Fire Resource List - College of the Siskiyous

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Sep 26, 2014 - Siskiyou County Human Services 818 S Main St Yreka 841-2700. ... is helping anyone with a destroyed compu
Fire Resource List Updated: September 26, 2014 10:15am

Food/Clothing/Supplies  Non-Food Related Items, clothing, linens, shoes, pet products, etc. 550 Park Street Suite B Weed, 925-407-5171  Food 310 Boles Street. Food distribution and intake schedule call the Boles Fire Food Distribution Hotline 208-221-4605  Weed Church of Christ, 19104 First Ave Weed 938-3119. Kitchen starter kits, enough food for 1 family for 1 week. Basic toiletry kits, infant care boxes, cleaning boxes, laundry detergent, new bedding, trash bags. M-S 10:00am – 6:00pm  Free the Need, Food giveaway Sunday, 9/28 4:00pm at the Weed Mercantile Mall. 590 Main St. Weed 465-2411. Free clothing to fire victims  Timeless Treasures, 298 Main St. Weed, Taking donations, offering assistance in the way of clothing, and personal hygiene items, baby items, toys, blankets  Weed Mercantile Mall is giving out water, coffee, tea, photo copy service, free wifi computer lab, free video/book lending library, clothing vouchers. Area for people to relax and kids to play. 590 Main St. Weed, 938-3229  First Southern Baptist Church, 912 So. Oregon St. Yreka 842-1158. Clothing, food, hygiene items  New 2 You Thrift Store, 412 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd 918-9570. Clothing available Assistance Available  Local Assistance Center, COS Life Science Building. 9:00am – 6:00pm Tuesday - Saturday. Fire victims can obtain drivers licenses, birth certificates, SS Card, State Department of Insurance, file for unemployment.  Disaster Distress Helpline, Dedicated to providing disaster crisis counseling. 24 hrs a day, seven days a week. Free, confidential and multilingual, crisis support services via telephone. 1-800-9855990  American Red Cross, 150 Alamo Weed. Speak with Red Cross to meet immediate emergency and long term recovery needs. Bulk distribution items for cleanup. Health and mental health assistance.  Grief/Loss Gathering, Licensed Clinical Therapist’s providing counseling at no cost. Mt. Shasta Resort 1000 Siskiyou Lake Blvd. Mt Shasta. 925-0580 for more info. 9/27, 9/28 at 5:00pm – 8:00pm.  Northern Catholic Social Services, Counseling services available, Spanish Counselor on site. They are located in the old SMG building across from the Weed Post Office upstairs.  Siskiyou County Human Services 818 S Main St Yreka 841-2700. Cash Assistance (CalWorks, General Assistance). CalFresh, MediCal.  Siskiyou County Department of Child Support Services, 1215 S Main St Yreka, 841-4388. Providing assistance with any child support related issues  Siskiyou Child Care Council, Provides child care subsidies to income eligible families throughout the county when parents are employed, seeking employment, participating in vocational training, homeless and seeking permanent housing, incapacitated or referred by Child Protective Services. 170 Boles Street 938-2748  Siskiyou County Veterans Service Office, 105 E Oberlin Rd Yreka 842-8010. Services available to affected veterans.  Choices Pregnancy & Parenting Services, 215 W Alma St Mt. Shasta 926-6726. Baby items: diapers, wipes, clothing. One-on-one emotional and advocacy support for fire victims.


