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first species of Denheyernaxoides (Acari: Cunaxidae) - BioOne

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May 13, 2016 - Across continents: first species of Denheyernaxoides (Acari: Cunaxidae) from. Americas. MATHEUS SANTOS ROCHA1,2,4, TAIRIS ...
Systematic & Applied Acarology 21(5): 689–697 (2016) Article

ISSN 1362-1971 (print) ISSN 2056-6069 (online)

Across continents: first species of Denheyernaxoides (Acari: Cunaxidae) from Americas MATHEUS SANTOS ROCHA1,2,4, TAIRIS DA-COSTA2, GABRIELA REIS-AVILA3 & NOELI JUAREZ FERLA2,5 1

Laboratório de Diversidade e Sistemática de Arachnida, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. 93022-000 São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 2 Laboratório de Acarologia, Museu de Ciências Naturais, Centro Universitário UNIVATES. 95900-000 Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] 3 Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 91501-970 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 5 CNPq researcher

Abstract Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. is described and illustrated from lichens and moss associated with bark of Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (Aquifoliaceae) in yerba-mate agroecosystem at Putinga municipality, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. This is the first species of this genus found in Americas. New records of cunaxids Neobonzia moraesi (Den Heyer & Castro, 2008), Neocunaxoides andrei (Baker & Hoffmann, 1948) and Pulaeus pectinatus (Ewing, 1909) from Rio Grande do Sul State are also provided. A key to world Denheyernaxoides species is included. Key words: Denheyernaxoides americanus, lichens, moss, Ilex paraguariensis, Rio Grande do Sul State.

Introduction Mites of the family Cunaxidae are cosmopolitan predators and occur in soil, leaf litter, compost, moss, plants and stored products (Zhang 2003). Several studies aiming to know Brazilian cunaxid mites were carried out in Southeast and Northeast regions (Smiley 1992; Den Heyer & Castro 2008a, b, c; Castro & Den Heyer 2008; Castro & Den Heyer 2009). Recently, more efforts were made to identify cunaxid mites in Southern region (Ferla & Rocha 2012; Rocha et al. 2013; Rocha et al. 2015). Denheyernaxoides was erected for being the only genus to present all sensilla (at and pt) of idiosoma smooth (Smiley 1992). It contains only two species. Denheyernaxoides martini Smiley, 1992, an endemic species from New Zealand and Denheyernaxoides brevirostris (Canestrini, 1886), originally described from Italy, subsequently recorded in China (Lin 2001) and Ukraine (Sergeyenko 2011). Lin (2001) redescribed the female of D. brevirostris based on specimens from Fujian Province (China). Later on, Sergeyenko (2011) redescribed D. brevirostris based on specimens from Crimea (Ukraine). In accordance with Sergeyenko (2011), we believe that the Chinese specimens collected by Lin (2001) belong to another species due to some morphological differences. In this paper, we report Denheyernaxoides from Americas for the first time and describe and illustrate a new species collected from Rio Grande do Sul State. © Systematic & Applied Acarology Society


Material and methods The new species was collected from lichens and moss associated to bark of Ilex paraguariensis (Aquifoliaceae) in yerba-mate agroecosystem at Putinga municipality, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (28°57'42.2"S 52°11'25.5"W). New records of the Cunaxidae species were collected from São Francisco de Paula and in Rio Grande municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul State. Specimens were mounted in Hoyer’s medium on glass slides, examined and illustrated using a Leica® DM 750 binocular microscope with phase contrast and a camera lucida. A map was created based on georeferenced sites with the help of software Esri ArcGIS 10.3. Setal notation follows Kethley (1990) as applied by Swift (1996) and modified by Fisher et al. (2011). Measurements are given in micrometers (μm) with the average measurement first followed by the range of all type specimens given in parentheses. The new species and new records have been registered with Zoobank. The following abbreviations are used: attenuate solenidion (ats); blunt-pointed rod-like solenidion (bsl); peg-like seta (peg); macrosetae (ms); cunaxid pe-organ (peo); simple tactile setae (sts); trichobothrium (T); terminal solenidion (tsl) (Den Heyer 1981a, Mejia-Recamier & PalaciosVargas 2007).

