Finite Difference Method for Modelling Internal Pressure in a Solid ...

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Aug 25, 2015 - combustion chamber of a solid propellant rocket motor. An algorithm based on the finite difference method is formulated to predict.
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Autom. Volume 2, Number 8, 2015, pp. 365-369 Received: June 30, 2015; Published: August 25, 2015

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

Finite Difference Method for Modelling Internal Pressure in a Solid Rocket Motor Saulo Gómez1, Jhonathan Murcia2 and Hernán Cerón-Muñoz3 1. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University Institution Los Libertadores, Bogotá, DC 111221, Colombia 2. Department of Space Engineering, National Space Research Institute (INPE), São José dos Campos, São Paulo 12227-010, Brazil 3. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Engineering School of São Carlos (EESC), São Paulo University (USP), São Carlos, São Paulo 13566-590, Brazil Corresponding author: Saulo Gómez ([email protected]; [email protected]) Abstract: Thermochemical properties and the internal geometric configuration of the propellant affect the internal pressure in the combustion chamber of a solid propellant rocket motor. An algorithm based on the finite difference method is formulated to predict the comportment of the pressure during the fast combustion of the propellant grain, for a motor design whose geometry and grain composition are previously established. Two geometry cases are compared and analyzed: (1) cylindrical grain with radial burning, and (2) cylindrical grain with longitudinal burning. The performance from different propellants compositions can be compared with this model. At the end, the calculated pressure and equations for isentropic flow in nozzle give the thrust-time curve which is useful to determine the viability of each configuration in a the rocket mission, as well the performance of the motor. This work presents the development of a numerical solution based on finite differences applied in both, end and radial burning. Keywords: Combustion chamber, finite difference, solid propellant, rocket motor, thrust force.

1. Introduction Simulation about internal ballistics in solid rocket motors with experimental data comparison has been development for better accuracy [1], another research of internal ballistics of nozzleless motors has been studies in Ref. [2], models of pressure and temperature models in constant burning surface propellant are presented in Refs. [3, 4]. The present research presents the development of a numerical solution with finite differences method applied in two solid rocket propellant configurations. In this section, the combustion process inside the rocket motor combustion chamber is described. Section 2 presents information about the solid propellant selected and the combustion products. Section 3 shows the results and comparison between analytical and numerical solutions. Finally, Section 4 presents the conclusions of this investigation.

In a SRM (solid rocket motor), the combustion process takes place inside a cylindrical chamber; in a short time (> 1 s) it generates gases at high pressure and temperature that are then accelerated through a nozzle to supersonic speeds. Exhaust gases provide to the rocket of its Thrust force, according to the moment conservation principle [5]. When fuel and oxidant are contained within the same molecule, the solid propellant is called homogeneous [6]. In accordance with the cross section and the burning direction, there are two types of solid propellant, internal (radial) and end (longitudinal) burning [7]. The pressure in the combustion chamber will be the result of the mass balance between the exhausted flow by the nozzle and the generated gases by the reactive surface. The mass balance [6] equation Eq. (1) is



Finite Difference Method for Modelling Internal Pressure in a Solid Rocket Motor


where V is the chamber volume, Rg the constant for ideal gas model, T0 flame temperature, P0 chamber pressure, t time, Ab area of burning surface, r burning rate, δp solid propellant density, δ0 combustion products density, Ac critical area of the nozzle and c is the characteristic gas velocity, function of the properties of the combustion products:



The steady state is reached when t > 5τ, this suppositions are invalid for internal burning. Here V0 and Ab expressed by =




and = 2π



γ is the specific heat ratio. To find a solution explicit for the pressure chamber is possible in an analytical way when the burning is radial, but not in the longitudinal case. Another important propriety to analyze is the burning rate r which is given by the Vieilley law [7]: = (3) a and n are empirical constants that depend on the propellant composition and the initial temperature before combustion. The exponent n defines if the combustion is stable or not [7]. In this case, Eq. (3) is applied in the balance equation Eq. (1) doing the following considerations: density of the combustion gases δ0, is negligible; the burning surface Ab, and the chamber volume, V0, remain constant. Now the balance equation can be write as +



If n ≠ 0 or 1, Eq. (4) is the Bernoulli equation [8]; it can be reduced to a linear equation by an appropriate variable change:

= 1−



The values of a and n are the same that the end burning. The resultant balance equation for internal burning is nonlinear, an explicit answer for P0 is impossible. If the pressure function P0 is continuous and differentiable at the time interval A-B, Fig. 1, an algorithm based on finite differences to solve P0 can be implemented. The interval is divided into a finite number of sub-intervals with width Δtj each one. Eq. (11) is a discrete form of the balance equation in the domain shown in Fig. 1: =

− (11)

V and A have a discrete form: =

+ =2







Ref. [7] solves P0 as =



Pa is the initial chamber pressure or the local atmospheric pressure where the motor operates. Eq. (7) allows obtaining the characteristic time, τ:

(12) (13)

Using the value of Pm-1 and replacing the definitions of Vm and Am in Eq. (11), a nonlinear equation for the implicit unknown Pm is obtained and can be resolved by any iterative method. This approach is valid for end burning, if Am is considered constant and Vm is

= (5) Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (4), it transforms into a linear equation: + 1−


Fig. 1

Numerical approach for the pressure chamber.


Finite Difference Method for Modelling Internal Pressure in a Solid Rocket Motor

the counting for Pm finishes when Vm reaches the chamber volume without propellant.

