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EDUCATION ... M.A. Economics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey ... “A Characterization of the Top Trading Cycles

EDUCATION Ph.D. Economics, University of Texas at Austin M.A. Economics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey B.S. Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University

May 2013 January 2009 May 2006

August 2013 – present

FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Game Theory, Applied Theory, Mechanism Design FELLOWSHIPS, HONORS, AND AWARDS Outstanding Extension Service Award Research Growth & Innovation Award Gill Grant FRPD Grant Ruth and Lovett Peters Fellowship in Education Policy

2014-2015 2016 2014, 2015, 2016 2014-2015, 2015-2016 2012-2013

PUBLICATIONS “The Demise of Walk Zones in Boston: Priorities vs. Precedence in School Choice” with Scott Kominers, Parag Pathak Tayfun Sonmez forthcoming Journal of Political Economy “Identifying the Harm of Manipulable School-Choice Mechanisms” with Robert Hammond and Thayer Morrill forthcoming American Economic Journal: Economic Policy “Existence of Stable Matchings without Substitutable Preferences” with Devrim Ikizler, Economics Letters “Incompatibility of Stability and Consistency” with Oguz Afacan, Economics Letters “When Manipulations are Harm(less)ful?” with Oguz Afacan, forthcoming Journal of Mathematical Economics “The Modified Boston Mechanism” accepted with minor revision by Mathematical Social Sciences

WORKING PAPERS “Two-Sided Matching with Balanced Exchange: Tuition and Worker Exchanges” with Utku Ünver revision requested by Journal of Political Economy “School Choice under Partial Fairness” with Arda Gitmez and Ozgur Yilmaz revision requested by Theoretical Economics “College Admissions with Complementarities” with Azar Abizade revision requested by Journal of Economic Theory “The Impossibility of Restricting Tradeable Priorities in School Assignment” with Thayer Morrill revision requested by Journal of Mathematical Economics “A Characterization of the Top Trading Cycles Mechanism in the School Choice Problem” revision requested by International Journal of Game Theory “School Choice with Neighbors” with Thomas Wiseman revision requested by Social Choice and Welfare “Sequential versus Simultaneous Assignment Problems and Two Applications” with Onur Kesten revision requested by Economic Theory “Competitive Equilibria in School Assignment” with Thayer Morrill revision requested by Games and Economic Behavior “Explicit vs. Statistical Preferential Treatment in Affirmative Action: Theory and Evidence from Chicago’s Exam Schools” with Parag Pathak Tayfun Sonmez “What You Don’t Know Can Help You in School Assignment” with Thayer Morrill “The Secure Boston Mechanism: Theory and Experiment” with Robert Hammond and Thayer Morrill “First-Choice Maximizing and First-Choice Stable School Choice Mechanisms” with Timo Mennle and Svek Seuken “Incompatibility of Pareto Efficiency, Strategy-proofness and Mutual Best” “Sequential School Choice: Theory and Evidence from the Field and Lab” with Robert Hammond and Onur Kesten

WORK IN PROGRESS “The Dynamic School Choice Problem” “The Curse of Stability: Designing the Appeals Round in School Choice” with Onur Kesten “Stability with Limited Resignation” with Oguz Afacan “A 1.5-Sided Matching Problem: The Cost Efficient House Allocation Problem with Existing Tenants” “A Study of Turkish High School Admissions” Sinan Ertemel and Onur Kesten INVITED SEMINARS 2012: Rice, Texas A&M 2013: North Carolina State University, Sabanci University 2015: Duke 2016: University of North Carolina, University of Virginia, Carnegie Mellon University, Concordia, Cornell 2017: Duke, Southern Methodist University (scheduled)

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND ACTIVITIES Referee for: Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Theoretical Economics, International Journal of Game Theory, Mathematical Social Sciences, Social Choice and Welfare, Games and Economic Behavior, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory Committee Member for:15th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2014, Palo Alto, California 16th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2015, Portland, Oregon 18th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2017, Cambridge, MA 3rd Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications, 2015, Chicago, Illinois

PERSONAL INFORMATION Citizenship: Turkey Languages: Turkish (native), English (fluent) Computer Skill: MATLAB, C, Stata, Ztree