Systematics Family Cunaxidae Thor, 1902 Subfamily Cunaxoidinae Den Heyer, 1979 Tribe Denheyernaxoidini Smiley, 1992 Genus Denheyernaxoides Smiley, 1992 Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. Rocha, Da-Costa & Ferla, 2016 LSID

(Figures 1–5) Diagnosis. Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. is unique in having reticulation at basal chelicerae and at propodosomal shield. This new species resembles D. brevirostris (China and Ukraine populations) by having trochanters I–IV setal count 0-0-1-0; gnathosoma with slight indention posterioventrally and presence of propodosomal shield. It differs from China’s specimens in having only one long seta on palpal femurogenua, instead of two; basal segment of chelicerae and propodosomal shield with reticulation; Coxae formula: 2-1-2-2 instead of 3-2-3-3; four sts on femur II instead of five; three sts on genu II and III instead of four; five sts on tibia III instead of four; setae mps (115 versus 72-98), f1 (92 versus 11-56) and h1 (91 versus 32-72) longer. It can be distinguished from Ukraine specimens by having basal segment of chelicerae and propodosomal shield with reticulation; Coxae formula: 21-2-2 instead of 3-1-2-2; five sts on palpal femurogenua (only one long seta) instead of six sts (two long setae); two sts instead of three, on integument between coxal fields of leg IV and anterior region of genital shields; four sts on genu I instead of five; three sts on genu II and III instead of four; setae mps (92 versus 144–220), pt (94 versus 140–150) and h1 (91 versus 125–150) smaller. Description. Female (n = 4). Idiosoma. 309 (290-328) long, 195 (180-213) wide. Dorsum (Fig. 1). Propodosomal shield with two pairs of smooth sensilla (at, pt) and one pair of simple setae (mps). Setae lps are situated on small smooth platelets a little separated from dorsal propodosomal shield. Setae mps the longest on the idiosoma. Setae peg near lateral margin. Central area between bases of mps and lateral parts of propodosomal shield plate with reticulation. Setae c1, 690


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c2, d1, e1, situated on platelets and f1 and f2 as well as h1 and h2 situated on common platelets with dense dotted striations. Dorsal cuticle with longitudinal striae in lateral part of the idiosoma, whereas with transversal ones in central area between d1 and e1. Setal lengths are as follows: at 90 (82–100), pt 94 (85–100) lps 22 (20–23), mps 115 (110–120), c1 18 (15–20), c2 19 (18–20), d1 19 (16–21), e1 19 (18–20), f1 92 (82–100), f2 17 (16–19); h1 91 (90–95) and h2 16 (15–19). All setae simple. Cupule im present, between e1 and f1.

FIGURE 1. Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. Female, Idiosoma—Dorsal view. Venter (Fig. 2). Partially covered by clearly demarcated plates. Coxal plates I and II connected by small apodemes and not connected medially; coxal plates III and IV fused, posterior edge extending to anterior edge of genital plates. Coxal plates almost smooth, except for a few 2016



reticulation. Coxae I–IV setal formula 2-1-2-2. Genital plates with transverse striae, weakly sclerotized with four pairs of setae (g1–g4) and two pairs of papillae. Five pairs of setae on integument between coxal and genital shields. Anal region with a pair of anal setae and a pair of paranal setae. Cupule ih laterad to posterior edge of genital shield

FIGURE 2. Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. Female, Idiosoma—Ventral view. Gnathosoma (Fig. 3A–C). Subcapitulum (Fig. 3A). 84 (82-86) long, four pairs of setae (hg1–4); hg2 longer than others. Ventral base with subcuticular ridges. Palp (Fig. 3B) 50 (46-52) long, 3segmented. Chaetotaxy: trochanter 0; femurogenu 1 inner and 4 outer sts (of these, only one long setae); tibiotarsus 1 lateral denticle and 5 sts (of these, only one long setae). Tibiotarsus ends in a bifid claw. Chelicera (Fig. 3C). 88 (85–93) long, slender, integument of basal segment reticulate, second segment smooth, each one with a narrow claw and dorsal setae. Legs (Fig. 4A–D). Leg I 155 (144–160), leg II 146 (130–155), leg III 171 (160–180), leg IV 182 (170–196). Leg chaetotaxy: coxae I–IV: 2 sts, 1 peg—1 sts—2 sts—2 sts; trochanters I–IV: 0—0— 1—0 sts; femora I–IV: 4 sts—4 sts—1 sts / 2 sts, 1 ms— 0 sts / 1 sts; genua I–IV: 4 ats, 4 sts—2 ats, 692


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3 sts—2 ats, 3 sts—2 ats, 1 ms, 2 sts; tibiae I–IV: 2 ats, 1 ms, 4 sts—1 ats, 1 ms, 4 sts—1 ats, 1 ms, 4 sts—1 ms, 3 sts; tarsi I–IV: 4 ats, 2 tsl, 14 sts (peo not visible) —1 bsl, 2 tsl, 12 sts—12 sts—11 sts.

FIGURE 3. Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. Female, Gnathosoma – A. Subcapitulum; B. Palp, dorsal; C. Chelicera, dorsal.

FIGURE 4. Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. Female, Legs, dorsal view—A. Leg I; B. Leg II; C. Leg III; D. Leg IV. Etymology: The species epithet “americanus” refers to America continent, because this is the first species of the genus Denheyernaxoides recorded in the continent. Male and immature stages. Unknown. Types. Holotype. Female, collected in lichens and moss associated with bark in yerba-mate agroecosystem (Fig. 5B-C) at Putinga municipality, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (28°57'42.2"S 52°11'25.5"W) (Fig. 5A), 19/VIII/2015, M. S. Rocha et al. Deposited in the Departmento de Entomologia e Acarologia, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. Paratypes, three females, same data with holotype. Deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais (ZAUMCN), UNIVATES—Centro Universitário, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.