 Siskiyou Training & Employment (STEP), 190 Boles Street Weed, 938-3231 ext 212. Unemployment assistance, job search, resume prep, job referrals, job listings. Computer lab available.  JEDI is offering free assistance to any business affected by the fire. All fees waived and will assist in relocation and/or getting re-established. Computer lab available, printing, faxing and copying all available at no charge. SBA Disaster Recovery Financing Opportunities. Jenny at JEDI at 888-926-6670, x10 or Nancy Swift at x12 M – Th, 8:30am – 5pm, 205 Chestnut Street, Mt. Shasta.  ScrubHub is giving away free scrubs to Boles Fire Victims that need them for work/school. 115 W Main St Medford OR (541) 500-1506  Golden West Realty will allow people to fax and email from their office. M-F 9:00am – 4:00pm, 20604 Big Springs Rd, Weed 938-2711  Computer Zone is helping anyone with a destroyed computer/hard drive recover their data at no cost. 938-2949  Verizon Wireless has a mobile unit with free wifi. Cell phones, laptops and other devices may be charged. Laptops and a printer/scanner are available for use during Monday – Saturday 9:00am – 6:00pm. Unit is located at COS in the north parking lot.  Siskiyou Domestic Violence 118 Ranch Ln Yreka. Spanish translation services. Limited shelter space for women & children, please call before arriving 842-6629. Housing/Storage  Baker Road Mini Storage in Red Bluff is offering one month free rent to victims of the Boles Fire. For information call (530) 528-1456  College of the Siskiyous HR Department has a list of housing resources for staff and faculty to utilize. 938-5317  Lake Shastina Community Bible Church has a temporary shelter and free wifi 5826 Jackson Ranch Rd Weed, 408-6806  Redding Veterans Resource Center Will provide housing to veterans and security deposits for housing and/or utilities 153 Hartnell Ave Suite 100 Redding 530-223-3211  Elite Real Estate, 143 Main St Weed. Sandra Haugen 938-1177 or text 859-2907. For short & long term housing.  Section 8 Rental Assistance, For information: Siskiyou County Housing Authority 1450 Court St #108 Redding, CA 225-5160. Animals  Alpine Vet Hospital, 210 Main St. 938-1770. Pet Food, Bedding, leashes, kennel available and free pet medical care to those who lost their homes in the Boles Fire.  Siskiyou Humane Society is accepting donations of pet food and cat litter. Offering food to those in need, also housing lost pets 1208 N. Mt Shasta Blvd Mt Shasta 926-4052  Facebook Page: Reunite City of Weeds Animals,  Siskiyou County Animal Control Please call if you are displaced and have animals left at your residence 841-4028  Rescue Ranch Will house dogs, pet food assistance 2216 Oberlin Rd Yreka 842-0829  Mt Shasta Animal Hospital Housing of lost pets, 1130 W Mt Shasta Blvd Mt Shasta 926-5266  City of Weed housing of lost pets, 938-5000 Information  Long Term Recovery Planning Meeting, Discussion about long-term goals, service club involvement. Friday 9/26/14 @ 1:00pm. COS Life Science Building 3  CalFire, Boles Fire incident information:  Boles Fire Information Line: (530) 408-6167


 City of Weed, Information Line: (530) 938-5034 through (530) 938-5042 Call any number between 5034 and 5042. Available for any question you may have related to the fire, available resources, recovery services, status of drinking water, access to property, etc. 8:00am to 12:00pm. Contact person Dana Hight 541-973-3534 [email protected]  American Red Cross, fire updates  YubaNet, Boles Fire Information:  CalTrans, Road closure information:  Weed Elementary & Weed High School, Limited access for drop-off’s and pick-up. Please call or check websites for details: Weed Elementary 938-2715, Weed High School 938-4744 Recovery Information  Recovery Info  Cal Fire  American Red Cross  California’s Valued Trust, Employee Assistance Program:  City of Weed, Debris removal information and permit 938-5034 Donations 

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Football Game and Tailgate Party, COS Eagle Football vs. Diablo Valley College. Saturday, September 27th Free Tailgate Party, 11:00am – 12:30pm. Bring your own food, beverages (no alcohol), small BBQ, canopy etc. Part at the COS Tennis Courts, limited space available. Locl pff at 1:00pm. Weed Campus Stadium. Weed residents get in FREE. All other admission fees paid will be donated to the Boles Fire Relief Fund. Go Eagles! Official Boles Fire Donation Drop Site. All Non-Food and Pet Food Donations, please deliver to Crystal Geyser Mt Shasta. All vehicles must access the Drop site through the truck address which is Rd No 2M05 Mt Shasta. Shasta Regional Community Foundation has established a Community Disaster Relief Fund with a gift from the Stewardship Endowment Fund and private donations. The fund will provide direct financial assistance to families, nonprofits and organizations. 100% of donated funds for the Boles Fire will go directly to provide assistance and fund recovery efforts. Donations can be made online or at all Scott Valley Bank locations. Call for information: 244-1219 College of the Siskiyous Foundation, For info on donating to employees or students contact: [email protected] Donation Offers & Communications, American Red Cross: The American Red Cross is assisting the victims of the Boles Fire. To donate online, go to You can also designate your donation to victims of the Boles Fire by sending checks to: American Red Cross of Northeastern California 2125 E. Onstatt Road Yuba City 95991 (with a notation designating it for the Boles Fire) Salvation Army Monetary donations accepted. or mail check to: 180 East Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90802 Mark check “Weed” or Boles Fire” Goodwill Yreka accepting donations of clothing and furniture United Way donate at US Bank in Weed Northern Valley Catholic Social Services, Collecting donations for “Weed Fire Relief” Office Address: 326 W Miner Yreka CA 96097 Mt Shasta High School Community Yard Sale, Free items for fire victims, all money raised will go to Shasta Regional Community Foundation for Boles Fire Victims. Yard sale will be located on the front lawn area. Saturday 9/27 to Sunday 9/28 from 8:00am – 2:00pm.

Volunteer Opportunities  Emergency Volunteer Center, 150 Alamo Ave Weed 925-3524 Hours: 9:00am-6:00pm M-F Individuals can go here and get registered to volunteer. 800 COLLEGE AVENUE, WEED, CALIFORNIA 96094 (530) 938-5555 WWW.SISKIYOUS.EDU