According to other authors (Manno, 1996 & Tudor, 1999), mobility is defined as ... (Mair, Seaber, Glisson, William & Garrett, 1996), have major role in sport ...
Available online at
ScienceDirect Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 (2015) 1107 – 1112
WCES 2014
Flexibility Development at Women Handball Players (11-12 Years) Through Stretching Exercises Popovici Ileana Monicaa, Moraru Cristina-Elenab, Hodorca Raluca Mihaela*c a Lecturer, Ph.D., ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, 3 Toma Cozma Street, Iasi, 700554, Romania Associate Prof. Phd., Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi , 3 Toma Cozma Street, Iasi, 700554, Romania *c PhD. Student, National University Of Physical Education and Sport, 140, Constantin Noica Street, Bucharest, 060057, Romania b
Abstract Our present paper aims at identifying the real development stage of joint mobility and the ways it can be improved through stretching exercises. Sixteen women handball players, aged from 11 to 12 year old participated in 7 months training programs for flexibility development including 20 minutes stretching exercises for each session. There were significant differences between pretraining and posttraining for the following mobility test: anterior spine, coxo-femoral and scapulo-humeral (p