valuable service to the church. Choir members are hard-working, fun-loving, and caring people. Your life is sure to be enriched by joining this spiritually and musically rich group of friends! Contact: Monica Rossman ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 113) Sign-up: Not required

Handbell Choir


Rehearses: Mondays at 7pm starting September 14 Location: Music Room Our handbell choir reaches out to people of all ages, with or without musical experience, providing a unique opportunity for musical expression. The handbell choir plays in worship during Advent and at other times of year. Thanks to the supportive, nurturing environment of handbell choir, it is not at all difficult to develop handbell skills. Contact: Kathryn Bunch ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required


– Sports & Social Groups – Games Night Group


1st Fridays; see church calendar for times Location: Members’ homes

The Games Night Group gathers of the first Friday of each month to nibble and play cards, board, games, charades, or anything fun! Members can sign up to host the group in their home on a Friday. Contacts: Marsha Scouten ([email protected]), Crystal Stickwood ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

Thursday Night Men’s Fellowship


October 22 and December 10 at 8pm Location: City Beverage (4810 Hope Valley Rd)


This group is simply for fellowship. Come and get to know some WPC guys! Mark your calendars and join the men of Westminster on the dates above. Contacts: Luke Bumm ([email protected]), Bo Ferguson ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

WPC Basketball Team Season starts in January, practice and game dates TBA Location: Hope Valley Baptist Church Gym (6900 Garrett Rd) Hope Valley Baptist Church has hosted a church basketball league for the last 20 years, and Westminster has been fortunate enough to play in it for the last 12 or so. We play basketball 1-2 nights a week in their gym against teams from other churches. Competitive, but with perspective – a perfect combination for church sports. The team is open to men and women 16 or older. Contact: Darren Skeen ([email protected]; cell: 919-672-7936) Sign-up: If interested in playing, please contact Darren before December by email, cell, or text.



– Supper Clubs – Any Occasion Supper Club


4th Fridays at 7pm starting September 25 Location: Members’ homes


The Any Occasion Supper Club has been meeting for many, many years. It is called the "Any Occasion" Supper Club because members love being together and do not need an occasion to gather. Contact: Cathy Snider ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required

International Supper Club


2nd or 3rd Saturdays starting September 19 Location: Varies; see church calendar The International Supper Club is a group of people who enjoy a variety of international cuisines. They gather monthly at different restaurants that offer foods from cultures around the world. Occasionally the group will collaborate on a meal at someone’s home.

Contact: Helen Harrison ([email protected]) Sign-up: Contact Helen if interested to find out where International Supper Club is meeting and to be added to the email list.

Love 40 Supper Club


Meeting times to be announced Location: Members’ homes

Throughout the year, Love 40 meets for a casual meal together, usually at group members’ homes. Some Love 40 traditions include Chili Night and ACC Night during basketball season. Contact: Crystal Stickwood ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required



Pop-Up Supper Club


Meeting times to be announced Location: Members’ homes The Fellowship Committee will organize a pop-up supper club in conjunction with the ending of the fall Inquirers’ Class in November. This supper club will be open to anyone, and it will be designed to run for one year. Dinner dates will be set by the folks in the group. Contact: Jennifer Feiler ([email protected]) Sign-up: If interested in joining the Pop-Up Supper Club, please email Jennifer

Yet Another Supper Club


3rd Fridays at 7pm starting September 18 Location: Members’ homes, with occasional restaurant trips

When the group formed back in the late 90's, YASC stood for "Young Adult Supper Club." Time passed, and "Young Adult" really no longer applied, so they changed the acronym to mean "Yet Another Supper Club." The group meets September through May, with special outings like family Durham Bulls game during the summer. Contact: Jeff Young ([email protected]) Sign-up: Not required; contact Jeff if interested to find out where Yet Another Supper Club is meeting and to be added to the email list.

Young Adult Supper Club


To be determined on September 19 Location: Varies; see church calendar

This group is for young adults (post-college aged through 40-ish) who want to gather in friendship and faith. The group eats together, prays together, listens to each other, and has fun together. They will meet at 3pm at Duke Gardens on Saturday, September 19, to plan events for the fall. Contacts: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 114) Sign-up: Not required


– Groups in myWPC – Did you know you can learn more about groups at Westminster, easily contact group leaders, see who’s in your groups, and email them via myWPC? Here’s how: 1. 2.

Login to your myWPC account at To learn more and contact group leaders, locate the I Want to View... box on your homepage. 

 

To View Book Studies, Bible Studies, Supper Clubs, Lunch Groups, and Sports & Social Groups, click Available Small Groups. To View Church School Classes, click Available Classes. To View Music Groups, click Available Activities.

Clicking Request Info on an available small group allows you to send a message directly to the group’s leader. Leave the message field blank to simply indicate your interest in joining the group.


To view your group’s roster or email the group, locate the My Groups box on your homepage.  


Click the name of a group to view its roster. Click the I Want to… drop down menu, select Send a Message, and click Go to email the group.

If you do not have a myWPC account, please contact Kara Pearce ([email protected]). 10

Where are…? Committees & Ministry Groups They’re faith formation and fellowship groups, right? Of course! They are also serving groups, so you can sign up for these opportunities on your Time & Talent Pledge later this fall, or access them under Available Activities in myWPC (see page 10).

Children’s Programs Visit

Youth Programs Visit

© Westminster Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC. September 2015.