First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions. Big Idea: Everyone can be a
good neighbor. Unit 1: Lesson. Essential Question. 1. Main Ideas &. Summarize.
First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions
Big Idea: Everyone can be a good neighbor. Unit 1: Lesson 1 Main Ideas & Summarize 2 Understanding Characters & Infer/Predict 3 Sequence of Events & Monitor / Clarify 4 Text and Graphic Features & Question 5 Story Structure & Analyze / Evaluate
Essential Question
What is important about being a friend? What clues tell me how a character feels? Why is the order of story events important? What information do words and pictures give? How does the setting make a story interesting?
First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions
Big Idea: We all have something to share. Unit 2: Lesson 6 Understanding Characters & Summarize
7 Details & Infer/Predict 8 Sequence of Events & Analyze/Evalu ate 9 Text and Graphic Features & Question 10 Story Structure & Visualize
Essential Question
What lessons can you learn from story characters? How do animals communicate? Why is the order of story events important? How do words and pictures help tell a story? How do parts of a story work together?
First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions
Big Idea: It’s a big, wonderful world. Unit 3: Lesson 11 Author’s Purpose & Analyze /Evaluate 12 Sequence of Events & Question 13 Cause and Effect & Visualize
Why do authors write stories? Why is the order of story events important? What changes do the different seasons cause? What clues help you decide why events happen? How are animals the same and different?
First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions
Big Idea: We discover new things every day. Unit 4: Lesson 16 Main Idea and Details & Question 17 Compare and Contrast & Visualize 18 Author’s Purpose & Summarize 19 Conclusions & Monitor /Clarify 20 Cause and Effect & Infer/Predict
Essential Question
What is important to know about the moon? How are ways to travel the same and different? Why do authors write nonfiction? What clues help you find out how characters feel? What makes a story funny?
First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions
Big Idea: Living things change as they grow. Unit 5: Lesson 21 Story Structure & Analyze /Evaluate 22 Conclusions & Visualize 23 Cause and Effect & Monitor/ Clarify 24 Sequence of Events & Question 25 Understanding Characters & Summarize
Essential Question
What do characters do when there is a problem? What clues tell you why animals look as they do? What causes events in a story to happen? Why do authors put events in a certain order? What clues tell you what a character is like?
First Grade HMH Big Ideas & Essential Questions
Big Idea: Always try your best. Unit 6: Lesson 26 Compare and Contrast & Monitor /Clarify 27 Text and Graphic Features & Analyze /Evaluate 28 Story Structure & Infer/ Predict 29 Cause and Effect & Visualize 30 Understanding Characters & Summarize
Essential Question
How are ways to make art the same and different? How do words and photos work together to give information? How does a problem make a story interesting? How do some story events make other events happen? What can you learn from story characters?