Firehouse Art Center

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and Animals Through the Ages. A Leopard Can Change Its Spots and The Hare & the Tortoise. Sketchbooking: Building Your Story and Say What?! SESSION IV.
Firehouse Art Center

Children’s Summer Art Program 2013 The Children’s Summer Art Program is funded in part by the Oklahoma Arts Council and Norman Arts Council. A special thanks to the Harris Foundation for its support. The Firehouse is committed to quality art education. The “Creating with the Masters” series helps children build both basic and advanced thinking skills and promotes diverse modes of thinking and learning. Each class is unique with faculty focusing on the Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills and on different artists every session.

Ages 5 - 13

Tuition: Non Member: $140

Member: $129.75

Each session includes two paired courses for each age group.

AGES 5-6

SESSION I 1:00 - 3:15


9:30 - 11:45

8 - 13

1:00 - 3:15


SESSION II 1:00 - 3:15


9:30 - 11:45

8 - 13

1:00 - 3:15

(1-week only) 5-6

SESSION III 1:00 - 3:15


9:30 - 11:45

8 - 13

1:00 - 3:15

MAY 28th - JUNE 7th Annie Hatchett and Jenny Johnson Adrienne Day and Julie Eberle Adrienne Day and Julie Eberle

COURSE TITLES: Bring Clay into Play and Into the Woods Phantasmagoria and I Like to Move It, Move It Barking Up the Right Tree and Sticks & Stones

JUNE 10th - JUNE 21st Annie Hatchett and Jenny Johnson Annie Hatchett and Adrienne Day Beverly Herndon and Adrienne Day

Story Sculpture and Topsy Turvy Balancing Act and Fantastic Faces Chinese Painting: Bugs, Blossoms, & Birds and Maverick Printmaking

JUNE 24th - JUNE 28th Jane Lawson and Lacy Jo Burgess Julie Eberle and Jane Lawson Adam Stewart and Julie Eberle

Non Member: $70.00 Member: $64.88 Mad Hatters Tea Party and Animals Through the Ages A Leopard Can Change Its Spots and The Hare & the Tortoise Sketchbooking: Building Your Story and Say What?!


JULY 8th - JULY 19th


1:00 - 3:15


9:30 - 11:45

8 - 13

1:00 - 3:15

Jane Lawson and Jenny Johnson Jane Lawson and Adrienne Day Adrienne Day and Jenny Johnson

Red Frog Sings the Blues and The Eyes Have It Chill with Chihuly and The Art of Ancient Egypt Reptiles - Quartered Vision and Sketchbook Boot Camp


SESSION V 1:00 - 3:15


9:30 - 11:45

8 - 13

1:00 - 3:15

JULY 22nd - AUGUST 2nd Jane Lawson and Annie Hatchett Jane Lawson and Adrienne Day Beverly Herndon and Adrienne Day

Don’t Bug Me and Our Town The Blue-green, Pink-tufted Beast Hunt and Fish Fanatic Chinese Painting: Bamboo, etc. and Birdland

Children’s Summer Art Exhibition: Begins August 9, 2013

Reception: August 9th, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A LEOPARD CAN CHANGE ITS SPOTS Through art, even a leopard can change its spots! In this course that is wild about animals, students can give a leopard stripes or paint a horse blue. Students will also complete a paper mache animal sculpture and explore color and composition to create a mixed media painting using beastly inspiration. ANIMALS THROUGH THE AGES Explore one of the art world’s favorite subjects since the cave paintings at Lascaux, France: Animals. In this course, students will use ancient examples of animal art from Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Greco Roman civilizations as inspiration. This class will include such projects as paper reliefs and paper mosaics. BALANCING ACT This course will test students’ art making equilibrium! Students will learn about balance and proportion to create sculptures constructed from various objects, such as poster board shapes, to develop a unified piece. BARKING UP THE RIGHT TREE From mighty oaks to thorny saguaro cactus, trees have always been a source of beauty, wonder, and inspiration to artists. Students in this class will explore the varied aspects of texture, color, and shapes in trees through the creation of drawings, paintings, relief clay tiles and prints. BIRDLAND Take flight with an exploration of birds in art. Students will explore the fabulous world of these feathered friends while learning about the varied approaches of master artists in order to draw and paint the basic elements of a bird. Students will also make a fanciful paper mache bird mask and a collage with patterned papers, fashioned into a bird. BRING CLAY INTO PLAY Handbuilding techniques will bring clay into play for these young artists. Students will use slabs and coils to create tiles and bowls with unique surface designs; basic glazing techniques will also be introduced to develop dynamic clay creations. CHILL WITH CHIHULY Discover Dale Chihuly’s inspiration. Students will examine Chihuly’s inspiration sources, exploring color, form and texture in nature, as well as Calder’s mobiles and Matisse’s collages. Students will draw, paint and make their own Chihuly-inspired sculpture that has the look of molten glass. CHINESE BRUSHWORK PAINTING: BAMBOO, ETC. Explore one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. Using ink and watercolor on rice paper, students will learn the history and symbolism involved in this exciting art form to paint a variety of subjects – bamboo, pandas, trees and mountains, people, boats and buildings. CHINESE BRUSHWORK PAINTING: BUGS, BLOSSOMS AND BIRDS Explore one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. Students will study Chinese Brushwork methods of painting insects, flowers and birds using ink and watercolor on rice paper. DON’T BUG ME Bitten by the art bug, students will look to the insect world for inspiration – from Egyptian scarabs to Fernand Legers’ “Still Life with Butterflies.” Students will be introduced to color principles and sculpting techniques in order to create dynamic visions of insects and butterflies, sculpted mutant beetles, and an exhibit-worthy “Battle of the Insects” mobile. FANTASTIC FACES Come face to face with the methods of creating the image of a face. Students will explore both classical and experimental approaches, creating both paper mache masks and drawn faces with accurate proportions. A face will also be fashioned from assorted drawn and painted objects in an examination of the expressive colors and forms of an abstracted face. FISH FANATIC From clown fish to sharks, all types of aquatic creatures have captured human imagination throughout history. Students will develop unique works of art featuring fish and the environment in which they can be found. Students will create projects such as drawings, paintings, prints, clay, and cardboard relief sculptures while cultivating their knowledge of shape, form, value, line, and color. I LIKE TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT Loving to dance isn’t needed to make art that moves. Students will explore musical inspiration and utilize a variety of design elements, including repetition and line, to create art that seems to dance. These emerging artists will be ready to see their work jump off the page! INTO THE WOODS Students will walk into the world of well-known fairy tales recreate images from stories using basic lines and shapes. Students will learn to both show and tell stories through basic design principles, learning to construct narratives through their art. They will also build their own miniature “stage” on which to tell their stories, as well as have their art bound in their very own storybook to showcase what they’ve learned. MAD HATTERS TEA PARTY This course is a wonderland of adventurous art. Master artists Durer, Gainsborough and Thiebaud will inspire students in projects such as depicting their own tea party, utilizing tea bags to create abstract art, and creating their own special Mad Hatter hat.

