finland - useful links - Fair Trials

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Languages: Website available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Complaints to ... Sami, Russian, Estonian, French, Spanish




Finnish Bar Association

All lawyers using the professional title ‘Advocate’ are members of the Finnish Bar Association.


Suomen Asianajajaliitto

You can write to the Disciplinary Board with any complaints regarding its members.

E: [email protected]


Finlands Advokatförbund Languages: Website available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Complaints to the Disciplinary Board have to be made in Finnish or Swedish.

T: +358 (0)9 6866 120 F: +358 (0)9 6866 1299 Simonkatu 12 B 16 P.O. Box 194 FI-00101 Helsinki

LEGAL AID Legal Aid Offices

Government department responsible for the administration of legal aid.


Legal Aid Offices legal aid applications and can provide the names of attorneys who are qualified in particular areas of law. Has a central office as well as a number of smaller local offices.


Information on Legal Aid can be found in English on the website of the Judicial Administration: Helsinki E: [email protected] T: +358 (0)29 56 6012 0 F: +358 (0)29 56 6013 9 PO Box 600, FI-00180 Helsinki Turku E: [email protected] T: +358 (0)29 56 6043 4 F: +358 (0)29 56 6043 9 Humalistonkatu 1, 4th Floor, FI-20100 Turku Tampere E: [email protected] T: +358 (0)29 56 60730 F: +358 (0)29 56 60725 Alaverstaanraitti 2C, Tampellan alue, FI-33100 Tampere

OMBUDSMEN and COMPLAINTS COMMITTEES Parliamentary Ombudsman Eduskunnan Oikeusasuamies Riksdagens Justitieombudsman

The Ombudsman has the authority to intervene in cases involving the actions of public officials. You can contact the Ombudsman if you have complaints regarding police, prison officials or court officials. The complaint should be made within two years of the incident (unless there are compelling reasons for not having done so). The matter about which you are complaining must not be the subject of a court hearing.

Website: E: [email protected] T: +358 (0)9 4321 F: +358 (0)9 432 2268

Languages: Website available in Finnish, Swedish, Sami, English, German, French, Estonian and Russian

Arkadiankatu 3 FI-00102 Helsinki

Complaints can be filed in Finnish, Swedish, Sami, or if necessary, in English. The Ombudsman for Minorities

The Ombudsman for minorities promotes the status of ethnic minorities and foreigners in Finland and tackles ethnic discrimination.


You can contact the Ombudsman for Minorities if you have experienced or observed ethnic discrimination, and file a complaint.

E: [email protected] T: +358 (0)295 488 666


PO Box 26, FI-00023 Valtioneuvosto

Languages: The working languages of the Ombudsman for Minorities are Finnish, English and Swedish, but the website is also available in Sami, Russian, Estonian, French, Spanish, Turkish, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Thai, Farsi, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Kurdish, Somali and Romani. Chancellor of Justice

The Chancellor of Justice performs a function that is very similar to that of the Parliamentary Ombudsman. However the Chancellor of Justice deals specifically with complaints concerning lawyers.

Oikeuskansleri Justitiekanslern

Website: E: [email protected]

Complaints should be made within two years of the incident (unless there are compelling reasons for not having done so).

T: +358 (0)295 16001

The matter about which you are complaining must not be the subject of a court hearing.

P.O. Box 20 FI-00023 Valtioneuvosto

Languages: Website available in Finnish, Swedish, Sami and English. Complaints can only be filed in Finnish or Swedish.

HUMAN RIGHTS Finnish League for Human Rights Affairs

The Finnish League for Human Rights Affairs promotes the implementation of human rights in Finland, and aims to prevent violations from taking place.



T: +358 (0)9 4155 2500

Förbundet för Mänskliga Rättigheter

Simonkatu 8, 6th Floor FI-00100 Helsinki

INTERPRETERS The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters

The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (known as ‘SKTL’) is a non-profit body that aims to promote professionalism and quality in trnalstion and interpreting.

Suomen Kääntäjien ja Tulkkien Liitto

The SKTL maintains a directory of interpreters and translators on its website

Finlands Översättar och Tolkförbund Ry

Languages: Website available in Finnish, Swedish and English

Website: Meritullinkatu 33A, FI-00170 Helsinki

ASSISTANCE FOR PRISONERS KRIS – Rikollisten Revanssi Yhteiskunnassa C.R.I.S Finland (Criminals’ Return In to Society)

Organisation run by ex-prisoners which primarily supports prisoners upon their release from prison and helps them to reintegrate into society.

Website: T: +358 (0)5 0376 2180

However, it also frequently sends representatives to some Finnish prisons, who are available to make appointments to speak to current prisoners about any issues that they may be having. Languages: Website available in Finnish and English