fire hydrants - City of Milaca

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Minion. Central/2nd St. SW. 24. Super Mario. Central/3rd St. SW. 25. Leonardo (TMNT). 4th St. E/Central at Coffee Corner
18. T hing 1 Central/5th St. N

19. P acma n Central/4 St. N th

20. P at rio tic Central/3rd St. NE

21. Ola f Central/2nd St. NE

34. Ha rr y Po tt er

22.Ba tma n

1st St. E/Milaca Library

Central/1st St. SW

35. Os car t he G ro uch

23. Mi nion

3rd St. NE/2nd Ave. NE (Jim’s Mille Lacs Disposal)

Milaca Fire Hydrants

Central/2nd St. SW

24. Super Ma r io Central/3rd St. SW

25. Leona rdo (T MNT ) 4th St. E/Central at Coffee Corner

26. Mi ckey Mous e Central/4th St. SW

27. Gumba ll Ma chine 4th St. E/First Baptist Church

28. Spider man 4th St. E/Hwy 23

29. Ice Cr eam Co ne Dairy Queen/10th Ave. SE

30. P at rio tic P uppy 10th Ave SE/5th St. SE

31. P at rio tic Milaca Off-Sale/10th Ave. SE

32. Sylvest er t he C at Hardee’s/1st St. E

33. W indmill 1st St. E/5th Ave E

š› A special thanks to all the local talented artists who made this project possible: The O’Brien Family, Milaca Vet Clinic Staff, Pearl Crisis Center, the employees of the Milaca Off Sale, and The Hanenburg Family

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

š› Take a tour through the town!

1. Zoo t 2nd St. NW/Rec Park (south of Bandshell)

2. Art ist R aplic a 3rd Ave SW/2nd St. NW

3. P at rio ti c 3rd Ave SW/Milaca Building Center

4. School Bus 3rd Ave. SW/Behind Milaca Elementary School

5. C apt ain Olw eus 3rd Ave SW/in front of small playground

6. Da lmat ia n 3rd Ave. SW/3rd St. SW

7.T igger 2nd Ave NW/3rd St. SW

8. M ike W azo wski

(Monsters Inc. )

2 Ave NW/2 St. SW nd


9. Awa reness Ribbo ns 2nd Ave NW/Community Closet 10.

Ja mes P . Sulliv an

( Sulley fr om Monster


2nd Ave NW/3rd St. NW

11. Sponge Bob 2nd Ave NW/7th St. NW

12. P at ric k t he St ar fish 2nd Ave. NW/8th St. NW

13. Agent P (P err y t he P la typus ) 2nd Ave NW/9th St. NW

14. Doct or /Nur se Fairview Milaca Clinic

15.T homa s the Ta nk Engine 3rd Ave. NE/11 th St. NE (Vet Clinic)

16. C hef Central/8th St. NW