2. Materials and Methods The design of a rocket engine proposed for the Sounding Rocket Project from the Institution University Los Libertadores in Bogotá is used as an application example. The selected propellant is double-base, whose physicochemical features and of the combustion gases are inputs of the algorithm. The motor design corresponds to the preliminary prototype of the sounding rocket Libertador I, which is currently been developed by the Libertadores in Bogotá [9]. Its internal dimensions are presented in Table 1. A double base composition, whose main constituents are NC (nitrocellulose), NG (nitroglycerin) and DEP (diethyl phthalate), is selected as propellant. Combustion of a double base propellant produces high temperature and low molecular mass gases, leaving a smokeless signature. The distribution of its energetic components is near to stoichiometric balance. In addition, the burning rate is well described by the Vielle law [7]. With the calculated pressure on the time and the relations for isentropic-compressible flow, the given thrust can be evaluated. The numerical results are compared and analyzed. Composition and other characteristics of the selected propellant are in Table 2. Two motors have been projected to evaluate the performance of each burning type. Chambers dimensions not change. However, the burning area, Ab, is greater for internal burning. Therefore, nozzle dimensions are not the same. These differences are presented in Table 1. With the atmospheric pressure, Pa = 101325 Pa, algorithm inputs are completely defined for each case.

3. Results and Discussion Results of the algorithm for end burning are presented and compared with the analytical model Eq.

Table 1


Motor geometry configuration. End burn

Internal burn

Propellant length (mm)



Chamber diameter (mm)



Inner propellant diameter (mm)



Throat diameter (mm)



Exit diameter (mm)



Propellant mass (kg)



Table 2

Characteristics of the selected propellant [3]. Initial composition NC






Combustion products by mol CO










Other characteristics δp (kg/m3)


To (K)


Rg (J/kg·K)





0.7 n

a (mm/s·MPa )


σ (1/K)


(7). The precision of the numerical method can be quantified. Chamber pressure evaluated by these two methods is shown in Fig. 2. The error for the steady pressure is 2.5%. The time to reach the steady pressure is determinate by Eq. (8): 5τ ≈ 246 ms. In spite of the high chamber pressure, the mass flow in the nozzle is 49.2 g/s, a low thrust: 11.8 kgF is obtained. The combustion is maintained during 91.5 s approximately. Now, internal burning is examined. Chamber pressure and mass flow are represented by the plot in Fig. 3.

Finite Difference Method for Modelling Internal Pressure in a Solid Rocket Motor


8x10 6x10 4x10 2x10



Thrust for internal burning Steady thrust for end burning Mean thrust for internal burning



Thrust (N)

Chamber Pressure (Pa)




Analytical Numerical

300 200 100


0 0

Fig. 2


2 Time (s)


Fig. 4

Chamber pressure for the end burning. 10 Pressure Mass Flow


8 6











Mass Flow (kg/s)



Chamber pressure for the internal burning.

Fig. 3 indicates that internal burning provides an increasing pressure; this change is associated with the variation of the burning area. The highest pressure (≈ 10 MPa) should be the base to choose material and thickness of the wall chamber. If the calculated pressure is considered in the relations for isentropic-compressible flow of nozzle [5], the thrust and its comportment on the time can be estimated. Fig. 4 indicates the resultant thrust history for both burning types. The plot of the Fig. 4 allows estimate the trajectory of the rocket vehicle that uses the studied motor. The mean thrust is defined as =





Given thrust by radial and end burning.

the magnitude of Fm can be funded. Table 3 shows estimated values for Fm and other parameters that are characteristic of the total process. The simulation shows that the mean thrust given by the configuration for internal burning is greater than ten times the steady thrust of the end burning configuration. For this reason, internal burning type is preferred for atmospheric rockets.

4. Conclusions


Time (s)

Fig. 3


Time (s)

10 Chamber Pressure (MPa)




Fm is a characteristic value of the performance of the ensemble motor-propellant and can be used to evaluate different configurations. Also, Fm allows to quantify the total effect of the change of one or more variables. As a result, optimum values that maximize

The proposed method is a way to evaluate the performance and other differences between both types of burning as well as motor designs and propellant compositions. For end burning type, numerical results offer enough precision, compared with the analytical model. For radial burning, the behavior described by the algorithm corresponds to qualitative descriptions of the provided force by this type. High chamber pressure is obtained by the internal burning, but the provided thrust is insufficient to propel atmospheric vehicles due to the low flow of exhausted gases. With internal burning, the motor give higher mean forces in short times. Pressure and thrust plots that are obtained complement the accounting of other engineering aspects, as trajectory and wall of the combustion chamber. If the parameters a and n in Eq. (3) are unknown, a test with internal burning can be conducted, measuring pressure or thrust and recording the burning rate. The

Finite Difference Method for Modelling Internal Pressure in a Solid Rocket Motor

Table 3



General results. End burn

Internal burn

Mean thrust (kgF)



Combustion time (s)



Exit velocity (m/s)




Exit Mach




Specific impulse (s)



last one is estimated as the ratio between the propellant length and the burn time. Chamber pressure is changed with the use of different throat diameter in the nozzle. With this information, a graph such as the one presented in Ref. [7] is rebuilt and the values a and n, characteristics of the propellant, are determinate. It can be used to predict the performance of the same propellant under radial burning. Also, is possible to quantify the sensitivity of burning rate σ, to initial propellant temperature Tp, following the procedure described in Fig. 4 and adding the measurement of different values for Tp. Laboratory tests are necessary to verify the proposed model. In principle, only is necessary to measure thrust and time, though verification of other variables as pressure and temperature is also desirable. In addition, obtained results of the simulation provide a criterion for selection of the respective measurement instruments.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to each of the institutions to which they are attached.




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