Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 46(3), pp. 677-680, 2014.
First Record of Genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann (Acari: Stigmaeidae), with a New Species from Pakistan Muhammad Kamran,1,* Fahad J. Alatawi1 and M.H. Bashir2 1 Acarology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, College of Food & Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, 11451, P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2 Department of Agri. Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan Abstract.- The Genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann is recorded for the first time from Pakistan with the description of a new species L. punjabensis n. sp. collected from fallen leaves and debris under Albizia lebbeck L. trees. The new species can be distinguished easily from other species by 3 pairs of genital setae, coxisternal shields between coxae I, II and III, IV reticulated, length of dorsal setae (18-37), length of setae f1 (36-38), ratio of distances between c1–c1: d1–d1: e1–e1: f1–f1 1.03: 1: 1.83: 1.03. Key Words: Ledermuelleriopsis punjabensis, new species, mites, Strigmaeidae.
ites of family Stigmaeidae (Acari: Prostigmata) are predatory in nature, feeding on a variety of phytophagous mites and small insect pests. After Phytoseiidae, they are second most abundant group of predatory mites present on plant leaves (Haddad and Irani-Nejad, 2010) and many species are of considerable importance in biological control (Fan et al., 2003). This family includes 32 genera (Khanjani et al., 2012). The genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann (Prostigmata: Stigmaeidae) can be easily distinguished by prodorsum covered with a large shield with 4 pairs of setae and a pair of eyes; hysterosoma covered with 3 shields (CD, EF and suranal); CD and EF each with 3 pairs of setae and suranal shield with 2 pairs of setae (Fan and Zhang, 2005). This genus comprises 27 species so far, which occur worldwide, however most species were reported from Asia and majority were found in soil and leaves debris (Khanjani and Ueckermann, 2002; Khanjani 2004; Fan et al., 2003; Fan and Zhang, 2005; Khanjani et al., 2012).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Soil and leave debris under siris trees (Albizia lebbeck L.) were collected from the field and brought to the laboratory. Mites were extracted from the soil with Tullgren funnels. Mite specimens were collected by means of a stereomicroscope (SZX10, Olympus®, Japan). The specimens were cleared in “Nesbitt’s” solution for 10–12 h and mounted on glass slides in Hoyer’s medium, and dried in an oven at 40°C for one week. Mite specimens were examined and drawn under a phasecontrast microscope (DM2500, Leica®, Germany) provided with a drawing tube (Olympus®, Japan) and Auto-montage Software System (Syncroscopy®, Cambridge, UK). Adobe Illustrator (Adobe Systems Incorporated, USA) (based on scanned images) was used to draw the figures. The terminology and setal nomenclature follow Fan and Zhang (2005). All specimens have been deposited in the King Saud University Museum of Arthropod (KSMA), College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University. Genus LEDERMUELLERIOPSIS Willmann Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann, 1953:487
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[email protected]
0030-9923/2014/0003-0677 $ 8.00/0 Copyright 2014 Zoological Society of Pakistan
Type species Ledermuelleriopsis 1951b.
Ledermuelleriopsis punjabensis, new species (Fig. 1) Description Holotype female Measurements of 7 paratypes in parenthesis), Color in life red. Idiosoma oval, length of body excluding gnathosoma 305 (298-310), width at broadest level 235 (230-239) Dorsum Dorsum divided into four shields: prodorsal, metapodosomal, opisthosomal and suranal shield. Dorsal shields ornamented with pits, numerous vacuoles ranging from 13-36 in each pit (Fig. 1). Prodorsal shield almost triangular, entire and with four pairs of setae (vi, ve, sci, sce) and a pair of eyes present between ve and sci laterally on prodorsal shield (Fig. 1A); metapodosomal shield (CD) rectangular, bearing 3 pairs of setae (c1, d1, d2), opisthosomal shield (EF) almost rectangular bears 3 pairs of setae (e1, e2, f1). Suranal shield very small, postero-ventrally bearing two pairs of setae h1, h2 on prominent tubercles. Dorsal setae clavate and strongly spinose (Fig. 1A). Humeral shields large, present ventro-laterally between coxae II–III, 50 wide, 97 long, and bears setae c2. Lengths of dorsal setae: vi 22 (21-23), ve23 (22-24), sci 18 (18-19), sce21 (20-22), c1 19 (18-20), c2 24 (22-24), d1 19 (18-20), d2 17 (16-17), e1 25 (23-26), e2 23 (2123), f1 37 (35-38), h1 28 (26-29), h2 28 (26-30) (h1 & h2 situated ventrally ); distances between dorsal setae: vi–vi 38 (36-39), ve–ve 88 (85-90), vi–ve 38 (37-40), sci–sci 145 (140-148), sce–sce 186 (184191), sci–sce 44 (43-45), ve–sci 39 (38-41), c1–c1 67 (64-68), c1–c2 80 (78-83), c2–c2 185 (153-188), c1–d1 66 (64-68), d1–d1 65 (63-66), d1–d2 82 (7882), d1–e1 87 (87-90), d2–e2 70 (69-73), d2–d2 205 (200-207), e1–e1 119 (116-120), e2-e2 165 (165169), e1-e2 49 (48-51), e1–f1 38 (37-41), f1–f1 67 (66-69), f1–h1 19 (18-20), h1–h1 36 (35-37), h1–h2 20 (20-22), f1–h2 5 (4-7), d1–e2 64 (63-66), h2–h2 71 (69-73), vi/vi–vi 0.57 (0.58), c1/c1–c1 0.28 (0.28-0.29), d1/d1–d1 0.29 (0.28-0.30), e1/e1–e1 0.21 (0.19-0.21), f1/f1–f1 0.55 (0.53-0.55), h1/h1– h1 0.77 (0.74-0.78), h2/ h2–h2 0.39(0.37-0.41), h1/h2 1 (0.96-1), c1–c1: d1–d1: e1–e1: f1–f1 1.03 (1.01-1.03): 1 (1): 1.83 (1.81-1.82): 1.03 (1.04-1.04) (Fig. 1A).
