Firmware Manipulations on an Optical Scan Voting Terminal

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Alexander Russell. Andrew See. Narasimha Shashidhar. Alexander A. Shvartsman. Voting Technology Research Center and Computer Science and ...
Taking Total Control of Voting Systems: Firmware Manipulations on an Optical Scan Voting Terminal Seda Davtyan Sotiris Kentros Alexander Russell Andrew See

Aggelos Kiayias Laurent Michel Nicolas Nicolaou Narasimha Shashidhar Alexander A. Shvartsman

Voting Technology Research Center and Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA {seda,skentros,aggelos,ldm,nicolas,acr,andysee,karpoor,aas}

ABSTRACT The firmware of an electronic voting machine is typically treated as a “trusted” component of the system. Consequently, it is misconstrued to be vulnerable only to an insider attack by someone with an in-depth knowledge of the system and access to the source code. This case study focuses on the Diebold/Premier AccuVote Optical Scan voting terminal (AV-OS) that is widely used in the USA elections. We present three low level manipulations of the above voting terminal’s firmware resulting in divergence from its prescribed operation: (i) the first bestows the terminal with a powerful memory card dumping functionality, (ii) the second enables the terminal to leak the ballot details through its serial port thus violating voter privacy during the election, (iii) the final third firmware manipulation is a proof of concept attack that swaps the votes of two candidates thus permanently destroying the election outcome in an undetectable fashion. This demonstrates the extent to which the firmware of the AV-OS can be modified with no insider knowledge or access to the source code. Our results underscore the importance of verifying the integrity of the firmware of electronic voting terminals accompanied by sound auditing procedures to maintain the candor of the electoral process. We also note that this work is performed solely with the purpose of security analysis of AV-OS, and the first and the second firmware manipulations we describe serve a dual purpose in assisting the technological audits of actual voting procedures conducted using AV-OS systems.



Frequently, the firmware component of a proprietary computing system is misconstrued to be vulnerable only to a technical insider attack by someone with extensive resources, an in-depth knowledge of the targeted system, and access to source code and/or hardware specifications. In this work, we challenge this assumption in the domain of e-voting ma-

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chines by presenting a detailed case study focusing on the AccuVote Optical Scan Terminal (AV-OS) that is widely used in the US elections. Our investigation demonstrates the possibility of an array of firmware manipulation attacks against the AV-OS that are characterized by their low cost ( 2 min), burdening the inspection of a large number of cards (i.e., many hundreds of cards). To solve this problem we enhanced the simple transmission protocol with a straightforward run length encoding algorithm to compress the bytestream (and decompress it on the receiving end). This compression reduced the dump time to 20 sec per memory card. (Simple run-length encoding works well here because several large parts of the memory card are sequences of identical values.)


As mentioned in Section 1, one issue with optical scan machines is that they may occasionally make errors, as suggested by hand count audits such as that described in [9, 10]. Hand counts are time consuming, and potentially error prone themselves. To address this, we designed a “semiautomated” process. The idea is to send the contents of each ballot through the serial line to a PC which will display the ballot as interpreted by the AV-OS. The poll worker performing the audit can then verify that the ballot was read correctly and correct errors. This will yield two benefits: First, the process of comparing the ballot sheets to the displayed counters should be faster for poll workers than the usual hand count process. Second, more generally this will allow the collection of data regarding the source of ballot read errors to improve accuracy in future elections. In the modified firmware, an additional function call is added to the code that executes after each ballot is cast.


We test the possibility of implementing a malicious firmware that swaps the contents of two counters. The firmware is a trusted component and is not subject to auditing. We illustrate that a malicious attacker can reverse engineer the firmware and produce a malicious version which performs a counter-swap attack and cannot be traced by current preelection auditing procedures. For the purpose of this attack, a malicious function was added to the firmware, in the free space that exists at the end of the EPROM. With the exception of this malicious function the firmware is identical with the AV-OS 1.96.6 firmware. The importance of this is that the “Malicious Firmware” behaves like the original AV-OS firmware version 1.96.6. The injected function is invoked right after an election is closed and before the results of the election are printed. The function checks whether a threshold of “ballots cast”

