excellent in reducing ingrown hairs, on the bikini line legs and even the face!â â âFINO Soothe is an 'easy sell'
Designed by professional make-‐up ar�st, Adrienne Cohen. For use anywhere on the body, by all skin types and tones, a�er any form of hair removal including waxing and laser. Retail and salon sizes available. We have a 50ml tube for retail and a 300ml pump bo�le for in-‐ salon usage. Every client coming in for a wax or laser treatment should buy a tube for take-‐home maintenance.
“I have been using FINO Soothe for the past three years in my day spa/salon. FINO Soothe really delivers on everything it claims.” “FINO Soothe calms the skin a�er a wax. It also assists with reducing break outs a�er waxing and is excellent in reducing ingrown hairs, on the bikini line legs and even the face!” “FINO Soothe is an ‘easy sell’ in our salon/day spa as the product results speaks for itself. I would highly recommend this product to all salon and spa owners.”
In between laser treatments my clients use FINO Soothe to protect against ingrowns and calm the skin.
OPENING ORDER SPECIAL: 1 x FREE FINO Soothe 50ml with order of 6 x FINO Soothe 50ml (any combina�on)
OR 1 x FREE FINO Soothe 50ml with order of 2 x FINO Soothe 50ml and 1 x FINO Soothe Salon