Venter Coxisternal shields between coxae I–II, III – IV fused at midline and reticulated. Area between coxae II and III with transverse striae (Fig. 1B). Length of setae 1a 16 (16-17), 1b 19 (18-19), 1c 13 (12-13), 2b 13 (12-13), 2c 15 (14-16), 3a 14 (1415), 3b 14 (14), 3c 13 (14), 4a 15 (15), 4b 14 (14) and 4c 13 (12). Aggenital shields with three pairs of setae, ag1–3, ag1-11, ag2-11, ag3-14, which are slightly shorter than pseudanal setae; pseudanal setae (ps) 3 pairs, each 17 (16-17). All aggenital and pseudanal setae finely serrated, smooth and with pointed tips. Distances between ventral setae: 1a–1a 28 (26-29), 3a–3a 40 (38-41), 4a–4a 24 (23-26), 1a–3a 65 (63-66), 3a–4a 45 (42-46); ag1–ag1 35 (34-35), ag2–ag2 53 (50-53), ag3–ag3 44 (43-45), ps1–ps1 11 (11), ps2–ps2 23 (23-24), ps3–ps3 24 (25). Ratio: 1a–1a: 3a–3a: 4a–4a = 1.16: 1.66 (Fig.1B). Gnathosoma Finely vacuolated, palp five segmented, palp femur with three setae, palp genu with one nude and one barbed seta, palp tibia with two simple nude setae, a stout claw and one accessory claw, palp tarsus with one solenidion and two eupathidia distally (one simple and one tridentate) and three simple setae (Fig. 1C). Chelicerae 62, stylets 26 long as shown in Figure 1C. Subcapitular setae m 14 (15), n 12 (13), adoral setae or1 11 (11), or2 14 (13); distances: m–m 21 (22), n–n 22 (21), m–n 12 (11), or1–or1 13 (12), or2–or2 16 (17), or1–or2 3 (2-3) (Fig. 1C). Legs Four pairs of legs. Measurements of legs IIV: 199 (19-205), 167(164-170), 160 (158-165), 201 (193-208) respectively. Setae and solenidia on leg segments as follows: coxae 2-2-2-2; trochanters 1-12-1; femora 5-4-3-2; genua 3+1κ-3-1-1; tibiae 5+1φ+1φp-5+ +1φp-5+1φp -5+1φp; tarsi 13 +1ω8+1ω-7+1ω-7. Length of solenidia as follows: tarsi, I ω 19 (18-19), II ω 14 (13-14), III ω 5 (4); tibiae: tibia I with 2 solenidia, each of tibiae II–III with one slender solenidion; length: I φ 7 (7-8), I φp 15 (1415), II φp 11 (10-11), III φp 7 (7-8), IV φp 6 (6-7) (Figs. 1D-G).
Fig. 1. Ledermuelleriopsis punjabensis new species A, dorsum; B, venter; C, gnathosoma and palp; D, leg I; E, leg II; F, leg III; G, leg IV.
Type material Holotype female and 7 paratypes (adult females), soil debris under the siris tree, Albizia
lebbeck L., Jampur city, district Rajanpur, Punjab, Pakistan, 29°641'N, 70°602'E, 13, February, 2013, coll. Khalid Ali Khan Talpur.
Etymology Name of new species refers to Punjab, the province of Pakistan.
the drawings of the specimens.
Remarks Genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann comprises of 27 species hitherto. Ledermuelleriopsis punjabensis sp. nov. belong to the group of species having dorsal shields with pits decorated with vacuoles, aggenital shield with 3 pairs of setae, dorsal body setae more or less bushy, distance between e1-e1 at least 1.3 as wide as f1-f1, distance between c1-c1 shorter or equal to d1-d1. The new species can be separated from other species in this group by the length of dorsal setae (18-37), length of setae f (35-38), endopodal shields reticulated between coxae I & II and coxae III & IV, ratio of distances between c1–c1: d1–d1: e1–e1: f1–f1 1.03: 1:1.83: 1.03.
FAN, Q.-H., WALTER, D.E. AND PROCTER, H.C., 2003. A review of genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann (Acari: Prostigmata: Stigmaeidae. Invert. Syst., 17, 551-574.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are thankful to the Deanship of Scientific Research, College of Food and Agriculture Research Center, at King Saud University, Riyadh for providing funds for this researchand to Dr. Mohammad Khanjani of Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture Bu–Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, for providing useful literature. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Mubashar Ali for his assistance with
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