Euxinolauria superstructcr, H = 5.5 mm; 2: Pupilla inops; H = 3.1 mm; 3: Truncatellina strobeli; H = 2.0 mm; 4: Discus ruderatus; D = 5.8 mm; 5: Mucronaria ...
Five species of land snail previously unknown from Turkey by R ıdvan Şeşen and H a rtw ig Schiitt
Abstract. Five species o f land snails have been found as new for Turkey, belonging to the Pupilloidea, Endodontoidea and Clausilioidea. They were collected in the north-eastern part o f the country and most o f them are endemic to the Transcaucasian Mountains. Kurzfassung. Fünf Arten von Landschnecken werden als neu for die Ttirkei beschrieben; sie gehören zu den Pupilloidea, Endodontoidea und den Clausilioidea und wurden in nordöstlichen Landesteilen gefunden. Die meisten von ihnen sind im Transkaukasus endemisch. Key words. Pupillae, Enidae, Clausiliae, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Middle East, endemism.
In the course o f malacological studies in the north-eastern provinces o f Turkey over several years, we found five species o f land snail which are new to Turkey. M ost o f them are en demic, living in neighbouring areas o f the Transcaucasian M ountains in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaidjan, whilst others have a more w idespread Palaearctic distribution. As most o f the species are very small, they can easily be overlooked. They are not included in the only faunistic synopsis o f the snails o f Turkey by SCHÜTT (2001). The material is deposited in the collections o f both authors. Abbreviations: H = height o f shell; D = greatest diameter of the shell.
Pupilloidea, O rculidae, Lauriinae Euxinolauria superstructa (M ousson, 1876) 1876 1922 1985
Pupa (Papilla) superstructa M O U SSO N , J. de C onch., 24: 37-38, pi. 2, Fig. 7 (L ailasch, gouvem em ent de K outais [= S Elbrus M ts.]). Lauria (Leiostyla) superstructa,— PIL SB R Y , M an. C onch., 27: 77, pi. 9, Figs. 1-4. Euxinolauria (C aucasipupa) superstructa,— Z IL C H , A rch. M oll., 116(1/3): 124, pi. 1, Figs. 4-5.
We found living animals o f this snail at Şafşat, on the banks o f Okçular Deresi. Shell small, elongated oviform to cylindrical, with broad conical spire, solid, translucent, slit-like umbilicated; finely obliquely striated, somewhat glossy, reddish brown; l lA small vaulted whorls; aperture vertical, without parietal callus, with five denticles: angularis long, thin and straight, connected inside with spiralis, parietalis small, placed back, supracolumellaris smaller than columellaris, horizontally twisted around columella, basalis minutely pointed, palatalis infe rior deep in the aperture, long to dorsal, shining through the shell; aperture crenellated among denticulation. H = 4.7-5.0; D = 2.4-2.5 mm. Zoology in the M iddle East 31, 2004: 8 3 -8 6 . ISSN 0939-7140 © K asparek V erlag, H eidelberg
Zoology in the Middle East 31, 2004
Fig. 1. Euxinolauria superstructcr, H = 5.5 mm; 2: Pupilla inops; H = 3.1 mm; 3: Truncatellina strobeli; H = 2.0 mm; 4: Discus ruderatus; D = 5.8 mm; 5: Mucronaria ( M ucronaria ) pleuroptychia; H = 13.1 mm. For illustrations, we have used copies o f drawings or photos from D a m j a n o v & L i c h a r e v (1975), L i c h a r e v & R a m m e l m e i e r (1952) and Z i l c h (1985).
This is the only know n site in Turkey. Found in Mahindzhauri Botanical Garden N o f Ba tumi (Georgia), where three species o f the same genus live together in a bamboo grove: E. superstricta, E. tenuimarginata, and E. sinangulci. Associated fauna at Şafşat: Carychium minimum (O. F. M üller, 1774), Vallonia pıılchella (O. F. Müller, 1774), Vallonia costata (O. F. Müller, 1774), Pilorcula trifilaris (Mousson, 1856), Zonidoides nitidus (O. F. Müller, 1774), Oxychilus sp., Krynickillus melanocephalus Kaleniczenko, 1851, Scrobifera taurica (L. Pfeiffer, 1848), Roseniella (Chavchetia) difficilis (Retowski, 1889), Hesseola pratensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1845), and Circassina circassica (M ousson, 1863).
