Fine structure of the lingual dorsal epithelium

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Fine structure of the lingual dorsal epithelium of mongolian gerbil. Shin-ichi Iwasaki, Koichi Sakata, Ken Miyata, Hideki Mori and Kan Kobayashi. Department of ...

π J Oγ αJ

Bjο J,

26: 292-296, 1984

Fine structure of the lingual dorsal epithelium of lnongolian gerbil Shin‐ ichi I、vasaki,

Koichi Sakata, Ken

ヽ4iyata, IIideki NIori

and Kan Kobayashi ο πッ (Chief:Prof れ′ D′ 夕 αγ ι ″ιO/0″ αJ Иπαι f_θ ,

αιυπ ιγ ∫ ッリ Kan Kobayashi),N"夕 οπD′ ηι Jυ

θ5F,Jα 夕απ α― ′/2ο ,2Vjjgα 〃απα γ “ `α

Accepted for publicatiOn: January 20, 1984〕 〔

Key words:

scanning clectron nlicroscopy/1nongOlian gerbi1/1ingual HCl treatmcnt

papillae/ micrOridgcs/

containing glutaraldchydc and Paraformal― Introduction arious types of Papillae, for cxamplc, ヽた

dehyde under nettbutal anesthesia.


tongues、 vere then removed and renxcd、 vith

lata papillae are located on thc lingual dorsal

the same f■ xative After rinsing in O.1ヽ1 へ /ere post― cacodylatc bu∬ er, thc materials 、 nxed in phOSphatc― buFered l%OS04 Solu‐

surfacc of mammals

tion at 37°


,foliata_and circumval_ The histological struc‐

へ ′ ith C for 2 hours, and treated 、

turcs of these papillae have been invcstigated light n■ icroscopically and transnlission clec―

8N HCl at 60° C for 30 nlinutcs to remove

tron lll■ icroscopically

lysis, follo、

in some species of lllalll‐

vever, therc are relatively fev` malsl-5). H。 、

studies of the threc dilnensional lnicrO_ 、 /ith anatomy of the lingual papillae made 、 the scanning electron lnicroscope4-7). OnC of the ailns of the prcscnt study v√ as to observc

cxtracellular attached material by acid hydro_

vcd by dehydration, critical Point

drying and gold― ion sputtering in that order. Finally,the specilncns、 vere observed by scan_

ning clectron microscopy(Hitachi S¨ 500)


the threc dilnensional structure of the nliform

and fungifornl papillae of thc mongolian gerbil lt has, ho、 vever, recently bccomc possible to observe the intact cell surface 、 vith the scanning dectron lllicroscopc in a

better conditiOn than formerly duc to ad_ vances in removing cxtracellular material from thc dorsal surface of the linguae6-7). In this study, thc scanning elcctron nlicro_

The tongue of this species is rclatively long、 vith a round tip and has a sulcus along the n■ id‐ linc in the anterior half. Filiform

papillac wcrc distributcd ovcr the entire dorsal surface of the tonguc excepting the zonc of lingual iadix 7ヽ H of these paPillac 、 vcrc slightly inclined tov√ ard the back, and they、 vere classifled into t、 vo types according

scope was also uscd to investigate the ultra_

to their shapes and location One is a non_

structure of the real surface of the lingual dorsal epithelial cells in connection v√ ith

branchcd nliform papilla distributed at the


PIaterials and PIethods

lingual apex(20-30 μm in basal diameter and 30-40 μn■ in height, Fig.1)and at the

antcrior half of the lingual body (20-30 μm

in basal diameter and 70-80

μnl in height,

Fig 2). The Other is a branchcd one, thc Tongues from f■ vc male and nvc fcmalc zら ο22ι ∫ ππg2'θ z′ αι mongolian gcrbils, 11イ ιγ′ vere used for weighing from 60 g to 100 g ヽ /ere perfuscd the present study The anirllals、 、 vith Karnovsky's Axative from the hcart 、

upper part of v`hich is dividcd into several t、 vigs, and 、 へ /hich is distributcd at the pos―

terior half of the lingual body(about 100 μm in basal 、 vidth, 40-50 μln in basal diamctcr

and 80-100 μm in hcight, Fig.3).Thcre

S Iwasaki, ct al :