FIGURE 5. A. Sampling sites in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. 1—Atlantic rainforest (Neobonzia moraesi, Neocunaxoides andrei, Pulaeus franciscae and Pulaeus pectinatus); 2—Yerba-mate agroecosystem (Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov.); 3—Estação Ecológica do Taim (Neocunaxoides andrei and Pulaeus pectinatus). B. Yerba-mate agroecosystem. C. Natural habitat (lichens and moss of bark of Ilex paraguariensis) of Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. 694


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Remarks. Our new species can readily be separated from the current definition of the species given by Lin (2001) and Sergeyenko (2011) by the following key. However, there is still a need of the reexamination of the type materials of Denheyernaxoides brevirostris (Canestrini, 1886) as the original description of this species didn’t provide the information of the chaetotaxy of legs and detailed description of idiosoma and gnathosoma.

Key to adult female Denheyernaxoides species 1. Coxa I with 1 sts; trochanters I–IV setal count 1-1-1-1; femora I with 2 sts; gnathosoma with deep indention posterioventrally, propodosomal shield absent … . . . . . . . . . . . . Denheyernaxoides martini Smiley, 1992 – Coxa I with 2 or 3 sts; trochanters I–IV setal count 0-0-1-0; femora I with 4 sts; gnathosoma with slight indention posterioventrally, propodosomal shield present … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Basal segment of chelicerae and propodosomal shield smooth, two long sts on palpal femurogenu, palpal femurogenu with five (China) or six (Ukraine) sts; two (China) or three pairs of sts (Ukraine) sts on ventral integument between posterior edge of coxa IV and anterior edge of genital valves, 4 sts both on genu II and III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .… Denheyernaxoides brevirostris (Canestrini,1886) – Basal segment of chelicerae and propodosomal shield with reticulation, one long sts on palpal femurogenu, palpal femurogenu with five sts; two pairs of sts on ventral integument between posterior edge of coxa IV and anterior edge of genital valves … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denheyernaxoides americanus sp.nov. Rocha, Da-Costa & Ferla, 2016

New records from Rio Grande do Sul State Neobonzia moraesi (Den Heyer & Castro, 2008) LSID

Material examined. Eleven females, Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata (29°29'32.04"S 50°14'9.70"O /29°29'18.70"S 50°11'15.50"W), São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul (collected in bark trees on Atlantic rainforest), 07/VII/15, M.S. Rocha et al. leg., all deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais (ZAUMCN), UNIVATES—Centro Universitário, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Neocunaxoides andrei (Baker & Hoffmann, 1948) LSID

Material examined. One female, Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata (29°29'32.04"S 50°14'9.70"W), São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul (collected in bark trees in Atlantic rainforest), 07/VII/15, M.S. Rocha et al. leg. Twenty two females, Estação Ecológica do Taim (32º32'17.1"S 52º32'11.0"W), Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul (collected in litter), two in 15/ V/15, nine in 05/VI/15, two in 08/VI/15, four in 9/VI/15 and five in 10/VI/15, M.S. Rocha et al. leg. All deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais (ZAUMCN), UNIVATES—Centro Universitário, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Pulaeus franciscae Den Heyer, 1981 LSID 2016



Material examined. Three females, Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata (29°29'32.04"S 50°14'9.70"O), São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul (collected in bark trees in Atlantic rainforest), 02/VII/15, M.S. Rocha et al. leg., all deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais (ZAUMCN), UNIVATES—Centro Universitário, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Pulaeus pectinatus (Ewing, 1909) LSID

Material examined. Two females, Centro de Pesquisas e Conservação da Natureza Pró-Mata (29°29'32.04"S 50°14'9.70"W/ 29°29'18.70"S 50°11'15.50"W), São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul (collected in bark trees in Atlantic rainforest), 07/VII/15, M.S. Rocha et al. leg. Eleven females and one male “Estação Ecológica do Taim” (32º32'17.1"S 52º32'11.0"W), Rio Grande municipality, Rio Grande do Sul (collected in litter), three in 22/V/15, three in 09/VI/15, three in 10/ VI/15 and three in 15/VI/15,M.S. Rocha et al. leg. All deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais (ZAUMCN), UNIVATES—Centro Universitário, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank CAPES and UNISINOS for granting the master scholarships to the first author; Ervateira Putinguense® for providing the yerba- mate study area; UNIVATES University Center for financing this work; Catiane Dameda, Mateus de Oliveira and Diogo Dutra-Araújo for their help collecting samples and for the referees of Systematic and Applied Acarology for their constructive comments. N.J. Ferla is supported by productivity scholarship (311307/2014-0).

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