DO NOT STAY INSIDE. Try to contact the homeowners in the connecting condos in your building. 5. The alarm center will tr
FIRE ALARM INSTRUCTIONS 1. If the fire alarm goes off in your unit, the alarm center monitoring service receives a signal from your system in your condominium. If certain it is a false alarm, see below. 2. If a false alarm occurs, you may try to silence it by depressing your system's reset button. This button can usually be located in one of the following locations in your unit, your front coat closet, garage area, or laundry room. If pressing your reset button does not silence the alarm, there may be a fire in a location you cannot see. The alarm center will send the fire department. 3. When the alarm is triggered the master strobe light will flash on your building and the master outside fire siren will be sounding. This is to alert the homeowners in the other condos that there is a fire. 4. If it is a fire, leave the building. DO NOT STAY INSIDE. Try to contact the homeowners in the connecting condos in your building. 5. The alarm center will try to call you to confirm the fire. DO NOT use your phone for any other reason. If the center calls you and you are not there, they will call the Resident Manager, Matt Berardy. 6. When the alarm center reaches you, they will ask for the CODE WORD that identifies you as the homeowner. The code word is NORTHPOINT. 7. The alarm center will ask you some more questions. Examples are: Is there a fire? Is it a false alarm? What is your name and address? 8. If not a false alarm, the alarm center monitoring service will instruct the fire department to respond. Once on their way, the fire department cannot be stopped. 9. Know that the system works, and the fire department will respond even if no one is home. The fire department has access through the entry gate. The Resident Manager keeps keys to each unit in (007 Box) in the office. A Note About False Alarms Throughout the years we have had many false alarms. Some of the false alarms are activated by: dirty sensors that need to be cleaned clouds of dust painting excessive heat/broiling of meat bug bombs burning of food, candles, etc. spiders or bugs getting into sensors carpet installation & the heat from seaming carpet If you are having construction work or painting done, you may want to contact the alarm center to let them know. Their phone number is 800-752-2490. In addition to your name and address you will need to tell them that you live in Northpoint Estates Condos. They will ask for the code word: NORTHPOINT. If you have more questions or concerns, please contact Taylor Gillis, Onsite Manager, 801-842-3546.