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Maine 04240. (207) 7&e-5-409. Technical Mem:>randum by. Paul H. Nadeau. ACADIA RESOURCES. P. O. Box 3443. Auburn, Maine 04210. USA. June, 1988.


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1207) 784 - 8768

Technical Mem:>randum by Paul H. Nadeau ACADIA RESOURCES P. O. Box 3443 Auburn, Maine 04210 USA

June, 1988



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4117 S1b1ttu1 StrMI Lewlaton. Maine 04240 (207) 7&e-5-409


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by Paul H. Nadeau ACADIA RF.sOURCFS P. O. Box 3443 Auburn, Maine 04210 USA

June, 1988


An conceptual approach is outlined whereby the piezoelectric property of crystals is utilized for the generation of electric power. The source of energy to fascilitate the generation of ~ is derived fran the internal reflection of stimulated emitted radiation of optically active ions within the crystal structure. The power to excite these ions is , derived fran atanic fuel also contained within the crystal. Thus cil.l the essential it:Ems of the generator are contained within the crystal structure. Theorectical calculations indicate that the eff eciency of energy conversion to electric power conversion should meet or exceed 90%. Suitable crystals would contain sufficient fuel for the the generation of about 10 " 8 joules per gram. Such generators would provide clean, efficient, and essentially inexhaustible supply of power. '•

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INI'RODUCTION ACADIA RESOURCFS was established as the private scientific consulting firm of Dr. Paul H. Nadeau. During its operation fran November, 1987, to June , 1988, ACADIA RFSOURCFS has engaged in a number of avtivities. These include educational seminars to major oil carpanies such as UNOCAL and CHEVRON, on the topic of clay mineralogy and its application to petroleum geology. ACADIA RESOURCFS also developed and proposed subsurface alternatives for the transmission of electric power fran Quebec to Maine using existing oil and gas pipe lines between Montreal and Portland. These concepts are presented in a draft proposal which was sent to Portland Pipe Line, Central Maine Power, and the U.S. Department of Energy. This technical rcernorandum presents the results of a project begun in December, 1987, on the possible use of piezoelectric crystals in the generation of electric power. These concepts could form the basis for an environmentally sound, safe, efficient, and econanical means of power generation for the foreseeable future. The piezoelectric properties of crystals which lack a center of syrrrretry, such as quartz, were investigated by Pierre and Jacques Currie in 1881. Since that time piezoelectric crystals have found numerous applications, primarily in radio and telephone a:mnunication systems, electronics, and time-keeping devices. The technical literature concerning this phenanenon is extensive, reflecting the large research efforts of academia and industry to better understand and utilize piezoelectric crystalline materials. PIEZOELECTRIC GENERATION OF ELECTRIC


piezoelectric crystal cut to a certain thickness along a particular crystallographic direction will vibrate at a precise frequency when an electrical potential is placed across it. Here,. the crystal is converting electrical into mechanical energy, and this in the principle behind quartz time-keeping devices. A


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PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENI'IAL The conversion is reversible, and the crystal is capable of converting mechanical energy into electric power, thus acting as a generator. This possibility has been mentioned by Warren P. Mason of the Bell Laboratories, in his book "Piezoelectric Crystal and Their Application to Ultrasonics". If the energy is operating at the crystal resonant frequency , and the electrical capacitance of the crystal is tuned out by suitable electrical ooils, the efficiency of conversion can achieve 90%. The yield of electric power can reach 5 to 10 watts for each square centi.rreter of crystal area. These experiments have been conducted using m::>tor vibrators operating at 10 kc to 100 kc as the external source of mechanical energy. INrRA-CRYSTALLINE PRFSSURE FROM STIMULATED F.MMITED RADIATION Most applications of mechanical to electrical signal conversions are based on pressure waves, such as in microphones and pressure gauges, where by the force exerted on the crystal is external in origin. The author is not aware, hc:Mever, of energy conversions fran .:. internal sources. One possible candidate is the radiant energy of stimulated emitted radiation. Crystalline rraterials also posses light-amplifying capabilities, such as in crystal lasers. Corundum, which is colored red by trace amounts of chranium ions within its structure (cxxmanl.y refered to as ruby) serves as such a rraterial. In this application, the crystalline rraterial is fashioned into a cylinder which is canpletely silvered at one end, and partially silvered at the other. The chranium ions in the crystal are excited fran the intense light of an external flash tube which is coiled around the cylinder. This raises the energy levels of the chranium electrons, which itjturn radiate light as the electrons return to their lower energy state. A portion of this radiation travels along the axis of the cylinder, reflected by the silvered ends. The radiation stimulates other chranium electrons, which repeats the process, thus amplifying the radiation. As this light passes back and forth along the crystal cylinder, it triggers stimulated emission fran chranium ions which are still in the excited state, which emerges fran the partially silvered end of the cylinder as a coherent beam of m::>nochranatic light. Although this process ocurrs in a fraction of a second, it is relatively inefficient because only a srrall portion of the light frcm the external flash tube is absorbed by the chrcmium ions. . I