Lingual epithclium Of thc mOngolian gerbi1


is a transverse dcep sulcus at the bordered

ture of the tOnguc and the oral function

region in which the twO types of nliform

Scanning elcctrOn lllicrOscopical studies of

papillae are adiaCent to each othcr A rela_

thc lingual papillac in rOdents have been

tivcly small number Of fungiform paPillae

、 performed on hanlsters4)and rats7) In these

(60-90 μm in diarneter;Figs l and 2)were seen scattercd among these■ liform paPillae

The dome_shapcd fungiforlll papillae werc shorter and、 へ ′ ider than thc f■ lif01m paPillae ■liforrll and fungiforn■ Papillac 、 、 Fcre


t、 vo species, various typcs of papillae 、 vcre distributed ill a dennite area on thc dOrsal surface of the tongue ln the prescnt study of the n10ngolian gerbil, thcre 、 vere also tぃ √ o difcrent typcs of fliforlil papillac in

secn in tlle lingual radix region Hov√ ever, on the borderlinc bctwccn the body and tlle radix,a few b11lges(50-100 μm in diameter) v√ cre observed lVhen a specilllen was preparcd accOrding to thc ordinary method without post― nxation

v`ith OsO` and hydr01ytic treatmcnt with

S″ ηεlrs η2π γ J22τ

concentrated HCl, it、 vas dittncult t。 。bserve thc real surface of thc cpithelial cells On thc dorsal surface of the fOrc_tongue, especially on thc intcr_papillar cell surface because of the extracellular material covering it Hov`_

cver, when thc spccilllen

、 vas

prcparcd by

the lnethod including pOst_flxation、 vith Oso.

and hydrolysis 、 vith acid, the abOvc― mcn_ tiOncd extracellular substance

へ ′ 、 as a11■ ost

the lingual dorsal surface i e a non_branched

typc in the anterior half of thc fore_tOnguc

and a branched type in the posterior half

rv`。 types of■ lifOrm papillae bordcrcd each other in the sulcus of the transverse lllid― area of the lingual bOdy ln tlle musk shre、 ら

6), belonging tO the r72∫

― ι ′ `ι 〃 ψι∫′ ′∫ ι″″αγ″∫ ,8), `″ belonging tO tlle cα γ77′ υOγ α, the shapc of υο″α

and mong00se, `∫

the nliform paPillae gradually changed from the antcrior to the posterior rcgion of the

dOrsal surface of the tongue distinct dilTerencc betvゞ

There is a

ccn thc rOdents and

thc Other twO species in thc distribution Pat_ tern of difcrent typcs of nliform papillae

On the other hand, the Pattern of nlicro―

completely removcd, and damagc tO the cell

ridges On the cpithelial ccll surface was rcla―

surface itself was not so evident

tivcly silllilar bet、 vcen


catcd structures on thc cen surfacc wcre widcly distributed On the surface of thc intcr―

Papillar cpithclium (Fig 4)A nne network Of lllicroridgcs 、 vas seen at thc lo、 へ ′ er frontal

rats and n10ngolian

gcrbils These facts indicate that kcratiniza― tiOn Of the epithelial cells cOvering the nli―

form papillar surfacc and the inter_Papillar surfacc Occur almOst in the salne degree at

surface of thc non_branched and branched

the cOrresponding sites of both species IIOA/7_


evcr,the nne features of the lllicroridge struc_

papillae(Fig 5)and on the whole

surfacc of the fungiforIIn papillac (Fig 6)

ture、 vere some、 vhat di∬erent Furtherll■

Only a nne lllicroridge_like structure v`ith a ′ as seen at thc upper front, parallel pattern、 へ lateral and rear sulfacc of the nliform papil― lae The epithelial cells Of the lingual radix rcvealcd distinct lllicroridgcs Thickcning of

the ultrastructures on the lingual sulface of

the marginal region Of the cPithclial cells 、 vas

the t、 vO

rodent spccies lncntioncd abOve、



clearly distinct fr01n thOsc Of thc l■■ usk shre、 v

and mOngoosc lt is supposcd that these dif¨ fcrcnces are based on the dcgree Of keratini― zation of the lingual epithelial cells

recognized in thc papillar and inter_


Papillar surfaces

Discuss10n The shaPc Of the tonguc and the structure

of the lingual papillae are thought to be c10sely rclatcd to thc oral function,fOr exanl_ P19,f00d― intakc,lllastication,sI17allowing and

so.on Ho、 へ ′ ever,there are fc、 v studies cOver― ing the relatiOnshiP betvvcen the nne struc‐