Pupilla inops (Reinhardt, 1877) 1877 1879 1921
P upa triplicata var. inops Reinhardt, Jb. dtsch. m alakozool. Ges., 4: 79, pi. 3, Figs. 3a, b (B orschom am oberen Kur). P upa ( P u p illa ) m uscorum var. caucasica O. B oettger, Jb. dtsch. m alakozool. G es., 6: 399 (K u ra-A u sw u rf bei Borschom ). P upilla m uscorum inops,— Pilsbry, M an. C onch., 26: 180.
We found empty shells on the banks o f Aras Nehri (Araxes River) at Horasan in Erzurum Province. They are minute, cylindrical with rounded upper part, 6 whorls, somewhat glossy, horn-brown with a smooth surface and sculptured with fine growth-lines; two denticles: one small parietalis and one columellaris, both placed back in the aperture, a white rib externally behind the outer lip, insertions not connected; umbilicus pointed. H = 2.5-3.3; D = 1.6 mm. The known distribution range o f this species extends from Georgia to Armenia. Together with this species we found the following species on the river bank in Horasan: Cochlicopa lubrica (O. F. Müller, 1774), Orculella cf. bulgarica (Hesse, 1915), Vallonia pıılchella (O. F. Müller, 1774), Pupilla muscorum (Linnaeus, 1758), Zonitoides nitidus (O. F. Müller, 1774), Pseudochondrula seductilis (Rossmassler, 1837), Pseudochondrula tetrodon (M ortillet, 1854), Imparietula altenai Gittenberger, 1967, and M ultidentula ovularis (Olivier, 1801).
Truncatellina strobeli (Gredler, 1853) 1853 1877 1933 1975
P upa strobeli G redler, 3. Program m k.k. G ym nasium Bozen: 114 (T yrol) [A ustria], P apilla (Isthm ia) s tr o b e li,- R einhardt, Jb. dtsch. m alakozool.G es., 4: 82 (B orschom ). Truncatellina strobeli,-- Ehrm ann, Tierw. M itteleurop. ,2 (1 ): 44. Truncatellina strobeli,— D am janov & Licharev, Fauna B ulgarica, 4: 128, textf. 63.
We found this minute snail at Ardanuç and Yusufeli in Artvin Province, and in the Trabzon and Bayburt provinces. The general distribution is alpine and in the Transcaiicasian M oun tains. Shell minute, perfectly cylindrical with smooth and obtuse em bryonal summit, about 6 well-rounded whorls with deep sutures, ribbing slightly w eaker and less regular than in T. cylindrica, occasionally almost smooth; more or less chestnut; aperture short-ovate, slightly oblique, normally three denticles: palatalis clearly visible by direct view into the aperture, sometimes prolonged inwards, parietalis and columellaris com parable with T. claustralis; peristome little expanded, insertions connected by a small callus. H = 1.8-2.0; D = 0.9 mm. In the provinces mentioned above we found this species at the following locations: Artvin province: Çehennem Vadisi Kanyonu near Ardanuç; river m outh near Yusufeli; Demirkent; Bayburt province: Bayburt Castle; Trabzon province: M eryem A na M anastiri. In the gorge Çehennem Vadisi Kanyonu, on the road from Artvin to A rdanuç, we found the associated malacofauna as follows: Pomatias rivulare (Eichwald, 1829), Pyram idula rupestris (Draparnaud, 1801), Schileykula aculeata Gittenberger & M enkhorst, 1993, S. batumensis (Retowski, 1889), Lauria cylindracea (Da Costa, 1778), Vallonia costata (O. F. Miiller, 1774), Pupilla triplicata (Studer, 1820), Truncatellina claustralis (Gredler, 1856), T. cylindrica (J. Ferussac, 1807), Chondrina clienta caucasica Ehrmann, 1931, Clausilioides biplicatus (Retowski, 1889), Cecilioides raddei (O. Boettger, 1879), Arm enica gracillim a (Retowski, 1889), and Monacha sp.
Endodontoidea, Endodontidae, D iscinae D iscus ruderatus (Studer, 1820) 1820 1838 1933
H elix ruderatus Studer, N aturw . Anz. Schw eiz. G es., 3: 86 (S chw iz) [Sw itzerland], H elix ruderata,— R ossm assler, Iconogr., (1 )2( 1/2): 13, pi. 32, Fig. 455. G oniodiscus ruderatus,— Ehrm ann, Tierw . M itteleurop., 2(1): 80, textf. 54.