has been reached. If enough ballots have been casted, which implies that we are not in a hand-counted test election, but in the actual election, it swaps the contents of two counters in the card. In our prototype the counters choice is hard coded, though in principle the selected counters could be determined arbitrarily. Note that like [5] the attack uses a “time bomb”, since the firmware will perform the counter swap only during the election. Furthermore, the damage from the attack is permanent, since the contents of the counters are permanently altered in the card. Thus electronic reporting through GEMS and the printed election results will agree. To illustrate the results of this attack, Figure 2 shows the printed results with 4 and 15 votes, using the original and modified firmware. Note that the votes are swapped only when there has been sufficient votes cast to indicate a real election.

(a) Using original firmware (left) and modified (right). Note that the behavior is the same.

(b) Using original firmware (left) and modified (right). Note that two candidates have swapped votes. Figure 2: Results printed after casting 4 ballots (a) and 15 ballots (b) Finally the fact that the attack is packaged into the firmware makes it impossible to detect it through the verification of the bytecode found in the memory card; measures such as cryptographically signing the bytecode would be entirely ineffective against the type of attack presented in this section.



In this work we demonstrated a set of firmware manipulations for the AV-OS voting terminal that enable an attacker to violate voter privacy or permanently damage the reporting of the election results. Our implementations being at the firmware level are immune to any potential cryptographic integrity checks. A variation of other exploits may also be implemented in the firmware. One such exploit could be the alteration of the election results following a predefined voting pattern or button pressing sequence. The firmware manipulation techniques we present raise some important questions: How trusted should the hardware

of an electronic voting terminal be and what means are required to improve trustworthiness of such systems? We stress that all the findings presented here were developed from first principles and at no time we had access to the vendor specifications of the system or the software source using inexpensive tools. Our results strongly underscore the importance of pre-election and post-election audits for any voting procedure, that should include an integrity check of the firmware code. Moreover, the incorporation of firmware cryptographic integrity checking in the architecture of an e-voting machine can further expedite the auditing process. While the subject of this case study was the AV-OS we have no reason to believe that our findings would have been any different had we focused on a different system.



[1] Black Box Voting [2] H. Hursti, Critical Security Issues with Diebold Optical Scan Design, Black Box Voting Project, July 4, 2005. [3] A. Kiayias, L. Michel, A. Russell, A. Shvartsman, M. Korman, A. See, N. Shashidhar and D. Walluck, Security Assessment of the Diebold Optical Scan Voting Terminal, [4] A. Kiayias, L. Michel, A. Russell, N. Shashidhar, A. See, and A. Shvartsman, An Authentication and Ballot Layout Attack Against an Optical Scan Voting Terminal. 2007 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT 07), August, 2007, Boston, MA. [5] A. Kiayias, L. Michel, A. Russel, N. Shashidhar, A. See, A. Shvartsman, S. Davtyan. Tampering with Special Purpose Trusted Computing Devices: A Case Study in Optical Scan E-Voting. Twenty-Third Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December, 2007, Fl. [6] D. Wagner, D. Jefferson and M. Bishop, Security Analysis of the Diebold AccuBasic Interpreter, Voting Systems Technology Assessment Advisory Board, University of California, Berkeley, February 14, 2006. [7] V25+ and V35+ User’s Manual, NEC Corporation, December, 1992. [8] J. Calandrino, A. Feldman, J. Halderman, D. Wagner, H. Yu, W. Zeller, Source Code Review of the Diebold Voting System, July 20, 2007. [9] A. Kiayias, L. Michel, A. Russell, N. Shashidhar, A. See, A. Shvartsman, Pre-Election Testing and Post-Election Audit of Optical Scan Voting Terminal Memory Cards. USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT 08), July 2008, San Jose, California. [10] The Connecticut Citizen Election Audit Coalition, Report and Feedback February 2008 Connecticut Election Audit Observation, April 3, 2008 ObservationReportFeb08.pdf [11] S. Goggin and M. Byrne, An Examination of the Auditability of Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) Ballots, 2007 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT 07), August, 2007, Boston, MA.