FISH STOCK INVENTORY. Part 2: DETERMINING FEED AMOUNTS AND RATES. Species and stock of fish: Your name: Date: Problems:
FISH STOCK INVENTORY Part 2: DETERMINING FEED AMOUNTS AND RATES Species and stock of fish: ______________________
Your name: ________________________ Date: _______________________
Problems: 1. What kind of feed should they get? 2. How much feed – how often? Materials: Feeding charts Length and weight data sheet (previous lab) pencil, calculator
Procedure: 1. Study the formulas below. 2. Access the length and weight data from previous activity. 3. Use the feed charts to help you perform your calculations and record your answers below. Attach all related data tables and calculations.
Avg wt: _____g Total wt: _________g What type and size of feed should the fish get: ____________________________________ Calculations: grams feed/feeding = (total weight of fish in tank)