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PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Furtherrrore, only a portion of the emitted radiation fran the excited chranium ions travel along the cylinder axis to contribute to the amplification process. It is the coherent radiant energy fran the chraniurn ions that is of interest here, because of its possible use as an internal source of energy in the the crystal. Unfortunately, corundum has a center of synmetry, and thus not piezoelectric in nature. The quei _i on is, therefore, are there crystalline materials which posess both light amplifying and piezoelectric properties? TOURMALINE

Tounnaline is a cyclosilicate mineral, belonging to the rhanbohedral division of the hexagonal crystal system. Its space group, 3m, lacks a center of synmetry, and it is perhaps the roost strongly piezoelectric mineral known on E:arth. The genaral formula can be written:

where X may be Na or ca,and Y may be Mg, Fe, Al, Mn, and/or Li ions. The basic structure is made up of six-membered silicate rings and independent borate triangles with hydroxyl groups, ionically bonded together through the X and Y cations. The m:>lecular weight of the ca, Li variety is about 924.5, and the relative density is about 3.1 g/crri3. The author is not aware of any light amplifying properties of this mineral. The transparent Li varieties, however, would seem to be possible candidates. These varieties are often colored red, green, yellow, or blue. Interestingly, it would seem that chranium (atanic radii = 0.63 ~) could substitute for the Al (radii = 0.51 ~) much as it does in the case of corundum. Materials with suitable properties for the experimental evaluation of such applications would require carefully grown synthetic crystals. Discussions in May, 1988, with Dr. COrnelius S. Hurlbut, Emeritus Professor of Mineralogy, Harvard University, revealed that synthesis work of the opaque Fe variety was conducted by him for the U.S. Army Signal Corp during the 1940's, as part of their research effort on synthetic piezoelectric crystals.



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PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL INI'RA-CRYSTALLINE ATOMIC FUEL The properties previously discussed, piezoelectricity and light amplification, still require a primary source of energy to produce and maintain power generation. An interesting possibility is the atanic fusion reaction: 60


2He. + 2p + 2n + 43.1 MeV

where D is the isotope of hydrogen, deuterium. This reaction releases intense power in the fonn of light as 'Nell as heat. Fran the perspective of crystal lasers, the light fran the fusion of deuterium atans would be analogous to an internal "flash tube". The 43.1 million electron volts (MeV) of energy released is equal to 1.1 x 10"-12 joules per deuterium atan. The Li rroderated fusion reaction is also interesting, and is represented as follows: D

+ Li


2He +

22.4 MeV

We should recall that the structure of tounnaline also contains hydrogen, for which deuterium could easily be substituted in synthetic crystals, as 'Nell as Li. Therefore it is conceivable that such reactions could be rrediated within the crystal, i f sufficient electranagnetic energy could be delivered in a short enough period of tin'e to the proper sites. The use of lasers to facilitate fusion reactions has been discussed by Dr. Lawrence M. Lidsky, in his article "Fusion Power". The author is not aware of any suggestions, however, that such a reaction be conducted within a crystal laser. This possibility would seem to eliminate many of the difficulties that have been encountered in the development of laser induced fusion technology. The efficient conversion of this energy into electric power by using solid-state piezoelectric crytals, is also an original and novel concept. Theorectical calculation indicate the 1 g of tourmaline fueled with deuterium would contain between 1 x 10"8 to 8.6 x 10"9 joules of energy, roughly equivalent to the energy of one barrel of crude oil (6 x 10"9 joules). Of course, there may exist many obstacles in the path of such a technology, but in any case, the possibility remains to be explored. '



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PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENI'IAL DECLARATION The author hereby declares that the concepts and ideas presented herein are original, and novel with regard to the art of record, unless otherwise noted. ACADIA RFSOURCES reservers the right to patent and/or otherwise protect the original and novel aspects outlined in this rreroc>randum.

Paul H. Nadeau

June 10, 1988 Date

June 10, 1988 Date .

/',futt )lJ;1. e(//U)i__ Notary Public SUSAN M . CARON





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June 10, 1988 Date

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Gordon, J. P., Laser : in The WOrld Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprise F.ducational Corporation, Chicago, 1970.

Dana's Manual of Mineralogy, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1971.

Lisdsky, L. M., Fusion Power : in Energy Technology Handbook D. M. Considine, ed. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.

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Mason, W. P., Piezoelectric Crystals and Their Application to Ultrasonics D. van Nostrand Carpiny, Inc. New York.


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