Shell discoidal, spire slightly raised, 4 - 4 'A moderately convex whorls, not keeled at the periphery, not glossy, with numerous strong regularly-spaced ribs, suture rather shallow; pale fawn-brown coloured, often with a yellowish tint, without reddish-brow n transverse stripes; umbilicus wide and deep; undentated; peristome delicate, unthickened, not reflected. D = 3.5-7.0; H = 2.5-3 mm. W e found this species near Tortum in Erzurum Province on the banks o f Tortum Çayı. It was previously unknown from Turkey. Its general distribution is Holarctic and it is adapted to cooler climates in the boreo-alpine-continental parts o f Eurasia east to Kamchatka, Alaska and N America, Crimea and Transcaspia. Occurs up to 2300 m a.s.l. A nother species o f this genus is known from Turkey: Discus spatiosus (Lindholm, 1922), which has been decribed from a single specimen from Mezraa, 15 km N Kars (Göle basin between Ardahan and Kars) on the river Kura, where it was collected by A n d r o n a c k i in 1914. It is much broader (D = 14.25 mm). We did not find this species. The centre o f evolution o f D iscus seems to be in the Atlantic, because several recent species are known from the Canary Islands.
Zoology in the Middle East 31, 2004
C lausilioidea, C lausiliidae, Baleinae M ucronaria (M ucronaria) pleuroptychia (O. Boettger, 1878) 1878 1883 1952 1962
C lausilia pleuroptychia O. B oettger, Jb. dtsch. m alakozool. G es., 5: 291, pi. 10, Fig. 1 (Syrien [?]). Clausilia (Euxina) pleuroptychia var. p o lyg y ra O. B oettger, Jb. dtsch. m alakozool. G es., 8: 232, pi. 9, Fig. 20 (K u ta is).’ M entissoidea p leu roptychia,— L icharew & R am m elm eier, N azem nye M olluski: 219, Fig. 135. M ucronaria (M ucronaria) p le u ro p ty ch ia ,— L icharew , C lausiliidae: 279, m ap 195/5, 287289, Figs. 204-206.
Shell sinistrally coiled, medium-sized, relatively narrow ly and rather evenly turrited, pale brown with sharp and narrow w idely-spaced ribs; 12-14 moderately vaulted whorls, apex pointed, protoconch consisting o f three or four glossy, translucent whorls, the next whorls strongly ribbed, ribs towards aperture more lamellous with white crests arranged in groups mainly below suture; aperture oblong oviform to pear-shaped, brown inside, with broadly rounded sinulus, peristome broadened and loosened, bright, parietal- and columellar lamellae strongly developed, close together, parietal lam ella separated from spiral lamella, columellar lamella horizontal, strongly curved, connected outside with peristome by a little node; no lunella, four palatal folds: below the principalis with three palatal folds decreasing in length, the lowest turned downwards. Clausilium with broad spatula, broadest and thickened in front. H = 13-15; D = 3.7 mm. This species occurs in Central Georgia around Kutais ( L i c h a r e w , map 195/5), and we found it in the Turkish province o f Of: at a w aterfall 10 km beyond Çaykara on the road to Uzungöl. Associated malacofauna: Euxinolauria sinangula Schileyko, 1975, Lauria cylindracea (Da Costa, 1778), Oxychilus costatus Riedel, 1989, Oxychilus euxinus Riedel, 1989, Strigileuxina reuleauxi (O. Boettger, 1887), Quadriplicata subaggesta (Retowski, 1887), Circassina circassica (M ousson, 1863), and H elix buchii L. Pfeiffer, 1853.
References S. & I. M. L IC H A R E V (1975): F auna na B ulgarija. - Fauna Bulgarica. 4. G astropoda terrestria, p. 1M 25, Sofia. L IC H A R E V , I. M. & E. S. R A M M E L M E I E R (1952): N azem nye M olljuski Fauny SSSR. In: O predeljenije po Faune SSSR, 43: 1-511 M oscow & L eningrad (A kad. N auk SSSR). SCHÜTT, H. (2001): D ie türkischen L andschnecken 1758-2000. - A cta B iologica B enrodis, Suppl., 4: 1-549, Solingen. Z I L C H , A. (1985): D ie T ypen und T ypoide des N atur-M useum s Senckenberg. 75: M ollusca: Pupillacea (5): Pupillidae: L auriinae, A rgninae. - A rchiv ftir M olluskenkunde 116: 119-136, Frankfurt a..M . D A M JA N O V ,
A u th or’s addresses: Dr. R ıdvan Şeşen, D icle Ü niversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, B iyoloji Bölüm ü, 21280 D iyarbakır, T urkey. - Dr. H artw ig Schütt, H aydnstraBe 50, 40593 D üsseldorf-B enrath, G erm a ny.