Thc authOrs wish tO thank Dr T Nobunaga (TOhOku univcrsity Schoo1 0f h71edicinc, scndai) for his kind Oger Of valuablc animals This 、 vOrk was partly supported by a Grant― in― Aid frOm thc

NIinistly of Education, Sciencc and Culture of

rapan(No 58771259 in 1983)

Jψ π J.

292-296, 1984

Oγ α」Bjο `, 26:

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5)Stenik, D

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R V.and Boshell,J L.: Corrclated TENl) SE卜1, and histological obsen′ ations of■ liform

Thc f■ liform

and the conical papillae of the tongue in the 2)


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papillae of the coM′


Acta Anat l17:



nlicroscopic study on the epitheliuni of the

and Kobayashi, K:

rat tonguc Okajimas Fol Anat Jpn 40:

lingual dorsal surface in Szπ σzs,η %γ Jπ π∫(Lin_

739-763, 1965 Farbman, A I: The dual pattcrn of kCra―

UltrastruCturc of thC

nc) Jpn J.oral B101 25: 471-480, 1983


tinization in ■liform papillae on rat tOngue

and Kobayashi, K:

J Anat 106:233-242,1970 Fujita,K,Ohmura,S,Suzuki,N,Okuyama, T,Odajima,T,Tatcyama,Nl and Matsu‐

lingual dorsal surface in rats

bara, T:

Studies on mOrpho10gy and struc―

Finc structure of the Acta Anat

Nippon 59: 18-27, 1984.

8)Iwasaki,S,Takahashi,Nl,卜 liyata,K,Sa― kata, K and Kobayashi, K:

Scanning clcc―

ture of■ liform papilla Of the hamster tongue I Filiform papilla of the rostral t、 vo thirds

tron microscopica1 0bscrvation of the lingual ― 〃′γ dorsal epithelial surface in mongoos,,

Jpn J Oral Bio1 24: 453-465, 1982.

グ∫ 夕′Sι ′∫ ιJω αγ

' Odontology (in press).

S Iv√ asaki, ct al :

Lingual epithelium Of thc mongolian gcrbil


ア タπ ア Oγ αJ βjο

`, 26: 292-296, 1984

Explanation of ngures Fig l

Scanning elcctron micrograph of numcrous iliform papillae and a fungiform papilla on thc surface of thc lingual apcx in mongolian gerbil to、


■liform papilla inclining

vard thc back is 20-30 μnl in basal diameter and 30-40 μm in hcight

A ccntral

fungiform papilla(Fu)is nat and v′ ide

Fig 2

Conical― shapcd thc forc―


iliform papillae and fungiform papillac (Fu)in the antcrior half of These nliform papillac having a slight bulgc at the basofrontal area nl in hcight FungifOrm papillac are in v√ idth and arc 70-80 μ

havc a base 20-30μ ■l

Fig 3

sccn scattered among the nliform papillac vith sevcral conical brinchcs distributcd in thc postcrior half of iliforl■ l papillac 、 「 the lingual body Each Papilla has a basc about 100 μm v′ ide, 40-50 μm thick and

Fig 4

80=100 μna high High magnincation of thc intcr― papillar ccll surfacc LIicroplicatcd structurcs are

Fig 5

distributcd∼ vidcly ovcr the cell surfacc Frontal part of a non― branched iliform papilla

Fig 6

microridgc strllcturc is sccn, and in thc uppcr 1/3 arc■ , thc dCtailcd microridgc― structurcs are arrangcd in parallcl arr2y Thc marginal linc of cach ccll is cvidcnt ShOwing thc ccntral part of the hcmispherical hcad of a fungiform papilla Thc cell

ln thc lov′

er 2/3 arca, a distinct inc

vith dctailed lnicroridgcs cncirclc a central cratcr― form hole surfaces 、 lincs of each ccll arc clcarly sccn


Thc marginal