444 South Flood Avenue

Norman, Oklahoma

MAVERICK PRINTMAKING Rebel against traditional art making processes in this printmaking course. Students will create relief, object, collograph (collage), and multiple-color monotype prints. Students will also learn to apply their 2-dimensional artwork to 3-dimensional art through the construction of a fantastic, fanciful paper mache mask overlaid with their prints. OUR TOWN Young artists create art that will be the talk of the town. Learning linear perspective, drawing, and color skills, students will create images of their neighborhoods or towns that show depth and distance on a 2D surface. PHANTASMAGORIA Suspend reality and enter the world of the surrealists with dreamlike images. Students will paint an imaginary, implausible landscape, create a paper mache helmet with unique forms, and use an assortment of rubbings to create drawings of improbable animals. RED FROG SINGS THE BLUES Young artists will explore a range of colorful emotions. Students will learn about the various aspects of color, form and texture to create art that expresses how they feel, culminating in the creation of a painterly diorama of frogs and leafy landscapes. REPTILES-QUARTERED VISION Reptilian resources provide inspiration for all manner of art. Students will discover four techniques used by master artists to give life to their work. The understanding of these techniques combined with art principles of value, color, form, and space come together to created a completed work. Students will apply what they’ve learned through the use of clay, oil pastels, pen and ink, paint, and markers to make reptilian works of art. SAY WHAT?! Students will consider the power of words in this course. Exploring the use of text throughout art history, students will complete 2D and 3D work using text, numbers and other symbols to create art that speaks volumes. SKETCHBOOK BOOT CAMP Drop and give me 50 - sketches that is! Students will learn how to push themselves outside of their limits and discover that every place has an opportunity to sketch and find out more about the world. Whether inside or outside, students will learn drawing techniques and explore form, texture, and more through paint, pencil, and ink as they fill in a sketchbook to prove they’ve got what it takes to be an artist. SKETCHBOOKING: BUILDING YOUR STORY Students will address the elements of art while working through a variety of methods in their own books. They will experiment with diverse drawing styles to capture and refine their images. They will also practice enhancing the images with additional media, labeling, and titles. STICKS AND STONES Sticks and stones will inspire young artists’ bones in a course that celebrates the natural world. Students will go outdoors for inspiration as they experiment with texture and scale while using a variety of organic materials to create sculptures. STORY SCULPTURE Tales become tangible when artists create their own books. Using the accordion-style bookmaking process, students will write and illustrate a story using various techniques of drawing, painting, and collage. THE ART OF ANCIENT EGYPT From the Sphinx to the riches of the pharaoh’s tombs, the ancient Egyptians created artwork that is easily recognizable and magnificent. Students will create a drawing of an ornate painted sarcophagus, a clay sculpture of an ancient Egyptian figurine, and a drawing in the unique style of Egyptian tomb paintings. THE BLUE-GREEN, PINK-TUFTED BEAST HUNT Go on a magical animal hunt through the art works of Dr. Seuss. Students will discover principles of texture in art, apply color theory to beautiful painted landscapes, and return home with a wall-mounted “animal” paper mache trophy. THE EYES HAVE IT Ever wonder what things might look like through the eyes of someone else? Students will discover how both different animals and famous artists “see” things differently as they learn about color, contrast, and movement through the eyes of someone – or something – else! THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE Persistence pays off for young artists in this class. With inspiration from master artists such as Durer, Balla, and Timothy Chapman, students will learn the elements of art – color, shape, form, and texture – to create artwork including exciting shell patterns for tortoises and “running” hare paintings. TOPSY TURVY Nothing is as it seems in this class! Students will explore the crazy world of optical illusion art, learning how color, positive and negative space, shape, and line can trick us into seeing things a bit differently. Students will construct their own illusions both in 2D and 3D, including their very own thaumatrope and zoetropes.

